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Lake Fidler is an ectogenic meromictic lake with a monimolimnion maintained by periodic incursions of brackish water from the lower Gordon River estuary. A dam across the middle reaches of the Gordon River has restricted these incursions of brackish water and meromictic stability has rapidly declined. A palaeolimnological study was carried in order to assess the historical development of meromixis and the impact of the dam on the microbiological communities in the lake. Fossil pigments in a 17 m sediment core were analysed using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (rp-HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS). In addition, taphonomic studies of pigment production, deposition and degradation in the water column and surface sediments were used to identify planktonic and benthic pigment degradation processes and constrain the stratigraphic interpretation. Results comparing the pigment composition of pelagic sediment traps and littoral surface sediments indicated that the core from the centre of the lake would permit a historical reconstruction of planktonic bacterial and algal communities. Marked increases in prokaryotic pigments ca 3500 yr B.P. suggested the possible colonisation of a chemocline by phototrophic bacteria. Further changes in chlorophyll: carotenoid ratios and changes in relative abundances of both chlorophyll a and bacteriochlorophyll c derivatives also indicated that a change in the depositional environment had occurred; possibly due to altered stratification or anoxia. From this we infer the onset of either intermittent or permanent meromixis. Further increases in prokaryotic pigment abundance suggested that the present state of permanent meromixis was firmly established by 2070 ±50 14C yr B.P., and diatom analysis confirmed the development of a stable mixolimnion. High resolution studies of the top 10 cm of sediments measured pigments in mean concentrations of 15.1 ng g-1 with a mean S.D. of only 2.78 indicating little change in pigment abundance since the construction of the dam. Thus, Lake Fidler still retains most of the features of meromixis. However, evidence from nearby Lake Morrison and Sulphide Pool has shown that any further declines in meromictic stability will cause a rapid reversion to holomixis. Palaeolimnological evidence from the early stages of meromictic development of Lake Fidler suggests that such reversion to holomixis may not permanently eliminate all the microbiological communities, and that, given time, they may return and prosper with re-establishment of a suitable chemocline. These studies will guide recommendations for a management strategy to prevent the further decay of meromixis in the Gordon River lakes.  相似文献   

Three meromictic lakes in the World Heritage Area of south-west Tasmania possess unusual microbiological communities. Their meromixis is maintained by periodic incursions of brackish water from the nearby Gordon River which, in its lower reaches, is a salt-wedge estuary. In 1977 the construction of a dam in the middle reaches of the river restricted penetration of the salt-wedge and meromixis rapidly declined in all three lakes. A palaeolimnological study was carried out on one of the lakes, Lake Fidler, firstly to determine the history of meromixis and its associated microbiological communities, and secondly to assess whether the recent and rapid decline of meromixis is inconsistent with natural rates of development of the Gordon River meromictic lakes. One part of this study included the analysis of the stratigraphy of fossil diatoms from a 17-metre sediment core dating back 8000 yrs. Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Analog Matching were used to compare diatom species assemblages in core samples with diatom samples from a reference dataset consisting of a selection of lake and river sites in the lower Gordon River valley. Five distinct stratigraphic zones were identified in the core. These zones indicated specific stages in the development of the Gordon River lakes from river backwaters to ectogenically-maintained meromictic lakes which will, finally, become terrestrialised by encroaching rainforest. The onset of a stratified water column was identified by the emergence of a dominant freshwater algal flora which suggested that the lake had developed a mixolimnion and become meromictic ca. 2070 ± 50 14C yrs ago. In the context of this long history of meromixis, the rapid demise in meromictic stability following construction of the dam is judged to be inconsistent with natural rates of development. The palaeolimnological studies, of which this paper is one part, prompt recommendations for a management strategy to prevent the further decay of these meromictic lakes in the World Heritage Area.  相似文献   

Comprehensive paleobotanical and geochemical methods have been used to study the relationship between the spatial scale of landscape development and values of pollen influx to take the bog sediments. The spatial-temporal history of the four lakes and a bog was established in NE Estonia and pollen analyses of thier sediment were made. It was found that the influx of total arboreal pollen directly corresponds with the sizes of the sites studied, and varies with thier expansion or reduction.  相似文献   

Ostracods have only recently been recognized as a valuable group for paleolimnology and as an essential instrument for investigations concerning climatic change. With the increasing knowledge of temperature and oxygen demands of species, their use in the study of shallow lakes with respect to climate and lake level changes and the onset of meromictic conditions has become increasingly important. Central European examples are described. They include a former extension of Neusiedlersee to the SE, most likely a precursor of the present lake, and several Carinthian lakes, including Längsee, and Lobsigensee in Switzerland, NW of its capital Bern.  相似文献   

