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The mineral composition of the Talatui gold deposit has been studied with modern methods. Previously unknown minerals (ilmenite, siegenite, glaucodot, wittichenite, matildite, hessite, pilsenite, zircon, tremolite, cummingtonite, hercynite, and goethite) have been identified in the ore. A high Re content has been detected in molybdenite. The spatiotemporal separation of Au and Ag is caused by different mineral species of these elements and their diachronous precipitation during the ore-forming process. Gold crystallized along with early mineral assemblages, beginning from virtually pure gold (the fineness is 996). Silver precipitated largely at the end of the process as hessite (Ag2Te) and matildite (AgBiS2). The temperature of ore deposition varied from 610 to 145°C, the pressure was 3370–110 bar, and the salt concentration ranged from 56.3 to 0.4 wt % NaCl equiv. The heterogeneous state (boiling) of fluid at the early stages has been documented. The chemical and isotopic compositions of the fluid testify to its magmatic nature and the participation of meteoric water at late stages in the ore-forming process. Thermodynamic modeling reproduces the main specific features of ore formation, including separation of Au and Ag. A physicochemical model of the gold mineralization in the Darasun ore district has been proposed. On the basis of several attributes, the Talatui deposit has been referred to the prophyry gold-copper economic type.  相似文献   

The Bugdaya Au-bearing W-Mo porphyry deposit, Eastern Transbaikal Region, Russia, is located in the central part of volcanic dome and hosted in the large Variscan granitic pluton. In its characteristics, this is a Climax-type deposit, or an Mo porphyry deposit of rhyolitic subclass. The enrichment in gold is related to the relatively widespread vein and veinlet gold-base-metal mineralization. More than 70 minerals (native metals, sulfides, sulfosalts, tellurides, oxides, molybdates, wolframates, carbonates, and sulfates) have been identified in stockwork and vein ores, including dzhalindite, greenockite, Mo-bearing stolzite, Ag and Au amalgams, stromeyerite, cervelleite, and berryite identified here for the first time. Four stages of mineral formation are recognized. The earliest preore stage in form of potassic alteration and intense silicification developed after emplacement of subvolcanic rhyolite (granite) porphyry stock. The stockwork and vein W-Mo mineralization of the quartz-molybdenite stage was the next. Sericite alteration, pyritization, and the subsequent quartz-sulfide veins and veinlets with native gold, base-metal sulfides, and various Ag-Cu-Pb-Bi-Sb sulfosalts of the gold-base-metal stage were formed after the rearrangement of regional pattern of tectonic deformation. The hydrothermal process was completed by argillic (kaolinite-smectite) assemblage of the postore stage. The fluid inclusion study (microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy) allowed us to establish that the stockwork W-Mo mineralization was formed at 550–380°C from both the highly concentrated Mg-Na chloride solution (brine) and the low-density gas with significant N2 and H2S contents. The Pb-Zn vein ore of the gold-base-metal stage enriched in Au, Ag, Bi, and other rare metals was deposited at 360–140°C from a homogeneous Na-K chloride (hydrocarbonate, sulfate) hydrothermal solution of medium salinity.  相似文献   

The Khaluta carbonatite deposit located in the western Transbaikal region was formed during the Late Mesozoic rifting in the southern framework of the Siberian Craton. Carbonatite is associated with shonkinite and syenite and is accompanied by fenitization. The composition of mica in more than 160 samples of country rocks, carbonatites, silicate rocks, and fenites was studied. The Fe3+ and Fe2+ contents, as well as oxygen isotopic composition, were determined. The Mg and Fe contents increase, whereas the Ti and Al contents decrease in micas when passing from silicate rocks and fenites to carbonatites. Micas from carbonatites are depleted in Al, enriched in Fe3+, and distinguished by high Si and F contents. According to our calculations, in some cases Al replaces Si in the tetrahedral site instead of replacement of Fe3+ as is characteristic of tetraferriphlogopite. Formally, the mica from carbonatites falls within the tetraferriphlogopite field, but typical inverse pleochroism is not always observable. The δ18O values of micas from carbonatite, shonkinite, syenite, and fenite are similar to those of mantle-derived silicate minerals. The δ18O values in the minerals coexisting with phlogopite testify to their isotopic equilibrium and make it possible to calculate the crystallization temperature of carbonatite.  相似文献   

