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为了寻找一种精度较高、超越概率范围较广并且便于应用的方式来表达地震危险性,本文回顾了当前常用的几种地震危险性表达方法,提出基于一个新函数来拟合地震危险性曲线的“特征系数法”,并使用《中国地震动参数区划图》(GB 18306—2015)的基础数据对该函数的拟合效果进行了验证。结果表明,新函数与地震危险性曲线拟合良好,与极值函数相比有明显的提升,能够充分地表达一个场点的地震危险性。另外,本文结果还显示该函数中表征曲线形状的参数k (文中称为特征系数)与场点面临的地震环境有关,k值较低的场点危险性贡献基本来自近场,而k值较高的场点中远距离的贡献是不能忽视的。 相似文献
Lin-Gun Liu 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》1979,42(2):202-208
The pressure-temperature conditions and the variations of both density and bulk sound velocity in the vicinity of the 650-km discontinuity have been compared with those calculated for the phase transitions in both the olivine and the pyroxene-garnet components of the mantle material. These studies suggest that the mantle below about 650 km is composed primarily of perovskite phase, as distinct from the olivine-rich upper mantle. Thus, the “650-km” discontinuity is not likely to be associated with any of the equilibrium phase boundaries observed in olivine, pyroxene, and garnet, and is proposed instead to be a chemical change. It is suggested that the following factors may be responsible for chemical separation: the pyroxene-garnet component transforms to much denser phases possessing the ilmenite and perovskite structures before the breakdown of the spinel phase into a mixture of perovskite plus rocksalt phases. The perovskite phase is also much denser than the rocksalt phase and the two phases may not form a gravitationally stable mixture. Thus, the denser phases may tend to sink to or stay at the deep part of the mantle, causing chemical separation. Possible separation processes are discussed and the supporting observations are presented. 相似文献
Station corrections for body wave travel times are required to compensate for lateral variations in the crust and uppermost mantle in the analysis of seismic travel times that are used to determine deep Earth structure by various methods, including tomography. Station corrections to be applied to P wave arrival times from teleseismic earthquakes recorded by the Kaapvaal seismic network were estimated by five different methods: (1) averaging, (2) computing the median, and (3) weighted averaging of residuals; (4) least-squares regression, and (5) weighted least-squares regression. The corrections display variations that are related to the tectonic features of southern Africa inferred from surface geology, clearly delineating the southern and central areas of both the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons as regions of early arrivals, and the area around the Bushveld complex by later arrivals. Use of a simple ray method for generating synthetic station corrections suggests that lateral variations in the top 230 km of the Earth can explain the observed pattern of variations in station corrections. A satisfactory way of compensating for the biasing effects of outliers in the individual estimates of station corrections is through adaptation of a method originally developed by Jeffreys, which involves ascribing weights to the observations that reduce the standard deviation on a single estimate of a station correction from 0.123 to 0.096 s. Methods (2), (3) and (5) avoid serious bias by outliers, although methods (3) and (5) are preferred, because they also provide information on the causes of outliers. The presence of some outliers cannot be explained by errors in the measurement process, but must be caused by timing errors at the stations during recording, and/or errors introduced during the process of constructing the archived data files from the field data. 相似文献
Implication of seismic noise for determining the structure of the upper Earth Rock Mass 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
T. Yu. Koroleva T. B. Yanovskaya S. S. Patrusheva 《Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth》2009,45(5):369-380
