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Organic-rich (18.2%) Monterey Formation diatomite from California was studied. The organic matter consist of 94% bitumen and 6% kerogen. Biological markers from the bitumen and from pyrolysates of the coexisting asphaltenes and kerogen were analyzed in order to elucidate the relationship between the various fractions of the organic matter. While 17 alpha(H), 18 alpha(H), 21 alpha(H)-28,30-bisnorhopane was present in the bitumen and in the pryolysate of the asphaltenes, it was not detected in the pyrolysates of the kerogen. A C40-isoprenoid with "head to head" linkage, however, was present in pyrolysates of both kerogen and asphaltenes, but not in the bitumen from the diatomite. The maturation level of the bitumen, based on the extent of isomerization of steranes and hopanes, was that of a mature oil, whereas the pyrolysate from the kerogen showed a considerably lower maturation level. These relationships indicate that the bitumen may not be indigenous to the diatomite and that it is a mature oil that migrated into the rock. We consider the possibility, however, that some of the 28,30-bisnorhopane-rich Monterey Formation oils have not been generated through thermal degradation of kerogen, but have been expelled from the source rock at an early stage of diagenesis.  相似文献   

Estuaries and Coasts - The time and space scales of an “upwelling shadow” in northern Monterey Bay, California, were assessed using hydrographic monitoring and satellite imagery....  相似文献   

An average of 230,000 cubic meters of sand is provided to the beaches of northern Monterey Bay each year by littoral transport from upcoast and from local river input. Two jetties constructed as part of a small craft harbor interrupted the littoral flow of sand and significantly altered the area's natural coastal processes. A wide protective beach immediately formed upcoast against a formerly retreating beach cliff. Sand now filling the harbor mouth each winter has led to expensive yearly dredging as well as seasonally or permanently depleted downcoast beaches. Seacliff retreat, always a problem in the area, is caused primarily by surf attack of weaker stratigraphic units and erosion along joint sets and faults, causing collapse of the bluffs. The seasonal loss of protective beaches has led to a two- to three-fold increase in the rate of downcoast cliff retreat following harbor construction except where protective rip-rap has been emplaced by property owners.  相似文献   

Reconnaisance ALVIN dives in the sediment-filled southern trough of the Guaymas Basin found active hot springs with temperatures ranging up to 315°C. High temperature activity is generally restricted to the crests of large mounds that rise out of the flat-lying basin sediments. The chemistry of the hydrothermal waters is distinctly different from that characteristic of sediment-starved, open ocean ridge axes in that the solutions are alkaline, contain ammonium as a major ion and are strongly depleted in the “ore-forming” metals. These compositions are interpreted as the result of reaction of a primary solution, similar in composition to those as 21°N, EPR, with the biogenous sediments overlying the intrusion zone. The pH of this fluid is raised both by the dissolution of carbonate and the addition of ammonium from thermocatalytic cracking of immature planktonic carbon. Metal sulfides are consequently precipitated at depth in the sediment column. The Guaymas Basin is thus the site of active formation of a sediment-hosted massive sulfide mineral deposit; the exiting waters are the “spent” ore-forming fluid. The ammonium data demonstrate that organic carbon (black shale) is, by itself, a sufficient source of alkalinity to induce the precipitation of sulfides from ascending solutions. Since ammonium does not participate directly in these reactions but does form secondary aluminosilicate minerals these latter should constitute a valuable exploration tool in the search for shale hosted deposits.  相似文献   

In September 2014, the state of Baja California Sur (BCS), Mexico, was struck by hurricane Odile. The hurricane caused extensive damage to the infrastructure of the state of BCS, where the energy and water supply were interrupted for several days. The direct economic impact was estimated to be more than 1654 million USD. Considering this damage, few days after the cyclonic event, a technical visit to BCS was carried out. The objective of this study is to present the relevant information on the performance of the infrastructure observed after the event, and to make recommendations in order to mitigate the effects of future cyclonic storms in Mexico, based on the observations during the technical visit. The main causes of damage were the use of materials for non-structural elements with a weak performance under high wind speeds, failures in the design and construction of connections of structural and non-structural elements, accumulated damage, lack of maintenance and impact of wind-born debris, as well as the absence of a building code in the region. Background information about meteorological and climatological aspects of the cyclones that have affected the southern region of BCS, the characteristics of hurricane Odile, the analysis of structural damages and the conclusions, are also presented.  相似文献   

