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We develop and test an algorithm for modeling and removing elevation error in kinematic GPS trajectories in the context of a kinematic GPS survey of the salar de Uyuni, Bolivia. Noise in the kinematic trajectory ranges over 15 cm and is highly autocorrelated, resulting in significant contamination of the topographic signal. We solve for a noise model using crossover differences at trajectory intersections as constraints in a least-squares inversion. Validation of the model using multiple realizations of synthetic/simulated noise shows an average decrease in root-mean-square-error (RMSE) by a factor of four. Applying the model to data from the salar de Uyuni survey, we find that crossover differences drop by a factor of eight (from an RMSE of 5.6 to 0.7 cm), and previously obscured topographic features are revealed in a plan view of the corrected trajectory. We believe that this algorithm can be successfully adapted to other survey methods that employ kinematic GPS for positioning.  相似文献   

Accurate absolute GPS positioning through satellite clock error estimation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 An algorithm for very accurate absolute positioning through Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite clock estimation has been developed. Using International GPS Service (IGS) precise orbits and measurements, GPS clock errors were estimated at 30-s intervals. Compared to values determined by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the agreement was at the level of about 0.1 ns (3 cm). The clock error estimates were then applied to an absolute positioning algorithm in both static and kinematic modes. For the static case, an IGS station was selected and the coordinates were estimated every 30 s. The estimated absolute position coordinates and the known values had a mean difference of up to 18 cm with standard deviation less than 2 cm. For the kinematic case, data obtained every second from a GPS buoy were tested and the result from the absolute positioning was compared to a differential GPS (DGPS) solution. The mean differences between the coordinates estimated by the two methods are less than 40 cm and the standard deviations are less than 25 cm. It was verified that this poorer standard deviation on 1-s position results is due to the clock error interpolation from 30-s estimates with Selective Availability (SA). After SA was turned off, higher-rate clock error estimates (such as 1 s) could be obtained by a simple interpolation with negligible corruption. Therefore, the proposed absolute positioning technique can be used to within a few centimeters' precision at any rate by estimating 30-s satellite clock errors and interpolating them. Received: 16 May 2000 / Accepted: 23 October 2000  相似文献   

High-frequency multipath would be problematic for studies at seismic or antenna dynamical frequencies as one could mistakenly interpret them as signals. A simple procedure to identify high-frequency multipath from global positioning system (GPS) time series records is presented. For this purpose, data from four GPS base stations are analyzed using spectral analyses techniques. Additional data, such as TEQC report files of L1 pseudorange multipath, are also used to analyze the high-frequency multipath and confirmation of the high-frequency multipath inferred from the phase records. Results show that this simple procedure is effective in identification of high-frequency multipath. The inferred information can aid interpretation of multipath at the GPS site, and is important for a number of reasons. For example, the information can be used to study GPS site selections and/or installations.
Clement OgajaEmail:

文章采用静态模拟动态的手段,研究基于精密单点定位技术实时确定海上舰船位置和姿态的方法,并分析实时精密单点定位技术的定位定姿精度.研究表明:用精密单点定位技术进行实时动态定位,一般可获得2cm的平面定位精度和4cm左右的高程精度;在动态精密单点定位技术的定位精度一定的情况下,航向角的精度高于横滚角和俯仰角;真实动态观测值的随机误差比静态模拟的大,定位和定姿精度可能会有所降低.  相似文献   

收敛速度慢一直是限制精密单点定位(precise point positioning, PPP)发展的重要因素。研究表明,通过高精度电离层延迟改正,进而实现精密单点定位实时动态(PPP-real time kinematic,PPP-RTK),可显著提升PPP的收敛速度。目前区域PPP-RTK中电离层主要采用单星多项式电离层模型(satellite-based ionospheric model with polynomial function,SIM_POLY)与单星电离层延迟反距离内插模型(satellite-based ionospheric model with inverse distance weight function,SIM_IDW)进行建模。为了检验上述两种模型在不同纬度的建模精度,对中国广东、湖北及河北3个省上空电离层延迟进行建模,并将其应用于单/双系统、浮点解及固定解中,分析其定位性能。实验结果表明,在低纬度区域,SIM_IDW模型表现略优于SIM_POLY模型,中高纬度区域则并无显著差异。浮点解PPP中,将SIM_IDW模型及SIM_POLY模型改正下的结果与无电离层组合PPP(ionosphere-free combination PPP, IFPPP)及欧洲定轨中心(Centre for Orbit Determination in Europe,CODE)的全球电离层格网(global ionospheric map,GIM)改正下的非差非组合结果进行比较,发现区域电离层模型改正下的PPP定位效果更好;与湖北省及广东省定位结果相比,河北省数据收敛速度最快,单GPS解算模式下采用SIM_IDW及SIM_POLY模型改正下的定位精度相较于IFPPP分别提升了43.7%和43.0%。固定解PPP中,河北省GPS+北斗解算模式下SIM_IDW、SIM_POLY模型改正下的PPP-RTK首个历元模糊度固定成功率分别可达86.09%和89.13%,且水平方向定位精度首个历元收敛至5 cm,高程方向定位精度1.5 min内收敛至10 cm;定位精度方面,在引入北斗系统之后,双系统PPP-RTK相较于单GPS有明显提升,河北省GPS+北斗解算模式下SIM_IDW、SIM_POLY模型改正下的PPP-RTK水平及三维定位精度分别为1.3 cm和3.5 cm。通过SIM_IDW及SIM_POLY模型建立区域电离层模型进而实现PPP-RTK,可以显著缩短PPP收敛时间,提高定位精度。  相似文献   

