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We performed high resolution spectroscopy of the solar corona during the total solar eclipse of 22 July 2009 in two emission lines: the green line at 5303 ? due to Fe xiv and the red line at 6374 ? due to Fe x, simultaneously from Anji (latitude 30°28.1′ N; longitude 119°35.4′ E; elevation 890 m), China. A two-mirror coelostat with 100 cm focal length lens produced a 9.2 mm image of the Sun. The spectrograph using 140 cm focal length lens in Littrow mode and a grating with 600 lines per millimeter blazed at 2 μm provided a dispersion of 30 m? and 43 m? per pixel in the fourth order around the green line and third order around the red line, respectively. Two Peltier cooled 1k × 1k CCD cameras, with a pixel size of 13 μm square and 14-bit readout at 10 MHz operated in frame transfer mode, were used to obtain the time sequence spectra in two emission lines simultaneously. The duration of totality was 341 s, but we could get spectra for 270 s after a trial exposure at an interval of 5 s. We report here on the detection of intensity, velocity, and line width oscillations with periodicity in the range of 25 – 50 s. These oscillations can be interpreted in terms of the presence of fast magnetoacoustic waves or torsional Alfvén waves. The intensity ratios of green to red emission lines indicate the temperature of the corona to be 1.65 MK in the equatorial region and 1.40 MK in the polar region, relatively higher than the expected temperature during the low activity period. The width variation of the emission lines in different coronal structures suggests different physical conditions in different structures.  相似文献   

The flash spectra of the solar chromosphere and corona were measured with a slitless spectrograph before, after, and during the totality of the solar eclipse of 11 July 2010, at Easter Island, Chile. This eclipse took place at the beginning of Solar Cycle 24, after an extended minimum of solar activity. The spectra taken during the eclipse show a different intensity ratio of the red and green coronal lines compared with those taken during the total solar eclipse of 1 August 2008, which took place toward the end of Solar Cycle 23. The characteristic coronal emission line of forbidden Fe xiv (5303 Å) was observed on the east and west solar limbs in four areas relatively symmetrically located with respect to the solar rotation axis. Subtraction of the continuum flash-spectrum background led to the identification of several extremely weak emission lines, including forbidden Ca xv (5694 Å), which is normally detected only in regions of very high excitation, e.g., during flares or above large sunspots. The height of the chromosphere was measured spectrophotometrically, using spectral lines from light elements and compared with the equivalent height of the lower chromosphere measured using spectral lines from heavy elements.  相似文献   

We obtained the images of the eastern part of the solar corona in the Fe xiv 530.3 nm (green) and Fe x 637.4 nm (red) coronal emission lines during the total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006 at Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey. The images were obtained using a 35 cm Meade telescope equipped with a Peltier-cooled 2k × 2k CCD and 0.3 nm pass-band interference filters at the rates of 2.95 s (exposure times of 100 ms) and 2.0 s (exposure times of 300 ms) in the Fe xiv and Fe x emission lines, respectively. The analysis of the data indicates intensity variations at some locations with period of strongest power around 27 s for the green line and 20 s for the red line. These results confirm earlier findings of variations in the continuum intensity with periods in the range of 5 to 56 s by Singh et al. (Solar Phys. 170, 235, 1997). The wavelet analysis has been used to identify significant intensity oscillations at all pixels within our field of view. Significant oscillations with high probability estimates were detected for some locations only. These locations seem to follow the boundary of an active region and in the neighborhood, rather than within the loops themselves. These intensity oscillations may be caused by fast magneto-sonic waves in the solar corona and partly account for heating of the plasma in the corona.  相似文献   

Some 8000 images obtained with the Solar Eclipse Coronal Imaging System (SECIS) fast-frame CCD camera instrument located at Lusaka, Zambia, during the total eclipse of 21 June 2001 have been analysed to search for short-period oscillations in intensity that could be a signature of solar coronal heating mechanisms by MHD wave dissipation. Images were taken in white-light and Fe xiv green-line (5303 ?) channels over 205 seconds (frame rate 39 s−1), approximately the length of eclipse totality at this location, with a pixel size of four arcseconds square. The data are of considerably better quality than those that we obtained during the 11 August 1999 total eclipse (Rudawy et al.: Astron. Astrophys. 416, 1179, 2004), in that the images are much better exposed and enhancements in the drive system of the heliostat used gave a much improved image stability. Classical Fourier and wavelet techniques have been used to analyse the emission at 29 518 locations, of which 10 714 had emission at reasonably high levels, searching for periodic fluctuations with periods in the range 0.1 – 17 seconds (frequencies 0.06 – 10 Hz). While a number of possible periodicities were apparent in the wavelet analysis, none of the spatially and time-limited periodicities in the local brightness curves was found to be physically important. This implies that the pervasive Alfvén wave-like phenomena (Tomczyk et al.: Science 317, 1192, 2007) using polarimetric observations with the Coronal Multi-Channel Polarimeter (CoMP) instrument do not give rise to significant oscillatory intensity fluctuations.  相似文献   

