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A group of seasonal hindcast experiments are conducted using a coupled model known as the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Modelgamil1.11 (FGOALS-g1.11) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG).Two steps are included in our ElNi o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) hindcast experiments.The first step is to integrate the coupled GCM with the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) strongly nudged towards the observation from 1971 to 2006.The second step is to remove the SST nudging term.The authors carried out a one-year hindcast by adopting the initial values from SST nudging experiments from the first step on January 1st,April 1st,July 1st,and October 1st from 1982 to 2005.In the SST nudging experiment,the model can reproduce the observed equatorial thermocline anomalies and zonal wind stress anomalies in the Pacific,which demonstrates that the SST nudging approach can provide realistic atmospheric and oceanic initial conditions for seasonal prediction experiments.The model also demonstrates a high Anomaly Correlation Coefficient (ACC) score for SST in most of the tropical Pacific,Atlantic Ocean,and some Indian Ocean regions with a 3-month lead.Compared with the persistence ACC score,this model shows much higher ACC scores for the Ni o-3.4 index for a 9-month lead.  相似文献   

四个耦合模式ENSO后报试验的“春季预报障碍”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用CliPAS计划中3个气候模式和中国科学院大气物理研究所耦合模式FGOALS-g短期气候异常回报试验结果,将动力和统计方法相结合,考察了1982—2003年厄尔尼诺/拉尼娜事件发展期和衰减期海表温度春季可预报性障碍现象。结果表明,所考察的耦合模式对ENSO事件预报的误差发展存在明显的季节依赖性,最大误差增长通常发生在春季,发生显著的可预报性障碍现象。进一步分析发现厄尔尼诺事件和拉尼娜事件在发展期的季节预报障碍现象比衰减期明显,以厄尔尼诺事件发展期春季可预报性障碍现象最为显著,拉尼娜事件衰减期季节预报障碍现象不显著。研究还发现,预报误差的增长在ENSO事件冷暖位相具有显著的非对称性,发展期暖位相预报误差强于冷位相,而衰减期冷位相的预报误差比暖位相大。通过回归分析,诊断了海-气相互作用的强度,发现耦合系统在春季最不稳定,使预报误差最易在春季发展,从而导致可预报性障碍。  相似文献   

全球热带简单海气耦合模式中的ENSO预报试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史历  殷永红  倪允琪 《大气科学》2001,25(5):627-640
利用一个全球热带简单海气耦合模式(GTSM模式),并选取热带三大洋较强的冷暖事件作为预报对象进行了若干预报试验,分析结果发现:在GTSM模式中由于热带三大洋海气耦合通过大气模式而相互作用和影响,使得该模式对于东大西洋和中东印度洋较强冷暖事件的预报能力,较单独大西洋或单独印度洋耦合模式均有明显提高,预报和观测的ATL3、IND3指数的相关系数达到0.5以上的月份,分别达到9个月和6个月左右;而在东太平洋则和ZC(LDEO1)模式差不多,预报和观测的Nio3指数的相关系数达到0.6以上的月份可以达到15个月左右.  相似文献   

一个改进的混合型海气耦合模式:ENSO模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在中国科学院大气物理研究所热带太平洋环流模式与一个统计大气模式所建立的混合型海气耦合模式中引入次表层上卷海温非局地参数化方案, 对比分析了次表层上卷海温对耦合模式模拟结果的影响, 表明在引入次表层上卷海温非局地参数化方案前耦合模式模拟的SSTA最大变率中心位于日界线附近赤道南北狭窄范围内, 而在赤道东太平洋及南美沿岸一带变率过低, 周期呈准2年振荡。改进后, 耦合模式模拟结果的分布不论在东西方向亦或南北方向与观测更为相近, 振荡周期为4年左右, 而且还能模拟出观测中ENSO振荡的季节依赖性特征。进一步分析改进的耦合模式中海气耦合特征, 表明 “延迟振子” 理论、 “西太平洋振子” 理论、 “充电-放电振子” 理论及 “平流-反射” 理论所揭示的一些规律在该模式中都能被不同程度地描述出来, 这说明在实际的ENSO循环过程中, 可能有多种机制在同时起作用。  相似文献   

