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应用MAPGIS制作地球化学图单元素异常图及综合异常图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用MAPGIS离散数据网格化模型绘制地球化学图,通过四种不同的网格化方法效果对比,在元素含量分析数据极差相对较小时,采用Kring泛克立格法网格化模型绘制的地球化学图效果佳。分析数据极差相对较大时,采用距离幂函数反比加权网格化模型绘制的地球化学图效果较好。两种数据网格模型绘制的地球化学图均达到化探规范中对地球化学图的要求,因此提出了应用MAPGIS制作地球化学等含量线图,利用地球化学等含量线图的属性,绘制单元素异常图及综合异常图。  相似文献   

地球化学图册或图集是地质科学的基本图件。其重要意义不亚于地质图。为满足我国出版地球化学图集的要求,研究如何应用计算机技术实现我国各省的多元素地球化学图的编图自动化,形成具有我国特色的、满足国内化探需要的计算机编图系统,使我国的地球化学图件赶上或超过其他国家的水平是很有必要的。一、系统内容 (一)数据的拼接、归位和坐标体系转换目前编制1∶50万或更小比例尺图件是采用1∶20万化探数据。作分省或分片区域性地化图时,是把1∶20万单图幅数据拼接成多图幅整  相似文献   

为了形象地表达地球化学测量所取得的成果,需要编制各种类型的地球化学图。目前用于编图的方法很多,移动平均分析、趋势面分析及常被采用的勾绘等含量线的方法等,多用于单元素地球化学图的编制。而各种形象地用符号、图式表示含量变化的编图方法,虽然也用于多元素  相似文献   

《全国地球化学图编图》科研项目于2005年5月由中国地质调查局组织专家在北京通过评审。专家组由5位院士、4位教授级高级工程师及两位教授组成。评审认为“首次建立了全国1:20万区域地球化学数据库,开发了全国区域地球化学管理系统;编制了39种元素全国地球化学学图集,数据量与工作规模国内外少有,具有国际领先水平。同意通过评审,评为优秀。”这项由谢学锦院士等专家为顾问的项目,凝聚着我国地球化学勘探等方面众多专家和全国广大化探工作者、测试分析工作者的智慧和汗水。  相似文献   

本文是一项最新科学研究成果的详细总结,系统地论述了计算机地球化学编图的方法与技术,解决了编图数据的拼接归位,编图数据的系统误差调平方法,编制色块图的方法原理,特别是对色块图色区划分的方法试验,对各省编制小比例尺地球化学图有实际参考意义。自行研究的计算机地球化学编图系统软件有五个子系统构成,有四十六个模块,形成一套功能齐全,运行稳定,操作方便的应用软件系统,可编制出色块图、等值线图、异常图、立体图等七类地球化学图件,已用于编制辽宁省的1:50万,湖北省的1:100万多套地球化学图件。实践证明,该系统作图方法正确,精度高、成图美观标准,本系统具有较高的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

国内8个实验室对川滇黔桂相同的76个泛滥平原沉积物样品的76种元素进行了分析测试,目的在于探索更有效的分析质量的评价方案,以便为编制相应的地球化学图优选不同元素的最佳分析方法。利用参考值、样本的统计学参数、相似性、密度分布函数、地球化学场的空间结构和地球化学异常的重合性等对Ag元素的分析数据作了评价,不但要求分析数据在绝对值方面有一定的精度,还强调了化探数据的空间属性,要求分析数据的空间分布方面也尽量与理想的地球化学图之间具有一致性。  相似文献   

对西藏冲江地区进行以矿产勘查为主要目的的区域性地球化学调查工作,获得了系统而规范的面积性、多参数(十三种分析数据)的地球化学数据。通过分析所获取的地球化学图件,是化探数据最直接的表达方式。综合异常图作为地球化学的基础图件之一,它的编制主要涉及元素组合及主要元素的确定。以冲江地区综合异常图的编制为例,对编制过程中涉及的内容及其确定方法进行了详细的论述,为下一步异常筛选和异常查证工作提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

