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高玲  闫峻  李全忠  谢建成 《地质论评》2022,68(3):2022062013-2022062013
皖南地区花岗岩风化壳中稀土元素普遍富集,局部已成为矿床,其中,郎溪县姚村岩体风化壳富集程度较高。LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb定年表明,姚村花岗岩体的形成年龄为127.9±1.4 Ma,属于皖南地区燕山期晚期岩浆作用的产物。风化壳可细分为残坡积层(A)、强半风化层(C1)、过渡层(C2)、弱风化层(C3)和基岩(D)五层。稀土总量在纵向剖面上呈“波浪式”分布,各层稀土分布型式表现出对原岩的继承性。风化壳稀土配分型式与基岩一致, 富集LREE,轻重稀土分馏明显(La/Yb)N=15.6),但总含量明显更高。基岩∑REE为338×10-6,半风化层∑REE最高达642×10-6,富集约两倍。风化壳物质由风化残余主矿物(石英、钾长石、斜长石、黑云母)、黏土矿物(高岭石、埃洛石、伊利石、三水铝石等)和副矿物(锆石、磷灰石、榍石等)等组成。黏土矿物以伊利石含量最高,指示风化壳发育不成熟。REE与埃洛石含量明显正相关,与其他黏土矿物关系不明显。(含)稀土矿物(尤其是榍石)对风化壳中稀土元素的贡献量超过百分之五十,其次为斜长石,是风化壳中REE的重要来源。  相似文献   

高玲  闫峻  李全忠  谢建成 《地质论评》2022,68(5):1820-1838
皖南地区花岗岩风化壳中稀土元素普遍富集,局部已成为矿床,其中,郎溪县姚村岩体风化壳富集程度较高。LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb定年表明,姚村花岗岩体的形成年龄为127. 9±1. 4 Ma,属于皖南地区燕山期晚期岩浆作用的产物。风化壳可细分为残坡积层(A)、强半风化层(C1)、过渡层(C2)、弱半风化层(C3)和基岩(D) 5层。稀土总量在纵向剖面上呈“波浪式”分布,各层稀土分布型式表现出对原岩的继承性。风化壳稀土配分型式与基岩一致, 富集LREE,轻重稀土分馏明显\[(La/Yb)N=15. 6\],但总含量明显更高。基岩∑REE为338×10-6,半风化层∑REE最高达642×10-6,富集约两倍。风化壳物质由风化残余主矿物(石英、钾长石、斜长石、黑云母)、黏土矿物(高岭石、埃洛石、伊利石、三水铝石等)和副矿物(锆石、磷灰石、榍石等)等组成。黏土矿物以伊利石含量最高,指示风化壳发育不成熟。REE与埃洛石含量明显正相关,与其他黏土矿物关系不明显。(含)稀土矿物(尤其是榍石)对风化壳中稀土元素的贡献量超过 50%,其次为斜长石,是风化壳中REE的重要来源。  相似文献   

Microbes were cultured and identified from the saples collected at various depths in 4 weathering profiles of REE-bearing granites in Gonghe,Guangdong,The microbes were found existing at the depth of 0-5m in all the profiles.The main microbes include coccus (Staphylococcus,Streptococcus),bacillus(Bacillus,Clostridium and Escherichia Coli),actinmyces and fungi(Saccharomycete,Penicillium,Fusarium,Aspergillus Aiger and Mucor),The number of colonies decreases downwards in the profiles.Experimental studies show that all the microbes used in the experiment can accelerate downward migation of REE in the experimental tubes.,The ability to accelerate the migration of REE decreases in a sequence of fungi→actinomyces→acillus→coccus.The microbes can change the modes of occurrence of REE in the weathering crust.The coccus,bacillus and actinomyces can increase the amounts of REE in ion state,whereas the fungi have a stronger ability to from organic compounding REE and accumulate REE than the bacteria do.  相似文献   