Dolomites in thick sections of Miocene Monterey Shale and related formations in the Temblor Range of California acquired their isotopic compositions as they formed at shallow depth in the original sediment rich in organic matter, and retained the composition against the vicissitudes of burial diagenesis. The oxygen isotopes of dolomites of successive beds record changes in temperature of bottom water while the carbon isotopes of the same samples indicate changes in the kind of microbial activity (sulfate reduction vs carbohydrate fermentation) that prevailed at shallow depths in the sediment. In an auxiliary study, two samples of dolomite from sediments of Cariaco Basin off Venezuela (DSDP site 147) were found to have δ5C13 of ?14.1 and ?9.8 per ml PDB, although they occur in a heavy-carbon zone containing bicarbonate as heavy as +8.4 per ml. These dolomites probably originated at shallow depth in the light-carbon zone of microbial sulfate reducers and were buried under later sediments down into the heavy-carbon zone of microbial fermenters of carbohydrates without losing their original light-carbon composition.  相似文献   

Dolomites from the upper calcareous-siliceous member of the Miocene Monterey Formation exposed west of Santa Barbara, California, were analysed for geochemical, isotopic and crystallographic variation. The data clearly document the progressive recrystallization of dolomite during burial diagenesis in marine pore fluids. Recrystallization is recognized by the following compositional and crystallographic variations. Dolomites have decreasing δ18O and δ13C compositions, decreasing Sr contents and increasing Mg contents with increasing burial depths and temperatures from east to west in the study area. δ18O values vary from 5·3‰ in the east to − 5·5‰ PDB in the west and are interpreted to reflect the greater extent and higher temperature of dolomite recrystallization in the west. δ13C values correlate with δ18O and decrease from 13·6‰ in the east to − 8·7‰ PDB in the west. Sr concentrations correlate positively with δ18O values and decrease from a mean of 750 ppm in the east to a mean of 250 ppm in the west. Mol% MgCO3 values inversely correlate with δ18O values and increase from a minimum of 41·0 in the east to a maximum of 51·4 in the west. Rietveld refinements of powder X-ray diffraction data indicate that the more recrystallized dolomites have more contracted unit cells and increased cation ordering. The fraction of the Ca sites in the dolomites that are occupied by Ca atoms increases slightly with the approach to stoichiometry. The fraction of the Mg sites occupied by Mg atoms strongly correlates with mol% MgCO3. Even in early diagenetic, non-stoichiometric dolomites, there is little substitution of Mg in Ca sites. During recrystallization, the amount of Mg substituting for Ca in Ca sites decreases even further. Most of the disorder in the least recrystallized, non-stoichiometric dolomites is related to substitution of excess Ca on Mg sites.  相似文献   

The late Pleistocene and Holocene stratigraphy of Navy Fan is mapped in detail from more than 100 cores. Thirteen 14C dates of plant detritus and of organic-rich mud beds show that a marked change in sediment supply from sandy to muddy turbidites occurred between 9000 and 12,000 years ago. They also confirm the correlation of several individual depositional units. The sediment dispersal pattern is primarily controlled by basin configuration and fan morphology, particularly the geometry of distributary channels, which show abrupt 60° bends related to the Pleistocene history of lobe progradation. The Holocene turbidity currents are depositing on, and modifying only slightly, a relict Pleistocene morphology. The uppermost turbidite is a thin sand to mud bed on the upper-fan valley levées and on parts of the mid-fan. Most of its sediment volume is in a mud bed on the lower fan and basin plain downslope from a sharp bend in the mid-fan distributary system. Little sediment occurs farther downstream within this distributary system. It appears that most of the turbidity current overtopped the levée at the channel bend, a process referred to as flow stripping. The muddy upper part of the flow continued straight down to the basin plain. The residual more sandy base of the flow in the distributary channel was not thick enough to maintain itself as gradient decreased and the channel opened out on to the mid-fan lobe. Flow stripping may occur in any turbidity current that is thick relative to channel depth and that flows in a channel with sharp bends. Where thick sandy currents are stripped, levée and mid-fan erosion may occur, but the residual current in the channel will lose much of its power and deposit rapidly. In thick muddy currents, progressive overflow of mud will cause less declaration of the residual channelised current. Thus both size and sand-to-mud ratio of turbidity currents feeding a fan are important factors controlling morphologic features and depositional areas on fans. The size-frequency variation for different types of turbidity currents is estimated from the literature and related to the evolution of fan morphology.  相似文献   