An assertion that the cross-correlation function of seismic noise, considered as a result of the superposition of the surface waves, excited by the sources, randomly distributed over the Earth’s surface, determines the Green function of the surface wave is verified by numerical modeling. The maximum wave periods, for which this assertion is correct, are estimated and the errors in determination of the phase and group velocity of the surface waves are evaluated. The procedure for the determination of the correlation function and estimation from it of the group velocity are tested thoroughly based on the example of the pair of the BJT and TLY stations in Asia. This procedure is used for obtaining the group and phase velocities of the Rayleigh waves on the traces between the OBN-ARU and PUL-ARU stations. The velocity sections of the transverse waves are built based on the dispersion curves of the phase and group velocities of averages along these traces. The region of the lowered velocity in the upper mantle at depths of 150–300 km is revealed on both traces. From the analysis of correlation functions, which are subjected to narrow-band filtering, it is shown that the frequency composition of noise varies from the East and from the West from the profiles between the stations: in the East (Siberia) the noise has an appreciably lower-frequency than in the West (Western Europe). 相似文献
Introduction The migrationof electromagnetic field is like that of elastic wave in seismic prospecting, butthere are some differences between them (Lee et al, 1989). The elastic wave field satisfies thegeneral wave equation, while the electromagnetic field in our study satisfies the diffusion equation.Both the electromagnetic field and the elastic wave field have a similar mechanism. The imagingfunction named map can characterize the interface of different mediums (MA, 1989), that is … 相似文献
Reporter H. Miller Alpine Explosion Seismology Group 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1976,114(6):1109-1130
Summary From 8 to 20 September 1975 refraction seismic measurements were carried out in close European cooperation on a long range profile along the strike of the Alps between France and Hungary. The execution and first results of the Alpine Longitudinal Profile 1975 are presented in this paper, which is the first of a series. 20 shots from 9 different shotpoints were recorded by 193 mobile stations along a main line of a length of 850 km as well as on a number of fans and additional shorter profiles. The recordings were subsequently digitized and a number of computer generated record sections are presented to illustrate the quality of the data. First results are given in the form of a simple crustal cross section along the main profile and of two velocity depth functions, which indicate a substantial difference in type between the westernmost part and the eastern part of the profile.G. Angenheister, J. Ansorge, K. Aric, D. Bamford, R. Cassinis, H. Gebrande, I. Guerra, R. Gutdeutsch, W. Kaminski, R. King, H. Miller, C. Morelli, St. Mueller, R. Nicolich, G. perrier, K. Posgay, C. Prodehl, S. Scarascia, E. Schmedes, P. Steinhauser, F. Thouvenot. 相似文献
真振幅成像是一种代表性的定量估计模型参数扰动高波数部分的地震波成像方法.经典的真振幅成像方法在高频近似和理想照明假设条件下求取显式对角Hessian逆矩阵作为偏移振幅加权算子,用以校正波传播过程中的几何扩散效应,得到模型参数扰动的带限估计.真振幅保真成像方法在利用逆时偏移(RTM)框架实现时会产生低波数噪声,影响对高波数参数估计的精度.本文给出了一种新的基于RTM框架的真振幅保真成像条件,该成像条件针对反射波数据,在高频近似下散射模式对应正问题及Bayes反问题框架下导出.与传统基于高频渐进反演的波动方程成像方法类似,利用本文提出RTM成像条件能够保证计算结果与高频近似下反演结果的一致性.同时,利用本文提出RTM真振幅成像条件能够在成像过程中自动保真的消除传统真振幅RTM算法中存在低波数噪声,模型数值实验结果验证了本文方法的正确性和有效性. 相似文献
Lin-Gun Liu 《Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors》1980,23(4):286-291
The P-T conditions and the density (and velocity) change associated with the reaction from an alumina-rich pyroxene to an alumina-poor pyroxene plus garnet, or the lower-pressure boundary for the two-phase region of the pyroxene-garnet transition, is thoroughly examined. The 200-km seismic discontinuity has not been satisfactorily explained previously, and it is proposed here that it may be related to the above phase transformation. 相似文献
观测表明,大陆地区存在很多传统均衡模型无法解释的现象,其根本原因在于传统均衡理论中没有考虑地幔岩石圈部分由于热结构差异导致密度差异的影响.本文基于岩石圈尺度的质量平衡模型研究了中国大陆20个构造单元地壳及地幔岩石圈对地形海拔的贡献,以及各块体的均衡状态.计算结果表明,在一些地区,如塔里木盆地、北山和柴达木盆地,尽管岩石圈均衡模型和Airy模型得到了一致的海拔值,但岩石圈均衡模型更能体现均衡过程的物理本质;除青藏高原造山带外的多数块体,岩石圈均衡模型的计算结果更接近观测海拔和地表垂直运动状态;总体上,考虑地幔岩石圈热结构影响后,中国大陆各地区的均衡结果普遍优于传统的均衡模型.通过对均衡状态分析,我们得到以下主要结论:(1)构造稳定地区均衡程度较高;(2) 青藏高原及周边造山带现今地壳运动主要为区域构造过程及深部动力学过程所控制,均衡调整过程不是主要控制因素;(3) 现今地壳垂直运动比较明显的块体处于均衡调整阶段,地表垂直运动的大小反映了该区所受的均衡力作用的程度;(4) 构造稳定地区基于岩石层均衡的理论计算海拔与观测海拔之差值和现今地壳垂直运动速率有较好的相关性,据此我们可以通过均衡分析研究构造块体的运动趋势和动力学性质;(5) 地幔热结构对现今地形、海拔及地壳垂直运动有显著影响,在处理均衡问题时,地幔岩石圈热结构是我们必须考虑的重要因素. 相似文献
HUANG Guangyuan 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2001,44(2):159-165
Some new imaging formulas for seismic reflection wave and their theoretical basis are given. Phenomena of wave propagation
