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利用原油与岩样抽提物的族组成分离与定量分析、饱和烃色谱色质、芳烃色谱色质等分析测试资料,系统分析了陇东地区延长组原油的地球化学特征,并研究了原油的成因类型。研究表明,陇东地区延长组原油均为正常油,组分以饱和烃馏分为主;原油的母质来源为低等水生生物与陆源高等植物的双重贡献;形成环境为淡水微咸水的水体环境、弱氧化还原的沉积环境;原油为成熟油,属于烃源岩生烃高峰时期的产物。根据C30重排藿烷的相对含量,可将原油划分为3类,第Ⅰ类原油C30重排藿烷含量最低,第Ⅱ类原油C30重排藿烷含量中等,第Ⅲ类原油C30重排藿烷含量最高。其中第Ⅰ类原油最多,来自于长7油页岩,该类原油分布广泛,白豹、西峰、合水、华庆以及姬塬地区均以该类原油为主;第Ⅱ、Ⅲ类原油样品较少,与暗色泥岩关系密切,零星分布于镇北以北,西峰以东地区。  相似文献   

包气带中原油的迁移和降解研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在石油的开采和集输过程中,常常有大量的原油抛洒和泄漏,这对土壤和植物地造成严重污染,本文通过大量野外和室内的原油渗透试验,含油地层的淋滤试验和石油的生物降解试验,来研究石油污染物在包气带中迁移,转化和降解规律,从而地下水石油污染的潜在性作出科学的评价。  相似文献   

A geochemical method for estimation of the maximum temperature of mudstones is proposed. The extents of epimerization of the sterane and the hopane are used. The temperature function is:
Tmax. (°C) = 606015.0?In(dUdUdV)?273
where U = ln (1 ? α/0.54), V = ln(1 ? β/0.61), α = 20S-/20S- + 20R-24-ethyl-5α(H), 14α(H), 17α(H)-cholestane(C29-sterane) and β = 22S-/22S- + 22R-17α(H), 21β(H)-bishomohopane(C32-hopane). The value of dU/dV can be obtained from the tangent to the evolution curve in the UversusV. This temperature function is applicable to the temperature analysis in the range of 50°C–150°C.  相似文献   

Distribution of the specific gravity of oil and the yield of fractions up to 300° is considered as a function of hypsometric position of the samples with respect to the pool outline. Relationship is determined between the difference in specific gravity of edge- and crest oils and the carbon dioxide ion content in edgewaters; it is explained by oxidation of oil by the waters. It is demonstrated by means of graphs for Ekhabi and Tungor oil fields that oxidation is more important than the force of gravity, in the distribution of the properties of oil throughout the deposit. The flushing effect of waters on the light petroleum fractions proves to be less significant that the oxidation effect. Calculation shows that the loss of oil by oxidation is small at depths below 600 m; losses by water flushing are even smaller, but rise rapidly at shallower depths. -- Author.  相似文献   

24-n-Propylcholestane (24-npc), a C30 sterane compound derived from sterol precursors which are the major sterol constituents of modern pelagophyte microalgae, occurs in certain Neoproterozoic rocks and oils and throughout the Phanerozoic rock record. This broad distribution leads 24-npc to be widely considered a reliable indicator of open to partially restricted marine depositional conditions for source rocks and oils. Here we report two significant hiatuses in the occurrences of 24-npc in the Lower Paleozoic marine rock record: the first in the Middle–Late Cambrian and the second in the Late Ordovician–early Silurian transition for a range of lithofacies (carbonates and siliciclastic rocks), organic carbon contents (both organic-lean and organic-rich), and paleoceanographic environments (shelf and deeper water marine settings) and observed offshore of two paleocontinents, Laurentia and Baltica. The Ordovician–Silurian gap is at least 9 million years, and possibly up to 20 million years, in duration. Robust older occurrences of 24-npc steranes in some Neoproterozoic rocks and oils suggest that oceanographic conditions in our intervals of Lower Paleozoic time were unfavorable for the proliferation of pelagophyte algae as phytoplankton. Caution should therefore be applied when interpreting a lacustrine versus marine depositional environmental setting for source rocks and oils in these intervals of Early Paleozoic time using lipid biomarker assemblages.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of crude oil by microorganisms from well Luo-801, China, was examined in cultures grown under conditions that promoted either methanogenesis or sulfate reduction, at 35 °C and 55 °C. Headspace gas and oil compositions were characterized at 180 d and 540 d. Alkylphenanthrenes are relatively recalcitrant to bacterial attack and the biodegradation of these compounds appeared to be insignificant after 180 d under both conditions, but is evident after 540 d. The depletion of alkylphenanthrenes was monitored through evaluation of the ratio of alkylphenanthrenes to the most bioresistant, analyzed component (C28 20R triaromatic steroid hydrocarbon) and isomer susceptibility also was evaluated by relative abundance comparison within the compound class. The influence of growth temperature varied. Only slight differences in alkylphenanthrene concentrations were observed after 180 d whereas the greater degrees of biodegradation were observed at 35 °C in the methanogenic culture and at 55 °C in the sulfate reducing culture. Overall, higher biodegradation rates occur under sulfate reducing condition, which is consistent with the conclusion that methanogens are generally less able to compete for substrates than sulfate reducers. The biodegradation susceptibility of alkylphenanthrenes decreases with increasing degree of alkylation, i.e., phenanthrene (P) and methylphenanthrenes (MPs) were more easily biodegradable than C2-alkylphenanthrenes (C2-Ps) and C3-alkylphenanthrenes (C3-Ps). Biodegradation selectivity for specific homologues is not striking for the limited time duration of the experiments. However, 3-MP seems slightly more vulnerable than other methylphenanthrene isomers and 1,7-DMP has slightly higher ability to resist biodegradation than the other C2-P isomers. The commonly used thermal maturity parameters derived from methylphenanthrene isomer ratios are altered insignificantly by biodegradation and remain valid for geochemical assessment. This information should be useful for assessing the limits of in situ crude oil biodegradation.  相似文献   

