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Duringtheprocessofnationaleconomy'stransi-tion,thedeterminantpowerofeconomicdevelopmenthaschangedgraduallyfromcentralgovemmenttolocalgovemments.Cities,asthecenterofregionaleconomicdevelopment,notonlydeterminethecompetitivenessoftheregionbuthavebecomethemainimpetusforthechangesofmacroeconomicpatternasweIl.Sotaking2o9perfecture-levelcitiesasresearchsubjects,weanalyzethemacropatternofurbancompetitivenessandcomprehendtheinternalimpetusandmechanismofre-gionaldevelopment,whichhavegreatsignificanceon…  相似文献   

迁徙流作为互联网时代的新产物,信息流、资本流、交通流等流空间的基本载体,能客观地反映城市间地理行为关系,对于刻画城市网络结构具有重要意义。基于地级以上城市的百度迁徙大数据,本文尝试从全域和净迁徙的视角探索研究中国城市网络结构特征,对其网络的层级、关联关系和影响因素等进行挖掘提取。研究发现:① 全国城市网络呈现出稳定的、层级明确的三棱锥四顶点“钻石型”结构,与主要城市群的经济规模空间分布相吻合;② 区域网络表现出向高级别行政中心集聚的“核心—外围”放射状结构;③ 以省会城市为核心的典型小世界特征比较凸出,小世界网络的可达性和连通性较高;周口、阜阳、赣州、上饶、重庆等作为主要劳动力输出型城市,深圳、东莞、广州、北京、上海等城市成为了主要的外来人口聚集地,并形成了对应的人口就近输送网络关系;④ 城市的行政地位、经济规模、交通枢纽建设、劳动力资源等因素都对其网络控制力和影响力起到了决定性作用。最后,研究结合中国城市网络结构特征及其主要影响因素,提出相关政策建议,以期为中国城市网络结构均衡发展与建设提供借鉴依据。  相似文献   

随着服务业的发展和文化产业的不断推进,城市文化娱乐休闲服务业成为城市经济和社会发展的重要标志和推动力。本文以地理空间实体数据和商业统计数据为基础,以GIS 的空间数据可视化和统计分析方法,研究典型城市娱乐休闲服务业KTV在中国大陆地区的行业发展、空间分布及空间扩散特征。研究表明,KTV在全国发展迅速、分布广泛,在宏、中、微观的全国、省域和市域尺度下,其空间分布分别表现出空间区域分异、等级差异、面状均衡和中心集聚等特征,并与区域经济、人口、文化等因素有一定的相关性。各种类型KTV在空间扩散上具有由东向西,由中心向周边扩散的特点,其中连锁类KTV扩散具有社会经济现象地理扩散规律,主要表现为空间等级扩散和接触扩散特征。  相似文献   

In metropolitan regions, the change in the strength of"flows" between a core city and surrounding cities reflects the range of the core city's influence, while the gravity between core city and other cities reflects the strength of potential relation between them. This article firstly attempts to delimit the boundary of metropolitan regions with the two dimensions measure combining "flows" and gravitation. The former is measured through the flow of people between the core city and surrounding cities, and the latter is measured through both population and gross domestic products (GDP) of the core city and surrounding cities. The hierarchy of the cities within a metropolitan region is classified in order to emphasize the roles of the cities belonging to the metropolitan regions, different from the general way through population scale and administrative level, and is typical in China. This paper uses the Shanghai metropolitan region as a research case, determining boundary of this metropolitan region clearly and classifying hierarchy of the cities within the region. The final results are significantly different to previous work, even overthrowing the traditional system of urban hierarchy partly. It is helpful to highlight the function of cities in organizing the regional economy, the level structure of metropolitan regions, and each city's relative importance in a metropolitan region, which can be taken as scientific basis for planning integrated regions or urban systems.  相似文献   

The coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has been elevated as China’s important strategy. And, the priority in considering how to bring the maximum effect of their coordinated development into play is to delineate the spheres of urban influence with regard to the cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region. By building an evaluation index system of urban comprehensive strength, this paper applies the principal component analysis method to determine centrality strength of the cities, and the breakpoint theory and weighted Voronoi diagram to identify the spheres of urban influence in all central cities of the region. Results show that 13 central cities within the region greatly differ in strength, which can be classified into four tiers and that the spheres of urban influence do not have a high goodness of fit with administrative jurisdiction scope. Cities like Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang and Handan have larger spheres of urban, spheres of urban influence in Tangshan and Qinhuangdao are basically consistent with their administrative jurisdiction scopes, and seven cities including Langfang and Baoding have smaller spheres of urban influence. So according to these cities’ comprehensive strength and spheres of influence, the region can be divided into five plates: Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan and Handan. The major influence factors for inconsistency between spheres of urban influence and spheres of jurisdiction include difference in urban administrative ranking, small number of central cities with weak strength, discrepancy in the number of counties under jurisdiction, unreasonable spheres of jurisdiction and diversity in topographical conditions. In order to solve the imbalance in the spheres of urban influence and those of jurisdiction and better facilitate the coordinated development of the region, it is advised to adjust administrative areas so as to obtain more optimized urban spatial layout and more reasonable urban scale hierarchy system.  相似文献   


