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The modern structure of the Central Russian region was formed by tight and long-term (hundreds of million years) interaction of tectonic and sedimentary processes in the upper crust and sedimentary cover. Petrophysical properties of the Paleoproterozoic crust predetermined the area for the development of regional strike-slip faults and aulacogen grabens in the Neoproterozoic. The transfer displacement of the aulacogen axis at the end of Riphean led to the partial erosion and redeposition of the preplate cover and caused the subsequent structural asymmetry of syneclise. The development of reversed structures in the plate cover (Sukhona mega swell) was caused by the slower subsidence of comparatively lighter fragments of the aulacogen crust relative to the surrounding frame.  相似文献   

New data on the stratigraphy and composition of the Devonian rocks of the Moscow Syneclise were used. Facies-paleogeographic schemes were compiled for the Lochkovian, Eifelian, Givetian, early-middle Frasnian, late Frasnian, and early-late Famennian evolutionary stages of the Moscow Syneclise. Seven sedimentation cycles were developed due to sealevel fluctuations and structural rearrangements in the paleooceanic basins surrounding the East European Platform at that time. The inference was made on the structural heterogeneity of the platform basement and on differentiated movements as well as on the strike-slip fault nature of some fragments of the basement relative to each other in the Devonian.  相似文献   

A module for simulation of seismic and geodeformation processes when fluid is injected into and extracted from the geomedium is developed. Calculation of the stress–strain state of the geomedium involves a modified Biot model that takes the rate of bulk strain in the Darcy equation into account. For software implementation of the module simulating the processes during fluid motion in terms of the Biot model, we applied the OpenFOAM 2.4.0 free package of C++ libraries. This package is a set of compiled modules and their source codes; the latter encapsulate all of the most commonly used objects and operations from computational continuum mechanics in accordance with the principles of object-oriented programming. Development of the stress calculation module is based on the standard solver for elastic deformation of an isotropic body from the OpenFOAM package. Its code was supplemented with the procedure of discretization and solution of the Darcy equation for pore pressure. Geodeformation effects are estimated by direct calculation of free surface displacements near the sources of fluid injection and extraction; these displacements can lead, in particular, to dangerous subsidence and induced seismicity. Triggering seismic effects are estimated by calculation of the accumulation rate for excessive tangential stresses in a fault zone at the depth of the seismogenic layer (5–15 km), with the ratios linking the historical seismicity and the tectonic stress accumulation rate in terms of the modified Dietrich’s model being taken into account. Seismological validation of the possible maximum magnitudes of technogenic earthquakes and their recurrence periods in the NE Sakhalin region of intensive oil and gas development is performed. The models of seismic process activation during technogenic impacts on the geomedium are specified.  相似文献   

Olga I. Vendina 《GeoJournal》1997,42(4):349-363
Major trends of social restructuring of Moscow population and processes of intra-urban segregation are discussed. The article comprises two main parts. The first part deals with differences between the population of Moscow and that of Russia based on the main socio-economic indicators. In the second part, emphasis is placed on the urban processes of social stratification of the population on the basis of analysis of the demographic and employment patterns of the population and peculiarities of the functioning housing market. The merging of top government officials and new business elites is stressed. A conclusion is drawn about the variation of the character of urban population differentiation and its transition to a stage of property-based spatial segregation.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地柯坪断隆断裂构造分析   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
柯坪断隆内断裂发育,笔者根据野外及地震数据对各主要断裂和二级断裂进行了分析,认为柯坪塔格断裂形成于晚第三纪,沙井子断裂早期与柯坪塔格具有不同的发育历史,阿合奇断裂形成于挤压而非走滑的背景下,皮羌断裂和印干走滑断裂其实是协调作用的捩断层。萨尔干断裂是一条假走滑断层,实际上应该是一条撕裂断层。在挤压背景下形成了二类主要的断裂构造组合样式;叠瓦推覆体、构造窗。笔者认为柯坪断隆上的构造其实是印度板块和欧亚板块远程碰撞造山和板内变形的一种表现。  相似文献   

