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本实验以新月菱形藻为受试生物,研究了低浓度不同粒径TiO2颗粒(21nm、60nm和400nm)对海洋微藻生长、抗氧化酶活性(超氧化物歧化酶SOD、过氧化氢酶CAT和过氧化物酶POD)、脂质过氧化产物(MDA)含量的影响,并测定了相应的活性氧自由基(ROS)的含量,初步探讨了TiO2颗粒对海洋微藻的作用机制。结果表明,1mg/L TiO2颗粒对新月菱形藻生长的抑制作用随着粒径的减小而逐渐增强,第48h、72h、96h呈现出显著的纳米效应。TiO2颗粒可以诱导藻细胞内ROS的含量增加,对藻细胞产生氧化胁迫,新月菱形藻的抗氧化酶活性发生应激响应,以清除过量的ROS,但剩余的ROS对藻细胞产生氧化损伤,导致MDA含量升高,并且纳米级TiO2颗粒对新月菱形藻的氧化损伤大于微米级颗粒。在不同粒径TiO2颗粒的胁迫下,藻细胞SOD和CAT活性的响应也存在差异。本研究将为开展人工纳米材料对海洋生态系统影响的潜在风险评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下,研究了氮磷比、温度、光照强度等环境因子对中肋骨条藻细胞碳水化合物,氨基酸、蛋白质含量的影响。结果表明:当介质N/P为10:1时生化组成含量比30:1高;在28℃时,其生化含量高;高光照强度下藻生化组成含量比低光照大。  相似文献   

中肋骨条藻是一种在中国东部沿海广泛存在的广温广盐性的浮游硅藻,根据对近年来我国长江口和其他海域所发生赤潮的观测,有相当一部分是以中肋骨条藻为主(王金辉,2002;刘玉等,2002),其严重的破坏了海洋生态环境并造成了重大的国民经济损失,因此,对诱发中骨条藻爆发赤潮各种因子的研究便具有了重要的现实意义。本文应用营养盐加富的实验方法,在室内进行了中肋骨条藻的培养试验,研究了不同磷酸盐浓度条件下中肋骨条藻的生长情况,并对藻细胞内氮磷比的变化情况进行了探讨,以求对揭示中肋骨条藻赤潮的产生机制有所裨益。  相似文献   

中肋骨条藻是一种广温、广盐性的浮游硅藻,并且多次在长江口及其他海域形成赤潮,对海洋生态环境造成严重危害,因此引起国内、外赤潮研究者的广泛关注。不少学者对中肋骨条藻种群的生态、生理特点展开研究(刘东艳等,2002;黄文祥等,1989;邹景忠等,1989;李铁,1990,2000)。营养盐是海洋浮游植物所必需的成分,海水中某种营养盐含量过低往往对浮游植物生长形成限制(Myers et al.,1981;Brian,1986;胡明辉等,1989)。海水营养盐含量过高则易形成富营养化,可进一步引发赤潮(周名江,2001)。硝酸盐是海洋浮游植物所必需的营养物质之一,它直接影响着浮游植物的生长、繁殖等生物活动(李铁,2000;Ryther et al.,1971)。研究海水中硝酸盐浓度和N/P对浮游藻类生长的影响将有助于我们了解高营养化与赤潮发生之间的关系。本文对在不同营养结构条件下,中肋骨条藻的生长速率、培养介质中的pH和溶解有机碳(DOC)进行了研究。  相似文献   

