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熔体结构对岩浆的物理和热力学性质起着重要的制约作用。本文以镜泊湖全新世火山为例,讨论了熔体结构和某些火山喷发机制的关系。熔体结构的NBO/T值(每个四次配位阳离子所含有的非桥氧数)是基于岩浆的主要元素和挥发分含量的计算获得的。研究结果表明,NBO/T值越高的岩浆,喷发时溢流出的熔岩比例越高,熔岩流流动的距离越长,越有利于熔岩隧道的形成,H2O^ 和F也更富集。  相似文献   

腾冲火山岩区是我国全新世以来记载火山喷发的少数地区之一,该地区岩浆作用的性质与成因是揭示青藏高原东缘的现今侧向生长过程与深部作用的重要依据。本文对腾冲火山岩区的马鞍山、黑空山、打鹰山全新世火山岩开展了矿物化学和岩石地球化学研究,以期揭示岩石成因和深部动力学过程。腾冲全新世火山岩主体岩性为高钾钙碱性系列的玄武粗安岩和粗安岩。岩石的Ca O、Fe_2O_3~T、Ti O_2与Si O_2负相关,而K_2O与Si O_2正相关,表明岩浆演化过程中可能存在橄榄石、辉石和斜长石的分离结晶作用。岩石中存在酸性斜长石(更长石,An=28)大颗粒捕掳晶,其边部发育了基性斜长石(拉长石,An=65)增生边;在大颗粒石英捕掳晶的边部发育了辉石的反应边,这些结构表明在岩浆上升到地壳浅部时,曾受到了花岗岩围岩的混染,但岩石的Th/Nb值均小于1.16,表明地壳混染总体不显著。腾冲全新世火山岩大离子亲石元素富集、高场强元素相对亏损,高Th/U、低Ba/La,富集Sr-Nd同位素,其岩浆源区应为经历过洋壳沉积物交代后的富集地幔。腾冲火山岩属于大陆板内环境,是印度与亚洲大陆碰撞后岩浆作用的产物。火山岩是沿着腾冲盆地南北向展布,且熔岩分布面积有限。由于高原侧向生长过程中的区域性走滑断裂会引起局部的伸展,腾冲火山岩产出可能与富集岩石圈地幔的减压熔融有关。  相似文献   

Concentrations of the platinum-group elements have been determined in several suites of southern African flood-type basalts and mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), covering some 3 Ga of geologic evolution and including the Etendeka, Karoo, Soutpansberg, Machadodorp, Hekpoort, Ventersdorp and Dominion magmas. The magmas cover a compositional range from 3.7 to 18.7% MgO, 26–720 ppm Ni, 16–250 ppm Cu, and <1–255 ppb total platinum-group elements (PGE). The younger basalts (Etendeka, Karoo) tend to be depleted in PGE relative to Cu, while most of the older basalts (Hekpoort, Machadodorp, Ventersdorp, Dominion) show no PGE depletion relative to Cu. Further, the younger basalts tend to have lower average Pt/Pd ratios than the older basalts, and the MORBs have lower average Pt/Pd than the continental basalts within the broad groupings of "old" and "young" basalts. This may reflect (1) a decreasing degree of mantle melting through geologic time, and (2) source heterogeneity, in that the MORBs are derived from predominantly asthenospheric mantle, whereas the continental basalts also contain a lithospheric mantle component enriched in Pt. In addition to these factors, some PGE fractionation also occurred during differentiation of the magmas, with Pd showing incompatible behaviour and the other PGE variably compatible behaviour. The examined southern African flood-type basalts and MORB appear to offer limited prospects for magmatic sulfide ores, largely because they show little evidence for significant chalcophile metal depletion that could be the result of sulphide extraction during ascent and crystallization.Editorial responsibility: I. Parsons  相似文献   