桑树台断裂构造带位于梨树断陷西侧,为梨树断陷的控盆断裂。构造解析结果表明,桑树台断裂构造带自北而南由苏家屯断裂、桑树台断裂、南-北金山断裂组成,其间分别被西丁家侧接断裂和老公林子侧接断裂相连。火石岭期,在北西-南东向伸展环境下,桑树台断裂、北金山断裂和南金山断裂伸展活动强烈; 沙河子期,在左旋走滑构造环境下,桑树台断裂、北金山断裂和南金山断裂伸展活动强烈,断层间具调节转换性质的侧接断裂开始形成,同时苏家屯断裂开始活动; 营城期,在右旋走滑构造环境下,苏家屯断层和桑树台断裂北部伸展活动强烈,南金山断裂与老公林子断裂侧接带以南区域遭受挤压,缺失营城组沉积; 登娄库期-泉头早期,在左行走滑环境下,苏家屯断裂、皮家断裂、桑树台断裂、北金山断裂、南金山断裂及老公林子侧接带断裂强烈走滑,至泉头早期断裂活动显著减弱,几近停止,随后区域被巨厚的泉头组上部及上白垩统覆盖。嫩江期末期-明水期,在南东-北西向的挤压构造环境下,桑树台断裂带南段的老公林子断裂侧接带,走滑强烈,断层向上多切割至地表。喜马拉雅山期,桑树台断裂构造带无明显构造活动。  相似文献   

Lower rainfall and a longer dry season appear to have characterised SE Asia during the Quaternary Glacials. This had an important effect on vegetation and on landform development, particularly on weathering, river regimen, coastal features and planation. The low Glacial sea levels are generally thought not to have caused river incision and deposition of rather coarse-textured materials is considered more characteristic. Incision was mainly tied to the Interglacial and Holocene humic tropical conditions when vegetation interfered with non-concentrated surface wash. Clay blankets were deposited off-shore and also above the waterline. This concept has consequences for the Quaternary chronology in SE Asia.  相似文献   

A mechanism responsible for the “range-basin” topography is suggested, on the assumption of a high (fluid)viscosity of the asthenosphere, and hence a significant difference between the densities on either side of the Benioff surface sufficient for a development of the vertical component of the pressure against the lithosphere.– V. P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

中国西南部云南兰坪盆地因金顶Zn-Pn矿床和新发现的白秧坪超大型Cu-Co-Ag矿床而驰名。金顶矿床以白垩系和第三系陆相碎屑岩为主岩,拥有2亿吨矿石,平均品位Zn6.08%、Pb1.29%(1500万吨金属),是目前中国最大的Zn-Pb矿床,也是世界上形成时代最新且唯一产于陆相沉积岩容矿的超大型Zn-Pb矿床。不同于世界上人们公认的沉积岩容矿基本类型,即SST、MVT和Sedex型,金顶矿床也许代表了Zn-Pb矿床的一个新类型。通常认为兰坪盆地大规模成矿流体起源于盆地卤水,流体流动以重力驱动为主,压力体系接近静水压力。但基于矿田内水压破裂观察、流体包裹体研究和盆地流体动力学模拟,我们认为深部超压流体的注入对整个成矿系统起着重要作用。闪锌矿及相关脉石矿物(石英、天青石、方解石、石膏)中流体包裹体观测的均一温度主体在110~150℃,盐度(质量分数)在1.6%~18.0%NaCl;在时间上,大规模成矿主要阶段伴随着流体温度的不断升高和盐度的逐渐降低;在空间上,金顶矿区空间上从东到西,成矿流体温度明显降低,盐度系统性升高。富CO2流体包裹体揭示成矿流体曾高达(513~1364)×105Pa,大大高于静水压力。数值模拟表明,盆地沉积和压实产生的流体超压可以忽略,区域构造推覆也不足以产生如此高的流体压力。我们认为成矿流体超压很可能是幔源流体注入引起的;幔源含矿的相对高温低盐度流体沿导矿构造注入金顶穹隆构造-岩性圈闭并与其中富H2S的相对低温高盐度卤水混合是兰坪盆地大规模成矿的关键动力学过程。这个特殊的流体动力学过程和成矿系统,使兰坪盆地的成矿有别于世界其他沉积盆地已知的成矿作用。  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions are commonly observed in various stages during the diage-netic evolution and the generation,migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in Lower Permian carbonate rocks in the Xichang Basin, providing direct physico-chemical evidence for the process.Altogether seven stages can be recognized,ie.,the penecontemporane-ous, early and mid-late diagenetic stages, the epidiagenetic stage and the early, middle and late reburying stages.Karst and dissolution pores and structural fissures developed during the epidiagenetic and reburying stages constitute the major reservoirs for hydro-carbon accumulation.Oil generation and migration began in the early reburying stage in Late Permian time and developed to its climax in the middle reburying stage in the Triassic period, followed by extensive generation and migration of natural gases during the late stage of reburying in the Jurassic and later periods.The generation,migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons are closely related to Hercynian basalt eruption and Indosinian and Yenshanian tecto-magmatism.  相似文献   

