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The aim of the present study is to provide additional information about the properties and depositional environment of the Kipra lignite seam, which was deposited during the regressive stage of development of the Maritza-West basin. Petrographical and mineralogical data, along with ash yields and sulphur contents of 24 samples from a seam profile, have been used to study the vertical variation of the depositional settings during peat accumulation and subsequent coalification.The Kipra lignite is characterized by high ash yields and sulphur contents. It formed in a rheotrophic, low-lying mire with alkaline pH value. Vegetation with low preservation potential dominated within the palaeomire. During peat formation, frequent changes of the water level controlled the depositional environment. During the deposition of units 1 and 2, high water energy caused the transportation of high amounts of inorganic material into the mire, resulting in the formation of weakly gelified mineral-rich lignite. The organic matter from units 3 and 4 is characterized by enhanced gelification, which probably reflects the decreasing energy of the system. Good positive correlation between sulphur contents and the GI values was established in units 4, indicating that the gelification of the tissues was probably mainly controlled by the bacterial activity. In contrast, the gelification of the samples from unit 3 of the Kipra seam was probably governed by the redox conditions. The organic matter deposited under relatively wet conditions, in which the thermal and oxidative destruction of the tissues, was limited.A variety of major, minor and accessory minerals are present in Maritza-West lignite. The mineral composition is dominated mainly by pyrite, gypsum and calcite, and to a lesser extent limonite, quartz, kaolinite, montmorillonite, illite, chlorite and plagioclase. Jarosite, hematite, halloysite, mica, K-feldspar, aragonite, siderite, and dolomite were also determined in very low concentrations. These minerals formed syngenetically and epigenetically. The syngenetic stage is characterized mainly by the formation of pyrite, carbonates, silicates and sulphates, whereas the Fe-oxyhydroxides, partially the carbonates and almost all silicates are of detrital origin. During the epigenetic stage, carbonates, sulphates, clay minerals, pyrite, and Fe-oxyhydroxides were formed. Alteration products like gypsum, jarosite, limonite, chlorite, kaolinite, illite, mica, and calcite were generated due to the transformation of detrital and authigenic minerals.  相似文献   

Lake Teletskoye in the northeastern part of the Altai mountain range has attracted the attention of geo-scientists for a long time, because it fills an impressive tectonic depression. The lake is 77 km long and 4 km wide, and it has a maximum water depth of 325 m. The vertical offset of the basement surface is up to 3000 m. A multidisciplinary study of the Teletsk graben was carried out during the last few years, including satellite image and air photo analysis, bathymetric-, structural- and geomorphological mapping, high-resolution seismic profiling and seismic refraction. The structural study revealed that reactivation of preexisting weak basement zones is important in controlling the basin formation. These zones separate different tectonic terranes at the contact of which the Teletsk graben developed.This study identifies the significance of the basin in the regional neotectonic context. It shows that the major vertical movements are restricted to the basin itself, but do not characterize the whole region. Outside of the basin, recent tectonic structures have the same pattern as adjacent areas of Northeast Altai and West-Sayan. Quaternary glaciations have had no major influence on the basin formation.Two stages of faulting are identified. First, transpressive movements restricted to discrete (reactivated) fault zones controlled the opening of the basin. In the second stage, normal faulting is dominant and is responsible for the modern basin outline.An echo-sounding survey led to the recognition of several morphological characteristics of the lake bottom. In the southern part, the uppermost sediments seem slightly disturbed, whereas further north, transverse ridges and slope breaks are increasingly common. The deepest part of the lake is located in a highly disturbed zone of normal fault-bounded blocks. The structural difference between the southern and northern subbasins is supported by the interpretation of a deep seismic refraction profile which indicates a substantial increase of basement isochores in the area where the reactivated Teletsk (Paleozoic) shear zone crosses the lake.Correlation of high-resolution seismic profiles suggests that the Teletsk graben started to evolve during the Pleistocene, and that its present shape was formed in two stages. The first stage was responsible for the opening of the southern basin. It probably started in the Middle Pleistocene. A second kinematic stage induced by a sinistral reactivation of the NE striking West-Sayan fault initiated the opening of the different segments of the northern subbasin due to opposite movements between the reactivated Teletsk and West-Sayan faults. This second stage was active after the end of Late Pleistocene glaciations and during the Holocene. The recent lateral extension and the related N–S-trending normal faults result from a change in tectonic regime, with related extensional movements along the main reactivated fault zones. These recent movements result in the lateral escape of the lake borders and the collapse of the area between them.  相似文献   

