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1 引言南药系指原产于热带国家的药材 ,在我国南方等省也有种植 ,经过多年的引种栽培 ,野生变家种。在我省南部边缘的低热河谷有少量种植和生长 ,截至目前为止 ,我省种植和生产的南药有砂仁、儿茶、安息香、苏木、肉桂、巴戟、八角、木瓜、艾纳香、龙眼肉、荔枝核等十余种。分布在罗甸、望谟、册亨、兴义、紫云、安龙、贞丰、关岭、赤水、习水等县 ,并初步具有一定的商品基地规模。由于南药对疾病有奇特的疗效 ,一些南药同时又可作为食用香料以及制造高级化妆品的主要原料 ,因而经济价值非常高。然而南药对热量条件的要求特别严格 ,如遇霜…  相似文献   

依据梧州市六堡茶生长发育的气候适应条件,筛选出影响六堡茶生长发育的4个气候关键因子作为其种植气候区划因子。采用地理信息系统(GIS)绘制出梧州市六堡茶气候适应性区划图,针对各适宜区进行了分析与评述。结果表明,梧州市六堡茶气候适应种植的最适宜区为岑溪市的南部和东北部,蒙山县的大部分区域,适宜区为岑溪市的西部,藤县的南部和北部,蒙山的南部,次适宜区为梧州市的大部分,苍梧县的中西部,藤县的西部,不适宜区为藤县的中东部,龙圩区的西部,苍梧县的东部。结果可为梧州市六堡茶的合理布局及趋利避害提供科学依据。  相似文献   

在分析谷子气候生态适应性的基础上,建立不同气候区谷子气候产量模型。确定影响产量形成关键时段的关键气象因素是≥10℃积温、8~9月平均气温、7月降水以及海拔高度和投入产出比等适生种植区划综合指标体系,据此划分5个谷子气候生态种植区。并提出提高气候生态资源的开发利用途径。  相似文献   

甘肃省糜子生态气候研究及适生种植区划   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对甘肃省各地糜子生物特征与关键生长期生态气候适应性的探讨,运用统计学方法分析了气象因子对糜子产量的影响,确定生态气候适生种植区划综合指标体系,作出种植适生生态气候区划,并提出提高生态气候资源利用途径。  相似文献   

甘肃省蚕豆气候生态条件及适生种植区划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析蚕豆栽培气候生态适应性的基础上,建立蚕豆气候产量模式,采用气候变量进行EOF分解分析,确定蚕豆种植气候生态适生种植区划指标,应用模糊聚类分析划分出蚕豆5类适生种植气候生态区,并提出甘肃蚕豆气候生态资源开发利用途径。  相似文献   

基于GIS的三门峡市苹果种植气候适宜性区划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了探明三门峡市苹果气候适应性及种植规模扩展空间,利用三门峡、灵宝、卢氏、渑池4个县级气象站点和苹果种植区及周边19个区域多要素气象站点资料,依据海拔高度将苹果种植区划分为塬区、浅山区和中山区3种区域,运用模糊隶属度评价各区气候因子,筛选出年均气温、年降水量、6—8月平均气温作为区划指标,针对不同气候要素采用克立格或反距离权重的GIS方法进行小网格插值,最终形成精细化的三门峡市苹果种植气候适宜性区划图。区划结果表明:最适宜区多位于三门峡市中部和中南部,适宜区多位于东部和北部,不适宜区为北部边缘地带。当前三门峡市苹果种植主要分布于灵宝中部、南部和陕县西南部,是苹果的主产区和优质区;其他未开展苹果种植的卢氏县北部、陕县东南部处于最适宜区域,渑池县大部分处于适宜区,是未来苹果种植面积扩展的首选地区,但尚需综合考虑土壤、地形、气候等因素对苹果品质的影响。  相似文献   

