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A fully integrated ice‐sheet and glacio‐isostatic numerical model was run in order to investigate the crustal response to ice loading during the Late Weichselian glaciation of the Barents Sea. The model was used to examine the hypothesis that relative reductions in water depth, caused by glacio‐isostatic uplift, may have aided ice growth from Scandinavia and High Arctic island archipelagos into the Barents Sea during the last glacial. Two experiments were designed in which the bedrock response to ice loading was examined: (i) complete and rapid glaciation of the Barents Sea when iceberg calving is curtailed except at the continental margin, and (ii) staged growth of ice in which ice sheets are allowed to ground at different water depths. Model results predict that glacially generated isostatic uplift, caused by an isostatic forebulge from loads on Scandinavia, Svalbard and other island archipelagos, affected the central Barents Sea during the early phase of glaciation. Isostatic uplift, combined with global sea‐level fall, is predicted to have reduced sea level in parts of the central Barents Sea by up to 200 m. This reduction would have been sufficient to raise the sea floor of the Central Bank into a subaerial position. Such sea‐floor emergence is conducive to the initiation of grounded ice growth in the central Barents Sea. The model indicates that, prior to its glaciation, the depth of the Central Deep would have been reduced from around 400 m to 200 m. Such uplift aided the migration of grounded ice from the central Barents Sea and Scandinavia into the Central Deep. We conclude that ice loading over Scandinavia and Arctic island archipelagos during the first stages of the Late Weichselian may have caused uplift within the central Barents Sea and aided the growth of ice across the entire Barents Shelf. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recognition of positions of glacial lakes along the margin of continental ice sheets is critical in reconstructing ice configuration during deglaciation. Advances in remote sensing technology (e.g. LiDAR) have enabled the generation of accurate digital‐elevation models (DEMs) that reveal unprecedented geomorphic detail. Combined with geographical information systems, these tools have considerably advanced the mapping and correlation of geomorphic features such as relict shorelines. Shorelines of glacial Lake Peace (GLP) developed between the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets in northeastern British Columbia and northwestern Alberta. Shoreline mapping from high resolution DEMs produced more than 55 500 elevation data points from 3231 shorelines, enabling the identification of four major phases of GLP: Phase I (altitude 960–990 m a.s.l.); Phase II (890–915 m a.s.l.); Phase III (810–865 m a.s.l.); and Phase IV (724–733 m a.s.l.). The timing of Phase II of GLP is estimated by two optical ages of <16.0±2.5 and 14.2±0.5 ka BP. Extensive mapping of the shorelines allows for measuring of glacial isostatic adjustment as ice retreated. Shorelines currently dip to the northeast at around 0.4–0.5 m km?1. This slope reflects the asynchronous retreat of the Cordilleran (CIS) and Laurentide (LIS) ice sheets. The relative uplift in the southwest of the study area within the Rocky Mountains and foothills suggests that the Late Wisconsinan (MIS 2) CIS persisted in the foothill after the LIS lost mass and retreated, or that the Late Wisconsinan CIS was very thick and caused deep crustal loading, which resulted in more uplift in the southwest before reaching equilibrium during, or shortly after deglaciation.  相似文献   

While contributing <1 m equivalent eustatic sea‐level rise the British Isles ice sheet produced glacio‐isostatic rebound in northern Britain of similar magnitude to eustatic sea‐level change, or global meltwater influx, over the last 18 000 years. The resulting spatially variable relative sea‐level changes combine with observations from far‐field locations to produce a rigorous test for quantitative models of glacial isostatic adjustment, local ice‐sheet history and global meltwater influx. After a review of the attributes of relative sea‐level observations significant for constraining large‐scale models of the isostatic adjustment process we summarise long records of relative sea‐level change from the British Isles and far‐field locations. We give an overview of different global theoretical models of the isostatic adjustment process before presenting intercomparisons of observed and predicted relative sea levels at sites in the British Isles and far‐field for a range of Earth and ice model parameters in order to demonstrate model sensitivity and the resolving power available from using evidence from the British Isles. For the first time we show a good degree of fit between relative