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As part of a program to investigate archaeomagnetic secular variation in Israel and implications for archaeomagnetic dating, we have identified “anomalous” results that have yielded information about site formation processes. Stereonets, vector demagnetization diagrams, and sample location maps are most useful in examining stability of magnetization and consistency of archaeomagnetic directions with each other and with what would be expected from normal secular variation. A collection of examples is presented, including: strong and hard remanence due to vitrification, unstable magnetization due to lightning strikes, superimposed thermal magnetizations, chemical remagnetization, magnetization of a hearth fragment before falling, magnetization of a hot brick after falling, and mechanical deformation of an archaeomagnetic feature. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Consolidation is the reduction in sediment volume that occurs in response to natural overburden loading. As void space is reduced, solid particles within the consolidating sediment undergo rearrangement, including downward displacement and reduction in inclination angle. Buried artifacts are also subject to this rearrangement. An experiment was designed to simulate consolidation of artifact‐bearing sediments and document the extent of artifact rearrangement caused by varying degrees of consolidation. Results indicate that artifacts will generally follow the downward movement of the sediment regardless of individual artifact attributes, and that significant reductions in artifact inclination angle can occur. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of hydrochemical and isotopic analyses of groundwater (fracture water) and porewater, and physical property and water content measurements of bedrock core at the Chalk River Laboratories (CRL) site in Ontario. Density and water contents were determined and water-loss porosity values were calculated for core samples. Average and standard deviations of density and water-loss porosity of 50 core samples from four boreholes are 2.73 ± 12 g/cc and 1.32 ± 1.24 percent. Respective median values are 2.68 and 0.83 indicating a positive skewness in the distributions. Groundwater samples from four deep boreholes were analyzed for strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and uranium (234U/238U) isotope ratios. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope analyses and selected solute concentrations determined by CRL are included for comparison. Groundwater from borehole CRG-1 in a zone between approximately +60 and −240 m elevation is relatively depleted in δ18O and δ2H perhaps reflecting a slug of water recharged during colder climatic conditions. Porewater was extracted from core samples by centrifugation and analyzed for major dissolved ions and for strontium and uranium isotopes. On average, the extracted water contains 15 times larger concentration of solutes than the groundwater. 234U/238U and correlation of 87Sr/86Sr with Rb/Sr values indicate that the porewater may be substantially older than the groundwater. Results of this study show that the Precambrian gneisses at Chalk River are similar in physical properties and hydrochemical aspects to crystalline rocks being considered for the construction of nuclear waste repositories in other regions.  相似文献   

