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Lin-Gun Liu 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》1979,42(2):202-208
The pressure-temperature conditions and the variations of both density and bulk sound velocity in the vicinity of the 650-km discontinuity have been compared with those calculated for the phase transitions in both the olivine and the pyroxene-garnet components of the mantle material. These studies suggest that the mantle below about 650 km is composed primarily of perovskite phase, as distinct from the olivine-rich upper mantle. Thus, the “650-km” discontinuity is not likely to be associated with any of the equilibrium phase boundaries observed in olivine, pyroxene, and garnet, and is proposed instead to be a chemical change. It is suggested that the following factors may be responsible for chemical separation: the pyroxene-garnet component transforms to much denser phases possessing the ilmenite and perovskite structures before the breakdown of the spinel phase into a mixture of perovskite plus rocksalt phases. The perovskite phase is also much denser than the rocksalt phase and the two phases may not form a gravitationally stable mixture. Thus, the denser phases may tend to sink to or stay at the deep part of the mantle, causing chemical separation. Possible separation processes are discussed and the supporting observations are presented. 相似文献
本文研究地震映像数据的时频解释方法.采用短时傅立叶变换方法获得地震映像记录频谱的时间与空间分布,根据介质对地震波频谱影响的基本规律,通过分析已知地质断面地震映像记录频谱的时间与空间分布,研究了综合利用频率域和时间域信息进行地震映像数据解释的效果.时频分析方法提取了地震波的频谱中关于地层岩性、构造方面的信息,为地震映像数据的处理和解释提供了更多的参考信息.实例证明,利用时频分析解释地震映像数据,有助于了解覆盖层下岩性变化、薄层的分布范围、探测隐伏土洞、确定混凝土构件中缺陷位置,提高地震映像数据的解释精度和准确性. 相似文献
Introduction The migrationof electromagnetic field is like that of elastic wave in seismic prospecting, butthere are some differences between them (Lee et al, 1989). The elastic wave field satisfies thegeneral wave equation, while the electromagnetic field in our study satisfies the diffusion equation.Both the electromagnetic field and the elastic wave field have a similar mechanism. The imagingfunction named map can characterize the interface of different mediums (MA, 1989), that is … 相似文献
HUANG Guangyuan 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2001,44(2):159-165
Some new imaging formulas for seismic reflection wave and their theoretical basis are given. Phenomena of wave propagation
should be characterized by instantaneous spectrum and expressed by complex function of three variables (time, space and frequency)
in mathematics. Various physical parameters of medium are also complex functions of two variables (space and frequency). The
relationship between reflection coefficient of medium and spectrum of reflected wave is given. Multi-reflection and filter
of formations are considered in inversion formulas. Problems in classical convolution model and wave equation are illustrated.
All these inversion formulas can be used to image underground medium by wavelet transform and method of “3-basic colors”.
Different colors mean different media. 相似文献
A self-consistent approach is proposed for the investigation of the thermal conditions, chemical composition, and internal structure of the upper mantle of the Earth. Using this approach, the thermal state of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Siberian Craton (SC) is reconstructed from P velocities, taking into account the phase transitions, anharmonicity, and the effects of anelasticity. The velocities of seismic waves are more sensitive to temperature than to the composition of the mantle rocks, which allows the velocity models to be effectively used for reconstruction of the thermal regime of the mantle. The temperature at depths 100–300 km is reconstructed by inversion of the Kraton and Kimberlit superlong seismic profiles for compositions of the garnet harzburgite, lherzolite, and intermediate composition of garnet peridotite. The averaged temperature in the normal continental mantle is reconstructed by inversion of the IASP91 reference model for depleted and fertile substance. One-dimensional models and two-dimensional thermal fields undergo a substantial fall in temperature (~300–600°C) beneath the Siberian Craton as compared to the temperatures of the continental mantle and paleotemperatures inferred from the thermobarometry of xenoliths. Temperature profiles of the Siberian Craton deduced from seismic data lie between the conductive geotherms of 32.5–40.0 mW/m2 and below