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A linearized eikonal equation is developed for transversely isotropic (TI) media with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI). It is linear with respect to perturbations in the horizontal velocity or the anisotropy parameter η. An iterative linearization of the eikonal equation is used as the basis for an algorithm of finite-difference traveltime computations. A practical implementation of this iterative technique is to start with a background model that consists of an elliptically anisotropic, inhomogeneous medium, since traveltimes for this type of medium can be calculated efficiently using eikonal solvers, such as the fast marching method. This constrains the perturbation to changes in the anisotropy parameter η (the parameter most responsible for imaging improvements in anisotropic media). The iterative implementation includes repetitive calculation of η from traveltimes, which is then used to evaluate the perturbation needed for the next round of traveltime calculations using the linearized eikonal equation. Unlike isotropic media, interpolation is needed to estimate η in areas where the traveltime field is independent of η, such as areas where the wave propagates vertically.
Typically, two to three iterations can give sufficient accuracy in traveltimes for imaging applications. The cost of each iteration is slightly less than the cost of a typical eikonal solver. However, this method will ultimately provide traveltime solutions for VTI media. The main limitation of the method is that some smoothness of the medium is required for the iterative implementation to work, especially since we evaluate derivatives of the traveltime field as part of the iterative approach. If a single perturbation is sufficient for the traveltime calculation, which may be the case for weak anisotropy, no smoothness of the medium is necessary. Numerical tests demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of this approach.  相似文献   

We describe two practicable approaches for an efficient computation of seismic traveltimes and amplitudes. The first approach is based on a combined finite‐difference solution of the eikonal equation and the transport equation (the ‘FD approach’). These equations are formulated as hyperbolic conservation laws; the eikonal equation is solved numerically by a third‐order ENO–Godunov scheme for the traveltimes whereas the transport equation is solved by a first‐order upwind scheme for the amplitudes. The schemes are implemented in 2D using polar coordinates. The results are first‐arrival traveltimes and the corresponding amplitudes. The second approach uses ray tracing (the ‘ray approach’) and employs a wavefront construction (WFC) method to calculate the traveltimes. Geometrical spreading factors are then computed from these traveltimes via the ray propagator without the need for dynamic ray tracing or numerical differentiation. With this procedure it is also possible to obtain multivalued traveltimes and the corresponding geometrical spreading factors. Both methods are compared using the Marmousi model. The results show that the FD eikonal traveltimes are highly accurate and perfectly match the WFC traveltimes. The resulting FD amplitudes are smooth and consistent with the geometrical spreading factors obtained from the ray approach. Hence, both approaches can be used for fast and reliable computation of seismic first‐arrival traveltimes and amplitudes in complex models. In addition, the capabilities of the ray approach for computing traveltimes and spreading factors of later arrivals are demonstrated with the help of the Shell benchmark model.  相似文献   

Subsurface rocks (e.g. shale) may induce seismic anisotropy, such as transverse isotropy. Traveltime computation is an essential component of depth imaging and tomography in transversely isotropic media. It is natural to compute the traveltime using the wavefront marching method. However, tracking the 3D wavefront is expensive, especially in anisotropic media. Besides, the wavefront marching method usually computes the traveltime using the eikonal equation. However, the anisotropic eikonal equation is highly non‐linear and it is challenging to solve. To address these issues, we present a layer‐by‐layer wavefront marching method to compute the P‐wave traveltime in 3D transversely isotropic media. To simplify the wavefront tracking, it uses the traveltime of the previous depth as the boundary condition to compute that of the next depth based on the wavefront marching. A strategy of traveltime computation is designed to guarantee the causality of wave propagation. To avoid solving the non‐linear eikonal equation, it updates traveltime along the expanding wavefront by Fermat's principle. To compute the traveltime using Fermat's principle, an approximate group velocity with high accuracy in transversely isotropic media is adopted to describe the ray propagation. Numerical examples on 3D vertical transverse isotropy and tilted transverse isotropy models show that the proposed method computes the traveltime with high accuracy. It can find applications in modelling and depth migration.  相似文献   