Fluxes have been computed for Fex (6374 Å) and Fe xiv (5303 Å) lines as a function of solar radii and at various coronal tempratures. The electron density derived from the white light corona during the total solar eclipse of 1980 were used in the computations. Fluxes in adjacent continua have also been computed. The computed ratios of line flux to the square of continuum flux at a coronal temperature of 1.6 × 106 K show a good fit with the observed values for Fex line. Further, radiative excitation seems to dominate over collisional excitation beyond 1.3 solar radius.  相似文献   

Together with the main 11-year cycle, solar activity also displays intracycle periodicities. A simple nonlinear model that describes the 11-year solar cycle with subperiodicities can be derived from the usual α – ω dynamo theory in the form of a Van der Pol equation with a forcing term. In this paper the results obtained from the Van der Pol oscillator describing the amplitude modulations and periodicities observed from the data set of the global daily coronal emission of the Fe xiv line at 530.3 nm are presented.  相似文献   

The rare-earth ions cerium ii, lanthanum ii, dysprosium ii, and additionally zirconium ii and iron ii, are seen as weak emission features in the wings of the solar Ca ii H and K lines. The strength of these emission lines increases on the disk toward the limb. We provide recent high-resolution observations at disk center and at the limb. The identity of the weak lines is re-worked. We point out the unique role of eclipse spectra in distinguishing between the photospheric and chromospheric origins of emission lines. It is then demonstrated from our full disk (Sun-as-a-Star) and center disk archives, 1974 – 2010, that no activity cycle related signal is evident (save for the H and K lines themselves).  相似文献   

Comparisons of solar magnetic-field measurements made in different spectral lines are very important, especially in those lines in which observations have a long history or (and) specific diagnostic significance. The spectral lines Fe i 523.3 nm and Fe i 525.0 nm belong to this class. Therefore, this study is devoted to a comprehensive analysis using new high-precision Stokes-meter full-disk observations. The disk-averaged magnetic-field strength ratio R=B(523.3)/B(525.0) equals 1.97±0.02. The center-to-limb variation (CLV) is R=1.74−2.43μ+3.43μ 2, where μ is the cosine of the center-to-limb angle. For the disk center, we find R=2.74, and for near-limb areas with μ=0.3, R equals 1.32. There is only a small dependence of R on the spatial resolution. Our results are rather close to those published three decades ago, but differ significantly from recent magnetographic observations. An application of our results to the important SOHO/MDI magnetic data calibration issue is discussed. We conclude that the revision of the SOHO/MDI data, based only on the comparison of magnetic-field measurements in the line pair Fe i 523.3 nm and Fe i 525.0 nm (increasing by a factor of 1.7 or 1.6 on average according to recent publications) is not obvious and new investigations are urgently needed.  相似文献   

During the total solar eclipse of 11 June, 1983, an imaging dual-channel Fabry-Pérot interferometer was used to obtain line profiles simultaneously in the green 5303 Å [Fe xiv] and the red 6374 Å [Fe x] coronal lines at various positions in the corona. Extensive microdensitometry followed by multi-Gaussian curve-fitting analysis has resulted in the determination of coronal temperatures and velocity separations between different pockets of coronal gas in the line of sight over a large extent of the corona. Fewer high temperature zones are to be found in the corona of 1983 compared with our similar green-line measurements of the solar maximum corona of 1980. The data are consistent with a temperature maximum occurring at 1.2 R , as found at the 1980 eclipse, but our new data are insufficient to observe farther out than this radius and so determine the position of a maximum. The velocity field in the corona at the 1983 eclipse is less structured compared with that at the 1980 eclipse and is mainly confined to the zone 20–30km s–1.  相似文献   