一个可供ENSO预测的海气耦合环流模式及1997/1998 ENSO的预测   总被引:27,自引:9,他引:27  
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所设计发展的具有较高分辨率的热带太平洋和全球大气耦合环流模式,设计了一个初始化方案,建立了ENSO预测系统,进行了系统性的预测试验。预测结果检验评估表明,该预测系统表现出较强的预报能力,赤道中东太平洋地区(Nino3和Nino34)海表温度距平预报相关技巧高于052的预报可持续18个月,该预测系统可应用到试验性的海温预测实践中。利用该系统对1997/1998年ENSO进行了实际预测,表明预测是成功的,预测的海温距平已提供给今年我国夏季降水预测使用,取得了良好的预测效果。  相似文献   

赵珊珊  杨修群 《气象科学》2000,21(3):389-399
本文利用中科院大气所两层全球大气环流模式和十四层热带太平洋模式的耦合环流模式100年积分中的后30年的月平均输出资料,通过分析海表面温度、上层海洋热容量和海表面高度异常的年际变化,揭示了模式ENSO循环(包括其产生、发展、成熟和消亡过程)的特征及其控制机理。结果表明,控制本文耦合环流模式中ENSO循环的机理是“时滞振子”模态,这和由中间复杂程度耦合模式得到的ENSO控制机理是一致的。反映了“时滞振  相似文献   

一个海气耦合环流模式中的ENSO 循环特征及控制机理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  

在所构造的海气耦合模式中,采用Zebiak海洋模式框架,并重建了一个海洋数值模式,大气模式采用了Gill模式.在大气模式中保留了时间发展项,潜热加热采用了Kleeman方案.对模式的积分结果表明,海温异常具有3~7年的准周期振荡.在模式El Nino事件的初始阶段,西风异常,海温正距平(SSTA)首先在赤道西太平洋发生,然后向东传播、加强.在模式ENSO循环的位相转换过程中,SSTA的空间分布共有4种不同类型.模式模拟的El Nino事件的初始阶段有两种发展类型,它们是:在初始阶段中西太平洋和东太平洋沿岸各有海表温度的正异常发生.在以后的发展中,一种情况是这两块正SSTA都发展连成一片,形成El Nino事件;另一种情况是中西太平洋地区的正SSTA衰减,中东太平洋地区的正SSTA加强,向西传播,形成El Nino事件.模式模拟的La Nina事件的初始阶段也有两科发展类型,它们的发展过程和El Nino事件初始阶段的发展过程相似.  相似文献   

一个ENSO动力-相似误差订正模式及其后报初检验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为有效利用历史资料中的相似信息,减小模式误差对ENSO这类跨季节-年际尺度预测问题的影响提高动力模式的预测水平.作者利用一种基于统计相似的模式误差订正方法,以国家气候中心简化海气耦合模式为平台建立了相应的动力-相似误差订正(DAEC)模式,并着重探讨了系统相似程度(全相似或部分相似)、误差重估周期以及相似样本个数等因素对预报效果的影响.结果表明,利用该方法可以有效地改善原有模式的预报性能,其中 "全相似" 比 "部分相似" 更能反映海气耦合系统的相似程度,从而对模式误差做出更为准确的估计,使预报误差明显减小.海洋和大气的误差重估周期对结果也有较大影响,在不同相似程度下分别存在着某种最优配置使得预报效果达到最佳.另外,在对相似样本存在状况及影响的研究中则发现在当前资料长度内整体上只存在着有限个相似样本,在此范围内随着样本取样数目的增加DAEC模式的预报性能逐渐提高.  相似文献   