采用实验生态学方法,研究了不同起始密度下悬浮清洁疏浚物对中肋骨条藻Skeletonema costatum和赤潮异弯藻Heterosigma akashiwo生长的影响。研究结果表明,在实验室单培养条件下,清洁疏浚物培养液中,起始密度不同,微藻生长状况明显不同。起始密度为0.2×104 cells·mL-1时,进入指数生长期和静止期的时间延长,但生长所达到的最大细胞密度较高;起始密度为0.8×104 cells·mL-1时,进入指数生长期和静止期的时间缩短,但生长所达到的种群最大密度较低。混合培养条件下,清洁疏浚物培养液中,起始密度不同,导致了微藻种间竞争关系的变化,中肋骨条藻与赤潮异弯藻具有明显的种间竞争,赤潮异弯藻是竞争的优胜者,中肋骨条藻受到赤潮异弯藻的抑制,整个实验周期内细胞密度下降都非常明显,细胞密度明显低于单培养时的细胞密度,而赤潮异弯藻细胞密度并没有明显的减少。在3种不同质量浓度组清洁疏浚物培养液中,质量浓度最高的1 000 mg·L-1培养液中藻细胞密度显著低于100 和500 mg·L-1质量浓度组,而100 mg·L-1培养液中藻细胞密度最高,说明清洁疏浚物质量浓度越高,对海洋微藻抑制影响越为明显,质量浓度越低,影响越小。  相似文献   

营养盐对中肋骨条藻和新用菱形藻生长及氮磷组成的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
于1995年5月1996年3月一次2实验,研究了培养介质中营养盐含量变化对中肋骨条藻和新月菱形藻生长速率和藻体氮、磷含量的影响。根据Monod方程,磷酸盐影响中肋骨条藻和新月菱形藻生长速率的半饱和常数分别为0.54μmol/L和0.05μmol/L;硝酸盐影响两种藻生长速率的半饱和常数分别为4.0μmol/L和14.6μmol/L,相比之下新月菱形藻更容易受到氮不足的限制。将Monod方程扩展得到  相似文献   

于1995年3月--1996年1月,通过实验室模拟培养,研究了中肋骨条菏和新月菱形藻对磷酸盐和硝酸盐的吸收速率,以及温度、光照等环境因素对新月菱形藻吸收磷酸盐的影响。结果表明,用Michaelis-Menton方程处理,求得中肋骨条藻和新月菱形藻吸收磷酸盐的半饱和常数分别为0.61μmol/L和0.48μmol/L,吸收硝酸半饱和常数分别为7.8μmol/L和6.0μmol/L,新月菱形藻对磷酸盐  相似文献   

NaHCO3浓度对塔胞藻、小球藻和新月菱形藻生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

以小新月菱形藻为实验对象,从化学角度研究了加入高浓度一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)对其生长的影响。结果表明:(1)一次性加入不同浓度NO时,1.4μmol/L NO对微藻生长有促进作用;7,14,28和42μmol/L的NO对微藻生长起抑制作用,并且NO浓度越大,抑制作用越明显。(2)每天一次加入不同浓度NO时,1.4~42μmol/L的NO对微藻生长起不同程度的抑制作用,且微藻生长周期缩短。藻的生长曲线由S型变成峰型;加入42μmol/L NO,在100 h内完全抑制了微藻的生长。(3)通过进一步检测外加NO在藻液中的浓度变化,结果表明采用2种不同加入方式时,1.4μmol/L NO对藻生长分别起促进和抑制作用,这是由于NO的不断衰变造成的。  相似文献   

在温度为 ( 2 2± 1 )℃ ,盐度为 2 8的条件下 ,用不同浓度的NaHCO3( 0 ,1 0 0 ,2 0 0 ,40 0 ,80 0 ,1 2 0 0和 1 60 0mg/L)对青岛海洋大学微藻种质库保存的塔胞藻 (Pyramidomonassp.)、小球藻 (Chlorellaspp .)和新月菱形藻 (Nitzschiaclosterium )进行培养。实验结果表明 ,NaHCO3浓度对 3种海洋微藻生长的影响差异显著 ,经过 6d的培养 ,塔胞藻和小球藻的细胞浓度都在NaHCO3浓度为 1 2 0 0mg/L时达到最大值 ;新月菱形藻的细胞浓度在NaHCO3浓度为 40 0mg/L时达到最大值。  相似文献   

