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The Dvuyakornaya Formation section in the eastern Crimea is described and subdivided into biostratigraphic units based on ammonites, foraminifers, and ostracodes. The lower part of the formation contains first discovered ammonites of the upper Kimmeridgian (Lingulaticears cf. procurvum (Ziegler), Pseudowaagenia gemmellariana Olóriz, Euvirgalithacoceras cf. tantalus (Herbich), Subplanites sp.) and Tithonian (?(Lingulaticeras efimovi (Rogov), Phylloceras consaguineum Gemmellaro, Oloriziceras cf. schneidi Tavera, and Paraulacosphinctes cf. transitorius (Oppel)). Based on the assemblage of characteristic ammonite species, the upper part of the formation is attributed to the Berriasian Jacobi Zone. Five biostratigraphic units (zones and beds with fauna) distinguished based on foraminifers are the Epistomina ventriosa-Melathrokerion eospirialis Beds and Anchispirocyclina lusitanica-Melathrokerion spirialis Zone in the upper Kimmeridgian-Tithonian, the Protopeneroplis ultragranulatus-Siphoninella antiqua, Frondicularia cuspidiata-Saracenaria inflanta zones, and Textularia crimica Beds in the Berriasian. The Cyrherelloidea tortuosa-Palaeocytheridea grossi Beds of the Upper Jurassic and Raymoorea peculiaris-Eucytherura ardescae-Protocythere revili Beds of the Berriasian are defined based on ostracodes. A new biostratigraphic scale is proposed for the upper Kimmeridgian-Berriasian of the eastern Crimea. The Dvyyakornaya Formation sediments are considered as deepwater facies accumulated on the continental slope.  相似文献   

The Qreiya Beds that record the ‘mid-Paleocene event’ at Gabal Nezzazat occur within the Igorina albeari (P3b) Zone and constitute part of a 14-m thick shale succession that ranges in age from Early to Late Paleocene. They are composed of four alternating dark grey and brown shale beds, which are thinly laminated, phosphatic, organic-rich and extremely sulphidic. They are characterized by distinct enrichment and high peak anomalies in chalcophiles (Zn, Co, Ni, Cu and Pb) and organic association elements (V and Cr), especially within the brown organic-rich beds. It is concluded that these elements are incorporated into the phosphatic debris, sulphides and organic matter. In contrast, the grey beds are enriched in clay minerals and quartz. Clay mineral assemblages indicate alternating periods of warm/humid climate (high kaolinite) and dry climate (low kaolinite) during the formation of the grey and brown beds, respectively. The sediments of the Qreiya Beds yield lithological, biotic, geochemical and mineralogical data indicative of suboxic/anoxic marine environments as a result of high productivity and/or upwelling. The top metre of the succession below the Qreiya Beds is characterized by a progressive change from faunas dominated by praemurcurids to faunas dominated by Morozovilids, and by a progressive upward decrease in δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb values. The foraminiferal faunal change may reflect shallowing and warming preceding deposition of the Qreiya Beds. The change in isotopic values is inferred to be the result of surface weathering, fluvial input and diagenesis with no evidence of any primary change that could support presence of a hyperthermal event.  相似文献   