GPS/VRS 卫星定位服务网络建设与精度评定   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
虚拟参考站技术是近几年发展起来的,集Internet、无线通讯、计算机网络和GPS于一体的卫星定位技术。成都虚拟参考站卫星定位服务系统的建设,在设计上可满足全天候地向大成都地区用户提供厘米级实时动态定位服务。为了对该系统的实际定位精度进行客观的评价,从2 0 0 4年7月开展,历时两个月,全面完成了成都虚拟参考站卫星定位服务系统的精度评定工作,结果表明:在网内,水平方向上的精度可达2 .5cm ,垂直方向上的精度为4 . 5cm ,精度分布均匀;在网外,未模型化的距离相关误差的残余逐步增大,特别是距离网络中心大于1 2 0km以上时,定位精度开始衰减,为分米级。  相似文献   

本文对车载激光扫描数据进行了研究,将投影点密度(DoPP)与电线杆的几何特点相结合,提出了一种基于激光扫描数据的电线杆自动识别和定位的方法。首先,将车载测量系统获取的激光点云投影到水平面,建立水平格网,设置投影点密度阈值分类出杆状地物所在的格网区域;然后将分类得到的杆状数据拟合成为一条空间直线,以电线杆的几何特性作为期望值和方差,自动识别电线杆;最后,该空间直线与地面网格相交确定电线杆的定位位置。本文算法与T3D Analyst商用软件提取的电线杆进行比较,实验结果表明本文方法行之有效。  相似文献   

Implementation and testing of the gridded Vienna Mapping Function 1 (VMF1)   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
J. Kouba 《Journal of Geodesy》2008,82(4-5):193-205
The new gridded Vienna Mapping Function (VMF1) was implemented and compared to the well-established site-dependent VMF1, directly and by using precise point positioning (PPP) with International GNSS Service (IGS) Final orbits/clocks for a 1.5-year GPS data set of 11 globally distributed IGS stations. The gridded VMF1 data can be interpolated for any location and for any time after 1994, whereas the site-dependent VMF1 data are only available at selected IGS stations and only after 2004. Both gridded and site-dependent VMF1 PPP solutions agree within 1 and 2 mm for the horizontal and vertical position components, respectively, provided that respective VMF1 hydrostatic zenith path delays (ZPD) are used for hydrostatic ZPD mapping to slant delays. The total ZPD of the gridded and site-dependent VMF1 data agree with PPP ZPD solutions with RMS of 1.5 and 1.8 cm, respectively. Such precise total ZPDs could provide useful initial a priori ZPD estimates for kinematic PPP and regional static GPS solutions. The hydrostatic ZPDs of the gridded VMF1 compare with the site-dependent VMF1 ZPDs with RMS of 0.3 cm, subject to some biases and discontinuities of up to 4 cm, which are likely due to different strategies used in the generation of the site-dependent VMF1 data. The precision of gridded hydrostatic ZPD should be sufficient for accurate a priori hydrostatic ZPD mapping in all precise GPS and very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) solutions. Conversely, precise and globally distributed geodetic solutions of total ZPDs, which need to be linked to VLBI to control biases and stability, should also provide a consistent and stable reference frame for long-term and state-of-the-art numerical weather modeling.  相似文献   

