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曹颖  黄江培  付虹 《中国地震》2018,34(4):652-666
联合小湾水库库区及其附近11249个地震的P波绝对到时、相对到时数据,利用双差地震层析成像方法反演得到小湾水库蓄水后2008年12月16日~2011年6月30日和2011年7月1日~2016年12月31日2个时间段内库区及其附近的地震重定位结果和三维P波速度结构。结果表明,蓄水后黑惠江段和小湾水库回水澜沧江段地震的增多与水库蓄水有关。由于水体渗透导致孔隙压变化,并随着时间的推移孔隙压变化朝着更深的部位扩散,地震震源深度也随之向深部扩散,进而导致介质变化和P波速度降低。蓄水回水至澜沧江保山段后该区域地震增多,P波速度下降,库水渗透作用为主控因素,该区域地下一定深度的地质构造有利于库水的快速渗透。初步判定2015年10月30日云南昌宁M_S5.1地震余震序列是与蓄水有关的柯街断裂上的构造地震。同时,也存在着与蓄水相关性不大的属于构造地震的活动,如云南施甸一带历来地震多发,施甸2010年6月1日M_L4.8、2012年9月11日M_S4.7地震序列均属于构造地震,与水库蓄水无关。  相似文献   

桂林市全州县洛潭水库常年处于不能正常蓄水状态,水量少,水位浅,为了查明桂林市全州县洛潭水库岩溶渗漏带发育的位置,为帷幕灌浆提供依据,笔者采用综合物探方法对库区进行研究,研究结果表明:受碳质灰岩影响,高密度电法及跨孔电阻率透视对低阻异常体辨识度降低,高密度电法低阻反演异常体范围变大,α2装置对低阻异常体的分辨率小于β装置,跨孔电阻率透视在低阻异常段电阻率等值线容易形成圈闭现象;在碳质灰岩地区,地震折射法、地震反射法及微动法受碳质影响小,采用该三方法组合的方式能较好的确定岩溶渗漏带发育的位置及分布范围;1号岩溶渗漏带分别通过7-2测线515~534 m测点段及大坝钻孔ZK1~ZK2,7-2测线534~592 m测点段为1号岩溶渗漏带隐患区;2号渗漏带分别通过7-2测线655~672 m测点段及大坝钻孔ZK7~ZK8,钻孔ZK6~ZK7为2号岩溶渗漏带隐患区,1、2号渗漏带主要为裂隙渗漏.  相似文献   

五强溪水库坝址位于沅水中下游,沅陵县麻伊洑区五强峡谷区。设计坝高134米,库容近60亿立米,库容迴水尾至辰溪上游一带,占沅水总流域面积的93%。 五强溪水库是我国待建的大型水利工程之一。因此,开展研究库区的构造稳定性、地震活动性以及是否会发生诱发地震是极为重要的。在库区及其附近,历史上仅发生过  相似文献   

泥沙问题是三峡工程建设与运行中的关键技术问题之一,只有妥善处理好泥沙问题,才能保证三峡工程长期有效使用,维持水库功能的全面发挥。本文首先结合实测水文、河道地形观测资料,对三峡水库运行近20年来的泥沙淤积特性及水库排沙比进行了较为全面的分析研究,并与已有研究成果进行了对比;其次,围绕防洪、航运以及坝前段的泥沙淤积等方面,进一步分析了水库淤积产生的影响。结果表明:三峡水库蓄水以来,在不考虑区间来沙的情况下,三峡水库共淤积泥沙20.484亿t,近似年均淤积1.102亿t,水库排沙比为23.6%,水库年均淤积量为原论证预测值的33%。其中,库区干流段累计淤积泥沙17.835亿m3(变动回水区冲刷0.694亿m3;常年回水区淤积18.529亿m3),淤积在水库防洪库容内的泥沙为1.648亿m3(干、支流分别淤积1.517亿m3和0.131亿m3),占水库防洪库容的0.74%,“十一五”攻关阶段研究得出的多年平均淤积量及排沙比较实测值均偏大,变动回水区冲淤则出现反向的...  相似文献   

