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石油作为现代工业社会的血液和全球性重要的战略资源,被广泛用于交通运输、化工、医药、制造等各行各业。加强石油资源流动研究,有助于理解石油在产业内部以及其他产业之间的流动过程。石油资源流动分析框架及测算方法研究是开展石油供需研究的基础与前提,同时也是石油产品二氧化碳排放评估研究的基础。鉴于此,本文构建了石油资源流动分析框架,把石油资源产业流动过程划分为4阶段,3种流,3种库和2个过程,归纳总结了石油资源流动测算分析方法。以中国为例开展实证研究,研究结果显示:(1)过去二十年中国石油生产、消费和出口量迅猛增长,快速正价的需求和有限的供应能力导致中国石油进口来源呈现多元化,从而实现国家层面上的石油安全;(2)终端消费掉多数石油产品,应该特别关注石油炼制过程中的损失情况;(3)除去原油,不同部门之间的石油产品流入量已经发展了巨大变化,在交通运输和生活消费部门呈现明显的上升趋势,而工业消费量呈现下降趋势。(4)石油资源流动的CO2排放而言,从1993年的4.56亿t上升到2013年的15.17亿t;与此同时,二氧化碳排放的前三名从工业、运输业(包括运输业、仓储和邮政业)、火力发电业转变为交通运输、工业和生活消费。此外,石油资源产业流动需进一步加强系统边界、数据库和针对非能源消费的石油资源流动模型研究等。  相似文献   

构建资源承载力-产品流动-贸易平衡的框架分析国际贸易流动,采用FAOSTA农林产品贸易矩阵数据,以东盟国家大宗农林产品净出口量为指标,刻画了2000、2010年东盟-中国稻米、天然橡胶、纤维板、纸及纸板和木浆的产品流动。发现近10年东盟的粮食生产能力和出口能力明显提升,中国从泰国、越南、柬埔寨的稻米进口量显著增加。中国对东盟天然橡胶的进口依存度大幅增加。东盟对中国的纤维板、纸及纸板等林产品的出口量大幅下降,对我国林产品供应产生较大压力。东盟-中国农林产品流动规模大、经济成本高、环境成本高、资源安全风险大。由此建议如下:完善公平、高效、顺畅的国际贸易流动机制,在更大范围内提高自然资源配置效率、改善生态环境质量;升级国内产业结构、提高资源利用效率、适度控制国际贸易流动规模,规避环境管理、地缘政治风险,保障国家资源安全。  相似文献   

以煤炭消费为主、总量增长迅速、结构演进缓慢、使用效率低下使得中国目前能源消费调控问题面临诸多困难。本文使用多元回归模型和通径分析法确定了中国能源消费增长的主要因子及各因子的作用机理,结果发现:影响中国能源消费的主要因素按照影响程度依次为经济增长、城市化水平、对外贸易、人口总量、能源消费结构及能源利用效率,其中经济增长、人口规模扩大是直接推动中国能源消费增长的原因,而城市化水平和对外贸易规模则通过间接作用推动能源消费增长,能源消费结构的改善和能源利用效率的提高表面上看起来会引发能源消费增加,但是其间接影响都是负的,从而使得这两个因素整体上表现为减缓了能源消费增长。  相似文献   

基于1993-2010年能源数据,探讨了中亚地区的能源产业发展情况及各国的能源生产与消费差异。研究表明:(1)中亚五国的能源产量先降后升,2010年能源总产量达2.61×108t,98%以上产于哈萨克斯坦、土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦,原油、煤炭总产量一直呈增长趋势,天然气总产量变化不大。(2)能源产品消费量随生产量的变化先降后升,2010年能源消费总量为1.45×108t,哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦和土库曼斯坦的能源消费量和人均能源消费量远高于吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦,能源资源丰富的国家能源利用效率相对较低。(3)近年来中亚五国的能源净出口量大幅增加,2010年能源净出口总量为1.16×108t,1998年以后哈萨克斯坦取代土库曼斯坦成为中亚地区的主要能源出口国,吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦的天然气、原油和煤炭等能源需求则主要依靠进口。(4)经济发展对能源产业的依赖较强,哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦和土库曼斯坦丰富的能矿资源成为国家经济发展的主要增长点,吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦能源矿产资源较为缺乏,导致经济总量较低、经济发展速度相对较慢。  相似文献   

