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一、《干旱气象》是中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所、中国气象学会干旱气象学委员会主办的,反映我国干旱气象科学研究进展的学术期刊。主要刊登有关干旱气象及相关领域学科有一定创造性的学术论文、研究综述、简评,国内外干旱气象发展动态综合评述,学术争鸣以及相关学术活动报道等。反映干旱气象及相关领域的最新科研成果和进展,促进国内外的学术交流,  相似文献   

一、《干旱气象》是中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所、中国气象学会干旱气象学委员会主办的,反映我国干旱气象科学研究进展的学术期刊。主要刊登有关干旱气象及相关领域学科有一定创造性的学术论文、研究综述、简评,同内外干旱气象发展动态综合评述,学术争鸣以及相关学术活动报道等。反映干旱气象及相关领域的最新科研成果和进展,促进国内外的学术交流,  相似文献   

《干旱气象》主要刊载干旱气象及相关领域学科有一定创造性的学术论文、研究综述、简评,国内外干旱气象发展动态综合评述、学术争鸣以及相关学术活动。  相似文献   

<正>《干旱气象》主要刊载干旱气象及相关领域学科有一定创造性的学术论文、研究综述、简评,国内外干旱气象发展动态综合评述、学术争鸣以及相关学术活动。具体包括:国内外重大干旱事件分析、全球及干旱区气候变化、干旱气象灾害评估及对策研究、水文与水资源、生态与环境、农业与气象、可再生能源开发与利用、地理信息与遥感技术的应用等。本刊还免费刊载干旱气象研究成果、研究报道、学术活动、会议消息等。1来稿要求  相似文献   

《干旱气象》主要刊载干旱气象及相关领域学科有一定创造性的学术论文、研究综述、简评,国内外干旱气象发展动态综合评述、学术争鸣以及相关学术活动。具体包括:国内外重大干旱事件分析、全球及干旱区气候变化、干旱气象灾害评估及对策研究、水文与水资源、生态与环境、农业与气象、可再生能源开发与利用、地理信息与遥感技术的应用等。本刊还免费刊载干旱气象研究成果、研究报道、学术活动、会议消息等。  相似文献   

《干旱气象》主要刊载干旱气象及相关领域学科有一定创造性的学术论文、研究综述、简评,国内外干旱气象发展动态综合评述、学术争鸣以及相关学术活动。具体包括:国内外重大干旱事件分析、全球及干旱区气候变化、干旱气象灾害评估及对策研究、水文与水资源、生态与环境、农业与气象、可再生能源开发与利用、地理信息与遥感技术的应用等。本刊还免费刊载干旱气象研究成果、研究报道、学术活动、会议消息等。  相似文献   

《干旱气象》主要刊载干旱气象及相关领域学科有一定创造性的学术论文、研究综述、简评,国内外干旱气象发展动态综合评述、学术争鸣以及相关学术活动。  相似文献   

<正>《干旱气象》主要刊载干旱气象及相关领域学科有一定创造性的学术论文、研究综述、简评,国内外干旱气象发展动态综合评述  相似文献   

《干旱气象》主要刊载干旱气象及相关领域学科有一定创造性的学术论文、研究综述、简评,国内外干旱气象发展动态综合评述、学术争鸣以及相关学术活动。  相似文献   

The development and transfer of clean energy technologies to achieve universal energy access is challenging due to the inherent complexities of the energy sector, and the energy governance and financial systems in developing economies. Innovation is an essential part of successfully addressing these difficulties. Duplicating the energy infrastructure models of developed countries will not be sufficient to meet the needs of poor consumers. To the extent that innovation can accelerate energy access, it is important to understand the specific types of innovations that are necessary and how they might be facilitated. The general features of existing international clean energy innovation systems, which are predominantly driven by the markets and emissions reduction mechanisms of developed and rapidly growing emerging economies, are reviewed and the alignment of these systems to the innovation processes required to extend energy access globally is evaluated. Drawing on the innovation policy literature, the attributes of effective international and domestic energy innovation systems that are pro-poor and the associated policy approaches are identified.  相似文献   

膨胀云室可形成水汽、水面和冰面过饱和环境,是研究气溶胶粒子、人工影响天气冷暖催化剂核化过程和机理的重要实验设备。但长期以来,我国缺乏装备先进云雾粒子谱和图像测量系统的膨胀云室。2019年完成的我国自主研制的膨胀云室系统由云室主体、控制系统、通讯系统及环境和云雾测量系统4个子系统组成。该系统首次采用了国产云粒子谱仪和成像仪测量系统。测试结果表明:该云室具有良好的温度和压力控制能力,平均降温速率达到0.26℃·min-1,温度分布均匀,-40℃时舱内温差小于0.29℃;膨胀造雾过程4 min,雾可维持4 min,雾滴较小;可以实现从室温到-50℃低温环境的控制,具备压力膨胀成云雾模拟和微物理参数监测能力,解决了我国缺乏气溶胶粒子和暖云催化剂室内实验装备的状况,对验证暖云催化剂核化性能和提高暖云人工增雨科技水平有重要价值。  相似文献   

芒果嫁接成活气象条件及生产管理措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用芒果嫁接成活率多年分期物候观测以及同期的气象观测实况资料进行统计分析。结果表明,芒果嫁接成活率与嫁接后的接口愈合期气温成显著正相关,与光照、降水量、空气相对湿度相关不明显。建立了芒果嫁接成活率与嫁接后6天平均气温、最高气温回归方程,影响芒果嫁接成活的主要气象要素是日均温。个例分析表明芒果嫁接成活关键期即嫁接穗生理脆弱的接口愈合期,气温偏低或异常高温天气对芒果嫁接成活不利影响极大。讨论了依气象条件提高嫁接成活率注意事项,提出了相应的生产管理措施。  相似文献   