金沙江向家坝水库是目前中国第三大水库,2012年底水库开始蓄水,水位升高71m;2013年6月底再次蓄水,升高的水位淹没到库尾段。该水库以及上游的溪洛渡水库布设了地震台网,有35台仪器连续记录,能够很好地控制库区及周边的地震。水库地震台网在2007年9月—2013年6月记录了库尾一带1级以上地震共计38次,平均每月发生0.66次。而2013年7—9月则记录ML≥1.0地震186次,平均水平达到每月62次,已经接近以往月均值的100倍,可判别为诱发地震。同期还记录1级以下地震553次,在强震背景区发生大量小地震已经引起巨大反响。震源位置采用3维速度模型进行重新修订,发现这些地震有94%发生在0~5km深度范围。利用水库地震台网的观测资料,取垂直向记录到直达P、S波的最大振幅,得到库尾一带蓄水之前9个、蓄水后69个小地震的震源机制,并进一步利用这些震源机制反演了南、北2个区的应力场,以期通过分析震源机制和应力场变化,探索水库诱发地震发生的特点及成因。结果显示,在蓄水后69个震源机制中走向滑动类型占最多,存在较多过渡类型,倾向滑动的正断层、逆冲断层数目较少,震源机制空间取向复杂、破裂类型多样,显示区域应力场对小震的控制较弱。利用这些震源机制反演得到南、北2个区的应力场差别较大,状态不均匀,北区呈现挤压应力状态,而南区呈现弱拉张状态,均与区域应力场不一致。穿过库尾的猰子坝断裂是活动断裂,却没有控制诱发地震,有可能表明水库蓄水抑制了逆断层的活动。库尾区分布碳酸盐岩、灰岩,存在溶洞。分析认为库水涌入溶洞,渗透到裂隙、节理,导致孔隙压力增加,摩擦强度、岩石破裂强度降低以及库水载荷加大造成弹性变形等共同作用是诱发地震的成因。  相似文献   

三峡水库运行后长江中游洪、枯水位变化特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
韩剑桥  孙昭华  杨云平 《湖泊科学》2017,29(5):1217-1226
流域大型水库蓄水后,坝下游河道调整过程中的洪、枯水位变化,对下游水安全、水生态和水资源利用影响甚大.利用1955-2012年长江中游各水文站水位、流量等资料,采用改进的时间序列分析方法,对三峡水库运行前后长江中游洪、枯水位变化特征进行了研究,结果表明:三峡水库蓄水前长江中游洪、枯水位变化的周期长度分别为9~14、11~15 a,在假设三峡水库运行后水位无趋势性变化的前提下,估算得到的水位变化周期长度基本在20 a以上,蓄水前的自然周期性已被打破,枯水位发生趋势性下降且无复归迹象,而洪水位波动周期虽有所延长,但上升幅度未超过历史波动变幅,仅可确定洪水位没有明显的下降趋势.三峡水库蓄水后坝下游长距离冲刷,枯水河槽冲刷量占平滩河槽的比例逐年增加,累计至2013年已达91.5%,是枯水位下降的主控因素.河槽冲刷导致的床沙粗化增加了河道床面阻力,高程在平滩水位附近的滩体上覆盖的大量植被增加了水流流动阻力,同时大量航道整治、护岸、码头等工程主体部分布设在枯水位以上,综合因素作用使得洪水河槽阻力增加.三峡水库蓄水后,虽然枯水期流量补偿作用显著削弱了枯水位下降的效应,但枯水位下降事实已经形成,不利于航道水深的提高及通江湖泊枯水期的水量存蓄,洪水位未明显下降,同级流量下的江湖槽蓄量不会明显调整.  相似文献   