为保护生态环境和保持经济社会可持续发展能力,陕西省正式启动了“资源开发生态补偿机制”。从今年7月起。陕西省正式开征煤炭、石油和天然气资源开采水土流失补偿费,并从今年1月1日起补征。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,资源短缺对中国经济的瓶颈作用越来越强烈。作为世界上最大的发展中国家,中国的资源环境现状面临严峻挑战。中国虽然资源总量丰富,但是人均资源量少、结构失衡,多年来以资源环境的大量投入不仅严重破坏了资源基础,更加重了环境恶化的趋势。总体来看,目前中国在资源生产和消费过程中主要存在资源利用效率低下、产品质量不过关、生产集约程度不足、生产和消费失衡以及生产与资源分布不吻合、资源管理不完善等方面的问题,要维持未来中国资源的有效供给,需要建立自然资源开发利用从宏观到微观的统一管理机制,强化机制的综合协调功能,因此我国资源节约型经济的基本模式应是:((消费节省+生产集约)×(政府干预+市场调节))×科技教育。为此,中国资源节约战略可以考虑通过发展循环经济、推进国家资源加工深度化进程、加强资源管理和提高环保意识等措施进行。  相似文献   

中国省际煤炭资源流动的时空演变及驱动力   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
成升魁  徐增让  沈镭 《地理学报》2008,63(6):603-612
根据1957-2005 年中国各省区煤炭调出和调入数据, 运用SPSS 和GIS 方法, 首先对 “一五”~ “十五”各省区的煤炭流动地域类型进行了判别, 然后在省域尺度研究了煤炭资源 区域流动的时空过程, 最后探讨了煤炭资源流动时空演变的驱动力。“一五”~ “十五”中国 省际间煤炭流动演变特征有: 中国省际间煤炭资源流动规模逐年增大, 省际间煤炭调出总量 年均增长5.9%, 煤炭调入总量年均增长5.6%。流动范围逐年扩展, 无流地由1957 年的10 个省区缩小至近年的1 个左右。流场呈集中输流、分散汇流的特征, 调出省区个数< 调入省 区个数, 调出首位度> 调入首位度。煤炭区域流动演变的主要驱动力有: ① 产消不平衡是煤 炭资源区域流动的基本动力。晋陕蒙、西部煤炭产消盈余, 华东、中南、东北煤炭产消亏缺, 决定了北煤南运、西煤东运的煤炭流动格局。② 运煤通道的改善促进了煤炭区域流动。2005 年交通密度指数在20 以上的省区, 煤炭外运条件较好, 交通密度指数20 以下的省区都不同 程度的存在煤炭外运困难。而且, 统筹交通设施布局与煤炭生产布局可极大地推动区域煤炭 流动。③ 煤炭区域价格差异是煤炭流动的信号, 对资源流动的方向和数量产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

中国煤炭资源供应格局演变及流动路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1949—2008年的相关统计数据,分析中国煤炭资源供应格局和流动路径,结果表明:(1)国家政策变动对中国煤炭资源消费规模影响深刻,每一次政策变化都会造成能源消费规模的波动,近年来强烈的能源需求使得我国煤炭供应不得不面临进口的现实;(2)受能源需求和资源禀赋的双重压力,大规模、跨区域、长距离的煤炭运输成为我国能源运输体系的重要特征;(3)尽管煤炭运输方式在向铁路、水路和公路组合并用的多元化发展,但仍然不能满足旺盛的能源需求,煤炭运输瓶颈始终存在,变输煤为输电是缓解当前煤炭运输困难的一个途径。  相似文献   