We present theoretical calculations of the observed coronal emission line profiles of Fexiv (5303 Å) and Fex (6374 Å) ions, which are observed at the time of total solar eclipse. Baumbach's relation (Allen, 1973) of electron density has been employed to compute the full width at half maximum FWHM. We have employed several other electron density distributions and found that the calculated differences in the FWHM are within 0.5% of one another. We have used the ion densities N i/NE given by Jordan (1969). To explain the observed FWHM, we have assumed that the corona is expanding spherically symmetrically with a velocity of one or two mean thermal units and no turbulence is included. With these highly simplified assumptions, we have reproduced qualitatively the profiles and FWHM's of the above lines. However, to explain quantities of FWHM's, we should take into account the inhomogeneities in the structure of the corona. It is thus shown, that turbulence is not necessary to explain the observed FWHM.  相似文献   

Observations of the forbidden coronal lines Fe xiv 530.3 nm and Fe x 637.4 nm obtained at the National Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak are used to determine the variation of coronal temperature at latitudes above 30 during solar activity cycles 21–23. Features of the long-term variation of emission in the two lines are also discussed. Temperatures at latitudes below 30 are not studied because the technique used to determine the coronal temperature is not applicable in active regions. The polar temperature varies cyclically from approximately 1.3 to 1.7 MK. The temperatures are similar in both hemispheres. The temperature near solar minimum decreases strongly from mid-latitudes to the poles. The temperature of the corona above 80 latitude generally follows the sunspot cycle, with minima in 1985 and 1995–1996 (cf. 1986 and 1996 for the smoothed sunspot number, Rz) and maxima in 1989 and 2000 (cf. 1989 and 2000 for Rz). The temperature of the corona above 30 latitude at solar maximum is nearly uniform, i.e., there is little latitude dependence. If the maximum temperatures of cycles 22 and 23 are aligned in time (superposed epochs), the average annual N + S temperature (average of the northern and southern hemisphere) in cycle 23 is hotter than that in cycle 22 at all times both above 80 latitude and above 30 latitude. The difference in the average annual N + S maximum temperature between cycles 23 and 22 was 56 kK near the poles and 64 kK for all latitudes above 30. Cycle 23 was also hotter at mid-latitudes than cycle 22 by 60 kK. The last 3 years of cycle 21 were hotter than the last 3 years of cycle 22. The difference in average annual N + S temperatures at the end of cycles 21 and 22 was 32 kK near the poles and 23 kK for all latitudes above 30. Cycle 21 was also hotter at mid-latitudes than cycle 22 by at least 90 kK. Thus, there does not seem to be a solar-cycle trend in the low-coronal temperature outside of active regions.  相似文献   

The white-light corona from 3–9 R s and the XUV (170–500 Å) corona, photographed from a rocket at 1930 UT on 7 March, 1970, are compared with the X-ray corona photographed from a rocket flown at 1900 UT by AS & E, the H Ly- corona obtained during totality by Speer et al., the Fexiv 5303 Å corona from Hawaii, and total eclipse photographs in white-light and infrared.  相似文献   

The time sequence of line profiles of Fe xiv emission obtained at the 1965 solar eclipse is examined for temporal variations of intensity and profile. Although no variations are found in some regions examined, two regions with intensity and profile line width variations are found. A simple temperature wave is consistent with observations.Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration.Work accomplished at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.  相似文献   

A photographic Fabry-Perot interferometer was used to measure the breadth and wavelength of the Fexiv spectral line at 5303 Å in the solar corona, during the eclipse of 7 March, 1970, in Mexico. The observations were consistent with a possible large-scale vortex structure in a bright streamer, in which cooler gases revolved about a hotter core.Work supported by the United States National Science Foundation and by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Office of Aerospace Research, United States Air Force, under Grant AF-AFOSR-68-1496.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in conjunction with the total solar eclipse on 29 March 2006 in Libya to measure both the electron temperature and its flow speed simultaneously at multiple locations in the low solar corona by measuring the visible K-coronal spectrum. Coronal model spectra incorporating the effects of electron temperature and its flow speed were matched with the measured K-coronal spectra to interpret the observations. Results show electron temperatures of (1.10±0.05) MK, (0.70±0.08) MK, and (0.98±0.12) MK, at 1.1 R from Sun center in the solar north, east and west, respectively, and (0.93±0.12) MK, at 1.2 R from Sun center in the solar west. The corresponding outflow speeds obtained from the spectral fit are (103±92) km s−1, (0+10) km s−1, (0+10) km s−1, and (0+10) km s−1. Since the observations were taken only at 1.1 R and 1.2 R from Sun center, these speeds, consistent with zero outflow, are in agreement with expectations and provide additional confirmation that the spectral fitting method is working. The electron temperature at 1.1 R from Sun center is larger at the north (polar region) than the east and west (equatorial region).  相似文献   

