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The hornfelsed Skiddaw Slates in the River Caldew, Cumberland, exhibit one of the best displayed sets of folds in the country. Patterns resulting from an analysis of these folds and the structures on the valley sides, indicate that the rocks have suffered several phases of deformation. Evidence is produced to suggest that folding was initiated during the pre-Bala movements, and re-folding occurred during the main end-Silurian orogeny. During the end-Silurian movements, folding due to collapse under gravity also occurred.  相似文献   

Four phases of deformation (D1-D4) and a ubiquitous non-tectonic bedding-cleavage are described. D1 structures are gravity collapse folds without an associated cleavage, formed before the extrusion of the Borrowdale Volcanics. Pre-Bala folds recognised in the Volcanics are not readily observable in the Slates on a small scale, but may be present on a wider aspect. D2-D4 folds and cleavages are end-Silurian structures, the result of the main closure of the Lake District Geosyncline during the Caledonian Orogeny. D2 is the result of crustal shortening and is closely related in time to the emplacement of the Skiddaw Granite; D3 resulted from vertical shortening in conjunction with the intrusion of the Lake District Batholith; and D4 resulted from post-granite shortening of the existing fold axes. A correlation of the history of deformation with those of other areas is also suggested.  相似文献   

The Latterbarrow Formation, 400 m thick, has been mapped and subdivided informally into three members. These consist of quartz wacke sandstone and, in the upper member only, intercalated mudstones. The formation unconformably overlies the fossiliferous Skiddaw Group of late Tremadoc to middle Arenig age and is overlain disconformably by volcanic rocks that have been attributed to the Borrowdale Volcanic Group. Chemically, the sandstones are characterized by very low concentrations of CaO, Na2O, and K2O and unusually high total iron. MnO and MgO, such that iron, as Fe2O3, exceeds Al2O3. Mudstone in the upper member is illite rich, has a high K2O content and is compositionally similar to K-bentonites derived from volcanic ash. Sedimentary structures and petrography suggest that the sediments were deposited in a sandy estuary and were derived from a similar source area to that of the Skiddaw Group. Throughout the succession there is evidence of distal volcanism, probably representing the earliest eruptions of the Borrowdale volcanic episode. The Redmain Formation, 100 m thick, is unconformably overlain by Carboniferous rocks but its relationship to the underlying Skiddaw Group is unknown. Though this lithic arenite shows some petrographic and geochemical similarities with the Latterbarrow sandstone, differences are such that it is possible they are not equivalent in age. The Redmain sandstone may be derived from the erosion of Skiddaw Group rocks.  相似文献   

A thick succession of Middle Caradoc sediments (Glanrafon Beds) with occasional volcanic horizons is described. Faunas found within the succession prove a Soudleyan to Lower Longvillian age for these sediments. Detailed mapping has shown the presence of an unconformity between the Glanrafon Beds and the overlying Lower Rhyolite Tuff of the Snowdon Volcanic Series. A new fauna from the sediments within the Capel Curig Volcanic Series proves a Soudleyan (?Lower) age for this period of vulcanicity.  相似文献   

The Borrowdale Volcanic rocks of Kentmere have been reinvestigated. A previous structural interpretation (Mitchell 1929) involving Caledonian isoclines superimposed upon pre-Caradocian NNE trending folds is shown to be incorrect; neither set of structures exist. The geometry of the major structural elements in the area, the Nan Bield Anticline and the Caledonoid cleavage, is described. Evidence is adduced which suggests that the anticline was formed in pre-Caradocian time as a large open fold trending approximately E-W. Its present geometry and that of the Wren Gill Monocline result from the superimposition of the regional end-Silurian cleavage obliquely and inhomogeneously across this pre-existing fold. The volcanic succession is divided into four compositionally and petrographically defined formations. In upward sequence these are the Nan Bield and Wren Gill formations (andesitic lavas and tuffs), Kentmere Formation (mainly dacitic pryoclastic rocks) and the Garbourn Formation (andesites and dacites), totalling over 2800 m. It is thought that much of this succession was deposited subaqueously.  相似文献   

The nature and field relationships of the Maumtrasna Formation of the Partry Mountains, Co. Mayo, show that the formation underlies the regionally mappable Glenummera Formation, which is of Llanvirn age, and it is laterally equivalent to the Rosroe and Derrylea Formations, also of Llanvirn age. The formation rests unconformably on two different volcanic domains, the basic volcanics of the Bohaun Volcanic Formation to the northwest (of unknown age) and the largely acidic volcanics and sediments of the Tourmakeady Volcanic succession to the southeast (Arenig). It is not the youngest formation in the Ordovician succession of the South Mayo Trough, as was previously thought. This largely conglomeratic unit forms a coarsening upward sequence deposited on alluvial fans which were inundated by a marine transgression at the base of the Glenummera Formation. Clasts in the conglomerates are mainly of granite and porphyry with a minor metamorphic component. The source is interpreted as an arc rooted on a metamorphic basement which lay to the south and east. The suggestion that this area was present day Connemara finds little support. This area may expose some of the ‘hidden’ geology of the Midland Valley of Scotland.  相似文献   