A simplified seismotectonic model is proposed for Bulgaria by introducing generalized seismogenic areas containing systems of complex geometry faults. A tectonic scheme, which considers the main faults only, is then derived from this. The assessment of the regional seismic hazard is done using different approaches: the Gumbel, the Cornell, and the fault rupture model methods. A series of relations among seismological parameters are derived from the available data. The results obtained by the different approaches are similar: the most dangerous area is the Struma zone, located in southwestern Bulgaria.  相似文献   

Marin Bachvarov 《GeoJournal》1997,43(3):215-224
Although a constant trickle of outmigrants and several larger waves (mostly to Turkey) are characteristic for the modern history of Bulgaria, its ethnic composition was relatively stable. The ethnic Bulgarians are a clear majority, the largest minority groups being in descending order the Turks, Roma (Gypsies), the Muslim Bulgarians and several much smaller groups. The geographical patterns of distribution have been analysed. Over time, the policies of the Bulgarian state towards the minority groups have been varying between benevolence and restriction measures. The ethnocultural communities have worked out moduses of co-existence preventing the escalation of conflicts at the local level.  相似文献   

This study deals with the weathering processes operating at the scale of a small catchment (Nsimi-Zoetele, Cameroon) and is focused on the role of organic colloids on mineral weathering and transport of elements in natural waters. Samples of river, spring and groundwaters from Nsimi-Zoetele were filtered through membranes of decreasing pore size (0.22 μm, 0.025 μm, or: 300,000 Da, 5000 Da) to separate colloidal fractions from the truly dissolved one. Major and trace elements and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were analysed in each fraction. Two kinds of waters can be distinguished in the catchment: clear and coloured waters. Clear waters exhibit low concentrations of major and trace elements and DOC. Elements are carried in these solutions in a true dissolved form except Al and rare earth elements (REEs). By contrast, the higher abundances of Al, Fe and trace elements in coloured waters are controlled by the colloidal fraction. Thermodynamic equilibrium calculations show that clear waters are in equilibrium with kaolinite and iron oxi-hydroxide which are major minerals in the weathered soil. For coloured waters, the aqueous speciation of Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Al, La and Th was calculated taking into account the complexes with humic acids. Speciation calculations for Cu, Fe, Al, La, Th show a strong complexation with humic acids, in good agreement with the results of the filtration experiments. By contrast, although filtration experiments show a strong control of major cations by organic matter (for example 75% for Ca), speciation calculations reveal that their complexes with humic ligands do not exceed a few percent of total dissolved elements. This discrepancy is explained as an artefact induced by the organic colloids and occurring during the filtration procedure. Finally, both filtration experiments and speciation calculations show that organic matter plays an important role in natural DOC-rich waters. Organic acids increase significantly the dissolution rates of silicates and oxi-hydroxides and thus the amounts of solutes and of complexed elements leaving the catchment.  相似文献   

岩溶断陷盆地不同海拔植物水分利用效率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨不同海拔高度的养分、环境要素与植物水分利用效率变化的关系,以岩溶断陷盆地云南小江流域的乔木、灌木、草本为研究对象,分析水分利用效率和叶片养分浓度随海拔的变化情况。结果表明:(1)研究区内海拔2 000 m处的草本植物的叶片δ13C值最高,2 200 m处的乔木的叶片δ13C值最低;(2)海拔高度对乔木、灌木的植物水分利用效率影响大于草本植物,草本植物的水分利用效率随海拔高度的变化甚微,两者之间的拟合度较小;高值区出现在海拔为2 200 m处的乔木;低值区出现在海拔为2 000 m处的草本植物;(3)不同海拔水分利用效率与叶片N、P浓度的相关性较弱(与叶片的N浓度呈弱正相关,与叶片的P浓度呈弱负相关);(4)不同海拔水分利用效率与各气候因子的相关性较弱,与多年平均气温、多年平均降雨量、多年平均日照时数均呈弱正相关。  相似文献   