To carry out a 3D prestack migration of the Kirchhoff type is still a task of enormous computational effort. Its efficiency can be significantly enhanced by employing a fast traveltime interpolation algorithm. High accuracy can be achieved if secondorder spatial derivatives of traveltimes are included in order to account for the curvature of the wavefront. We suggest a hyperbolic traveltime interpolation scheme that permits the determination of the hyperbolic coefficients directly from traveltimes sampled on a coarse grid, thus reducing the requirements in data storage. This approach is closely related to the paraxial ray approximation and corresponds to an extension of the wellknown     method to arbitrary heterogeneous and complex media in 3D. Application to various velocity models, including a 3D version of the Marmousi model, confirms the superiority of our method over the popular trilinear interpolation. This is especially true for regions with strong curvature of the local wavefront. In contrast to trilinear interpolation, our method also provides the possibility of interpolating source positions, and it is 56 times faster than the calculation of traveltime tables using a fast finitedifference eikonal solver.  相似文献   

Comparison of six different methods for calculating traveltimes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We study six different methods for the calculation of seismic traveltimes. All methods yield traveltimes at all points of a regular grid.
The methods examined comprise three different variants of finite-difference (FD) eikonal solvers, the graph method, wavefront construction and a combined FD and Runge–Kutta method.
The main points of investigation are computational time, accuracy and memory requirements. We took measures to obtain a high level of both general validity and clear understanding of the results. We used a profiling program to be able to measure the time that the actual core algorithm needs, thus avoiding any overhead of highly system-dependent in-/output operations.
The comparison shows that no single method is the most appropriate but that the choice depends on the task to be fulfilled. The FD eikonal solver that uses expanding squares proves to be best suited for models which are not too complicated because it offers the best compromise between speed and accuracy, whereas wavefront construction should be applied to complex media because of its superior reliability which then justifies the much higher computational times.  相似文献   

多层垂直对称轴横向各向同性介质精确走时计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐巍  李磊 《地震学报》2008,30(4):367-376
给出了计算多层垂直对称轴横向各向同性(VTI)介质精确射线路径和走时的方法,所用的体波相速度公式、群速度公式和Snell定律都是严格的显式解析公式. 任意基本波的射线路径和走时计算问题都可以转化成一个等效的透射问题,再用文中的公式来计算,具体实现方法用一个多次波和一个首波的实例给出. 最后分别用精确公式和Thomsen近似公式计算了相同模型相同基本波的走时曲线. 比较两者计算结果可发现, 近似公式反复使用会使误差积累,同时揭示了近似公式适用范围的局限性,强调了使用近似公式需要注意其适用范围的重要性.   相似文献   

Perturbation methods are common tools for describing wave propagation in weakly anisotropic media. The anisotropic medium is replaced by an average isotropic medium where wave propagation can be treated analytically and the correction for the effect of anisotropy is computed by perturbation techniques. This works well for anisotropies of up to 10%. Some materials (e.g. shales), however, can exhibit a much stronger anisotropy. In this case a background is required which still can be treated analytically but is applicable to stronger P-wave anisotropy. We present an averaging technique to compute a best-fitting ellipsoidal medium to an arbitrary anisotropic medium. Ellipsoidal media are sufficiently simple for analytical expressions to be available for many applications and allow consideration of strong P-wave anisotropy. The averaging of the arbitrary anisotropic medium can be carried out globally (i.e. for the whole sphere) or sectorially (e.g. for seismic waves propagating predominantly in the vertical direction). We derive linear relationships for the coefficients of the ellipsoid which depend on the elastic coefficients of the anisotropic medium. We also provide specifications for best-fitting elliptical and best-fitting isotropic media. Numerical examples for different rocks demonstrate the improved approximation of the anisotropic model obtained using the formulae derived, compared with the conventionally used average isotropic medium.  相似文献   

The moveout approximations play an important role in seismic data processing. The standard hyperbolic moveout approximation is based on an elliptical background model with two velocities: vertical and normal moveout. We propose a new set of moveout approximations based on a perturbation series in terms of anellipticity parameters using the alternative elliptical background model defined by vertical and horizontal velocities. We start with a transversely isotropic medium with a vertical symmetry axis. Then, we extend this approach to a homogeneous orthorhombic medium. To define the perturbation coefficients for a new background, we solve the eikonal equation with horizontal velocities in transversely isotropic medium with a vertical symmetry axis and orthorhombic media. To stabilise the perturbation series and improve the accuracy, the Shanks transform is applied for all the cases. We select different parameterisations for both velocities and anellipticity parameters for an orthorhombic model. From the comparison in traveltime error, the new moveout approximations result in better accuracy comparing with the standard perturbation‐based methods and other approximations.  相似文献   