A wide variety of scientific disciplines require representative samples of benthic sediment. As a result, a large range of sampling devices have been developed, each best suited to a particular set of conditions. However, all sediment sampling devices have inherent design problems that affect the degree to which samples represent the intact sediment. These issues are summarised, and a new corer design (the LOG corer) is presented and discussed. The LOG corer is a remotely-operated light-weight gravity corer suitable for obtaining relatively undisturbed short sediment cores in soft lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   

Chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) head capsules were studied from a core of recent sediments from shallow, macrophyte-dominated Lake Opinicon, Ontario, Canada, to determine if assemblages have changed in response to lake-level changes and other watershed disturbances, including deforestation and agriculture. Our results indicate that the construction of the Rideau Canal in the early 1830s and subsequent flooding of Lake Opinicon has had the greatest impact on this system, but that even this disturbance did not greatly affect chironomid assemblages. Despite other significant cultural disturbances in the watershed, the lake sediments have recorded only minor changes in its recent history, providing support for the hypothesis of alternative lake equilibria. These results correspond well with diatom inferences of only minor changes in past lake trophic status.  相似文献   

A textural analysis of the siliceous sediments component of a small saline lake in south-eastern South Australia (Lake Cantara South) was undertaken. The data indicated periods of marine incursion, lagoonal dominance and elevated freshwater inputs. Lake Cantara originated as a marine embayment; then followed periods of intermittent marine connection; finally, the lake became athalassic (mostly saline but with occasional freshwater inundations). This history accords well with that derived from an examination of mollusc fossils (marine, estuarine, athalassic saline, and freshwater forms) and with previously published mineralogical, geochemical and geomorphological evidence.  相似文献   

A study of sedimentary processes and sediment yields in a high arctic meromictic lake (Lake C2, Taconite Inlet, Northern Ellesemere Island, Canada) was undertaken from May 1990 through August 1992 to understand the links between climatic controls, hydrology, and the laminated sediment record preserved in the lake. Understanding the relationships between processes and the sediment record is critical for interpreting the climatic significance of the laminated sediments in a region where high resolution climate proxy records are quite limited.Sediment transport to Lake C2 is dominated by fluvial processes. During the early part of the melt season slushflows transport sediment to the lake surface. Subsequently, suspended sediment is delivered to the lake by the main inlet stream and distributed lakeward by a plume emanating the main inlet channel. Due to the strong density stratification of the water column the plume distributes sediment downlake by overflows and interflows in the epilimnion. In general, overflows are generated by lower discharge events whereas interflows penetrate to the halocline during high discharge with increased suspended sediment concentration.Sediment trap analysis demonstrates that suspended sediment transport and deposition responds to diurnal through annual changes in stream discharge. Seasonal and annual sediment trap yields agree with average accumulation rates determined from varve thickness measurements and cumulative suspended sediment discharge from the main inlet stream indicating a close link between climatological, hydrological, and sedimentological controls and varve deposition.This is the fourth in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Inlet Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

McNearney Lake is an acidic (pH=4.4) lake in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with low acid neutralizing capacity (ANC=-38 eq L-1) and high SO inf4 sup2- and aluminium concentrations. Oligotrophy is indicated by high Secchi transparency and by low chlorophyll a, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen concentrations. The lake water is currently acidic because base cations are supplied to the lake water at a low rate and because SO inf4 sup2- from atmospheric deposition was not appreciably retained by the lake sediments or watershed and was present in the water column.This interdisciplinary paleolimnological study indicates that McNearney Lake is naturally acidic and has been so since at least 4000 years B.P., as determined from inferred-pH techniques based on contemporary diatom-pH relationships. Predicted pH values ranged from 4.7 to 5.0 over the 4000-year stratigraphy. Considerable shifts in species composition and abundance were observed in diatom stratigraphy, but present-day distributions indicate that all abundant taxa most frequently occur under acidic conditions, suggesting that factors other than pH are responsible for the shifts. The diatom-inferred pH technique as applied to McNearney Lake has too large an uncertainly and is not sensitive enough to determine the subtle recent changes in lakewater pH expected from changes in atmospheric deposition because: (1) McNearney Lake has the lowest pH in the contemporary diatom data set in the region and confidence intervals for pH predictions increase at the extremes of regressions; (2) other factors in addition to pH may be responsible for the diatom species distribution in the lake and in the entire northern Great Lakes region; (3) McNearney Lake has a well-buffered pH as a consequence of its low pH and high aluminium concentrations and is not expected to exhibit a large pH change as a result of changes in atmospheric deposition; and (4) atmospheric deposition in the region is modest and would not cause a pH shift large enough to be discernable in McNearney Lake.Elevated atmospheric deposition is indicated in recent sediments by Pb, V, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon accumulation rates and to a lesser extent by those of Cu and Zn; however, these accumulation rates are substantially lower than those observed for acidified lakes in the northeastern United States. Although atmospheric loadings of materials associated with fossil fuel combustion have recently increased to McNearney Lake and apparently are continuing, the present study of the diatom subfossil record does not indicate a distinct, recent acidification (pH decrease).Order of the first two authors is alphabetical  相似文献   

