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This study investigates relationships between Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) and the variability of the characteristics of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS), such as the onset dates and total precipitation over central eastern Brazil. The observed onset and total summer monsoon precipitation are estimated for the period 1979?C2007. SST patterns are obtained from the Empirical Orthogonal Function. It is shown that variations in SST on interannual timescales over the South Atlantic Ocean play an important role in the total summer monsoon precipitation. Negative (positive) SST anomalies over the topical South Atlantic along with positive (negative) SST anomalies over the extratropical South Atlantic are associated with early (late) onsets and wet (dry) summers over southeastern Brazil and late (early) onset and dry (wet) summers over northeastern Brazil. Simulations from Phase 3 of the World Climate Research Programme Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP-3) are assessed for the 20th century climate scenario (1971?C2000). Most CMIP3 coupled models reproduce the main modes of variability of the South Atlantic Ocean. GFDL2.0 and MIROC-M are the models that best represent the SST variability over the South Atlantic. On the other hand, these models do not succeed in representing the relationship between SST and SAMS variability.  相似文献   

Observations from several data centers together with a categorization method are used to evaluate the IPCC AR4 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Fourth Assessment Report) climate models' performance in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation and monsoon circulation in East Asia. Out of 19 models under examination, 9 models can relatively well reproduce the 1979-1999 mean June-July-August (JJA) precipitation in East Asia, but only 3 models (Category-1 models) can capture the interdecadal variation of precipitation in East Asia. These 3 models are: GFDL-CM2.0, MIROC3.2 (hires), and MIROC3.2 (medres), among which the GFDL-CM2.0 gives the best performance. The reason for the poor performance of most models in simulating the East Asian summer monsoon interdecadal variation lies in that the key dynamic and thermal-dynamic mechanisms behind the East Asian monsoon change are missed by the models, e.g., the large-scale tropospheric cooling and drying over East Asia. In contrast, the Category-1 models relatively well reproduce the variations in vertical velocity and water vapor over East Asia and thus show a better agreement with observations in simulating the pattern of "wet south and dry north" in China in the past 20 years.
It is assessed that a single model's performance in simulating a particular variable has great impacts on the ensemble results. More realistic outputs can be obtained when the multi-model ensemble is carried out using a suite of well-performing models for a specific variable, rather than using all available models. This indicates that although a multi-model ensemble is in general better than a single model, the best ensemble mean cannot be achieved without looking into each member model's performance.  相似文献   

The South American Monsoon System (SAMS) is a major climatic feature of South America, and its domain extends from Amazon to La Plata basin. The SAMS region is vulnerable to variations of climate and precipitation patterns, which could impact economic activities and lead to potential societal consequences. In the face of a warming future scenario, the importance of the study of the past climate with numerical simulations is to evaluate the climate models and to assure the reliability of future projections. Here we investigate the Mid-Holocene SAMS, evaluating changes in strength, life cycle and associated dynamical mechanisms in ten Earth System Models simulations. Our results show that the SAMS was weaker in the Mid-Holocene than in the pre-industrial climate in December–January–February (DJF), but stronger in September–October–November (SON). This is probably a consequence of insolation variations in the Mid-Holocene, which contributed to changes in the moisture flux from the Atlantic Ocean to the continent, the strength of the upper-level atmospheric circulation, and the amount of precipitation over the SAMS region. Moreover, we suggest that the life cycle of the SAMS was altered during the Mid-Holocene, with an earlier onset and demise. Our results also indicate that Mid-Holocene SAMS changes are connected to precipitation variations near Northeast Brazil, in a dipole configuration of precipitation between western Amazon and Northeast Brazil, due to the influence of the Walker cell. Finally, this study highlights a need for improvement of the numerical models to better simulate the amount of precipitation over South America and the upper-level circulation over western Amazon in SON, which are crucial factors for a more realistic representation of the SAMS.  相似文献   

