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围海工程拓展出陆地空间的同时对工程海域地形变化产生较大的影响。本文以温州瑞安东部瓯飞滩海域为研究区,通过GIS处理水下地形资料,构建Delft3D数学模型,分析围海工程引起的瓯飞滩地形冲淤变化特征及其动力机制。研究表明,工程实施后研究区海域涨潮占优特性有所增强,近岸海域整体保持淤积态势,淤积速率略有增加;局部区域受影响较大,如围堤凸区附近受挑流作用表现为缓慢冲刷,而在围堤凹处受阻流效应影响表现为快速淤涨。研究对瓯飞滩及类似淤泥质海岸的开发利用与保护有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

河口潮滩一般由生长于中高潮滩的植被和植被前缘光滩(裸滩)构成,光滩的时空变化直接关联潮滩冲淤及植被演替状态。本文基于Landsat 5 TM及Sentinel-2 MSI等多期遥感影像,利用随机森林分类算法与数字岸线分析系统探讨茅尾海钦江河口光滩在1986—2021年期间的变化过程。结果表明:①近40年钦江河口光滩面积总体呈现明显损失的状态,可分为1986—2002年冲淤平衡、2002—2007年快速淤积、2007—2014年急剧降低和2014—2021年缓慢淤涨4个阶段;②光滩淤积的区域主要分布于钦江沙井河口口门及内侧河槽与潮汐通道边缘,侵蚀出现在钦江沙井河口及钦江沙冲河口航道及潮沟区域;③茅尾海清淤工程是引起钦江河口光滩自2008年到2014年面积减少的直接因素,潮间带植被扩张和2015年之后大范围生蚝养殖引起的水动力减弱导致光滩向海淤涨。当前海平面上升未对光滩造成明显影响,但入海泥沙的变化一定程度上影响光滩冲淤演变。本研究可为区域河口潮滩资源的可持续高效利用提供部分理论与技术支撑。  相似文献   

以杭州湾北岸金山咀—龙泉港岸段边滩及海床为研究区域,利用1989—2014年实测及海图资料分析岸滩断面地形变化和岸段冲淤变化。结果表明:在该研究时段,岸段存在长期稳定的冲刷深槽;近岸海床的冲淤表现出“波动性”,5 m等深线(2014年)以浅区以淤积为主,5 m等深线以深冲淤更迭,1989年以来总体呈现冲刷态势。长江入海泥沙量变化为该岸段发生侵蚀/淤积的影响因子之一,台风大浪及海床侵蚀/淤积波的移动导致海床冲淤复杂化。  相似文献   

遥感水边线技术在潮间带冲淤分析研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以辽东湾盘锦滩为试验区,利用遥感水边线方法研究了潮间带的冲淤演变,结合遥感水边线和海图0m线边界建立了3个时段的潮滩数字高程模型,获得了辽东湾盘锦滩不同时段近20a来的冲淤空间变化,并用2008年实测地形资料对遥感水边线和反演地形进行了评价。研究结果表明,从Landsat5,4,2合成彩色影像上目视解译的水边线与实测地形走向相近;实测地形与反演地形之间的误差集中在-0.9m~0.8m之间,平均误差为-0.16m,标准偏差为0.40,误差在±0.6m之间的区域占总面积的81.1%。遥感技术作为一种补充手段,可用于潮间带岸滩演变空间分析,其精度有待于进一步提高。  相似文献   

琼州海峡白沙门海滩是海口市重要旅游资源,历史研究表明自20世纪60年代以来其一直处于侵蚀退化状态。本文选取1994—2015年的19景Landsat遥感影像提取白沙门海滩水边线并计算海滩坡度,分析海滩冲淤,结果表明:1994—2008年海滩处于冲刷状态,高潮位的水边线平均向岸回退了104.71 m, 低潮位的水边线平均向岸回退了95.49 m,但是2000年附近时段的人工补沙弥补了海滩侵蚀退化;2008—2015年海滩转为淤积状态,高潮位的水边线平均向海前进了34.17 m,低潮位的水边线平均向海前进了25.52 m,海滩淤积可能是海滩东侧的新埠岛围填海工程造成的。  相似文献   

