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Measurements of the stratospheric contents of O3 and NO2 in the Moscow region were used to analyze the anomalies of these species related to the sudden stratospheric warming in the winter and the following deformation of the stratospheric circumpolar vortex in early February 2010 and the latitudinal displacement of the vortex towards the European sector in late March 2011 before the final warming in the spring. In the first case, an increase in the O3 and NO2 contents up to 85% and by two times, respectively, was recorded. In the second case, the O3 content decreased by one-fourth and the NO2 content dropped by two times as compared to the average values for the periods that preceded the beginning of the anomalies.  相似文献   

T. Von Clarmann 《Atmósfera》2013,26(3):415-458
This paper reviews the various aspects of chlorine compounds in the stratosphere, both their roles as reactants and as tracers of dynamical processes. In the stratosphere, reactive chlorine is released from chlorofluorocarbons and other chlorine-containing organic source gases. To a large extent reactive chlorine is then sequestered in reservoir species ClONO2 and HCl. Re-activation of chlorine happens predominantly in polar winter vortices by heterogeneous reaction in combination with sunlight. Catalytic cycles involving Cl, ClO, BrO, Cl2O2, ClO2, and others like NO, NO2, OH, and HO2 remove odd oxygen (ozone and atomic oxygen) from the atmosphere. Under an ozone hole condition, the ClO dimer cycle is particularly important, while in mid-latitudes the short-lived reservoir HOC1 has some importance. Solar proton events can also affect stratospheric chlorine chemistry, but whether solar protons effectively activate or deactivate chlorine was shown to depend on illumination conditions. The lifetime of chlorofluorocarbons has an impact on the availability of ozone destructing substances in the stratosphere and depends on the Brewer-Dobson circulation which controls at which altitudes and how long an air parcel is exposed to photochemistry. In turn, the chlorine-containing source gases can be used as tracers to constrain the age of stratospheric air and thus to diagnose the Brewer-Dobson circulation. The use of complementary measurement systems was essential to extend our knowledge on chlorine-containing compounds in the stratosphere. ClO is best measured by remote sensing in its rotational bands in the far infrared and microwave region. For HOC1 the far infrared bands are ideal, but some substantial information was also gained with microwave and mid-infrared measurements. ClONO2 is only measured in the thermal infrared, while HCl has a measurable signal in the microwave, far infrared and mid-infrared regions. The mid-infrared HCl lines, however, are situated at wavelengths where blackbody emission at terrestrial temperatures is so low that infrared measurements of HCl are possible only in solar absorption geometry, but not in thermal emission. Chlorine source gases are most accurately measured by air sampling techniques, while global coverage can only be achieved by satellite-borne thermal infrared measurements. In epistemological terms, research on stratospheric chemistry and particularly the role of chlorine compounds used various scientific concepts from deductive reasoning, falsificationism, abductive reasoning and so-called “puzzle-solving within normal science”. The structuralist theory of science with the concept of non-statement view of theories, however, seems to be best applicable to stratospheric chlorine research of the recent decades.  相似文献   

One-dimensional photochemical diffusive model has been used to obtain the altitude and temporal variation of O3 in the range of 50 to 150km height. More than 60 chemical reactions and photo-dissociatons of oxygen-hydrogen atmosphere are incorporated. Their contribution in the formation or distribution directly or indirectly, is critically examined. In the altitude profile of O3 concentration, it is observed that there is slight increase in concentration around 85km which is due to the increase in production rate at that height through the following reaction as: O+O2+M→O3+M (M=total atmospheric concentration) and the sharp decrease above 90km is also through the same reaction. Two altitude profiles of ozone concentration, one from photochemical equilibrium and other from non-equilibrium model are obtained. It is seen that in the mesosphere these two profiles are comparable. Further it is also seen that the average night time concentration is more than that in the day. Results obtained are compared with experimental values.  相似文献   