卢进才  魏建设  姜亭  许海红  王宝文 《地质通报》2020,39(10):1589-1599
居延海坳陷的吉格达、天草、路井等次级凹陷原油物理、化学特征分析表明,原油物理特征以轻质-挥发性原油为主,个别井产凝析油,具有低粘度、中凝固点的特点。原油化学特征具有饱和烃含量高(78.06%~92.95%),全油碳同位素轻(δ13CPDB为-33.7‰~-32.0‰),轻烃/重烃(∑nC21-/∑nC22+)显著大于1(1.28~2.94)等特点。原油物理、化学特征指示其母质以低等水生生物为主,热演化程度为成熟-高成熟。在对钻井揭示的烃源岩及邻区地表剖面烃源岩分析的基础上,以吉格达凹陷蒙额参3井晚石炭世侵入岩和中—下二叠统2个产层为代表,开展了油-源生物标志化合物及碳同位素分布对比。结果表明,原油与上石炭统—下二叠统干泉组上段烃源岩具有良好的亲缘关系,与白垩系烃源岩无关,原油母岩为石炭系—二叠系烃源岩。依据原油指示的母岩演化程度显著高于钻井揭示的烃源岩演化程度,认为区内油气存在深层(干泉组下段)烃源岩的贡献。综合分析认为,居延海坳陷已揭示的油气藏为石炭系—二叠系含油系统,应将其作为主要勘探目的层。  相似文献   

A 29Si and 27Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance study is reported for differently synthesized mullites. The 29Si MAS NMR spectra of all samples are essentially identical. They consist of a main resonance at -86.8 ppm, a shoulder around -90 ppm and a second resonance at -94.2 ppm. The main resonance is interpreted as being due to a sillimanite-type geometry around Si and the second one is tentatively assigned to a Si environment typical for mullite. The 27Al MAS NMR spectra of sinter- and fused-mullite measured at different Larmor frequencies revealed clearly the presence of three distinct Al sites in mullite, i.e. of octahedral (M1), tetrahedral (M2) and distorted tetrahedral (Al*) sites.  相似文献   

原油可采储量是制定油田开发规划的基础,是评价油田开发效果、编制调整方案的依据.原油可采储量预测方法主要有静态法、童宪章图版法、水驱特征曲线法、递减曲线法和增长曲线法.作提出了原油可采储量预测的新方法,改进流管法和随机模型法.它们是作多年研究的体会,其适用性正在大港油田原油可采储量预测工作中进行检验,已取得较好的效果.  相似文献   