Eight zonal dinocyst assemblages and three bio stratigraphic units ranked as “beds with flora” are first distinguished in the Danian—lower Lutetian interval of the Paleogene succession, penetrated by the reference borehole Novousensk no. 1, where eight standard and one local nannoplankton zones are simultaneously recognized. The direct correlation of nannoplankton and dinocyst zones is used to refine the paleon-tological substantiation and stratigraphic position of regional lithostratigraphic units, ranges of hiatuses, and the correlation with the general stratigraphie scale. The nannoplankton of the Danian NP2 Cruciplacolithus tenuis and NP3 Chiasmolithus danicus zones is characteristic of the Algai Formation (Fm). The nannoplankton of the NP4 Coccolithus robustus Zone and dinocysts of the D3a Alterbidinium circulum Zone from the Tsyganovo Fm characterizes the Danian top. The Lower Syzran Subformation (Subfm) corresponds to the upper part of the NP4 Coccolithus robustus Zone (Neochiastizygus junctus local zone) and to the D3b (part) Cerodinium depressum Zone of the Selandian dinocysts. The latter spans part of the Upper Syzran Subformation, whose characteristic nannofossils are the nannoplankton of the NP5 Fasciculithus tympaniformis Zone and the dinocysts of the D3b (part) Isabelidinium? viborgense Zone of the Selandian. The Novouzensk Fm is represented by a succession of the dinocyst Cerodinium markovae Beds and the standard D4c Apectodinium hyperacanthum Zone of the upper Thanetian. The coccolitophorids of the lower Thanetian NP6 Heliolithus kleinpelli Zone occur at the formation base. The Bostandyk Fm includes successive bio stratigraphie units of the Ypresian. In the dinocyst scale, these are the D5a Apectodinium augustum Zone, the Pterospermella Beds (DEla Zone of the North Sea scale), and zones DBlb-c Deflandrea oebisfeldensis, D7c Dracodinium varielon-gitudum, and D8 Dracodinium politum—Charlesdowniea coleothrypta, while units of the nannoplankton scale correspond to the NP12 Martasterites tribrachiatus and NP13 Discoaster lodoensis zones. The Kopterek Fm yields Lutetian nannofossils: the nannoplankton of the NP14 Discoaster sublodoensis Zone and the dinocysts of the Wetzeliella coronata—Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum Beds. Three meaningful hiatuses are established at the Danian base, Selandian top, and in the lower Ypresian.  相似文献   

Biostratigraphy of the Berriasian Stage in the Crimean Mountains is specified and substantiated. Fragments of all the standard stage zones (jacobi, occitanica, and boissieri) are distinguished based on the found index species, and position of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary is targeted. According to verified distribution of ammonites, the jacobi Zone is divided into the jacobi and grandis subzones crowned by the Malbosiceras chaperi Beds. The Tirnovella occitanica-Retowskiceras retowskyi Beds and overlying Dalmasiceras tauricum Subzone are recognized in deposits of the occitanica Zone. The upward succession of biostratigraphic units established in the boissieri Zone includes the Euthymiceras-Neocosmoceras Beds, Riasanites crassicostatus Subzone, Symphythyris arguinensis and Jabronella sf. paquieri-Berriasella callisto Beds. The last biostratigraphic unit is suggested in this work instead the former Zeillerina baksanensis Beds. Except for the jacobi Zone, the substantiated ammonoid zonation is practically identical to the Berriasian biostratigraphic scale of the northern Caucasus, although the Berriasian-Valanginian boundary has not been defined in the Crimean Mountains based on ammonites. Several marker levels of bivalve mollusks and four biostratigraphic subdivisions of brachiopod scale are distinguishable here. As for the latter, these are (from the base upward) the Tonasirhynchia janini, Belbekella airgulensis-Sellithyris uniplicata, Symphythyris arguinensis, and Zeillerina baksanensis beds.  相似文献   

