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Results from large-eddy simulations and field measurements have previously shown that the velocity field is influenced by the boundary layer height, z i , during close to neutral, slightly unstable, atmospheric stratification. During such conditions the non-dimensional wind profile, φ m , has been found to be a function of both z/L and z i /L. At constant z/L, φ m decreases with decreasing boundary layer height. Since φ m is directly related to the parameterizations of the air–sea surface fluxes, these results will have an influence when calculating the surface fluxes in weather and climate models. The global impact of this was estimated using re-analysis data from 1979 to 2001 and bulk parameterizations. The results show that the sum of the global latent and sensible mean heat fluxes increase by 0.77 W m−2 or about 1% and the mean surface stress increase by 1.4 mN m−2 or 1.8% when including the effects of the boundary layer height in the parameterizations. However, some regions show a larger response. The greatest impact is found over the tropical oceans between 30°S and 30°N. In this region the boundary layer height influences the non-dimensional wind profile during extended periods of time. In the mid Indian Ocean this results in an increase of the mean annual heat fluxes by 2.0 W m−2 and an increase of the mean annual surface stress by 2.6 mN m−2. 相似文献
Concentrations and flux densities of methane were determined during a Lagrangian study of an advective filament in the permanent upwelling region off western Mauritania. Newly upwelled waters were dominated by the presence of North Atlantic Central Water and surface CH4 concentrations of 2.2 ± 0.3 nmol L−1 were largely in equilibrium with atmospheric values, with surface saturations of 101.7 ± 14%. As the upwelling filament aged and was advected offshore, CH4 enriched South Atlantic Central Water from intermediate depths of 100–350 m was entrained into the surface mixed layer of the filament following intense mixing associated with the shelf break. Surface saturations increased to 198.9 ± 15% and flux densities increased from a mean value over the shelf of 2.0 ± 1.1 μmol m−2 d−1 to a maximum of 22.6 μmol m−2 d−1. Annual CH4 emissions for this persistent filament were estimated at 0.77 ± 0.64 Gg which equates to a maximum of 0.35% of the global oceanic budget. This raises the known outgassing intensity of this area and highlights the importance of advecting filaments from upwelling waters as efficient vehicles for air-sea exchange. 相似文献
Advanced warning of extreme sea level events is an invaluable tool for coastal communities, allowing the implementation of management policies and strategies to minimise loss of life and infrastructure damage. This study is an initial attempt to apply a dynamical coupled ocean–atmosphere model to the prediction of seasonal sea level anomalies (SLA) globally for up to 7 months in advance. We assess the ability of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s operational seasonal dynamical forecast system, the Predictive Ocean Atmosphere Model for Australia (POAMA), to predict seasonal SLA, using gridded satellite altimeter observation-based analyses over the period 1993–2010 and model reanalysis over 1981–2010. Hindcasts from POAMA are based on a 33-member ensemble of seasonal forecasts that are initialised once per month for the period 1981–2010. Our results show POAMA demonstrates high skill in the equatorial Pacific basin and consistently exhibits more skill globally than a forecast based on persistence. Model predictability estimates indicate there is scope for improvement in the higher latitudes and in the Atlantic and Southern Oceans. Most characteristics of the asymmetric SLA fields generated by El-Nino/La Nina events are well represented by POAMA, although the forecast amplitude weakens with increasing lead-time. 相似文献
Aixia Feng Zhiqiang Gong Qiguang Wang Guolin Feng 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2012,109(3-4):635-643