The complex‐valued first‐arrival traveltime can be used to describe the properties of both velocity and attenuation as seismic waves propagate in attenuative elastic media. The real part of the complex‐valued traveltime corresponds to phase arrival and the imaginary part is associated with the amplitude decay due to energy absorption. The eikonal equation for attenuative vertical transversely isotropic media discretized with rectangular grids has been proven effective and precise to calculate the complex‐valued traveltime, but less accurate and efficient for irregular models. By using the perturbation method, the complex‐valued eikonal equation can be decomposed into two real‐valued equations, namely the zeroth‐ and first‐order traveltime governing equations. Here, we first present the topography‐dependent zeroth‐ and first‐order governing equations for attenuative VTI media, which are obtained by using the coordinate transformation from the Cartesian coordinates to the curvilinear coordinates. Then, we apply the Lax–Friedrichs sweeping method for solving the topography‐dependent traveltime governing equations in order to approximate the viscosity solutions, namely the real and imaginary parts of the complex‐valued traveltime. Several numerical tests demonstrate that the proposed scheme is efficient and accurate in calculating the complex‐valued P‐wave first‐arrival traveltime in attenuative VTI media with an irregular surface.  相似文献   

Wavefield computations using the ellipsoidally anisotropic extrapolation operator offer significant cost reduction compared to that for the orthorhombic case, especially when the symmetry planes are tilted and/or rotated. However, ellipsoidal anisotropy does not provide accurate wavefield representation or imaging for media of orthorhombic symmetry. Therefore, we propose the use of ‘effective ellipsoidally anisotropic’ models that correctly capture the kinematic behaviour of wavefields for tilted orthorhombic (TOR) media. We compute effective velocities for the ellipsoidally anisotropic medium using kinematic high-frequency representation of the TOR wavefield, obtained by solving the TOR eikonal equation. The effective model allows us to use the cheaper ellipsoidally anisotropic wave extrapolation operators. Although the effective models are obtained by kinematic matching using high-frequency asymptotic, the resulting wavefield contains most of the critical wavefield components, including frequency dependency and caustics, if present, with reasonable accuracy. The proposed methodology offers a much better cost versus accuracy trade-off for wavefield computations in TOR media, particularly for media of low to moderate anisotropic strength. Furthermore, the computed wavefield solution is free from shear-wave artefacts as opposed to the conventional finite-difference based TOR wave extrapolation scheme. We demonstrate applicability and usefulness of our formulation through numerical tests on synthetic TOR models.  相似文献   

地震波走时广泛应用于静校正、层析成像、Kirchhoff偏移成像、地震定位等研究.复杂地表条件是影响走时计算精度的重要因素.近年来,发展的曲线坐标系程函方程为精细刻画起伏地表条件下的地震波走时场特征提供了新的思路.然而,基于有限差分程函方程的求解方法不可避免地受到震源奇异性的影响,即震源附近波前的曲率较大,此时使用平面波近似假设的差分格式会导致较大误差.而震源误差会随着波前的传播到达整个计算区域,从而影响整个区域的求解精度.针对该问题,本文借鉴因式分解的思想,推导建立了曲线坐标系因式分解程函方程,并针对性地发展了其数值求解方法,从根源上解决了复杂模型走时计算中的震源奇异性问题.数值实例表明因式分解法能够有效降低震源误差,显著提高起伏地表走时计算的精度和效率,为起伏地表地震波走时计算提供更佳的选择,在复杂模型的地震资料处理中展现出广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

地震射线追踪方法技术在地震学领域有着较为广泛的应用,然而大多数算法建立在直角坐标系或球坐标系下,实际地球并非完美的球体,而是两极略扁的椭球体,因此,球坐标系下计算结果与真实情况存在一定误差.传统的做法一般是在球坐标系下进行计算,而后进行椭球校正.本文提出了一种直接在椭球体模型中采用分区多步最短路径算法进行多震相地震射线追踪的方法技术,实现了椭球坐标系下多震相地震波射线路径追踪和走时计算.与解析解的对比表明:该算法具有较高的计算精度,适用于任意形状的椭球体,且不需要进行额外的走时校正.数值模拟结果表明,计算所得P波和PcP反射波的走时与AK135走时表的误差小于0.1 s.当震中距较大时,使用球对称模型和椭球体模型计算所得的走时差异显著,说明采用椭球坐标系的必要性.  相似文献   