The Alto Garças Sub-basin in the northern part of the Paraná Basin evolved differently from the Apucarana Sub-basin in the south. The marine environment was shallower in the Alto Garças Sub-basin, which contains proportionately more silty and arenaceous rocks. The formations and members defined in the Apucarana Sub-basin are therefore difficult to apply in the Alto Garças Sub-basin, where the Chapada Group (units 1–4) is more applicable. An integrated miospore and chitinozoan biozonation of the Chapada Group facilitates direct correlation between the Chapada Group’s units and the classical formations of the Paraná Basin as defined in the Apucarana Sub-basin. The Furnas Formation and Chapada unit 1 constitute the same lithostratigraphic unit. Beds with rhyniophytes in the uppermost part of the Furnas Formation contain palynomorphs representative of the Si phylozone within the MN spore Zone (late Lochkovian), and the rhyniophyte beds occupy the same stratigraphic interval within Chapada unit 1 (the Lochkovian of the Paraná Basin lacks chitinozoans). The lower part of Chapada unit 2 contains spores of the PoW Su spore Zone and chitinozoans of the Ramochitina magnifica and Ancyrochitina pachycerata zones, together indicating a late Pragian–early Emsian age-span. The upper part of Chapada unit 2 corresponds to the GS (AP) and Per (AD pre-Lem) spore Zones, and chitinozoans of the Ancyrochitina parisi, the informal Ancyrochitina varispinosa and Alpenachitina eisenacki chitinozoan zones, thus suggestive of a late Emsian – earliest Givetian age-span. Unit 3 is a proximal and lateral facies equivalent of the upper part of unit 2. The lower part of unit 4 includes spores typical of the early Givetian Lli (AD Lem) spore Zone and chitinozoans of the Ramochitina stiphrospinata chitinozoan Zone; the uppermost (early late Frasnian) part contains spores of the lower BMu (IV) spore Zone and chitinozoans of the Lagenochitina avelinoi chitinozoan Zone. The sandstones of unit 3 were inundated during the earliest Givetian, and the resultant flooding surface marks the base of unit 4 basin-wide. Clearly, the two sub-basins were distinct depositional centers during the Devonian.  相似文献   

Five pithonellid blooms recognised in the Chalk Group of the Isle of Wight are correlated via foraminiferal biostratigraphy to regional and global events. Blooms were recognised in the Holywell Nodular Chalk to basal New Pit Chalk formations (foraminiferal zones BGS7 to BGS9); M. guerangeri to Mytiloides standard (macrofaunal zones); middle Lewes Chalk (questionably foraminifera Zone BGS12; S. plana standard macrofaunal Zone); basal Seaford Chalk (BGS14; base M. coranguinum standard macrofaunal Zone); lower Newhaven Chalk (base BGS18; base U. socialis standard macrofaunal Zone); and uppermost Newhaven to basal Culver formations (BGS19-20; O. pilula to low G. quadrata standard macrofaunal zones). The blooms appear to be coeval with oceanographic change and the general trend towards an increase in the proportion of planktonic taxa may suggest upwelling and/or dysaerobic bottom waters.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the lithostratigraphy and planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Late Eocene-Middle Miocene sequence in the Al Bardia area, northeast Libya. The lithostratigraphical studies carried out on three stratigraphical surface sections, namely Wade Al Rahib, Wadi Al Hash and Wadi Al Zeitun, led to the recognition of three rock units from base to top: (1) the Al Khowaymat Formation (Late Eocene-Early Oligocene); (2) the Al Faidiyah Formation (Late Oligocene-Early Miocene); and (3) the Al Jaghboub Formation (Early-Middle Miocene). The planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphical analysis led also to the recognition of nine planktonic foraminiferal zones ranged in age from Late Eocene to Early Miocene with one larger foraminiferal zone of Middle Miocene age. These are, from base to top, as follows: Truncorotaloides rohri Zone (Late-Middle Eocene, Lutetian), Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta and Turborotalia cerroazulensis s.l. Zones (Late Eocene, Priaborian), Cassigerinella chipolensis/Pseudohasitgerina micra Zone (Early Oligocene, Rupelian), Globigerina ciperoensis ciperoensis, Globorotalia kugleri Zones (Late Oligocene, Chattian), Globigerinoides primordius Zone (Early Miocene, Aquitanian), Globigerinoides altiaperturus/Catapsydrax dissimilis and Globigerinoides trilobus Zones (Early Miocene, Burdigalian), and the larger benthonic foraminiferal zone, Borelis melo melo Zone (Middle Miocene, Langhian to Serravallian). The study of planktonic foraminifera proved the existence of a regional unconformity between the Early and Late Oligocene, with the Middle Oligocene deposits being absent (absence of Globigerina ampliapertura and Globorotalia opima opima Zones), and another, smaller unconformity located between the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene, in which the uppermost part of the Late Eocene is missing.  相似文献   