黔西北玄武岩风化壳中的稀土矿是一个分布广泛、稀土含量较高的新类型稀土矿。本文主要通过岩相学、矿物学和地球化学的方法,系统研究了该稀土矿层的岩石组构、矿物组合及地球化学特征,探讨了该地区稀土迁移富集机理。结果显示该风化壳稀土矿层厚度大(单层厚度0.1~0.5 m,总厚度约5~15 m)。矿石中主要矿物为高岭石(60%~80%),次要矿物为蒙脱石(2%~8%)、赤铁矿(5%~20%)。稀土总量较高(144~2288×10-6),具轻稀土富集特征,并且稀土含量高的样品均为高岭石粘土岩。稀土配分模式图中显示明显负铕异常(0.22~0.85),铈异常变化较大(0.86~1.63)。综合分析认为玄武岩风化壳中的稀土元素的富集和高岭石的含量密切相关,稀土元素可能在偏还原的环境中被高岭石颗粒吸附。  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of organic acids (OA) on the transformation of Fe and Mn to surface water from the weathering coal gangue is of great benefit to risk assessment and remediation strategies for contaminated water and soil. Based on the investigation on surface water in the central coal districts of the Guizhou Province, 18 water samples were collected for heavy metal analysis. The results indicated that the pH value of surface water is low (3.11–4.92), and Fe concentration (1.31–5.55 mg L?1) and Mn concentration (1.90–5.71 mg L?1) were, on average, 10.86 and 34.33 times the limit of Surface Water Quality Standards, respectively. In order to evaluate the effects of the OA on the dissolution of Fe and Mn from the weathering coal gangue, column elution and batch leaching experiments were conducted. The results show that the low molecular weight of organic acids (LMWOAs, i.e., oxalic, tartaric, malic and citric acids) and fulvic acids significantly accelerated the dissolution of Fe and Mn; in addition, when the concentration of OA reached 25 mmol L?1, the concentrations of Fe, and Mn were 1.14–67.08 and 1.11–2.32 times as high as those in 0.5 mmol L?1 OA, respectively. Furthermore, the migration of Fe and Mn was significantly influenced by the pH and Eh, especially for Fe; the ion Mn was dissolved from the gangue more easily than the ion Fe in the column leaching, which was contrary to the results of batch leaching.  相似文献   

以平坝白云岩风化壳剖面为例,主要利用化学连续提取的方法,结合透射电镜的分析,对碳酸盐岩风化壳岩-土界面附近的稀土超常富集层中REE的赋存状态进行了研究,获得了REE在水溶态及可交换态(相态Ⅰ)、碳酸盐结合态及专性吸附态(相态Ⅱ)、非晶质氧化铁锰结合态(相态Ⅲ)、晶质氧化铁锰结合态(相态Ⅳ)、有机质及硫化物结合态(相态Ⅴ)和残渣态(相态Ⅵ)等6种相态的含量及变化规律.结果表明,REE在富集层中主要以专性吸附态、残渣态和有机态为主.风化前缘可溶态稀土所占比例较高,为稀土在风化壳中的迁移、转化提供可能;基岩中原生含磷稀土矿物的风化产生的稀土磷酸盐矿物的聚集导致了残渣态稀土大量存在于风化前缘;此外,由于风化淋溶的不断进行,可溶态的REE在高的pH值条件与剖面中的有机质、铁锰氧化物和粘土矿物共同作用下沉淀、富集,也导致了风化前缘稀土的超常富集.  相似文献   

Most studies agree that the dissolution rate of aluminosilicates in the presence of oxalic and other simple carboxylic acids is faster than the rate with non-organic acid under the same pH. However, the mechanisms by which organic ligands enhance the dissolution of minerals are in debate. The main goal of this paper was to study the mechanism that controls the dissolution rate of kaolinite in the presence of oxalate under far from equilibrium conditions (−29 < ΔGr < −18 kcal mol−1). Two types of experiments were performed: non-stirred flow-through dissolution experiments and batch type adsorption isotherms. All the experiments were conducted at pH 2.5-3.5 in a thermostatic water-bath held at a constant temperature of 25.0, 50.0 or 70.0 ± 0.1 °C. Kaolinite dissolution rates were obtained based on the release of silicon and aluminum at steady state. The results show good agreement between these two estimates of kaolinite dissolution rate. At constant temperature, there is a general trend of increase in the overall dissolution rate as a function of the total concentration of oxalate in solution. The overall kaolinite dissolution rates in the presence of oxalate was up to 30 times faster than the dissolution rate of kaolinite at the same temperature and pH without oxalate as was observed in our previous study. Therefore, these rate differences are related to differences in oxalate and aluminum concentrations. Within the experimental variability, the oxalate adsorption at 25, 50, and 70 °C showed the same dependence on the sum of the activities of oxalate and bioxalate in solution. The change of oxalate concentration on the kaolinite surface (Cs,ox) as a function of the sum of the activities of the oxalate and bioxalate in solution may be described by the general adsorption isotherm:

通过对赣南江贝稀土矿床进行岩相学、矿床学和地球化学研究,表明该矿床成矿母岩主要为寻乌岩组变质岩,岩性有变粒岩、片岩和片麻岩,其中云母片岩稀土元素含量最高,是最有利的成矿母岩,属轻稀土富集型母岩,是近些年新发现的1处中深变质岩风化壳离子吸附型稀土矿.矿区呈低缓丘陵地貌,风化壳平均厚度12.33 m,矿体主要赋存于全风化层中,矿体平均厚度4.68 m, SRF2 O3品位0. 035%~0. 122%,属离子吸附型稀土矿.稀土主要来源于易风化的水磷酸盐类矿物和稀土氟碳酸盐类矿物,风化壳化学蚀变指数CIA>90 %,表明了强烈的风化作用为矿床的形成创造了有利条件.会昌—安远—寻乌地区中深变质岩广泛分布,具有大型稀土矿成矿潜力.  相似文献   