sea‐level observations and predictions that are based upon global Earth and ice model parameters, independently derived from analysis of far‐field data, with a terrain‐corrected model of the British Isles ice sheet that includes extensive glaciation of the North Sea and western continental shelf, that does not assume isostatic equilibrium at the Last Glacial Maximum and keeps to trimline constraints of ice surface elevation. We do not attempt to identify a unique solution for the model lithosphere thickness parameter or the local‐scale detail of the ice model in order to provide a fit for all sites, but argue that the next stage should be to incorporate an ice‐sheet model that is based on quantitative, glaciological model simulations. We hope that this paper will stimulate this debate and help to integrate research in glacial geomorphology, glaciology, sea‐level change, Earth rheology and quantitative modelling. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The coastal cliffs of Cape Shpindler, Yugorski Peninsula, Arctic Russia, occupy a key position for recording overriding ice sheets during past glaciations in the Kara Sea area, either from the Kara Sea shelf or the uplands of Yugorski Peninsula/Polar Urals. This study on Late Quaternary glacial stratigraphy and glaciotectonic structures of the Cape Shpindler coastal cliffs records two glacier advances and two ice‐free periods older than the Holocene. During interglacial conditions, a sequence of marine to fluvial sediments was deposited. This was followed by a glacial event when ice moved southwards from an ice‐divide over Novaya Zemlya and overrode and disturbed the interglacial sediments. After a second period of fluvial deposition, under interstadial or interglacial conditions, the area was again subject to glacial overriding, with the ice moving northwards from an inland ice divide. The age‐control suggests that the older glacial event could possibly belong to marine oxygen isotope stage (MOIS) 8, Drenthe (300–250 ka), and that the underlying interglacial sediments might be Holsteinian (>300 ka). One implication of this is that relict glacier ice, buried in sediments and incorporated into the permafrost, may survive several interglacial and interstadial events. The younger glacial event recognised in the Cape Shpindler sequence is interpreted to be of Early‐to‐Middle Weichselian age. It is suggested to correlate to a regional glaciation around 90 or 60 ka. The Cape Shpindler record suggests more complex glacial dynamics during that glaciation than can be explained by a concentric ice sheet located in the Kara Sea, as suggested by recent geological and model studies. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geophysical data from Gerlache Strait, Croker Passage, Bismarck Strait and the adjacent continental shelf reveal streamlined subglacial bedforms that were produced at the bed of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS) during the last glaciation. The spatial arrangement and orientation of these bedforms record the former drainage pattern and flow dynamics of an APIS outlet up‐flow, and feeding into, a palaeo‐ice stream in the Western Bransfield Basin. Evidence suggests that together, they represent a single ice‐flow system that drained the APIS during the last glaciation. The ice‐sheet outlet flowed north/northeastwards through Gerlache Strait and Croker Passage and converged with a second, more easterly ice‐flow tributary on the middle shelf to form the main palaeo‐ice stream. The dominance of drumlins with low elongation ratios suggests that ice‐sheet outlet draining through Gerlache Strait was comparatively slower than the main palaeo‐ice stream in the Western Bransfield Basin, although the low elongation ratios may also partly reflect the lack of sediment. Progressive elongation of drumlins further down‐flow indicates that the ice sheet accelerated through Croker Passage and the western tributary trough, and fed into the main zone of streaming flow in the Western Bransfield Basin. Topography would have exerted a strong control on the development of the palaeo‐ice stream system but subglacial geology may also have been significant given the transition from crystalline bedrock to sedimentary strata on the inner–mid‐shelf. In the broader context, the APIS was drained by a number of major fast‐flowing outlets through cross‐shelf troughs to the outer continental shelf during the last glaciation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ascertaining the location of palaeo‐ice streams is crucial in order to produce accurate reconstructions of palaeo‐ice sheets and examine interactions with the ocean–climate system. This paper reports evidence for a major ice stream in Amundsen Gulf, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Mapping from satellite imagery (Landsat ETM+) and digital elevation