Fluctuation in calpionellid, foraminiferal, and nannofossil diversity and abundance are documented in two successions located in the eastern part of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform of the Southern Carpathian area, Romania. The lower part of the studied sections consists of upper Tithonian–upper Berriasian bioclastic limestones. This age is supported by the presence of the calpionellid assemblages assigned to the Crassicollaria, Calpionella, and Calpionellopsis Zones. Based on biostratigraphical data, a gap was identified within the uppermost Berriasian–base of the upper Valanginian (the interval encompasses the Boissieri, Pertransiensis, Campylotoxum, and lower part of the Verrucosum ammonite Zones). Hence, the upper Tithonian–upper Berriasian bioclastic limestones are overlain by upper Valanginian–lower Hauterivian pelagic limestones (the interval covered by the NK3B and NC4A nannofossil Subzones). A detailed qualitative and semiquantitative analysis of the nannoflora was carried out over this interval. To estimate the surface water fertility conditions, the nannoplankton-based nutrient index (NI) was calculated. The fluctuation pattern of NI allow us to recognize four phases in the investigated interval, as follows: (1) phase I (covering the lower part of the NK3B nannofossil Subzone and the upper part of the Verrucosum ammonite Zone, respectively) is characterized by low values of the NI (below 20%), by the dominance of the genus Nannoconus in the nannofloral assemblages (between 60–70%), and moderate abundance of Watznaueria barnesae (up to 23%), while the high-fertility nannofossils constitute a minor component of the assemblages; (2) phase II (placed in the NK3B nannofossil Subzone, extending from the top of Verrucosum ammonite Zone, up to the lower part of the Furcillata ammonite Zone) is characterized by increase of NI above 30%, a decrease of nannoconids (up to 50% at the top), while Watznaueria barnesae increases in abundance up to 27%. The fertility proxies (Diazomatolithus lehmanii, Zeugrhabdotus erectus, Discorhabdus rotatorius, and Biscutum constans) represent again a minor component of the recorded nannofloras (less than 7% in both sections), but they have an ascending trend; (3) phase III (which encompasses the boundary interval of the NK3B and NC4A nannofossil Subzones, corresponding to the upper part of the Furcillata ammonite Zone) contains higher NI values (over 35%, and up 52% towards the base of this phase), an abrupt nannoconid decrease (down to 20%), higher abundance of Watznaueria barnesae (over 30%), while the fertility nannofossils became an important nannofloral component, jointly amounting to almost 20%; (4) phase IV (identified within the NC4A Nannofossil Zone and corresponding to the boundary interval of the Furcillata and Radiatus ammonite Zones) is characterized by a decrease of NI to 25%, a recovery of the nannoconids up to 40%, a decline in abundance of Watznaueria barnesae to 25%, together with a pronounced drop of fertility taxa, which make together no more than 8%. We assume that maximum of eutrophication in the studied interval from the Southern Carpathians was in the Furcillata ammonite Zone. Notably, within the phases 2 and 3, the morphological changes identified in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages (the predominance of flattened morphologies, together with the presence of conical and trochospiral inflated forms), as well as the occurrence of the Zoophycos trace fossils and pyrite framboids, indicate dysaerobic conditions. In the Southern Carpathians, the late Valanginian–early Hauterivian biogeographical changes are coeval with the initiation of the carbonate platform drowning.  相似文献   