Ozone trends in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere over the Indian region are investigated using three satellite data sets namely Halogen Occultation Experiment (1993–2005), Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (1993–2005) II, and Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS, 2005–2011). Estimated ozone trends using multi-variate regression analysis are compared with trends at two Indian ozonesonde stations (Delhi, 28°N, 77°E and Pune, 18°N, 73°E), and a 3-D Chemical Transport Model (CTM, SLIMCAT) for the 1993–2005 time period. Overall, all the observational data sets and model simulations indicate significant increasing trend in the upper troposphere (0–2.5 %/year). In the lower stratosphere, estimated trends are slightly positive up to 30 mb and are negative between 30 and 10 mb. Increasing trends in the upper troposphere is probably due to increasing trends in the tropospheric ozone precursor gases (e.g. CO, NO x , NMHCs). Here, we argue that these contrasting ozone-trend profiles might be partially responsible for insignificant long-term trends in the tropical total column ozone. On seasonal scale, positive trends are observed during all the seasons in the upper troposphere while structure of trend profile varies in lower stratosphere. Seasonal variations of ozone trends and its linkages with stratospheric intrusions and increasing trends in lightning flashes in the troposphere are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2007,339(11-12):775-783
Here we explore the effects of projected future changes in global ozone concentrations on premature human mortality, under three scenarios for 2030. We use daily surface ozone concentrations from a global atmospheric transport and chemistry model, and ozone–mortality relationships from daily time-series studies. The population-weighted annual average 8-h daily maximum ozone is projected to increase, relative to the present, in each of ten world regions under the SRES A2 scenario and the current legislation (CLE) scenario, with the largest growth in tropical regions, while decreases are projected in each region in the maximum feasible reduction (MFR) scenario. Emission reductions in the CLE scenario, relative to A2, are estimated to reduce about 190,000 premature human mortalities globally in 2030, with the most avoided mortalities in Africa. The MFR scenario will avoid about 460,000 premature mortalities relative to A2 in 2030, and 270,000 relative to CLE, with the greatest reductions in South Asia.  相似文献   

Ozone is one of the most significant secondary pollutants with numerous negative effects on human health and environment including plants and vegetation. Therefore, more effort is made recently by governments and associations to predict ozone concentrations which could help in establishing better plans and regulation for environment protection. In this study, we use two Artificial Neural Network based approaches (MPL and RBF) to develop, for the first time, accurate ozone prediction models, one for urban and another one for rural area in the eastern part of Croatia. The evaluation of actual against the predicted ozone concentrations revealed that MLP and RBF models are very competitive for the training and testing data in the case of Kopa?ki Rit area whereas in the case of Osijek city, MLP shows better evaluation results with 9% improvement in the correlation coefficient. Furthermore, subsequent feature selection process has improved the prediction power of RBF network.  相似文献   

Clean air is a basic requirement for human health and wellbeing. The Kenya Meteorological Department has established air pollution monitoring activities in various sites in Nairobi, at Dagoretti Corner meteorological station and at Mount Kenya. Different pollutants are measured including ozone. The increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has influenced the weather and climate. This study examined the variations of surface ozone over Dagoretti Corner, Nairobi for a 12-month period ending July 2013, exactly one year after the start of data acquisition. The trend was studied using time series analysis of ozone concentration on both an hourly and monthly basis. The ozone data was then combined with meteorological data and temperature to find correlations between the two. Overall, the air quality of Nairobi, represented by Dagoretti Corner meteorological station is good as compared to the World Meteorological Organization ozone standards. The highest concentration of ozone is observed in the afternoon and the minimum at dawn on a daily basis. On seasonal scale, the highest levels are recorded in the cold months. This information helps to reduce exposure to the gas and thus to reduce its impacts on living things. The study recommends the reduction of exposure to the gas during the times when it has been observed to be highest in order to minimize its impacts.  相似文献   