We introduce bilayer networks in this paper to study the coupled air–sea systems. Results show that the framework of bilayer networks is powerful for studying the statistical topology structure and dynamics in the fields of ocean and atmosphere. Based on bilayer networks, the inner and cross interactions of the sea surface temperature (SST) field and the height field are displayed, and the main three-dimensional air–sea interaction pattern is identified. The formation of the main pattern can be explained by the “gearing between the Indian and Pacific Ocean (GIP)” model; therefore, the pattern existence can be confirmed reliably. Furthermore, lead–lag analysis reveals the trigger processes of the “GIP”. That is, the anomalies of the tropical mid-eastern Pacific Ocean SST (TMEPO-SST) appear first; then, through the Walker circulation, the 850-hPa geopotential height over the Pacific Islands responds to the anomalies of the TMEPO-SST 2 months later; finally, the tropical Indian Ocean SST (TIO-SST) responds to the anomalies of the height 1 month later through the Asian monsoon circulation. Therefore, the impacts of the TMEPO-SST to the TIO-SST show 3 months later through the air–sea interactions between the components of the main three-dimensional air–sea interaction mode. The new framework uncovers already-known as well as other novel features of the air–sea systems and general circulation. The application of complex network theory and methodology to understand the complex interactions between the oceans and the atmosphere is promising. 相似文献
This study investigates the effects of air–sea interaction upon simulated tropical climatology, focusing on the boreal summer mean precipitation and the embedded intra-seasonal oscillation (ISO) signal. Both the daily coupling of ocean–atmosphere and the diurnal variation of sea surface temperature (SST) at every time step by accounting for the ocean mixed layer and surface-energy budget at the ocean surface are considered. The ocean–atmosphere coupled model component of the global/regional integrated model system has been utilized. Results from the coupled model show better precipitation climatology than those from the atmosphere-only model, through the inclusion of SST–cloudiness–precipitation feedback in the coupled system. Cooling the ocean surface in the coupled model is mainly responsible for the improved precipitation climatology, whereas neither the coupling itself nor the diurnal variation in the SST influences the simulated climatology. However, the inclusion of the diurnal cycle in the SST shows a distinct improvement of the simulated ISO signal, by either decreasing or increasing the magnitude of spectral powers, as compared to the simulation results that exclude the diurnal variation of the SST in coupled models. 相似文献
Abstract Based on 16 years of oceanographic and meteorological data the monthly variations of the net heat flux at the air‐sea interface in coastal waters near Jeddah show that the sea gains an average of about 14 ±2 W m?2 from April to October and loses about 79± 4W m?2from November to March. The loss of heat during the winter months is not compensated by the gain during the summer months and therefore leads to an annual average deficit of 25 ± 3 Wm?2. The gain during summer may not favour the formation of a strong seasonal thermocline. 相似文献
David K. Woolf 《大气与海洋》2013,51(4):517-540
Abstract The exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the oceans may occur directly through the sea surface and indirectly through the mediation of additional transient reservoirs: the bubbles injected into the upper ocean by breaking waves. These bubbles both will increase the gross rate of exchange between air and sea and will tend to force a supersaturation of the upper ocean. These two effects are made explicit by writing the equation for the net air‐sea flux of a gas as F = (K0 + Kb)[C — Sp(1 + ?)], where Kb is the contribution of bubbles to the transfer velocity (gross exchange rate) and ? denotes the supersaturation effect. Significant supersaturations can be attributed to the small (≤150‐μm radius) bubbles, which are commonly advected several metres below the sea surface (Woolf and Thorpe, 1991). The values of Kb attributable to this deep flux of bubbles are negligible for most gases, but much greater values are predicted by considering the total flux of bubbles through the sea surface. The contribution of bubbles to the transfer velocity, Kb, is approximately proportional to the whitecap coverage. Transfer velocities are a complex function of the diffusivity and solubility of the dissolved gas. This function depends on the distribution of the bubbles. Transfer velocities of relatively soluble gases (and particularly the contribution of small bubbles) are limited by the volume flux of the bubbles, V, through the inequality Kb ≤ V/β where β is the Bunsen solubility of the gas. Values of Kb can be calculated using measurements of the bubbles in a simulated whitecap (Cipriano and Blanchard, 1981). Large (>150‐μm radius) bubbles are the main contributors to the air‐sea transfer velocity. Transfer velocities are less for more soluble gases. The global average value of Kb for carbon dioxide is probably between 2 and 10 cm h‐1; the best estimate is 8.5 cm h‐1. 相似文献