Data on the distribution of radiolarians and planktonic and benthic foraminifers are obtained for the first time from the Alan-Kyr Section (Coniacian–Campanian), in the central regions of the Crimean Mountains. Radiolarian biostrata, previously established from Ak-Kaya Mountain (central regions of the Crimean Mountains) were traced: Alievium praegallowayi–Crucella plana (upper Coniacian–lower Santonian), Alievium gallowayi–Crucella espartoensis (upper Santonian without the topmost part), and Dictyocephalus (Dictyocryphalus) (?) legumen–Spongosaturninus parvulus (upper part of the upper Santonian). Radiolarians from the Santonian–Campanian boundary beds of the Crimean Mountains are studied for the first time, and Prunobrachium sp. ex gr. crassum–Diacanthocapsa acanthica Beds (uppermost Santonian–lower Campanian) are recognized. Bolivinoides strigillatus Beds (upper Santonian) and Stensioeina pommerana–Anomalinoides (?) insignis Beds (upper part of the upper Santonian–lower part of the lower Campanian) are recognized. Eouvigerina aspera denticulocarinata Beds (middle and upper parts of the lower Campanian) and Angulogavelinella gracilis Beds (upper part of the upper Campanian are recognized on the basis of benthic foraminifers. These beds correspond to the synchronous biostrata of the East European Platform and Mangyshlak. Marginotruncana coronata-Concavatotruncana concavata Beds (Coniacian–upper Santonian), Globotruncanita elevata Beds (terminal Santonian), and Globotruncana arca Beds (lower Campanian) are recognized on the basis of planktonic foraminifers. Radiolarian and planktonic and benthic foraminiferal data agree with one another. The position of the Santonian–Campanian boundary in the Alan-Kyr Section, which is located stratigraphically above the levels of the latest occurrence of Concavatotruncana concavata and representatives of the genus Marginotruncana, is refined, i.e., at the level of the first appearance of Globotruncana arca. A gap in the Middle Campanian–lower part of the upper Campanian is established on the basis of planktonic and benthic foraminifers. The Santonian–Campanian beds of the Alan-Kyr Section, on the basis of planktonic foraminifers and radiolarians, positively correlate with synchronous beds of the Crimean-Caucasian region, and beyond. Benthic foraminifers suggest a connection with the basins of the East European Platform.  相似文献   

The genus Euthymiceras is considered as the junior synonym of the genus Neocosmoceras. Four species N. euthymi, N. cf. transfigurabilis, N. minutus sp. nov., and N. giganteus sp. nov. from the Berriasian deposits of the Crimean Mountains are described for the first time. The biostratigraphic unit formerly termed the “Euthymiceras-Neocosmoceras Beds” is ranked now as the Neocosmoceras euthymi Subzone with a synonymous index species. The subzone is correlated to the following biostratigraphic units: the synonymous subzone of the northern Caucasus, the Neocosmoceras-Septaliphoria semenovi (upper part) and Buchia volgensis local zones of Mangyshlak, the upper part of the Riasanites rjasanensis Zone in the East European platform, and the paramimounum Subzone of the boissieri Zone in the standard zonation of the Tethyan ammonites.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》1986,7(4):307-326
The Upper Cretaceous succession exposed in the Haboro and adjacent areas in northwestern Hokkaido comprises the Middle and Upper Yezo Groups. This succession yields abundant mega- and micro-fossils at many levels and can be divided into 6 inoceramid zones; Mytiloides mytiloides Zone, Inoceramus hobetsensis Zone, I. teshiosensis Zone, I. uwajimensis-I. mihoensis Zone, I. amakusensis Zone and I. japonicus Zone. Likewise the following foraminiferal zones are recognized; Praeglobotruncana helvetica Range-Zone and Maginotruncana canaliculata-M. marginata Acme-Zone by means of planktonic Foraminifera, Silicosigmoilina ezoensis-Rzehakina epigona Concurrent-Range-Zone and S. futabaensis-S. ezoensis Concurrent-Range-Zone by benthonic Foraminifera.Comparison between the mega- and micro-fossil zonations indicates that the Praeglobotruncana helvetica Range-Zone can be assigned to the Mytiloides mytiloides Zone and Inoceramus hobetsensis Zone (Early to Middle Turonian in the Japanese scale), both of the planktonic Marginotruncana canaliculata-M. marginata Acme-Zone and benthonic Silicosigmoilina ezosensis-Rzehakina epigona Concurrent-Range-Zone to the I. teshioensis Zone and I. uwajimensis-I. mihoensis Zone (Late Turonian to Coniacian), and the S. futabaensis-S. ezoensis Concurrent-Range-Zone to the I. amakusensis Zone and I. japonicus Zone (Santonian). The Turonian planktonic foraminiferal assemblage of this area is very similar to that of the European Tethys and Boreal Realms. This fact is significant for inter-regional correlation.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》1995,16(5):539-558
The Cretaceous sedimentary successions of the Ionian Zone, Hellenides, western Greece, are composed of pelagic limestones intercalated with cherty layers. The micritic and biomicritic beds with abundant chert nodules and cherty horizons, which were deposited during late Tithonian to early Santonian times, belong to the Vigla Limestone Formation, while the sediments deposited during the late Santonian to Maastrichtian, formed clastic limestone beds in which chert nodules also occur sparsely.In the Cretaceous beds calpionellids, planktonic and benthonic foraminifera characteristics of the Tethyan realm, and radiolaria have been recorded. The calpionellids, together with radiolaria, colonized the entire basin during the Berriasian to early Valanginian, the latter becoming dominant during the Hauterivian to early Albian as a result of anoxia. Planktonic foraminifera first appeared in the basin during the late Albian and persisted until the Maastrichtian. The numbers decreased, however, during the Cenomanian-early Turonian interval, when radiolaria increased owing to anoxic conditions, and during the Campanian-Maastrichtian interval because the basin became shallow. During this interval larger benthonic foraminifera colonized the basin. Zonal markers have been recognized in calpionellid and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages on the basis of which two calpionellid zones are distinguished, viz. the Calpionella alpina and Calpionellopsis Zones (Berriasian-early Valanginian) along with seven planktonic foraminiferal zones, viz. the Rotalipora ticinensis, Rotalipora appenninica (late Albian), Rotalipora brotzeni (early Cenomanian), Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica (early to middle Turonian), Marginotruncana sigali(late Turonian to early Coniacian), Dicarinella concavata (late Coniacian to early Santonian) and Dicarinella asymetrica (late early-late Santonian) Zones.The anoxic conditions that prevailed in the Ionian basin during the Barremian-early Albian, Cenomanian-early Turonian and Coniacian-Santonian intervals probably arose as a result of (a) the accumulation of large amounts of organic matter because the palaeotopography of the basin periodically hindered the circulation of water from the ocean and (b) the oxygen content of the intruding oceanic waters was low.  相似文献   