In order to investigate changes in the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) under the global warming, the MIROC3.2 (hires) coupled general circulation model (CGCM) developed by the Center for Climate System Research is utilized. The outputs of MIROC3.2 (hires) model have been analyzed using two scenarios; the 20th Century Climate in Coupled Models (20C3M) scenario and the Special Reports for Emissions Scenarios A1B (SRES A1B). Eight Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) models are also analyzed to compare model performances. It is shown that the simulation skill of MIROC3.2 (hires) for the EASM is relatively superior to these IPCC CGCMs. It has been found that the intensified rain band and the extended duration of the EASM are anticipated with MIROC3.2 (hires) under the global warming in well accordance with previous studies. Especially, the precipitation due to the cumulus convection is predicted to increase more significantly than the precipitation by the large-scale condensation. Due to the increased land-sea thermal contrast in summer under the global warming, water vapor fluxes in the lower troposphere are enhanced. Consequently, the convective instability may be strengthened and thus it leads to the increase of precipitation by cumulus convection. Moreover, the upper tropospheric circulations associated with the EU pattern would lead to the larger interannual variability of precipitation over the EASM region in the future warm climate. In addition, it is found that the relationship between the sea surface temperature over the tropical Pacific Ocean in the wintertime and the summer rainfall over the East Asia may be weakened, suggesting that the predictability of the EASM might become more difficult under the global warming.  相似文献   

Climate change impact on precipitation for the Amazon and La Plata basins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analyze the local and remote impacts of climate change on the hydroclimate of the Amazon and La Plata basins of South America (SA) in an ensemble of four 21st century projections (1970–2100, RCP8.5 scenario) with the regional climate model RegCM4 driven by the HadGEM, GFDL and MPI global climate models (GCMs) over the SA CORDEX domain. Two RegCM4 configurations are used, one employing the CLM land surface and the Emanuel convective schemes, and one using the BATS land surface and Grell (over land) convection schemes. First, we find considerable sensitivity of the precipitation change signal to both the driving GCM and the RegCM4 physics schemes (with the latter even greater than the first), highlighting the pronounced uncertainty of regional projections over the region. However, some improvements in the simulation of the annual cycle of precipitation over the Amazon and La Plata basins is found when using RegCM4, and some consistent change signals across the experiments are found. One is a tendency towards an extension of the dry season over central SA deriving from a late onset and an early retreat of the SA monsoon. The second is a dipolar response consisting of reduced precipitation over the broad Amazon and Central Brazil region and increased precipitation over the La Plata basin and central Argentina. An analysis of the relative influence on the change signal of local soil-moisture feedbacks and remote effects of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) over the Niño 3.4 region indicates that the former is prevalent over the Amazon basin while the latter dominates over the La Plata Basin. Also, the soil moisture feedback has a larger role in RegCM4 than in the GCMs.  相似文献   

Studies of climate change 6,000 years before present using atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) suggest the enhancement and northward shift of the summer Asian and African monsoons in the Northern Hemisphere. Although enhancement of the African monsoonal precipitation by ocean coupling is a common and robust feature, contradictions exist between analyses of the role of the ocean in the strength of the Asian monsoon. We investigated the role of the ocean in the Asian monsoon and sought to clarify which oceanic mechanisms played an important role using three ocean coupling schemes: MIROC, an atmosphere–ocean coupled general circulation model [C]; an AGCM extracted from MIROC coupled with a mixed-layer ocean model [M]; and the same AGCM, but with prescribed sea surface temperatures [A]. The effect of “ocean dynamics” is quantified through differences between experiments [C] and [M]. The effect of “ocean thermodynamics” is quantified through differences between experiments [M] and [A]. The precipitation change for the African and Asian monsoon area suggested that the ocean thermodynamics played an important role. In particular, the enhancement of the Asian monsoonal precipitation was most vigorous in the AGCM simulations, but mitigated in early summer in ocean coupled cases, which were not significantly different from each other. The ocean feedbacks were not significant for the precipitation change in late summer. On the other hand, in Africa, ocean thermodynamics contributed to the further enhancement of the precipitation from spring to autumn, and the ocean dynamics had a modest impact in enhancing precipitation in late summer.  相似文献   

