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瑞雷波频散曲线反演是获取地表横波波速的关键步骤, 现有线性反演方法的效果取决于初始模型的选择, 非线性反演也存在效率低、多解等问题.为了进一步提高瑞雷波频散曲线反演的速度与精度, 受深度学习卓越非线性映射能力启发, 本文提出了瑞雷波频散曲线的深度学习反演方法.文中首先基于近地表速度结构的遍历属性和演化特征的有序性, 提出了约束马尔科夫决策的样本数据构建方法; 然后设计了一种卷积神经网络衔接长短时记忆网络的混合网络结构(CNN-LSTM), 用于构建频散序列数据到速度结构的非线性映射关系, 该网络结构包含了3个局部特征学习模块和1个长短时记忆层; 再利用样本数据对混合网络进行训练; 最后进行反演预测.理论模型试验的频散曲线在无噪与含噪情况下, 拟合的平均相对误差分别不超过5.6%和8.9%, 表明本文所提方法具有较高的计算精度和良好的鲁棒性.最后, 将本文方法应用于2008年汶川MW7.9地震白鹿镇同震地表破裂带的瑞雷波勘探中, 为其浅表同震变形的局部化效应提供了科学约束.


基阶与高阶瑞利波联合反演研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
研究了六层层状介质模型瑞利波基阶和高模式波相速度对横波速度、深度的敏感性,结果表明:基阶波较高模式波对7 m以内浅部地层的横波速度更敏感,敏感性频带在10~25 Hz范围内,峰值频带集中在18 Hz左右;高模式波较基阶波对深部地层的横波速度更敏感,敏感性频带宽,峰值分散.基阶波对浅层的敏感性和高模式波穿透深度更深的特点为近地表岩土层二维横波速度结构的联合反演提供了前提条件.利用阻尼最小二乘SVD(Singular Value Decomposition)算法联合基阶与高模式波对理论模型和实例数据进行横波速度反演,反演结果表明联合反演增强了反演的稳定性,提高了反演的精度.  相似文献   


本文利用布设在青藏高原东南缘350个宽频带流动地震台站2011年至2014年记录到的远震体波和面波数据来更好地约束研究区地壳S波速度结构.我们采用分步线性迭代反演算法对远震P波接收函数、瑞雷面波相速度和ZH振幅比进行联合反演获得了研究区高分辨率三维S波速度结构.得到如下结果:(1)在中下地壳主要存在两个低速体,一个从川西北次级块体向西南方向延伸穿过红河断裂进入滇缅泰块体;另一个沿着小江断裂和普渡河断裂分布,向南延伸到24°N左右.且这两个低速体与主要断裂有很好的关联性.(2)两个中地壳通道流是由于滇中次级块体中部(峨眉山大火成岩省内带)的高速异常体对来自青藏高原中部东南方向的中下地壳弱物质流的阻挡而形成,并且我们推测东南侧的地壳流很可能是西北侧的主地壳流沿着安宁河断裂流入.绝大多数地震分布于低速通道流的边界区域,说明低速通道流的存在有助于断裂发生剪切运动而诱发地震.(3)基于以上结果,我们认为除了中下地壳流模型,沿着主要走滑断裂的刚性块体的挤压滑动对于青藏高原东南缘的地壳形变和动力学演化也起着非常重要的作用.(4)在峨眉山大火成岩省内带下方10 km到Moho面总体呈现高速异常,推测可能是二叠纪峨眉山大火成岩省形成时期火山作用和基性超基性岩浆侵入地壳所致.