非洲乍得盆地火山岩地球化学特征及成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钻井揭示了乍得盆地中新生代有大量玄武岩喷发,主要为橄榄拉斑玄武岩,少数为石英拉斑玄武岩和碱性橄榄玄武岩。主量、微量元素及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素地球化学研究表明,乍得盆地玄武岩岩浆在上升过程中经历了橄榄石、单斜辉石的分离结晶作用,且未受到陆壳物质的混染;岩石明显富集轻稀土元素、大离子亲石元素和高场强元素,Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf具正异常。晚白垩世玄武岩(87Sr/86Sr) i比值(0.704167~0.706564)高于古近纪玄武岩(0.703545~0.705380),(143Nd/144Nd)i比值(0.512451~0.512703)低于古近纪玄武岩(0.512690~0.512847);晚白垩世玄武岩εNd(t)u值变化范围较大(-1.4~3.5),且明显低于古近纪玄武岩(2.6~5.6)。两者具有相似的Pb同位素比值,206Pb/204Pb=18.14~18.96,207Pb/204Pb=15.56~15.62,208Pb/204Pb=38.33~38.88。乍得盆地玄武岩主要来自于亏损地幔DM和富集地幔EMⅡ两种端元组分混合产生的,石榴石橄榄岩的母熔体可能是本区玄武岩产生的源区,是地幔高度部分熔融的结果(15%左右)。乍得盆地玄武岩的地幔组份随时间的演化可能与中生代以来中、西非地区软流圈上涌、岩石圈减薄作用密切相关。  相似文献   

浙东南沿海小雄盆地中"祝村组"火山岩的年代学研究表明,其形成时代(128Ma)不仅老于其上覆的上火山岩系(110~88Ma),还老于本应在其下伏的九里坪组(122~120Ma)而与区域内西山头组时代相同(130~128Ma)。"祝村组"火山岩的锆石Hf同位素组成表现出富集的特征并具有古元古代的地壳模式年龄(εHf(t)=-16.4~-13.6,tDM2=2.01~2.09Ga),同样与磨石山群下部地层如西山头组相似。结合火山碎屑岩-流纹岩的岩石组合以及区域地质特征,本研究认为"祝村组"的建组理由不充分,建议将其解体。同时,"祝村组"火山岩富集的Hf同位素组成表明其源区为较为纯粹的古元古代地壳基底物质,进一步暗示相对内陆地区的下岩系早期火山岩形成过程中已有较明显的亏损幔源物质参与,这是以往研究中未明确识别出的。浙东南地区晚中生代火山岩岩石成因中底侵幔源物质贡献比例的升高和火山碎屑岩-流纹岩-双峰式火山岩岩石组合均暗示了逐渐增强的岩石圈伸展应力环境,这可能与古太平洋俯冲板片的后撤作用密切相关。  相似文献   

The Upper Proterozoic volcanism of northwestern Africa is characterized by the predominance of calc-alkaline rocks. Volcanics with tholeiitic affinities and alkali basalts are rare. The geochemistry and the relative proportions of calc-alkaline rocktypes in the Silet zone (Algeria) and the Ouarzazate formation (Morocco) are similar to those of recent island arc suites where basalts are most abundant while in the Tassendjanet and Gara Akofo zones (Algeria) they resemble contintal margin volcanic suites with a predominance of andesites. The volcanic rocks have undergone low-grade metamorphism which strongly affected alkali and alkali-earth elements and also to a smaller degree, the less mobile elements such as REE, Zr, Hf, Nb, and P. The geochemistry of the calc-alkaline rocks point to a complex origin involving low-pressure fractional crystallization, crustal contamination and derivation from a source already enriched in LILE.  相似文献   

牛漫兰  傅朋远  吴齐  朱光  夏文静 《岩石学报》2012,28(12):4125-4138
蒙阴盆地早白垩世火山岩主要出露于青山群八亩地组和方戈庄组中。火山岩SiO2含量为53.71%~69.08%,主要为安山质岩石和流纹岩,以钙碱性系列为主(σ平均3.42);富集Rb、Ba等大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,相对亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等高场强元素和重稀土元素;具有富集的Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成(87Sr/86Sr(t)=0.7051~0.7110,εNd(t)=-5.16~-16.4)。根据MgO含量和Mg值,可将安山质火山岩划分为高镁(Mg>60)和低镁(Mg<60)两个系列。高镁安山质岩石的MgO、Cr、Ni及不相容元素的含量明显高于低镁安山质岩石,且具有相对高的87Sr/86Sr(t)和较低的εNd(t)值,Sr-Nd同位素组成趋向于EMⅡ型富集地幔端元。低镁安山质岩石地球化学特征类似于埃达克岩,其同位素组成介于EMⅠ型富集地幔端元与华北麻粒岩相下地壳之间。流纹岩具有较低的MgO、Cr、Ni含量和明显的负Eu、Sr异常,同位素组成类似于扬子中、上地壳。研究表明,蒙阴盆地高镁安山质岩石由曾遭受俯冲扬子陆壳熔体改造的华北岩石圈地幔部分熔融形成,且岩浆在上升 过程中经历了华北下地壳物质一定程度的混染或混合作用;低镁安山质岩石主要由华北下地壳部分熔融形成;流纹岩为岩石圈伸展减薄背景下仰冲至华北克拉通之上的扬子中、上地壳部分熔融的产物。地质现象显示,郯庐断裂带的伸展活动控制着蒙阴断陷盆地的发育,与蒙阴盆地早白垩世火山岩的成因有着密切的联系,在华北克拉通破坏中可能起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