长江中游的泥沙淤积问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
长江上游年产泥沙5.12×108 t, 经宜昌输入中游, 长江中游干流及各支流年产沙约 0.80×108 t. 这两部分中约1.24×108 t沉积于中游河湖中, 4.68×108 t经大通输入下游, 沉淤于河道及长江三角洲或入海. 长江中游的泥沙, 总体是淤大于冲, 但是冲淤的地理分布、时间段分布和河床断面分布不均衡. 长江干流的宜昌-城陵矶段、九江-大通段冲大于淤或冲淤平衡. 淤积主要发生在长江干流以武汉为中心的螺山-武汉-黄石段以及洞庭湖区和鄱阳湖区. 即使在主要淤积江段, 也有局部时段和江段以冲刷为主. 主泓所在的河槽以冲刷为主, 而河道两侧或河道之间的洲滩, 则以淤为主, 形成高而平的漫滩, 往往被人为改造成圩垸. 荆江以北的江汉平原因有大堤从长江隔开, 只有汉水少量泥沙供应, 冲淤量很小, 再加上构造沉降的累计效应, 其地面高程绝大部分低于干流洲滩数米. 螺山-武汉-黄石段的淤积导致该段及以上江段洪水位抬高. 干流断面冲槽淤滩使长江中游河道的典型形态呈深河谷、高漫滩, 靠干堤保护堤内平原. 这种断面在洪水时成为在同等水量下, 水位不断抬高的原因. 高水位要高堤防来防堵, 这就增加了堤防压力、水头压力, 容易导致管涌、渗漏等险情. 堤外滩及洪水位与构造沉降的堤内平原间的高差不断增大. 三峡工程建成后, 水库拦沙及中游河道冲深, 可使同流量下水位大幅度降低, 但城陵矶-武汉段冲刷量很小, 不能解决该段及以下江段的泥沙淤积问题, 因此江汉平原因相对于洪水位地势过低而造成的洪涝灾害及相关环境问题, 仍将是中游长远的重大隐患.  相似文献   

龚钢延  吴景浓 《地震研究》1990,13(3):319-328
本文在实验室中采用定常压力差法在围压10—20MPP、注水压力为2.5—12.SMPS条件下对新丰江水库区花岗岩及刘家峡水库区变质岩进行了渗透实验,观测到了岩石渗透率随围压、注水压力及时间变化的结果,并且得到了渗透率随时间衰减的经验关系l。(t)=k。XEXP(一、t)。实验结果表明:完整岩石、自然裂而中含填充物岩石、自然裂面岩石的渗透率依次增大两个数量级。在实验中,恒定注水压力时渗透率明显地随着围压的增大而减小,当国压变化发生循环时,渗透率产生了不可恢复的减小;当恒定因压时,渗透率随着注水压力的变化取决于流体水对裂面的冲刷、溶解及沉淀堵塞作用而不可预测。最后根据该实验结果讨论了水库地震中水沿断裂系统渗透过程中渗透水的前锋形成高孔隙压力而触发地震的机制。  相似文献   

以鲁甸灾区龙泉河流域的龙头山镇至天生桥段为研究对象,运用遥感解译和野外调查数据,探讨了研究区地震次生山地灾害的分布规律与成灾模式。结果表明:1地震次生灾害发育主要是由龙泉河右岸的次级小断裂与包谷垴—小河断裂的延伸部分(下水沟走滑断裂)共同作用引起的,龙泉河谷到断层的距离均小于2km,导致区内地震次生灾害发育密度最高达到4.125个/km;2次生灾害主要发生在凸形坡,占总数46.3%,凹形坡仅有24.1%,且在背向断裂方向的斜坡更容易发生地质灾害;3 60%的崩塌滑坡发育在浅表层的残坡积物中,40%岩质崩塌滑坡体中多为岩质较硬的灰岩、白云岩以及砾岩;4次生山地灾害主要以损毁道路、阻断交通,形成堰塞湖淹没上游、淤高下游河床、损毁上下游设施,造成建筑物损毁等模式呈现。  相似文献   