Appinitic intrusions in the English Lake District   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Within the Skiddaw Group, which underlies the mid-Ordovician volcanic arc of the English Lake District, are minor intrusions of calc-alkaline, hornblende-augite rich, dioritic to picritic bodies reminiscent of the appinite suite of the Scottish Caledonides. Representative of these is the Scawgill Bridge microdiorite, a variable, hornblendic body which includes augite-phyric meladiorite and pyroxenite; others include the picrtte (augite-meladiorite or cortlandtite) plugs at Dash and Barkbeth. They are distinct from tholeiitic intrusions of similar age represented by the Embleton Diorite, and also from late Silurian biotite-lamprophyres. Despite alteration, primary variation trends indicated by immobile trace elements are also expressed by major elements including Mg, Fe and Ca. Differentiation at Scawgill Bridge is modelled as fractionation of olivine, augite, hornblende and chromite, and a similar process is inferred for the meladiorite intrusions. It is concluded these bodies represent primitive, calc-alkaline magmas related to the Lower Borrowdale Volcanic Group, which fractionated under confined conditions of high P(inH2o). In contrast, the Lower Borrowdale Volcanic Group itself is dominated by plagiophyric rocks which resulted from fractionation at lower P(inH2O).
Appinitische Intrusionen im englischen Lake District
Zusammenfassung Die Skiddaw-Gruppe im Liegenden des mittelordovizischen Vulkanbogens des englischen Lake District enthält kleinere Intrusionen von kalkalkalischen, HornblendeAugit-reichen, dioritischen bis pikritischen Magmen, die an das Appinit-Vorkommen in den schottischen Kaledoniden erinnern. Für diese Intrusionen ist der Scawgill Bridge-Mikrodiorit repräsentativ. Er stellt einen variablen, Hornblende-reichen Körper mit Einschlüssen von Augit-porphyrischem Meladiorit und Pyroxenit dar; zu den anderen gehören die pikritischen (Augit-Meladiorit oder Cortlandit) Stöcke bei Dash und Barkbeth. Sie unterscheiden sich von tholeiitischen Intrusionen gleichen Alters, die durch den Embleton-Diorit vertreten sind, und auch von den spätsilurischen Biotit-Lamprophyren. Trotz Alteration werden primäre Korrelationen, die durch immobile Spurenelemente angezeigt werden, auch von Hauptelementen einschließlich Mg, Fe und Ca nachgezeichnet. Die Differentiation bei Scawgill Bridge wird als eine Fraktionierung von Olivin, Augit, Hornblende und Chromit modelliert, und ein ähnlicher Prozeß wird für die Meladiorit-Intrusion angenommen. Daraus wird geschlossen, daß diese Körper primitive, kalkalkalische Magmen repräsentieren, die zur Unteren Borrowdale Volcanic Group gehören und die unter hohem PH2O fraktionierten. Im Gegensatz dazu wird die Untere Borrowdale Volcanic Group selbst von plagiophyrischen Gesteinen dominiert, die durch Fraktionierung unter niedrigem P(inH2O) entstanden sind.

Recumbent folding in eastern Tasmania affected turbidites containing Lower to Middle Ordovician (Bendigonian Be1 to Darriwilian Da3) fossils, but not stratigraphically overlying turbidites containing Silurian (Ludlow) graptolites, and is of a timing consistent with Ordovician to Silurian Benambran orogenesis on the Australian mainland. Two subsequent phases of upright folding post‐date deposition of turbidites containing Devonian plant fossils but pre‐date intrusion of Middle Devonian granitoids, and are of Tabberabberan age. A closely spaced disjunctive cleavage (S2), associated with the first phase of Tabberabberan folding, everywhere cuts a slaty cleavage (S1) associated with the earlier formed recumbent folds. However, refolding associated with development of S2 is not always clear in outcrop and it is proposed that coincident tectonic vergence between the two events has resulted in reactivation of recumbent D1 structures during the D2 event. The transition to rocks not affected by recumbent folding coincides with a marked change in sedimentology from shale‐ to sand‐dominated successions. This contact does not outcrop but, from seismic data, appears to dip moderately to the east, and can only be explained as an unconformity. The current grouping of all pre‐Middle Devonian turbidites in eastern Tasmania into the one Mathinna Group is misleading in that the turbidite sequence can be subdivided into two distinct sedimentary packages separated by an orogenic event. It is proposed that the Mathinna Group be given supergroup status and existing formations placed into two new groups: an older Early to Middle Ordovician Tippogoree Group and a younger Silurian to Devonian Panama Group.  相似文献   