Dispilio is a lakeside settlement by the Orestias Lake, Kastoria, northern Greece. The site was inhabited from the Middle Neolithic to the Chalcolithic, with some surface evidence of Bronze Age occupation. Microfacies analysis of the sediments, supported by a suite of environmental indices, has provided detailed paleoenvironmental data and elucidated the main processes involved in the formation of the site and its history of occupation. The settlement was established on the lakeshore, on a shallow sand ridge and a shore marsh. Initially, houses were built on raised platforms above the water. After a major conflagration, a range of depositional microenvironments were established that caused local changes in the sedimentation rate. Therefore, some areas quickly emerged and became dry land, while some others continued to be flooded as part of the transitional supra‐littoral environment. On the dry land, houses were built directly on the ground, whereas in the transitional areas houses continued to be built on raised platforms. Thus, gradually, a mound was formed and further shaped by subsequent lake‐level fluctuations. One of the lake‐level rises is tentatively related to the abandonment of the mound in the Chalcolithic and the development of a hardpan on its surface. There is also evidence of later occupation during the Bronze Age in the form of a few, mostly surface, archaeological remains. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Calcrete zones of cemented sands are found repeatedly at beach sites in the Mariana Islands, western Pacific region, with mid‐ to late‐Holocene artifacts and midden sealed within and beneath these layers. Three site‐specific cases demonstrate that the cementation process of the calcareous sand material post‐dated the deposition of artifacts and midden. Archaeological efforts must be prepared for deep excavation through zones of cemented sand. Also, recovery of preserved ancient materials can proceed by excavating large hardened blocks and soaking in light (5%) acid. This knowledge about formation process and recovery technique may prove useful not only in the Mariana Islands but also more broadly in other regions with similar settings. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Site formation processes at the Late Pleistocene rockshelter deposit of Obi‐Rakhmat were reconstructed through soil micromorphology and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The entire sequence has undergone limited diagenesis and is well preserved. The base of the stratified sequence represents a karstic setting with intermittent, low‐energy deposition of autochthonous gravitational debris and anthropogenic material in a wet, muddy environment. These sediments were post‐depositionally affected by episodic waterlogging. The bulk of the sequence overlying the karstic layers comprises a continuous series of primary freshwater spring deposits containing reworked anthropogenic material that was buried penecontemporaneously with calcium carbonate deposition. The top of the sequence is weakly cryoturbated, indicating a periodically cold, wet environment. No alluvial elements that could suggest sediment inputs from the nearby river terraces were documented. A single exogenous layer was identified, representing an episode of colluviation from directly above the rockshelter preceding a major roofspall event. The basal part of the sequence contains slightly reworked anthropogenic remnants of intense activities, including combustion. The anthropogenic elements present in the spring deposits show higher degrees of reworking, suggesting within‐layer translocation. The development of spring activity at the site did not cause humans to abandon the rockshelter; they continued to carry out their activities throughout a changing local environment. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Glacier thermal regime is shown to have a significant influence on the formation of ice‐marginal moraines. Annual moraines at the margin of Midtdalsbreen are asymmetrical and contain sorted fine sediment and diamicton layers dipping gently up‐glacier. The sorted fine sediments include sands and gravels that were initially deposited fluvially directly in front of the glacier. Clast‐form data indicate that the diamictons have a mixed subglacial and fluvial origin. Winter cold is able to penetrate through the thin (<10 m) ice margin and freeze these sediments to the glacier sole. During winter, sediment becomes elevated along the wedge‐shaped advancing glacier snout before melting out and being deposited as asymmetrical ridges. These annual moraines have a limited preservation potential of ~40 years, and this is reflected in the evolution of landforms across the glacier foreland. Despite changing climatic conditions since the Little Ice Age and particularly within the last 10 years when frontal retreat has significantly speeded up, glacier dynamics have remained relatively constant with moraines deposited via basal freeze‐on, which requires stable glacier geometry. While the annual moraines on the eastern side of Midtdalsbreen indicate a slow steady retreat, the western foreland contains contrasting ice‐stagnation topography, highlighting the importance of local forcing factors such as shielding, aspect and debris cover in addition to changing climate. This study indicates that, even in temperate glacial environments, restricted or localised areas of cold‐based ice can have a significant impact on the geomorphic imprint of the glacier system and may actually be more widespread within both modern and ancient glacial environments than previously thought.  相似文献   

The combination of previously published pedological and phytolith analyses with new information on the geology, palynology, and an innovative analysis of archaeological chipped stone remains (including backplots, cluster analyses of artifacts, and chipped stone refitting) clarifies the environment and site formation of the mid-Holocene deposits at the Laddie Creek site, Wyoming. Palynological analyses strengthen the argument made by Reider and Karlstrom (1987) that the site was slightly wetter and warmer during the Altithermal (7500–5000 B.P.). The mid-Holocene environment at the site was conductive to the formation of soils and the preservation of archaeological deposits. A Cody Complex level associated with a colluvial C horizon provides evidence of greater movement of this material than that seen in the multiple Early Plains Archaic occupations associated with four A-horizons. The cultural levels identified in laboratory analyses are palimspsests deposited during multiple occupations.  相似文献   

