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Abstract. Thirteen sampling cruises were conducted at weekly intervals in the inner part of the Gulf of Naples in the summer of 1983 to investigate the effects of excess nutrient inputs on phytoplankton communities. High surface phytoplankton concentrations (up to 1.15 ×108 cells 1-1) were recorded, particularly near Naples harbour and along the eastern coast, two locations that receive most of the area's sewage and industrial discharge. Phytoplankton populations were generally dominated by small species, mainly diatoms, which were associated with small phytoflagcllatcs. Species diversity values were relatively high (H'≤ 3.62) in most samples. Throughout the sampling period a high spatial and temporal variability for phytoplankton abundances and species composition was observed.  相似文献   

Abstract. New data on the planktonic diatoms from the Gulf of Naples are presented together with those from the literature. Information is given on abundances, seasonal cycles and distributions of 183 taxa, including species, varieties and forms.  相似文献   

Abstract. Posidonia oceanica prairies have been studied and mapped around the Island of Ischia and in adjacent waters. Prairies were found to cover an area of 15.7 km2 and to be distributed between 0.5 and 39 m depth. The observed distribution is comparable to those reported by previous authors indicating that prairies have not undergone remarkable regressions in the last 50 years. Patterns recorded within the beds and at their lower limits, as indicated also by their sediments characteristics, are correlated to hydrodynamic energy. Two main types of water motion are responsible for the different types of erosive features: a) steady currents flowing parallel to the coast; b) rip-, wave induced currents flowing normal to the coast.  相似文献   

Abstract. The distribution and abundance of the hyperiid amphipods collected during April–May 1986 was analysed in order to study their relationship to mesoscale features in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Hyperiids were represented by 79 species, Lestrigonus bengalensis (65% of total hyperiids), Primno abyssalis (4.3%), Anchylomera blossevillei (2.3%) and Lestrigonus schizogeneios (2.3%) being the most abundant. Several mesoscale features (two cyclonic and three anticyclonic eddies, two upwelling areas) were active in the surveyed area. Cluster analysis of density and composition produced five groups of stations that were found to be related to some of these features. Overall, the mesoscale features that most influenced the local hyperiid community were the upwelling areas; they were related both with the highest and the lowest hyperiid densities and with high and low diversity figures. Overall day/night variations were normal, with highest night‐time densities; this pattern was not consistent in the different mesoscale features studied. Reverse migrations were possibly occurring, or migration patterns were lacking, at some of these systems. The hyperiid community structure related to the anticyclonic eddies differed somewhat among the eddies; however, the oceanographic exchange with the surrounding gulf waters probably obscured sharper faunistic differences between the communities.  相似文献   

A case study was carried out in 2000 in the shallow coastal area of the Northern Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Trieste) where untreated domestic sewage and industrial wastes are discharged at rate of 5500 m3·day?1. The sewage plume above the outfall was followed using faecal coliforms (FC) and overturning length scale (lT). The latter was rejected as a marker as the discharge conditions prohibit following the turbulence of sewage water. Intermittent sewage discharge is reflected in the minimal effect of eutrophication. Increase of phytoplankton biomass is thus only minor compared with the unpolluted area regardless of elevated concentrations of sewage‐derived nutrients (confirmed by correlation coefficients between FC and NH4+, TP, PO43?: 0.78, 0.71 and 0.67, respectively). Deteriorated trophic status, determined by the TRIX index, was observed only in the surface layer (average TRIX: 5.67). High FC content well above the regulation limit (up to 2.6 × 105 FC·100 ml?1) represents, therefore, the major negative impact of the improperly treated waste for the risk to human health.  相似文献   