Summary The East Asian (China, Korea and Japan) summer monsoon precipitation and its variability are examined from the outputs of the coupled climate models performing coordinated experiments leading to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC AR4). Out of the 22 models examined, 14 reproduce the observed shape of the annual cycle well with peak during the boreal summer (June through August), but with varying magnitude. Three models simulate the maximum a month later and with lower magnitudes. Only one model considerably underestimates the magnitude of the annual cycle. The remaining 4 models show some deviations from the observed. Models are unable to simulate the minimum in July with peaks in June and August associated with northward shifts of the Meiyu-Changma-Baiu precipitation band. The realistic simulation of the annual cycle does not appear to depend on the model resolution. The inter-model variation is slightly larger during summer, implying larger diversity of the models in simulating summer monsoon precipitation. The spatial rainfall patterns are reasonably well simulated by most of the models, with several models able to simulate the precipitation associated with the Meiyu-Changma-Baiu frontal zone and that associated with the location of the subtropical high over the north Pacific. Simulated spatial distribution could be sensitive to model resolution as evidenced by two versions of MIROC3.2 model. The multi-model ensemble (MME) pattern reveals an underestimation of seasonal precipitation over the east coast of China, Korea-Japan peninsular and the adjoining oceanic regions. This may be related with the mass-flux based scheme employed for convective parameterization by majority of the models. Further the inter-model variation of precipitation is about 2 times stronger south of 30° N, than north of this latitude, indicating larger diversity of the coupled models in simulating low latitude precipitation. The simulated inter-annual variability is estimated by computing the mean summer monsoon seasonal rainfall and the coefficient of variability (CV). In general the mean observed seasonal precipitation of 542 mm and CV of 6.7% is very well simulated by most of the models. Except for one model mean seasonal precipitation varies from 400 to 650 mm. However the CV varies from 2 to 9%. Future projections under the radiative forcing of doubled CO2 scenario are examined for individual models and by the MME technique. Changes in mean precipitation and variability are tested by the t-test and F-ratio respectively to evaluate their statistical significance. The changes in mean precipitation vary from −0.6% (CNRM-CM3) to about 14% (ECHO-G; UKMO-HadCM3). The MME technique reveals an increase varying from 5 to 10%, with an average of 7.8% (greater than the observed CV of 6.7%) over the East Asian region. However the increases are significant over the Korea-Japan peninsula and the adjoining north China region only. The increases may be attributed to the projected intensification of the subtropical high, Meiyu-Changma-Baiu frontal zone and the associated influx of moist air from the Pacific inland. The projected changes in the amount of precipitation are directly proportional to the projected changes in the strength of the subtropical high. Further the MME suggests a possible increase in the length of the summer monsoon precipitation period from late spring through early autumn. The changes in precipitation could be stabilized by controlling the CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

This study defines the concepts of wind onset and wind withdrawal to describe the abrupt seasonal variations of wind direction and circulation of the Asian monsoon. The patterns of wind onset and withdrawal show that the earliest wind onset in the tropical monsoon regions is found over equator around 70°–100°E and the southernmost South China Sea (SCS) and western Kalimantan, and the wind withdrawal shows a southward progression in tropics compared to the wind onset. A notable temporal boundary is found around 25°N in the subtropical western North Pacific (WNP), which may be related to the northward advance and southward retreat of the western Pacific subtropical high. The angle amplitudes of wind vectors in wind onset and withdrawal have distinct regional differences in Asian monsoon regions. Since the process of monsoon onset (withdrawal) may include several onsets of different variables without simultaneity, the relationships of the wind onset and withdrawal with the abrupt change of other variables (e.g. reversal of zonal wind, reversal of meridional wind, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), precipitation) are investigated. The results indicate that the temporal discrepancies in different monsoon regions confirmed the asynchronous onsets. It also implies that the wind onset might be a good omen for monsoon precipitation in most regions since it is slightly earlier than rainy season onset. Seven Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) models from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) are validated against observations mentioned above. Generally, the simulations of the multi-model ensemble mean are better than any individual model results. And the simulations of wind withdrawal are better than those of wind onset. For wind onset, IAP-FGOALS-1.0g, MIROC3.2 (medres) and MPI-ECHAM5 simulate reasonably well. For wind retreat, most models can capture the behaviors in tropics. However, there are still some discrepancies in a few models to simulate the dates of sudden change of monsoon wind direction. Moreover, most of models cannot reproduce the onset and withdrawal of both rainfall and OLR. The relationship between these discrepancies and the shortcomings of precipitation simulation is crucial for further investigating in the future.  相似文献   