甘肃中部胡麻生态气候条件分析及适生种植区划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李巧珍  蔡育 《干旱气象》2002,20(1):27-29
文中分析胡麻生长发育、产量形成与气象条件的关系 ,建立胡麻气候产量模式 ,确定适宜种植生态气候区划 ,为调整胡麻布局、合理利用气候资源 ,发展经济作物提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于1961—2019年全国1903个气象站点的气候数据以及1115条茶树分布站点记录,利用最大熵模型和GIS技术筛选影响茶树种植的主导气候因子,根据自然间断点分级法将中国大陆茶树气候适宜性划分为不适宜区、次适宜区、适宜区和高适宜区4个等级,厘定不同区划等级的主导气候因子阈值。结果表明:影响中国大陆地区茶树种植分布的主导气候因子为多年平均极端最低气温、春霜冻频率、年平均气温、年降水量和3—9月平均相对湿度。模型区划结果与名茶之乡、地理标志茶叶所在地吻合较好。茶树适生区的北界总体呈现出由东部高纬度向西部低纬度降低的分布态势,北界界限移动较明显地区主要分布在东部高纬度省份。整体茶树适生区质心的年代际变化较为平缓,除20世纪60—70年代和80—90年代的适生区范围有所缩小外,其他相邻年代际间茶树适生区的面积均呈现出不同程度的增长趋势,与质心迁移情况相吻合。  相似文献   

1960~2000年中国不同季节的气温分区及趋势   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国486个测站1960-2000年逐日气温观测资料,采用分层聚类和相似分析方法,对中国月、季、半年、年平均气温进行了区划,通过动态分析分层聚类过程中组内和组间平均相关系数的差异指标,为不同季节气温分析、预测研究找到适宜的分区方案。得到中国年平均气温分区为23个区;冬、夏半年均为22个区;春、夏、秋、冬季分别为24、28、26、28个区;1~12月分别为24、23、18、18、18、25、19、20、29、31、18、24个区。在全球变暖的气候背景下,各区域年、季气温在变化趋势、阶段异常、极端变化上均有明显的区域差异。  相似文献   

通过建立增产性能、稳产性能、重要性能、经济性能、抗旱性能 5个评价指标的隶属函数 ,运用模糊数学方法计算了武威市主要种植作物的气候经济优势 ,得出了在武威市目前社会、自然和经济条件下最具优势的 4种种植作物依次为玉米、甜菜、油菜和小麦。根据气候经济优势度值对现有种植结构提出了调整方案  相似文献   

Progresses in the research for season division and seasonal changes are reviewed systematically in this paper,which particularly introduces the results of a national natural science foundation project,"the nonlinear identification of seasonal changes and its responses to global warming".The project developed two objective and quantitative methods for season division:the non-linear similarity measure(NSM) method and the regional multi-element optimal dissection(RMOD) method,which differ from traditional ones for season division.Besides,the project further investigated seasonal changes and their responses to global warming,analyzed evolution characteristics of the starting date and length of seasons in history,revealed their relationships with extreme events and precipitation patterns in rainy seasons,and thereby built a research system for seasonal changes in China under the global warming background.Finally,the authors make an outlook on the research for season division and seasonal changes and put forward several issues associated with season and climate changes that need to be further explored.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖区棉花种植气候区划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用鄱阳湖区1961—2005年气象资料和1:50000地理数据,对影响棉花生长和产量形成的主要气象要素进行分析,并建立鄱阳湖区棉花气候区划指标;通过GIS空间分析,将影响棉花生长的关键气候要素插值生成分布式数据,根据建立的棉花区划指标对鄱阳湖区棉花种植进行气候区划。结果表明:鄱阳湖北部区域即九江市所辖的部分县域,气候条件有利于棉花的生长和高品质的形成,是鄱阳湖区棉花生产潜力最大的地区;鄱阳湖区中部,气候条件基本能满足棉花生长发育的要求,为棉花种植的一般区;鄱阳湖区外围的东、南、西部,气候条件不利于棉花生长发育,属风险棉区。  相似文献   

In this paper,we simulate the regional climate in summer and winter in northwestern part ofChina and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau with regional climate model(MM4)nested with GFDLdata,and compare the simulated results with observed data and GFDL data.The results show thatthe regional model reproduces the regional climate systems,such as the high pressure on theplateau and the low pressure in the north of the plateau in winter,the warm-low pressure over theplateau and pressure ridge in south and north of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in summer.Theseregional climate features could not be distinguished by the GCM.The simulations of precipitationdistribution are reasonable.But differences between the simulated and observed precipitationvalues in some places are obvious.The precipitation in south of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau isunderestimated,and in north of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau,the precipitation is overestimated.The simulation of height field is better than temperature field.  相似文献   