Sections in the Gault and of the Gault-Woburn Sands junction exposed in the Leighton Buzzard area of Bedfordshire are described. These give a much clearer picture of the ammonite zonal stratigraphy than hitherto. The depositional history of the Albian sediments is discussed. The relationship of the Shenley Limestone to the regularis nodule beds in the south of the area is demonstrated, together with the nature of the mixed regularis and kitchini nodule beds seen in the central area. Periods of erosion occurred in post-kitchini mammillatum Zone times, and after renewed sedimentation in the eodentatus Subzone. Overlying these beds are clays of spathi Subzone age which pass laterally into glauconitic marginal loams against a platform of Woburn Sands in the northern part of the area. Upon this platform occur knolls of bedded Silty Beds, capped by Shenley Limestone, against which sediments of high spathi, intermedius and niobe Subzones age thin. The base of the Upper Gault, of high cristatum Subzone age, rests non-sequentially upon an eroded surface of the Lower Gault. Clays of orbignyi Subzone age are overlain by a bed of phosphatic nodules representing the lower part of the varicosum Subzone, which in turn is overlain by thick clays which may in part be of varicosum and auritus Subzones age.  相似文献   

The first data on the distribution of planktonic foraminifers and radiolarians in the Mt. Ak-Kaya section, the central Crimean Mountains, are considered. According to the analyzed distribution of foraminifers, the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the section are subdivided into three biostratigraphic units: the Marginotruncana austinensis-Globotruncana desioi (presumably upper Coniacian), Sigalia carpatica (uppermost Coniacian-lower Santonian), and Contusotruncana fornicata-Marginotruncana marginata (upper Santonian) beds. Subdivisions substantiated by distribution of radiolarians are the Alievium praegallowayi-Crucella plana (upper Coniacian-lower Santonian), Alievium gallowayi-Crucella espartoensis (the upper Santonian excluding its uppermost part), and Dictyocephalus (Dictyocryphalus) (?) legumen-Spongosaturninus parvulus (the uppermost Santonian) beds. The Contusotruncana fornicata-Marginotruncana marginata Beds are concurrent to the middle part of the Marsupites laevigatus Zone coupled with the Marsupites testudinarius Zone (the uppermost Santonian). The Alievium gallowayi-Crucella espartoensis Beds are correlative with the upper part of the Alievium gallowayi Zone in the Californian radiolarian zonation. The cooccurring assemblages of planktonic foraminifers and radiolarians provide a possibility to correlate the Coniacian-Santonian deposits within the Crimea-Caucasus region.  相似文献   