This study examines cloud radiative forcing (CRF) in the Asian monsoon region (0o--50oN,60o--150oE) simulated by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) AMIP models. During boreal winter, no model realistically reproduces the larger long-wave cloud radiative forcing (LWCF) over the Tibet Plateau (TP) and only a couple of models reasonably capture the larger short-wave CRF (SWCF) to the east of the TP. During boreal summer, there are larger biases for central location and intensity of simulated CRF in active convective regions. The CRF biases are closely related to the rainfall biases in the models. Quantitative analysis further indicates that the correlation between simulated CRF and observations are not high, and that the biases and diversity in SWCF are larger than that in LWCF. The annual cycle of simulated CRF over East Asia (0o--50oN, 100o--145oE) is also examined. Though many models capture the basic annual cycle in tropics, strong LWCF and SWCF to the east of the TP beginning in early spring are underestimated by most models. As a whole, GFDL-CM2.1, MPI-ECHAM5, UKMO-HadGAM1, and MIROC3.2 (medres) perform well for CRF simulation in the Asian monsoon region, and the multi-model ensemble (MME) has improved results over the individual simulations. It is suggested that strengthening the physical parameterizations involved over the TP, and improving cumulus convection processes and model experiment design are crucial to CRF simulation in the Asian monsoon region.  相似文献   

By using the ECMWF reanalysis daily data and daily precipitation data of 80 stations in Northeast China from 1961 to 2002, the impacts of moisture transport of East Asian summer monsoon on the summer precipitation anomaly in Northeast China, and the relationship between the variation of moisture budget and the establishment of East Asian summer monsoon in this region are studied. The results demonstrate that the moisture of summer precipitation in Northeast China mainly originates from subtropical, South China Sea, and South Asia monsoon areas. East China and its near coastal area are the convergent region of the monsoonal moisture currents and the transfer station for the currents continually moving northward. The monsoonal moisture transport, as an important link or bridge, connects the interaction between middle and low latitude systems. In summer half year, there is a moisture sink in Northeast China where the moisture influx is greater than outflux. The advance transport and accumulation of moisture are of special importance to pentad time scale summer precipitation. The onset, retreat, and intensity change of the monsoonal rainy season over Northeast China are mainly signified by the moisture input condition along the southern border of this area. The establishment of East Asian summer monsoon in this area ranges from about 10 July to 20 August and the onset in the west is earlier than that in the east. The latitude that the monsoon can reach is gradually northward from west to east, reaching 50°N within longitude 120°-135°E. In summer, the difference of air mass transport between summers with high and low rainfall mainly lies in whether more air masses originating from lower latitudes move northward through East China and its coastal areas, consequently transporting large amounts of hot and humid air into Northeast China.  相似文献   

Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) model outputs of the South and East Asian summer monsoon variability and their tele-connections are investigated using historical simulations (1861-2005) and future projections under the RCP4.5 scenario (2006-2100). Detailed analyses are performed using nine models having better representation of the recent monsoon teleconnections for the interactive Asian monsoon sub-systems. However, these models underestimate rainfall mainly over South Asia and Korea-Japan sector, the regions of heavy rainfall, along with a bias in location of rainfall maxima. Indeed, the simulation biases, underestimations of monsoon variability and teleconnections suggest further improvements for better representation of Asian monsoon in the climate models. Interestingly, the performance of Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator version 1.0 (ACCESS1.0) in simulating the annual cycle, spatial pattern of rainfall and multi-decadal variations of summer monsoon rainfall over South and East Asia appears to more realistic. In spite of large spread among the CMIP5 models, historical simulations as well as future projections of summer monsoon rainfall indicate multi-decadal variability. These rainfall variations, displaying certain epochs of more rainfall over South Asia than over East Asia and vice versa, suggest an oscillatory behaviour. Teleconnections between South and East Asian monsoon rainfall also exhibit a multi-decadal variation with alternate epochs of strengthening and weakening relationship. Furthermore, large-scale circulation features such as South Asian monsoon trough and north Pacific subtropical high depict zonal oscillatory behaviour with east-west-east shifts. Periods with eastward or westward extension of the Mascarene High, intensification and expansion of the upper tropospheric South Asian High are also projected by the CMIP5 models.  相似文献   