Two geometrically distinct groups of syn-sedimentary and post-depositional mesofaults and joints cut Neogene-Quaternary sediments in basins situated along the convex-northwards arc of the North Anatolian fault zone between Çerkes and Erbaa. One group comprises second-order fractures interpreted as having developed during episodes of right-lateral shear along the fault zone, while the morphologically identical fractures in the other group have been interpreted as secondary products of left-lateral shear; thus apparently implying one or more former episodes of eastwards motion of the Anatolian scholle. Because such a reversal of motion would be counter to the well-established westward escape of Anatolia the structures have been called anomalous or incompatible.Alternative hypotheses which have been advanced to explain the development of the anomalous mesofractures include: localized reversals related to displacements of rigid blocks acting as buttresses within basins; selective operation of intra-pull-apart strike-slip faults; stress release; the coincidence of the present western sector of the fault with an older left-lateral fault zone; and the influence of a North Turkish neotectonic stress regime.  相似文献   

杨文采 《地质论评》2020,66(3):521-532
近年来地幔地球物理三维成像为地下深部构造和物质运动提供了大量数据和信息,促进了人们对浅地幔系统物质运动的特征和动力学作用的认知。按照运动的方向不同,浅地幔系统的物质运动可分为三种主要形式:水平运动、向上涌动和向下沉动。浅地幔系统物质向下运动由地球引力势能引起,其他方向的运动主要由热能和动能引起。除了动力来源之外,浅地幔系统物质运动的方向还取决于岩石圈和软流圈的物质属性,因为高黏度介质阻挡物质运动,而低黏度介质加速物质运动。软流圈物质的水平蠕动差异,产生了岩石圈的伸展、拆离和推覆等复杂构造,速度和动能较大软流圈物质的蠕动,一定会带动岩石圈板块物质的运动和变形。软流圈物质的向上涌动又可以进一步细分为上涌运动、上拱运动和穿刺运动三种方式,它们对上方岩石圈的作用效果是不同的。浅地幔系统的物质下沉运动有多种形式,包括俯冲、拆沉和交代作用,也经常伴随有软流圈物质上涌,在微观上是一种对偶运动。这种对偶运动造成了克拉通地壳的底垫和岩石圈的陆根。软流圈大规模的物质运动,包括大洋中脊物质上涌、大陆碰撞造山和大洋俯冲的前陆拉张,在全球地震层析成像图上都有清晰的反映。中国东南沿海一带是浅地幔系统物质运动的一个特殊地区,可能是由于白垩纪伊佐奈崎板块俯冲,激发东亚大陆边缘软流圈上涌,然后又造成大陆边缘岩石圈局部拆沉等一连串动力学作用叠加形成的。  相似文献   