The structure of the plankton community and fatty acid composition of nano-, micro- and zooplankton are described during four seasons of 1994 from the San Lorenzo Channel. During August, the warmest temperature in the surface water was observed and a thermocline developed between 20 and 30 m. In the remaining months, a well-mixed layer occurred in the upper 30 m. The chlorophyllacontent of the nanoplankton fraction (<38 μm) was higher than the microplanktonic fraction (38–200 μm) year round. Maximal chlorophyll values (1·5–3 μ l−1) occurred in January, which may be associated with organic matter, since phytoplankton was lower than at other seasons. The relative abundance of diatoms increased from January (57% of phytoplankton) to November (99%). The increment was mainly due toNitzschiaandChaetoceros. Dinoflagellates were always low (0·03–1·36 cells ml−1). Copepods (mainlyEucalanus) dominated the zooplankton in winter and fall, while in spring and summer, the abundance of doliolids was similar to the copepods (Nannocalanus minordominated).Four fatty acids (16:0, 16:1, 18:0, 18:1) were the most conspicuous in the plankton, representing usually between 40 and 80% of the total fatty acids throughout the water column. In winter, higher fatty acid content and higher relative amounts of 16:0 and 16:1 were observed than in the warm months. Stearic acid (18:0) peaked during fall. The major seasonal differences occurred in the nanoplankton, which had peaks of 20:5 during January, and 16:4 in April. A strong decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) occurred during the warm months. The fatty acid composition of microplankton and larger zooplankton was similar in winter–spring. Individual copepods of selected species (Eucalanus sewelli,Rhincalanus nasutus,Centropages furcatusandLabidocera acuta) showed fatty acid profiles similar to the mixed zooplankton, with some differences in content of PUFA.  相似文献   

基于阿拉斯加湾(Gulf of Alaska, GOA)2002—2020年的Argo浮标数据,本研究分析了该海湾逆温现象的时空变化特征,并探讨其年际变化与水体垂向位温异常的联系。结果显示,阿拉斯加湾逆温现象存在明显的时空变化。空间上,逆温幅度(ΔT)在湾北部最大,湾东南部次之,湾西南部最弱。逆温厚度(ΔD)在湾西南部最厚,湾北部和东南部依次变薄。在季节尺度上,湾北部逆温现象的季节变化最明显,冬季ΔT最大和ΔD最厚,随季节性的加热和混合作用,ΔT持续减弱,ΔD不断变薄。在湾东南部,ΔT分别在3月和9月具有0.46、0.40℃的峰值;ΔD在整个海湾中最薄,冬季最大为44 m,而秋季最小仅为23 m。在湾西南部,ΔT介于0.24~0.33℃之间,分别于4月和10月具有0.31、0.33℃的峰值;ΔD冬季最大超过100 m,秋季最薄约为57 m。年际变化上,ΔT在2002、2007—2009、2012、2017年表现为正异常,但在2003—2005、2010、2013—2016、2018—2020年表现为负异常;ΔD在2002、2007—2008、2012、2017—2020年主要偏厚,在2...  相似文献   

Variations in phytoplankton pigments and community composition were examined in the Gulf of Gabes in relationship to water mass properties, characterised by the influence of the Modified Atlantic Water and by the thermal stratification. Data were collected on board the R/V Hannibal during July 2005.Distinct water masses were identified using cluster analysis of temperature–salinity (TS) characteristics. Three major clusters appeared based on the combined effects of temperature and salinity. The first cluster was identified as the cool and less salty bottom Modified Atlantic Water (MAW). The warmer and saltier Mediterranean Mixed Water (MMW) represented the second cluster. The third cluster was the Transition Water (TW) separating the two previous clusters.The pigment and taxonomic composition of these water masses were examined. Chlorophyll a was rather low (<200 ng l−1). Chlorophyll b was generally the most abundant accessory pigment and fucoxanthin dominated the accessory pigments in the MAW. Proportions of chlorophyll a associated with different phytoplankton classes were estimated using CHEMTAX software, and did not present significant variations among water groups. The results pointed out variations in the relative contribution of each phytoplankton taxa in each station group. Chlorophytes and prasinophytes accounted for 65% of chlorophyll a in the MMW. Diatoms and chlorophytes were relatively abundant in the MAW contributing to almost 63% of chlorophyll a. An unstructured community, slightly dominated by prasinophytes, chlorophytes and cryptophytes, characterised the TW. Different trophic statuses were observed in these water masses, the MMW and the MAW being characterised by mesotrophy, while an oligotrophy was observed in the TW. Nutrient availability, particularly the P-limitation supported by the summer stratification, as revealed by the high N:P ratio (greater than 20), seems to enhance the development of small-sized phytoplankton, thereby supporting the regenerated production.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the first study on the ichthyoplankton community structure in the Gulf of Sirte and its spatial distribution in relation to environmental conditions and zooplankton abundance. The results make an important contribution to the future management of fisheries in this unexplored, but much exploited, area. Biological samples were collected in July 2008 using a Bongo40 net. In total, 1914 larvae were found and 1652 of these were identified. In particular, bathypelagic taxa were the most abundant, followed by demersal, mesopelagic, pelagic and epipelagic taxa. The ichthyoplankton community had a patchwork distribution influenced by oligotrophic conditions, the bottom depth and oceanographical features. The results suggest that environmental forcings were able to transport the ichthyoplankton to productive areas. Indeed, maximum fish egg densities were found in coastal stations in correspondence with the Atlantic Tunisian Current inflow, whereas larvae were mainly concentrated in the east side of the Gulf, probably as a result of advection by the anticyclonic circulation. Additionally, the distribution patterns of the total larvae density and the different assemblages were well matched with the abundance of the zooplankton, probably determining final larval survival, growth and recruitment.  相似文献   