the P(H)-T values obtained for low- and high-temperature xenoliths from the Mir, Udachnaya, and Obnazhennaya kimberlite pipes. The thickness of the thermal lithosphere estimated from the intersection with the potential adiabat is 300–320 km, which is consistent with the data on heat flows and seismotomographic observations. This provides grounds for the assumption that the low-temperature anomalies (thermal roots of continents) penetrate down to a depth of 300 km. The analysis of the sensitivity of seismic velocity and density to the variations in temperature, pressure, and chemical and phase composition of petrological models shows that recognition of fine differences in chemical composition of the lithospheric rocks by seismic methods is impossible. 相似文献
For the longitudinal seismic response analysis of a tunnel structure under asynchronous earthquake excitations, a longitudinal integral response deformation method classified as a practical approach is proposed in this paper. The determinations of the structural critical moments when maximal deformations and internal forces in the longitudinal direction occur are deduced as well. When applying the proposed method, the static analysis of the free-field computation model subjected to the least favorable free-field deformation at the tunnel buried depth is performed first to calculate the equivalent input seismic loads. Then, the equivalent input seismic loads are imposed on the integral tunnel-foundation computation model to conduct the static calculation. Afterwards, the critical longitudinal seismic responses of the tunnel are obtained. The applicability of the new method is verified by comparing the seismic responses of a shield tunnel structure in Beijing, determined by the proposed procedure and by a dynamic time-history analysis under a series of obliquely incident out-ofplane and in-plane waves. The results show that the proposed method has a clear concept with high accuracy and simple progress. Meanwhile, this method provides a feasible way to determine the critical moments of the longitudinal seismic responses of a tunnel structure. Therefore, the proposed method can be effectively applied to analyze the seismic response of a long-line underground structure subjected to non-uniform excitations. 相似文献
It is well-known that the application of the Square-Root-of-Sum-of-Squares (SRSS) method in seismic analysis for combining modal maxima can cause significant errors. Nevertheless, this method continues to be used by the profession for significant buildings. The purpose of this note is to present an improved technique to be used in place of the SRSS method in seismic analysis. A Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC) method is proposed which reduces errors in modal combination in all examples studied. The CQC method degenerates into the SRSS method for systems with well-spaced natural frequencies. Since the CQC method only involves a small increase in numerical effort, it is recommended that the new approach be used as a replacement for the SRSS method in all response spectrum calculations. 相似文献
青藏高原是研究地球动力学问题天然的试验场,也是研究全球变化的关键地区之一,中国科学院青藏高原研究所于2004年在西藏那木错建立了圈层相互作用综合观测研究站.为了解那木错站下方的地质构造,于2005年8月在本站布设了宽频带地震仪(记录器为Reftek130,摆为STS2),并于2006年5月取得首批数据.本文利用宽频带地震仪提供的三分量地震波形记录,应用转换函数及快速模拟退火算法对那木错站下的地壳横波速度结构进行了反演.反演结果表明,那木错站Moho面深度在85公里左右,地壳结构复杂,尤其在中上地壳,明显呈高低速互层结构,反映了该地区构造活动、物质交换活跃,表明这些地区还未达到均衡;同时,为了便于研究该地区地壳结构,还对IRIS提供的临近地区的地震宽频带进行了处理,为研究那木错地区圈层结构提供地球物理依据. 相似文献
Summary We propose a method that may be used to determine the spatial orientation of the fracture plane developed during hydraulic fracture. In the method, magnetic particles are injected into the crack with the fracturing fluid so as to generate a sheet of magnetized material. Since the magnetization of a body with extreme dimension ratios, such as a crack, exceeds that of an equidimensional body and since this magnetization is sensitive both to orientation and geometry, this could be used to obtain information about the crack. By measuring the vertical and horizontal components of the magnetic field and field gradients at the earth's surface surrounding the injection well with superconducting magnetometers having 10–4 gamma sensitivity and also by measuring field direction within the well itself, it should be possible to calculate the orientation and perhaps infer the approximate geometry of the fracture surface. Experiments on electric field potential operated in conjunction with this experiment could further constrain estimates of shape and orientation. 相似文献