Migration-contamination occurs when a migrating or trapped crude oil functions as a solvent, dissolving molecular components from the syndepositional organic matter of the migration conduit and/or the reservoir rock. This review documents the causes and worldwide occurrences of migration-contamination, and suggests methods of identifying the signatures of this phenomenon within the molecular and isotopic composition of crude oils. Instances of migration-contamination have been identified in oils of Australia, Asia, Africa and North America, and are best identified by the presence of molecular and/or isotopic imbalances in the oil. Such imbalances are most apparent when co-occurring molecular suites are incompatible with one another, particularly in terms of thermal maturity. Occurrences of migration-contamination in oils of the US Gulf of Mexico—documented by molecular maturity imbalances such as the presence of unsaturated hydrocarbons known to be unstable at petroleum generation temperatures—provide the best examples of this phenomenon. An attempt is made to quantify the extent and impact of this process in the Vermilion 14 field, offshore Louisiana in the US Gulf of Mexico. Here, molecular maturity markers in the migrated fluid and in the syndepositional organic matter of the reservoir rocks are compared, and the proportion of contamination in each reservoired fluid is estimated. Examples such as this may assist in explaining maturity anomalies observed in several oils worldwide, particularly in Tertiary-reservoired oils that have migrated through, and are trapped in, thermally immature sediments. It is suggested that the low molecular maturity ratios often observed in Tertiary-reservoired oils and attributed to unusually high heating rates may be caused, at least in part, by migration-contamination.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔北地区油气资源十分丰富,油气成因复杂。海相原油主要来自于寒武系或奥陶系烃源岩,或者二者混源。其中,对混源油定性研究多、定量研究少。随着勘探的深入和精细,需要定量回答油气的混源比例。本文根据不同端元油的人工混源配比实验,发现生物标志化合物具有随混源比例变化的特征,建立了混源比例与生标参数之间的关系式,并对塔北地区混源油中寒武系原油比例做了定量计算,进而研究了其分布规律与成因机制。研究认为,塔北地区原油主要来自于中、上奥陶统烃源岩,寒武系烃源岩有少量贡献。从空间分布上来看,具有从西到东、从浅至深,混源油中寒武系烃源岩来源的原油比例具有逐渐增高的特点,高比例寒武系来源原油的混源油主要分布在轮南低凸起的桑塔木断垒带东侧和轮东断裂周围,明显受烃源岩分布、输导体系和成藏过程等因素控制,该研究对进一步认识塔北地区油气生成、运移、聚集规律,以及指导油气勘探都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

华南两种类型花岗岩成岩-成矿作用的差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
华南地区主要产出两种类型的花岗岩类,一是壳源的陆壳重熔型花岗岩类,二是壳-幔混源的钙碱型浅成花岗岩类。二者不仅在成因上有很大差别,在成矿作用上也明显不同。本文通过实例,探讨了这两种类型花岗岩在成岩-成矿关系上的差异。研究表明,陆壳重熔型花岗岩类的成岩与对应的成矿作用之间存在着明显的时间差,以南岭地区为例,在燕山中期第一阶段170~150 Ma达到高潮的陆壳重熔型花岗岩类,其相关的钨锡等稀有金属矿化多发生在燕山中期第二阶段150~139 Ma,成岩与成矿相差10~20 Ma,这一时间差反映了这类花岗岩成岩作用与成矿作用之间在物质来源和地质构造背景等方面的差异。而那些壳-幔混源的钙碱型浅成花岗岩类,由于其成岩时就具备这种条件,因此成岩-成矿基本同时,没有明显的时间差。由此可见,大规模金属成矿作用主要与拉张的动力学背景、壳-幔相互作用、高的热流值,以及深部流体的参与密切相关。  相似文献   

The solubility of a 44° API (0.806 sp. gr.) whole crude oil has been measured in methane with water present at temperatures of 50 to 250°C and pressures of 740 to 14,852 psi, as have the solubilities of two high molecular weight petroleum distillation fractions at temperatures of 50 to 250°C and pressures of 4482 to 25,266 psi. Both increases in pressure and temperature increase the solubility of crude oil and petroleum distillation fractions in methane, the effect of pressure being greater than that of temperature. Unexpectedly high solubility levels (0.5–1.5 grams of oil per liter of methane—at laboratory temperature and pressure) were measured at moderate conditions (50–200°C and 5076–14504 psi). Similar results were found for the petroleum distillation fractions, one of which was the highest molecular weight material of petroleum (material boiling above 266°C at 6 microns pressure). Unexpectedly mild conditions (100°C and 15,200 psi; 200°C and 7513 psi) resulted in cosolubility of crude oil and methane. Under these conditions, samples of the gas-rich phase gave solubility values of 4 to 5 g/l, or greater.Qualitative analyses of the crude-oil solute samples showed that at low pressure and temperature equilibration conditions, the solute condensate would be enriched in C5–C15 range hydrocarbons and in saturated hydrocarbons in the C15+ fraction. With increases in temperature and especially pressure, these tendencies were reversed, and the solute condensate became identical to the starting crude oil.The data of this study, compared to that of previous studies, shows that methane, with water present, has a much greater carrying capacity for crude oil than in dry systems. The presence of water also drastically lowers the temperature and pressure conditions required for cosolubility.The data of this and/or previous studies demonstrate that the addition of carbon dioxide, ethane, propane, or butane to methane also has a strong positive effect on crude oil solubility, as does the presence of fine grained rocks.The n-paraffin distributions (as well as the overall composition) of the solute condensates are controlled by the temperature and pressure of solution and exsolution, as well as by the composition of the original starting material. It appears quite possible that primary migration by gaseous solution could ‘strip’ a source rock of crude-oil like components leaving behind a bitumen totally unlike the migrated crude oil. The data of this study demonstrate previous criticisms of primary petroleum migration by gas solution are invalid; that primary migration by gaseous solution cannot occur because methane cannot dissolve sufficient volumes of crude oil or cannot dissolve the highest molecular weight components of petroleum (tars and asphaltenes).  相似文献   