Rocket-borne observations of the extinction of solar hydrogen Lyman-alpha radiation made during the solar eclipses of 20 May 1966 at Karistos for normal and 44% visibility and of 7 March 1970 at East Quoddy for normal, 10% and 0.6% visibility have been used to study the variation of temperature in the mesosphere during these events. It is seen that near the mesopause the decrease of temperature at Karistos is by 20° K for 44% visibility and at East Quoddy by 100° K for 0.6% visibility. Possible causes of these temperature variationsvis-a-vis molecular oxygen and pressure variations have been briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Present study deals with the statistical analysis of long-term ground level ozone (O3) trend and the influence of meteorological variables on its variation over Delhi, India. Daily mean and maximum of O3 and meteorological data, obtained from India Meteorological Department, were arranged for the period of 9 years (1998–2006). Based on the preliminary correlation study of all the data with O3, six variables viz. daily maximum temperature, daily average relative humidity, dew point, wind speed, visibility, and total sunshine were selected. Classical additive time series decomposition technique was used to obtain seasonally adjusted long-term trend. To analyze the masking effect of meteorology, adjustment was made using Kolmogorov–Zurbenko filters followed by stepwise regression analysis to the smoothed series of O3 maximum and meteorological variables, which showed that long-term trend was independent of sunshine duration. Results indicate a significant increasing trend with annual increase of 1.13 % for O3 mean and 3 % for O3 maximum. Annual deseasonalized trend for seasonal cycle shows bimodal oscillations. About 43 % of O3 variation was explained by the selected meteorological factors and rest of variation attributed to factors like emission of precursor gases, pollutant transport, policy changes, etc. Among the three tested regression models, performance of Model 2 with variable temperature, wind speed, and visibility was found to be best that resulted in lowering of O3 trend. Large variability (23 %) was explained by the variable visibility depicted that the emission of primary pollutants not only provides the precursor gases but also control the local photochemical reactions.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Wavy spatial variations in the contents of trace gases are identified using plane measurements of O3 concentrations in the medium troposphere and the total content (TC) of...  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(7):393-402
Spectral UV records of solar irradiance at stations over Europe, Canada, and Japan were used to study long-term trends at 307.5 nm for a 25-year period, from 1992 to 2016. Ground-based measurements of total ozone, as well as satellite measurements of the Aerosol Index, the Total Cloud Cover and the surface reflectivity were also used in order to attribute the estimated changes of the UV to the corresponding changes of these factors. The present study shows that over the Northern Hemisphere, the long-term changes in UV-B radiation reaching the Earth's surface vary significantly over different locations, and that the main drivers of these variations are changes in aerosols and total ozone. At high latitudes, part of the observed changes may also be attributed to changes in the surface reflectivity. Over Japan, the UV-B irradiance at 307.5 nm has increased significantly by ∼3%/decade during the past 25 years, possibly due to the corresponding significant decrease of its absorption by aerosols. It was found that the greatest part of this increase took place before the mid-2000s. The only European station, over which UV radiation increases significantly, is that of Thessaloniki, Greece. Analysis of the clear-sky irradiance for the particular station shows increasing irradiance at 307.5 nm by ∼3.5%/decade during the entire period of study, with an increasing rate of change during the last decade, possibly again due to the decreasing absorption by aerosols.  相似文献   

Collected by means of a high-altitude scientific balloon and a self-made automatic sample collector,a total of 276 dust grains were selected for the study of shape,grain size and optical property.Some of the grains were examined by X-ray diffraction and electrom microprobe techniques,The stratospheric dust grains can be classified as 6 types:cosmic dusts,cosmic dusts(?),microtektite,natural pollutants,artificial pollutants and the unknown substances.The different types of dust grains have different characters and distinguishing symbols.Widespread in the space of the solar system,cosmic dusts are the initial substances of the solar system and ,to some degree,have recorded a great wealth of information on the early history of the solar system.So they have become one of the important objects in the field of cosmochemistry at present time,Since the 1960‘s,scholars of many countries have collected cosmic dusts both in the space near the earth(using rock ets,space probes and space shuttles)and in the stratosphere (using high-altitude balloons or U-2air planes).According to the shape(the scanning electron microimage),element composition(the energy-dispersive X-ray spectrum)and optical properties of dust grains,the substances in the stratosphere can be classified as 5 types:cosmic dusts,alumina spheroids,terrestrial artificial pollutants,terrestrial natural pollutants and unknown substances(CDPET,1982).  相似文献   