1989年8月,地矿部向吉林、辽宁、河北、内蒙古四省(区)地矿局下达了编制华北地台北缘地球化学图的任务。该项任务由部物化探局和四省(区)地矿局组成的编图委员会和编图组完成,由吉林省地矿局牵头,吉林省第五地质调查所任组长单位。编图任务于1992年底完成,提交的成果有华北地台北缘33种元素的1:50万、1:100万地球化学图,1:100万主要成矿元素综合异常图和1:100万主要成矿元素成矿远景分区图;以每个元素的83522个数据分别统计计算的33种元素各1:20万图幅、全域、各地质子区及两大自然景观地域的基本地球化学特征参数值;  相似文献   

中国西南地区76种元素地球化学填图   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人类生活的地球是由元素周期表中的所有元素构成的,了解所有元素在地球的分布规律对于人类认识自然以及资源与环境研究,具有十分重要的作用。利用西南地区区域化探扫面的副样,采用1∶50000图幅一个组合成一个分析样的方式,收集水系沉积物样品,研制开发了76种元素分析方案,特别是对一些困难元素进行重点研究,使得所有元素的分析检出限低于地壳丰度值。编制完成76种元素的地球化学图,利用地球化学资料进行资源远景的初步评价,区域成矿的划分等基础性研究工作。  相似文献   

针对区域地球化学图件中出现的含量等值线环绕子区边界现象,以Au的多个图幅拼接为例,使用了分幅标准化法、衬度返回法及定和化法3种方法对地质大调查以来新方法获得的某成矿带区域地球化学数据进行系统误差校正,校正后编制地球化学等量线图显示,所采用的3种校正方法对于研究区数据存在的系统误差都不能达到较好的调平效果。针对研究区数据特点,尝试在分幅标准化法和衬度返回法基础上提出基于地球化学背景的误差校正方法,进一步对4种方法校正后数据参数特征及编制地球化学等量线图进行对比。基于地球化学背景的误差校正方法对研究区达到了较好的数据校正效果,并对校正前后数据进行相关对比和检验,满足化探数据中存在的系统误差属于线性误差这一基本假设,在实际应用中,可供地球化学数据系统误差校正灵活地使用,以取得更好的应用效果。  相似文献   

地球化学填图与地球化学勘查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢学锦  刘大文 《地质论评》2006,52(6):721-732
在中国与西方国家,地球化学填图的目的与做法并不相同,西方的地球化学填图是由研究机构开展的,使用等离子焰光量计、X射线荧光光谱仪等大型仪器进行多元素分析,目的是取得多种元素在地球表层分布的基础性资料。地球化学勘查则由矿业公司主要分析少量成矿元素,目的是为了找矿。而中国的地球化学填图计划却做出了巨大努力,使地球化学填图取得的资料既有学术价值又对矿产勘查具有重大的实用意义。本文详细讨论了西方国家与中国地球化学填图与地球化学勘查的思路、方法与技术的演变,并瞻望了地球化学填图在21世纪的巨大发展前景。  相似文献   

国际地球化学填图新进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
欧洲和中国在国际地球化学填图中起着积极而重要的作用,而且进展也是最显著的。欧洲地球化学基准值填图计划于1996年被欧洲26个国家地质调查局长论坛(FOREGS)正式批准。经过近10年的工作,于2005年出版了电子版欧洲地球化学图集。中国不仅自己开展了多层次地球化学填图计划,而且还与发展中国家合作开展了全球尺度和成矿带尺度地球化学填图合作。欧洲和中国无论是在全球尺度,还是在区域尺度地球化学填图做法上都存在较大的差异。在采样介质上中国使用统一的采样介质,在分析技术上中国使用几种大型设备作为骨干配合使用多方法分析系统;欧洲恰恰相反,欧洲在采样介质上趋向于多介质,而分析技术上只使用少数几种大型设备。欧洲的做法尽管使用多介质采样获得了元素在更多天然介质中的分布信息,但使用单一分析技术,使得很多关键元素没有分析出来,如贵金属元素Ag,Au,Ir,Os,Pd,Pt,Rh,Ru;卤族元素F,Cl,Br,I;分散元素Ge,In,Se,Te;与生命密切相关的元素N,S,B等。尽管欧洲强调以环境为目的,但很多与环境密切相关的元素都没有分析,所以欧洲的全球尺度地球化学填图的信息量大打折扣。这些不统一的做法,特别是在全球尺度地球化学填图不统一的做法,会影响到以后全球地球化学图的编制。  相似文献   