The global use of and pressure on land resources will continue to rise in tandem with the predicted rise in global population and food demand. Addressing unavoidable trade-offs between satisfying human needs and biodiversity conservation for future generations is of paramount importance when tackling the global environmental challenges of land use. Food consumption patterns are inextricably linked to land-use and land-use changes. The domestic supply and final use of food by humans and feed by animals within the borders of a country have environmental impacts overseas. Countries like Denmark, with considerably high livestock production, import “virtual” land needed to produce cereals and other fodder crops. Denmark's high meat and dairy consumption and trade levels make it a compelling case for this study. The overarching question is: how much land is required to support food and feed consumption in Denmark? This paper assesses the global cropland footprint of Danish food and feed supply from 2000 to 2013 using a consumption-based physical accounting approach. In addition to domestic croplands for local food and supply, we estimate the hectares of cropland displaced in other countries to satisfy Danish demand for food and feed in this period. Secondly, we calculate Denmark's global cropland requirements for the supply of specific livestock products, namely; pork, eggs, beef, milk, and mutton. Globally, animals provide a third of the protein in human diets and agricultural GDP. The total global cropland footprint of Danish food and feed supply decreased by 18% from 1568 kha in 2000 to 1282 kha in 2013 because of a reduction in the consumption of ruminant livestock products. A high share of this reduction can be attributed to increased local self-sufficiency in feed supply as opposed to rising food imports. The share of cropland used for feed in total cropland declined by 5% whereas the share of cropland used for food increased from 28% in 2000 to 32% by 2013. Our findings suggest that reducing domestic meat consumption coupled with local self-sufficiency policies for both food and feed supply could be a means of lowering ecological degradation in exporting countries. 相似文献
本文基于通用地球系统模式框架,建立了一个非常高分辨率准全球的耦合模式,其分量为涡分辨率海洋模式和高分辨率大气模式。利用这个模式,在现代气候条件下成功进行6年的试验,并根据高分辨率观测和再分析资料评估了试验结果。这个模式能够模拟大尺度大气海洋结构,海表面温度(SST)锋面,海洋涡旋动能,和风的细致结构。据此,仔细研究了海洋中尺度结构引起的海气相互作用特征。通过对比观测,这个模式很好再现了由中尺度结构引起的SST和风应力的正相关。同时,正相关在强海洋锋面和涡旋区域特别明显。在模拟中,风对中尺度扰动引起的SST的响应偏弱,但不同区域响应量值略有不同。伴随着风的响应偏弱,表面感热的响应被低估,而潜热的响应则被高估,高估原因是因为模式的边界层偏干。风对SST中尺度异常响应主要来自动量垂直混合和气压调整的综合作用。本研究对于中尺度海气相互作用的模拟提供了一些新的线索及对模式的改进提供科学依据。 相似文献
A number of AGCM simulations were performed by including various land–sea distributions (LSDs), such as meridional LSDs, zonal LSDs, tropical large-scale LSDs, and subcontinental-scale LSDs, to identify their effects on the Asian monsoon. In seven meridional LSD experiments with the continent/ocean located to the north/south of a certain latitude, the LSDs remain identical except the southern coastline is varied from 40 ° to 4 ° N in intervals of 5.6° . In the experiments with the coastline located to the n... 相似文献
A number of AGCM simulations were performed by including various land--seadistributions (LSDs), such as meridional LSDs, zonal LSDs, tropicallarge-scale LSDs, and subcontinental-scale LSDs, to identify their effectson the Asian monsoon. In seven meridional LSD experiments with thecontinent/ocean located to the north/south of a certain latitude, the LSDsremain identical except the southern coastline is varied from 40o to4oN in intervals of 5.6o. In the experiments with the coastlinelocated to the north of 21oN, no monsoon can be found in the subtropicalzone. In contrast, a summer monsoon is simulated when the continent extendsto the south of 21oN. Meanwhile, the earlier onset and strongerintensity of the tropical summer monsoon are simulated with the southwardextension of the tropical continent. The effects of zonal LSDs wereinvestigated by including the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean into the modelbased on the meridional LSD run with the coastline located at 21oN. Theresults indicate that the presence of a mid-latitude zonal LSD induces astrong zonal pressure gradient between the continent and ocean, which inturn results in the formation of an East Asian subtropical monsoon. Thecomparison of simulations with and without the Indian Peninsula andIndo-China Peninsula reveals that the presence of two peninsulas remarkablystrengthens the southwesterly winds over South Asia due to the tropicalasymmetric heating between the tropical land and sea. The tropical zonal LSDplays a crucial role in the formation of cumulus convection. 相似文献
