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The flood season is the main period of flow,sediment transport,and sedimentation in the lower Yellow River(LYR).Within the flood season,most of the flow,sediment transport,and sedimentation occurs during flood events.Because of the importance of floods in forming riverbeds in the LYR,the regularity of sediment transport and sedimentation during floods in the LYR was studied.Measured daily discharge and sediment transport rate data for the LYR from 1960 to 2006 were used.A total of 299 floods wer...  相似文献   

The equilibrium relations for water and sediment transport refer to the relative balance of sediment transport and the relative stability of river courses formed by the automatic adjustment of riverbeds.This is the theoretical basis for the comprehensive management of sediment in the Yellow River.Based on the theories of sediment carrying capacity and the delayed response of riverbed evolution,in this study,the equilibrium relations for water and sediment transport in the Yellow River are established.These relations include the equilibrium relationships between water and sediment transport and bankfull discharge in the upper and lower Yellow River and between water and sediment transport and the Tongguan elevation in the middle Yellow River.The results reveal that for the Ningmeng reach,the Tongguan reach,and the lower Yellow River,erosion and deposition in the riverbeds are adjusted automatically,and water and sediment transport can form highly constrained equilibrium relationships.These newly established equilibrium relationships can be applied to calculate the optimal spatial allocation scheme for sediment in the Yellow River.  相似文献   

This study analyses the changes in sediment transport regimes in the middle Yellow River basin (MYRB) using sediment rating parameters. Daily streamflow and suspended sediment concentration data were collected at 35 hydrological stations from the 1950s to 2016, which can be divided into three periods based on the type and intensity of human activities: the base stage before 1970, the restraining stage from 1971 to 1989, and the restoration stage after 2002. Data within each period were fitted by log‐linear sediment rating curves and the sediment rating parameters were utilized to analyse the spatial and temporal variations in sediment transport regimes. The results show that sediment rating parameters are indicative of sediment transport regimes. In the base stage and the restraining stage, the hydrological stations can be categorized into four groups based on their locations on the rating parameter plot. The stations with small drainage basins were characterized by the highest sediment transport regime, followed by those located in the coarse‐particle zone, the loess zone, and the mountainous/forest zone. In the restoration stage, the difference in sediment transport regimes between different geomorphic zones became less distinguishable than in previous stages. During the transition from the base stage to the restraining stage, sediment rating parameters showed no significant changes in sediment transport regimes in all four geomorphic groups. During the transition from the restraining stage to the restoration stage, significant changes were observed in the coarse‐particle zone and the mountain/forest zone, indicating that the revegetation programme and large reservoirs imposed a stronger influence on sediment transport regimes in these two zones than in the rest of the MYRB. This study provides theoretical support for evaluating sediment transport regimes with sediment rating parameters.  相似文献   

Extensive agricultural,industrial and urban development in the Yellow River,China,have modified the sediment-water balance,flow and inundation regimes,longitudinal connectivity,integrity of riparian vegetation,and water quality.Macroinvertebrate assemblages in the bed sediment of main channel and major reservoirs of the Yellow River are described in detail for the first time.A total of 74 taxa comprising 17 taxa of oligochaetes,48 taxa of aquatic insects,5 taxa of molluscs,and 4 taxa of other animals were recorded.A range of feeding guilds were represented,including, collector-gatherers(32 taxa),predators(17 taxa),scrapers(16 taxa),shredders(6 taxa)and collector-filterers(2 taxa).Both the mean density and biomass of macroinvertebrates were significantly higher in sites located in the artificial reservoirs compared with the main river channel. Assemblages varied spatially;Oligochaetes dominated assemblages in upper reaches,insects dominated in middle reaches and other animals(e.g.Crustacea)dominated in lower reaches. Collector-gatherers were dominant throughout the entire river.Classification analysis identified five site-groups on the basis of macroinvertebrate presence/absence:downstream of reservoirs;vegetated sites;reservoir sites;polluted sites,and;lower-reach sites.Lower macroinvertebrate richness,density and biomass,compared with other similar large rivers,were attributed to modification of the sediment-water balance and associated disturbance of benthic habitats.Pollution,stability of sediment and sediment concentration combined to influence the distribution of macroinvertebrates.This knowledge will substantially benefit the recent focus on the health and environmental water requirements of the Yellow River.  相似文献   