Cities separated in space are connected together by spatial interaction (SI) between them. But the studies focusing on the SI are relatively few in China mainly because of the scarcity of data. This paper deals with the SI in terms of rail passenger flows, which is an important aspect of the network structure of urban agglomeration. By using a data set consisting of rail O-D (origin-destination) passenger flows among nearly 200 cities, inter-city rail distance O-D matrixes, and some other indices, it is found that the attenuating tendency of rail passenger is obvious. And by the analysis on dominant flows and spatial structure of flows, we find that passenger flows have a trend of polarizing to hubs while the linkages between hubs upgrade. However, the gravity model reveals an overall picture of convergence process over time which is not in our expectation of integration process in the framework of globalization and eco- nomic integration. Some driven factors for the re-organization process of the structure of urban agglomeration, such as technique advance, globalization, etc. are discussed further based on the results we obtained.  相似文献   

As the Central Place Theory indicates, the centricity of a central city can influence the extension of its ser-vice. Since the service industry in the theory is mostly consumer services, it is worth studying the relationship betweenthe producer services and the centricity of the city in the service society with producer services becoming a more im-portant part of the service industry. The paper takes the case of the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta (PRD), a developedregion in China, to study the relationship between the developing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy.Based on the analysis about the spatial difference of the producer services in the nine cities of the PRD, and the divi-sion of the nine cities according to some economic indices, it is shown that there is a correlation between the develop-ing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy. Furthermore, two deductions about the future status of the pro-ducer services in the city and the location of the producer services in a large region can be made from this correlationbetween the developing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy.  相似文献   

随着区域一体化进程的加快,中国城市群快速地发展起来,城市群城际间的人口流动研究得到了国内外学者的关注。城市群空间结构的研究以地理实体空间分析为主,城际人口流动的研究多使用传统统计数据,而将大数据运用于城市群空构特征,并结合传统的社会经济统计数据对该区域人口流动的影响因素进行分析。研究发现:① 微博签到数据进一步解释了成渝城市群呈现出“双核多中心”的组团特征,成都市和重庆主城构成了“双核”;② 微博人口流动的方向会受到行政区划的影响,微博人口流动的强度呈现出一定的等级差异;③ 微博人口流动的强度与方向同社会经济发展水平呈现出相对一致性,即地区生产总值越高、人口规模越大或交通联系强度越强,则人口流动越强烈。  相似文献   

In this paper, we use factor analysis to evaluate the urban comprehensive quality of each city in the Lanzhou-Xining(Lan-Xi) urban agglomeration. The time distance was obtained by using GIS spatial analysis, and the structure and pattern of the spatial network were analyzed by using the gravity model and social network analysis method. The results show that: 1) The scale effect of the Lan-Xi urban agglomeration is gradually emerging, and it is gradually forming the urban agglomeration with Lanzhou and Xining as the core, the Lan-Xi high-speed railway as the axis, and a high-dense connection. 2) Lanzhou and Xining are at the core of the Lan-Xi urban agglomeration, which has a strong attraction and spreads to neighboring cities. 3) In the network structure of the Lan-Xi urban agglomeration, Lanzhou, Baiyin, Gaolan, Yuzhong, Yongdeng, Dingxi, Lintao, Xining, Ledu, Huangzhong, Ping'an, Minhe and Datong are located in the network core position, which have the superiority position and lead to the entire regional communication enhancement and the regional integration development. 4) This urban agglomeration has significant subgroups, eight tertiary subgroups and four secondary subgroup; the tertiary subgroups which compose secondary subgroup have a close connection and mutually influence each other. 5) The Lanzhou Metropolitan Area and the Xining Metropolitan Area have an important impact on the surrounding cities, and the peripheral cities are basically controlled by the central city. The Dingxi subgroup, Lintao-Linxia subgroup, Gonghe subgroup have more structural holes than the subgroups within the Lanzhou Metropolitan Area and the Xining Metropolitan Area, so the peripheral cities of these subgroups have relatively less connection with surrounding cities.  相似文献   