三郎铺组不整合上覆于孙家河组之上,与大石沟组呈连续过渡关系,两者均为一套火山沉积岩系。三郎铺组火山岩主要为玄武岩和流纹岩,大石沟组火山岩包括玄武岩、安山岩、流纹岩。大石沟组流纹岩LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年揭示流纹岩形成时代为803.0±5.3Ma,属新元古代岩浆作用产物。元素地球化学和三郎铺组特有的陆相火山岩结构表明火山岩形成大陆板内伸展环境,属亚碱性火山岩系。三郎铺组玄武岩和流纹岩组成双峰式火山岩套,微量元素比值对模拟结果表明玄武岩浆来源于岩石圈地幔中原始石榴石二辉橄榄岩的部分熔融,部分熔融程度约为7%; 三郎铺组流纹岩浆源岩可能为白勉峡组下部的玄武质岩石,岩浆起源于斜长石稳定的下地壳源区或部分熔融形成的原生岩浆在上升过程中,经历了较为显著的斜长石结晶分异作用过程。大石沟组玄武岩、安山岩和流纹岩具有相同的微量元素比值、ε(t)值和tDM,为同一母岩浆分离结晶的产物。玄武岩浆起源于原始石榴石二辉橄榄岩约10%的部分熔融,玄武岩浆分离结晶后残余岩浆比例约70%时形成安山岩浆,残余岩浆比例约20%~30%时产生流纹岩浆; 分离结晶的主要矿物包括斜长石和铁钛氧化物。三郎铺组和大石沟组均是新元古代晚期大陆裂谷作用的岩浆响应。  相似文献   

Newly obtained precise analytical data on trace elements and radiogenic Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes testify to anomalous geochemical characteristics of mafic and intermediate Quaternary lavas in Paramushir (in the north of the Kuril arc), Kunashir and Iturup (in the south) islands, which are the largest three islands of the Kuril island arc. The high K and LREE concentrations in the volcanic products in Paramushir Island resulted from the southward expansion of the mantle thermal anomaly of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the involvement of melts related to the melting of oceanic sediments in magma generation. The depleted characteristics of the mafic volcanics are explained by the relatively young tectono-magmatic events during the opening of the Kuril backarc basin. The Kuril island-arc system developed on a heterogeneous basement. The northern islands are a continuation of the volcanic structures of southern Kamchatka, which were formed above an isotopically depleted and hot lithospheric mantle domain of composition close to that of the Pacific MORB type. The southern islands were produced above an isotopically enriched and cold lithospheric domain of the Indian-Ocean MORB type, which was modified in relation to relatively young backarc tectono-magmatic processes. Although issues related to the genesis of the transverse geochemical zoning were beyond the originally formulated scope of our research, the homogeneous enough isotopic composition of the rear-arc lavas in the absence of any mineralogical and geochemical lines of evidence of crustal contamination suggests an independent magmatic source.  相似文献   

The volcanism in Iceland occurs on both rift zones and non-rifting zones. The rift zone volcanism produces rock suites of the tholeiitic series, ranging from primitive tholeiites (MORB) to highly silicic rocks. The non-rifting volcanic zones produce rock suites of transitional to mildly alkaline or even calc-alkaline composition, the basalts typically being FETI-basalts. Over 50 per cent of the rift zone production in Iceland is of the primitive MORB-type. The relative amount of the evolved rock types, as well as the total volcanic production increases inland along the rift zones. The rock types of the Icelandic rift zones are identical to those of the submerged oceanic rift zones, but the Icelandic production is somewhat offset towards a more voluminous evolved end. The skewness in volume relations of rock types, as compared to the oceanic rifts in general, is mainly caused by the products of the non-rifting volcanic zones of Iceland and only to a small degree by the rift zone products.  相似文献   