生态保护红线划定是保障国土空间生态安全的重要举措,对保持生态系统的完整性,实现可持续发展具有重要意义.本文基于生态系统服务功能和生态敏感性对杞麓湖流域进行生态安全格局体系的构建,并开展精细化的生态保护红线划定研究,并进一步结合无人机航拍影像及实地调研成果,构建管控路径.得到结论:(1)水源涵养、水土保持、生物多样性、洪水调蓄重要性评价中的极重要区域叠加得到生态系统服务功能极重要区.者湾河、长沙河、大沙河及沟谷密度较大的山区敏感性最高,坝区整体生态敏感性较高.(2)一级生态保护红线范围包括生态极重要区域、生态极敏感区域及湖泊岸线、水库.二级生态保护红线范围包括环湖生态缓冲区、山区林地生态缓冲区及以河流为主的生态廊道.三级生态保护红线范围为生态协调区,土地覆盖以农田为主.(3)一级生态保护红线范围内的生态极敏感区应采取相关生态修复技术进行生态功能的保护.二级生态保护红线范围以生态保护为重点,保持该区域的生态环境质量.三级生态保护红线范围通过生态修复进行整体优化,提高生态环境承载能力.  相似文献   

三峡工程下游宜昌至沙市河段河床冲刷预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈远芳  高凯春 《湖泊科学》1997,9(4):317-324
在已建水库下游河床冲刷泥沙数学模型的基础上针对宜昌-沙市河段的河道特性,修改并建立了能够反映该河段水沙运动特性的一维水流泥沙数学模型,在此基础上,进行了三峡建库后,前20年内宜昌-沙市河段的一维水沙运动及河床冲淤计算。  相似文献   

Studying the characteristics of runoff and sediment processes and revealing the sources of sediment provide key guidance for the scientific formulation of relevant soil erosion protection measures and water conservancy development plans. In the current study, the flow and sediment data of five hydrological stations on the main stream of the Fu River Basin (FRB) from 2007 to 2018 were selected to identify flood events, explore the variation of sediment transport along the FRB, and clarify the sediment sources. The results found that the Jiangyou–Fujiangqiao section is the main source of sediment in the FRB during the flood season. The runoff volume and sediment load during flood events in the Jiangyou–Fujiangqiao section accounted for 35% and 145% respectively of that of Xiaoheba station. These results combined with the change of the sediment load before and after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake (May 12) show that the sediment in this section mainly comes from the Fu River tributary–the Tongkou River watershed. The calculation results for the sediment carrying capacity of the Fu River show that the main stream was in a state of erosion in theory. However, according to the calculation results for the interval sediment yield during flood events, the sediment load at the Xiaoheba station was smaller than that at the Shehong station upstream. The analysis indicates that this was not because of sediment deposition in the river channel, but because of sand mining in the river channel and sediment interception by water conservancy projects. If heavy rainfall occurs in the FRB, the sediment accumulated upstream will move downstream with the resulting flood, and the sediment yield in the FRB may further increase. These research conclusions can provide reference information for improving the prediction and management ability of soil and water loss in the FRB and scientific regulation of the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