基于遥感技术,对反映17 a来博贺澙湖的5景遥感影像定量反演潮滩水边线,在此基础上推算澙湖潮滩的沉积与冲刷速率,同时对引起潮滩变化的动力作用进行探讨,结果表明博贺澙湖的潮滩以淤展为主,其中处于开敞地段的澙湖潮滩出现冲刷,遮蔽岸段的澙湖潮滩淤积,控制澙湖潮滩变化的主要因子是包括圈围潮滩成盐田、虾池以及鱼塘等的人类活动.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲河道近期冲淤特征初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄镇国  张伟强 《台湾海峡》2005,24(4):417-425
近20多年,在人为因素影响下,珠江三角洲网河区和口门区的水沙分配发生了 重大变化.水沙东输,加速了伶仃洋的淤积,其年均淤积量、水域缩减面积、滩涂的年 均增长率,分别为磨刀门的2.4倍、1.7倍、6.4倍.网河区河道由淤转冲,过水断面面 积扩大13.9%~31.9%;冲刷速率12~21cm/a.  相似文献   

金塘水道冲淤变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1935年、1962年、1987年和2004年4个典型年份的水深地形资料,通过建立这些年份金塘水道的数字高程模型,定量计算了不同时段海床平面冲淤和特征等深线位移的变化,并结合实测水文泥沙资料和南北两岸的水利水运工程布局,初步分析了冲淤变化的原因。结果表明,在1935—2004年的69年中,金塘水道的海床平面整体上以轻微冲刷为主,冲刷速率为2.3 em/a,而潮滩则表现为不断淤涨;水道冲淤在不同时段存在一定的差异,呈现由冲刷转向淤积的调整趋势,这种趋势可认为人为因素的作用大于自然环境因素的作用。  相似文献   

陈祥锋  刘苍字等 《海洋工程》2001,19(3):96-101107
选取连云港南部近岸带南北不同岸滩4个典型断面的样品点进行主成分分析,得出研究区控制泥沙交换和冲淤变化的主要动力因素为潮流作用和潮流波浪混合作用,据此,尝试建立冲淤变化的协方差数学模型,经过对计算结果显著性分析和实证检验得出研究区域的冲淤趋势为、整体冲淤平衡,局部略有冲刷”,从北到南,依次出现淤积平衡,冲淤平衡,冲刷平衡三种较为稳定的自然冲淤环境。  相似文献   

东海岛是全国第五大岛,其东部长达28km的海滩是"中国第一长滩"。近年来因海平面上升和人类开发,该海滩局部出现较为严重的海岸侵蚀。基于高精度GPS监测结果及表层沉积物粒度测试结果,使用GSTA趋势分析模型,研究了东海岛东北部砂质岸滩的季节性冲淤变化及沉积物运移趋势,探讨了海岸侵蚀机制。结果表明,研究区岸滩沉积物的运移主要受潮流的控制,以沿岸向北运移为主。研究区南部岸滩紧邻低滩灯塔形成的波影区,沉积物供应较少,岸滩以侵蚀为主;研究区北部沿岸流搬运的沉积物能从南侧得到补给,加之向岸运移的沉积物,岸滩多处于淤积状态。  相似文献   

Mangroves can not only provide multiple ecosystem service functions, but are also efficient carbon producers,capturers, and sinks. The estimation of the organic carbon accumulation rate(OCAR) in mangrove sediments is fundamental for elucidating the role of mangroves in the global carbon budget. In particular, understanding the past changes in the OCAR in mangrove sediments is vital for predicting the future role of mangroves in the rapidly changing environment. In this study, three dated sediment cores from interior and fringe of mangroves in the Yingluo Bay, China, were used to reconstruct the spatiotemporal variations of the calculated OCAR since 1900 in this area. The increasing OCAR in the mangrove interior was attributed to mangrove flourishment induced by climate change characterized by the rising temperature. However, in the mangrove fringe, the strengthening hydrodynamic conditions under the sea level rise were responsible for the decreasing OCAR, particularly after the1940 s. Furthermore, the duration of inundation by seawater was the primary factors controlling the spatial variability of the OCAR from the mangrove fringe to interior, while the strengthened hydrodynamic conditions after the 1940 s broke this original pattern.  相似文献   

