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Theoretical considerations lead to a solar cosmic ray diffusion coefficient which varies with heliolongitude in a stream-structured solar wind. By solving numerically the time dependent convection-diffusion equation for the particle transport we investigate the effect of the azimuthal variation of the diffusion coefficient on intensity-time profiles as seen by a stationary observer. Depending on the position of the observer relative to the solar wind stream at the time of flare occurrence, completely different intensity-time profiles will be observed. When the spacecraft is at the time of the flare occurrence right at the leading edge of a solar wind stream, the large mean free path leads to rapid steepening of the initial phase of the intensity profile. The longitudinally decreasing mean free path 1 day in front of the leading edge will lead to intensity-time profiles similar to long-time injection events if the event occurs before the stationary observer enters the flux tubes with the decreasing diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - Based on a large series (N = 14 038) of daily solar wind densities, we obtained the fluctuation power spectrum. The spectrum shows that the 399-day variation (the synodic period...  相似文献   

We present the results of our studies of the cosmic-ray fluctuations in the frequency range 10−4−1.67 × 10−3 Hz based on energetic particle flux measurements on spacecraft in the solar wind, in the magnetosphere, and at Earth in the 11-year solar cycle. The cosmic-ray fluctuation spectrum is shown to have an 11-year modulation related to the solar cycle. A different behavior of the level of energetic particle fluctuations measured in different regions of space is observed for cosmic rays of different origins. We conclude that the new, previously unknown phenomenon of 11-year modulation of the cosmic-ray fluctuation spectrum has been established. A possible explanation of this phenomenon is given.  相似文献   

The ordinary mode can frequently become unstable in the solar wind at 1 AU provided the ratio of halo to core electrons density does not exceed the value 0.05. The growth rates corresponding to the average conditions are typically 10 P ( P being the proton cyclotron frequency). Because of low threshold for onset of instability for C 1 (where C is the transverse beta for the core electrons), the mode is expected to play an important role in regulating the solar wind heat flux at 1 AU.  相似文献   

Under a fully electromagnetic treatment, the threshold for excitation of the lower hybrid instability driven by solar wind electron heat flux is found to be much higher than that predicted by electrostatic approximation. For average solar wind conditions at 1 AU, the fully electromagnetic lower hybrid instability is excited when the core electron drift speed is about 8V A, whereV A is the Alfvén speed. The region between the Sun and 1 AU is expected to be more favourable than 1 AU for this instability.  相似文献   

Absolute calibration of solar radio flux density in the microwave region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The absolute calibration of solar radio flux density in the microwave region, which showed considerable discrepancies until 1966, has become completely uniform through international cooperative work. A complete history is described to avoid confusion, and correction factors are derived to convert the published values into absolute values for long series of routine observations. It is also shown that the most reliable calibration can be made by using a large pyramidal horn and by using sky and room temperature as calibration standards.Abbreviation of Stations for Table II, Figures 2 and 3 BERL Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Berlin Adlershof - BORD The Observatory, the University of Bordeaux - GORK Radiophysical Research Institute, Gorky - HIRA Hiraiso Radio Observatory - HUAN Geophysical Institute of Peru, Huancayo - IRKU Irkutsk Radioastronomical Observatory - KIEL Radio Observatory, Kiel University - Radio Observatory, Kiel University - KSLV Kislovodsk Radioastronomical Observatory - MANI Manila Observatory - ONDR Ondejov Observatory - OTTA National Research Council, Ottawa - PENT Dominion Radioastronomical Observatory, Penticton - SANM Observatory of Cosmic Physics, San Miguel - SAOP Mackenzie University, Sao Paulo - SGMR Sagamore Hill Radio Observatory - SYDN University of Sydney - TOKO Tokyo Astronomical Observatory - TYKW Toyokawa Observatory, Nagoya University - UCCL Belgian Royal Observatory, Uccle  相似文献   

Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) measurements obtained from a large number of compact radio sources (nearly 150 sources) distributed over the heliocentric distance range 15–175 solar radii (R() and heliographic latitude 75° N-75° S have been used to study the global three-dimensional density distribution of the solar wind plasma. Contours of constant electron-density fluctuations (N e) in the heliospheric plasma obtained for both the solar minimum and maximum show a strong solar latitude dependence. During low solar activity, the equatorial density-fluctuation value decreases away from the equator towards higher latitudes and is reduced by 2.5 times at the poles; the level of turbulence is reduced by a factor of 7; the solar-wind mass flux density at the poles is 25% lower than the equatorial value. However, during high solar activity, the average distribution of density fluctuations becomes spherically symmetric. In the ecliptic, the variation of N e with the heliocentric distance follows a power law of the formR –2.2 and it does not show any change with solar activity.  相似文献   

Interplanetary scintillation measurements of the solar wind speed in 1976 show the expected trend that higher speeds are found at higher heliographic latitudes or larger angular distances from the interplanetary current sheet deduced from coronal observations. A careful examination of variations in the speed where the current sheet departs from the equator reveals that the wind speed is not symmetrically distributed about the equator, and the minimum speed occurs at the current sheet. The variation of the speed u with the angular distance from the current sheet, λ, during 1976 is
u(λ) = 800 sin?2λ + 350 km/s,|λ| ?35° = 600 km/s, |λ| > 35°
.  相似文献   

