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通过对新区城乡建设用地和城市建设用地空间格局变化监测,分析其变化特征,对新区未来建设和发展以及推动生态文明建设有重要指导意义。本文以赣江新区为例,从建设用地空间形态模式、空间重心指数、空间紧凑度、空间形状分形维数等方面,分析了赣江新区2017—2018年建设用地空间格局变化特征,研究结果表明:(1)城乡建设用地和城市建设用地总量均呈现逐步增长的态势,并符合规划;(2)新区属于组团型发展模式,建设空间重心整体向东北方向扩张;(3)为有关政府部门继续推进新区建设和规划调整提供参考依据。  相似文献   

近年来,吉林省吉林市认真贯彻落实国家和省有关科学利用土地、保护土地资源的政策法规,切实把节约每一寸土地放在国土资源工作的首位,树立和落实科学的发展观,转变思想观念,改变土地利用方式,优化土地利用结构,合理用地,提高了土地利用效率。2002年以来,全市通过盘活土地资产,挖掘土地潜力,节约农用地转增建设用地指标822公顷,占2002年以来农用地可转用新增建设用地指标总量的35%以上,实现了土地资源保护与城市建设的协调发展。一、坚持宏观调控,将建设用地的敞开供应转变为适度从紧的限额供地为控制建设用地总量,使每一寸土地都用“刀刃”…  相似文献   

<正>当前,各部门的规划自成体系,城乡总体规划、土地利用总体规划、林地保护利用规划、环境保护规划等各类规划因为目标年不同、数据格式不同、参考坐标系不同、用地分类标准不同、同一图斑在不同规划中的用途不同等各种差异,常常出现规划不衔接、相互矛盾的情况,常见的如林规中的林地和城规的建设用地冲突,城规的建设用地和土规的基本农田打架,环规的饮用水源保护区又与城规、土规的建设用地不一致,影响了地方发展的科学布局和资源的统筹调  相似文献   

2004年,昆明市国土资源局适应改革和发展的要求,认真贯彻中央及省、市党委和政府的各项工作部署,结合全市经济社会发展的实际,突出重点,扎实工作,开拓创新,全面有序地推进各项工作,开创了国土资源管理工作新局面。 一、严格控制建设用地总量,强化规划和计划管理的先导作用,切实保护土地资源严格农用用地征转用,做好建设用地报批工作。按照“区别对待、有保有压”的原则,统筹安排各类建设用地,优先考虑全市经济建设中国家、省市重点建设项目和产业政策发展项目的用地需求。加强规划和计划管理,严格农用地转用,严格依据土地利用总体规划和土地利用计划审查建设项目用地,规范农用地征转用审批和管理。  相似文献   

从焦作市区建设用地扩张特征入手,利用2000年、2008年、2011年三期遥感影像数据,结合焦作市土地利用现状,监测焦作市建设用地及其他各类地物类型空间分异情况,分阶段研究焦作市空间演变格局。在此基础上,结合焦作市社会经济统计数据,利用主成分分析法,对焦作市城市发展进行量化分析,并给出合理化建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对建设用地资源潜力评价体系的研究,建立了适用于北京市的建设用地资源潜力评价体系:制定了"先筛选,后评价"的建设用地评价思路和工作流程。建立了可利用建设用地筛选模型;在理论构建的基础上,综合利用GIS技术,开发建立了北京市土地资源和建设用地综合决策分析平台。研究发现只有保障了空间数据质量,可利用建设用地资源潜力评价的准确性和可持续性才能得到根本保证。  相似文献   

我国长期以来都存在着用地粗放的问题,导致用地结构不合理,土地闲置与浪费现象,文章在国土资源部土地潜力评价的基础上,引入地理信息系统技术,变定性评价为定量评价。通过构建土地潜力评价数据库,采用数据挖掘技术和数据抽取技术,搭建土地潜力评价的时间结构分异模型,从空间和时间两个角度及横向和纵向两个方面分析导致土地潜力变化的主导因素,实现土地资源利用方面的高效益的分工与协作共同发展。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市国土资源厅(国土环境资源厅、国土资源局、国土资源和房屋管理局、房屋土地资源管理局、规划和国土资源局),部直属各单位、机关各司局:近年来,地方各级国土资源部门严格保护耕地,积极参与宏观调控,加强建设用地审查报批工作,严把土地闸门,为保障各类建设必需用地,促进国家经济社会平稳协调健康发展发挥了积极作用,涌现了一批先进单位和个人。为鼓励和表彰在建设用地审查报批工作中作出突出贡献的单位和个人,推进建设用地审查报批规范化管理,部决定授予河北省国土资源厅等123个单位(省级5个,市、县级118个)“全国建设用…  相似文献   