The altitudinal distribution of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the southern Canadian Cordillera was analyzed by means of head capsules preserved in surficial sediments of 30 lakes. Taxa characteristic of late-glacial deposits of southern, coastal British Columbia are extant at high elevations, particularly in the Rocky Mountains, and in large, deep, low-elevation lakes. Many chironomid taxa common at low elevations in the southern Canadian Cordillera were not found in alpine and upper subalpine lakes. These faunal differences are probably climatically related. The differences in fauna between high and low-elevation lakes parallel differences between arctic and temperate lakes.  相似文献   

A reconstruction of the hydrological and environmental evolution of the crater lake at Malha (Northern Darfur, Sudan) resulted from the mineralogical and biological study of a 9.21 m section of lake sediments, representing an uninterrupted sequence of lacustrine deposition since 8 290 14C years BP.Important changes in water supply and conditions of sedimentation are reflected in the nature of the sediments and the morphology and stratigraphical distribution of various salt minerals. Additional information on lake circulation patterns and salinity conditions are obtained from associated benthic paleocommunities, represented by ostracods and dipterid larvae. Combining both lines of evidence, the studied sequence can be divided in six distinct sections, which correspond to six successive periods in the lake's Holocene history. The first three periods, generally characterized by high lake levels, represent three generations of a meromictic lake, two of which have ended with a complete desiccation of the lake basin. Meromixis was stable during Period I, due to wind shelter and pronounced density stratification. In the course of Periods II and III stratification was repeatedly interrupted. During Period II, the disruptions were accompanied by important water budget fluctuations; a superimposed gradual decrease in net water supply eventually resulted in holomictic conditions terminating this period. Evidence of turbulence periodically affecting profundal waters is recorded in the sediments of Period III, suggesting that disruptions of stratification were now initiated by very strong winds. Between Period I and Period III, the littoral mixolimnion gradually evolved from near fresh to mesosaline. In Periods IV to VI, lake level was intermediate to low. The lake was holomictic for most of the time and meso- to hypersaline; during Period V, it repeatedly shrunk to a shallow brine pool.The Holocene evolution of Malha Crater Lake illustrates the progressive increase in aridity over most of North Africa following a well-established, early- to mid-Holocene major humid episode. The uninterrupted sedimentary sequence lends itself for detailed reconstruction of Holocene climatic evolution in arid Northeast Africa, a region where records of continuous lacustrine deposition are extremely scarce. As the chronology of critical events in the lake's history remains as yet unsupported by radiocarbon dates, correlation with other Holocene sequences in the eastern Sahara is highly tentative at this point.  相似文献   