王晓东 《地质与勘探》2024,60(3):530-538
断陷盆地陡带区多沉积于湖盆的边界同生断层一侧,具有山高坡陡、近物源、沉积速度快的特点,多发育有冲积扇、近岸水下扇或扇三角洲,在地震相上多表现为楔形杂乱相、 楔形空白相。本文所述内蒙古二连断陷盆地探区的陡带区沉积大量厚度大、延伸长、无分选的粗细混合碎屑物质,造成地震资料存在能量弱、信噪比低、成像差的问题。为有效改善陡带区地震资料品质难以满足地质需求的问题,本文在对大量陡带区地震资料的分析,在充分分析陡带区沉积模式基础上完成了断陷盆地陡带区地球物理建模以及地球物理响应论证。认为大量的粗碎屑物质未经分选、快速沉积是导致断陷盆地陡带区地震采集资料反射能量弱、资料信噪比低、成像困难的直接原因。据此,通过充分的理论论证、模拟以及实际资料验证,推荐断陷盆地陡带区地震资料采集时采用较高的覆盖次数、相对适中的面元、较宽方位和适宜的炮检距。该成果可为类似地区的地震勘探提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

We analyze the thermal gradient distribution of the Junggar basin based on oil-test and well-logging temperature data. The basin-wide average thermal gradient in the depth interval of 0–4000 m is 22.6 °C/km, which is lower than other sedimentary basins in China. We report 21 measured terrestrial heat flow values based on detailed thermal conductivity data and systematical steady-state temperature data. These values vary from 27.0 to 54.1 mW/m2 with a mean of 41.8 ± 7.8 mW/m2. The Junggar basin appears to be a cool basin in terms of its thermal regime. The heat flow distribution within the basin shows the following characteristics. (1) The heat flow decreases from the Luliang Uplift to the Southern Depression; (2) relatively high heat flow values over 50 mW/m2 are confined to the northern part of the Eastern Uplift and the adjacent parts of the Eastern Luliang Uplift and Central Depression; (3) The lowest heat flow of smaller than 35 mW/m2 occurs in the southern parts of the basin. This low thermal regime of the Junggar basin is consistent with the geodynamic setting, the extrusion of plates around the basin, the considerably thick crust, the dense lithospheric mantle, the relatively stable continental basement of the basin, low heat generation and underground water flow of the basin. The heat flow of this basin is of great significance to oil exploration and hydrocarbon resource assessment, because it bears directly on issues of petroleum source-rock maturation. Almost all oil fields are limited to the areas of higher heat flows. The relatively low heat flow values in the Junggar basin will deepen the maturity threshold, making the deep-seated widespread Permian and Jurassic source rocks in the Junggar basin favorable for oil and gas generation. In addition, the maturity evolution of the Lower Jurassic Badaowan Group (J1b) and Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Group (J2x) were calculated based on the thermal data and burial depth. The maturity of the Jurassic source rocks of the Central Depression and Southern Depression increases with depth. The source rocks only reached an early maturity with a R0 of 0.5–0.7% in the Wulungu Depression, the Luliang Uplift and the Western Uplift, whereas they did not enter the maturity window (R0 < 0.5%) in the Eastern Uplift of the basin. This maturity evolution will provide information of source kitchen for the Jurassic exploration.  相似文献   

Many studies investigated the thermal modeling of the Paris basin for petroleum interests during the 1970s. Most of the softwares developed by oil companies or research centers were based on the assumption of a constant thermal gradient. In order to take into consideration the variation of the thermal gradient during basin evolution, we developed the TherMO's Visual Basic 1D program. We applied our model to twenty boreholes located along a cross-section roughly running EW over 150 km in the center of the Paris basin. The numerical results were calibrated with organic matter maturity data. TherMO's simulates the amount of heat provided to the sedimentary organic matter. The heat parameter simulated shows lateral variation along the cross-section. It decreases from Rambouillet to Trou Aux Loups boreholes (87–66 mW/m2) at about 100 km more to the east whereas the heat flux value simulated is 73 mW/m2 in St. Loup borehole. The mean thermal gradient calculated for liassic horizons at 87 My for the Rambouillet well is 50.4 °C/km. This value is similar to previously published results. By integrating the calculation of the thermal gradients and conductivities related to the burial of each stratigraphic sequence, our approach points out variations in the thermal regimes the sedimentary organic matter (SOM) has been subjected to through geological time.  相似文献   

