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The optical spectrum of the early B hydrogen-deficient star LS IV+6°2 has been analysed. With T eff = 31000 K, log  g  = 4.05, n H ∼ 10−4 and n c ∼ 0.1 (relative abundances by number), it is the hottest high-gravity extreme helium star (EHe) yet studied. The He  i spectrum shows all predicted permitted and forbidden transitions in absorption. LS IV+6°2 is a comparatively metal-rich EHe star; abundances of C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al and P are typical of other EHes, whilst Si and S are somewhat deficient. With the surface parameters given, LS IV+6°2 lies close to the boundary of the helium star pulsation instability finger near T eff ∼ 27000 K. Available data indicate that the radial velocity is variable, but give no indication of amplitude or period.  相似文献   

We obtain the chemical abundances of six barium stars and two CH subgiant stars based on the high signal-to-noise ratio and high resolution Echelle spectra. The neu- tron capture process elements Y, Zr, Ba, La and Eu show obvious overabundances relative to the Sun, for example, their [Ba/Fe] values are from 0.45 to 1.27. Other elements, in- cluding Na, Mg, A1, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn and Ni, show comparable abundances to the Solar ones, and their [Fe/H] covers a range from -0.40 to 0.21, which means they belong to the Galactic disk. The predictions of the theoretical model of wind accretion for bi- nary systems can explain the observed abundance patterns of the neutron capture process elements in these stars, which means that their overabundant heavy-elements could be caused by accreting the ejecta of AGB stars, the progenitors of present-day white dwarf companions in binary systems.  相似文献   

An elemental abundance analysis of the cool magnetic CP star HR 8216 (= HD204411) was performed using 2.4 Å mm−1 Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Reticon exposures covering  λλ3830–4770  with a typical signal-to-noise ratio of 200 taken with the long camera of the 1.22-m telescope. The spectrograms were measured interactively with the graphics computer program reduce . The fine analysis used an ATLAS9 metal-rich model atmosphere, the predictions of which best-matched the optical region fluxes and the Hγ profile. The anomalies of HR 8216 are primarily an enhancement of many iron peak elements with the rare earths elements much less enhanced than in many similar cool magnetic CP stars. Using the results of the fine analysis the spectrum was synthesized. Comparison with the observed spectrum showed that the agreement is good but did not fully account for all of the observed line spectrum.  相似文献   

We have examined the evolution of merged low-mass double white dwarfs which become low-luminosity (or high-gravity) extreme helium stars. We have approximated the merging process by the rapid accretion of matter, consisting mostly of helium, on to a helium white dwarf. After a certain mass is accumulated, a helium shell flash occurs, the radius and luminosity increase and the star becomes a yellow giant. Mass accretion is stopped artificially when the total mass reaches a pre-determined value. As the helium-burning shell moves inwards with repeating shell flashes, the effective temperature gradually increases as the star evolves towards the helium main sequence. When the mass interior to the helium‐burning shell is approximately 0.25 M, the star enters a regime where it is pulsationally unstable. We have obtained radial pulsation periods for these models.
These models have properties very similar to those of the pulsating helium star V652 Her. We have compared the rate of period change of the theoretical models with that observed in V652 Her, as well as with its position on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. We conclude that the merger between two helium white dwarfs can produce a star with properties remarkably similar to those observed in at least one extreme helium star, and is a viable model for their evolutionary origin. Such helium stars will evolve to become hot subdwarfs close to the helium main sequence. We also discuss the number of low-luminosity helium stars in the Galaxy expected for our evolution scenario.  相似文献   

We have examined the evolution of merged low-mass double white dwarfs that become luminous helium stars. We have approximated the merging process by the rapid accretion of matter, consisting mostly of helium, on to a carbon–oxygen (CO) white dwarf. After a certain mass is accumulated, a helium shell flash occurs, the radius and luminosity increase and the star becomes a yellow giant. Mass accretion is stopped artificially when the total mass reaches a pre-determined value. When the mass above the helium-burning shell becomes small enough, the star evolves blueward almost horizontally in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. The theoretical models for the merger of a 0.6-M CO white dwarf with a 0.3-M He white dwarf agree very well with the observed locations of extreme helium stars in the  log  T eff–log  g   diagram, with their observed rates of blueward evolution, and with luminosities and masses obtained from their pulsations. Together with predicted merger rates for  CO+He  white dwarf pairs, the evolutionary time-scales are roughly consistent with the observed numbers of extreme helium stars. Predicted surface carbon and oxygen abundances can be consistent with the observed values if carbon and oxygen produced in the helium shell during a previous asymptotic giant branch phase are assumed to exist in the helium zone of the initial CO white dwarfs. These results establish the  CO+He  white dwarf merger as the best, if not only, viable model for the creation of extreme helium stars and, by association, the majority of R Coronae Borealis stars.  相似文献   

Abundances in Przybylski's star   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have derived abundances for 54 elements in the extreme roAp star HD 101065. ESO spectra with a resolution of about 80 000, and S/N of 200 or more were employed. The adopted model has T eff=6600 K, and log( g )=4.2. Because of the increased line opacity and consequent low gas pressure, convection plays no significant role in the temperature structure. Lighter elemental abundances through the iron group scatter about standard abundance distribution (SAD) (solar) values. Iron and nickel are about one order of magnitude deficient while cobalt is enhanced by 1.5 dex. Heavier elements, including the lanthanides, generally follow the solar pattern but enhanced by 3 to 4 dex. Odd-Z elements are generally less abundant than their even-Z neighbours. With a few exceptions (e.g. Yb), the abundance pattern among the heavy elements is remarkably coherent, and resembles a displaced solar distribution.  相似文献   