The geology and genesis of a large high-grade silica deposit is considered. It occurs in the form of a quartzite layer, 20–50 m thick, extending for 8 km in conformity with the host Upper Proterozoic silicate-carbonate metasedimentary rocks. The average content of SiO2 is 99.2%. It has been established that quartzite was formed by metasomatic silicification of sandstone during metamorphism of the carbonate-silicate sequence. The rocks were silicified by infiltration acid leaching, whereas long-term refinement of quartzite was provided by diffusion in finely dispersed capillary-porous systems, where the energy of the solution-solid phase interface was important. In the course of metasomatic migration of components, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Fe, and other elements were removed from quartzite and formed gold-sulfide mineralization in contact zones of the quartzite body. This opens up opportunities for discovering economic Au-Ag and Pb-Zn ores in the ore field.  相似文献   

The Moschellandsberg mercury deposit (SW Germany) is hosted in a Permo-Carboniferous volcanic caldera and has formed at shallow depths (100–300 m) and over a wide temperature range from about 200°C to less than 65°C. The deposit shows vertical zonation and the mineral paragenesis is unusually complex and contains significant amounts of Sb, As, Cu, and Ag. Fahlores are Hg-and Fe-rich Sb (Bi) and As members displaying a mixing gap. Vesicular ore textures and limited fluid inclusion evidence prove the existence of an immiscible gas phase during ore deposition. The fluid composition can be constrained to pH4, H2S10–5 molal, CO210–1 molal, and fH210–2–10–3 bar by comparing the observed mineral associations with stable phase assemblages calculated from thermodynamic data. Calculated metal solubilities indicate that Hg, Ag, and Sb can be transported very efficiently in such a fluid, but that the solubility of gold is very low.  相似文献   

On the basis of mineral paragenesis and the chemistry and homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions, the physicochemical parameters were calculated for the formation of the Dalingkou Ag-Pb-Zn deposit in Zhejiang. From the early to the late stage of mineralization the ore-forming temperature venation was found to be 298.5 °C → 267.0 °C → 217.6 °C → 167.3 °C, with a corresponding pH change of 3.0 ∼ 5.8 → 6.1 → 6.7→ 5.0 ∼ 7.3. The pressure changed from 403.8 to 128.5 atm, andlogf S2-9.9 → -11.2 → < -15; logf o2< -44→ -45.6 ∼ -42.6 → > -44.2; and logf co2 around -1.55. In conjunction with geological observations, the deposit is considered to be of meso-epithermal origin, i.e., it was formed after continental volcanic-subvolcanic activity. The major factors affecting ore precipitation are the decreasing temperature and the increasing pH of ore-forming solutions.  相似文献   

西南极主要由哈格冰原岛峰群、南极半岛、瑟斯顿岛、玛丽·伯德地和埃尔斯沃思-惠特莫尔山脉五个各具特色的地壳块体组成。通过综述上述各块体主要的岩浆事件及其构造意义,旨在了解西南极的地质演化过程。西南极最古老的岩石为哈格冰原岛峰群地块的前寒武纪正片麻岩,时代为1238 Ma,记录了中元古代弧岩浆作用,其余四个地块记录了~500 Ma以来的地质演化过程。古生代时期,埃尔斯沃思-惠特莫尔山脉地块处于快速沉降的陆相断陷盆地环境,岩浆活动稀少,与罗斯造山运动形成的弧后伸展有关;玛丽·伯德地地块中—晚古生代发育一套与板块汇聚有关的岩浆作用,形成于活动大陆边缘环境;而南极半岛-瑟斯顿岛地块记录了石炭纪—二叠纪时期弧的发育。各地块的构造背景从侏罗纪开始明显分化,埃尔斯沃思-惠特莫尔山脉地块记录了侏罗纪板内岩浆作用,可能与大火成岩省有关;玛丽·伯德地地块发育的侏罗纪—早白垩世Ⅰ型弧岩浆岩随时间转变为白垩纪中期的A型碱性岩浆岩,经历了由俯冲向裂解机制的转变;南极半岛-瑟斯顿岛地块侏罗纪—白垩纪为弧岩浆活动活跃期,同时也有大火成岩省火山活动的记录,是持续俯冲和裂解相互作用的产物。新生代岩浆作用以南极半岛地块为代表,弧岩浆作用持续到始新世,其时空分布特征与左行错断扩张脊的分段俯冲和碰撞有关。  相似文献   