We use field measurements and airborne LiDAR data to quantify the potential effects of valley geometry and large wood on channel erosional and depositional response to a large flood (estimated 150-year recurrence interval) in 2011 along a mountain stream. Topographic data along 3 km of Biscuit Brook in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA reveal repeated downstream alternations between steep, narrow bedrock reaches and alluvial reaches that retain large wood, with wood loads as high as 1261 m3 ha−1. We hypothesized that, within alluvial reaches, geomorphic response to the flood, in the form of changes in bed elevation, net volume of sediment eroded or aggraded, and grain size, correlates with wood load. We hypothesized that greater wood load corresponds to lower modelled average velocity and less channel-bed erosion during the flood, and finer median bed grain size and a lower gradation coefficient of bed sediment. The results partly support this hypothesis. Wood results in lower reach-average modelled velocity for the 2011 flood, but the magnitude of change in channel-bed elevation after the 2011 flood among alluvial and bedrock reaches does not correlate with wood load. Wood load does correlate with changes in sediment volume and bed substrate, with finer grain size and smaller sediment gradation in reaches with more wood. The proportion of wood in jams is a stronger predictor of bed grain-size characteristics than is total wood load. We also see evidence of a threshold: greater wood load correlates with channel aggradation at wood loads exceeding approximately 200 m3 ha−1. In this mountain stream, abundant large wood in channel reaches with alluvial substrate creates lower velocity that results in finer bed material and, when wood load exceeds a threshold, reach scale increases in aggradation. This suggests that reintroducing small amounts of wood or one logjam for river restoration will have limited geomorphic effects. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The characteristics of water flow and sediment transport in a typical meandering and island-braided reach of the middle Yangtze River is investigated using a two-dimensional (2D) mathematical model. The major problems studied in the paper include the carrying capacity for suspended load, the incipient velocity and transport formula of non-uniform sediment, the thickness of the mixed layer on the riverbed, and the partitioning of bed load and suspended load. The model parameters are calibrated using extensive field data. Water surface profiles, distribution of flow velocities, riverbed deformation are verified with site measurements. The model is applied to a meandering and island-braided section of the Wakouzi-Majiazui reach in the middle Yangtze River, which is about 200 km downstream from the Three Gorges Dam, to study the training scheme of the navigation channels. The model predicts the processes of sediment deposition and fiver bed erosion, changes of flow stage and navigation conditions for the first 20 years of impoundment of the Three Gorges Project.  相似文献   

Dipper Harbour Creek's lower reaches run through a narrow salt marsh on the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada. This 2 km long section of the creek constitutes an extreme example of a tide-dominated estuary exhibiting strong downvalley morphology and sedimentology gradients. Dipper Harbour Creek drains a basin of roughly 8.8 km2, but except during the spring snowmelt freshet, tidal flow so overshadows freshwater flow within the salt marsh reach that the system essentially functions as a tidal creek. To identify and explain the main geomorphic processes controlling the creek system, records were collected in summer 1993 of tidal stage and velocity fluctuations, sand dune migration rates, bed material composition, channel cross-sectional geometry and channel sinuosity. Bed materials become progressively finer upvalley, with deposits of medium to coarse sands concentrated in the highly sinuous central reach of the creek during the summer. Current velocities within the creek are strongly flood-dominant, featuring a consistent low-stage peak in flood velocity, a secondary high-stage flood surge, and a weaker ebb peak occurring around bankfull stage. Under summer low freshwater discharge conditions, the predominant direction of bed sand transport is upvalley. The spring freshet, however, causes a major downvalley shift of sand deposits, suggesting a seasonal cycling of medium to coarse sands within Dipper Harbour Creek.  相似文献   

准确、及时的入库洪水预报,对三峡水库综合效益的发挥和长江流域水旱灾害防御、水资源利用、流域综合管理等具有重要作用。基于预报误差的最优分布估计和分布函数动态参数假定,提出了一种三峡水库入库洪水概率预报方法,并进行了洪水概率预报业务试验。结果表明:本文所提方法科学可行,计算快捷,使用方便,便于在实时作业预报中应用推广;概率预报结果较确定性预报结果,在水量预报、预警效果等方面均有所改善,1~5 d预见期预报的确定性系数提高0.1%~3.4%,水量误差减少0.1%~4.8%,可为三峡水库实时调度提供更可靠的预报信息;所提出的三峡水库入库洪水概率预报业务化产品,可提供更多风险信息,为三峡水库的科学调度,尤其是洪水资源化利用提供更好的优化决策支撑。  相似文献   

