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Research on experiment and calculation of foam bursting device   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research presents experimental data on mechanical foam bursting device, based on the high speed of air fluid impinging insidethe foam bursting device, foam bubbles disrupted as a consequence of pressures changed very quickly as shear force and their impact forces. Experimental data on foam-bursting capacity have been presented. Designed device can provide effective foam bursting on collapse foam.  相似文献   

In recent years, air-foam combining the advantages of both liquid and air drilling has been utilized as a drilling medium. Air-foam drilling has proved its efficiency in numerous situations where serious problems were encountered, such as in fractured formations and depleted or high permeable zones. However, the major disadvantage of air-foam drilling system is that the foam can only be used once, so that an extremely large pit is required to contain the foam to allow sufficient room for cuttings and for the foam to dissipate. Moreover, it needs enormous volume prepared, consuming abundance of water and ingredient additives, which results in the high cost of foam drilling. The recycling foam fluid by using foam breaking technology is the only effective method to solve these problems associated with the known foam drilling. Various types of equipment and technique have been employed to suppress foam formation in biological and process equipment in foam drilling. The study described various methods of foam breaking technology, and the trend of the foam breaking technology for foam drilling is discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, air-foam combining the advantages of both liquid and air drilling has been utilized as a drilling medium. Air-foam drilling has proved its efficiency in numerous situations where serious problems were encountered, such as in fractured formations and depleted or high permeable zones. However, the major disadvantage of air-foam drilling system is that the foam can only be used once, so that an extremely large pit is required to contain the foam to allow sufficient room for cuttings and for the foam to dissipate. Moreover, it needs enormous volume prepared, consuming abundance of water and ingredient additives, which results in the high cost of foam drilling. The recycling foam fluid by using foam breaking technology is the only effective method to solve these problems associated with the known foam drilling. Various types of equipment and technique have been employed to suppress foam formation in biological and process equipment in foam drilling. The study described various methods of foam breaking technology, and the trend of the foam breaking technology for foam drilling is discussed.  相似文献   

Parameters affect foaming and foam stability during foam drilling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The authors presented indoor practice experiments of parameters affect on foaming and foam stability. Experiments were carried out and special equipments were used to determine foaming and foam stability; tests were tabulated and charted. The effects of chemical and physical parameters on foaming and foam stability have been conducted.  相似文献   

The authors presented indoor practice experiments of parameters affect on foaming and foam stability. Experiments were carried out and special equipments were used to determine foaming and foam stability; tests were tabulated and charted. The effects of chemical and physical parameters on foaming and foam stability have been conducted.  相似文献   

阐述了Windows下WDM设备驱动程度的原理,并详细分析了在Windows环境下WDM设备驱动程度的设计方法。  相似文献   

设备驱动程序是Linux内核的重要组成部分,它控制了操作系统和硬件设备之间的交互,同时让软件开发人员在不用知道底层硬件特性的情况下方便地进行上层软件的开发。基于Arm+Linux系统,内核版本2.6,对字符驱动程序的开发做出详细的讲解,通过调试程序,使驱动正常运行。  相似文献   

为了充分利用煤矸石,减少环境危害,以龙山煤矸石、华丰煤矸石为主要原料,考察了发泡剂种类及掺量、煤矸石玻璃粉料的粒度、发泡温度、发泡时间等四个因素对煤矸石泡沫玻璃制备的影响。最终确定的最佳工艺条件为基础玻璃研磨至过200目筛,烧成温度1 000℃,烧成时间30min,发泡剂添加量为5%。试验制得的泡沫玻璃产品达到JC/T 647-2005标准的要求,可应用于外墙保温、化工管道、寒冷地区上下水管网的保温隔热保护等方面。  相似文献   

采用1923年仁达MS7.3地震和1973年炉霍MS7.4地震地质考察的同震破裂数据,基于弹性半空间位错模型和最小二乘方法反演历史地震破裂模型。以仁达地震的同震滑动分布为扰动源,采用PSGRN/PSCMP程序计算其在断层面上产生的同震和震后库仑应力变化。结果表明,仁达地震最大滑动量约为3.3 m,矩震级为MW7.0;炉霍地震最大滑动量约为3.7 m,矩震级为MW7.3。2次地震的最大滑动量均位于浅部0~5 km,且震源机制相似,以左旋走滑为主。仁达地震同震及震后效应引起炉霍地震震中区域的库仑应力增强约29.79 kPa,达到地震触发阈值10 kPa。  相似文献   