models, including bathymetric data, is used to reconstruct flow‐patterns on southwestern Victoria Island and the adjacent mainland (Nunavut and Northwest Territories). Several flow‐sets indicative of ice streaming are found feeding into the marine trough and cross‐cutting relationships between these flow‐sets (and utilising previously published radiocarbon dates) reveal several phases of ice stream activity centred in Amundsen Gulf and Dolphin and Union Strait. A large erosional footprint on the continental shelf indicates that the ice stream (ca. 1000 km long and ca. 150 km wide) filled Amundsen Gulf, probably at the Last Glacial Maximum. Subsequent to this, the ice stream reorganised as the margin retreated back along the marine trough, eventually splitting into two separate low‐gradient lobes in Prince Albert Sound and Dolphin and Union Strait. The location of this major ice stream holds important implications for ice sheet–ocean interactions and specifically, the development of Arctic Ocean ice shelves and the delivery of icebergs into the western Arctic Ocean during the late Pleistocene. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A visible tephra horizon in the NGRIP ice core has been identified by geochemical analysis as the Fugloyarbanki Tephra, a widespread marker horizon in marine cores from the Faroe Islands area and the northern North Atlantic. An age of 26 740 ± 390 yr b2k (1σ uncertainty) is derived for this tephra according to the new Greenland Ice Core Chronology (GICC05) based on multi‐parameter counting of annual layers. Detection of this tephra for the first time within the NGRIP ice core provides a key tie‐point between marine and ice‐core records during the transition between MIS 3 and 2. Identification of this volcanic event within the Greenland records demonstrates the future potential of using tephrochronology to precisely correlate palaeoarchives in widely separated localities that span the last glacial period, as well as providing a potential method for examining the extent of the radiocarbon marine reservoir effect at this time. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Matthias Kuhle   《Tectonophysics》2007,445(1-2):116
Since 1973 new data were obtained on the maximum extent of glaciation in High Asia. Evidence for an ice sheet covering Tibet during the Last Glacial Period means a radical rethinking about glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere. The ice sheet's subtropical latitude, vast size (2.4 million km2) and high elevation (6000 m asl) are supposed to have resulted in a substantial, albedo-induced cooling of the Earth's atmosphere and the disruption of summer monsoon circulation. Moraines were found to reach down to 460 m asl on the southern flank of the Himalayas and to 2300 m asl on the northern slope of the Tibetan Plateau, in the Qilian Shan region. On the northern slopes of the Karakoram, Aghil and Kuen-Lun mountains, moraines occur as far down as 1900 m asl. In southern Tibet radiographic analyses of erratics suggest a former ice thickness of at least 1200 m. Glacial polish and roches moutonnées in the Himalayas and Karakoram suggest former glaciers as thick as 1200–2700 m. On the basis of this evidence, a 1100–1600 m lower equilibrium line (ELA) has been reconstructed, resulting in an ice sheet of 2.4 million km2, covering almost all of Tibet. Radiometric ages, obtained by different methods, classify this glaciation as isotope stage 3–2 in age (Würmian = last glacial period). With the help of 13 climate measuring stations, radiation- and radiation balance measurements have been carried out between 3800 and 6650 m asl in Tibet. They indicate that the subtropical global radiation reaches its highest energies on the High Plateau, thus making Tibet today's most important heating surface of the atmosphere. At glacial times 70% of those energies were reflected into space by the snow and firn of the 2.4 million km2 extended glacier area covering the upland. As a result, 32% of the entire global cooling during the ice ages, determined by the albedo, were brought about by this area — now the most significant cooling surface. The uplift of Tibet to a high altitude about 2.75 Ma ago, coincides with the commencement of the Quaternary Ice Ages. When the Plateau was lifted above the snowline (= ELA) and glaciated, this cooling effect gave rise to the global depression of the snowline and to the first Ice Age. The interglacial periods are explained by the glacial-isostatic lowering of Tibet by 650 m, having the effect that the initial Tibet ice – which had evoked the build-up of the much more extended lowland ices – could completely melt away in a period of positive radiation anomalies. The next ice age begins, when – because of the glacial-isostatic reverse uplift – the surface of the Plateau has again reached the snowline. This explains, why the