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The optical (BV) monitoring data for the Seyfert galaxies NGC 4051 and NGC 1068 are presented in this paper. NGC 4051 showed a variation of 0.43 mag in 21 minutes in B band from its bright nucleus, and the nucleus of NGC 1068 exhibited a variability of 0.46 mag in B band in a timescale of 1.8 hours. These results argued that the optical emission from the nuclei of the two Seyfert galaxies could be dominated by the nonthermal radiation. The data in this paper, however, are only marginal evidence on the rapid optical variability of these two Seyferts, and further monitoring is needed to confirm this type of variability.  相似文献   

We present a flux variability study of simultaneous RXTE and EUVE observations of the highly variable Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051. We find a strong correlation between variability in the EUV and medium-energy X-ray bands, indicating that both are sampling the same power-law continuum. The lag between the two bands is less than 20 ks and, depending on model assumptions, may be <1 ks. We examine the consequences of such a small lag in the context of simple Comptonization models for the production of the power-law continuum. A lag of <1 ks implies that the size of the Comptonizing region is less than 20 Schwarzschild radii for a black hole of mass >106 M.  相似文献   

A digital television complex, equipped with an original slitless spectrograph with transpaarent diffraction gratings, and operating on the 0.5-meter telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, was used for spectrophotometric observations of the nuclei of Seyfert galaxies. The absolute energy distributions in the spectra of the nuclei of the Seyfert galaxies NGC 4501, NGC 7469, and NGC 1275 in the wavelength range 4000–7000 Å were obtained. Synthetic stellar magnitudes in the V band were calculated. The apparatus can be used to investigate the spectral variability of emission from the nuclei of Seyfert galaxies on a time scale of tens of minutes or more.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 101–110, January–March, 1996.  相似文献   

The results of a cross-correlation analysis of the optical and X-ray light curves for eight Seyfert galaxies, NGC 5548, NGC 7469, NGC 3227, NGC 4051, NGC 4151, Mrk 509, Mrk 79, and Akn 564 and for the optical spectra of the quasar 1E 0754 are presented. In the case of the galaxies NGC 5548 and NGC 7469, the maximum values of cross-correlation coefficients for optical and X-ray variations proved to be high (0.73 and 0.79, respectively). The lag time, determined from the maximum of cross-correlation function, is 2.800 ?1.58 +3.12 days for NGC 5548 and 0.6 ?4.3 +0.9 days for NGC 7469. This result favors downscattering of the X-ray emission into the optical range (direct Compton effect) for NGC 5548 and NGC 7469. In addition to the main maximum, which corresponds to the lag of the optical flux variations behind the X-ray flux, six objects (excluding Akn 564 and NGC 4151) show the wings in the intervals of cross-correlation functions that correspond to the time lags of X-ray emission behind the optical emission of approximately 10 days. A method of determining the masses of central black holes in AGNs through spectral line widths is presented; with this method the mass of the central black hole in the quasar 1E 0754 was found (M BH = 1.01 × 108 M sun). The position of the quasar 1E 0754 in the mass-luminosity diagram meets the position of other NLS 1 galaxies.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(7-9):491-496
We report on a three-year program of coordinated X-ray and optical monitoring of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051. The rapid continuum variations observed in the X-ray fluxes are not detected in the optical, although the X-ray and optical continuum fluxes are correlated on time scales of many weeks and longer. Variations in the flux of the broad Hβ line are found to lag behind the optical continuum variations by approximately 6 days (with an uncertainty of 2–3 days), and combining this with the line width yields a virial mass estimate of ∼1.1×106 M, at the very low end of the distribution of AGN masses measured by line reverberation. Strong variability of HeII λ4686 is also detected, and the response time measured is similar to that of Hβ, but with a much larger uncertainty. The HeII λ4686 line is almost five times broader than Hβ, and it is strongly blueward asymmetric, as are the high-ionization UV lines recorded in archive spectra of NGC 4051. The data are consistent with the Balmer lines arising in a low-inclination (nearly face-on) disk-like configuration, and the high-ionization lines arising in an outflowing wind, of which we observe preferentially the near side. During the third year of monitoring, both the X-ray continuum and the HeII λ4686 line went into extremely low states, although the optical continuum and the Hβ broad line were both still present and variable. We suggest that the inner part of the accretion disk may have gone into an advection-dominated state, yielding little radiation from the hotter inner disk.  相似文献   