杜振彩  黄荣辉  黄刚 《大气科学》2010,34(6):1168-1186
本文根据政府间气候变化委员会 (IPCC) 第四次评估报告 (AR4) (简称IPCC-AR4) 中22个耦合模式对20世纪气候模拟 (20C3M) 结果中20世纪晚期亚洲夏季风降水的模拟所显示出各模式模拟能力的较大空间差异, 提出了一种滑动窗区空间相关系数来量化表征这种空间差异特征, 结果表明, 该系数明显优于传统空间相关系数, 其空间分布能够较为细致地描述各模式对较小区域模拟性能的空间差异特征。在此基础上, 本文提出以这种滑动窗区空间相关系数作为各模式的权重系数进行加权集合平均, 并称之为滑动窗区空间相关系数加权集合方法。利用该方法对IPCC-AR4 22个耦合模式所模拟的20世纪晚期亚洲夏季风降水进行加权集合平均, 并将其结果与传统空间相关系数加权集合平均以及等权重多模式集合平均结果进行比较, 表明了利用本文所提出的加权集合方法对20世纪晚期亚洲夏季风降水的集合模拟结果明显优于简单的等权重多模式集合平均结果以及传统空间相关系数加权集合平均结果。鉴于此原因, 本文利用此方法对在A1B (各种能源均衡发展) 排放情景下IPCC-AR4中22个耦合模式所模拟的21世纪各时期亚洲夏季风降水演变趋势进行集合预测。其结果表明: 在A1B排放情景下, 从21世纪中期 (2045~2065年) 开始南亚夏季风降水将比20世纪晚期明显增强; 而东亚夏季风降水相对于20世纪晚期的变化呈现出从南到北经向三极子型异常分布特征, 即华南和华北地区夏季风降水增多, 而长江流域夏季风降水相对于20世纪晚期没有太大变化。并且, 结果还表明亚洲夏季风降水异常这种变化趋势可以延续到21世纪晚期。  相似文献   

A number of significant weaknesses existed in our previous analysis of the changes in the Asian monsoon onset/retreat from coupled model intercomparison project phase 3 (CMIP3) models, including a lack of statistical significance tests, a small number of models analysed, and limited understanding of the causes of model uncertainties. Yet, the latest IPCC report acknowledges limited confidence for projected changes in monsoon onset/retreat. In this study we revisit the topic by expanding the analysis to a large number of CMIP5 models over much longer period and with more diagnoses. Daily 850 hPa wind, volumetric atmospheric precipitable water and rainfall data from 26 CMIP5 models over two sets of 50-year periods are used in this study. The overall model skill in reproducing the temporal and spatial patterns of the monsoon development is similar between CMIP3 and CMIP5 models. They are able to show distinct regional characteristics in the evolutions of Indian summer monsoon (ISM), East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and West North Pacific summer monsoon (WNPSM). Nevertheless, the averaged onset dates vary significantly among the models. Large uncertainty exists in model-simulated changes in onset/retreat dates and the extent of uncertainty is comparable to that in CMIP3 models. Under global warming, a majority of the models tend to suggest delayed onset for the south Asian monsoon in the eastern part of tropical Indian Ocean and Indochina Peninsula and nearby region, primarily due to weakened tropical circulations and eastward shift of the Walker circulation. The earlier onset over the Arabian Sea and part of the Indian subcontinent in a number of the models are related to an enhanced southwesterly flow in the region. Weak changes in other domains are due to the offsetting results among the models, with some models showing earlier onsets but others showing delayed onsets. Different from the analysis of CMIP3 model results, this analysis highlights the importance of SST warming patterns over both the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans in affecting the modelling results. The increased atmospheric moisture content offsets some effects of the delayed onset and results in increased rainfall intensity during the active monsoon period. The deficiencies of using rainfall alone in assessing the potential changes of the monsoon system are also shown in this study.  相似文献   

Simulations of the interdecadal variations of summer rainfall over China are assessed from 5 coupled AOGCMs from the Data Distribution Center (DDC) of the Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change (IPCC) under the IPCC-Special Report in Emission Scenarios (SRES) A2 and B2 scenario. We examined their ability in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation over China from 1951 to 1990. The difference before and after the mid-1960’s and the late 1970’s is given respectively to check the capability of the models, especially in reproducing the rainfall jump in North China. We also investigated the interdecadal variations simulated by the models in the 1990’s and the average of 2001-2020 in the future under the scenario A2 and B2. The analysis shows that the current AOGCMs is not good enough in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation in China. The interdecadal variations of summer rainfall simulated by most of the models cannot reproduce the observation in North China. Higher resolution models are suggested to well simulate the interdecadal variability in regional scale.  相似文献   