研究中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)生长对不同质量浓度的5种金属离子胁迫的响应,探讨5种金属离子对中肋骨条藻叶绿素a合成的影响.结果显示:生长方面,中肋骨条藻对Cd2+和Ba2+的响应较明显,培养至第10天,Cd2+质量浓度为1、10 mg/L组生长量仅有对照组的59%及43.6%; Ba2+质量浓度为2 mg/L组到第10天是对照组的69.4%,而0.5 mg/L组超过对照组38.9%;中肋骨条藻对其他金属离子的胁迫响应不明显;叶绿素合成方面,Cd2+质量浓度为1 mg/L时,叶绿素a合成量达最高,高于对照组157%;而Ba2+质量浓度为0.5、1 mg/L时,超出对照组的116%和483%;其他金属离子对中肋骨条藻叶绿素a合成均起抑制作用,各个质量浓度组均低于对照组,其中pb2+质量浓度为0.3 mg/L、Mn2+质量浓度为1 mg/L及Li+质量浓度为0.1 mg/L时,叶绿素a含量达最低值,仅为对照组的34.1%、37.5%和17.6%;结论是质量浓度为0.5 mg/L的Ba2+可促进中肋骨条藻的生长及叶绿素的合成,对其产业化规模培养具有重要意义.  相似文献   

为提高小新月菱形藻(Nitzschia closterium)的产油脂能力、获得油脂含量高的突变株,利用甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)对该藻株进行了化学诱变处理,并对其生物学作用进行了考察。结果显示,EMS对小新月菱形藻具有较好的诱变作用,经0.1 mol/L和0.05 mol/L EMS处理后分别得到油脂生产能力较强的突变藻株YA和YB,在同等培养条件下两株突变藻单位体积细胞的内叶绿素a、类胡萝卜素、蛋白质、可溶性糖和油脂相对含量分别比对照组提高了30.05%和25.77%、22.15%和19.26%、9.06%和8.27%、48.25%和45.48%、44.06%和12.86%。  相似文献   

化感作用是浒苔绿潮暴发的重要原因之一,目前,对于浒苔产生化感物质的结构、种类以及产量的研究鲜有报道。本文针对黄海浒苔绿潮致灾藻种,利用毒性鉴别程序(TIE)对其体内的化感物质进行分离提取及结构鉴定,明确了浒苔产生化感物质的主要成分。首先用石油醚、乙酸乙酯和甲醇3种有机溶剂分别对新鲜浒苔进行提取,得到3种不同溶剂粗提物,其中乙酸乙酯粗提物的抑藻活性最强,对测试物种中肋骨条藻的半数有效浓度(96h-EC50)值为22.25 mg/L;其次对乙酸乙酯粗提物进行萃取分离得到初步提纯物,其对中肋骨条藻的96h-EC50值为21.12 mg/L;然后用硅胶层析柱对上述初步提纯物进行分离,共得到6种组分,其中抑藻活性最强的组分对中肋骨条藻的96h-EC50值为10.57 mg/L;最后,对新鲜浒苔提取物用红外光谱和气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行检测,实验结果表明主要化感物质为:4,7,10,13,16,19-二十二碳六烯酸、2-十六碳烯酸、棕榈酸、5,8,11,14,17-二十碳五烯酸、9,12-十八碳二烯酸、9,12,15-十六碳三烯酸、花生四烯酸、13-二十二碳烯酸等8种脂肪酸。研究结果对于系统阐释浒苔绿潮暴发机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Phaeodactylum tricornutum was grown in filtered natural seawater enriched with nitrate, phosphate, and silicate only (control) or with exudates from itself, from Emiliania huxleyi (a coccolithophore micro-alga), Porphyra spp. (a red macro-alga) or Enteromorpha spp. (a green macro-alga). Cathodic (and anodic) stripping voltammetry (C(A)SV) were used to determine the concentrations of trace metals, both in the medium and in the algae, as well as total Cu-complexing organic ligands in the medium and, among these, some thiols (compounds identified as cysteine- or as glutathione by CSV). Exudates of different marine micro- and macro-algae could cause allelopathic effects in P. tricornutum cultures. Cell yield of P. tricornutum was increasingly promoted by exudates of E. huxleyi >Porphyra >Enteromorpha. Although exudates strongly complex Cu (and probably other metals), their presence promoted Cu uptake. Significant changes of Ni, Cd, Fe, Zn and Mn uptake by P. tricornutum were also observed in the presence of exudates of different algal species. In addition, both intensity of production and nature of exudates released by P. tricornutum were markedly influenced by the presence of exudates of other algae, the allelopathic effects being very specific (variable from one species to another). Allelopathy will probably also occur in the aquatic environment, although to a lesser extent than in cultures, particularly during bloom events and may have effects on both chemical speciation and bioavailability of chemicals to phytoplanktonic species. Such changes might cause the predominance of some species over other species. Therefore, in future in vitro culture studies with the purpose of using them as models of the real environment, more attention should be paid to the role of algal exudates, in order to improve the environmental relevance and significance of the results.  相似文献   