Located in the intertidal zone of the tropical and subtropical coasts, mangrove forests are an important ecosystem in the global carbon cycle and serve as a protector of local seashores. Under the double impacts of climate change,especially sea-level rise, and human activity, mangrove forests around the world have faced degradation, against which the reconstruction of the historical development of mangrove forests using an effective indicator has been regarded as a necessary strategy for designing a predictable model. As the primary product of mangrove forest, it is reasonable that the content of leaf fragments of mangrove(CLFM) buried in sediments in the form of sub-fossils potentially has the same indicative function for the development of mangrove forests as that of widely-used mangrove pollen. In this study, the leaf fragments of mangrove in two sediment cores(YLW02 and YLW03) drilled in the Yingluo Bay in Guangxi, Southwest China were picked out and weighted for calculation of CLFM, which was used as an indicator of mangrove development after examination of parallelism and a statistical correlation of the CLFM with the concentration of mangrove pollen. The results clearly show that the vertical distribution of the CLFM for the core taken from the landward margin of mangrove forests(YLW03) only parallels that of the local mangrove species(Rhizophora. stylosa) with a significantly positive correlation(R=0.56, P=0.05), while the vertical distribution of the CLFM for the core taken from the interface between seaward margin of mangrove forest and the trunk of tidal creeks of the bay(YLW02) parallels the summed concentration of mangrove pollen(SCMP) with a more positive correlation than that of YLW03(R=0.85, P=0.01), indicating that the trunk outlet of tidal creeks must have been the site where mangrove production gathered from the overall forest rather than from local production. The variations in the CLFM of both cores indicate that overall the mangrove forests in the Yingluo Bay have increasingly flourished over the last 130 years except for the interval of 1940–1950 AD in response to an increase in air temperature and decrease in rainfall, which would have resulted in an increase in seawater salinity;while the coupled extreme increases in air temperature and in rainfall in summer, which would have resulted in extreme decreases in seawater salinity, would be responsible for the relative degradation of mangrove forests in the interval of 1940–1950 AD.  相似文献   

A change in the elevation of bare tidal flats outside a mangrove area is an indispensable factor for the sustainable development of mangroves. Waterline extraction, as an effective and economical tool used in reconstructing the terrain of an intertidal zone, has been widely applied to open-coast tidal flats by constructing a digital elevation model (DEM). However, mangrove wetlands are usually located in wave-sheltered sites, such as estuaries and bays that have narrow tidal channels flanked by tidal flats. Changes in water level are affected by the dry-wet processes of complex landforms caused by tides. This article takes as a study case the area of Yingluo Bay, which covers the core region of the Zhanjiang and Shankou National Mangrove National Nature Reserve in southwestern China. Waterline extraction based on seventeen multisource and multispectral satellite images obtained from December 2014 to April 2015, combining the finite-volume coastal ocean model (FVCOM) hydrodynamic model in an iterative process, was used to generate a topographical map of the bare tidal flat outside the mangrove area in Yingluo Bay. The quality of the iterative DEMs was evaluated via six transects of a ground-based survey using Real - time kinematic (RKT) GPS in May 2015. The mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) of the DEM decreased with an increase in the number of iterations. In this study, the DEM in the third iteration was used as the final output because the difference from the previous iterative DEM satisfied an inversion-stopping criterion. The MAE and RMSE of the final DEM with the measured data were 0.072 and 0.09?m, respectively, without considering small tidal creeks. The method used in this study can be an effective and highly precise approach for detecting and reconstructing the historical terrain of a bare tidal flat outside a mangrove area. This work also has great importance regarding intertidal resource management and the sustainable development of mangroves facing the vulnerable coastal ecological environment.  相似文献   