A combined analysis of modern zooplankton and fossil Cladocera assemblages from a Himalayan lake, Lake 40, revealed that the endemic Daphnia tibetana disappeared in the late-1980s, after persisting as the only Daphnia species for almost 3000 years. Daphnia head shields, which are rarely recovered from the sediments, were the most abundant Daphnia remains in the lake. The remains were of the Ctenodaphnia type; the smaller ones had a large central hole. Head shields of the same type were also found in zooplankton water samples, rich in exuviae as well as of intact specimens of D. tibetana, from a nearby lake. Small individuals had a distinct nuchal organ in the dorsal region of the head. We therefore postulated that the head shields with the hole were from young (newborn or individuals in the two first moults). Up to now, the nuchal organ has been described in laboratory populations of D. (Ctenodaphnia) magna, where it disappears quite early in life. It probably functions as an osmoregulatory organ, essential for the survivorship of late embryos and early juveniles. On the other hand, as far as we know, head shields with a hole have never been recorded in plankton or in sediments. In view of the fact that head shields were representative of Daphnia abundance, we used them to reconstruct changes in density and body size during ca. 3000 years. In fishless mountain lakes, mean Daphnia body size tends to increase toward the end of the productive season. The number of moults and maximum body size depend mainly on the duration of the ice-free period, and on summer temperatures. In cold years, when the productive season is short, the number of moults will be low, and the range of Daphnia body size will be narrow. We used Daphnia body size and abundance estimates, in addition to an analysis of changes in the Cladocera assemblage, to reconstruct past environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages in surficial sediments, sediment cores, sediment traps, and inflowing streams of perennially ice-covered Lake Hoare, South Victorialand, Antarctica were examined to determine the distribution of diatom taxa, and to ascertain if diatom species composition has changed over time. Lake Hoare is a closed-basin lake with an area of 1.8 km2, maximum depth of 34 m, and mean depth of 14 m, although lake level has been rising at a rate of 0.09 m yr-1 in recent decades. The lake has an unusual regime of sediment deposition: coarse grained sediments accumulate on the ice surface and are deposited episodically on the lake bottom. Benthic microbial mats are covered in situ by the coarse episodic deposits, and the new surfaces are recolonized. Ice cover prevents wind-induced mixing, creating the unique depositional environment in which sediment cores record the history of a particular site, rather than a lake-wide integration. Shallow-water (<1 m) diatom assemblages (Stauroneis anceps, Navicula molesta, Diadesmis contenta var. parallela, Navicula peraustralis) were distinct from mid-depth (4–16 m) assemblages (Diadesmis contenta, Luticola muticopsis fo. reducta, Stauroneis anceps, Diadesmis contenta var. parallela, Luticola murrayi) and deep-water (26–31 m) assemblages (Luticola murrayi, Luticola muticopsis fo. reducta, Navicula molesta). Analysis of a sediment core (30 cm long, from 11 m water depth) from Lake Hoare revealed two abrupt changes in diatom assemblages. The upper section of the sediment core contained the greatest biomass of benthic microbial mat, as well as the greatest total abundance and diversity of diatoms. Relative abundances of diatoms in this section are similar to the surficial samples from mid-depths. An intermediate zone contained less organic material and lower densities of diatoms. The bottom section of core contained the least amount of microbial mat and organic material, and the lowest density of diatoms. The dominant process influencing species composition and abundance of diatom assemblages in the benthic microbial mats is episodic deposition of coarse sediment from the ice surface.  相似文献   

In contrast to the exoskeleton or normal egg sacs of copepods, egg sacs with resting eggs of Diaptomus castor are exceptionally robust and can be preserved in the Quaternary sedimentary record. Egg sacs referred to Diaptomus cf. castor have been recovered from Late- and Postglacial lake sediments in Denmark and Greenland. The identification of fossil copepod egg sacs is important, since Copepoda is a very important group of invertebrate animals in freshwater bodies; but a group that is rarely reported from lake sediments.  相似文献   

The Himalayas are prone to glacial lake outburst floods, which can pose a severe threat to downstream villages and infrastructure. The Zhangmu and Gyirong land treaty ports are located on the China-Nepal border in the central Himalayas. In recent years, the expansion of glacial lakes has increased the threat of these two port regions. This article describes the results of mapping the glacial lakes larger than 0.01 km2 in the Zhangmu and Gyirong port regions and analyzes their change. It provides a comprehensive assessment of potentially dangerous glacial lakes and predicts the development of future glacial lakes. From 1988 to 2019, the glacial lakes in these port regions underwent "expansion", and moraine-dammed lakes show the most significant expansion trend. A total of eleven potentially dangerous glacial lakes are identified based on the assessment criteria and historical outburst events; most expanded by more than 150% from 1988 to 2019, with some by over 500%. The Cirenmaco, a moraine-dammed lake, is extremely prone to overtopping due to ice avalanches or the melting of dead ice in the dam. For other large lakes, such as the Jialongco, Gangxico and Galongco, ice avalanches may likely cause the lakes to burst besides self-destructive failure. The potential dangers of the Youmojianco glacial lakes, including lakes Nos. 9, 10 and 11, will increase in the future. In addition, the glacier-bed topography model predicts that 113 glacial lakes with a size larger than 0.01 km2, a total area of 11.88 km2 and a total volume of 6.37×109 m3 will form in the study area by the end of the 21 century. Due to global warming, the glacial lakes in the Zhangmu and Gyirong port regions will continue to grow in the short term, and hence the risk of glacial lake outburst floods will increase.  相似文献   