在三轴条件下,对饱和土(砂土和黏土)进行排水与不排水条件下的冲击试验及冲击后再固结试验,对比研究了不同渗透性土在不同排水条件下的冲击动力响应和冲击后再固结性状.结果表明:饱和黏土不排水冲击时的孔隙水压力随冲击击数增加而升高并逐渐稳定,排水冲击时的孔隙水压力则是先达到峰值然后有所下降;砂土不排水冲击时的冲击能量对孔隙水压力影响最明显;饱和砂土不排水冲击时的轴向应变与冲击击数呈近似线性关系,饱和黏土冲击及饱和砂土排水冲击则呈近二次曲线关系;饱和砂土不排水冲击后再固结阶段的孔隙水压力立即消散为0,同时体变迅速增大到一定值;饱和黏土在冲击后再固结阶段的孔隙水压力在一定时间内逐渐消散完毕,同时体变逐渐增大;饱和黏土排水冲击时,冲击阶段产生的体变占冲击引起总体变的39%~49%,冲击后再固结阶段产生的体变占51%~61%;砂土和黏土的总体变均表现为排水冲击明显大于不排水冲击,改善冲击时的排水条件有利于提高加固效果.  相似文献   

煤层底板水害一直是困扰煤矿安全生产的重要问题之一,选择合理准确的评价方法对煤层底板突水危险性进行评价,对于指导煤矿安全生产有着重要意义。灰色关联度分析法以数据序列为研究对象,现实求各个方案与由最佳指标组成的理想方案的关联系数,再由关联系数得到关联度的方法。将灰色关联度分析法应用到煤层底板突水危险性评价中,建立评价单元与参考序列之间的灰色关联度矩阵,通过引入权重的方式,改进邓氏灰色关联度的计算方法,以保证得到的最终综合评价结果更为准确。  相似文献   

青岛台体应变短周期(小于128 min)气压系数2018-01出现阶变,通过对观测系统、台站周边施工情况、监测环境等逐项现场核实,排除观测系统、周边施工的影响。利用离散小波变换和回归分析发现,钻孔水位的气压系数与体应变气压系数同步阶变,结合台站钻孔施工当天体应变钻孔水位变化、体应变趋势变化、其他相邻台站水位气压系数变化等数据认为,台站钻孔施工是导致体应变气压系数变化的原因,并定性分析其变化机理。  相似文献   

重要地质钻孔数据库建设是"十二五"时期一项重要任务。山东省历时3年建立了重要地质钻孔基本信息数据库,将山东省内不同时代、不同单位、不同专业的各类地质钻孔资料进行统一的规范化、数字化、信息化管理。该数据库包含49107个地质钻孔的基本信息,通过"三图一表"的形式表达,其中工程布置图5510张,勘探线剖面图20686张,钻孔柱状图75711张,样品分析结果表116323张。部分钻孔数据在全国重要地质钻孔数据库服务平台面向公众开放。该文在已经取得的钻孔数据库成果的基础上,按照行业部门、工作程度、矿种、钻孔类型和钻孔深度5个方面进行了统计分析,以及在数据库的资料汇交、信息化建设、资源共享和城市地质工作方面的应用性进行了浅析。以期通过扩大汇交范围、采用新的技术手段、补充属性数据等方法,实现数据库二次开发利用,提高山东省地质资料数字化、信息化水平和服务功能,也为城市地质调查提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

碳排放和减碳的社会经济影响与代价评估日益受到学术界和决策者的关注,本文综合分析了全球范围内碳排放与减碳社会经济影响的重要科学问题和国内外研究现状,基于卫星最新观测到的全球CO2非均匀分布的事实,针对温控1.5 ℃和2 ℃阈值情景,探讨了全球二氧化碳非均匀动态分布与地表温度时空关系,全球二氧化碳非均匀动态分布状况下主要国家碳排放空间评价以及温控1.5 ℃和2 ℃阈值情景下中国碳排放和减碳社会经济代价评估等问题可采取的技术模型方案,并提出了构建新气候变化经济学的理论方法与技术体系。本文构建的技术路线和研究方法拟为国家制订各项应对碳排放和减碳战略与对策、减缓气候变化并实现可持续转型、提升中国在应对气候变化领域的国际话语权等方面提供决策支持。  相似文献   