The Middle Oxfordian to lowermost Upper Kimmeridgian ammonite faunas from northern Central Siberia (Nordvik, Chernokhrebetnaya, and Levaya Boyarka sections) are discussed, giving the basis for distinguishing the ammonite zones based on cardioceratid ammonites of the genus Amoeboceras (Boreal zonation), and, within the Kimmeridgian Stage, faunas–for distinguishing zones based on the aulacostephanid ammonites (Subboreal zonation). The succession of Boreal ammonites is essentially the same as in other areas of the Arctic and NW Europe, but the Subboreal ammonites differ somewhat from those known from NW Europe and Greenland. The Siberian aulacostephanid zones—the Involuta Zone and the Evoluta Zone—are correlated with the Baylei Zone (without its lowermost portion), and the Cymodoce Zone/lowermost part of the Mutabilis Zone (the Askepta Subzone) from NW Europe. The uniform character of the Boreal ammonite faunas in the Arctic makes possible a discussion on their phylogeny during the Late Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian: the succession of particular groups of Amoeboceras species referred to successive subgenera is revealed by the occurrence of well differentiated assemblages of typical normal-sized macro and microconchs, intermittently marked by the occurrence of assemblages of paedomorphic “small-sized microconchs” appearing at some levels preceeding marked evolutionary modifications. Some comments on the paleontology of separate groups of ammonites are also given. These include a discussion on the occurrence of Middle Oxfordian ammonites of the genus Cardioceras in the Nordvik section in relation to the critical review of the paper of Rogov and Wierzbowski (2009) by Nikitenko et al. (2011). The discussion shows that the oldest deposits in the section belong to the Middle Oxfordian, which results in the necessity for some changes in the foraminiferal zonal scheme of Nikitenko et al. (2011). The ammonites of the Pictonia involuta group are distinguished as the new subgenus Mesezhnikovia Wierzbowski and Rogov.  相似文献   

Samples were collected continuously and systematically from Beds 2 to 30 of the Meishan D section, and nearly 4,000 foraminiferal specimens were recognized. In total, 72 species (partially including undetermined species and conformis species) in 34 genera of foraminifers were identified. Twelve foraminiferal community zones were established from Beds 2 to 27 based on the abundance, dominance, diversity, and equitability of the foraminiferal fauna and a functional morphological analysis of the dominant and characteristic species. The habitat type indicated by each community zone and the sedimentary features were used to determine the paleo‐water depths and the relative changes in sea level. We generated curves of both the habitat type and the hydrodynamic conditions, which together indicate the relative changes in the paleo‐water depth and the substrate features in the studied area during the Changhsingian. This study discusses the possible relationship between the foraminiferal community zones and the sea‐level changes based on a statistical analysis of the foraminiferal community zones.  相似文献   

Oligocene and Lower Miocene sediments from High Folded Zone of Iraqi Zagros have been studied paleontologically at south of Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq. The identified fauna are consisted of (25) genera and species of benthonic and (16) species of planktonic foraminifera. The fauna comprises relatively abundant foraminiferal assemblages of moderate diversity. Based on the stratigraphic distribution of these species, two biozones have been recognized which are NummulitesRotalia and Globoquadrina dehiscens zones. These biozones indicate that the studied sections of Basara and Khewata are of Late Oligocene–Early Miocene age. Based on the microfossils, it has been found that the age of sediments is equivalent to or represents Anah and Serikagni Formations. Some previous studies described Oligocene rocks (Kirkuk Group) as interior sag basin. In the present study, the occurrence of the group inside High Folded Zone and its rich fauna content are used for the discussion of the sag basin versus normal marine water.  相似文献   