Several Holocene turbidites can be correlated across much of Navy Fan through more than 100 sediment core localities. The uppermost muddy turbidite unit is mapped throughout the northern half of the fan; its volume, grain-size distribution and the maximum height of deposition on the basin slopes are known. These parameters can be related to the precise channel morphology and mesotopography revealed by deep-tow surveys. Thus there is sufficient information to estimate detailed flow characteristics for this turbidity current as it moved from fan valley to distal basin plain. On the upper fan, the gradient and the increasing downstream width of the channel and only limited flow overspill suggest that the flow had a Froude number close to 1.0. The sediment associated with the channel indicates friction velocities of about 0.06 m s?1 and flow velocities of about 0.75 m s?1. Using this flow velocity and channel dimensions, sediment concentration (~2×10?3) and discharge are estimated, and from a knowledge of the total volume of sediment deposited, the flow duration is estimated to be from 2 to 9 days. It is shown that the estimates of Froude number, drag coefficient, and sediment concentration are not likely to vary by more than a factor of 2. On the mid-fan, the flow was much thicker than the height of the surface relief of the fan and it spread rapidly. The cross-flow slope, determined from the horizontal extent of turbidite sediment, is used to estimate flow velocity, which is confirmed by consideration of both sediment grain size and rate of deposition. This again allows sediment concentration and discharge to be estimated. The requirements of flow continuity, entrainment of water during flow expansion, and observed sediment deposition provide checks on all these estimates, and provide an integrated picture of the evolution of the flow. The flow characteristics of this muddy turbidity current are well constrained compared to those for more sand-rich late Pleistocene and early Holocene turbidity currents on the fan.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction and oxygen isotopic analyses of outcrop and subsurface samples of siliceous rocks were used to reconstruct thermal and diagenetic histories of the Miocene Monterey Shale near Santa Maria, California. Within many stratigraphic sections soft, porous diatomaceous rocks change gradationally to underlying hard and brittle chert, porcellanite, and siliceous shale; the accompanying silica mineral zones are, in descending stratigraphic order: (1) biogenic silica (opal-A), (2) cristobalitic silica (opal-CT), and (3) microcrystalline quartz. Boundaries between silica mineral zones and stratigraphic horizons are often discordant. Within the opal-CT zone, the d(101)-spacing of opal-CT decreases in a smooth non-linear fashion from about 4 10 Å to 4-04 Å. In the Santa Maria Valley and Bradley oil field areas the thicknesses of the opal-CT zones are greater and the present thermal gradients less than in the adjacent Orcutt oil field. Thin opal-CT zones at shallow maximum burial depths apparently correlate with higher thermal gradients. Using present thermal gradients and reconstructed maximum burial depths from well data in the Santa Maria region, the ranges in temperatures for the top and base of the opal-CT zone are 38–54 °C and 55–110 °C, respectively. The temperature difference between these two boundaries ranges from 17 to 60 °C. In comparison, temperature ranges for these two boundaries computed from oxygen isotopic compositions of opal-CT and quartz, extrapolated experimental quartz-water fractionations, and assuming δO18= 0%o for the isotopic composition of the equilibrating fluid are 18–56 °C and 31–80 °C for the top and base of the opal-CT zone, respectively. The temperature difference between these boundaries is 11–36 °C using this method. Thermal gradients and sedimentation rates strongly influence rates of silica transformations. Reconstructed thermal and diagenetic histories of siliceous rocks of the Monterey Shale at four well sites in the Santa Maria region demonstrate that most silica conversions probably occurred during the last 3–4 Myr in response to accelerated rates of sedimentation (and therefore burial heating) during the Pliocene.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from two bedrock-dammed lakes in North Fork Big Pine Creek, Sierra Nevada, California, preserve the most detailed and complete record of Holocene glaciation yet recovered in the region. The lakes are fed by outwash from the Palisade Glacier, the largest (~1.3 km2) and presumably longest-lived glacier in the range, and capture essentially all of the rock flour it produces. Distinct late-Holocene (Matthes) and late-Pleistocene (Recess Peak) moraines lie between the modern glacier and the lakes. The lakes have therefore received continuous sedimentation from the basin since the retreat of the Tioga glacier (Last Glacial Maximum) and capture rock flour related to all post-LGM advances. A total of eight long cores (up to 5.5 m sediment depth) and one short surface sediment short core preserve a coherent record of fluctuating rock flour flux to the lakes through the Holocene. Age constraints on rock flour spikes in First and Second lakes based on 31 14C-dated macrofossils indicate Holocene glaciation began ~3200 cal yr B P, followed by a possible glacier maximum at ~2800 cal yr B P and four distinct glacier maxima at ~2200, ~1600, ~700 and ~250-170 cal yr. B.P., the most recent maximum being the largest.Reconstruction of the equilibrium-line altitudes (ELA) associated with each distinct advance recorded in the moraines (Recess Peak, Matthes, and modern) indicates ELA depressions (relative to modern) of ~250 m and 90 m for Recess Peak and Matthes advances, respectively. These differences represent decreases in summer temperatures of 1.7–2.8 °C (Recess Peak) and 0.2–2° (Matthes), and increases in winter precipitation of 22-34 cm snow water equivalent (s.w.e.) (Recess Peak) and 3-26 cm s.w.e. (Matthes) compared to modern conditions. Although small, these changes are significant and similar to those noted in the Cascade Range to the north, and represent a significant departure from historical climate trends in the region.  相似文献   