喀来子大型钡-铁矿床位于新疆西昆仑塔什库尔干地区,矿体赋存于原"布伦阔勒群"变火山-沉积岩序列中。作为西昆仑地区独有的钡-铁矿床,其矿石具条纹-条带状构造,矿石矿物以磁铁矿和重晶石为主。矿区出露围岩主要为变泥质碎屑沉积岩(含石榴石二云石英片岩),并夹少量变火山熔岩(黑云斜长变粒岩和黑云斜长片麻岩等)。矿体夹层黑云斜长片麻岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄显示原火山熔岩的形成年龄为(537.2±6.4)Ma,从而间接约束了喀来子钡-铁矿床的成矿年龄。依此,本文建议"原古元古界布伦阔勒群"应分离出一套寒武纪(火山)沉积-成矿系列。矿石中磁铁矿氧同位素(δ18 O=5.0‰~9.2‰)、硫酸盐(δ34S=39.3‰~41.4‰)和黄铁矿硫同位素(δ34S=17.0‰~23.5‰)特征表明,喀来子钡-铁矿床为经历细菌还原作用(BSR)的热液喷流沉积型矿床(SEDEX)。具体成因机制可能为:在早寒武世半封闭的海水环境中,富含铁钡的海底热液沿断裂等构造喷流至海底,与周围温度较低的海水混合导致温度、pH和氧逸度等因素发生突变,从而促使相关矿物沉淀。其中,重晶石为热液流体中钡与经BSR作用后残余的SO_4~(2-)反应生成,黄铁矿为含铁热液与SO_4~(2-)还原产物H_2S相结合形成。当H_2S消耗完全后,富铁热液在弱氧化条件下沉淀于海底形成磁铁矿。  相似文献   

豫西雷门沟斑岩钼矿床成矿流体特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豫西雷门沟钼矿床位于东秦岭钼矿带东段,是区内典型的斑岩型钼矿床之一.矿体主要分布于花岗斑岩与围岩新太古界太华群片麻岩的内外接触带中,呈透镜状、似层状产出.矿化类型主要有浸染状和细脉-网脉状.根据矿脉穿切关系,将热液成矿过程划分为4个阶段:Ⅰ)面型钾长石化阶段,Ⅱ)石英-钾长石阶段,Ⅲ)石英-辉钼矿-硫化物阶段,Ⅳ)石英...  相似文献   

内蒙古嘎仙矿床为大兴安岭北段与岩浆作用有关的大型低品位镍钴硫化物矿床,成矿作用主要与花岗质岩浆作用有关。文章主要对矿区内矿体下盘的花岗岩类(花岗斑岩、长石斑岩、伟晶状花岗岩、黑云母花岗岩)进行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年,获得花岗斑岩的谐和线年龄(125.3±1.1)Ma~(127.5±4.5)Ma,长石斑岩的谐和线年龄为(128.1±2.2)Ma,伟晶状花岗岩的谐和线年龄为(127.9±2.3)Ma,黑云母花岗岩的谐和线年龄为(127.9±1.4)Ma,说明这些花岗岩类主要形成于中生代早白垩世。通过对矿化超镁铁岩、科马提岩、镁铁岩(辉绿岩、玄武岩)、长英质岩(闪长岩、长石斑岩、斜长花岗岩、花岗斑岩、伟晶状花岗岩、黑云母花岗岩)及围岩(大理岩)的主量、微量元素地球化学测试分析,结果表明,与吉峰科马提岩成分相比较,矿化超镁铁岩具有较高的w(SiO_2)(40.53%~54.96%)、w(TiO_2)(0.24%~0.86%)、w(Al_2O_3)(3.58%~10.47%)、w(FeO)(5.30%~8.80%)、w(CaO)(7.35%~13.66%)、w(Na_2O)(0.01%~0.76%)、w(K_2O)(0.02%~0.66%)和w(P_2O_5)(0.06%~0.61%);镁铁岩(包括辉绿辉长岩、玄武岩)铝含量较高,w(Al_2O_3)=16.34%~17.74%;长英质岩类也富铝质(Al_2O_3/(CaO+Na_2O+K_2O)=1.34~1.63),多数岩石属于钙碱性系列。闪长岩与镁铁岩相比,具有较高的硅、铝、钾、钠,较低的铁、镁和钙,微量元素具有大离子亲石元素富集,高场强元素相对亏损的右倾模式;稀土元素具有轻稀土元素富集,重稀土元素相对亏损特征,超镁铁岩类成分点位于N-MORB与OIB范围之间,而镁铁岩和长英质岩类成分点位于E-MORB和OIB之间。镁铁岩落入火山弧玄武岩范围,长英质岩落入火山弧花岗岩+同碰撞花岗岩范围,同属于造山后花岗岩的范围,因此镁铁质岩的形成应属于俯冲-碰撞环境,而长英质岩的形成应属于造山后伸展环境。根据各岩类所含成矿元素和亲流体元素分析,认为含矿热液来自矿区西部的深部,并且构建了嘎仙矿床的成矿模型,即超镁铁岩先期侵位,后期经历了区域的变质变形,最后发生燕山期大规模花岗质岩浆活动及成矿流体的蚀变矿化。  相似文献   