SRES A2情景下未来30年我国东部夏季降水变化趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用与全球海气耦合模式 (NCC/IAPT63) 嵌套的区域气候模式 (RegCM2_NCC), 对东亚区域进行了30年的气候积分 (1961—1990年), 作为控制试验的气候背景场, 在此基础上, 在IPCC第三次评估报告SRES排放情景A2下对我国未来30年 (2001—2030年) 的气候变化趋势进行了预估, 重点分析了我国东部季风区夏季降水的变化趋势及区域特征。结果显示:未来30年夏季平均降水量在北部地区呈现增加的趋势, 以降水量距平代表的夏季主要雨带转到长江以北地区, 且北方地区降水量增加主要以对流性降水量增加为主, 长江以南地区降水量有所减少, 特别是华南地区降水量减少较为明显, 据此预测结果, 未来30年华北地区夏季干旱可能有所缓解。未来30年夏季低层空气湿度也将发生明显变化, 主要表现为中高纬度地区湿度增大, 较低纬度地区湿度减小, 东亚夏季风有所增强, 特别是西南气流明显加强, 有利于暖湿空气向北方地区输送。由于预估结果的可信度取决于全球模式和区域模式的模拟性能以及温室气体排放浓度的准确性, 因此还需要更多的试验及进一步的综合比较, 以减少未来气候变化趋势预估的不确定性。  相似文献   

全球海气耦合模式对东亚季风降水模拟的检验   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
张莉  丁一汇  孙颖 《大气科学》2008,32(2):261-276
以CMAP(Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation)月平均降水资料和欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的40年再分析资料集ERA40为观测基础,分析了当前政府间气候变化专门委员会第四次评估报告(IPCC AR4)的17个全球海气耦合模式对东亚季风区夏季降水和环流的模拟能力。结果表明:(1)模式基本上都能够模拟出降水由东亚东南部海洋至东亚西北部中国内陆减少的空间分布特征,部分模式能够模拟出降水的部分主要模态;(2) 大部分模式基本上能够模拟出中国东部陆地降水的季节进退。但同时也存在相当的差异,这包括:(1)多数模式普遍存在模拟降水量偏少、降水变幅偏小的缺陷;(2)雨带的季节推进过程与观测存在一定偏差,尤其海洋上的季节进退过程模拟较差,有的模式甚至不能模拟出东亚季风区东部海洋上大致的季节进程。因此,模式对东亚季风区降水的模拟能力还是比较有限的,需要进一步改进。多模式集合的夏季环流场以偏弱为主,不利于降水的形成,这在中国东部大陆部分比较明显。另外,空气湿度模拟值偏低、从而造成水汽输送偏弱也是导致东亚季风区夏季降水模拟偏小的原因之一。  相似文献   

Summary South Asian summer monsoon precipitation and its variability are examined from the outputs of the coupled climate models assessed as part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment. Out of the 22 models examined, 19 are able to capture the maximum rainfall during the summer monsoon period (June through September) with varying amplitude. While two models are unable to reproduce the annual cycle well, one model is unable to simulate the summer monsoon season. The simulated inter-annual variability from the 19 models is examined with respect to the mean precipitation, coefficient of variation, long-term trends and the biennial tendency. The model simulated mean precipitation varies from 500 mm to 900 mm and coefficient of variation from 3 to 13%. While seven models exhibit long-term trends, eight are able to simulate the biennial nature of the monsoon rainfall. Six models, which generate the most realistic 20th century monsoon climate over south Asia, are selected to examine future projections under the doubling CO2 scenario. Projections reveal a significant increase in mean monsoon precipitation of 8% and a possible extension of the monsoon period based on the multi-model ensemble technique. Extreme excess and deficient monsoons are projected to intensify. The projected increase in precipitation could be attributed to the projected intensification of the heat low over northwest India, the trough of low pressure over the Indo-Gangetic plains, and the land–ocean pressure gradient during the establishment phase of the monsoon. The intensification of these pressure systems could be attributed to the decline in winter/spring snowfall. Furthermore, a decrease of winter snowfall over western Eurasia is also projected along with an increase of winter snowfall over Siberia/eastern Eurasia. This projected dipole snow configuration during winter could imply changes in mid-latitude circulation conducive to subsequent summer monsoon precipitation activity. An increase in precipitable water of 12–16% is projected over major parts of India. A maximum increase of about 20–24% is found over the Arabian Peninsula, adjoining regions of Pakistan, northwest India and Nepal. Although the projected summer monsoon circulation appears to weaken, the projected anomalous flow over the Bay of Bengal (Arabian Sea) will support oceanic moisture convergence towards the southern parts of India and Sri Lanka (northwest India and adjoining regions). The ENSO-Monsoon relationship is also projected to weaken.  相似文献   