During spring 2006, talus from the toe area of a rock-block slide of about 800,000 m3 buried California State Highway 140, one of the main routes into heavily-visited Yosemite National Park, USA. Closure of the highway for 92 days caused business losses of about 4.8 million USD. The rock slide, composed of slate and phyllite, moved slowly downslope from April to June 2006, creating a fresh head scarp with 9–12 m of displacement. Movement of the main rock slide, a re-activation of an older slide, was triggered by an exceptionally wet spring 2006, following a very wet spring 2005. As of autumn 2006, most of the main slide appeared to be at rest, although rocks occasionally continued to fall from steep, fractured rock masses at the toe area of the slide. Future behavior of the slide is difficult to predict, but possible scenarios range from continued scattered rock fall to complete rapid failure of the entire mass. Although unlikely except under very destabilizing circumstances, a worst-case, rapid failure of the entire rock slide could extend across the Merced River, damming the river and creating a reservoir. As a temporary measure, traffic has been rerouted to the opposite side of the Merced River at about the same elevation as the buried section of Highway 140. A state-of-the-art monitoring system has been installed to detect movement in the steep talus slope, movement of the main slide mass, local strong ground motion from regional earthquakes, and sudden changes in stream levels, possibly indicating damming of the river by slide material.  相似文献   

An extensive geochemical and biogeochemical examination of CH4 seeps in the Clam Flats area of Monterey Bay provides insight into the character of relationships between seep geochemistry and benthic foraminiferal geochemistry. The area is characterized by sulfide-rich fluids. Sulfide increases are associated with large increases in alkalinity, as well as small decreases in dissolved Ca and Mg. In addition, only small increases in NH4 are observed, but values of δ13C of dissolved inorganic C are as low as −60‰ at shallow depths (<3 cm). These observations indicate that all these processes are related to the bacterial oxidation of CH4, which is transported upward by slow seepage of pore fluids. The geochemistry of the pore fluids should be relevant to the geochemistry of the carbonate tests of living and dead foraminifera. However, a profound disequilibrium of approximately an order of magnitude occurs between the δ13C values of stained (cytoplasm-containing) foraminiferal carbonate and the C isotope values of ambient pore water dissolved inorganic C. Reasons are unclear for this isotopic disequilibrium, but have important implications for interpretations of foraminiferal carbonate as a paleoenvironmental proxy. Much fine scale work is needed to fully understand the relationships between the biogeochemistry of benthic foraminifera and the geochemistry of the pore waters where they live.  相似文献   

Three thinning and fining-upward turbidite sequences are described from the Precambrian Kongsfjord Formation, a 3.5 km thick flysch succession. Their thicknesses range between about 2 and 5 m. They show a progressive upward decrease in bed thickness, bulk mean grain size and the ratio of the higher to lower energy division of the Bouma sequence. In one case, however, there is an initial upward bed thickness and grain size increase, with an increase in the proportion of the higher energy division. The absence of structureless mud of the Bouma E division and the presence of wavy interfaces between beds, together with similar palaeo-currents within each sequence suggest that these sequences resulted from related depositional events. These sequences are interpreted as the deposits of retrogressive flow slides, as an alternative to the classic mechanism of channel fill after abandonment.  相似文献   

A recent (100 yr old) turbidite is described from Hueneme Fan, California Continental Borderland. Dense sampling over the fan surface has allowed excellent delineation of the characteristics of this deposit. It exhibits Bouna DE sequences and has a distinctly bimodal, sandy silt grain size distribution. Through the use of generalized fluid dynamics equations, it is possible to reconstruct original flow properties of the current which deposited this material. The calculated velocities ranged from 10–90 cm s-1 and excess density (above ambient seawater) from 0·001–0·005 g cm-3 in the lower midfan and upper fan channel regions, respectively. Height of the current ranged from 5–15 m, on slopes from 1·5 to 0·15°. A total of 107 m3 of sediment was deposited during 10 days. The turbidity current is conjectured to have originated from direct river input during the floods of 1884. An older event is also described, which has distinctly different properties and origins. The grain sizes of this older deposit are much coarser, and sedimentary structures suggest higher flow regimes. This turbidite is conjectured to have been deposited from a higher density, faster current thought to have been generated by slumping. The need for a better understanding of the controls on the characteristics of turbidity currents and their effect on fan morphology is emphasized.  相似文献   