A new simple method to substantially increase the seismic stability of reinforced soil structures 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M. Shinoda T. Uchimura F. Tatsuoka M. Tateyama T. Natsuki 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2002,22(9-12):1115-1123
A preloading and prestressing (PLPS) method has been proposed to substantially decrease the transient and residual vertical compression of geosynthetic-reinforced soil (GRS) structures subjected to long-term traffic load. It is shown that by using a newly developed device (called the ratchet system) in addition to the PLPS procedure, the seismic stability of PLPS GRS structures becomes very high. The ratchet system can not only maintain high prestress when the backfill tends to contract but also prevent the expansion of the backfill, both effectively restraining the shear and bending deformation of the structure subjected to seismic load. 相似文献
轻钢增层结构的实用抗震设计方法 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
轻钢增层结构属于复合结构,我国建筑抗震规范尚未对复合结构的抗震设计方法作出具体规定,传统的抗震设计方法偏于不安全。本文提出了轻钢增层结构的实模态强振型解耦法,并对现行规范的地震影响系数提出了修订意见。 相似文献
具有悠久历史的石结构是砌体结构的重要组成部分,本文作者经广泛调研和试验分析:(1)提出以石粉为集料对石砌体进行抗震加固,寓环保与防灾于一体;(2)给出新型浆体配比和复合砂浆的强度等级,阐述加固技术和方法,建立灌浆石砌体抗震抗剪强度公式;(3)阐明抗震验算方法,提出基于模糊随机可靠理论的可靠性分析方法。 相似文献
Introduction In recent years, with the development of earthquake observation technology, increasing ofobservation stations and improvement of observation instruments which are digitalized and con-nected by network, a great deal of data is recorded, to some extend, which brings difficulty for usto manage and store them. It leads to traditional methods, which use the file system to managemass data, could not satisfy our requirement, and it is necessary to find a new method in place oftradit… 相似文献
本文主要研究如何通过合理设计来提高高层钢结构的整体抗震能力.首先,给出了高层钢结构的非线性计算模型;其次,建立了高层钢结构在强地震动作用下的倒塌失效模式的极限状态判别准则;然后,通过模态pushover分析,研究了高层钢结构在水平地震作用下的损伤规律;最后,重点研究了高层钢结构的整体抗震能力的提高方法,提出了均匀损伤的设计方法,该方法通过消除结构的薄弱层,来达到提高高层钢结构的整体抗震能力的目的.通过对两栋20层的高层钢框架结构进行极限时程分析和极限pushover分析,验证了文中提出的均匀损伤的设计方法的可行性.本文的工作可为高层钢结构的抗地震倒塌设计提供参考依据. 相似文献
A method for detecting site liquefaction by seismic records 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A simple semi-theoretical method for straightforward identification of the liquefied site by using surface acceleration records is presented by taking the natural frequency decreasing ratio of the site (NFDRS) as a fundamental benchmark and taking the time–frequency decreasing ratio of the surface acceleration (TFDRSA) as a basic index. The TFDRSA of an accelerogram is calculated and the critical point of the TFDRSA is taken as a divisive point which distinguishes liquefied sites from non-liquefied sites. The critical point value of TFDRSA is assumed to be equal to the lower limit of NFDRS caused by liquefaction and the lower limit of NFDRS is attained approximately by a two-degree-of-freedom system which is employed to simulate site liquefaction. Based on the analysis for actual earthquake records, it is proved that the theoretical model and the basic assumption here are reasonable. The reliability of the method in the paper is verified by the actual earthquake records and the comparison results indicate that the method can detect the liquefied site and non-liquefied sites including the soft sites correctly. 相似文献
成都数字遥测地震台网建成后 ,大震监测和速报能力明显提高 ,功能得到增强 ,还为地震预测研究和基础研究提供了大动态、高分辨、线性度好、便于存储交换和计算机智能化处理的数字观测数据。数字台网连续记录波形的方式是以一小时为长度保存一个文件的 ,在速报工作中经常会遇到这样一个问题 :对于震级相对较大的地震 ,如果初至波到时记录在前一个小时文件中 ,而面波出现在后一个小时文件中 ,(地震触发事件设定记录长度最长为 60分钟 ,但随着记录波形的衰减 ,一般波形记录最长为 2 0分钟 )。对于这样的地震 ,直接使用数字台网记录中心现有软件… 相似文献
A. L. Metnieks 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1960,46(1):164-166
Summary The modification of the dynamic method suggested permits determining the diffusion coefficient of an aerosol from two concentration measurements (Z
) at the exit of a diffusion battery with different air-flows instead of measuring the concentration (Z) at the entrance and that (Z
) at the exit as originally employed.
Zusammenfassung Die vorgeschlagene Modifikation der dynamischen Methode gestattet die Bestimmung des Diffusionskoeffizienten eines Aerosols aus zwei Konzentrationsmessungen (Z v ) am Ausgange der Diffusionbatterie mit verschiedenen Luftstromgeschwindigkeiten anstatt der Messung der Konzentrationen am Eingang (Z) und Ausgang (Z v ), wie in der ursprünglichen, Methode benützt.相似文献