对实验室培养的两株海洋微藻海洋卡盾藻和中肋骨条藻的可培养细菌进行了分离鉴定,分别在海洋卡盾藻和硅藻中肋骨条藻不同生长时期分离得到48株和34株可培养细菌,去除重复序列后得到12株不同的菌株。这些菌株分属α-变形杆菌纲、γ-变形杆菌纲、拟杆菌和放线菌。α-变形杆菌纲在两种藻的藻际环境中占据优势,其中红杆菌科是最为常见的科,中肋骨条藻的藻际细菌比海洋卡盾藻更为多样化。海洋卡盾藻生长后期细菌密度大幅度上升,可能导致了藻细胞的衰亡。中肋骨条藻相关细菌中有一株对旋链角毛藻的生长具有明显抑制作用,而大部分海洋卡盾藻相关细菌对角毛藻的生长具有抑制作用。本研究结果说明海洋卡盾藻的藻际细菌也许对其与硅藻的种间竞争中具有一定作用。  相似文献   

中型浮游动物因摄食微型浮游动物,释放了微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食压力,这种营养级联效应会增加浮游植物丰度和降低中型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食率,从而弱化浮游生物网营养传递过程中的下行控制作用。本研究在实验室模拟了食物链中肋骨条藻-裸甲藻-双毛纺锤水蚤的营养传递过程,发现在中肋骨条藻低生物量时,双毛纺锤水蚤偏好于选择摄食裸甲藻;高生物量时,双毛纺锤水蚤偏好选择摄食中肋骨条藻。营养传递过程中存在正的级联效应(0.018~0.12 d–1),级联效应的大小与裸甲藻的摄食率和双毛纺锤水蚤对裸甲藻的摄食选择指数呈现显著的正相关关系。双毛纺锤水蚤对中肋骨条藻的直接摄食死亡率大于营养级联效应,从而导致中肋骨条藻生物量的降低。因此,营养级联效应对中型浮游动物摄食浮游植物的影响要弱于中型浮游动物的直接摄食作用。  相似文献   

The short-term (5 day) accumulation of Cu and Zn in different tissues of the marine gastropod, Littorina littorea, has been studied in the presence of 10 mg l−1 of antifouling paint particles and pre- or simultaneously contaminated algal food (Ulva lactuca). Accumulation of Cu was observed in the head–foot, digestive gland–gonad complex and gills to extents dependent on how and when food was contaminated and administered. However, retention of Zn was only observed in the gills and only when L. littorea and U. lactuca were simultaneously exposed to paint particles. Relative to the alga, faecal material was highly enriched in Zn, suggesting that the animal is able to rapidly eliminate this metal, most likely through the formation and egestion of insoluble phosphate granules. Thus, L. littorea is a useful biomonitor of marine contamination by antifouling applications in respect of Cu but not Zn.  相似文献   