天山地区新元古代-早寒武世火山岩地球化学和岩石成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天山地区新元古代-早寒武世玄武质熔岩包括拉斑玄武质和碱性玄武质两个主要岩浆系列,前者是早期(早南华世贝义西组、早震旦世扎摩克提组)喷发的火山岩系的主要组成,后者是晚期(早震旦世苏盖特布拉克组、晚震旦世水泉组、早寒武世西山布拉克组)喷发的火山岩系的主要组成。稀土、微量元素和Sr、Nd同位素特征揭示,这些火山岩均形成于大陆裂谷环境,其源区可能是源于一种似洋岛玄武岩源的软流圈地幔源,并且在岩浆上侵喷发过程中发生了岩石圈的混染。  相似文献   

Statistically the (normalised) normative mineralogies of drilled and dredged oceanic basalts show significant systematic differences. Dredged basalts peak at di 47hy36ol17 and drilled basalts at di 53hy43ol4; the latter include more than twice as many (25 %) Q-normative rocks as the former (12%). Many Q-normative rocks derive from aseismic ridges and seamounts; the chemical characterisation of these often iron- and titanium-rich rocks should include this tendency. Other quartz tholeiites, however, come from spreading ridges and ocean basins, including ‘ancient’ crust. Differentiation patterns in moderately long drilled basalt cores show two main types of fractionation with respect to Fe/Mg and Ab/An. Enrichment in iron and albite normally occurs upwards (? within each flow), whilst sudden reversals of this trend may indicate new effusions of magma from its source. Repetitive step-like patterns thus result. The close juxtaposition in at least two oceans of ‘primitive’ (FeO*/MgO, ca. 1.1) and highly fractionated (FeO*/MgO, ca. 2.1) quartz tholeiites is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

对松辽盆地南部早白垩世火石岭组和营城组火山岩进行的岩石地球化学研究表明,火石岭组火山岩主要以玄武质粗面安山岩和粗安岩为主,存在少量粗面英安岩,其Si O2=53.8%~68.6wt%、K2O+Na2O=7.70%~9.59%、Mg#=26.72~33.89,以富集轻稀土和大离子亲石元素(LILEs,如Rb、Ba、Th、U等),亏损重稀土和高场强元素(HFSEs,如Nb、Ta、Ti、P等)为特征,这些特征与俯冲带火山岩类似。营城组火山岩以流纹岩为主,存在少量的玄武质粗面安山岩、粗面安山岩和英安岩,基性端元具有低硅(Si O2=49.3%~56.6%)、低碱(K2O+Na2O=4.57%~6.60%)、富镁(Mg#=33.49~59.51)的特征,主要属于钙碱性系列,暗示其原始岩浆主要来源于地幔;酸性端元的Si O2=65.4%~74.9%,K2O+Na2O=3.23%~7.75%,低镁(Mg#=21.76~39.18)。营城组火山岩稀土配分型式呈右倾型,富集轻稀土和大离子亲石元素,亏损重稀土和高场强元素,与俯冲环境火山岩相似。其中,营城组流纹岩地球化学特征类似A型花岗岩,暗示形成于伸展环境。结合区域研究成果,认为松辽盆地南部早白垩世火山岩的形成与古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆之下的俯冲作用有关。火石岭组火山岩形成于活动大陆边缘环境,营城组火山岩的形成与岩石圈拆沉作用引发的伸展背景有关。  相似文献   

对升平气田白垩系营城组火山岩岩石学与物性特征、储集空间类型及其形成和演化等研究结果表明,火山岩岩石类型主要有火山碎屑岩、火山熔岩和沉火山岩,以流纹岩为主,少量英安岩、安山岩。火山岩气藏储集空间以次生溶孔(洞)为主,其次为原生孔隙和裂缝。火山岩的演化过程可划分为前期和后期两个阶段。前期阶段以火山自身活动为主,主要形成气孔和火山角砾间孔为主的原生孔隙;后期阶段包括火山熔岩的冷凝作用与火山岩的后生成岩作用,是火山岩储集空间形成的主要时期。研究区风化剥蚀面、断层与裂缝是天然气成藏的主要运移通道,也是有利的储集空间。  相似文献   