基于制造业企业网络视角的城市网络核心—边缘结构的研究将加深对城市网络演化规律的理解。利用2020年中国制造业500强企业网络数据和隶属联系模型构建城市网络,研究了中国城市网络核心—边缘结构的演化特征,定量测度了核心—边缘结构的影响因素,并根据国际生产折衷理论解析了城市网络地位分异的动力机制。研究发现: 2005—2020年,核心区块的城市数量逐渐增加,主要由直辖市、经济特区以及东、中部地区的省会城市组成,这些城市通过互惠性的链接关系形成了凝聚子群,网络权力较为集中;边缘区块的城市则主要位于中、西部地区,城市间经济联系相对稀疏,整体网络结构并不稳定,城市的发展受到了网络资本的约束。关键资源、基础设施和区位优势是影响中国城市网络地位的决定性因素,择优选择、网络邻近和路径依赖构成了中国城市网络核心—边缘结构演化的动力机制,这将进一步增强核心城市的网络地位。在网络环境下,城市间的差距趋于扩大,城市网络地位的提升取决于城市在网络中的影响力,中国城市化政策需要做出相应调整。  相似文献   

城市空间结构是城市规划和发展的基础研究内容之一,特别是以城市群综合发展的区域经济体成为当前城市发展的主要形态,以首都北京为核心的首都圈则是其中具有代表性的城市群,许多学者将该区域作为城市格局研究的首选对象。本文针对首都圈“京津塘、京唐秦、京保石”三条发展轴线内的主要城市,从区域内城镇体系空间结构、道路基础设施空间布局、...  相似文献   

As the Central Place Theory indicates, the centricity of a central city can influence the extension of its service. Since the service industry in the theory is mostly consumer services, it is worth studying the relationship between the producer services and the centricity of the city in the service society with producer services becoming a more important part of the service industry. The paper takes the case of the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta (PRD), a developed region in China, to study the relationship between the developing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy. Based on the analysis about the spatial difference of the producer services in the nine cities of the PRD, and the division of the nine cities according to some economic indices, it is shown that there is a correlation between the developing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy. Furthermore, two deductions about the future status of the producer services in the city and the location of the producer services in a large region can be made from this correlation between the developing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy.  相似文献   

城市影响腹地范围的划分,在区域与城市规划中有着重要的理论和实际意义。本文从"城市结节性"和"空间交通可达性"两方面改进场强模型,采用主成分分析法与指标体系计算河南省城市结节性指数,利用累积耗费距离测算空间可达性,借助k阶数据场模型与水文分析模型,综合测度了1991年和2010年河南省17个地级城市的影响腹地范围及空间演变特征。研究表明,20年间河南省地级城市的平均可达本文时间从1991年的45.41 min缩短为2010年的33.03 min,空间场能显著增长且空间分异性显著。南阳的腹地面积增加最大,信阳的腹地面积缩小最大;安阳腹地面积增加率和漯河腹地面积减少率最大。郑州的腹地范围与其行政辖区偏移度最大。  相似文献   

该文以山东半岛城市群作为研究对象,构建产业生态化综合评价指标体系,运用熵值法与主成分分析方法,探讨了山东半岛城市群产业生态化总体水平的时空分异特征及影响因素。结果表明:2004—2016年,山东半岛城市群产业生态化呈现上升趋势,山东半岛城市群产业生态化发展水平不断提高;山东半岛城市群产业生态化空间分异现象显著,形成了以济南和青岛为核心的两极化发展特征;山东半岛城市群产业生态化发展水平的区域化现象愈加明显,呈现出NE—SW走向的不均衡发展;山东半岛城市群产业生态化发展影响因素为区域经济发展水平、政府监管水平、外资利用差异以及区域科学技术差异。  相似文献   

Agricultural innovation is important for the green transformation of agriculture. Based on the perspective of technology transformation, this paper builds a theoretical analysis framework and evaluation index system for green efficiency of agricultural innovation,and discusses the evolution laws and influencing factors of the green efficiency of China's agricultural innovation from 2005 to 2017 utilizing the DEA model, Malmquist index, and Tobit regression analysis. The results show that: 1) The overall green efficiency of China's agricultural innovation is not high, the green efficiency of agricultural innovation in eastern China is mainly driven by pure technical efficiency, while that in central and western China is mainly driven by the scale efficiency. The green efficiency of agricultural innovation shows significant spatial differences, and the low efficiency and relatively low-efficiency regions moved to central and southeastern China. 2) Technical progress is the main force affecting the change of green total factor productivity of China's agricultural innovation, seeing a trend of decrease followed by an increase. Pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency exhibit an increasing-decreasing trend, and gradually transform into key factors that restrict the improvement of the green total factor productivity of agricultural innovation. 3) Agricultural technologies' diffusion, absorption, and implementation are three influencing factors of the green efficiency of agricultural innovation. The local level of informatization, the number of agricultural technicians in enterprises and institutions, average education level of residents, and the level of agricultural mechanization have positive impacts on the promotion of the green efficiency of agricultural innovation, promoting the diffusion, absorption and implementation of agricultural innovation technology can significantly improve the green efficiency of agricultural innovation.  相似文献   