The annual changes of sediment deposition-scour on the riverbed in the Sanhuhekou-Toudaoguai Reach of the upper Yellow River during the years 1952-2010 were investigated based on runoff and sediment transport observations from the Sanhuhekou and Toudaoguai hydrological stations. Multiple influencing factors such as reservoir operations, tributary inflows, as well as runoff and sediment loads from the Shidakongdui area were analyzed. The results show that even though the sediment loads from the major sources, the Shidakongdui area as well as the upstream tributaries such as the Qingshui River and the Zuli River have reduced especially since the 2000 s as a result of enhanced water-soil conservation measures and improvement of vegetation cover, the study reach was still generally in a status of cumulative aggradation. This is mainly due to the joint operations of the Liujiaxia Reservoir and the Longyangxia Reservoir, which significantly reduced the annual runoff and sediment loads at the Sanhuhekou Crosssection. The reservoirs also remarkably altered the summer flood characteristics of the study reach, inducing the shape of the annual flow curve changing from a 'single-peak' into a 'doublepeak'. These alternations sharply decreased the sediment transport capacity of flooding in the summer flood season which yields more than 90% of the sediment loads, leading to an unbalanced relation between the water and sediment. In addition, the estimated incoming sediment coefficient of the Sanhuhekou Crosssection ranged from 0.003 to 0.014 kg s/m~6, of which 0.004 kg s/m~6 was suggested as a rough critical value to determine the scour or deposition status of the study reach.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study that compares the sediment routing of the Simiyu River using the hydrologic model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and the 1D hydrodynamic simulation software for Rivers and Estuaries (SOBEK-RE) model. Routing in SWAT is completed using the simplified Bagnold’s equation and in the SOBEK-RE model is undertaken using the Saint Venant equation. The upstream boundary conditions for the routing modules were derived from the subcatchments sediment yields that were estimated by SWAT using the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE). The sediment loads extrapolated or interpolated from the sediment rating curve for the catchment outlet were used for calibration and validation purposes. The SWAT model predicted an erosion rate of 2.09 Mt/yr. The total sediment load transported to the main outlet of the catchment simulated by the SWAT and SOBEK-RE models was equal to 2.94 and 2.72 Mt/yr, respectively. Thus the models computed a net erosion in the channels of 0.84 Mt/yr (SWAT) and 0.63 Mt/yr (SOBEK-RE). When comparing the results of the models for the different reaches of the main channel and main tributaries, the models showed different results both in magnitude and in sign (erosion/deposition). However, in a situation where data is scarce (such as grain size, channel geometry), the more complex hydrodynamic model does not necessarily lead to more reliable results.  相似文献   

Evaluation of total load sediment transport formulas using ANN   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The calculated results from various sediment transport formulas often differ from each other and from measured data. Some parameters in the sediment transport formulas are more effective than others to estimate total sediment load. In this study, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is trained using four dominant parameters of sediment transport formulas. ANN models are able to reveal hidden laws of natural phenomena such as sediment transport process. The results of ANN and some total bed material load sediment transport formulas have been compared to indicate the importance of variables which can be used in developing sediment transport formulas. To train ANN, average flow velocity, water surface slopes, average flow depth, and median particle diameter are used as dominant parameters to estimate total bed material load. Two hundreds and fifty samples are used to train the ANN model. Twenty-four sets of field data not used in the training nor calibration of ANN are used to compare or verify the accuracy of ANN and some well-known total bed material load formulas. The test results show that the ANN model developed in this study using minimum number of dominant factors is a reliable and uncomplicated method to predict total sediment transport rate or total bed material load transport rate. Results show that the accuracy of formulas in descending order are those by Yang (1973), Laursen (1958), Engelund and Hansen (1972), Ackers and White (1973), and Toffaleti (1969). These results are similar to those made by ASCE (1982) based on laboratory and field data not used in this paper. Study results also show that the formulas based on physical laws of sediment transport, like those formulas that were developed based on power concept, are more accurate than other formulas for estimating total bed material sediment load in rivers.  相似文献   