Processes underlying the temporal and spatial variations observed in the distribution of jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton in the Gulf of Oman are not well understood. This information gap is clearly a major issue in controlling the harmful blooms of jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton. Samples of jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton were collected from six stations in Chabahar Bay and three stations in Pozm Bay within four seasons. At each station, environmental variables were also recorded from bottom and surface water. A total of 83 individuals of medusae representing four species of Scyphozoa (i.e., Cyanea nozakii, Chrysaora sp., Pelagia noctiluca, Catostylus tagi) and species of Hydrozoa (i.e., Diphyes sp., Rhacostoma sp., Aequorea spp.) were observed in the study area. A total of 70,727.25 individuals/m?3 of non‐gelatinous zooplankton dominated by copepods and cladocerans were collected in nine stations within the four seasons. The results of a RELATE analysis yielded no significant association between species composition for jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton. Among environmental variables, water transparency, nitrite concentration, water depth and temperature were better associated with the total variation in jellyfish species composition than with that of non‐gelatinous zooplankton. Dissolved oxygen, pH, and phosphate concentration were significant environmental variables associated with the variation in the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of non‐gelatinous zooplankton assemblages. Although some jellyfish species (i.e., Rhacostoma sp., Pelagia noctiluca, Catostylus tagi) occur independently of non‐gelatinous zooplankton assemblages, other jellyfish (i.e., Chrysaora sp., Aequorea spp., Cyanea nozakii, Diphyes sp.) are strongly correlated with non‐gelatinous zooplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

北部湾浮游植物粒径分级叶绿素a和初级生产力的分布特征   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
1994年5月23B至6月4日现场观测了北部湾浮游植物细胞丰度、叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力的分布.测区平均叶绿素a浓度为0.94±0.45/d3.平均初级生产力(C)为351±172mg/(m2·d),浮游植物细胞丰度为0.97×104-10050×104个/m3,鉴定浮游植物4门56属176种.地理环境和水文状况的差异使上述参数分布具有明显的区域性特征,近岸区高于湾中部,测区北部高干南部;温跃层以下水层叶绿素a浓度高于上层水,周6观测站平均叶绿素a浓度湾北部(0.47±0.15g/dm3)高于湾南部(0.15±0.02dm3).北部湾水域光合浮游生物以微型和微微型细胞(小于20m)占优势,其对总初级生产力的贡献(占91%)高于对总叶绿素a的贡献(占77%).  相似文献   