Radiation pressure acts to accelerate dust grains and, by transfer of momentum through collisions with the gas, drives the outflows of late-type stars. Some of these dust–gas collisions may be energetic enough to remove atoms from the dust grains. From an assumed initial size distribution for the dust grains, the method of Krüger et al. is used to study the evolution of a sample of spherical amorphous carbon grains under conditions typical of a late-type star. The size distribution of dust grains is presented for various sets of model parameters. One set of models assumes an initial Mathis, Rumpl & Nordsieck (MRN) distribution for the dust grains. The high-luminosity ( L ∗), high-effective temperature ( T eff) set of parameters has a terminal velocity ( v term) that is near, but above , the upper limit of observed outflow velocities for carbon stars (∼30 km s−1 for the assumed ̇ of 5×10−6 M yr−1). The low L ∗, T eff model has a v term that lies near, but below , the upper limit of observed velocities. A significant amount of sputtering occurs in the high L ∗, T eff model with ∼40 per cent of the grain mass sputtered. About ∼1 per cent of the dust mass is sputtered in the low L ∗, T eff. Another set of models assumes that the dust forms with a log-normal distribution. Here, v term is nearly the same for the high L ∗, T eff model as for the low L ∗, T eff model. This is a result of the large amount of dust mass loss (∼75 per cent) by sputtering in the high L ∗, T eff model.  相似文献   

We present results from a three-site photometric and high-resolution spectroscopic campaign on the hottest known extreme helium star V2076 Oph (HD 160641). A core programme of intensive observations covered two weeks and a much lower sampling rate extended over another two months. Despite the fact that the data seem to indicate periodicity near half a day (though the light curves are clearly not formed by a single periodicity), conventional Fourier analysis of the data fails to reveal coherent frequencies. Furthermore, we are unable to recover frequencies which were apparently clear in an earlier campaign on the star. Evidence of monotonic pulsation amplitude changes is seen at the higher frequencies from a wavelet analysis, but more data are needed before this study can be extended to lower frequencies. The application of linear stochastic differential equation (LSDE) methods indicates that the observed light variations could be a result of random variations giving the appearance of intermittent periodicity. High-resolution spectroscopic observations were obtained during the campaign and additional observations were made three years later. Complex line profile variations were observed. It is proposed that the different behaviour of the emission line studied may indicate it is associated with a stellar wind or resident circumstellar material. The frequencies that are extracted from the velocity data do not conform to those identified in the current or previous photometric campaigns.  相似文献   

An analysis of high-resolution Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT)/University College London Échelle Spectrograph (UCLÉS) optical spectra for the ultraviolet (UV)-bright star ROA 5701 in the globular cluster ω Cen (NGC 5139) is performed, using non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) model atmospheres to estimate stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical composition. Abundances are derived for C, N, O, Mg, Si and S, and compared with those found previously by Moehler et al. We find a general metal underabundance relative to young B-type stars, consistent with the average metallicity of the cluster. Our results indicate that ROA 5701 has not undergone a gas–dust separation scenario as previously suggested. However, its abundance pattern does imply that ROA 5701 has evolved off the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) prior to the onset of the third dredge-up.  相似文献   

Using three independent theoretical approaches (CA, HFR + CP, AUTOSTRUCTURE), oscillator strengths have been calculated for a set of Tc  ii transitions of astrophysical interest and the reliability of their absolute scale has been assessed. The examination of the spectra emitted by some Ap stars has allowed the identification of Tc  ii transitions in HD 125248. This Tc  ii detection should however await confirmation from spectral synthesis relying on dedicated model atmospheres. New partition functions are also provided for Tc  i , Tc  ii and Tc  iii for temperatures ranging between 4000 and 13 000 K.  相似文献   

We propose a new chemical evolution model aimed at explaining the chemical properties of globular clusters (GCs) stars. Our model depends upon the existence of (i) a peculiar pre-enrichment phase in the GC's parent galaxy associated with very low-metallicity Type II supernovae (SNe II) and (ii) localized inhomogeneous enrichment from a single Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) and intermediate-mass  (4–7 M)  asymptotic giant branch field stars. GC formation is then assumed to take place within this chemically peculiar region. Thus, in our model the first low-mass GC stars to form are those with peculiar abundances (i.e. O-depleted and Na-enhanced), while 'normal' stars (i.e. O-rich and Na-depleted) are formed in a second stage when self-pollution from SNe II occurs and the peculiar pollution from the previous phase is dispersed. In this study, we focus on three different GCs: NGC 6752, 6205 (M 13) and 2808. We demonstrate that, within this framework, a model can be constructed which is consistent with (i) the elemental abundance anticorrelations, (ii) isotopic abundance patterns and (iii) the extreme [O/Fe] values observed in NGC 2808 and M 13, without violating the global constraints of approximately unimodal [Fe/H] and C+N+O.  相似文献   

Calculations are presented of the evolutionary track of an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star, after most of its envelope is consumed and it starts moving to the right in the Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram. On looking for the conditions that may create a helium-shell flash at this stage, it is found that a necessary condition for the creation of a helium-shell flash at this stage is the presence of mass 'ballast' over the helium-burning shell. The effects of different amounts of such ballast are studied, and the detailed evolution of such a flash is presented.  相似文献   

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