目前中国以化石能源为主的能源消费格局正逐步优化,清洁能源的消费规模逐步增加。对天然气消费量的预测分析对未来能源消费结构调整具有积极意义。本文创新性地采用拟合值偏离度倒数法进行权重设置,利用残差自回归模型和Kalman滤波算法构建组合预测模型,以《BP世界能源统计年鉴》和《中国统计年鉴》1980–2017年的天然气消费历史数据为对象,对中国天然气消费量进行预测研究。研究结果表明:(1)组合预测模型的预测精度更高:残差自回归预测模型的相对误差落在(–0.08,0.09)区间内,卡尔曼滤波预测的相对误差落在(–0.09, 0.32)区间内,组合预测模型相对误差落在(–0.03, 0.11)区间内。(2)组合预测模型预测结果的稳定性更好:残差自回归预测模型相对误差的预测方差为0.002,卡尔曼滤波预测相对误差的预测方差为0.007,组合预测模型相对误差的预测方差为0.001。(3)其他条件不变的情况下,2018年天然气消费量费预测值为2418.08亿m~3。与其他时间序列预测方法相比,利用残差自回归模型和卡尔曼滤波算法构成的组合预测模型对数据限制条件少,可操作性强,且分析结果更为可信。  相似文献   

彭永林  盛连喜 《地理科学》2007,27(5):666-671
加强生态环境建设,改善生态环境质量已成为世界各国推进可持续发展过程中亟待解决的主要问题,也是中国全面贯彻科学发展观和构建和谐社会面临的重大课题。吉林省在生态环境建设虽然已取得初步成效,但仍然存在土地退化、资源利用效率低下、林草地及湿地质量和功能退化、环境污染加剧等问题。而环境投资能力、产业结构、技术创新能力、管理体制、环境吸纳能力等是导致生态环境问题的主要制约因素。并从政府行为的视角提出了推进吉林省生态环境建设的若干建议。  相似文献   

农田化肥投入过量导致资源浪费和环境污染问题,成为全球关注的焦点和热点.以环渤海地区为例,利用1989-2008年统计年鉴相关数据资料,分析了区域化肥投入的总量变化、区域变化和单位农作物播种面积变化的差异.通过建立农田化肥肥效指标,评价了环渤海地区及其分省(市)的化肥施用效率,研究提出了单位农作物播种面积的化肥施用适宜量,为实现合理施用化肥、提高化肥施用效率和保护农田生态环境提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

可持续性评价的 ImPACTS等式   总被引:68,自引:2,他引:66  
可持续发展要求必须在一个地球的约束下,最大限度地满足人类的发展需求。通过分析生态足迹与人类社会发展的关系,从可更新和不可更新资源利用效益角度来看,在发展的可持续性上发达国家比发展中国家在利用地球容纳环境和社会期望方面具有明显的优势。同时,气候变暖的事实说明,人类对不可更新化石燃料的开采和利用速率已经超过地球上生态系统吸收CO2的能力。各国要取得社会发展并使之具有可持续性,应该在地球的可持续性尺度范围内增加自己的全球足迹份额,而不是简单的减少足迹。以中国的南水北调、北粮南运,粮食安全及世界石油消费利用为例说明了社会资源在缓解和减轻环境影响方面的作用。在剖析经典的IPAT等式及其变种等式ImPACT分析框架的基础上,提出了一个新的可持续性评价研究框架--ImPACTS等式,并讨论了新等式的政策含义。在ImPACTS等式中,新增项S代表社会资源的状态 (社会发展状态),m代表管理,用来强调人类采用协调的方式来解决超过可持续性尺度这一问题的重要性,I因此变成了集成的影响评价--对环境的影响和社会发展的损益评价。  相似文献   