Construction of large dams is attractive because of their great benefits in flood control,hydropower generation,water resources utilization,navigation improvement,etc.However,dam construction may bring some negative impacts on sediment transport and channel dynamics adjustments.Due to the effects of recent water and soil conservation projects,sediment retention in the newly constructed large upstream reservoirs,and other factors,the sedimentation in the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR)is quite different from the amount previously predicted in the demonstration stage.Consequently,based on the measured data,characteristics of sedimentation and the related channel deformation in the TGR were analyzed.The results imply that sediment transport tended to be reduced after the Three Gorges Project(TGP).Sedimentation slowed dramatically after 2013 and indicated obvious seasonal characteristics.Due to the rising water level in the TGR in the flood season,the yearly sediment export ratio(Eratio)was prone to decrease.The water level near the dam site should be reasonably regulated according to the flow discharge to improve the sediment delivery capacity and reduce sedimentation in the TGR,and to try to avoid situations where the flood retention time is close to 444 h.The depositional belt was discontinuous in the TGR and was mainly distributed in the broad reaches,and only slight erosion or deposition occurred in the gorge reaches.Sedimentation in the broad and gorge reaches accounted for 93.8% and 6.2% of the total sedimentation,respectively.The estuarine reach located in the fluctuating backwater area experienced alternate erosion-deposition,with a slight accumulative deposition in the curved reach.Sedimentation mainly occurred in the perennial backwater area.The insight gained in this study can be conducive to directly understanding of large reservoir sedimentation and mechanism of channel adjustment in the reservoir region in the main channel of large river.  相似文献   

小浪底水库于1999年运用以后,该河道经历了长时间持续冲刷过程.为掌握小浪底水库运用后黄河尾闾段洪水演进特点及河床冲淤规律,采用一维水沙数学模型研究是一条重要的途径.本研究首先采用浑水控制方程,建立了一维耦合水沙数学模型,并利用2003年利津-西河口段汛期实测水沙及汛前断面地形资料对该模型进行率定,计算的流量、水位及含沙量等过程与实测值吻合较好;然后采用2015年利津—汊3段汛期实测资料对该模型进行验证,结果显示水位与冲淤量计算值与实测值较为符合;最后基于2015年实测洪水过程,计算了若干组不同断面间距下的洪水演进及冲淤过程,分析了不同断面间距对沿程水位及河段冲淤量等计算结果的影响,结果表明:采用不同断面间距对水位计算结果影响较小,而对冲淤量计算结果会产生一定影响;在河段水沙及冲淤特性复杂的情况下,采用一维数学水沙模型计算时应考虑断面间距的选择.  相似文献   

利用三峡库区35个台站1961-2010年汛期(5-9月)的逐日降水量资料,首先定义不同台站的极端降水量阈值,统计各站近50 a逐年汛期极端降水事件的发生频次,进而分析其时空变化特征.结果表明:三峡库区汛期极端降水事件发生频次的最主要空间模态是主体一致性,同时存在东西和南北相反变化的差异.三峡库区汛期极端降水事件发生频次具有较大的空间差异,可分为具有不同变化特点的5个主要异常区.滑动t检验表明,三峡库区西南部区代表站巴南的极端降水事件在1974年后发生了一次由偏多转为偏少的突变,北部区代表站北碚在1981年后和1993年后分别发生了由偏少转为偏多和由偏多到偏少的突变,中部区代表站武隆在1984年后发生了一次由偏多转为偏少的突变.结合最大熵谱和功率谱分析表明,近50 a来各分区汛期极端降水事件发生频次的周期振荡不太一致,三峡库区东北部区代表站宜昌、北部区代表站北碚和中部区代表站武隆分别存在5、2.4和8.3 a的显著周期.  相似文献   

基于长江中下游一、二维耦合水动力学模型,以1954和1998年洪水为典型,模拟了三峡水库调蓄前后洞庭湖区的洪水过程,定量分析了三峡水库对洞庭湖区防洪的贡献.结果表明:在长江发生1954和1998年全流域大洪水期间,三峡水库实施兼顾对城陵矶河段的防洪补偿调度,可有效缓解荆南三口河系及湖区的防洪压力,减少荆南三口 1.58...  相似文献   

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