orbital variations (Milankovic-theory) could only have a modifying effect on the Quaternary climate dynamic, but were not primarily time-giving: as long as Tibet does not glaciate automatically by rising above the snowline, the depression in temperature is not sufficient for initiating a worldwide ice age; if Tibet is glaciated, but not yet lowered isostatically, a warming-up by 4 °C might be able to cause an important loss in surface but no deglaciation, so that its cooling effect remains in a maximum intensity. Only a glaciation of the Plateau lowered by isostasy, can be removed through a sufficiently strong warming phase, so that interglacial climate conditions are prevailing until a renewed uplift of Tibet sets in up to the altitude of glaciation.An average ice thickness for all of Tibet of approximately 1000 m would imply that 2.2 million km3 of water were stored in the Tibetan ice sheet. This would correspond to a lowering in sea level of about 5.4 m.  相似文献   

Observations of relative sea‐level change and local deglaciation in western Scotland provide critical constraints for modelling glacio‐isostatic rebound in northern Britain over the last 18 000 years. The longest records come from Skye, Arisaig and Knapdale with a shorter, Holocene, record from Kintail. Biostratigraphic (diatom, pollen, dinoflagellate, foraminifera and thecamoebian), lithological and radiocarbon analyses provide age and elevation parameters for each sea‐level index point. All four sites reveal relative sea‐level change that is highly non‐monotonic in time as the local vertical component of glacio‐isostatic rebound and eustasy (or global meltwater influx) dominate at different periods. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Annually resolved June–July–August (JJA) temperatures from ca. 570 BC to AD 120 (±100 a; approximately 690 varve years) were quantified from biogenic silica and chironomids (Type II regression; Standard Major Axis calibration‐in‐time) preserved in the varved sediments of Lake Silvaplana, Switzerland. Using 30 a (climatology) moving averages and detrended standard deviations (mean–variability change, MVC), moving linear trends, change points and wavelets, reconstructed temperatures were partitioned into a warmer (+0.3°C; ca. 570–351 BC), cooler (?0.2°C; ca. 350–16 BC) and moderate period (+0.1°C; ca. 15 BC to AD 120) relative to the reconstruction average (10.9°C; reference AD 1950–2000 = 9.8°C). Warm and variable JJA temperatures at the Late Iron Age–Roman Period transition (approximately 50 BC to AD 100 in this region) and a cold anomaly around 470 BC (Early–Late Iron Age) were inferred. Inter‐annual and decadal temperature variability was greater from ca. 570 BC to AD 120 than the last millennium, whereas multi‐decadal and lower‐frequency temperature variability were comparable, as evident in wavelet plots. Using MVC plots of reconstructed JJA temperatures from ca. 570 BC to AD 120, we verified current trends and European climate model outputs for the 21st century, which suggest increased inter‐annual summer temperature variability and extremes in a generally warmer climate (heteroscedasticity; hotspot of variability). We compared these results to MVC plots of instrumental and reconstructed temperatures (from the same sediment core and proxies but a different study) from AD 1177 to AD 2000. Our reconstructed JJA temperatures from ca. 570 BC to AD 120 showed that inter‐annual JJA temperature variability increased rapidly above a threshold of ~10°C mean JJA temperature. This increase accelerated with continued warming up to >11.5°C. We suggest that the Roman Period serves with respect to inter‐annual variability as an analogue for warmer 21st‐century JJA temperatures in the Alps. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In response to the discovery of diamonds within modern alluvium in the glaciated area of Wawa, Ontario, Canada, the Ontario Geological Survey undertook a regional program of surficial mapping and modern alluvial sediment sampling to assess the potential of the area for diamond-bearing kimberlite. Five varieties of kimberlite-derived indicator minerals were recovered and the composition of three varieties was evaluated, resulting in the identification of G10 Cr-pyrope garnet, inclusion field chromite and Mg-ilmenite. The distribution of indicator minerals was examined in the context of the glacial and bedrock geology. Glacial dispersal from non-kimberlitic marker units is restricted (commonly less than 200 m) and many kimberlite indicator minerals were recovered from samples collected close to cross-cutting NE–SW and NW–SE faults and a strong NE–SW trend in the bedrock associated with the Kapuskasing Structural Zone. From this, several potential exploration targets for diamond-bearing kimberlite are defined.  相似文献   

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