Simultaneous multi-wavelength observations have revealed complex variability in AGNs. To explain the variability we considered a theoretical model consisting of an inner hot comptonizing corona and an outer thin accretion disk, with interactions between the two components in the form of comptonization and reprocessing. We found that the variability of AGNs is strongly affected by the parameters of the model, namely, the truncated disk radius rmin, the corona radius rs, the temperature KTe and the optical depth τ0 of the corona. We applied this model to the two best observed Seyfert 1 galaxies, NGC 5548 and NGC 4051. Our model can reproduce satisfactory the observed SEDs. Our fits indicate that NGC 5548 may have experienced dramatic changes in physical parameters between 1989-1990 and 1998, and that NGC 4051 has a much larger truncated disk radius (700 Schwarzschild radii) than NGC 5548 (several tens of Schwarzschild radii). Since we adopted a more refined treatment of the comptonization process rather than simply assuming a cut-off power law, our results should be more reasonable than the previous ones.  相似文献   

The nucleus of the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy NGC 5548 was very faint and the intensity of the broad emission component of H was unusually low in March–April and in July 1990. Similar stages was found only twice in this decade, in 1979 and 1981, prior to the present one. The very broad components of He I and He II were not detected in 1990.The blueward edge of the broad component of H was much steeper than the redward one in 1990, in contrast to the profiles with the opposite asymmetry in the years 1979–1981. This result suggests that a main part of the broad component blueshifted in the recent several years. An upper limit of the displacement of the broad component of H occurred during the years from 1984 to 1990 was estimated to be about - 2000 km s–1. If this variation of the radial velocity was due to an orbital motion of the exciting source in a binary system, the total mass of the system is about 6 × 106 M . The luminosity of the nucleus is the same order of the Eddington limit of this total mass.  相似文献   

We analyze the spectral variability for two narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies, PG 1700+518 and NGC 4051 using the spectral decomposition method. We focus on their optical Fe ii variability to investigate the origin of Fe ii in AGNs. For PG 1700+518, we find that the Fe ii size is about 200 light-days, which is consistent with the Hβ size derived from the empirical R–L relation. For NGC 4051, the [O iii] 5007 Å flux is strongly correlated with continuum flux, suggesting that we should recalibrate the spectral flux on a scale defined by [O iii] flux. The corrected light curves of Fe ii, Hβ, He ii, f λ (5100 Å) are given here. A detailed analysis will be given in the near future.  相似文献   

BVRI CCD photometry of the poorly studied open cluster NGC 6724 has been carried out down to a limiting magnitude of V ~20 mag. The stars of the cluster have been observed using the Newtonian focus(f/4.84) of the 74-inch telescope at Kottamia Astronomical Observatory in Egypt.Also, the 2 MASS-JHK system is used to confirm the results we obtained. The main photometric parameters have been estimated for the present object; the diameter is found to be 6 arcmin, the distance is 1530±60 pc from the Sun and the age is 900±50 Myr. The optical reddening E(B-V) = 0.65 mag,while the infrared reddening is E(J-H) = 0.20 mag. The slope of the mass function distribution and the relaxation time estimations indicate that cluster NGC 6724 is dynamically relaxed.  相似文献   

Photographic observations of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151, carried out during the last seven years, are reported. The object shows irregular variations between photographic magnitudes 11.2 and 13.0.  相似文献   

We report on simultaneous ASCA and ROSAT observations of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5548 made during the ASCA Performance Verification phase. Spectral features due to a warm absorber and reflection are clearly seen in the X-ray spectra. We find that the continuum spectral shape differs between the ASCA and ROSAT data sets. The photon-index obtained from the ROSAT PSPC exceeds that from the ASCA SIS ΔΓ≈0.4. The discrepancy is clear even in the 0.5–2 keV energy band over which both detectors are sensitive. The spectra cannot be made consistent by choosing a more complex model. The problem likely lies in the response curve (estimated effective area) of one, or both, detectors. There may be important consequences for a wide range of published results.  相似文献   

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