Regional, national and global scale geochemical mapping projects have been carried out in China since the late 1970s, due to the development of cost‐effective, low detection limit analytical methods. These projects have provided a huge mass of high‐quality, informative and comparable data for mineral resource exploration and are now making contributions to environmental assessment. In this paper, four national‐scale geochemical mapping projects are described. (1) The Regional Geochemistry‐National Reconnaissance Project (RGNR project), which is China's largest national geochemical mapping project, has covered 6 million km2 of upland regions since 1978. Generally, stream sediment samples were collected at a density of 1/km2 and four samples were composited into one sample and analysed for thirty‐nine elements. (2) The deep‐penetrating geochemical mapping project (DEEPMAP Project) has been conducted since 1994 in covered terrains, including sedimentary basins, at a density of 1 sample per 100 km2 with thirty to seventy elements determined per sample. In the past 10 years, an area of approximately 800 000 km2 has been covered and this project has played an important role in finding sandstone‐type uranium deposits in basins. (3) The seventy‐six geochemical element mapping project (76 GEM project) has been carried out since 1999 and involved the collection of stream sediment samples from the RGNR project targets which were analysed for seventy‐six elements. Samples from each 1:50 000 map sheet were composited into one analytical sample (approximately one composite sample per 400 km2). Approximately 1 million km2 have been surveyed to date. (4) The multi‐purpose eco‐geochemical mapping project has been conducted since 1999 in Quaternary plain areas for environmental and agricultural applications. Surface soils (depths from 0–20 cm) were collected at a density of one sample per km2, and four samples were composited into one for analysis. Deep soils (from a depth of 150 to 200 cm) were collected at a density of one sample per 4 km2 and four samples were composited into one analytical sample. All the composite samples were analysed for fifty‐four elements.  相似文献   

Outlines of New Global Geochemical Mapping Program   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
<正>Since 1988,great efforts and enthusiasm had been paid by applied geochemists in the implementation of global geochemical mapping through the International Geological Correlation Program's Projects 259 and 360,and the Task Group on‘Global Geochemical Baselines' established by the International Union of Geological Sciences(IUGS),in collaboration with the International Association of Geochemistry(IAGC).But how to use extremely low-density sampling to obtain a global picture of the distribution of most elements in the periodic table in a reasonably short time is still a great challenge faced by the applied geochemistry community.It will depend on the continuous development of new mapping concept,and the advisable and courageous innovation of methodology for searching other suitable sample media and sampling layout.Based on the encouragement results obtained from the representativeness study of delta sediments conducted at the mouth of Yangtze River,and at the mouths of its four major tributary,it is expected to broadly apply the geochemical fractal self-similarity nature to main rivers and their estuaries with catchments up to hundreds of thousands or over a million square kilometers in the world.With this new mapping concept,a new outlines of a Global Geochemical Mapping Program was advanced and the establishment of an International Research Center of Global Geochemical Mapping was also suggested to facilitate the programs implementations.  相似文献   

Joint Consistent Mapping of High-Dimensional Geochemical Surveys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geochemical surveys often contain several tens of components, obtained from different horizons and with different analytical techniques. These are used either to obtain elemental concentration maps or to explore links between the variables. The first task involves interpolation, the second task principal component analysis (PCA) or a related technique. Interpolation of all geochemical variables (in wt% or ppm) should guarantee consistent results: At any location, all variables must be positive and sum up to 100 %. This is not ensured by any conventional geostatistical technique. Moreover, the maps should ideally preserve any link present in the data. PCA also presents some problems, derived from the spatial dependence between the observations, and the compositional nature of the data. Log-ratio geostatistical techniques offer a consistent solution to all these problems. Variation-variograms are introduced to capture the spatial dependence structure: These are direct variograms of all possible log ratios of two components. They can be modeled with a function analogous to the linear model of coregionalization (LMC), where for each spatial structure there is an associated variation matrix describing the links between the components. Eigenvalue decompositions of these matrices provide a PCA of that particular spatial scale. The whole data set can then be interpolated by cokriging. Factorial cokriging can also be used to map a certain spatial structure, eventually projected onto those principal components (PCs) of that structure with relevant contribution to the spatial variability. If only one PC is used for a certain structure, the maps obtained represent the spatial variability of a geochemical link between the variables. These procedures and their advantages are illustrated with the horizon C Kola data set, with 25 components and 605 samples covering most of the Kola peninsula (Finland, Norway, Russia).  相似文献   