The mineral and inorganic chemical composition of five types of samples from the Pernik subbituminous coals and their products generated from the Pernik preparation plant were studied. They include feed coal, low-grade coal, high-grade coal, coal slime, and host rock. The mineral matter of the coals contains 44 species that belong mainly to silicates, carbonates, sulphates, sulphides, and oxides/hydroxides, and to a lesser extent, chlorides, biogenic minerals, and organic minerals. The detrital minerals are quartz, kaolinite, micas, feldspars, magnetite, cristobalite, spessartine, and amphibole. The authigenic minerals include various sulphides, silicates, oxihydroxides, sulphates, and carbonates. Several stages and substages of formation were identified during the syngenetic and epigenetic mineral precipitations of these coals. The authigenic minerals show the greatest diversity of mineral species as the epigenetic mineralization (mostly sulphides, carbonates, and sulphates) dominates qualitatively and quantitatively. The epigenetic mineralization was a result of complex processes occurring mostly during the late development of the Pernik basin. These processes indicate intensive tectonic, hydrothermal and volcanic activities accompanied by a change from fresh to marine sedimentation environment. Thermally altered organic matter due to some of the above processes was also identified in the basin. Most of the trace elements in the Pernik coals (Mo, Be, S, Zr, Y, Cl, Ba, Sc, Ga, Ag, V, P, Br, Ni, Co, Pb, Ca, and Ti) show an affinity to OM and phases intimately associated with OM. Some of the trace elements (Sr, Ti, Mn, Ba, Pb, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Ni, As, Ag, Yb, Sn, Ga, Ge, etc.) are impurities in authigenic and accessory minerals, while other trace elements (La, Ba, Cu, Ce, Sb, Bi, Zn, Pb, Cd, Nd, etc.) occur as discrete phases. Elements such as Sc, Be, Y, Ba, V, Zr, S, Mo, Ti, and Ga exceed Clarke concentrations in all of the coal types studied. It was also found that a number of elements in the Pernik coals (F, V, As, Pb, Mo, Li, Sr, Ti, Ga, Ni, Ge, Cr, Mn, etc.) reveal mobility in water and could have some environmental concerns.  相似文献   

Thermal waters of the Usak area have temperatures ranging from 33 to 63°C and different chemical compositions. These waters hosted by the Menderes Metamorphic rocks emerge along fault lineaments from two geothermal reservoirs in the area. The first reservoir consists of gneiss, schists, and marbles of the Menderes Metamorphic rocks. The recorded reservoir is Pliocene lacustrine limestone. Hydrogeochemical studies indicate that thermal waters were mixed with surface waters before and/or after heating at depth. The results of mineral equilibrium modeling indicate that all the thermal waters are undersaturated at discharge temperatures for gypsum, anhydrite, and magnesite minerals. Calcite, dolomite, aragonite, quartz, and chalcedony minerals are oversaturated in all of the thermal waters. Water from the reservoir temperatures of the Usak area can reach upto120°C. According to δ18O and δ2H values, all thermal and cold groundwater are of meteoric origin.  相似文献   

The famous spa of Baden-Baden is situated in the northern Black Forest area not far from the upper Rhine valley in southwestern Germany. Its natural sodium chloride thermal water (68°C), together with its extremely mild climate and pleasant landscape, made Baden-Baden one of the most favored spas in Germany. Baden-Baden was a former capital of the German state of Baden (which means bath or spa), and its name is now included in the name of the state of Baden-Württemberg. Thus, Baden-Württemberg is the only area in Germany where a geologic phenomenon is part of the name of the state.  相似文献   