IPCC AR4模式中夏季西太平洋副高南北位置特征的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用IPCCAR4中8个气候系统模式的环流、对流和降水资料,结合实际的观测及再分析资料,从年际尺度上比较分析了这些气候系统模式对夏季西太平洋副热带高压南北位置、暖池对流和江淮降水关系的模拟能力,结果表明在西太平洋副热带高压随纬度分布的模拟中,经向分辨率高的模式存在一定的优势。在夏季西太平洋副热带高压的南北位置、暖池对流和江淮降水关系的模拟上,GFDL-CM2.1能合理地表征三者之间的关系;在影响东亚夏季风年际变化的东亚太平洋遥相关型的模拟上,GFDL-CM2.1和ECHAM5_MPI/OM能够较好地模拟出其特征,其中前者模拟结果要明显好于后者。同时利用GFDL-CM2.1在SRES A1B情景下的试验结果,EAP(East Asia/Pacific)指数与中国东部降水的变化关系得出,随着大气中二氧化碳浓度增加,在21世纪前期,江淮偏旱的概率较高;21世纪后期,江淮降水可能偏多。  相似文献   

亚洲季风降水的多模式模拟结果分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用参加政府间气候变化委员会(IPCC)第四次评估报告(AR4)的多个大气模式(包括中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室新发展的全球格点大气模式GAMIL)的AMIP-II(大气模式比较计划-II)积分的集合平均结果(MMEA),研究了当前大气模式对亚洲季风降水的平均模拟能力,同时也评估了GAMIL的模拟水平。对多年平均冬夏季降水的模拟研究发现:MMEA和GAMIL对冬季降水的模拟好于夏季。与以往的结果相比,MMEA对夏季印度洋和西太平洋地区降水的模拟改进不明显;部分模式能够模拟出夏季东亚副热带地区从中国东海到中太平洋的带状梅雨降水,但大部分模式的模拟强度还不够。可以看出GAMIL除了冬季印度洋和夏季菲律宾模拟的降水稍弱外,与MMEA的结果很接近。降水场的误差与环流场的误差对应。此外,作者还研究了降水的年际变化和季风爆发撤退过程的模拟能力。MMEA与观测在印度季风区降水的相关系数不如在东亚热带和东亚副热带季风区的好。各模式冬季的相关系数一般好于夏季,特别是东亚热带季风区冬季的相关系数普遍较高,而印度季风区夏季的相关系数普遍较低。MMEA对标准差的模拟并不总比单个模式的好。各个模式对东亚热带季风区冬季的降水距平同号率和降水距平百分率模拟得最好。季风爆发、撤退时降水推移的模拟也还有待于进一步提高。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the representation of the global monsoon annual cycle to horizontal resolution is compared in three AGCMs:the Met Office Unified Model-Global Atmosphere 3.0;the Meteorological Research Institute AGCM3;and the Global High Resolution AGCM from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.For each model,we use two horizontal resolution configurations for the period 1998–2008.Increasing resolution consistently improves simulated precipitation and low-level circulation of the annual mean and the first two annual cycle modes,as measured by the pattern correlation coefficient and equitable threat score.Improvements in simulating the summer monsoon onset and withdrawal are region-dependent.No consistent response to resolution is found in simulating summer monsoon retreat.Regionally,increased resolution reduces the positive bias in simulated annual mean precipitation,the two annual-cycle modes over the West African monsoon and Northwestern Pacific monsoon.An overestimation of the solstitial mode and an underestimation of the equinoctial asymmetric mode of the East Asian monsoon are reduced in all high-resolution configurations.Systematic errors exist in lower-resolution models for simulating the onset and withdrawal of the summer monsoon.Higher resolution models consistently improve the early summer monsoon onset over East Asia and West Africa,but substantial differences exist in the responses over the Indian monsoon region,where biases differ across the three low-resolution AGCMs.This study demonstrates the importance of a multi-model comparison when examining the added value of resolution and the importance of model physical parameterizations for simulation of the Indian monsoon.  相似文献   

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