福建早侏罗世火山岩岩石地球化学特征及岩石成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择较有代表性的永定、平和、长泰—同安、闽清—永泰等地早侏罗世火山岩岩石主量、微量和Sr、Nd同位素分析测试成果,开展岩石地球化学特征对比研究,探讨岩浆起源、演化和不同类别的岩石成因。研究认为,早侏罗世火山岩主要属亚碱性钾质-普通系列,玄武岩属亚碱性高铁拉斑玄武岩系列。玄武岩稀土含量较高,配分曲线与典型OIB玄武岩变化趋势一致;高场强元素(HFSE)除Nb略亏损外,Ti、Zr、Nd具有明显正异常,Ta具有弱正异常;原始地幔标准化曲线位于典型大陆弧玄武岩之上。流纹岩稀土含量高,轻稀土富集,Eu负异常明显,高场强元素Nb、Zr等具有清晰正异常,Ti、P负异常明显。岩石地球化学特征研究表明早侏罗世火山岩岩石成因与地幔岩浆作用有关:基性单元——玄武质岩石岩浆主要来自于软流圈,亏损的地幔源区可能有早期富集岩石圈物质加入或是由于软流圈地幔上涌萃取了岩石圈地幔富集组分。酸性单元——流纹质岩石主要形成于上地壳,但不排除有幔源物质的混合。安山岩-英安岩是底侵的镁铁质岩浆与下地壳部分熔融岩浆混合均一化形成典型的MASH岩浆。早中生代处于印支运动后造山大陆裂解的地球动力学背景,后造山岩石圈伸展拉张致使软流圈减压上涌和部分熔融,所产生的岩浆沿北东向展布的裂解区域喷出地表形成火山岩带。  相似文献   

Noble gas abundances in basaltic glasses from ocean islands (OIBs) are generally lower than those of mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORBs), contrary to most geodynamic models which usually require that the source of OIBs is less degassed (resulting in higher primordial noble gas abundances) and more trace element enriched (resulting in higher radiogenic noble gas abundances) than the MORB source. Therefore, noble gas abundances in OIBs are often thought to have been reduced by extensive gas loss from the magma before eruption.The extent of magmatic degassing can be tested as it will cause characteristic changes in the composition of the volatiles; notably the 4He/40Ar* ratio (where 40Ar* is 40Ar corrected for atmospheric contamination) will increase in residual volatiles due to the higher solubility of He relative to Ar. The degree of He-Ar fractionation for a given fraction of gas loss depends on the ratio of the solubilities, SHe/SAr, which is sensitive to (among other things) the CO2 and H2O content of the basalt at the time of degassing.From a global database of OIB and MORB glasses, we show that 4He/40Ar* ratios of MORB glasses are broadly consistent with degassing of a magma with an initial 40Ar of ≈1.5 × 10−5 ccSTP/g, i.e., similar to that of the “popping rock.” However, OIB glasses generally have lower 40Ar* concentration for a given 4He/40Ar*. While this would appear to require lower 40Ar* abundances in the undegassed OIB magmas, the higher volatile contents of OIBs will reduce SHe/SAr (relative to MORBs) during degassing. By modeling SHe/SAr in OIBs, it is possible to show that extensive degassing of OIBs can occur without dramatically increasing the 4He/40Ar* ratio. We show that undegassed 40Ar concentrations of OIB magmas were probably similar to those of MORBs.  相似文献   

伦圭新生代火山岩位于东非裂谷西支最南端,已有的大量地质与地球化学证据表明伦圭火山岩是典型的碱性双峰式火山岩,其SiO2含量在46%~56%之间出现明显的间断.基性火山岩和酸性火山岩均表现出富集轻稀土元素,轻、重稀土元素强烈分馏,无明显Eu异常的特征.基性岩大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、Th、U、Sr富集,高场强元素Zr、H...  相似文献   