城市空间形态与特征的定量分析——以重庆市主城区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文梳理了城市空间形态研究的理论与方法,系统分析了城市空间形态研究的趋势。鉴此,构建了城市形态定量化研究的测度指标体系,并以RS和GIS技术制定了城市形态定量化分析方法框架,对重庆市主城区空间形态进行了系统的定量分析。在城市用地扩展的时空特征上采用了面积增长量、城市用地扩展速度、扩展强度,及各方位用地扩展强度等指标;在城市外部空间形态特征方面采用了紧凑度、分形维数和形状指数等指标。结果表明:主城区空间形态演变受其重大事件影响较大,呈"突变"和"整合"相结合的演化过程;重庆市主城区空间扩展呈现明显的阶段性,以集约式和内涵式扩展为主;由于受主城区扩展的各向异性影响,主城区扩展以北向和西向扩展为主。本研究为城市空间形态的定量分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

As a matter of expediency, most existing corporate-based urban networks can only be quantitatively measured by either counting the number of linkages or calculating the product of estimated service values. However, the impreciseness arising due to the limits of quantitative analysis may prove fatal to studies about non-market economies like China. Employing the capital investment dataset as an example, we build a capital-weighted intervention network as well as an unweighted control network to carry out an examination of the quantitative validity in China’s corporate-based urban network analysis. Both the overall spatial pattern and top city-dyads within the capital-weighted network witness Beijing, as the most dominant city, overshadow the performance of the others, and the unweighted network shows multilateral interactions between China’s top cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. To further interpret the noticeable differences, we divide the overall network into two subnetworks, inferred by focusing on state-owned enterprises(SOEs) and private enterprises. The results show that the public and private sectors have separately created vastly different subnetworks in China and that SOEs play a much more significant role in terms of capital. Besides fresh insights into China’s urban network, this study provides a cautionary tale reminding researchers of the essentiality and complexity when making a quantitative distinction between different linkages.  相似文献   

It is great important to the health development of urban agglomeration to correctly understand the formation and development law of regional structure of urban agglomeration. Employing the analysis methods like fractal theory and quantitative statistics, coupling with the use of remote sensing images and other spatial data, this article discusses the urban agglomeration of oasis on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in an arid area, and conducts the researches on its city scale, spatial distribution and individual form from 1990 to 2005. The result shows that it has loose hierarchical scale structure and polarization trend of population distribution while its hierarchical scale structure tends to mature. Under the influence of natural conditions, the spatial layout of urban agglomeration of oasis has macro characteristics that suggest cities distributed along oasis edges (dense or sparse), spatially expand along rivers, and cluster around traffic branches. The connectivity among the cities is high and shows an internal organization form of a banding distribution. The whole spatial shape of the internal structure of cities presents a “dumbbell” form, with mononuclear phenomenon receding and multi-nuclear appearing gradually. Individual cities spatially expand along rivers, portraying a long strip appearance. It indicates that the urban agglomeration of oasis shows regular and close structure but with a tendency to be complicated form and the loose structure. In the development of urban agglomeration, the authors recommend that the development of the city with good economic development conditions should be strengthened, and more attention be put into regional planning.  相似文献   

企业间的联系是城市联系的重要组成部分,加强对基于企业间联系的城市功能网络分析对丰富城市网络理论研究具有重要意义。采用2010—2020年上市公司与其前五大客户间的贸易关系数据构建了中国城市网络,基于企业间的贸易联系视角分析城市网络时空演变特征。研究表明:(1) 2010—2020年间城市网络规模呈现先升后降的特征,整体网络密度较低,位于0.014~0.018之间;网络重心呈现“S”形空间轨迹变化和整体向南移动的趋势,网络总体空间结构由沿海向“T”形结构转变;(2)网络流量集中于少数节点城市,资金进出量前20城市总额占资金总流量的71.9%,北京、上海是网络的绝对核心,杭州、武汉、深圳、广州等省会或副省级城市承担着区域中心的功能,佛山、齐齐哈尔、南通等制造业发达城市是重要节点;(3)五大城市群中珠江三角洲网络密度最高,位于0.324~0.334之间,长江三角洲贸易总流量最高,为783.5亿元,长江中游城市群和成渝城市群网络发育相对滞后;(4)新冠疫情对整体网络的贸易流量和网络结构产生了明显影响,网络社团进一步分化重组,广州—深圳社团明显增强,上海社团明显减弱。研究结果对推动国内大循环和统...  相似文献   

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