Due to the impacts of globe climate change and human activities, dramatic variations in runoff and sediment load were observed for the Yellow River. Analyses of nearly 65 years' data measured at main hydrologic-stations on the Yellow River from 1950 to 2014 indicated that, except for the Tangnaihai station in the head region, sharp downward trends existed in both the annual runoff and annual sedi-ment load according to the Mann–Kendal trend test;and their abrupt changes occurred in 1986 and in 1980, respectively, according to the rank sum test. Factors affecting the changes in the runoff and sediment load were very complicated. Results indicated that the reducing precipitation and the increasing water consumption were the main causes for the runoff decline, while the impoundment of the Longyangxia Reservoir and its combined operation with the Liujiaxia Reservoir exerted a direct bearing on the abrupt change in the annual runoff. In addition to the sediment load decrease associated with the runoff reduction, the reduced storm intensity, the conducted soil erosion control, and the constructed dam buildings all played an important role in the trends and abrupt changes of sediment load decline.  相似文献   

In this paper, the changes in sediment transport over 51 years from 1955 to 2006 in the Kuye River in the Loess Plateau in China are assessed. Key factors affecting sediment yield and sediment transport, such as precipitation depth, discharge, and human activities are studied. To investigate the changes in sediment yield in this watershed, a trend analysis on sediment concentration, precipitation depth, and discharge is conducted. Precipitation depths at 2 Climate Stations (CSs), as well as discharge and sediment transport at 3 Gauging Stations (GSs) are used to assess the features of sediment transport in the Kuye River. The rtmoff modulus (defined as the annual average discharge per unit area, L/(s·km^2)) and the sediment transport modulus (defined as the annual suspended sediment transport per unit area, t/(yr km^2)) are introduced in this study to assess the changes in runoff and sediment yield for this watershed. The results show that the highest average monthly discharge during the study period in the Kuye River is 66.23 m^3/s in August with an average monthly sediment concentration of 88.9 kg/m^3. However, the highest average monthly sediment concentration during the study period in the Kuye River is 125.34 kg/m^3 and occurs in July, which has an average discharge of 42.6 m^3/s that is much less than the average monthly discharge in August. It is found that both the runoff modulus and sediment transport modulus at Wenjiachuan GS on the Kuye River has a clear downward trend. During the summer season from July to August, the sediment transport modulus at Wenjiachuan GS is much higher than those at Toudaoguai and Longmen GSs on the Yellow River. The easily erodible loess in the Kuye River watershed and the sparse vegetation are responsible for the extremely high sediment yield from the Kuye River watershed. The analyses of the grain size distribution of suspended load in the Kuye River are presented. The average monthly median grain size of suspended load in the Kuye River is largest in February and then decreases until June. In July, the average monthly median grain size of suspended load approaches another peak and decreases until September. Then, the median grain size of suspended load starts to increase until February of the following year. However, the average monthly median grain size of suspended load in the Yellow River at Toudaoguai and Longmen GSs is the smallest between early summer and late fall The median grain size in the Yellow River starts to increase in November and approaches the largest size in January.  相似文献   

Scientific evaluation of the sediment allocation effects in the Yellow River plays an important role in the comprehensive harnessing of the Yellow River. A new evaluation index system for sediment allocation has been established using the Analytic Hierarchy Process, and six main evaluation indexes have been selected for this study. The calculation methods and evaluation criteria of each evaluation index are proposed. The evaluation criterion of bankfull discharge in the upper reach is 2,000 m3/s, that of Tongguan elevation in the middle reach is 325.7 m, and that of bankfull discharge in the lower reach is 4,000 m3/s. The evaluation criteria of water volume and sediment volume into the Yellow River are 25 billion m3/a and 300 million t/a, respectively, and that of sediment volume into the sea to maintain stability of the estuary is 130–260 million t/a. The comprehensive evaluation method and grade index are proposed, and the effect of sediment allocation in the Yellow River from 1960 to 2015 is evaluated. The comprehensive evaluation grades in different periods are determined. The evaluation results objectively reflect the situation of sediment allocation in the Yellow River, and the new comprehensive evaluation method can be applied to evaluate the sediment allocation scheme of the Yellow River in the future.  相似文献   