Here we present the first radiometric age data and a comprehensive geochemical data set (including major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope ratios) for samples from the Hikurangi Plateau basement and seamounts on and adjacent to the plateau obtained during the R/V Sonne 168 cruise, in addition to age and geochemical data from DSDP Site 317 on the Manihiki Plateau. The 40Ar/39Ar age and geochemical data show that the Hikurangi basement lavas (118-96 Ma) have surprisingly similar major and trace element and isotopic characteristics to the Ontong Java Plateau lavas (ca. 120 and 90 Ma), primarily the Kwaimbaita-type composition, whereas the Manihiki DSDP Site 317 lavas (117 Ma) have similar compositions to the Singgalo lavas on the Ontong Java Plateau. Alkalic, incompatible-element-enriched seamount lavas (99-87 Ma and 67 Ma) on the Hikurangi Plateau and adjacent to it (Kiore Seamount), however, were derived from a distinct high time-integrated U/Pb (HIMU)-type mantle source. The seamount lavas are similar in composition to similar-aged alkalic volcanism on New Zealand, indicating a second wide-spread event from a distinct source beginning ca. 20 Ma after the plateau-forming event. Tholeiitic lavas from two Osbourn seamounts on the abyssal plain adjacent to the northeast Hikurangi Plateau margin have extremely depleted incompatible element compositions, but incompatible element characteristics similar to the Hikurangi and Ontong Java Plateau lavas and enriched isotopic compositions intermediate between normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt (N-MORB) and the plateau basement. These younger (∼52 Ma) seamounts may have formed through remelting of mafic cumulate rocks associated with the plateau formation. The similarity in age and geochemistry of the Hikurangi, Ontong Java and Manihiki Plateaus suggest derivation from a common mantle source. We propose that the Greater Ontong Java Event, during which ∼1% of the Earth’s surface was covered with volcanism, resulted from a thermo-chemical superplume/dome that stalled at the transition zone, similar to but larger than the structure imaged presently beneath the South Pacific superswell. The later alkalic volcanism on the Hikurangi Plateau and the Zealandia micro-continent may have been part of a second large-scale volcanic event that may have also triggered the final breakup stage of Gondwana, which resulted in the separation of Zealandia fragments from West Antarctica.  相似文献   

在青藏高原腹地可可西里地区发育一套新生代碱性、高钾钙碱性——钾玄岩火山岩类,由于该时期正是亚洲大陆内部岩石圈发生剧烈变形,青藏高原强烈隆升的重大变革时期,火山岩的形成在这些重大事件中扮演什么角色?很值得探讨。通过对区内火山岩Rb、Sr、Sm、Nd、Pb同位素的研究,在火山岩的岩浆来源、成因等方面获得了大量信息。研究表明:新生代火山岩主要来源于富集 型地幔区,部分为具极高εSr和极低εNd的酸性火山岩,它是与区内钾质熔岩同源的晚期分异产物;碱性火山岩在成因上与板内初始裂谷有关。研究成果为青藏高原特有的"壳-幔混合层"的形成提供了证据。  相似文献   

The late Archaean volcanic rocks of the Rwamagaza area in the Sukumaland Greenstone Belt consists of basalts and basaltic andesites associated with volumetrically minor rhyodacites and rhyolites. Most basalts and basaltic andesites yield nearly flat patterns (La/SmCN = 0.89–1.34) indicating derivation by partial melting of the mantle at relatively low pressure outside the garnet stability field. On primitive mantle normalized trace element diagrams, the basalts and basaltic andesites can be subdivided into two groups. The first group is characterised by moderately negative Nb anomalies (Nb/Lapm = 0.51–0.73, mean = 0.61 ± 0.08) with slight enrichment of LREE relative to both Th and HREE. The second group is characterised by nearly flat patterns with no Nb anomalies (Nb/Lapm = 0.77 ± 0.39). The observed Nb and Th anomalies in the Rwamagaza basalts and basaltic andesites, cannot be explained by alteration, crustal contamination or melt–solid equilibria. Rather, the anomalies are interpreted, on the basis of Nb–Th–La–Ce systematics, as having formed by partial melting of a heterogeneous mantle consisting of variable mixtures of components derived from two distinct sources. These sources are depleted mantle similar to that generating modern MORB and an LREE-enriched and HFSE-depleted source similar to that feeding volcanism along modern convergent margins.The rhyolites are characterised by high Na2O/K2O ratios (>1) and Al2O3 (>15 wt.%), low HREE contents (Yb = 0.24–0.68 ppm) leading to highly fractionated REE patterns (La/YbCN = 18.4–54.7) and large negative Nb anomalies (Nb/Lapm = 0.11–0.20), characteristics that are typical of Cenozoic adakites and Archaean TTG which form by partial melting of the hydrated basaltic crust at pressures high enough to stabilize garnet ± amphibole. The Rwamagaza basalts and basaltic andesites are geochemically analogous to the Phanerozoic Mariana Trough Back Arc Basin Basalts and the overall geochemical diversity of Rwamagaza volcanic rocks is interpreted in terms of a geodynamic model involving the interaction of a depleted mantle, a melting subducting oceanic slab in a back arc setting.  相似文献   

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