Heavy metal profiles below a 15-year old sanitary landfill overlying a 30 m thick natural clay deposit are presented. Results indicate that unlike soluble species such as Cl and Na+ which have migrated distances up to 130 cm, Cu, Zn and Pb have migrated only up to 10 cm. The extent of Fe migration is estimated to be 20 cm. Highly reducing conditions at the interface (Eh= −130mV), coupled with the alkaline nature of the clay pore waters, have resulted in the precipitation of migrated heavy metals as carbonates. At the clay/waste interface, 88, 84 and 80% of the excess Fe, Zn and Pb, respectively, are present as secondary carbonates. This is confirmed by selective chemical dissolution analyses which also show that Fe, Zn, Pb and, to a greater extent, Cu are present in solid organic forms at the interface. Batch equilibrium studies clearly show that Cu and Pb removal from leachate is significantly increased by the presence of carbonates in the soil. For example, 75% more Pb is removed by the carbonate-rich bulk soil than the carbonate-free soil. The batch studies also show that when thepH> 5.2, removal of metal increases significantly due to precipitation as carbonates. From the results it is concluded that the presence of metal sludges in landfills lined naturally or artifically by a carbonate-rich clayey barrier reduces the rate of migration of numerous toxic transition metals and may also decrease the barrier porosity by precipitation. The decreases in porosity will be beneficial to the performance of the barrier due to reductions in both advection and diffusion.  相似文献   

Soils and sediments of a terraced slope at an Early Bronze Age site on the Aegean island of Amorgos were examined micromorphologically to determine the nature and amount of erosion on the slope during the past 5000 years, and how this had affected the formation of the surviving archaeological record. The deposits forming representative terraces were examined, as was the postdepositional sequence overlying the site, and a palaeosol preserved beneath terrace retaining walls at the break of slope. The buried, preterrace system “red soil” was a reworked red palaeosol, much affected by downslope erosion processes, which probably commenced with clearance associated with the Early Bronze Age occupation of the site. Examination of this soil suggested that there were at least two premodern phases of use of the hillside. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Commercial borings to a depth of 36 m encountered organic sediments under till. A continuously cored borehole was subsequently put down to 42 m and revealed a succession of sand and silt, over clayey Maryhill hill, over sandy Catfish Creek Till, over fossiliferous sand. Pollen, plant macrofossils, and a few ostracodes, molluscs, and insects provide a coherent picture of interstadial conditions. Two pollen zones are represented. The older zone is characterized by Picea and ThujalJuniperus pollen, and Dryopteris- type and Sphagnum spores, which suggest a lowland, forested peatland. Reduction of peatland, and transition to a wetland with more open water associated with a stream is indicated by an increase in Cyperaceae pollen, Pediastrum algae, and a diversity of aquatic plant macrofossils during the later zone. Fossil plant assemblages are similar to modern southern boreal associations in Ontario, which implies that the climate was cooler and possibly drier than the present. Phytogeographically, Picea needles and wood, and seeds of Brasenia schreberi and Potamogetan spirillus are noteworthy among the plant macrofossils. The sequence of Late Wisconsinan tills overlying the fossiliferous zone implies a Middle Wisconsinan age for the interstadial. This is supported by an accelerator radiocarbon date on small wood pieces of 40,080 + 1,200 years B.P.  相似文献   