The distribution of archaeal lipids, including archaeol and glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), in dolomite concretions and surrounding sediment from the Monterey Formation (Miocene) and the Sisquoc Formation (Miocene-Pliocene) were examined to distinguish planktic from benthic contributions. For this purpose, dolomites with positive δ13C values (+7‰ to +13‰) were chosen; such highly positive values point to pronounced methanogenesis of benthic archaea in the sedimentary column. At first glance, distributions and relative abundances of GDGTs in both dolomites and background sediment were similar, resembling patterns of marine planktic crenarchaea. A contribution of benthic euryarchaea to the GDGT pool became evident only from variations in the δ13C values of different biphytanes obtained after ether cleavage of GDGTs. Whereas bi- and tricyclic biphytanes had an isotopic signal typical of planktic archaea (δ13C −23.6‰ to −20.5‰ and −23.4‰ to −21.2‰, respectively) for both dolomite and background sediment, acyclic and monocyclic biphytanes showed lower values for dolomite samples (−25.1‰ to −22.6‰ and −27.6‰ to −24.7‰, respectively), indicating a contribution of lipids from benthic archaea. The isoprenoid diether archaeol (δ13C −23.9‰ to −22.9‰), assigned to euryarchaea, was only detected in dolomite samples, also reflecting additional input from sedimentary archaea, probably autotrophic methanogens. The occurrence of lipids derived from methanogenic archaea agrees with the strong 13C-enrichment of dolomites and with mineral formation taking place in the zone of archaeal methanogenesis. This implies that the lipid biomarker inventory of sedimentary strata needs to be interpreted carefully, as it is often not straightforward to discriminate between input from the water column and sedimentary microbial activity.  相似文献   

Microgranitoid enclaves are common in granitic plutons worldwide, occurring individually and in homogeneous or heterogeneous swarms. Three plutons in the central Sierra Nevada batholith contain swarms with mostly heterogeneous suites of enclaves in the intermediate composition range, and occur in a number of two-dimensional shapes, specifically as dikes, small rafts, lenses, pipe/vortices and large massive shapes. Swarms are characterized by various features, including the nature of their boundary with the host, their planar or non-planar character, internal geometry, density of enclave packing, presence or absence of schlieren and crystal aggregates, and axial ratios and degree of preferred alignment of enclaves. We propose that heterogeneous enclave swarms form by one, or some combination of, the following mechanisms: (1) velocity-gradient sorting parallel or normal to the flow, (2) gravitational sorting or (3) break-up of heterogeneous dikes. Common sites where enclave swarms form include pluton margins or internal viscosity walls, within fractures, and near the pluton roof.  相似文献   

Groundwater quality in the Santo Domingo Irrigation District area in Baja California Sur, Mexico, indicates the presence of various salinization processes, (1) the geological matter of marine origin comprising the aquifer material suffers diagenetic effects due to its interaction with groundwater of low salinity, (2) the effects of intensive agriculture practices produce effluents that infiltrate to the saturated zone, and (3) the extraction of groundwater causes modifications in the natural flow system induces lateral flow of seawater from the coast line. However, groundwater management has been carried out with the belief that the latter is the main source of salinization. This has resulted in a policy of installing wells increasingly far from the coast, which is not solving the problem. Irrigation-return and seawater that remains in the geological units have been identified as major sources of salinization. Controls should be imposed when installing wells in contact with clayey units that form the base of the aquifer. Extracted groundwater consists of a mixture of (1) groundwater of relatively low salinity that circulates in the aquifer and (2) an extreme member with salinity different to seawater contained mainly in formations that have low permeability, which limits the aquifer underneath. The geochemistry of carbonates and cation-exchange reactions (both direct and reverse) control the concentration of Ca, Mg, Na, and HCO3, as well as pH values. The concentrations of dissolved trace elements (F, Li, Ba, Sr) suggest that the extreme saline member is different from the average seawater composition. A distinction between the salinization caused by farming practices and that blamed on seawater is defined by the use of NO3.  相似文献   

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