中国省际粮食贸易及其虚拟耕地流动模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
模拟核算中国省际2010-2012年平均粮食贸易隐含的虚拟耕地资源流动量,并从资源利用角度分析粮食交易的合理性,为粮食贸易的优化提供理论依据。在各省粮食供需数据的基础上,利用线性优化,模拟省际粮食贸易。中国省际粮食贸易的虚拟耕地资源流动量达1747.4×104 hm2,东北、华北及长江中下游地区为主要的虚拟耕地资源调出区,华南及西南地区是主要的调入区。分别从生产者及消费者的角度核算虚拟耕地资源流动量,前者比后者多出近250×104 hm2。研究表明,中国省际粮食贸易隐含的虚拟耕地资源流动在一定程度上缓解了区域耕地资源不平衡,然而对于某些种植效率高的地区来说,粮食输入贸易流却带来了总体耕地资源消耗的增加。  相似文献   

Urbanization is a demographic, economic, and land transformation process. Building construction and operation are integral aspects of urban land use change and contribute to material and energy resources consumption and the resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in urban areas. In this paper, we ask two questions regarding the urbanization process: 1) Do the land, material, and energy use efficiencies associated with the construction and operation of buildings increase over time? 2) Do the gains in resource use efficiencies offset the increases in resource demands due to the magnitude of urbanization? To answer these questions, we use a systematic approach similar to a material flow analysis and apply it to the Pearl River Delta, a rapidly urbanizing region in China. We use a combination of satellite data and official statistics to evaluate changes in urban population density and building density from 1988 to 2008. Both density measures decrease from 1988 to 2003; after 2003, building density increases while population density continues to decline. We also track the indirect impacts of urban land expansion on material and energy demands and associated CO2 emissions using concrete and heating/cooling as proxies for building construction and operation, respectively. Throughout the study period, structural changes and efficiency gains decrease the demand per unit floor area for both building materials and energy. However, the efficiency gains are outstripped by the magnitude of urban expansion, therefore leading to an increase in the demand for resources and CO2 emissions per capita. Our results show that focusing only on gains in efficiency for individual buildings without considering the scale of urban expansion results in underestimate of the cumulative energy, material, and greenhouse gas emissions impacts of urbanization. We emphasize the distinction between the rates versus the accumulations of these impacts over spatial and temporal scales. We discuss the relevance of the Environmental Kuznets approaches to tackling environmental impacts that are cumulative in nature and may lead to irreversible changes in the environment. We conclude that tracking the energy, materials, and emissions impacts of urbanization requires a multi-scale approach that ranges from the individual building to the urban region.  相似文献   

In a world of climate change and socio-economic development, oil is the strategic resource that is closely intertwined and interdependent. Tracing the evolution of petroleum resources flow is fundamental to understanding petroleum supply and demand, and can also serve as the basis for assessing CO2 emissions from petroleum products. This paper aims to provide a petroleum products flow accounting framework that divides petroleum flow into four phases, three flows, three libraries, and two processes, and summarizes the approach to measure and analyze petroleum resources flows. It takes China as an example for empirical research, and finds that: ① China’s petroleum production, consumption and import have significantly increased over the past two decades, and the combination of increasing demand and limited supply have created an urgent need for China to diversify its petroleum sources globally to ensure its oil security. ② Final consumption accounts for the use of most petroleum products and special attention should be paid to the losses in the petroleum refining process. ③ With the exception of crude oil, petroleum product flows among various sectors has changed greatly. Particularly, the flow of petroleum products into transport and residential consumption has trended upward significantly, whereas the flow to industry is trending downward. ④ CO2 emission data shows that CO2 emission amounts increased rapidly from 456Mt in 1993 to 1517Mt in 2013. Previously, the top three CO2 emitters were the industrial sector, the transport sector including the transport, storage and post segments, and the thermal power sector. Currently, the largest emitters are the transport sector, the industrial sector and the residential consumption sector. Finally, poorly demarcated system boundaries and incomplete databases and models constrain research on industry flows of petroleum resources for non-energy use.  相似文献   