基于海气耦合环流模式的ENSO预测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Predictions of ENSO are described by using a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. The initial conditions are created by forcing the coupled system using SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific at the background of the coupled model climatology. A series of 24-month hindcasts for the period from November 1981 to December 1997 are carried out to validate the performance of the coupled system. Correlations of SST anomalies in the Nino3 region exceed 0.54 up to 15 months in advance and the rms errors are less than 0.9℃. The system is more skillful in predicting SST anomalies in the 1980s and less in the 1990s. The model skills are also seasonal-dependent, which are lower for the predictions starting from late autumn to winter and higher for those from spring to autumn in a year-time forecast length. The prediction, beginning from March, persists 8 months long with the correlation skill exceeding 0.6, which is important in predictions of summer rainfall in China. The predictions are succesful in many aspects for the 1997-2000 ENSO events.  相似文献   

Using the Flexible Global Ocean--Atmosphere--Land System model (FGOALS)version g1.11, a group of seasonal hindcasting experiments were carried out.In order to investigate the potential predictability of sea surfacetemperature (SST), singular value decomposition (SVD) analyses were appliedto extract dominant coupled modes between observed and predicated SST fromthe hindcasting experiments in this study. The fields discussed are seasurface temperature anomalies over the tropical Pacific basin(20oS--20oN, 120oE--80oW), respectively starting in fourseasons from 1982 to 2005. On the basis of SVD analysis, the simulatedpattern was replaced with the corresponding observed pattern to reconstructSST anomaly fields to improve the ability of the simulation. The predictiveskill, anomaly correlation coefficients (ACC), after systematic errorcorrection using the first five modes was regarded as potentialpredictability. Results showed that: 1) the statistical postprocessingapproach was effective for systematic error correction; 2) model errorsources mainly arose from mode 2 extracted from the SVD analysis---that is,during the transition phase of ENSO, the model encountered the springpredictability barrier; and 3) potential predictability (upper limits ofpredictability) could be high over most of the tropical Pacific basin,including the tropical western Pacific and an extra 10-degrees region of themid and eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

利用区域气候模式对全球气候模式季节预测产品进行动力降尺度,是获取未来高分辨率季节气候预测结果的重要途径。使用区域气候模式RegCM4.4单向嵌套国家气候中心气候系统模式BCC_CSM1.1(m)输出结果,进行东亚19912013年逐年3月1日—9月1日的气候回报试验及2014年3月1日9月1日的气候预测试验。分析模式对中国地区夏季(6-8月)地面气温和降水的回报结果表明:RegCM4.4对夏季气候态的回报优于驱动场模式BCC_CSM1.1(m),并能提供更详细可靠的局地信息;RegCM4.4回报和观测的多年平均气温、降水的空间距平相关系数(ACCs)分别为-0.04和0.01,空间距平符号一致率(PCs)分别为51.1%和50.6%,趋势异常综合评分(PS)分别为64.2和70.3,均方差误差(MSE)分别为1.09 ℃和0.30 mm/d。RegCM4.4对中国地区2014年夏季气候预测结果表明,模式对夏季气温、降水距平整体分布的预测较好,但在次区域尺度上预测结果和观测存在差别。本研究只进行了一个区域气候模式RegCM4.4嵌套一个全球模式BCC_CSM1.1(m)单样本回报和预测试验的动力降尺度试验研究,未来在改进驱动场模式和区域气候模式模拟预测性能、订正驱动场模式输出系统误差及提高运算能力的基础上,进行多模式多样本的集合试验研究,有助于提高精细化短期气候预测产品的质量。  相似文献   

文中利用一个高分辨率全球海-气耦合环流模式设计两组长期积分试验,揭示了在不同气候背景态下热带太平洋年际变化特征及模式ENSO循环控制机理的差异。通过分析海表温度、上层海洋热容量和低层风场异常的年际变化特征及其和赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常的关系,揭示了基于不同气候背景场的ENSO循环的不同演变过程。结果表明:ENSO年际变率特征(包括振幅、频率等)对气候背景态相当敏感,在不同的背景场下ENSO循环的控制模态可以明显不同。试验表明,当热带太平洋东冷西暖的背景热力梯度接近多年气候平均时,模式ENSO循环表现为所谓的“时滞振子”模态控制,而随着东西向背景热力梯度显著减小,ENSO循环则可以表现为驻波模态控制。研究结果为认识年代际背景变化影响年际ENSO循环的机理提供了一种启示。  相似文献   