为了避免微动勘探技术中因忽略高阶模式瑞雷波而影响反演精度的不足,提出从微动面波中提取多模式瑞雷波频散曲线的映射式方法.该方法从微动信号入手,首先通过相关法提取多半径台阵的相关系数曲线,然后建立从多条相关系数曲线到多模式瑞雷波频散曲线的映射模型,最后采用分区拟合准则优化实现模型结构,达到提取微动面波中多模式瑞雷波频散曲线的目的.为验证方法的有效性,通过有限差分方法数值计算实际近表面应用中三种常见典型地质结构中的微动信号,采用映射式方法提取微动面波中多模式瑞雷波频散曲线,将提取结果和理论值进行对比分析.结果表明,映射式方法提取微动面波中多模式瑞雷波频散曲线可以满足反演地质结构的要求.  相似文献   

傅磊  刘四新 《地球物理学报》2016,59(12):4464-4472
本文提出了一种初至纵波(P波)与瑞雷面波的交叉梯度联合反演策略.通过对初至P波进行全波形反演可以获得近地表P波速度结构;通过对仅含瑞雷面波信息的地震数据转换到频率-波数域进行加窗振幅波形反演(Windowed-Amplitude Waveform Inversion,w-AWI)可获得近地表横波(S波)速度结构.在二者反演的目标函数中均加入P波速度和S波速度的交叉梯度作为正则化约束项,使得在反演过程中P波速度和S波速度相互制约,相互约束,从而实现对地震初至P波与瑞雷面波的联合反演.数值模拟结果表明交叉梯度联合反演可以提高S波速度反演分辨率,而P波速度反演结果并没有得到提高.实际资料的反演结果表明,交叉梯度联合反演能够获得更加可信的近地表速度结构.  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘对于青藏高原的隆升、增厚和物质逃逸等问题有着重要的研究价值.本文对研究区内布设的大型流动地震台阵的观测记录进行处理,联合反演面波频散与接收函数数据,获得了地壳厚度、沉积层厚度分布情况以及地壳上地幔高精度S波速度结构.联合反演的结果表明:(1)研究区域内地壳厚度变化很大,从西北往东南方向地壳厚度逐渐变薄;(2)沉积层厚度与研究区内沉积盆地的分布情况较为一致;(3)在研究区中下地壳内由北向南呈条带状分布有两条主要的壳内低速体,其中一条从川西北次级块体向南延伸,穿过丽江断裂到达滇中次级块体下方,另一条低速体沿小江断裂分布,向南延伸到24°N左右,两条低速体在中地壳范围被四川盆地及峨眉山大火成岩省内带下方的高速异常所隔开.  相似文献   

Rayleigh波频散曲线“交叉”及多模式耦合作用研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Rayleigh波可以用来反演近地表结构,在工程物探、石油物探、地球内部结构探测中均有重要意义.数值计算得到的含低速层的层状介质对应的Rayleigh波频散曲线会出现看似“交叉”的现象,但是对于这种现象目前还没有进行系统的研究.事实上可以验证,有些看似交叉的频散曲线实际上不相交.改变低速层的厚度和横波速度发现低速层越明显(即低速层速度越低或层厚越厚)频散曲线越不容易相交.凡友华等在2007年提出频散曲线对应着四种基本模式,在频散曲线发生“交叉”现象的区域实际上存在两个以上模式的频散曲线.本文主要研究了存在R模和S2模的区域内频散曲线的“交叉”现象.首先利用竖直本征振动曲线研究R模和S2模Rayleigh 波的振动特点,发现R模对应的本征振动主要集中在地表,随着深度变化能量快速衰减,S2模对应的本征振动主要集中在第2层.研究“交叉点”附近频散点对应的本征振动曲线发现这一区域有些Rayleigh波同时具有R模和S2模的振动特点,对应着一种耦合模式.通过对实例的研究发现,在“交叉点”附近,若两条频散曲线不发生交叉,则每条曲线对应的模式会发生R模和S2模之间经由耦合模式的转变,本文称这种现象为两种模式发生耦合;若两条频散曲线相交,则同一条频散曲线上的Rayleigh波模式几乎相同,只是在离交点很近的区域会存在一些耦合模式,本文称此时两种模式不发生耦合.本文研究结果主要供Rayleigh波对低速层结构的反演研究参考.  相似文献   