Since the World War II, many economies have transitioned from an agrarian, biomass-based to an industrial, minerals-based metabolic regime. Since 1950, world population grew by factor 2.7 and global material consumption by factor 3.7–71 Gigatonnes per year in 2010. The expansion of the resource base required by human societies is associated with growing pressure on the environment and infringement on the habitats of other species. In order to achieve a sustainability transition, we require a better understanding of the currently ongoing metabolic transition and its potential inertia. In this article, we present a long-term global material flow dataset covering material extraction, trade, and consumption of 177 individual countries between 1950 and 2010. We trace patterns and trends in material flows for six major geographic and economic country groupings and world regions (Western Industrial, the (Former) Soviet Union and its allies, Asia, the Middle East and Northern Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa) as well as their contribution to the emergence of a global metabolic profile during a period of rapid industrialization and globalization. Global average material use increased from 5.0 to 10.3 tons per capita and year (t/cap/a) between 1950 and 2010. Regional metabolic rates range from 4.5 t/cap/a in Sub-Saharan Africa to 14.8 t/cap/a in the Western Industrial grouping. While we can observe a stabilization of the industrial metabolic profile composed of relatively equal shares of biomass, fossil energy carriers, and construction minerals, we note differences in the degree to which other regions are gravitating toward a similar form of material use. Since 2000, Asia has overtaken the Western Industrial grouping in terms of its share in global resource use although not in terms of its per capita material consumption. We find that at a sub-global level, the roles of the world regions have changed. There are, however, no signs yet that this will lead to stabilization or even a reduction of global resource use. 相似文献
Ho Nam Cheung Wen Zhou Yaping Shao Wen Chen Hing Yim Mok Man Chi Wu 《Climate Dynamics》2013,41(1):63-79
This study investigates the climatological aspects and temporal characteristics of wintertime Ural-Siberian blocking (USB, centered over 30°–100°E), for the period 1980/1981–2009/2010. Sixty-eight events are identified and their physical structure is diagnosed using thermodynamic and geostrophic vorticity tendency equations. In climatology, horizontal advections play a fundamental role in constructing a USB event, in which the anticyclonic center is a warm core in the troposphere and a cold core in the lower stratosphere. The decay of the thermal structure is related to diabatic cooling along the vertical structure and warm advection in the lower stratosphere. Meanwhile, the collapse of the height structure is caused primarily by cyclonic vorticity advection. A strong interrelationship exists between the intensity and extension of USB events. The temporal characteristics of USB events are analyzed by examining strong and weak events, which are of high and low intensity. The strong events are probably preceded by an open ridge over Europe and a cyclogenesis over the Mediterranean Sea, and their formation is followed by the stronger amplification of a Rossby wave packet across Eurasia. On the other hand, the weak events are likely to be triggered by surface cold anomalies over Siberia. Overall, the evolution of a USB event forms a dynamic linkage with the Siberian high, in which the decay stage of the USB event is accompanied by a southeastward migration of the Siberian high and a subsequent cold air outbreak in East Asia. These results advance our understanding of USB and its relationship with East Asian winter monsoon activities. 相似文献