The Oxfordian Stage of West Siberia contains Boreal ammonites Cardioceratidae. The authors’ bank of paleontological data includes ~ 500 definitions of Cardioceratinae, permitting a considerable refinement of the official Oxfordian regional zonal scale. The lower substage is divided into the Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) obliteratum, C. (S.) scarburgense, and C. (S.) gloriosum Zones instead of beds with C. (S.) spp., whereas the C. (Cardioceras) percaelatum and C. (C.) cordatum Zones are recognized instead of beds with C. (C.) spp. We have found new ammonites typical of the Middle Oxfordian C. (Subvertebriceras) densiplicatum and C. (Miticardioceras) tenuiserratum Zones. The first of these zones is divided into two subzones. The Upper Oxfordian includes the Amoeboceras glosense and A. serratum Zones instead of beds with A. spp., and the A. regulare Zone and beds with A. rosenkrantzi are recognized instead of the A. ex gr. regulare Zone. The genus Ringsteadia (Aulacostephanidae) is observed only in the northwestern part of the region, along the eastern slope of the North Urals; therefore, two upper units of the biostratigraphic scale correspond to beds with Ringsteadia marstonensis.In the Oxfordian, West Siberia and northern Siberia belonged to the North Siberian province of the Arctic realm. Only in the latest Oxfordian did the northwestern West Siberian basin become part of the Boreal-Atlantic realm, as evidenced by the distribution of Ringsteadia on the eastern slope of the Cis-Polar Urals.  相似文献   

Section of the middle and upper Volgian substages and basal Boreal Berriasian in the Cape Urdyuk-Khaya (Nordvik Peninsula) is largely composed of dark argillites substantially enriched in Corg. Characteristic of the section is a continuous succession of ammonite, foraminiferal, ostracode, and dinocyst zones known also in the other Arctic areas. Boundaries of the upper Volgian Substage are recognizable only based on biostratigraphic criteria. The succession of the middle Volgian Taimyrosphinctes excentricus to basal Ryazanian Hectoroceras kochi zones is characterized. The range of the substage is revised. The lower Exoticus Zone, where ammonites characteristic of the Nikitini Zone upper part in the East European platform have been found, is referred to the middle Volgian Substage. Newly found ammonites are figured. Two possible positions of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Arctic region, i.e., at the lower and upper boundaries of the Chetae Zone at the top of the upper Volgian Substage, are discussed.  相似文献   

Upper Barremian-Lower Aptian sediments of the Sarcheshmeh and Sanganeh formations in the Kopet Dagh area, northeast Iran were studied with regard to their calcareous nannofossil content and their δ13Ccarb signal. The sediments are composed mainly of marlstones, argillaceous limestones and limestones. Based on the occurrence of biostratigraphic index taxa, the calcareous nannofossil zones NC5, NC6 and the NC7A Subzone were recognised. The calcareous nannofossils and the δ13Ccarb data enable recognition of the early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (OAE 1a). The deposits of the OAE 1a interval are characterised by the rarity of nannoconids and a sharp negative δ13Ccarb excursion (1.36‰), followed by an abrupt positive δ13Ccarb excursion of 4-5‰; both events have been recognised elsewhere in OAE 1a deposits in the Tethys. In the OAE 1a interval, the relative abundance of Watznaueria barnesiae/Watznaueria fossacincta is higher (more than 40%) than that of Biscutum spp., Discorhabdus spp. and Zeugrhabdotus spp., which indicates dissolution. In the upper part of the section, the higher relative abundance of mesotrophic and oligotrophic taxa (Watznaueria spp. and nannoconids respectively) and the enhanced relative abundance of eutrophic taxa (Biscutum spp., Discorhabdus spp., Zeugrhabdotus spp.) is indicative of an environment with slightly increased nutrient content. The presence of warm water taxa (Rhagodiscus asper and nannoconids) and the absence of cool water taxa (Repagulum and Crucibiscutum) suggest warm surface-water conditions.  相似文献   

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