Investigation of deeply stratified archaeological sites on the Piscataquis River in central Maine has revealed a continuous sequence of human occupation from ca. 10,000 yr B.P. to the near present. As an integrated aspect of the archaeological excavations, geomorphic features and surficial deposits were mapped from aerial photographs and field checked. Stratigraphic profiles were recorded from various locations and sediment column samples were collected and analyzed for grain size distribution in 1-cm vertical intervals from a 3-m deep excavation at the Sharrow site (ME 90-2D) to examine the flood deposits. Results include a general chronology of fluvial processes of the Piscataquis River since deglaciation and evidence of dominant vertical accretion of flood sediments on floodplain terraces throughout the Holocene epoch. This article defines an archaeologically significant but rarely recognized depositional regime characterized by a laterally controlled river channel and the exclusive vertical accretion of flood sediments. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A computer simulation model has been developed to investigate the postdepositional changes on archaeological sites due to soil erosion in a semiarid (Mediterranean) environment. Both soil matrix and archaeological artifact movement are accounted for by the model. The model is applied to a series of hypothetical site configurations on hillslopes, using archaeological structures, to observe the morphological changes due to slope form. The results show considerable variation in site preservation potential, relating to different initial spatial patterning of the site and initial slope form. The model predicts thresholds for the start of movement by artifacts, and suggests a correlation between the location of deposition and the potential for disturbance of the artifact record. Implications are drawn from the results of the simulations, both in terms of archaeological theory and practice, and in terms of site conservation and management. The simulation method is recognized as a useful tool for the investigation of natural site formation processes. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Arrested charnockite formation at Kottavattam, southern India   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract At Kottavattam, southern Kerala (India), late Proterozoic homogeneous leptynitic garnet–biotite gneisses of granitic composition have been transformed on a decimetric scale into coarse-grained massive charnockite sensu stricto along a set of conjugate fractures transecting the gneissic foliation. Charnockitization post-dates the polyphase deformation, regional high-grade metamorphism and anatexis, and evidently occurred at a late stage of the Pan-African tectonothermal history. Geothermobarometric and fluid inclusion data document textural and chemical equilibration of the gneiss and charnockite assemblages at similar PlithT conditions (650–700°C, 5–6 kbar) in the presence of carbonic fluids internally buffered by reaction with graphite and opaque mineral phases (XCO2= 0.7–0.6; XH2O= 0.2–0.3; XN2= 0.1; log fO2= -17.5). Mineralogical zonation indicates that charnockitization of the leptynitic gneiss involved first the breakdown of biotite and oxidation of graphite in narrow, outward-migrating transition zones adjacent to the gneiss, followed by the breakdown of garnet and the neoblastesis of hypersthene in the central charnockite zone. Compared to the host gneiss, the charnockite shows higher concentrations of K, Na, Sr, Ba and Zn and lower concentrations of Mg, Fe, Ti, V, Y, Zr and the HREE, with a complementary pattern in the narrow transition zones of biotite breakdown. The PlithT–XH2O data and chemical zonation patterns indicate charnockitization through subsolidus-dehydration reaction in an open system. Subsequent residence of the carbonic fluids in the charnockite resulted in low-grade alteration causing modification of the syn-charnockitic elemental distribution patterns and the properties of entrapped fluids. We favour an internally controlled process of arrested charnockitization in which, during near-isothermal uplift, the release of carbonic fluids from decrepitating inclusions in the host gneiss into simultaneously developing fracture zones led to a change in the fluid regime from ‘fluid-absent’in the gneiss to ‘fluid-present’in the fracture zones and to the development of an initial fluid-pressure gradient, triggering the dehydration reaction.  相似文献   

A probabilistic seismic hazard assessment at Kancheepuram in Southern India was carried out with the scope of defining the seismic input for the vulnerability assessment of historical and monumental structures at the site, in terms of horizontal Uniform Hazard Spectra and a suite of spectrum-compatible natural accelerograms to perform time-history analysis. The standard Cornell?CMcGuire and a zone-free approach have been used for hazard computations after the compilation of a composite earthquake catalogue for Kancheepuram. Epistemic uncertainty in the seismic hazard was addressed within a logic-tree framework. Deaggregation of the seismic hazard for the peak ground acceleration shows low seismicity at Kancheepuram controlled by weak-to-moderate earthquakes with sources located at short distances from the archaeological site. Suites of natural accelerograms recorded on rock have been selected by imposing a custom-defined compatibility criterion with the probabilistic spectra. The site of Kancheepuram is characterized by a seismicity controlled by weak-to-moderate earthquakes with sources at short distances from the site, the PGA expected for 475- and 2,475-year return period are, respectively, 0.075 and 0.132?g. The Indian code-defined spectra (DBE and MCE) tend to underestimate spectral ordinates at low periods. On the other hand, the PGA are comparable and the spectral ordinates for longer periods from the probabilistic study are significantly lower.  相似文献   