The resource-ecological potential of forests is represented by the reserves of growing stock and total phytomass. Non-exhaustion forest exploitation can be based on a balance of deafforestation and appropriate regeneration of timber and other forest resources, and efficient protection against fires and other negative impacts for a stable development of the forest complex and for sustained resource and ecological functions of forests.  相似文献   

Based on provincial panel data of water footprint and grey water footprint, and with the help of data envelopment analysis model considering and without considering the unde- sirable output, this paper estimates the water resources utilization efficiency in China from 1997 to 2011. The spatial weighting matrix based on economy-spatial distance function is established to discuss spatial autocorrelation of water resources utilization efficiency. With the help of absolute/3-convergence model, this paper concludes that there exists/%convergence in the water resources utilization efficiency. Under the conditions of considering and without considering the undesirable output, it takes about 52.6 and 5.6 years respectively to achieve the extent of half of convergence. By mean of the spatial Durbin econometric model, this paper studies spatial spillover effects of the provincial water resources utilization efficiency in China. The results are as follows. 1) With considering and without considering the undesir- able output, there is significant spatial correlation in provincial water resource efficiency in China. 2) Under the two cases, the spatial autoregressive coefficients (p) are 0.278 and 0.507 respectively, at 1% significance level. There exist the spatial spillover effects of provin- cial water resources utilization efficiency. 3) With considering the undesirable output, these factors of the education funds, the transportation infrastructure, and the industrial and agri- cultural water consumption proportion have positive impacts. These factors of foreign direct investment, the industry value-added water consumption per ten thousand yuan, per capita water consumption, and the total precipitation have negative impacts. 4) Without considering the undesirable output, the factor of GDP per laborer has a greater positive significant influ- ence on the water resources utilization efficiency. However the facts of industry value-added water consumption in ten thousand yuan and the transportation infrastructure have no sig- nificant influence. 5) Regardless of undesirable output of water resources utilization efficiency the assessment of the present real water resources utilization in China will be distorted and policy-making will be misled. The water efficiency measure considering environmental factors (such as gray water footprint) is more reasonable.  相似文献   

流域水资源开发阈值模型及其在黄河流域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流域水资源开发阈值是流域水资源合理利用的基础和流域生态系统健康的保证。随着水资源短缺引起的 问题日益突出, 人们对水资源开发阈值的认识也在不断加深, 从最初的“水资源总量”、“可利用量”和“可供水量” 等, 到考虑生态需水和水质保护的水资源可利用量。本文在这些理念的基础上, 提出一种新的流域水资源开发阈值 及其计算模型, 即考虑水资源量、不可利用的洪水量、被污染水量、生态需水量及重复计算水量, 综合计算流域水资 源开发阈值。黄河流域作为我国水资源严重短缺地区, 水资源开发面临严峻挑战。以黄河流域为例, 运用该阈值模 型对黄河流域水资源开发阈值进行初步计算, 得到开发阈值多年平均约为238 亿m3, 占黄河天然径流量的40%左 右, 符合国际公认的流域水资源开发标准。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between mineral resources exploitation and economic and urban development in Xinjiang. The article summarizes the mineral resource exploitation development of Xinjiang especially over the last 50 years, and investigates energy industries and their driving forces, directions, and economic impact on the oasis urban system evolution in Xinjiang. Methods like correlation analysis, location quotient and elastic coefficient are employed in the presentation and discussion, and also field reconnaissance surveys, interviews and secondary sources are used. The result shows Xinjiang's economic growth is promoted by the contributions of the increasing mineral resource industry which promotes economic development by accelerating infrastructure construction, developing industry and raising revenue and fixed investment. Mineral exploitation in recent years had profound impacts on urban development as a growth engine. The evolution of urban system has a close relationship with resource exploitation, and statistical results provide strong evidence to support the argument that mineral resource exploitation has promoted the growth of built-up areas and its expansion patterns in Xinjiang, especially regions along the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

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