采用高温模拟技术,对原油样品进行模拟实验,并对其裂解过程中正构烷烃的组成和变化特征进行了地球化学研究。结果表明,原油大量裂解生成气态烃之前,原油中的高分子量正构烷烃已经开始裂解,以C1+5烃类裂解成C6~C14化合物为主。随成熟度的增加,C6~C14化合物进一步转化为C1~C5化合物,并伴随苯系物的产出,最终形成甲烷和裂解沥青。在正构烷烃的裂解过程中,苯及其同系物的丰度呈明显增加趋势,可以作为原油裂解程度的潜在判识标志。此外,利用同样的实验条件对正十六烷进行了对比模拟实验,其产物的组成和变化特征与原油中正构烷烃的基本相同。  相似文献   

中国陆相油页岩特征及成因类型   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
中国油页岩资源丰富,以陆相沉积为主,主要赋存于中新生界,颜色通常为黑色-深灰色和灰褐色-棕褐色,且富矿油页岩一般比贫矿油页岩的颜色深.油页岩中矿物成分以石英、长石和黏土矿物为主,黏土矿物中高岭石含量相对较高.中国陆相油页岩总体质量特征为中等偏好,含油率大于5%的页岩油资源占67.64% ,灰分产率一般为53.27% ~84.35% ,多属高灰分油页岩.发热量各地区差别较大,最小值为4.19 MJ/kg,最大值可达34.60 MJ/kg,而且同一地区不同层位的油页岩发热量也不相同.就伴生元素而言,油页岩中富含大量的稀土元素和微量元素,使油页岩具有巨大的综合利用潜力.从有机成因角度,中国陆相油页岩可以分为腐泥型油页岩、腐殖腐泥型油页岩和腐泥腐殖型油页岩;从油页岩的沉积环境成因角度,可以划分为拗陷湖成油页岩、断陷湖成油页岩和断陷湖泊-沼泽油页岩;从油页岩形成的水体性质角度,可以划分为淡水油页岩和半咸水油页岩.中国陆相油页岩中湖泊-沼泽油页岩一般与煤伴生,多为腐殖腐泥型油页岩和腐泥腐殖型油页岩;而湖成油页岩一般单独存在或为煤层顶板,多为腐泥型油页岩和腐殖腐泥型油页岩.  相似文献   

针对烃源岩生成的原油物性随热演化如何变化的问题,本文基于对准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷下二叠统风城组和吉木萨尔凹陷中二叠统芦草沟组下段源储紧邻自生自储页岩油物性、地化特征、成藏特征及原油物性与烃源岩热演化关系的分析,综合烃源岩生烃热模拟实验结果与国内外相关文献资料,首次确认了咸化湖相烃源岩生成的原油物性与烃源岩热演化程度之间的变化规律。认为页岩油源岩生成的原油密度和黏度具有随热演化程度增强先增加而后降低的规律,其中生油高峰附近生成的原油非烃相对含量、密度和黏度最高。该认识不仅是对已有的石油地质学中原油物性随热演化规律认识的进一步厘定和修正,而且对页岩油甜点段、甜点区的选择以及页岩油原位转化等都有极为重要和现实的指导作用。  相似文献   

借助色谱质谱测试,对柴达木盆地北缘冷湖地区冷湖三、四、五号构造上22 个原油样品的生物标志化合物组成进行了系统分析。根据萜烷和甾烷相对含量的不同,将该区原油分成为3 类,即低熟单源型原油、成熟混源型原油和高熟混源型原油。对比研究表明,冷湖三号、四号构造原油链烷烃表现为nC20 前低分子量优势,五号构造原油则表现为nC21 后高分子量优势,从三号至五号,原油中四环萜烷相对含量逐渐变小,而重排藿烷、重排甾烷相对含量依次增加,说明母源类型依次变差,而成熟度则依次变高。  相似文献   

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