This study measured the major element concentrations and compositions of atmospheric dust aerosol samples collected weekly for nearly 2 years at Mt. Muztagata, a remote and high-elevation site (38°17′N, 75°01′E, 4,430 m) in the Eastern Pamirs. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP–MS) results show that on the weekly timescale, air at Muztagata contained average element Al concentrations of 842 ng m−3 between June 2004 and December 2005, and 509 ng m−3 between June 2005 and April 2006. The dust load over the Eastern Pamirs appears to be far lower (by more than an order of magnitude) than those in northern China. The Muztagata dust aerosols show Ca/Al ratios (~0.7) and Fe/Al ratios (~0.7) that differ from that in northern China. The general homogeneity exists in the major element compositions, expect Ca/Al ratios which show minor but clear seasonal variations. Element ratios vary with aerosol concentration. Results indicate that concentrations and compositions of Asian dust change significantly between different emission regions, and confirm that major element ratios can be used to efficiently characterize the dust aerosols composition at different sites in northern China.  相似文献   

Mass concentration and mass size distribution of total (composite) aerosols near the surface are essential inputs needed in developing aerosol models for radiative forcing estimation as well as to infer the environment and air quality. Using extensive measurements onboard the oceanographic research vessel, Sagar Kanya, during its cruise SK223B in the second phase of the ocean segment of the Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB), the spatial distribution of the mass concentration and mass size distribution of near-surface aerosols are examined for the first time over the entire Arabian Sea, going as far as 58°E and 22°N, within a span of 26 days. In general, the mass concentrations (M T ) were found to be low with the mean value for the entire Arabian Sea being 16.7 ± 7 μg m?3; almost 1/2 of the values reported in some of the earlier campaigns. Coarse mode aerosols contributed, on an average, 58% to the total mass, even though at a few pockets accumulation mode contribution dominated. Spatially, significant variations were observed over central and northern Arabian Sea as well as close to the west coast of India. In central Arabian Sea, even though the M T was quite low, contribution ofs accumulation aerosols to the total mass concentration was greater than 50%. Effective radius, a parameter important in determining scattering properties of aerosol size distribution, varied between 0.07 and 0.4 μm with a mean value of 0.2 μm. Number size distributions, deduced from the mass size distributions, were approximated to inverse power-law form and the size indices (ν) were estimated. It was found to vary in the range 3.9 to 4.2 with a mean value of 4.0 for the entire oceanic region. Extinction coefficients, estimated using the number-size distributions, were well-correlated with the accumulation mode mass concentration with a correlation coefficient of 0.82.  相似文献   

The precise amount of O2 and O3 in the Earth's prebiological paleoatmosphere has been a topic of considerable discussion in the past. Since the photolysis of H2O and CO2, the prebiological mechanisms to produce O2, depends on the ultraviolet (UV) flux from the Sun, a reliable quantification of the problem requires detailed knowledge of such flux. Using the most recent astronomical observation of young stars from the International Ultraviolet Explorer, as well as a detailed photochemical model of the paleoatmosphere, we find that the amount of O2 in the prebiological paleoatmosphere may have been as much as 106 times greater than previously estimated.Some of the implications of this new value are discussed.  相似文献   

Using satellite measurements from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) version 8, this work presents the total column ozone (TCO) trends over Mexico and, in particular, over the state of Zacatecas. Interannual variations and their statistical dispersion show a surprisingly systematic behavior. Yearly low values occur during December and January, while high values between April and May. A significant depletion of about 2.5% in TCO between 1978 and 1994 is derived from their statistical analysis, which also shows stabilization from 1996 to 2013. Although the depletion is merely significant, it is a sign that the studied regions, crossed by the Tropic of Cancer, have not escaped to the depletion of the ozone layer. The characterization described herein is important in terms of the correlation of TCO and ultraviolet radiation levels.  相似文献   

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