A simple method for initializing intermediate coupled models (ICMs) using only sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly data is comprehensively tested in two sets of hindcasts with a new ICM. In the initialization scheme, both the magnitude of the nudging parameter and the duration of the assimilation are considered, and initial conditions for both atmosphere and ocean are generated by running the coupled model with SST anomalies nudged to the observations. A comparison with the observations indicates that the scheme can generate realistic thermal fields and surface dynamic fields in the equatorial Pacific through hindcast experiments. An ideal experiment is performed to get the optimal nudging parameters which include the nudging intensity and nudging time length. Twelve-month-long hindcast experiments are performed with the model over the period 1984–2003 and the period 1997–2003. Compared with the original prediction results, the model prediction skills are significantly improved by the nudging method especially beyond a 6-month lead time during the two different periods. Potential problems and further improvements are discussed regarding the new coupled assimilation system.  相似文献   

Large biases exist in real-time ENSO prediction, which can be attributed to uncertainties in initial conditions and model parameters. Previously, a 4 D variational(4 D-Var) data assimilation system was developed for an intermediate coupled model(ICM) and used to improve ENSO modeling through optimized initial conditions. In this paper, this system is further applied to optimize model parameters. In the ICM used, one important process for ENSO is related to the anomalous temperature of subsurface water entrained into the mixed layer(T_e), which is empirically and explicitly related to sea level(SL) variation.The strength of the thermocline effect on SST(referred to simply as "the thermocline effect") is represented by an introduced parameter, αT_e. A numerical procedure is developed to optimize this model parameter through the 4 D-Var assimilation of SST data in a twin experiment context with an idealized setting. Experiments having their initial condition optimized only,and having their initial condition plus this additional model parameter optimized, are compared. It is shown that ENSO evolution can be more effectively recovered by including the additional optimization of this parameter in ENSO modeling.The demonstrated feasibility of optimizing model parameters and initial conditions together through the 4 D-Var method provides a modeling platform for ENSO studies. Further applications of the 4 D-Var data assimilation system implemented in the ICM are also discussed.  相似文献   

The mean climatology and the basic characteristics of the ENSO cycle simulated by a coupled model FGCM-1.0 are investigated in this study. Although with some common model biases as in other directly coupled models, FGCM-1.0 is capable of producing the interannual variability of the tropical Pacific, such as the ENSO phenomenon. The mechanism of the ENSO events in the coupled model can be explained by "delayed oscillator" and "recharge-discharge" hypotheses. Compared to the observations, the simulated ENSO events show larger amplitude with two distinctive types of phase-locking: one with its peak phaselocked to boreal winter and the other to boreal summer. These two types of events have a similar frequency of occurrence, but since the second type of event is seldom observed, it may be related to the biases of the coupled model. Analysis show that the heat content anomalies originate from the central south Pacific in the type of events peaking in boreal summer, which can be attributed to a different background climatology from the normal events. The mechanisms of their evolutions are also discussed.  相似文献   

利用GCM模式对全球雷电活动的模拟分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将修正的参数化方案嵌套入美国马里兰大学海-陆-气研究中心的全球大气环流谱模式(COLAGCM),建立了可用于全球雷电活动模拟与估测的模式系统.通过对模式输出与实况资料的对比,检验其气候模拟性能.虽然模式的分辨率较低但经过较长时间积分,仍可再现实况资料的主要特征.性能良好,计算稳定,且因时间步长较大可大大节省机时.耦合模式系统经长时间的积分后,模拟的多年平均的全球雷电频次时空分布及变化与观测分析较一致.全球范围内每秒钟平均有79次的雷电发生,陆海比为12.2.多发生在北半球夏季且具明显的季节变化特征.  相似文献   

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