沙尾风化壳高岭土矿床的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周国平 《矿床地质》1990,9(2):167-175
广东沙尾高岭土矿属残积型风化壳矿床,分为白云母二长花岗岩钠化高岭土矿和斑状二长花岗岩高岭土矿。矿石主要组成矿物包括高岭石、埃洛石,伊利石及石英,含少量长石。原矿石SiO_2高达67—70%,Al_2O。20—23%,精矿SiO_2 47—50%,Al_2O_3 33—36%。矿石铁、钛含量低,SiO_2/Al_2O_3在2.2—2.5之间。高岭土的成矿作用分为前期热液蚀变阶段和后期表生风化阶段,前期主要以钠长石化和白云母化为主,后期通过地表水淋洗发育成高岭土风化壳。  相似文献   

A review and reinterpretation of previous experimental data on the deformation of partially melted crustal rocks reveals that the relationship of aggregate strength to melt fraction is non‐linear, even if plotted on a linear ordinate and abscissa. At melt fractions, Φ < 0.07, the dependence of aggregate strength on Φ is significantly greater than at Φ > 0.07. This melt fraction (Φ = 0.07) marks the transition from a significant increase in the proportion of melt‐bearing grain boundaries up to this point to a minor increase thereafter. Therefore, we suggest that it is the increase of melt‐interconnectivity that causes the dramatic strength drop between the solidus and a melt fraction of 0.07. We term this drop the ‘melt connectivity transition’ (MCT). A second, less‐pronounced strength drop occurs at higher melt fractions and corresponds to the breakdown of the solid (crystal) framework. This is the ‘solid‐to‐liquid transition’ (SLT), corresponding to the well known ‘rheologically critical melt percentage’. Although the strength drop at the SLT is about four orders of magnitude, the absolute value of this drop is small compared with the absolute strength of the unmelted aggregate, rendering the SLT invisible in a linear aggregate strength v. melt‐fraction diagram. On the other hand, the more important MCT has been overlooked in previous work because experimental data usually are plotted in logarithmic strength v. melt‐fraction diagrams, obscuring large strength drops at high absolute strength values. We propose that crustal‐scale localization of deformation effectively coincides with the onset of melting, pre‐empting attainment of the SLT in most geological settings. The SLT may be restricted to controlling flow localization within magmatic bodies, especially where melt accumulates.  相似文献   

Fresh samples of the Mertondale granite give a Rb-Sr age of 2580 ± 16 m.y. (λRb87 = 1.39 × 10?11 yr?1), representing the time of emplacement. Very little change in age is detected with progressive alteration of the granite, apparently associated with weathering, even when it is converted to a kaolinite-quartz assemblage. Preservation of the whole-rock age was unexpected, as the region has been subjected to Tertiary lateritisation to which the alteration of the granite would normally be attributed. We conclude that either the apparent weathering of the granite must be re-interpreted as a late-stage hydrothermal kaolinisation, or that the weathering occurred in the Archaean within about 15 m.y. of the granite's crystallisation.  相似文献   

为了更深入地了解微生物与大气可吸入矿物细颗粒的作用机理,实验以方解石(PM2.5)为研究对象,采用反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)对硅酸盐细菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌胞外有机酸主要组分进行定性定量分析,考察了细菌胞外有机酸对方解石的溶蚀效应。实验结果表明,3种常见细菌的胞外有机酸主要组分有草酸、乳酸、柠檬酸和琥珀酸;不同有机酸对方解石的溶蚀效应不同,但均能不同程度地促进Ca离子的释放;草酸、乳酸和琥珀酸对方解石发生作用后,表现为颗粒失重,而柠檬酸对方解石发生作用后,导致其发生重结晶行为,能改变方解石的表面形貌,使残余固体呈纤维状;在草酸和柠檬酸作用下,残余固体表现出了对有机酸基团(如C=O、C—C或C—H)的吸附,特别是柠檬酸在1 600~500 cm-1区域。  相似文献   