Archaeological soil features can be defined as areas of staining in ancient cultural soil horizons and are frequently used in surveys to locate sites and activity areas. Visual observation of these features, however, provides only limited information on their origin and the processes leading to their formation and this limits site interpretation. This paper presents the results of geochemical and mineralogical analyses of domestic archaeological soil features in order to assess their composition, formation pathway and origin. The greenish soil features studied here belong to a house plan from a Roman farmhouse located at the Tiel-Passewaaij site in the Netherlands. The soils were investigated using a range of techniques, including X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy, sequential soil extractions, Fourier-transformed infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and microprobe analysis. The results indicate that the studied soil features can chemically be distinguished from off-site soils e.g. based on their phosphate and carbonate content. Mineralogical analysis of aggregate samples from soil features further reveal that quartz and feldspar minerals are coated with Ca–Fe–P phases that closely resemble anapaite and mitridatite mineral forms. The formation of these mineral phases probably resulted from periodic reductive dissolution of Fe-oxide phases and subsequent precipitation of Fe–P phases, with inclusion of Ca from anthropogenic carbonates or groundwater. The combined presence of (Ca)-carbonates, P-phases and some anthropogenic trace elements (Cu, Zn) suggests that the greenish soil features stem from manure inputs.  相似文献   

Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) is carried out for the archaeological site of Vijayapura in south India in order to obtain hazard consistent seismic input ground-motions for seismic risk assessment and design of seismic protection measures for monuments, where warranted. For this purpose the standard Cornell-McGuire approach, based on seismogenic zones with uniformly distributed seismicity is employed. The main features of this study are the usage of an updated and unified seismic catalogue based on moment magnitude, new seismogenic source models and recent ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) in logic tree framework. Seismic hazard at the site is evaluated for level and rock site condition with 10% and 2% probabilities of exceedance in 50 years, and the corresponding peak ground accelerations (PGAs) are 0.074 and 0.142 g, respectively. In addition, the uniform hazard spectra (UHS) of the site are compared to the Indian code-defined spectrum. Comparisons are also made with results from National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA 2010), in terms of PGA and pseudo spectral accelerations (PSAs) at T = 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.25 s for 475- and 2475-yr return periods. Results of the present study are in good agreement with the PGA calculated from isoseismal map of the Killari earthquake, \({\hbox {M}}_{\mathrm{w}} = 6.4\) (1993). Disaggregation of PSHA results for the PGA and spectral acceleration (\({\hbox {S}}_{\mathrm{a}}\)) at 0.5 s, displays the controlling scenario earthquake for the study region as low to moderate magnitude with the source being at a short distance from the study site. Deterministic seismic hazard (DSHA) is also carried out by taking into account three scenario earthquakes. The UHS corresponding to 475-yr return period (RP) is used to define the target spectrum and accordingly, the spectrum-compatible natural accelerograms are selected from the suite of recorded accelerograms.  相似文献   

Understanding site formation processes is crucial for interpreting archaeological context patterns and hominin behaviour as these affect the preserved condition of a site and the integrity of archaeological remains. The fluvio‐lacustrine sequences in the Nihewan Basin of North China are rich sources of early Pleistocene archaeological sites, which offer an important opportunity to investigate human evolution and adapted behaviours in East Asia. Although many Palaeolithic sites have been reported from the Nihewan Basin, North China, few of them focus on site formation processes before interpreting the hominin behaviour patterns. Here, we present a site formation study of four archaeological layers (Layers 6D, 6C, 6B and 6A) in Trench 1 from the Donggutuo (namely DGT‐T1) site in the Nihewan Basin with an age of 1.1 Ma. Through the study of sedimentary contexts, spatial distributions of artefacts and fossils, intra‐assemblage category ratios, debitage size distributions, lithic abrasion, artifact orientation and planar dip, our results show that all the layers had been disturbed by low‐energy sheet wash across the lake shore setting, but to differing extents. The post‐depositional disturbance caused by water decreased from the lower to the upper layers, from Layer 6D to Layer 6A. This indicates that the archaeological remains in DGT‐T1 have not been subject to significant natural modifications and are thus suitable for studying early hominin behaviour in North China. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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