Enrichments with five types of organic carbon, differing in nitrogen content and type of organic carbon, were made to a marine sediment in order to study effects on nitrogen fluxes. The enrichments used were Ulva lactuca, Ascophyllum nodosum, Zostera marina, Ceratium spp., lignin, and mixtures of U. lactuca and A. nodosum. Fluxes of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphate were measured in short-term (48 h) microcosm experiments, using a carbon enrichment loading similar to that at the sampling site. Changes in microbial community growth and structure due to three types enrichments were also detected using molecular methods in a microcosm experiment run for 4 days to allow for detection at DNA-level.Ammonium fluxes changed from an efflux in the control to an influx for all enrichments apart from U. lactuca. The change was significantly related to the added material's C:N ratio when Ceratium spp. was excluded. All enrichments induced an influx of nitrate suggesting the formation of anoxic micro zones, but there was no relationship with C:N ratio. Instead, the magnitude of the nitrate influx is suggested to be related to the structure of the organic carbon, where enrichments containing a large pool of cellulose and lignin (Z. marina and lignin) gave rise to a lower influx, compared to algal material with more easily degraded organic matter like lipids and starch, which induced the highest influx of nitrate (Ceratium spp., U. lactuca, and A. nodosum). The occurrence of an ammonium influx together with increased nitrate influx and a lower efflux of phosphate in the enrichments suggests a growth of heterotrophic bacteria. This was also confirmed using molecular methods (PCR-DGGE) where the relative abundance of bacterial species in the enrichments increased.The sum of ammonium and nitrate fluxes showed that total nitrogen removal was enhanced in all enrichments compared to the nonenriched control sediment, but in different ways. Ceratium spp. induced the highest removal followed by A. nodosum, U. lactuca, Z. marina, and lastly, by lignin. The same pattern was observed also in a second experiment. These results indicate that easily degradable organic carbon, together with a lower C:N ratio of the added material, will remove nitrogen from the water phase, making the recycling of nitrogen to the overlying water mass smaller.  相似文献   

We have studied the impact of the bioturbating macrofauna, in particular the lugworm Arenicola marina and the bivalve Cerastoderma edule, on abundances and distribution patterns of total bacteria and of bacteria of selected functional groups in sandy intertidal sediments. The selected groups comprised the colourless sulphur-oxidising bacteria and the anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, which are expected to occupy small zones at the oxygen–sulphide interface in stable (non-bioturbated) sediments. The presence of a wooden wreck buried in the sediment at 10 cm depth within a large area of intertidal sand flat colonised by lugworms provided a unique opportunity to confront field observations with laboratory simulations. The site with the wooden wreck, which was used as control site, was devoid of both A. marina and C. edule, while the composition of the rest of the zoobenthic community was rather similar to that of the surrounding area. In the field, the density of total bacteria was approximately one order of magnitude higher in the control site than in the natural (bioturbated) site. This can be explained by the higher contents of silt and clay particles (higher surface-area/volume ratio) and higher total organic-carbon contents found at the control site. It appears that the presence of macrofauna affects sedimentation processes, which indirectly influence bacterial dynamics. Samples from the control site have been incubated in the laboratory with A. marina and C. edule added (bioturbated core), while an unamended core served as a control. The laboratory experiments contrasted with the field observations, because it was found that total bacteria were actually higher in the deeper layers of the bioturbated core. Moreover, the populations were more homogeneous (less stratified) and colourless sulphur bacteria were on average less numerous in the bioturbated core. In general, laboratory incubations resulted in a decrease of total bacteria with a concomitant increase of colourless and phototrophic sulphur-oxidising bacteria and thus in modifications of the bacterial community structure. Hence, our results demonstrate that care must be taken in extrapolating results from laboratory experiments (e.g. mesocosm research) to field situations.  相似文献   

The relationships existing between the protein-containing fraction of particulate matter and amino acids dissolved in seawater were studied in the Gulf of Marseille at different periods of the year. The concentration of particulate proteins was almost zero in February and attained maximum values during April and May, the average concentrations of dissolved amino acids (total) varied between 900 and 1200 nmole l?1 but larger variations were encountered at the surface and in the vicinity of the sediment. The influence of meteorological conditions and the effect of the sediment on the distribution of nitrogenous substances were taken into account. Combined dissolved amino acids were more abundant than free dissolved amino acids in 90% of the cases. The concentrations of dissolved amino acids observed in a zone bordering the North Mediterranean are comparable to those found in other regions of the world.  相似文献   

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