Due to the close relationship between regional climate anomalies and social-economy andsociety development,climatologists worldwide paid great attention to the regional climateanomalies over a long period of time and the corresponding investigation of regional climatemodeling has made great progresses.Since 1990 the regional climate simulations have made a moresubstantial achievement.This paper will focus on the reliability and uncertainties of regionalclimate modeling by global climate models,the advances on regional climate modeling in the worldand the outlook of regional climate modeling.  相似文献   

Results of one-year simulations using the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model, with the use of different radiation schemes (RRTM, RRTMG, CAM, New Goddard and Goddard), are evaluated for China. The observations used in the model assessment include station data from the China Meteorological Administration, 14 flux field sites arranged in a coordinated observation network, and Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) data. Specifically, based on a Taylor diagram, the temperature differences between the radiation schemes are small, and the best annual mean spatial pattern and average value for China as a whole is produced by RRTMG. For the rainfall and net radiation annual mean simulation, the New Goddard and CAM schemes present better results than the RRTMG scheme. With respect to low cloud cover, all the schemes have similar reproduction without high cover on east of Tibet Plateau. Overall, the New Goddard and CAM schemes are suitable for longtime simulation without nesting and nudging options.  相似文献   

Impacts of greenhouse effects(2×CO2) on climate change over China as simulated by a regional climate model have been investigated.The model was based on RegCM2 and is nested in one-way mode within a global coupled atmosphere-ocean model(CSIRO R21L9 AOGCM).Two multi-year simulations,the control run with normal CO2 concentration and the sensitivity run with doubled CO2 concentration are conducted. As Part I of the publications,results of control run of the CSIRO,i.e.its simulation of present climate in China,are analyzed briefly.It shows that the model can basically reproduce the surface air temperature and precipitation pattern over China.Therefore,its outputs can be used to drive the regional model. Analysis of control run of RegCM shows that with a high resolution,the model improves the simulations of surface air temperature and precipitation in China as compared to the CSIRO model, especially for the precipitation.The spatial correlation coefficient between simulated and observed annual temperature increased from 0.83 in the CSIRO to 0.92 in the RegCM and for annual precipitation from 0.48 in the CSIRO to 0.65 in the RegCM.A similar improvement in the RegCM compared to the CSIRO was found in all simulated months.The main improvement for surface temperature is that RegCM can simulate the fine scale structure of temperature caused by topography.RegCM greatly improved the spatial distribution of precipitation by eliminating the virtual precipitation center in central China,which was simulated by many other GCMs.The precipitation simulated by RegCM in North and Northwest China is smaller than that by CSIRO, which makes it closer to the observation.  相似文献   

The heavy rainfall in the summer of 1998 over China has been simulated with the NCCRegional Climate Model(RegCM_NCC).It was successful for RegCM_NCC to reproduce thelocation and seasonal shift of the seasonal rain belt in the summer of 1998 over China.The rainyseason in the summer of 1998 over China can be divided into 7 episodes,including the pre-summerrainy season in South China.the Meiyu onset over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin,shortappearance of North China rain season and the retreat of seasonal rain belt,the second Meiyuseason over the Yangtze River Valley,the rainy period over the Yellow and Huaihe River Valleyand the seasonal retreat of rain belt over North China.The shortcoming of the RegCM_NCC isover-estimation of precipitation amounts.The regions with large latent heat flux,upper soilmoisture and total runoff are located in the rainy area and move with the simulated rain belt duringthe different episodes.On the contrary,the regions with small sensible heat flux are located in thesimulated rainy area and move with the simulated rain belt during the different episodes.  相似文献   

p—σRCM模式对中国区域气候季节变化的模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对区域气候季节变化的模拟,对p-σ坐标系区域气候模式的模拟能力进行了检验,模式较准确地再现了中国区域气候系统的季节性变化特征及中国东部降水带的季节性进退,模拟的各气候区域水的季节变化趋势也与实况基本相符,但模式低估了华东和华南地区的春季降水,而高估了华东,西南和西北地区的秋季降水。  相似文献   

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