should be characterized by instantaneous spectrum and expressed by complex function of three variables (time, space and frequency)
in mathematics. Various physical parameters of medium are also complex functions of two variables (space and frequency). The
relationship between reflection coefficient of medium and spectrum of reflected wave is given. Multi-reflection and filter
of formations are considered in inversion formulas. Problems in classical convolution model and wave equation are illustrated.
All these inversion formulas can be used to image underground medium by wavelet transform and method of “3-basic colors”.
Different colors mean different media. 相似文献
A technique for modeling transient wave propagation in unbounded media is extended and applied to seismic soil–structure interaction analysis in the time domain. The technique, based on the discontinuous Galerkin method, requires lower computational cost and less storage than the boundary element method, and the time‐stepping scheme resulting from Newmark's method in conjunction with the technique is unconditionally stable, allowing for efficient and robust time‐domain computations. To extend the technique to cases characterized by seismic excitation, the free‐field motion is used to compute effective forces, which are introduced on the boundary of the computational domain containing the structure and the soil in the vicinity of the structure. A numerical example on a dam–foundation system subjected to seismic excitation demonstrates the performance of the method. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Summary We propose a method that may be used to determine the spatial orientation of the fracture plane developed during hydraulic fracture. In the method, magnetic particles are injected into the crack with the fracturing fluid so as to generate a sheet of magnetized material. Since the magnetization of a body with extreme dimension ratios, such as a crack, exceeds that of an equidimensional body and since this magnetization is sensitive both to orientation and geometry, this could be used to obtain information about the crack. By measuring the vertical and horizontal components of the magnetic field and field gradients at the earth's surface surrounding the injection well with superconducting magnetometers having 10–4 gamma sensitivity and also by measuring field direction within the well itself, it should be possible to calculate the orientation and perhaps infer the approximate geometry of the fracture surface. Experiments on electric field potential operated in conjunction with this experiment could further constrain estimates of shape and orientation. 相似文献
It is well-known that the application of the Square-Root-of-Sum-of-Squares (SRSS) method in seismic analysis for combining modal maxima can cause significant errors. Nevertheless, this method continues to be used by the profession for significant buildings. The purpose of this note is to present an improved technique to be used in place of the SRSS method in seismic analysis. A Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC) method is proposed which reduces errors in modal combination in all examples studied. The CQC method degenerates into the SRSS method for systems with well-spaced natural frequencies. Since the CQC method only involves a small increase in numerical effort, it is recommended that the new approach be used as a replacement for the SRSS method in all response spectrum calculations. 相似文献
A new simple method to substantially increase the seismic stability of reinforced soil structures 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M. Shinoda T. Uchimura F. Tatsuoka M. Tateyama T. Natsuki 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2002,22(9-12):1115-1123
A preloading and prestressing (PLPS) method has been proposed to substantially decrease the transient and residual vertical compression of geosynthetic-reinforced soil (GRS) structures subjected to long-term traffic load. It is shown that by using a newly developed device (called the ratchet system) in addition to the PLPS procedure, the seismic stability of PLPS GRS structures becomes very high. The ratchet system can not only maintain high prestress when the backfill tends to contract but also prevent the expansion of the backfill, both effectively restraining the shear and bending deformation of the structure subjected to seismic load. 相似文献