赵红  涂锐  刘智  蒋光伟 《测绘学报》2017,46(8):988-998
受特殊海岸线及复杂海底地形的影响,目前发布的全球海潮模型在局部沿海地区差异较大,需利用其他大地测量手段直接测定沿海地区的海潮负荷位移参数。GPS技术因具有全天候、精度高、成本低等优势,已成为获取海潮负荷位移参数的有效手段。本文基于GPS技术监测测站三维位移变化的灵敏度高于监测48个海潮参数的灵敏度这一基本思想,改进了利用GPS精密单点定位(PPP)技术估计48个海潮调和参数的方法,直接逐历元求解三维海潮负荷位移变化,再利用调和分析方法提取主要潮波(M2、S2、N2、K2、K1、O1、P1、Q1)的海潮负荷位移建模参数(振幅与相位)。利用12个香港连续运行参考站(CORS)8年的GPS观测数据,计算各测站的海潮负荷位移建模参数。与传统方法比较,本文方法可有效加速K1潮波在东西方向的收敛。将GPS海潮负荷位移建模参数估值与中国近海海潮模型值比较,发现除S2、K2和K1潮波的均方根误差较大外,其他潮波的均方根误差均小于1.5mm。将香港2008—2014年验潮站数据反演的潮波参数与海潮模型值比较,结果表明:GPS与验潮站数据反演的潮波参数均与中国近海海潮模型及HAMTIDE2011.11A全球海潮模型符合较好,验证了GPS PPP反演海潮负荷位移的有效性。采用GPS PPP估计的8个潮波的振幅与相位值替换全球海潮模型中对应的潮波值,进行海潮负荷效应改正,可减弱GPS长时间序列中的半周年信号。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the third-order residual range error in the dual-frequency correction of ionospheric effects on satellite navigation. We solve the two-point trajectory problem using the perturbation method to derive second-approximation formulas for the phase path of the wave propagating through an inhomogeneous ionosphere. It is shown that these formulas are consistent with the results derived from applying perturbation theory directly to the eikonal equation. The resulting expression for the phase path is used in calculating the residual range error of dual-frequency global positioning system (GPS) observations, in view of second- and third-order terms. The third-order correction includes not only the quadratic correction of the refractive index but also the correction for ray bending in an inhomogeneous ionosphere. Our calculations took into consideration that the ionosphere has regular large-scale irregularities, as well as smaller-scale random irregularities. Numerical examples show that geomagnetic field effects, which constitute a second-order correction, typically exceed the effects of the quadratic correction and the regular ionospheric inhomogeneity. The contribution from random irregularities can compare with or exceed that made by the second-order correction. Therefore, random ionospheric irregularities can make a significant (sometimes dominant) contribution to the residual range error.  相似文献   

In September 1996 the University of Calgary tested a combination of strapdown inertial navigation systems and differential global positioning system (DGPS) receivers for their suitability to determine gravity at aircraft flying altitudes. The purpose of this test was to investigate the long-term accuracy and repeatability of the system, as well as its potential for geoid and vertical gradient of gravity determination. The test took place during a 3-day period in the Canadian Rocky Mountains over a single 100 × 100 km area which was flown with 10-km line spacing. Two flights were done at 4350 m in E–W and N–S profile directions, respectively, and one at 7300 m with E–W profiles. Two strapdown inertial systems, the Honeywell LASEREF III and the Litton-101 Flagship, were flown side by side. Comparison of the system estimates with an upward-continued reference showed root-mean-square (RMS) agreement at the level of 3.5 mGal for 90- and 120-s filter lengths. The LASEREF III, however, performed significantly better than the Litton 101 for shorter filtering periods of 30 and 60 s. A comparison between the two systems results in an RMS agreement of 2.8 and 2.3 mGal for the 90- and 120-s filters. The better agreement between the two systems is mainly due to the fact that the upward-continued reference has not been filtered identically to the system gravity disturbance estimates. Additional low-frequency differences seem to point to an error in the upward-continued reference. Finally, an analysis of crossover points between flight days for the LASEREF III shows a standard deviation of 1.6 mGal, which is near the noise level of the INS and GPS data. Further improvements to the system are possible, and some ideas for future work are briefly presented. Received: 17 March 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

摘要GPS精密单点定位技术已经发展成为GPS领域研究的热点之一。本文主要讨论了:情密单点定位的数学模型、误差处理理论和数据预处理等,并利用Matlab编程进行实验性验证,最终对静态单点:乏位分别采用双频载波相位平滑后的P码伪距组成消电离层组合的最小二乘估计和卡尔曼滤波估计进行处理,得到亚米级的定位结果。  相似文献   

联合双频GPS数据,利用相位平滑伪距算法,可得到包含斜向电离层总电子含量(slant total electron content,sTEC)、测站和卫星差分码偏差(differential code bias,DCB)的电离层观测值(称之为"平滑伪距电离层观测值"),常应用于与电离层有关的研究。然而,平滑伪距电离层观测值易受平滑弧段长度和与测站有关的误差影响。提出一种新算法:利用非组合精密单点定位技术(precise point positioning,PPP)计算电离层观测值(称之为"PPP电离层观测值"),进而估计sTEC和站星DCB。基于短基线试验,先用一台接收机按上述两种方法估计sTEC,用于改正另一接收机观测值的电离层延迟以实施单频PPP,结果表明,利用PPP电离层观测值得到的sTEC精度较高,定位结果的可靠性较强。随后,选取全球分布的8个IGS(internationalGNSS service)连续跟踪站2009年1月内某四天的观测数据,利用上述两种电离层观测值计算所有卫星的DCB,并将计算结果与CODE发布的月平均值进行比较,其中,平滑伪距电离层观测值的卫星DCB估值与CODE(Centre for Orbit Deter mination in Europe)发布值的差别较大,部分卫星甚至可达0.2~0.3 ns,而PPP电离层观测值而言,绝大多数卫星对应的差异均在0.1 ns以内。  相似文献   

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