Due to the character of seismic energy generation and propagation, shallow high-resolution seismic-reflection surveys often fail in the identification of the shallowest horizons and, due to the limited offsets, accuracy of velocity analyses is often not very high.In recent years, Rayleigh wave dispersion analysis have proved to have good potential also for near-surface applications but dispersion curve inversion and related uncertainty evaluation pose serious problems to a completely stand-alone application.In order to overcome these problems a joint inversion scheme is proposed, which is based on the identification of the Pareto front, performed in the framework of a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA). Seismic data considered to design the two objectives are the Rayleigh wave dispersion curve and reflection travel times.We initially analyse a set of synthetic cases and evaluate the obtained results. A significant improvement of the retrieved models is observed as long as reflection travel times are added to the dispersion curve alone.Furthermore, the proposed methodology also provides relevant indications about the consistency of the overall inversion process. In fact, the distribution of the models in the objective space, the trend of the objectives over the passing generations and the evolution of the Pareto front can provide useful information to evaluate the provisional tentative interpretation (number of strata and reflector identification) inherently adopted for the data inversion.On the basis of the results obtained from the tests on the synthetic datasets, the analyses of a field dataset are interpreted as possible evidence of lateral heterogeneities.  相似文献   

瑞利面波垂直-水平振幅比(或ZH振幅比)是一个随频率变化的函数,对于台站下方浅层地壳结构非常敏感,且具有和频散资料不同的深度敏感核,是传统频散反演方法的一个很好的补充,从而可以将基阶瑞利面波的ZH振幅比和面波频散数据联合起来更好地反演获得观测台站下方的速度结构.本文提出了基于邻域算法的面波频散曲线与ZH振幅比联合反演方法,我们进行了基于理论模型的模拟测试,证明了联合反演是一种更为可靠的反演方法,且能更好地约束浅层地壳结构.相比于频散曲线单独反演,联合反演不仅可以精确反演获得地壳的Vs结构,对分层地壳的Vp/Vs也能很好地约束.然后我们将联合反演算法应用于实际测量数据,获得了中国西南昆明台(KMI)下方更为准确的地壳横波速度结构及Vp/Vs模型.  相似文献   


通过对南北地震带北段区域所布设的676个流动地震台站观测资料进行处理,联合反演面波频散与接收函数数据,获得了研究区内地壳厚度、沉积层厚度的分布情况以及地壳上地幔高分辨率S波速度结构成像结果.反演结果显示研究区地壳厚度从青藏高原东北缘向外总体逐渐变薄,秦岭造山带地壳厚度较同属青藏高原东北缘的北祁连块体明显减薄;鄂尔多斯盆地及河套盆地分布有非常厚的沉积层,阿拉善块体部分区域也有一定沉积层分布,沉积层与研究区内盆地位置较为一致;松潘—甘孜块体、北祁连造山带等青藏高原东北缘总体表现为S波低速异常;在中下地壳,松潘—甘孜块体下方的低速体比北祁连造山带下方的低速体S波速度值更小、分布深度更浅,更有可能对应于部分熔融的地壳;鄂尔多斯盆地在中下地壳以及上地幔内有着较大范围的高速异常一直延伸到120 km以下,而河套盆地地幔只在80 km以上部分有着高速异常的分布,此深度可能代表了河套盆地的岩石圈厚度,来自深部地幔的热物质上涌造成了该区域的岩石圈减薄;阿拉善块体在地壳和上地幔都表现出高低速共存的分布特征,暗示阿拉善块体西部岩石圈可能受青藏高原东北缘的挤压作用发生改造.


Surface wave tests are non-invasive seismic techniques that have traditionally been used to determine the shear wave velocity (i.e. shear modulus) profile of soil deposits and pavement systems. Recently, Rix et al. [J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Engng 126 (2000) 472] developed a procedure to obtain near-surface values of material damping ratio from measurements of the spatial attenuation of Rayleigh waves. To date, however, the shear wave velocity and shear damping ratio profiles have been determined separately. This practice neglects the coupling between surface wave phase velocity and attenuation that arises from material dispersion in dissipative media. This paper presents a procedure to measure and invert surface wave dispersion and attenuation data simultaneously and, thus, account for the close coupling between the two quantities. The methodology also introduces consistency between phase velocity and attenuation measurements by using the same experimental configuration for both. The new approach has been applied at a site in Memphis, TN and the results obtained are compared with independent measurements.  相似文献   




Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) is one of the most widely used techniques in environmental and engineering geophysics to determine shear-wave velocities and dynamic properties, which is based on the elastic layered system theory. Wave propagation in the Earth, however, has been recognized as viscoelastic and the propagation of Rayleigh waves presents substantial differences in viscoelastic media as compared with elastic media. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out numerical simulation and dispersion analysis of Rayleigh waves in viscoelastic media to better understand Rayleigh-wave behaviors in the real world. We apply a pseudospectral method to the calculation of the spatial derivatives using a Chebyshev difference operator in the vertical direction and a Fourier difference operator in the horizontal direction based on the velocity–stress elastodynamic equations and relations of linear viscoelastic solids. This approach stretches the spatial discrete grid to have a minimum grid size near the free surface so that high accuracy and resolution are achieved at the free surface, which allows an effective incorporation of the free surface boundary conditions since the Chebyshev method is nonperiodic. We first use an elastic homogeneous half-space model to demonstrate the accuracy of the pseudospectral method comparing with the analytical solution, and verify the correctness of the numerical modeling results for a viscoelastic half-space comparing the phase velocities of Rayleigh wave between the theoretical values and the dispersive image generated by high-resolution linear Radon transform. We then simulate three types of two-layer models to analyze dispersive-energy characteristics for near-surface applications. Results demonstrate that the phase velocity of Rayleigh waves in viscoelastic media is relatively higher than in elastic media and the fundamental mode increases by 10–16% when the frequency is above 10 Hz due to the velocity dispersion of P and S waves.  相似文献   

The crustal and upper mantle azimuthal anisotropy of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas was studied by Rayleigh wave tomography. We collected sufficient broadband digital seismograms trav-ersing the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas from available stations, including especially some data from the temporary stations newly deployed in Yunnan, eastern Tibet, and western Sichuan. They made an adequate path coverage in most regions to achieve a reasonable resolution for the inversion. The model resolution tests show that the anisotropic features of scope greater than 400 km and strength greater than 2% are reliable. The azimuthal anisotropy pattern inside the Tibetan Plateau was similar to the characteristic of tectonic partition. The crustal anisotropy strength is greater than 2% in most re-gions of East Tibet, and the anisotropy shows clockwise rotation surrounding the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Vertically, the anisotropy direction indicates a coherent pattern within the upper crust, lower crust, and lithosphere mantle of the Tibetan Plateau, which also is consistent with GPS velocity field and SKS fast polarization directions. The result supports that the crust-mantle deformation beneath the Tibetan Plateau is vertically coherent. The anisotropy strength of crust and lithospheric upper mantle in Yunnan outside the Tibetan Plateau is lower than 2%, so SKS splitting from core-mantle boundary to station should largely be attributed to the anisotropy of asthenosphere.  相似文献   

Forward modeling is of critical importance for inversion analysis of surface wave methods to obtain shear-wave velocity (VS) profiles of soil sites. The dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM) method can provide forward modeling of Rayleigh surface waves to simulate complex wave propagation in layered soil sites. However, contamination from body waves and interference of multiple Rayleigh wave modes can reduce the accuracy of theoretical dispersion curves, especially at irregular soil sites with embedded low-velocity or high-velocity layers. An analytical method is developed herein to combine the techniques of the multichannel analysis of surface waves method with the DSM method to improve the accuracy of the theoretical dispersion analysis for soil sites. The proposed method implements multichannel analysis of the analytical displacement responses to capture dominant dispersion trends. Comparison of the results obtained with the new method against those from the transfer matrix method and the literature indicates that the new method can (1) effectively minimize the effects of contamination caused by body waves and interference from several Rayleigh wave modes, and (2) generate accurate dominant dispersion trends for soil sites with various stiffness profiles, especially for the high-frequency dispersion characteristics of the profiles with embedded low-velocity layers.  相似文献   