More than 40 national and regional geochemical mapping projects in the world carried out from 1973 to 1988 do not conform to common standards. In particular they have many analytical deficiencies. In the period 1988 to 1992, the International Geochemical Mapping project (Project 259 of UNESCO's IGCP Program) prepared recommendations designed to standardize geochemical mapping methods. The analytical requirements are an essential component of the overall recommendations. They included the following: 71 elements should be analyzed in future mapping projects; the detection limits of trace and ultratrace elements must be lower than the corresponding crustal abundances; and the Chinese GSD and Canadian STSD standard sample series should be used for the correlation of global data. A proposal was also made to collect 5000 composite samples, at very low sampling densities to cover the whole Earth's land surface. In 1997 an IUGS Working Group on Global Geochemical Baselines was formed to continue the work which began with IGCP 259. From 1997 up to now, new progress has been made especially in China and FOREGS countries under the aegis of this working group, including the study of suitable sampling media, development of a multi-element analytical system, new proficiency test for selection of competent laboratories and role of wide-spaced mapping in mineral exploration. One of the major problems awaiting solution has been the inability of many laboratories to meet the IGCP recommendations to generate high quality geochemical maps. Fortunately several laboratories in China and Europe have demonstrated an ability to meet the requirements and they will be well placed to render technical assistance to other countries.  相似文献   

杨文采 《地质论评》2017,63(2):269-276
本文介绍谢学锦先生快速进行区域地球化学填图的计划在西藏取得的成果。区域水化学填图可分析66个指标,效率高,成本低,见效快;同时水化学填图的空间定位和分辨率比采集土壤样品的填图会差一些。西藏地球化学填图成果呈现了一定的规律性,例如西藏66种元素的地球化学图中,有三分之二沿雅鲁藏布江缝合带出现异常带。西藏许多元素的分布受雅鲁藏布江缝合带影响,是因为特提斯洋原有的一些元素残留在雅鲁藏布江缝合带两侧。氧化钾、氧化钠沿雅鲁藏布江缝合地带出现含量高的异常带,可见特提斯洋中丰富的钾、钠成分残留在代表大洋封闭的雅鲁藏布江缝合带两侧。沿雅鲁藏布江缝合地带氧化钙出现含量低的异常带,可用特提斯洋中的碳汇作用来解释,即特提斯洋中的钙由于碳汇作用变成碳酸盐岩石,氧化钙出现含量低的异常。西藏的地球化学图对矿产勘查和生态环境研究也具有一定意义。  相似文献   

Geochemical Mapping—Evolution of Its Aims, Ideas and Technology   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The development of geochemical mapping progressed from local geochemical prospecting through regional geochemical exploration and regional geochemical mapping to national and global geochemical mapping. This paper discusses the evolution of aims, ideas and methodology of geochemical mapping in Western countries, Russia and China. The sophistication of geochemical mapping methodology will make great contributions to solving resources and environmental problems in the 21^st century.  相似文献   

随着国家"一带一路"倡议的推进,在中国地质调查局的资助下,开展了老挝境内21万km^2的国家尺度(1:100万)地球化学填图工作,本次工作填补了老挝国家尺度地球化学填图的空白,为老挝基础地质、矿产开发、环境保护、农业生产等多个方面提供了基础地球化学保障。本次共采集老挝境内地球化学样品1905件,使用多种测试手段分析了71种元素的含量,并据此制作了这些元素的地球化学图和地球化学异常图。通过对老挝Au、Cu、Ni、Co、Mn、Zn、Ag、As、Sb、Pb、Bi和Sn的地球化学参数及其相关性的研究发现:这些元素的中位值均小于我国热带雨林区水系沉积物元素含量,而且这些元素的中位值均小于其平均值,As、Au、Bi、Pb和Sb在老挝境内的分布十分不均,元素局部富集明显。通过R型聚类分析,我们将上述元素分为Au;Cu;Ni、Co;Mn、Zn;Ag、As、Sb、Pb、Bi、Sn等5个簇群,并根据元素的地球化学分布特征及综合异常特征,在老挝划分了7个地球化学成矿远景区。  相似文献   

本文在总结我国地球化学填图分析方法的基础上,概括并阐述了地球化学填图计划中3种多元素配套分析方案。对指导、优化我省乃至全国地球化学样品分析方法具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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