Zooplankton and zooneuston observations were made at seven stations(four from the Gulf of Aqaba and three from the northern Red Sea), during September and October 2016. The main objective of this study was to assess the variability of nycthemeral fauna in relation to the sampling methods using two different types of nets namely,WP2 net and Neuston net along the two study sites, i.e., the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea. Zooplankton was sampled vertically using a standard WP2 net from a depth of 200 m to the surface, whereas zooneuston was made using a standard Neuston net from a depth of 0–10 cm of the water surface. Total zooplankton density was maximum during night time((617.83 ± 201.84) ind./m~3) at the Gulf of Aqaba and total zooneuston was maximum during night at the northern Red Sea((60.94±29.48) ind./m~3), respectively. The most abundant taxa were Copepoda, Gastropoda, Bivalva, Chaetognatha, Tunicata and Ostracoda. The abundance was almost 50% higher at night time at both the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea. Overall, 30 taxa covering 10 phyla and 27 taxa covering 8 phyla were recorded in the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea.  相似文献   

Abstract. The estuarine ecosystem of the Amvrakikos Gulf, a semi-enclosed embayment of the Ionian Sea, was surveyed at 9 stations in June, 1980. Quantitative and qualitative relationships among the phytoplanktonic, zooplanktonic and benthic populations were examined and related to environmental parameters. It was found that quantitative maxima of each of the three components occurred at different stations. When stations were grouped according to a similarity index of each community, it could be shown that the stations were very similar with regard to phytoplankton and slightly less similar with regard to zooplankton. The stations differed considerably as far as the benthos is concerned. The phytoplankton also exhibited a lower species diversity (0.08-0.82 bits-indiv.-1) than the zooplankton (1.08-2.10 bits indiv.-1) and the benthos (0.85-5.06 bits indiv.-1). Differences in salinity among stations showed no significant correlation with the abundance or species diversity of phytoplankton, zooplankton or benthos.  相似文献   

针对目前国内在海道测量(学)和海洋测量(学)认识上存在的分歧,对我国海道测量发展的过程及其内涵的演变进行了分析,对国际上hydrographic survey、sea survey及marine survey的定义和演变进行了剖析,从概念上和应用上对海道测量(学)和海洋测量(学)的关系进行了研究,给出了两者的定义。  相似文献   

Studies designed to describe the structure of soft bottom meiobenthic communities have used diverse sorting methods, thus making the comparison of results difficult. This study compared sorting specimens using the manual and centrifuge density gradient sorting methods, for two deep-sea depth zones [continental slope (1630–1860 m) and abyssal plain (3720–3830 m)] in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico. The manual sorting method produced more taxonomic groups and higher abundance and biomass values, compared to the differential density Ludox-centrifuge sorting method. The results obtained from the two sorting methods suggest that distribution patterns of deep-sea meiofaunal samples can be an artefacts of the sorting.  相似文献   

秦山核电站邻近水域的基本水文特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章根据1989年4、7、10月和1990年1月在秦山核电站邻近水域获得的水文观测资料,对该区域中海水温度、盐度、浊度、水色和透明度以及潮汐、潮流等要素的分布和变化特征进行了较为详尽的分析,为进一步了解该水域的基本水文状况和海水运动的基本规律提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

The distribution of the abundance of phytoplankton, chlorophyll a (Chl.a) concentration and primary productivity in the Beibu Gulf were observed from May 23 to June 4, 1994.The results show that there were marked featares of spatial zonation in the survey area due to the differences between the geographic environment and the hydrological conditions.Chlorophyll a and primary productivity were higher in the inshore than in the middle area and higher in the north than in the south of the Beibu Gulf.The average concentration of Chl.a, primary productivity and the abundance of phytoplankton were 0.94±0.45 μg/dm3, 351±172 mg/(m2·d) (C) and 0.97×104-10.050×104 ind./m3 in the area, respectively.There were 176 species belonging to 4 phyla and 56 genera based on microscope identification.The results of the size-fractionation show that the contribution of nanoplankton and picoplankton was 77% to total Chl.a and 91% to total primary productivity, which proved their importance to phytoplankton communities in the Beibu Gulf.  相似文献   

本文采用"初值方法"研究了芬迪湾、缅因湾和圣劳伦斯湾的潮汐共振情况。结果表明,缅因-芬迪湾系统共振是由陆架共振造成的,最强共振周期约为13.0h。芬迪湾次强共振周期约为9.2h,是由该海湾本身的四分之一波长共振引起的。圣劳伦斯湾共振现象主要体现在其东北海区,共振周期约为9.2h,可能是由半波长共振引起的。  相似文献   

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