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The glycogen content and the activities of two key enzymes in glycogen metabolism, glycogen phosphorylase and gly- cogen synthetase, in the gonad of diploid and triploid Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) were compared during maturation. The glycogen content in the gonad of diploids decreased with gametogenesis (by 85.7%), but the glycogen content in the gonad of trip- loids did not vary significantly. Activity of glycogen phosphorylase (GP) in the gonad of diploids decreased with gametogenesis (by 55.5%), while GP activity of triploids did not vary significantly during maturation. Activity of glycogen synthetase (GS) in the gonad of diploids increased slightly with gametogenesis, reaching a peak in June. Activity of GS declined sharply from June to July, which might be due to gonad spawning. GS activity of triploid oysters in spawning time (July and August) was significantly higher than that in other months, which might be explained with a ‘compensating’ mechanism for the higher glycogen content in triploids.  相似文献   

Two cruises were conducted in January and July 1986 in the Changjiang (Yangtse River) Estuary and its adjacent East China Sea (30°45′ -32°00′N,121°00′-124°00′E). Direct epifluorescence counts of planktonic bacteria and determinations of ATP concentrations were made. Subsamples were taken for measurement of oxygen consumption rates and chlorophyll concentrations.Bacteria and ATP concentrations were higher in summer than in winter, highest in the river and the river mouth, and gradually lower offshore. The bacteria number was correlated positively with suspended matter, nitrates and oxygen consumption rates, and negatively with salinity.In winter bacteria were the main contributors of ATP and the main consumers of dissolved oxygen in the whole studied area. In summer two maxima of ATP were found along the salinity gradient. The first one which coincided with the peak of turbidity near the river mouth was attributed to bacte -ria, and the second which occurred in the waters with a salinity range be  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheSouthChinaSea(SCS)isapartly enclosedoceanbasinoverlaidbyapronouncedmonsoonsurfacewind .Paststudies (Chenetal.,1 991 ;DingandMurakami,1 994 ;Yan ,1 997;LiangBiqi,1 991 ;LiangJianyin ,1 991 )indicatethatahugewarmwaterpooljointlycontributedbythewesternPacific ,ea…  相似文献   

To study the relationship between zooplankton community structure and environmental factors and water quality in the Harbin Section of the Songhua River, investigations were carried out in June, August, and October 2011. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and saprobic indices were used to process and analyze the data. Seasonal variability was identified as a significant source of variation, which explains the fluctuation in zooplankton density. In autumn, the dry season, water residence time increased and zooplankton biomass and abundance accumulated in the slow flowing waters. Zooplankton abundance increased when food conditions improved. Therefore, the total zooplankton abundance in autumn is much higher than that in spring and summer. According to the saprobic indices, all the sample sites had mesosaprobic water and water quality was worse in autumn. CCA revealed that temperature accounted for most of the spatial variation in the zooplankton community. Moreover, pH, dissolved oxygen saturation, and turbidity were important factors affecting zooplankton community distribution.  相似文献   

利用GRACE/GRACE-FO数据对长江流域2003~2021年期间发生的干旱事件进行定量分析,以探究卫星重力监测区域性干旱的可行性。采用3个机构发布的5种GRACE/GRACE-FO数据产品(CSR_SH、JPL_SH、GFZ_SH、CSR_M、JPL_M)反演长江流域陆地水储量异常(TWSA),计算陆地水储量亏损(WSD)和水储量亏损指数(WSDI),结合气象干旱数据(SPI、SPEI、scPDSI)对5种数据产品的结果进行比较,并对2003~2021年长江流域干旱事件进行分析。结果表明,不同机构发布的GRACE/GRACE-FO数据产品对长江流域干旱事件严重等级的划分具有一定差异;WSDI与6个月时间尺度的SPEI相关性最高,相关系数为0.66,与scPDSI相关系数最低为0.54,降水是影响长江流域陆地水储量变化的重要因素;长江流域最严重的干旱事件发生在2019年夏秋季,干旱强度为2.31,持续10个月,水储量累计亏损达到415 Gt,此次干旱事件的WSDI空间分布图显示2019-09干旱最为严重,出现极端干旱区域。WSDI可反映长江流域干旱分布的时空变化,可在监测全球和大尺度区域干旱方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