Water resource impacts of climate change in southwestern Bulgaria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study assesses the regional impact of climate change on runoff in a mountainous region of southwestern Bulgaria. A GIS-based distributed hydrologic model and two climate change scenarios – HadCM2 and CCC – were employed for years around 2025 and 2085. Results from both scenarios demonstrate the basin's sensitivity of runoff to climate change, which produce significant spatial and temporal changes in the basin's water yield with maximum runoff shift into early spring and further decreases in summer runoff. There could be no reduction in mean annual runoff, except under the Hadley scenario by 2085. Changes in the magnitude of mean monthly and peak flow are associated with early snowmelt and a reduction in snow cover in spring. Increases in spatial variability of runoff reflect the basin's complex physiographic characteristics. The increase of spatial and temporal variability in runoff points to different strategies for future water resource management. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Most of the grabens of the Middle Amur sedimentary basin (MASB) are usually characterized by similar structures typical of continental rifts. Based on models elaborated for the sedimentary infill in well-studied rift basins, seismic facies developed in grabens of the MASB are first analyzed. The analysis revealed seismic facies characteristic of different parts of asymmetrical basins: facies of fans developed on steep slopes and facies of coastal shoals, alluvial plains, and deltas occurring on gentle slopes. Seismic facies peculiar of deep lacustrine settings that are considered promising with respect to oil-and gas-bearing source rocks is recognized. Correlation of seismic and drilling data confirms the correctness of the interpretations and shows that boreholes penetrated a thin sequence of deep-water lacustrine sediments. Using the vertical electrical sounding method, a low-resistivity sequence that is most promising for discovery of lacustrine sediments is defined in the southwestern and eastern parts of the MASB. The lowest values of the specific resistivity in this sequence (7–8 Ohm · m) are recorded in its southeastern part, where a borehole partly recovered a relatively thick silty-clayey sequence.  相似文献   

Several Mio-Pliocene aged lignite seams occur as part of a non-marine transgressive sequence in the Elhovo graben in south-eastern Bulgaria. The present study is focused on 45 samples collected from three boreholes in the eastern part of the basin. Petrographic data along with ash and sulphur contents were used in order to determine the lateral and vertical variations of the coal facies and depositional environment of the Elhovo lignite.The lignite seams accumulated in a rheotrophic, low-lying mire with high pH value and are characterized by high ash yields and sulphur contents. Despite of the neutral to weakly alkaline environment the bacterial activity was limited and the tissue preservation and gelification were mainly controlled by the redox conditions.Vegetation rich in decay resistant conifers dominated in the Elhovo basin together with mesophytic angiosperm species. The absence of algal remains and sapropelic coal indicated that open water areas were not present during peat accumulation. The latter processed in an environment, characterized by low subsidence rate, in which prior to the burial the woods were subjected to severe mechanical destruction. According to our interpretation, the enhanced impregnation of the tissues bacteria and fungi played only a secondary role in the process of humification. The lignite from borehole 122 and partly from BH 145 deposited in an environment characterized by relatively low (ground)water table, whereas to the south an area dominated by a flooded forest swamp (BH 104) formed. This is suggested by the better tissue preservation and gelification of the organic matter in BH 104. The vertical variation of the maceral composition in the studied lignite is interpreted as a consequence of vegetational changes, rather than to changes in the depositional environment. The low contents of inertinite macerals indicate that despite of the low water level the environment was relatively wet and the thermal and oxidative destruction of the tissues was limited.Peat accumulation was terminated by a major flooding event and a short term establishment of a lake. In contrast to the West Maritsa basin, no seam formed in the Elhovo basin during the filling stage of the lake.  相似文献   

 In 1995 the contamination status of accumulated fine surface sediments and effluent material from the River Danube in Russe (Bulgaria) was analysed for trace metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, As), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis [chlorophenyl] ethane (DDT), 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis [chlorophenyl] ethylene (DDE), 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis [chlorophenyl] ethane (DDD), and hexachlorocyclohexanes (α-, β-, γ- and δ-HCH) to achieve basic information about the River Danube in Bulgaria. The range of trace-metal levels came close to or below the intended quality criteria for the River Elbe in Germany. The only exceptions were Pb in a shipyard, exceeding the final criteria by a factor of 17, and Cr downflow from a metal factory. In one sample from a shipyard (D8) the highest trace metal concentrations were analysed in the fraction 125–2000 μm. The maximum measured PAH contents exhibited a contamination on the lower μg g–1 d.w.-level (dry weight base), traces of PCBs, HCB and DDD/DDE were analysed in the ng g–1 d.w.-range. DDT and HCHs were not detected in any sample. The trace-metal and organic-compounds level in sediments from Lake Srebarna (UNESCO-Biosphere Reserve) displayed completely background character. Received: 18 March 1997 · Accepted: 21 July 1998  相似文献   