C.?Chou "author-information "> "author-information__contact u-icon-before "> "mailto:chia@earth.sinica.edu.tw " title= "chia@earth.sinica.edu.tw " itemprop= "email " data-track= "click " data-track-action= "Email author " data-track-label= " ">Email author 《Climate Dynamics》2003,21(1):11-25
Mechanisms determining the tropospheric temperature gradient that is related to the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon are examined in an intermediate atmospheric model coupled with a mixed-layer ocean and a simple land surface model with an idealized Afro–Eurasian continent and no physical topography. These include processes involving in the influence of the Eurasian continent, thermal effects of the Tibetan Plateau and effects of sea surface temperature. The mechanical effect on the large-scale flow induced by the Plateau is not included in this study. The idealized land–sea geometry without topography induces a positive meridional tropospheric temperature gradient thus a weak Asian summer monsoon circulation. Higher prescribed heating and weaker surface albedo over Eurasia and the Tibetan Plateau, which mimic effects of different land surface processes and the thermal effect of the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, strengthens the meridional temperature gradient, and so as cold tropical SST anomalies. The strengthened meridional temperature gradient enhances the Asian summer monsoon circulation and favors the strong convection. The corresponding monsoon rainbelt extends northward and northeastward and creates variations of the monsoon rainfall anomalies in different subregions. The surface albedo over the Tibetan Plateau has a relatively weak inverse relation with the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon. The longitudinal gradient of ENSO-like SST anomalies induces a more complicated pattern of the tropospheric temperature anomalies. First, the positive (negative) longitudinal gradient induced by the El Niño (La Niña)-like SST anomalies weakens (strengthens) the Walker circulation and the circulation between South Asia and northern Africa and therefore the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon, while the corresponding monsoon rainbelt extends northward (southward). The El Niño (La Niña)-like SST anomalies also induces colder (warmer) tropospheric temperature over Eurasia and warmer (colder) tropospheric temperature over the Indian Ocean. The associated negative (positive) meridional gradient of the tropospheric temperature anomalies is consistent with the existence of the weak (strong) Asian summer monsoon. 相似文献
Keith P. Shine 《Climatic change》2009,96(4):467-472
Mansour Almazroui 《Atmospheric Research》2011,99(3-4):400-414
The short-term rainfall climatology regime over Saudi Arabia is obtained from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data for the period 1998–2009. The TRMM rainfall amounts are calibrated with respect to the rain-gauge data recorded at 29 stations across the country. Day-to-day rainfall comparisons show that the TRMM rainfall trends are very similar to the observed data trends, even if a general overestimation in the satellite products must be highlighted. Besides, especially during the wet season, some of the TRMM algorithm runs tend to underestimate the retrieved rainfalls. The TRMM rainfall data also closely follow the observed annual cycle on a monthly scale. The correlation coefficient for rainfall between the TRMM and the rain-gauge data is about 0.90, with a 99% level of significance on the monthly scale.The spatio-temporal distributions of rainfall over Saudi Arabia are analyzed. Besides the four conventional seasons, this analysis consider the wet (November–April) and dry (June–September) seasons, based on the rainfall amounts recorded. Spring is the highest and winter is the second highest rainfall-occurring season, resulting in large amounts of rainfall during the wet season over most of the country. Regional variations in the rainfall climatology over Saudi Arabia are studied through defining four regions. The false alarm ratio, probability of detection, threat score, and skill score are calculated to evaluate the TRMM performance. The country's average annual rainfall measured by the TRMM is 89.42 mm, whereas the observed data is 82.29 mm. Thus, the rainfall in Saudi Arabia is suggested as being the TRMM value multiplied by 0.93 plus 0.04. After this calibration, the TRMM-measured rainfall is almost 100% of the observed data, thereby confirming that TRMM data may be used in a variety of water-related applications in Saudi Arabia. 相似文献