Based on rainfall erosion of soil and suspended sediment transport in storm events, a method is proposed to predict peak suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment yield in watersheds based on rainfall characteristics prior to peak rainfall intensity. The rainfall characteristics factors that dominate peak suspended sediment concentration Cp are rainfall erosion factor Ref, first peak rainfall intensity of area-average rainfall ip1 and antecedent precipitation index Iap; the rainfall characteristics factors that dominate suspended sediment yield Yss in storm events are total rainfall P, suspended sediment yield factor Rsf and antecedent precipitation index Iap. This research focuses on watersheds in Liau-Kwei observation station along Lao-Nung River in southern Taiwan as the research object, and adopts the PSED-model to simulate the discharge hydrograph, suspended sediment concentration hydrograph and suspended sediment yield in 11 storm events for analysis. The analytical results show that there is a good correlation between the above-mentioned rainfall characteristics factors and Cp as well as Yss, thus enabling Cp and Yss to be predicted by using Expressions (13) and (14). These two expressions are utilized to predict Cp and Yss of Typhoon Morakot in 2009, and the results are compared with those from simulation by using the PSED-model. The result of comparison shows there is a good capability in predicting. For the watersheds where it is necessary to predict Cp and Yss of a storm event for the benefit of effective operation of water resource facilities, the aforesaid rainfall characteristics factors can be utilized to establish applicable models for prediction.  相似文献   

Coarse sediment retention by check dams is analyzed for five typical catchments in the Hekou-Longmen section of the midstream of the Yellow River, which is an area of high .coarse sediment concentration. The catchments are the Huangfuchuan, Kuye, Wuding, Sanchuan and Qiushui River Basins. The amount of coarse sediment retained by check clams in these areas for different periods was measured. Sediment reduction due to check clams is compared with other soil conservation measures and the results show that check clams are the most effective to rapidly reduce the amount of coarse sediment entering the Yellow River. If the average percentage of the drainage area with check clams for the five typical catchments reaches 3.0%, the average sediment reduction ratio can reach 60%. Therefore, to rapidly and effectively reduce the amount of sediment, especially coarse sediment, entering the Yellow River, the area percentage of check clams in the Hekou-Longmen section should be kept around 3%. The Kuye and Huangfuchuan River Basins are the preferred main catchments in which such water conservation measures are implemented.  相似文献   