对来宾市气象灾害对果品业生产的影响进行分析,提出避灾措施,为果品业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

 运用中国科学院农业政策研究中心开发的中国水资源模型,模拟分析了气候变化条件下海河流域的水资源短缺状况及相应的适应性措施的有效性。结果表明:随着社会经济的发展,到2030年海河流域的水资源短缺比例将提高25%,气候变化将使水资源短缺比例进一步提高2%~4%。无论是供给管理还是需求管理的适应性措施,在缓解水资源短缺方面都具有一定的有效性。但是,多标准的评估结果表明,所分析的几种需求管理的适应性措施比供给管理的适应性措施的可行性更高。在需求管理中,采用既提高灌溉水价又提高工业水价的混合水价政策可能是最优的策略选择,采用农业节水技术为次优策略选择。  相似文献   

运用中国科学院农业政策研究中心开发的中国水资源模型,模拟分析了气候变化条件下海河流域的水资源短缺状况及相应的适应性措施的有效性。结果表明:随着社会经济的发展,到2030年海河流域的水资源短缺比例将提高25%,气候变化将使水资源短缺比例进一步提高2%~4%。无论是供给管理还是需求管理的适应性措施,在缓解水资源短缺方面都具有一定的有效性。但是,多标准的评估结果表明,所分析的几种需求管理的适应性措施比供给管理的适应性措施的可行性更高。在需求管理中,采用既提高灌溉水价又提高工业水价的混合水价政策可能是最优的策略选择,采用农业节水技术为次优策略选择。  相似文献   

It is clear that developing countries will have to be part of the global mitigation effort to avoid ‘dangerous climate change’, and, indeed, many of them are already undertaking significant actions on multiple fronts to help address this problem, even if they have not yet taken on legally binding commitment under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Since the deployment of GHG-mitigating technologies is already a significant part of this effort and likely to be even more so in the future, drawing lessons from existing programmes can help accelerate and enhance the effectiveness of this deployment process. Accordingly, this article aims to examine the deployment of wind and solar power in India, paying specific attention to the role of public policy in incentivizing and facilitating this deployment, how these policies have evolved over time, what has shaped this evolution, and what the learning has been over this period. Through this analysis, the intention is to draw out key lessons from India's experience with deployment policies and programmes in these two sectors and highlight the issues that will need to be given particular consideration in the design of future domestic policies and international cooperation programmes to enhance the move towards climate-compatible development in India. Many of these lessons should also be relevant for other developing countries that are attempting to balance their climate and developmental priorities through the deployment of renewable energy technologies.  相似文献   

The direction of UK energy policy requires a renewed impetus if the goal of climate change stabilization is to be met. Cost is not the main issue: a transformation to a low-carbon energy system may be no more expensive than meeting future energy demands with fossil fuels. Institutional barriers are preventing the large-scale adoption of the necessary technologies. New institutions to promote low-carbon technologies have not yet led to investment on the necessary scale. Further changes to the operation of the UK electricity markets to create a ‘level playing field’ for small-scale and intermittent generation are necessary. UK policy can contribute to international agreements following on from the Kyoto Accord, which also need to address the institutional barriers to energy technology development and transfer.  相似文献   

第三纪开始青藏高原隆升,改变了东亚的地理和大气环流的格局,由此形成了西北以干旱和半干旱为主的气候条件,但也存在相对的干湿气候的时期性摆动。近若干年即便新疆等地一些地方降水有所增加,但仍难缓解西北的干旱和半干旱状态,必须思考及运用工程措施解决水资源的匮乏问题。合理节约用水,进行水利工程调配是解决此问题的主要有效途径,但充分运用在有条件的地方人工增雨也是一个有益的补充方式。人工增雨也因其科学技术上尚不十分成熟和难于检验的事实,受到一部分科学工作者所质疑。本文简单地论述了人工增雨的科学性,国内外的一些实践证明的有效性及在西北干旱和半干旱地区人工增雨的可行性和关键点,以此希望能推动此项工作的开展,从流经我国西北上空的大气中多转换一些水汽形成雨(雪)降落在我国大地上,为缓和干旱作一些贡献。  相似文献   

What would the shape of a realistic, yet ambitious, package for the climate regime after 2012 look like? How do we obtain a package deal starting in Bali but building bridges to a post-2020 climate regime? A fair, effective, flexible and inclusive package deal has to strike a core balance between development and climate imperatives (mitigation, adaptation, dealing with the impacts of response measures, technology transfer, investment and finance) to create bargaining space and establish a conceptual contract zone. Within a continuum of possible packages, two packages in the contract zone are identified: ‘multi-stage’ and ‘ambitious transitional’. The latter is ambitious, combining domestic cap-and-trade for the USA, deeper cuts for Annex B countries, and quantifiable mitigation actions by developing countries. It is transitional as a possible bridge to a more inclusive regime beyond 2020. Multi-stage is defined around mechanisms by which countries move through increasingly stringent levels of participation, and must be based upon agreed triggers. Our assessment of political dynamics is that multi-stage is not yet in the political contract zone. Key to this is the absence of a ‘trigger from the North’, in that the largest historical emitter must act earlier and most decisively. But progress will also depend on continued leadership from Annex B countries, as well as more proactive, incentivized leadership in the South. Agreeing on the transitional stage is the critical next step in the evolution of the climate regime. Negotiating any package will require an institutional space for bargaining, political leadership and trust, and a clear time-frame.  相似文献   

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