The issue of whether heavy metal concentration profiles in lake sediments are vulnerable to redox mediated post-burial alteration stubbornly refuses to go away. Such behaviour is well-known in iron and manganese, due to great contrasts in the solubility of the reduced and oxidized chemical forms. A numbers of trace elements that also exhibit more than one oxidation state in lake sediments have also been shown to undergo diffusive migration in response to redox gradients (e.g., As, Co, Cr, V). What remains unclear is whether elements like Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, that have only one stable oxidation state in sediments, are also subject to alteration. This paper reviews existing evidence and presents a model, based on current knowledge, to constrain the likely effects. It is concluded that some migration is likely, but that this is only significant at extremely low sediment mass accumulation rates. The formulation of the model highlights the need for further information about the physical form of iron and manganese oxyhydroxides in lake sediments.  相似文献   

Sägistalsee is a small lake located at the modern tree-line in the Swiss Alps. A 13.5 m long core taken in the central part of the 9.5 m deep basin consists of clayey silts and sands and dates back to about 9000 cal. BP. These sediments have a low organic content that steadily increases from 4–8% loss-on-ignition at 550 °C towards the top of the core, whereas the carbonate content decreases from 20 to about 10% loss-on-ignition at 950 %C. We outline the aims of an interdisciplinary research project centred on the Holocene sediments of Sägistalsee. We also present information about the lake, its sediments, and its catchment that forms the basis for different biotic and abiotic multi-proxy studies carried out on the sediments of Sägistalsee.  相似文献   

Yuanyang Lake (24°35N, 121°24E), located at an altitude of 1,670 m within a nature preserve in northern Taiwan, is an acidic lake. Remains of diatoms and pollen from a 3.72-m sediment core were used to elucidate the relationships between the vegetation of the watershed and the paleolimnological environment. Past pH, saprobity level, and total P of the lake were inferred from the diatom assemblages and were analyzed with respect to changes in the terrestrial vegetation. The inferred pH values fluctuated only slightly, whereas the inferred saprobity level increased markedly towards the sediment surface. In the topmost sediment, a slight drop in the inferred pH was associated with a lowering in the saprobity index. This was interpreted as a possible result of recent anthropogenic acidification and changes in productivity related to changes in acidity. Based on pollen analyses, we conclude that Chamaecyparis persisted over at least the last four thousand years in the watershed. The vegetation in the watershed changed little during this period of time, which is consistent with the constancy of inferred pH values. A positive correlation between the inferred pH and 13C values of the sediments was found.  相似文献   

The diatom concentration of a uniform lake sediment sample was estimated in 15 laboratories. Whilst 21 of 35 estimates were between 13 and 19 × 107 valves g-1, values ranged from 8.2 × 106 to 2.0 × 109 valves g-1. However, counts from replicate sediment digestions, replicate slide preparations from a single digested slurry, and multiple counts from an individual slide all yielded internally consistent results, with acceptably low coefficients of variation (±4.5–6.3%). Without greater efforts towards harmonization, for example by calibrating techniques to a standard of known concentration, reported diatom concentration values, as well as derived data such as diatom accumulation rates, are not directly comparable between most laboratories. This sharply contrasts the strong reproducibility of diatom relative frequency data. A calibration exercise, using the Eucalyptus pollen spike technique to estimate a known concentration of Lycopodium spores, demonstrates that this method performs best when approximately equal proportions of microfossils and introduced markers are counted.  相似文献   

杨立辉  叶玮  郑祥民  苏优 《地理研究》2014,33(10):1848-1856
以长江南通段、婺江金华段的河漫滩沉积物和洛川、新疆昭苏的马兰黄土为训练样本,推导出河漫滩相沉积与风成沉积粒度的Fisher判别函数,并用启东河漫滩沉积物、南京下蜀黄土和伊犁马兰黄土对判别函数进行验证。第四纪红土的判别结果显示:新余、南平等地红土具有典型河漫滩沉积特征;长沙、金华、南昌、九江等地红土即具有风成又具有河漫滩沉积的特征,且风成沉积特征随着纬度减小及地形起伏增加而减小。结合现代降尘的粒度组成推测,中亚热带网纹红土的物质来源有近源也有远源。近源组分为来自附近河漫滩泛滥平原沉积物的风力二次搬运,在沉积后依旧保留了河漫滩沉积的大部分粒度特征;远源组分可能与黄土类似,由冬季风从北方物源区搬运而来。  相似文献   

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