Few hyperpycnal flows have ever been observed in marine environments although they are believed to play a critical role in sediment dispersal within estuarine and deltaic depositional systems. The paper describes hyperpycnal flows observed in situ off the Huanghe (Yellow River) mouth, their relationship to tidal cycles, and the mechanisms that drive them. Simultaneous observations at six mooring stations during a cruise off the Huanghe mouth in the flood season of 1995 suggest that hyperpycnal flows observed at the river mouth are initiated by high concentrations of sediment input from river and modulated by tides. Hyperpycnal flows started near the end of ebb tides, when near‐bottom suspended sediment concentration (SSC) increased rapidly and salinity decreased drastically (an inverse salt wedge). The median grain size of suspended particles within the hyperpycnal layer increased, causing strong stratification of the suspended sediments in the water column. Towards the end of flood tides, the hyperpycnal flow attenuated due to frictions at the upper and lower boundaries of the flow and tidal mixing, which collapsed the stratification of the water column. Both sediment concentration and median grain size of suspended particles within the bottom layer significantly decreased. The coarser sediment particles were deposited and the hyperpycnal flows stopped. The intra‐tidal behaviors of hyperpycnal flows are closely associated with the variations of SSC, salinity, and stratification of the water column. As nearly 90% of riverine sediment is delivered to the sea during the flood seasons when hyperpycnal flows are active, hyperpycnal flows at the Huanghe mouth and the river's high sediment loads have caused rapid accretion of the Huanghe delta. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As the Mississippi River plays a major role in fulfilling various water demands in North America, accurate prediction of river flow and sediment transport in the basin is crucial for undertaking both short‐term emergency measures and long‐term management efforts. To this effect, the present study investigates the predictability of river flow and suspended sediment transport in the basin. As most of the existing approaches that link water discharge, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load possess certain limitations (absence of consensus on linkages), this study employs an approach that presents predictions of a variable based on history of the variable alone. The approach, based on non‐linear determinism, involves: (1) reconstruction of single‐dimensional series in multi‐dimensional phase‐space for representing the underlying dynamics; and (2) use of the local approximation technique for prediction. For implementation, river flow and suspended sediment transport variables observed at the St. Louis (Missouri) station are studied. Specifically, daily water discharge, suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load data are analysed for their predictability and range, by making predictions from one day to ten days ahead. The results lead to the following conclusions: (1) extremely good one‐day ahead predictions are possible for all the series; (2) prediction accuracy decreases with increasing lead time for all the series, but the decrease is much more significant for suspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment load; and (3) the number of mechanisms dominantly governing the dynamics is three for each of the series. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A large amount of the total sediment load in the Chinese Yellow River is transported during hyperconcentrated floods. These floods are characterized by very high suspended sediment concentrations and rapid morphological changes with alternating sedimentation and erosion in the main channel, and persistent sedimentation on the floodplain. However, the physical mechanisms driving these hyperconcentrated floods are still poorly understood. Numerical modelling experiments of these floods reveal that sedimentation is largely caused by large vertical concentration gradients, both in the channel during the rising stage of the flood, as well as on the floodplains, during a later stage of the flood. These vertical concentration gradients are large because the turbulent mixing rates are reduced by the increased sediment‐induced density gradients, resulting in a positive feedback mechanism that produces high deposition rates. Erosion prevails when the sediment is largely held in suspension due to hindered settling, and is strengthened by the reduced wetted cross‐section caused by massive sedimentation on the floodplain. Observed patterns of erosion and sedimentation during these floods can be qualitatively reproduced with a numerical model in which sediment‐induced density effects and hindered settling are included. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


An index (Fs) for sediment transfer function is introduced, based on the sediment budget at the channel scale. The purpose of this study is two-fold: to gain a deeper insight into how Fs is influenced by natural and human factors, and to provide some new knowledge for decision making in the management of the Upper Yellow River, China. Since 1960, the Fs of the Lanzhou to Toudaoguai reach of the Upper Yellow River shows a decreasing trend. At the drainage basin level, the decreased Fs can be explained by changes in precipitation and air temperature, as well as by a number of variables describing human activity, such as reservoir regulation, water diversion, and soil and water conservation. The higher temperature reduces the transfer function, while the larger runoff coefficient increases it. At the channel level, the decreased Fs can be explained by a number of variables of flow and sediment input. Three countermeasures for restoration of the Fs are suggested.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

The hydrologic regime of the Tiber River basin in central Italy has been impacted considerably in the last decades by intensive anthropic activities, and hydraulic works in particular (e.g. hydropower reservoirs, land use modification). In the Tiber River the wash load, in particular, plays an important role in sediment transport, and the knowledge of this hydrological variable is very important for the evaluation of medium-long-term dynamic of shoreline, and the evaluation of reservoir landfill. The Ripetta flow gauge, located in downtown Rome, has been continuously monitoring the daily discharge for decades, while daily sediment load measurements are available only for short terms.In this research, the yearly sediment rate is simulated using a simple stochastic model based on the evaluation of sediment rating curves. The sediment rating curve, i.e. the average relation between discharge and suspended sediment concentration for a specific location, is estimated using a power law model. The fitting curve, obtained by regression analysis, lacks the physical characterization of the phenomenon, often represented by the empirical evidences of erosion severity and the erosional power of river. Model results provide useful insights on the impact of recent hydraulic works on the sediment transport regime.  相似文献   

Serious soil erosion on the Loess Plateau has be-come the focus of world attention.As early as the1950s China has started soil and water conservation work on the Loess Plateau in order to improve the lo-cal eco-environment and mitigate the threat of the coarse sediment in the middle Yellow River to the river channel at downstream.Facts proved that the best alternative is the integrated management of hill slopes and gullies in combination with biological and engineering measures.Biological m…  相似文献   

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