We present observations of the extended solar cycle activity in white-light coronagraphs, and compare them with the more familiar features seen in the Fe?xiv green-line corona. We show that the coronal activity zones seen in the emission corona can be tracked high into the corona. The peak latitude of the activity, which occurs near solar maximum, is found to be very similar at all heights. But we find that the equatorward drift of the activity zones is faster at greater heights, and that during the declining phase of the solar cycle, the lower branch of activity (that associated with the current cycle) disappears at about 3R ??. This implies that during the declining phase of the cycle, the solar wind detected near Earth is likely to be dominated by the next cycle. The so-called ??rush to the poles?? is also seen in the higher corona. In the higher corona it is found to start at a similar time but at lower latitudes than in the green-line corona. The structure is found to be similar to that of the equatorward drift.  相似文献   

Reginald  Nelson L.  Davila  Joseph M. 《Solar physics》2000,195(1):111-122
MACS for Multi-Aperture Coronal Spectrometer is a fiber-optic-based spectrograph designed and used to perform global measurement of the solar wind velocity and the thermal electron temperature of the solar corona during the total solar eclipse on 11 August 1999. The motivation for the construction of MACS was provided by the theory formulated by Cram (1976) for the formation of the K-coronal spectrum and a method for determining the radial profile of the thermal electron temperature of the solar corona. Based on this theory a subsequent application was carried out by Ichimoto et al. (1996) using a slit-based spectroscopic study during the total solar eclipse on 3 November 1994. We have modified Cram's theory to incorporate the role of the solar wind velocity in the formation of the K-corona and have identified wind and temperature sensitive intensity ratios. Instead of a slit-based spectrograph MACS consists of twenty fiber optic tips placed at the focal plane of the telescope and positioned to see different radii and latitudes of the solar corona. Another fiber is placed at the center of the frame and uses the lunar shadow for a measure of the background signal. The other ends of the fibers are vertically aligned and placed at the primary focus of the collimating lens of the spectrograph thus providing simultaneous spectra from all of the fibers. In this first paper (Paper I) we describe our instrument and the obtained coronal spectra. The final and complete results will be presented in Paper II (Reginald and Davila, 2000).  相似文献   

Spectrographic observations of the flash spectrum were made by the Kwasan Observatory at the total solar eclipse on 7 March, 1970. The integrated intensities of Fexiv 5303, Fex 6374, and the continuum were measured on the spectrograms as a function of height above the Sun's limb. It was found that a large amount of emission in the coronal lines originates in the interspicular regions of the chromosphere. Analysis of the data yielded that the interspicular regions consist of coronal material of T e = 1.6 × 106–1.2 × 106 and log N e = 8.5–9.5, and that a decrease in T e and an increase in N e occur with decreasing height.  相似文献   

The global distribution of solar surface activity (active regions) is apparently connected with processes in the convection zone. The large-scale magnetic structures above the tachocline could in a pronounced way be observable in the surface magnetic field. To get the information regarding large-scale magnetic formations in the convection zone, a set of solar synoptic charts (Mount Wilson 1998 – 2004, Fe i, 525.02 nm) have been analyzed. It is shown that the longitudinal dimensions and dynamics of supergiant complexes of solar surface activity carry valuable information about the processes in the convection zone of the Sun. A clear effect of large-scale (global) turbulence is found. This is a ‘fingerprint’ of deep convection, because there are no such large-scale turbulent eddies in the solar photosphere. The preferred scales of longitudinal variations in surface solar activity are revealed. These are: ∼ 24° (gigantic convection cells), 90°, 180° and 360°.  相似文献   

The Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM) at the Mees Solar Observatory, Haleakalā, Maui, Hawai’i, obtained many years of vector magnetic-field data in the photospheric Fe i 630.25 nm line. In the latter period of its operation, the IVM was modified to allow routine observations in the chromospheric Na i D1 line, as well as the Fe i line. We describe the sodium observational data in detail, including the data-reduction steps that differ from those employed for the Fe i 630.25 nm line, to obtain calibrated Stokes polarization spectra. We have performed a systematic comparison between the observational data and synthetic NLTE Na i D1 Stokes spectra derived for a variety of solar-appropriate atmospheric and magnetic configurations. While the Na i D1 Stokes polarization signals from the solar atmosphere are expected to be weak, they should generally be within the IVM capability. A comparison between synthetic spectra and observational data indicates that this is indeed the case.  相似文献   

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