In order to understand the fault zone architecture and mechanisms that caused the Chi-Chi earthquake, the Chelungpu drilling project was conducted during April 2000 through a collaborative project between Japan and Taiwan. In this study, chemical and mineralogical variations within the overall Chelungpu fault zone, including variations between less damaged host rocks, damaged zones, and fault cores caused by the Chi-Chi earthquake were examined. Slopes of TiO2 immobile isocons were consistently > 1 for analyses comparing host rocks with rocks from damaged zones or with gouges from fault cores, indicating that volume loss occurred in damaged zones and the fault cores. These results strongly imply that pervasive fluid infiltration occurred within the fault zone. Volume loss within the damaged zone and fault core is interpreted to result from a two-stage process involving: (i) coseismic mechanical wearing and/or dissolution in the fault core, and (ii) fluid infiltration within the fault zone during postseismic and interseismic periods along cracks caused by seismic failure. Semi-quantitative XRD analysis indicates that the kaolinite content consistently increases from the less damaged host rocks to the damaged zone and gouges in each fault core. Mineralogic changes indicate that pervasive acidic fluid infiltration occurred within the fault zones and reacted with the feldspars or muscovite to form kaolinite. Enrichment of kaolinite and illite found in the fault zones of southern drilling site could play some role on the slipping behavior of the southern part of the Chelungpu fault. Greater volume loss in the fault core may have resulted from moderate permeability, combined with the very fine grain nature of pulverized material in the fault core, which enhanced chemical reactions including transformation of feldspars and muscovite to clay minerals. The study results indicate that pervasive fluid infiltration occurred and changed the mineralogical and chemical architecture of fault zones caused by the cyclic earthquakes.  相似文献   

万天丰 《地学前缘》2018,25(2):320-335
全球板块构造的动力学机制问题是一个热门但至今尚未解决的难题。本文首先回顾了近百年来大地构造学的各种主要假说和近四十年来板块构造学说的许多新进展。在上述研究的基础上, 受Rampino和Stothers关于陨击作用可引起地表重大灾变事件思想的启发,笔者提出了一个新的假说。基于中、新生代(200 Ma以来)每隔33 Ma太阳系就会穿越一次银河系星际物质密集的银道面,诱发太阳系内部引力场的巨变,使部分小行星失稳,从而撞击地球。笔者根据用以描述中生代以来全球板块构造的七种不同的运动模式, 提出了巨大陨星在不同地点、以不同角度撞击地表岩石圈,可能诱发地幔底辟的形成,从而推动板块呈放射状或单向运移的假说,也即在200、170、100、65和0.78 Ma等时期的陨击事件基本上是垂直地表面而撞击的,从而诱发地幔底辟的形成和岩石圈板块的放射状张裂和运移;138 Ma的陨击事件可能是指向印度板块的斜向撞击;而35 Ma时期的微玻璃陨石撞击事件则是陨石以极低角度撞击地球表面的表现。陨石撞击地球,这是太阳系内部各星体之间引力作用变化的表现,因而此假说不是什么外因作用论。  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带中的映秀-北川断裂带是2008年汶川地震的主发震断裂,它具有斜冲断裂的运动学特征(逆冲兼右旋走滑),其中南西段映秀断裂带以逆冲为主,而北东段北川断裂带以右旋走滑为主。断裂带的物质组成和内部结构的研究,有利于深入认识断裂活动性质、构造变形行为和地震发震机制。本文以出露于映秀-北川断裂带北东段南坝地区的断裂岩为研究对象,通过野外地质调查、显微构造观察、XRD和μXRF等多种分析手段,探讨映秀-北川断裂带北东段的岩石组成和内部结构。研究表明发育于寒武纪粉砂质板岩中的断裂带宽度约30m,断层中心发育厚20~40cm的黑色断裂物质,2008年汶川地震的同震位移沿黑色物质层中厚约10mm滑动带滑动。断层NW侧和SE侧表现出近于对称的结构特征,两侧的角砾岩宽~4m和~3m,破碎带宽~10m和~12m。黑色断裂物质中石英含量30%~50%,长石含量18%~25%,黏土矿物总含量30%~36%,主要由伊利石、伊蒙混层和绿泥石组成,少有蒙脱石。XRD结果显示黑色断裂物质具有非晶质成分特征,SEM观测结果可见熔融结构特征,显微结构与μXRF结果呈现后期流体作用明显,其表明黑色断裂物质主要由古地震滑动形成的假玄武玻璃蚀变而成,并发育不同蚀变程度的多期假玄武玻璃。上述研究揭示出断裂摩擦熔融是汶川地震断裂带北东段南坝地区的重要动态弱化机制,其内部结构和岩石特征与南西段映秀断裂带具有明显的差异。  相似文献   

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