远海孤立碳酸盐台地周缘发育了碳酸盐岩峡谷,对其开展研究有助于深刻理解碳酸盐碎屑沉积物的“源-汇”体系及深水油气成藏等方面。文章利用多波束测深、高分辨率二维多道地震等数据,精细刻画南海西沙海域永乐海底峡谷的地貌形态及内部充填特征,揭示该峡谷沉积演化过程,分析峡谷成因控制因素及稳定性。永乐海底峡谷形成演化可分为萌芽、汇聚和拓展3个阶段,随着演化过程的发展,峡谷规模及对沉积物输运作用增加。永乐海底峡谷形成及演化主要受古地貌隆起形成的负地形和沉积物重力流侵蚀作用影响。峡谷在第四纪以后仍有较明显的活动迹象。分析显示永乐海底峡谷是西北次海盆的重要物质输送通道,其沉积演化过程及稳定性对研究碳酸盐台地沉积物输运等深水沉积过程及岛礁工程建设具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

南海北部湾铁山港码头建设期间,邻近区域红树林带植株出现受损死亡现象。本研究构建基于遥感增强包含红树林潮间带的海湾水沙嵌套模型,评估码头建设对红树林带潮流、泥沙输移及冲淤的影响。结果表明:海湾水沙嵌套模型可充分利用南海海流模拟信息,且精细化模拟了工程建设附近海域泥沙输移规律。采用全球地表水覆盖几率遥感反演数据与当地潮位的信息融合技术,为红树林带水沙模拟提供了可靠地形信息。码头建设主要影响红树林带南部潮流,涨急时流速减小,落急时部分潮沟通道流速增大。当进港方案更改为过水钢栈桥,红树林带东南部流速略有增加。码头施工期,红树林带69%~72%范围的悬浮泥沙浓度增量介于20~50 mg/L之间。码头建设前,红树林带泥沙平均冲淤量为0.27 cm/a;进港方案分别为不过水通道和过水钢栈桥,码头建设后红树林带淤积量增加的面积占比分别为96.6%和89.3%,平均冲淤量分别为0.45 cm/a和0.36 cm/a。过水钢栈桥替换不过水通道,红树林带冲淤增量下降了50.0%。研究结论可为潮间带水沙环境模拟和红树林带保护决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

对福田国家级红树林自然保护区近岸水域进行水质及生态调查,结果显示,深圳湾潮汐对红树林中微型生物生态及湿地污染状况产生了最为直接的影响;藻类在红树林中具有较好的水质污染指示作用,其生态功能大于纤毛虫、轮虫等微型生态类群;微型生物可通过食物链对污染物起放大和传递作用,传递途径在水体中以藻→纤毛虫为主,底质中以藻→底栖动物幼虫为主。  相似文献   

南海珊瑚岛礁远离大陆且面积较小,高分辨率遥感技术已成为大范围进行珊瑚岛礁监测的重要手段,而建立适用的遥感分类体系和解译标志是进行珊瑚岛礁遥感监测的基础.本文综合考虑珊瑚岛礁的形成机制、珊瑚礁形态和高分辨率遥感影像上珊瑚岛礁图斑的可解译程度等因素,制定应用于珊瑚岛礁高分遥感监测的分类体系,将珊瑚岛礁分为珊瑚岛、沙洲、干出...  相似文献   

强潮海区的潮滩冲淤演变对于潮滩开发利用、海洋环境保护及灾害预防等具有十分重要的意义。本文以福建北部文渡湾海域为研究对象,采用遥感和GIS相结合的方法,对淤泥质潮滩的冲淤演变特征进行研究。研究结果表明:1991年以来文渡湾湾顶潮滩地形呈淤积状态,尤其2005年以后淤积明显;淤积的主要原因可能与围垦造陆使得湾口缩窄,致使湾口流速增大、湾口局部海床冲刷的泥沙向湾顶搬运有关。  相似文献   

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