哈勒尕提-木祖克铁铜铅锌矿床是近年来在新疆西天山博罗科努成矿带内发现的一处典型的矽卡岩型铜多金属矿床,目前为中型规模,有达到大型矿床的潜力。矿体赋存于大瓦布拉克岩体与上奥陶统呼独克达坂组(O3h)大理岩、大理岩化灰岩的接触带。成矿受岩浆岩、地层岩性和接触带构造"三位一体"联合控制。大瓦布拉克岩体主要岩性为二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩,岩石地球化学显示高硅、准铝、低镁、富碱、富钾,为I型花岗岩,富集大离子亲石元素,相对亏损高场强元素,具俯冲带岩浆岩的地球化学特点。呼独克达坂组(O3h)碳酸盐岩地球化学性质活泼且富含铜、锌,有利于含矿热液交代成矿,是区域找矿的优势层位。接触带构造既是成矿地球化学障,又是良好的成矿热液运移通道,直接控制着矿体的产出。  相似文献   

On the basis of its geological characteristics, the Gushan iron deposit should be assigned to volcano-hydrothermal type with hematite-quartz as its principal mineral assemblage. Iron concentration of the ore solution has been estimated from the ratio of hematite to quartz in the ore. By using experimental and thermodynamic data, the solubility of ferro-minerals at elevated temperatures and pressures have been calculated in the system FeO?Fe2O3?NaCl?HCl?H2O. The effects ofT, P, pH,f O 2 and total Cl concentration on the solubility of ferrominerals are discussed. Thermodynamic calculations based on presumed physico-chemical conditions for the ore solution are in good agreement with geological observations. The calculation shows that ferro-minerals were deposited at logf O 2=?21~?25, log(mHCl+mH+)=?2.5~?3,P=1?0.75 (or 0.5) kb, andT=400°?350°C. It is believed that the original solution was an acid NaCl-bearing solution of magmatic derivation. However, iron in the solution was enriched with falling temperatures by dissolving pre-existing ferro-minerals in consolidated rocks rather than extracting directly from the magma. Either temperature (below 400°C) or pressure decrease may result in the precipitation of ferro-minerals from the solution, but the Fe/Si ratio in the ore is dependent mainly upon pH. The widespread siliceous veins of later stages are a reflection of decreasing acidity of the solution. An increase inf O 2 will also favor the deposition of ferro-minerals. The hypabyssal occurrence and the existence of the Huangmaqing sandy shale have contributed greatly to the formation of hematite.  相似文献   

The phosphate and sulfate-phosphate minerals in the sillimanite-bearing rocks of the Kyakhta deposit are considered. The mineral assemblages of the high-Al rocks were formed during prograde and retrograde stages of metamorphism. The first stage is characterized by the formation of sillimanite, corundum, muscovite, quartz, rutile, titanohematite, magnetite, feldspar, biotite, lazulite, and wagnerite. The muscovite composition showed that sillimanite paragenesis was formed at temperatures above 510–600°C. According to oxygen isotope thermometry, the minimum metamorphic temperature for quartz and titanohematite is 690°C. Andalusite, diaspore, quartz, pyrophyllite, muscovite, and a wide range of phosphates and sulfate-phosphates crystallized during the retrograde stage. The decrease in temperature and increase in the water content led to the following sequence of mineral formation: Mg-Fe-Al-Ca-REE-rich phosphates (lazulite, scorzalite, augelite, apatite, and monazite) → Ca-Sr sulfate-phosphates (woodhouseite and svanbergite) → sulfate (barite) → Sr-Ca-Ba aluminophosphates (goyazite, crandallite, and gorceixite). The chemical compositions of phosphates and sulfate-phosphates minerals and their formation conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

元台子银铅锌多金属矿位于兴城首山—大英昌—杨家杖子NW向断裂带与黑风山—梁家沟—季家沟NE向断裂带的交汇部位。银铅锌多金属矿体主要赋存于长城系常州沟组石英岩与燕山早期花岗岩的接触带中,矿体多呈似层状、脉状产出,为热液充填型矿床,成矿与断裂构造与岩浆热液的活动关系密切。该区成矿地质条件优越,是银、铜、钼、铅锌等金属元素的富集区域,找矿潜力较大。  相似文献   

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