A review of certain late-stage textures in subaerial, submarine and lunar extrusive rocks is presented, together with a genetic classification of vesicles. The term paravesicle is introduced for hollows in lavas caused by the introduction of a gaseous phase into the lava after extrusion. Examples taken from the andesitic lavas of the Borrowdale Volcanic Series are used to illustrate the usefulness of studying such features.  相似文献   

新疆克拉麦里造山带下石炭统地层系统及其沉积构造背景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新疆克拉麦里造山带位于准噶尔与西伯利亚板块之间.下石炭统是该造山带的重要组成部分,前人将其作为一个地层层序,自下而上划分为黑山头组、姜巴斯套组和那林卡拉组.运用造山带地层学研究其下石炭统地层系统,识别出西伯利亚板块南缘岛弧盆地层序(黑山头组)、弧前大陆边缘盆地层序(卡姆斯特组)、洋盆层序(放射虫硅质岩和蛇绿混杂岩),以及准噶尔板块北缘岛弧盆地层序(塔木岗组和松喀尔苏组)和弧前大陆边缘盆地层序(东古鲁巴斯套组和姜巴斯套组).根据克拉麦里造山带两侧均存在岛弧盆地层序,推论克拉麦里洋盆曾在早石炭世向两侧发生俯冲.  相似文献   

On the basis of detailed geological mapping in the Talea Ori of Crete, metamorphic rocks previously interpreted as basement to the Plattenkalk Series are re-interpreted as down-faulted parts of the overlying Phyllite-Quartzite Series nappe. A supposed unconformity separating these two units is shown to be a high-angle fault. The Phyllite-Quartzite Series and overlying nappes were affected by two major deformational phases, whereas the Plattenkalk Series has a simpler structural history and was folded and imbricated by southwards-directed overthrusting which emplaced the Phyllite-Quartzite Series nappe and other overlying nappes in the Oligocene. We reject previous models of a huge inversion of the Plattenkalk Series and we also consider that considerable local inversion by tight to isoclinal folding and thrusting means that the stratigraphic thickness is much less than previously appreciated. The differences between the structural and sedimentological histories of the Plattenkalk Series and the overlying nappes implies that they were separated by a major crustal discontinuity, such as a transform or transcurrent fault, before the Oligocene overthrusting.  相似文献   

The Barro Alto, Niquelândia, and Cana Brava Complexes are major Proterozoic layered intrusions in central Brazil that were affected by high-grade metamorphism with associated ductile deformation during the Neoproterozoic (770–795 Ma). Recent studies recognized that the Niquelândia Complex comprises two petrologically distinct and tectonically juxtaposed magmatic systems: a younger Upper Layered Series to the west and an older Lower Layered Series to the east. Previous geochronological studies on Lower Series rocks suggested a Paleoproterozoic (ca 2.0 Ga) age for the Lower Series magmatic event. New trace element data matched with Sm–Nd isotope data for Upper Series samples yielded well-constrained and original geochronological information. The 1.35 Ga age of the Upper Series magmatism reported in this paper indicates a much younger age of the Upper Series compared with the Lower Series. The tectonic contact between these two distinct magmatic systems is now raised to the category of a major Paleo-Mesoproterozoic crustal discontinuity.  相似文献   

In northwest Argentina, weakly metamorphic clastic and calcareous sedimentary rocks of latest Precambrian to Lower Cambrian age (Puncoviscana Formation and related units) contain an abundant ichnofauna of both chronostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental value. In the western and central Sierras Pampeanas, metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks are considered to form part of the same geotectonic unit. This “Pampean orogenic cycle” includes geosynclinal sedimentation of latest Precambrian to Lower Cambrian age, as well as magmatism, metamorphism and deformation of Middle to Upper Cambrian age, documented by an angular unconformity below the Upper Cambrian to Devonian rocks of the “Famatinian orogenic cycle”. In some of the metamorphic rocks of the Pampean Cycle a pre-Ordovician folding is also distinguished from a later tectonic overprinting. Hence, the concept of a Pampean cycle differs from other concepts of late Precambrian orogenic cycles of South America which are only defined by radiometric ages. The Pampean orogenesis may be compared with the Ross orogenesis of the Transantarctic Mts., the Tyennan orogenesis of Australia and some of the deformation phases of the Damara orogen in Namibia.  相似文献   