Roxburgh  Ian W. 《Solar physics》1974,35(2):481-487
The solution curves of the differential equations determining the behavior of the solar wind are calculated for the case where the heat flux has its maximum value 3/2 nkTv th. All the supersonic solutions are asymptotically adiabatic, T r -4/3.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A simple kinematic method for determining the particle velocity distribution of a model solar wind for which the spatial distribution of particles is given as a function of particle travel time has been developed by Hakamada and Akasofu (1982). Here we formalize their method mathematically and derive an inverse procedure for determining the particle distribution from a given velocity distribution. This inverse procedure is then applied to a simulated velocity distribution obtained from an MHD finite difference code.  相似文献   

The process of cosmic ray acceleration in the front of the spherical shock wave bounding the supersonic solar wind is studied. On the basis of our analytical solution of the transport equation, the energy and spatial distributions of cosmic ray intensity and anisotropy are investigated. It is shown that the shape of accelerated particle spectrum is determined by the medium compressibility at the shock front and by cosmic ray modulation parameters.  相似文献   

An analytical expression is obtained for the K-corona brightness as a function of the distance from the solar limb. The agreement of the theory with the numerous observational data indicates that the density distribution at the levels located at 1.2–2.5 R heliocentric distances may be treated as hydrostatic with T = const. The deviation of the observed K-corona brightness from the expression obtained may be indicative of supersonic fluxes of matter. These concepts may be used to verify the various theoretical models for solar wind source.  相似文献   

In this paper an analytical meteoroid flux model is presented which extends from 1 to 10 AU and covers a mass range from 10−18 to 1 g. The basic flux curve of the model by Grün et al. (1985, Icarus 62, 244–272.) is modified by an analytical multiplication factor in order to approximate the meteoroid flux as predicted by the five-populations-model from Divine (1993, J. Geophys. Res. 98(E9), 17,029–17,048.) The impact velocity distribution as a function of heliocentric distance is described by triangular and Weibull distributions. The analytical model is applied to calculate the probability that an interferometer like DARWIN or LISA may temporarily be disturbed. Also the particle flux on the Galileo, Ulysses and Cassini spacecraft is calculated and compared with measurements and predictions by other meteoroid flux models like METEM.  相似文献   

J. Keiser 《Solar physics》1970,14(2):366-371
In the wavelength range of about = 3.2 cm a discrepancy existed between the absolute calibrations made by the Nagoya University and by the Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) respectively. In this paper a new calibration earned out at the HHI is described, which results in a corrective multiplier of 1.087 for the values published in the HHI Solar Data. Employing this factor the results of the Nagoya group and of the HHI are in good a greement.  相似文献   

The solar wind in the heliosphere is a variable phenomenon on all spatial and time scales. It has been shown that there are two basic types of solar wind by the Strouhal number S = L/VT, which characterizes relative variations in the main parameters of the solar wind on the given time interval T and linear scale L for velocity V, which is never zero. The first type is transient (S > 1), which is usually the basic type for sufficiently small values of T and large values of L. The second type is quasi-stationary, when 1 > S > 0. The constant solar wind is nonexistent. The extreme case of S = 0 is physically impossible, as is the case of S = ∞. It is always necessary to indicate and justify the range of applicability for a special quasi-stationary case 1 ? S > 0. Otherwise, to consider the case of S = 0 is incorrect. Regarding this, the widely-spread views on the stationary state of the solar wind are very conditional. They either lack physical sense, or have a very limited range of applicability for time T and scale L.  相似文献   

The solar flux density was measured absolutely at the frequency 2980 MHz and the results were compared with those of observers, working in the same frequency range. We have found, that our values are integrating well into a smooth spectral curve, whereas it seems that even the corrected values of Ottawa 2800 MHz are 4% too high.  相似文献   

The solar wind     
W. I. Axford 《Solar physics》1985,100(1-2):575-586
The current status of our understanding of the nature and origin of the solar wind is briefly reviewed, with emphasis being placed on the need for wave-particle interactions to account for the main energy source as well as details of the particle distribution functions. There has been considerable progress in the theoretical treatment of various aspects of the physics of the solar wind but a complete understanding is not yet in sight. Arguments concerning the ultimate fate of the solar wind are reviewed, in particular those concerning the distance to the shock wave which marks the termination of supersonic flow. This is of particular significance in view of recent observations suggesting that the termination might occur at about 50 AU from the Sun.  相似文献   

Variations of solar emission in the spectral ranges corresponding to the transition region (304 Å) and corona (175 Å) and their relation to solar wind parameters are investigated for the maximum and declining phase of solar cycle 23 (2001–2004) based on the CORONAS-F/SPIRIT data. It is shown that the variations of solar flux in both ranges are similar and demonstrate a high correlation for long data series. Meanwhile, some time intervals were registered when the intensity variations at 304 Å are delayed with respect to those in 175 Å by, on average, two days. For long periods, the spectra of the full-disk flux at 175 Å and of the solar wind density are close to each other; the same is true for the solar flux spectrum in the 304-Å range and the spectrum of the solar wind velocity. The assumption is made that active processes in the lower corona mainly affect long-period density variations, while the velocity characterizes the kinetics of the total stream of the outflowing matter and its long-term variations are considerably related to the physics of processes occurring deeper in the Sun.  相似文献   

Three kinetic equations describing the linear and non-linear wave-particle interaction for an anisotropic solar wind plasma have been developed. These equations have been solved numerically to find the variation inT /T with respect to time, whereT andT are the perpendicular and parallel temperatures with respect to the ambient magnetic field of the solar wind. For wave energy greater than a critical value (strong turbulence), non-linear wave-particle interactions are important but do not lead to thermalization. On the other hand, weak nonlinear interactions tend to increaseT /T , but make only a negligible contribution in the quantitative sense. Thus, only the linear wave-particle interaction remains as the significant contributer to the increase ofT /T .  相似文献   

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