Surface wave methods are becoming increasingly popular in many geotechnical applications and in earthquake seismology due to their noninvasive characteristics.Inverse surface wave dispersion curves are a crucial step in most surface wave methods.Many inversion methods have been applied to surface wave dispersion curve inversion,including linearized inversion and nonlinearized inversion methods.In this study,a hybrid inversion method of Damped Least Squares(DLS) with Very Fast Simulated Annealing(VFSA) is developed for multi-mode Rayleigh wave dispersion curve inversion.Both synthetic and in situ fi eld data were used to verify the validity of the proposed method.The results show that the proposed method is superior to the conventional VFSA method in aiming at global minimum,especially when parameter searching space is adjacent to real values of the parameters.The advantage of the new method is that it retains both the merits of VFSA for global search and DLS for local search.At high temperatures,the global search dominates the runs,while at a low temperatures,the local search dominates the runs.Thus,at low temperatures,the proposed method can almost directly approach the actual model.  相似文献   




According to a Sino-U. S. joint project, eleven broadband digital PASSCAL seismometers had been deployed inside the Tibetan Plateau, of which 7 stations were on the profile from Lhasa to Golmud and other 4 stations situated at Maxin, Yushu, Xigatze and Linzhi. Dispersions and phase velocities of the Rayleigh surface waves (10s–120s) were obtained on five paths distributed in the different blocks of Tibetan Plateau. Inversions of the S-wave velocity structures in Songpan-Ganzi block, Qiang-Tang block, Lhasa block and the faulted rift zone were obtained from the dispersion data. The results show that significant lateral variation of the S-wave velocity structures among the different blocks exists. The path from Wenquan to Xigatze (abbreviated as Wndo-Xiga) passes through the rift-zone of Yadong-Anduo. The phase velocities of Rayleigh waves from 10s to 100s on this path are significantly higher than that on other paths. The calculated mean crustal velocity on this path is 3.8 km/s, much greater than that on other paths, where mean crustal velocities of 3.4–3.5 km/s are usually observed. Low velocity zones with different thicknesses and velocities are observed in the middle-lower crust for different paths. Songpan-Ganzi block, located in the northern part of Tibetan Plateau is characterized by a thinner crust of 65 km thick and a prominent low velocity zone in the upper mantle. The low velocity zone with a velocity of 4.2 km/s is located at a depth form 115 km to 175 km. While in other blocks, no low velocity zone in the upper mantle is observed. The value of Sn in Songpan-Ganzi is calculated to be 4.5 km/s, while those in Qiang-Tang and Lhasa blocks are about 4.6 km/s. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, Supp., 566–573, 1992.  相似文献   

对于在Rayleigh波勘探中经常提取到的多模式频散曲线,如何在理论上对其特征进行描述是一个很有意义的问题. 本文根据Rayeigh波频散方程中传递矩阵具有的高频近似特征,提出了传递矩阵的高频近似分解公式,据此导出了频散方程的高频近似分解公式,并在此基础上,定义了Rayleigh波的4种基本模式(R模、S模、R型周期模和S型周期模). 根据频散方程具有的周期性特征,给出了周期模频散曲线之间的平均间隔近似公式,以及在任意频率和相速度段内频散方程根的数目(即多模式的激发数目)的预测公式. 在这些结果的基础上,本文最后提出了频散方程数值搜根的一种新方法.  相似文献   

A method is presented to derive pure path attenuation coefficients of Rayleigh waves, in the period range 30–90 s, across the Tibet Plateau, using events located within Tibet and observed at teleseismic distances. This method uses data from 2 events and 2 stations simultaneously, these being aligned along a great circle path, and, for relatively small events, is practically free of errors due to inaccurate knowledge of the source radiation patterns.In spite of large standard errors due to the impossibility of separating effects of anclasticity from spurious effects on amplitudes such as scattering or multipathing, results seem to indicate an anelastic model of the crust and upper mantle compatible with shear velocity models derived independently, with a thick crust and in particular, a thick high Q lid and thin low Q zone consistent with a shield like upper mantle beneath Tibet.  相似文献   

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