高速远程滑坡运动堆积过程影响因素众多,在物理模型试验装置研发过程中应满足多因素变化需求,从而实现多功能目的.该试验装置初始状态下(垂直角度=20°,水平角度=0°)长3.40m,宽0.56m,高1.35m.设计有滑体体积调节、上滑槽坡度调节和下滑槽水平角度调节三大模块.材料上采用了3mm厚不锈钢钢板与8mm厚钢化玻璃2种材料,使用耐久性较好,并且采用分部件组装形式,安装有万向轮,便于实验仪器的搬运.基于砂子与卵石颗粒材料,应用所研发装置,初步开展了高速远程滑坡运动堆积过程物理模型试验,简要分析了滑体坡度、水平角度、滑体高度及基底材质等参数对滑动距离的影响规律.  相似文献   

The pressure grouting pile of driven tube can improve the load bearing capacity of the single pile from the mechanism of pressure grouting pile of driven tube.On the basis of analyzing the mechanism,the authors designed the machines and tools of pressure grouting,determined the operating manufacture and technology parameter on the pressure grouting secondly.The result shows that the pressure grouting pile of driven tube not only changes the pile type but also reduce the length of the pile and its engineering cost,it enhances the load bearing capacity of single pile an the same time.  相似文献   

The pressure grouting pile of driven tube can improve the load bearing capacity of the single pile from the mechanism of pressure grouting pile of driven tube. On the basis of analyzing the mechanism, the authors designed the machines and tools of pressure grouting, determined the operating manufacture and technology parameter on the pressure grouting secondly. The result shows that the pressure grouting pile of driven tube not only changes the pile type but also reduce the length of the pile and its engineering cost, it enhances the load bearing capacity of single pile an the same time.  相似文献   

利用反射地震资料研究吴忠地区崇兴断裂精细结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究宁夏吴忠地区东部隐伏断层的位置、空间展布以及内部构造特征,在可能存在崇兴断层的位置布设了几条高分辨率的浅层地震反射测线。结果表明,崇兴断层为走向北北东、倾向西西北的正断层。浅层反射地震测线控制的崇兴断层延伸长度约12 km,断层倾角较陡,近于直立,南部的WJQ测线上的断点FP1揭示该断层可分辨上断点错断了第四系底界面TQ,而向北的SJDD测线上的断点FP5和WJZ测线上的断点FP6揭示,该断层向上错断了第四系内部界面T02,反映该断层活动性具有北段相对强而南段相对弱的特点。  相似文献   

中国耕地变化区的气候背景对比分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究我国耕地变化区的气候背景,对于了解耕地资源的生产能力,评价耕地占补平衡政策的实施效果,实现耕地资源保护和粮食安全等具有重要意义。本文在分析全国耕地空间变化的基础上,从年平均气温、年降水量和日照时数三个方面,研究耕地增加区和减少区的气候背景,并将其进行比较和分析,以期为国家保护耕地资源和发展农业生产等提供建议。研究结果表明,20世纪80年代末至2008年4个时段,耕地减少区比耕地增加区的年平均气温高0.45~1.05℃,年降水量高56.77~79.59mm,年日照时数少45.80~98.83h。耕地显著减少区比耕地显著增加区的年平均气温高0.81~1.85℃,年降水量高85.69~305.26mm,年日照时数少86.96~207.85h。在四个时段中,我国耕地重心逐渐北移且海拔升高。若海拔高度不变,耕地增加区比耕地减少区北移0.5-1个纬度,耕地显著增加区比耕地显著减少区北移1-2个纬度;若纬度不变,耕地增加区比耕地减少区,海拔升高100~200m,耕地显著增加区比耕地显著减少区,海拔升高150~350m。随年份增加,耕地增加区和显著增加区与耕地减少区和显著减少区在水分条件上的差别越来越大。这些结论对于研究我国粮食生产能力、评价耕地占补平衡、调整产业布局等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

元胞自动机具有能模拟复杂动态系统的强大能力,本文采用了多约束条件的元胞自动机模型,以广东佛山市2000年、2006年和2012年建设用地的变化为例,从自然、社会经济发展等方面综合考虑选取了高程、坡度、人口密度、道路交通、水系等对城市建设用地发展变化起决定作用的诸多因子,利用马尔科夫概率矩阵计算2000年~2006年建设用地变化,推算建设用地转移总量。结合Logistic-CA模型和决策树-CA模型,预测模拟了2012年的建设用地分布并与实际相比较,分析其整体精度和误差来源。结果显示基于CA模型的建设用地动态发展模拟具有良好的效果,可以为城市的发展规划,过程演变提供虚拟的实验手段和科学依据。  相似文献   

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