Medium-temperature thermal waters in the Mura basin occur in hydrogeological systems different in age, burial depth, temperature, porosity and permeability, and the presence of free carbon dioxide which penetrates through the fractures from pre-Tertiary basement. The waters commonly belong to sodium-bicarbonate hydrogeochemical facies, but may have significantly different amounts of total dissolved solids, including trace elements. Thermal waters occurring in low-permeable, well-compacted and moderately fractured Tertiary sediments older than Upper Pliocene are the richest in trace elements, although their abundance may be very variable from one aquifer to another. The ratios of major alkaline and alkaline earth elements (Na, K, Ca) and trace elements (Li, Rb, Cs, Ba, Sr) commonly show relative enrichment in highly mineralised waters with respect to the waters with lower mineralisation. Rare earth elements (REEs) and Y show only minor fractionation in the highly mineralised waters, whereas in the waters with lower mineralisation strong fractionation of heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) over light rare earth elements (LREEs) occurs, along with a pronounced positive europium anomaly. Positive Th/U ratios are commonly observed, although both actinide elements occur in the range of some hundredths of ppb to some ppb. Trace elements were particularly useful in the study of well cycling in two hydraulically interconnected geothermal wells in the town of Murska Sobota, which produce a mixture of low- and high-mineralised waters.  相似文献   

The evolution of the early/middle Miocene Fohnsdorf Basin has been studied using borehole data, reflection seismic lines, and vitrinite reflectance. The basin is located along the sinistral Mur-Mürz fault system and probably formed as an asymmetric pull-apart basin, which was subsequently modified by halfgraben tectonics, as a consequence of eastward lateral extrusion. Sedimentation started with the deposition of fluvio-deltaic sediments. Thick coal accumulated in the northwestern basin. Thereafter subsidence rates increased dramatically with the formation of a lake several hundred meters deep. The lake was filled mainly from the north with more than 1500?m of sediments showing a coarsening-upward trend due to southward prograding deltaic lobes. A sequence of more than 1000?m of boulder gravels (Blockschotter) in the southeastern part of the basin are interpreted as the upper part of a coarse-grained fan delta succession, which accumulated along a normal fault along the southern basin margin. Fan deltas reached the central basin only during the early stages of sedimentation and during the late stages of basin formation. Miocene heat flow was approximately 65–70?mW/m2, which is significantly lower than in other basins along the Mur-Mürz fault system. The present-day southwestern basin margin is a recent feature, which is related to transpression along the dextral Pöls-Lavanttal fault system. It is formed by reverse faults constituting the northeastern part of a flower structure. Miocene sediments in the Feeberg valley are preserved along its southwestern part. Uplift of the central part of the flower structure was at least 2.4?km. North–south compression resulted in the deformation of the basin fill, uplift of the E/W-trending basement ridge separating the Fohnsdorf and Seckau basins, and in the erosion of 1750?m of sediments along the northern basin margin.  相似文献   

The Precipitation of carbonate cements in the Pobitite Kamani area (Lower Eocene) began during early diagenesis of sediments. There is evidence, however, that calcite is still forming today.The negative 13C values to –29.2 suggest that the carbonate formed during degradation of 12C-enriched organic matter (perhaps partly from oxidation of methane). The 18O values of –0.9 to –1.6 reflect the marine origin of the early diagenetic carbonate cements. Most of the carbonates, however, formed during late diagenesis (at approximately 1300 m burial depth) and/or recently (after uplift) from percolating groundwaters. These carbonates have an isotopic composition characteristic of carbonates which precipitated from meteoric waters under normal sedimentary temperatures in isotopic equilibrium with 12C-enriched soil carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Chaves thermal waters (76°C) are the most important external manifestations of low-temperature geothermal systems occurring in Portuguese mainland. They are related to crystalline granitic rocks. This paper describes the use of the environmental isotopic composition (oxygen-18, deuterium, and tritium) of hot and cold waters of the Chaves area as an important hydrogeological tool to solve specific problems arising in the appraisal of the geothermal resources of the area (e.g., origin and age of waters, recharge area, and underground flow paths).18O and D analyses seem to confirm the meteoric origin of Chaves thermal waters. The local altitude dependence of meteoric waters was determined by18O and D analyses of superficial and shallow groundwaters of the Chaves plain and its bordering mountains. Chaves thermal waters seem to be related to meteoric waters, infiltrated on the highest topography areas (Bolideira granitic outcrop NE Chaves), that percolate at great depth and emerge in a discharge area at lower altitude (Chaves plain). Chaves thermal waters showing little oxygen-18 shift and low tritium concentrations could be considered external manifestations of an old geothermal system in which the isotopic water-rock interaction is adjusted to equilibrium.  相似文献   

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