Geometrical spreading plays an important role for amplitude preserving migration, which is a very time-consuming process. In order to achieve efficiency in terms of computational time and, particularly, storage space, we propose a method to determine geometrical spreading from coarsely gridded traveltime tables. The method is based on a hyperbolic traveltime expansion and provides also a fast and accurate algorithm for the interpolation of traveltimes, including the interpolation of complete shots. Examples demonstrate the applicability of the method to isotropic and anisotropic media.  相似文献   

Transverse isotropy with a tilted axis of symmetry (TTI) causes image distortion if isotropic models are assumed during data processing. A simple anisotropic migration approach needs long computational times and is sensitive to the signal-to-noise ratio. This paper presents an efficient, general approach to common-depth-point (CDP) mapping to image the subsurface in TTI media from qP-wave seismic data by adding anisotropic and dip parameters to the velocity model. The method consists of three steps: (i) calculating traveltimes and positions of the CDP points; (ii) determining CDP trajectories; (iii) CDP imaging. A crucial step is the rapid computation of traveltimes and raypaths in the TTI media, which is achieved by the Fermat method, specially adapted for anisotropic layered media. The algorithm can image the subsurface of a given model quickly and accurately, and is suitable for application to a bending reflector. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by comparing the raypaths, the traveltimes and the results of CDP mapping, when assuming isotropic media, transversely isotropic media with a vertical axis of symmetry (TIV), and TTI media.  相似文献   

三维复杂介质中转换波走时快速计算   总被引:22,自引:9,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
复杂介质中转换波走时计算是多波勘探地震学中重要内容之一.本项研究利用惠更斯原理和费玛原理,获得了三维复杂介质中转换波快速计算的改进型最小走时树方法.其中,在保证精度的条件下,为了提高三维转换波走时计算效率,首先对初至波最小走时树基本算法进行了改进.本方法通过将转换波分为上、下行波分别进行射线追踪以实现三维转换波走时的快速计算.模型计算表明,方法的计算速度快,而且稳定性强,对多波地震勘探具有较大的应用价值.  相似文献   

地震走时层析成像是反演地层各向异性参数分布的有效方法,但是关于地震各向异性介质走时层析成像的研究并不多,其技术远远没有达到成熟的阶段.在野外数据采集时,地表反射波观测方式相对井间和垂直地震剖面观测方式的成本更低,利用qP反射波走时反演各向异性参数具有更加广泛的实用价值.本文实现的TI介质地震走时层析成像方法结合了TI介质反射波射线追踪算法、走时扰动方程和非线性共轭梯度算法,它可以对任意强度的TI介质模型进行反演,文中尝试利用qP反射波走时重建TI介质模型的参数图像.利用qP反射波对层状介质模型和块状异常体模型进行走时反演,由于qP波相速度对弹性模量参数和Thomsen参数的偏微分不同,所以可以分别反演弹性模量参数和Thomsen参数.数值模拟结果表明:利用qP反射波可以反演出TI介质模型的弹性模量参数与Thomsen参数,不同模型的走时迭代反演达到了较好的收敛效果,与各向同性介质走时反演结果相比较,各向异性介质走时反演结果具有较好的识别能力.  相似文献   

A new ray-tracing method called linear traveltime interpolation (LTI) is proposed. This method computes traveltimes and raypaths in a 2D velocity structure more rapidly and accurately than other conventional methods. The LTI method is formulated for a 2D cell model, and calculations of traveltimes and raypaths are carried out only on cell boundaries. Therefore a raypath is considered to be always straight in a cell with uniform velocity. This approach is suitable to tomography analysis. The algorithm of LTI consists of two separate steps: step 1 calculates traveltimes on all cell boundaries; step 2 traces raypaths for all pairs of receivers and the shot. A traveltime at an arbitrary point on a cell boundary is assumed to be linearly interpolated between traveltimes at the adjacent discrete points at which we calculate traveltimes. Fermat's principle is used as the criterion for choosing the correct traveltimes and raypaths from several candidates routinely. The LTI method has been compared numerically with the shooting method and the finite-difference method (FDM) of the eikonal equation. The results show that the LTI method has great advantages of high speed and high accuracy in the calculation of both traveltimes and raypaths. The LTI method can be regarded as an advanced version of the conventional FDM of the eikonal equation because the formulae of FDM are independently derived from LTI. In the process of derivation, it is shown theoretically that LTI is more accurate than FDM. Moreover in the LTI method, we can avoid the numerical instability that occurs in Vidale's method where the velocity changes abruptly.  相似文献   

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