内蒙古大青山地区中生代造山运动及构造演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大青山地区是燕山—阴山板内造山带西段的重要组成部分 ,区内主体的构造格局和构造样式是由中生代地壳多期、多阶段构造变形的结果。印支期地壳以南北向挤压作用为主 ,是一次强烈褶皱造山运动 ,并伴随有强烈的岩浆活动。燕山早期阶段地壳仍然以挤压变形为主 ,形成了大青山逆冲推覆体系 ,同时控制了前缘断陷盆地沉积和演化。燕山中期由于区域构造背景的转变和重力作用 ,区域内发生了向南的伸展变形作用 ,形成了早白垩纪呼包盆地。燕山晚期地壳以挤压逆冲变形为主 ,不仅形成了楔冲式推覆构造 ,也使上白垩统与下白垩统为角度不整合接触。  相似文献   

甘蒙北山地区下石炭统绿条山组 时代修正及其构造意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
甘肃—内蒙古北山地区位于中亚造山带中段,其晚古生代洋盆最终闭合时间倍受关注且久有争议。早石炭世是该区洋陆转换的关键时期之一,下石炭统下部绿条山组与下伏的下、中泥盆统之间的角度不整合被认为是该区构造隆升的主要证据之一。但由于研究程度限制,绿条山组的时代尚有争议,一定程度上制约了该区构造演化的深入分析。北山北部甜水井北与碎石山剖面绿条山组火山岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄分别为296.8±3.5Ma与311.1±3.2Ma,产出晚石炭世巴什基尔期(Bashkirian)菊石Gastrioceras和Branneroceras,时代应修订为晚石炭世—早二叠世早期。研究区下泥盆统—上石炭统沉积充填及生物群落特征表明该区可能在晚石炭世由大陆边缘浅海演化至裂谷盆地,上石炭统与下、中泥盆统之间的角度不整合代表洋陆转化造成的长时间隆升剥蚀。  相似文献   

库车前陆盆地的白垩系由卡普沙良群(自下而上包括亚格列木组、舒善河组、巴西盖组)和巴什基奇克组组成.盆地北部克孜勒努尔沟的白垩系亚格列木组和巴什基奇克组底部均发育一大套泥石流沉积,表明白垩系卡普沙良群为一期构造活动幕的产物,为一个完整的二级层序,根据沉积演化特征可将其细分为7个三级层序.亚格列木组与舒善河组之间,扇三角洲平原相突变为滨浅湖相沉积,且舒善河组滨岸沙坝微相持续稳定发育,反映前陆盆地楔顶带的发育抑制了构造活动期源于造山带的粗碎屑的供给,使前渊带的沉积物供给速率趋于稳定.此外,克孜勒努尔沟卡普沙良群地层厚度远大于前缘隆起带,与上、下地层呈整合或平行不整合接触.研究表明,克孜勒努尔沟卡普沙良群为一套临近造山带的前渊带沉积.  相似文献   

克拉麦里造山带位于准噶尔盆地东北缘,是中亚构造框架中一个非常重要的构造单元,研究工作较多,但对其演化历史一直存在不同认识。本文报道了阿勒泰卡姆斯特地区下侏罗统三工河组中的紫红色放射虫硅质岩砾石及其放射虫动物群,其中最新的放射虫化石年代为维宪早期,据此推论克拉麦里洋盆封闭于早石炭世晚期,克拉麦里造山带在侏罗纪早期发生快速隆升。  相似文献   

前陆盆地由于其独特的构造和沉积背景形成不同的层序地层格架样式.以准噶尔盆地车排子地区为例,详细分析了造山带前缘隆起斜坡带层序样式.在准西车排子地区中新生界主要目的层段(下白垩统吐谷鲁群、古近系安集海河组、新近系沙湾组和塔西河组)充填沉积中识别出5条主要等时界面,据界面的性质和级别划分出一级层序2个,二级层序组3个,三级层序4个.受前陆盆地造山带前缘隆起斜坡带独特的沉积背景及多幕逆冲构造活动作用过程的控制,准西车排子地区中新界各三级层序具有二元沉积结构特征,仅发育低位和湖扩体系域.逆冲挤压期发育低位粗碎屑沉积,应力松弛期发育湖扩细碎屑沉积.低位下切谷、大型扇三角洲和湖扩滩坝砂是准西车排子地区的有利储集砂体及勘探目标.   相似文献   

下扬子地区中新生代构造变形单元及构造变形样式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下扬子地区地处扬子板块东部,其构造变形特征研究具有重要意义。综合利用区域地质、地震、钻井和地球物理等多方面资料,对下扬子地区断裂、地层发育特征精细解释,建立了贯穿研究区的两条区域地质剖面,即宿迁绍兴大剖面和连云港苏州大剖面。研究表明:下扬子地区可划分为6个一级构造变形单元,依次为苏北胶南造山带、苏北冲断区、南北对冲带、苏南冲断区、浙北冲断区和江南造山带,并可进一步细分为14个二级构造变形单元,这些明确表现出本区中、新生代对冲构造变形特征;两条区域大剖面表现出了挤压、伸展、反转等3类典型构造变形样式,具体可分为5亚类、10小类。  相似文献   

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