利用2002-08~2016-12 GRACE数据扣除泄漏影响得到的长江流域陆地水储量(TWS)变化,分析其时空变化特征和趋势。结果表明,在此期间长江流域TWS增速为0.13±0.12 cm/a;TWS变化大的区域,如泄漏改正后三峡库区TWS变化由约10 mm/a变为15~20 mm/a,并呈现更大的空间异质性。利用多种气象数据,从气候变化和人类活动角度深入研究长江流域水循环变化。结果表明,降水量与TWS变化在时间和空间上都具有较高的相关性,TWS变化延迟1~2个月;上游源头处温度是影响TWS变化的主导因素,温度升高加速了上游高山冰川融化,使TWS具有增长趋势;三峡工程的蓄水也导致TWS变化;ENSO是长江流域TWS变化的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

By using monthly historical sea surface temperature (SST) data for the years from 1950 to 2000, the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) climatology and anomalies are studied in this paper. The analysis of WPWP centroid (WPWPC) movement anomalies and the Nino-3 region SST anomalies( SSTA) seems to reveal a close, linear relation between the zonal WPWPC and Nino-3 region SSTA, which suggests that a 9' anomaly of the zonal displacement from the climatological position of the WPWPC corresponds to about a 1 ℃ anomaly in the Nino-3 region area-mean SST. This study connects the WPWPC zonal displacement with the Nino-3 SSTA, and it may be helpful in better understanding the fact that the WPWP eastward extension is conducive to the Nino-3 region SST increase during an El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event.  相似文献   

The Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project(MR-SNWDP) in China, with construction beginning in 2003, diverts water from Danjiangkou Reservoir to North China for residential, agriculture and industrial use. The water source area of the MR-SNWDP is the region that is most sensitive to and most affected by the construction of this water diversion project. In this study, we used Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM) and HJ-1 A/B images from 2000 to 2015 by an object-based approach with a hi...  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring programs for measurement of atmospheric mercury concentrations are presently recognized as powerful tools for local,regional and global studies of atmospheric long-range transport processes,and they could also provide valuable information about the impact of emission controls on the global budget of atmospheric mercury,their observance and an insight into the global mercury cycle. China is believed to be an increasing atmospheric mercury emission source. However,only a few measurements of mercury,to our knowledge,have been done in ambient air over China. The highly-time resolved atmospheric mercury concen-trations have been measured at Moxi Base Station (102°72′E 29°92′N,1640 m asl) of the Gongga Alpine Ecosystem Observation and Experiment Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) from May 2005 to June 2006 by using a set of Automatic Atmospheric Mercury Speciation Analyzers (Tekran 2537A). Measurements were carried out with a time resolution of every 15 minutes. The overall average total gaseous mercury (TGM) covering the measurement periods was 4±1.38 ng·m^-3 (N=57310),which is higher than the global background level of approximately 1.5~2.0 ng·m^-3. The measurements in all seasons showed a similar diurnal change pattern with a high concentration during daytime relative to nighttime and maximum concentration near solar noon and minimum concentration immediately before sunrise. The presence of diurnal TGM peaks during spring and summer was found earlier than that during autumn and winter. When divided seasonally,it was found that the concentrations of TGM were highest in winter with 6.13 ± 1.78 ng·m^-3 and lowest in summer with 3.17 ± 0.67 ng·m^-3. There were no significant differences in TGM among wind sectors during each season. Whereas Hg generally exhibited significant correlations with the parameters,such as temperature,saturated vapor pressure,precipitation,ultraviolet radiation (UV) and atmospheric pressure at the whole measurement stage,and t  相似文献   

Acting as one of the pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), C-type lectin is believed to mediate pathogen recognition and plays an important role in the clearance of pathogens as part of the innate immune system. In this work, a novel C-type lectin gene (named LvLec1) was cloned from the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. The ORF of LvLec1 is 510 bp, encoding 169 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence contains a putative signal peptide of 19 amino acids at the N-terminal and a carbohydrate recognition domain...  相似文献   

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