近年来,临沧花岗岩体风化壳内离子吸附型稀土(IREE)矿床的找矿勘查取得重要进展,岔河IREE矿床是该区新发现的中大型矿床之一,为IREE矿床成矿预测提供了研究实例.文章对岔河IREE矿床11个探矿工程风化剖面样品和1370件土壤地球化学样品的稀土元素,以及Ce异常分布、迁移及富集等表生地球化学特征和规律进行研究,结合前人研究成果总结出该区找矿模型,实施工程验证并取得了找矿发现.研究表明,风化花岗岩稀土元素配分模式与母岩相似,风化过程中REE发生淋滤、富集作用(全风化层富集程度最高),LREE和HREE发生了分异作用(LREE分异程度相对较高).在风化过程中,Ce异常与稀土元素氧化物总量(ΣREO)呈负相关,且Ce异常存在明显的分异作用,如风化剖面中黏土层Ce正异常(1.69)与全风化层上部Ce负异常(0.75)数值具有明显差异,为Ce异常用于IREE矿床成矿预测成为可能(见矿率达90%).该研究不仅能定位、定量的圈定IREE矿床成矿预测区,而且完善了IREE矿床找矿模型,具有重要的推广和应用价值.  相似文献   

Experimental data show that the Ce-family REE are more accessible to hydrolysis than the Y-family REE, and the optimum pH conditions for REE adsorption vary from one system to another, for example, pH = 3–6 for the chloride system, and 3–4 for the acutate system. At pH = 3–6, no obvious selective REE adsorption is observed in both the systems. From the deep levels of the weathered crust towards the surface the percent content of the Ce-family REE tends to increase progressively, whereas that of the Y-family REE tends to decrease, with La/Ce varying from <1 → > 1 → <1. More or less fractionation would take place among the rare-earth elements due to their different geochemical behaviors. Nevertheless, the REE distribution patterns in the weathered crust can still reflect the REE distribution patterns in the parent rocks. Relatively unstable independent REE minerals, such as bastinaesite, parisite and britholite are considered as the main source of rare-earth elements in the weathered crust of this area.  相似文献   

针对目前遥感技术手段难以快速划分岩石风化程度的问题,以花岗岩为研究对象,通过分析风化程度与坡度的耦合关系,提出了一种基于坡度特征的花岗岩风化程度划分方法.该方法首先利用卫星遥感数据解译区域地层岩性,通过立体像提取区域坡度信息;然后对坡度分级并统计花岗岩地质体内各级坡度的面积百分比;最后根据坡度分级特征曲线判断花岗岩风化程度.野外验证表明,该方法可以准确划分花岗岩风化程度,可为工程设计和施工作业提供参考.  相似文献   

以西南喀斯特地区喀斯特漏斗坡地2个土壤剖面为研究对象,通过测定土壤部分物理化学属性、土壤有机碳含量分布特征、δ^13C值、几种土壤化学风化指标及稀土元素参数特征,探讨土壤侵蚀和沉积过程中土壤有机碳及其稳定碳同位素的动态变化及分布特征,同时利用土壤δ^13C值反演了C3/C4植被的变化历史。结果显示,山腰和山脚2个土壤剖面样品的土壤有机碳含量范围分别为4.17%~8.91%和2.37%~6.33%,山腰含量较高;δ^13C值变化范围分别为.18.9‰^-15.6‰和.22.1‰^-17.0‰,均随土壤深度的增加先增大后减小;利用土壤δ^13C值反演C3/C4植被的变化历史,2个剖面表现出相似的变化趋势;Na/K比值与ICIA的变化特征呈显著的负相关关系,R^2分别为0.67和0.98,表明该类红土中Na/K比值不仅能代表风化强度,且可能与侵蚀大小有关;常用的土壤风化发育指标表现为很好的协同作用,显示剖面土壤的形成是由基岩化学风化而成;稀土元素球粒陨石标准化之后显示Ce异常,Eu负异常,2个剖面δCe变化趋势基本一致,表明2个剖面经历了相似的风化迁移过程。  相似文献   

麦积山石窟砂砾岩在盐分参与下出现粉化、剥落等现象,这大大加速了石窟岩体的风化进程。通过对砂砾岩进行毛细迁移及循环劣化试验,研究了硫酸盐在砂砾岩中的运移规律,分析了盐分参与下砂砾岩的破坏特征,并得出了其产生的结晶压力。结果表明:硫酸钠结晶使砂砾岩发生显著破坏;硫酸盐在砂砾岩中的运移呈现一定的规律性;硫酸钠溶液的浓度达到0.95~1.13 mol/L区间时,砂砾岩开始破坏,并且得出试验条件下结晶压力理论最大值可以达到33 MPa。  相似文献   

泥岩有水热解产生低分子量有机酸实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
直接采用泥岩岩屑进行有水热解,测定实验后水溶液中几种常见低分子量有机酸.结果表明,在实验的水溶液中检测到了丰富的低分子量有机酸,组成上主要为一元羧酸,其中又以乙酸占优势.讨论了不同热解条件对有机酸产率以及组成的影响.实验结果表明,有机酸总量随加热温度和时间增加而增加,并且溶液中不同有机酸相对组成也发生变化.当温度高于1...  相似文献   

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