土地利用变化空间格局演变特征是土地利用可持续发展研究的前提和基础。以黑龙江省绥芬河市为研究区,以2010年、2014年、2016年三期土地利用数据库为基础,利用GIS技术手段,基于景观指数法、核密度分析法分析研究区土地利用空间格局变化特征。研究结果表明:研究区土地利用变化幅度趋于减小趋势,且变化均发生在斑块密度高和斑块边缘地区,土地利用的整体空间格局趋于稳定;耕地分布密度大,均匀分布在研究区内,而建设用地分布密度小,主要集中分布在"十"字型的横向部位,呈现出中部多、四周少的空间分布特点。研究成果可以为土地利用规划政策的制定提供科学依据,为县域土地资源的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

试论土地利用总规修编的抓手   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学发展观和城乡一体化目标贯穿新一轮土地利用总体规划编制的始终。按照集中、节约原则,优化规划的空间和结构布局,为建设用地节约增量指标,挖掘存量空间。保护耕地,确保耕地总量基本稳定,基本农田面积不减少。新一轮规划确定的主要指标——耕地保有、基本农田保护面积、建设用地总规模、各类建设占用耕地指标等,都要经过多层次、多角度反复论证,最大可能保证其科学性。  相似文献   

小区地表温度与下垫面结构关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以北京市为例,选取了商业区、学校、生活区和公园4种典型小区24个,基于遥感及GIS的方法反演地表温度,获取下垫面覆盖信息;研究了不同类型小区地表温度热场与下垫面结构的关系.结果表明:水体、绿地具有明显的降温功能,建筑地面则增温效果明显,这3种地表所占的面积比例与小区平均地表温度关系密切;在所选取的绿地结构指数中,对温度影响从大到小依次为绿地覆盖率、分离度、缀块平均面积、连通指数、形状指数和分维数,其中,分离度与温度呈现正相关,其它指数与温度呈负相关;在所有类型小区中,温度从高到低依次为商业区、学校、生活区和公园;公园的温度分布在所有类型小区中最分散,商业区最集中.  相似文献   

黑河下游土地利用与景观格局时空特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于研究区1986年LandSat TM和2003年LandSat ETM 遥感影像资料,综合运用遥感与GIS技术手段,结合FRAGSTATS景观格局分析软件,就近17 a来黑河下游额济纳流域土地利用与景观格局变化进行了分析,并探讨了引起变化的驱动因素。结果表明:研究区草地、林地、水域及耕地面积减少,居民工矿建设用地和未利用土地面积显著增加;景观破碎化程度降低,多样性及异质性程度减小,稳定性降低;气候的暖干化趋势、黑河下泄水量的持续减少以及人类不合理的经济活动是黑河下游土地利用和景观格局变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

We studied vegetation and land cover characteristics within the existing array of protected areas (PAs) in South Garo Hills of Meghalaya, northeast India and introduce the concept of protected area network (PAN) and methods to determine linkages of forests among existing PAs. We describe and analyse potential elements of a PAN, including PAs, reserved forests, surrounding buffers as zones of influence, and connecting forest corridors, which collectively can provide old-forest habitat for wildlife species linked across a landscape dominated by jhum (shifting cultivation) agriculture. ANOVA and Chisquare analyses of patch characteristics and forest tree diversity suggested the presence of equally species-rich and diverse old forest cover (tropical evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous forest types) in portions of unprotected private and community owned land, which could be designated as additions to, and network linkages among, existing PAs. Such additions and linkages would help provide for conservation of elephants and existing native forest biodiversity and would constitute a PAN in the region. Most (80%) of the total forest cover of the region belongs to private or community owned land. Therefore, such additions could be formally recognized under the aegis of the 2003 amendments of the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, which include provisions to designate selected forest patches within private lands as Community Reserves.  相似文献   

于田绿洲景观动态变化遥感研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用遥感和GIS技术,以及景观生态学的方法,利用1989年Landsat TM影像,1999年、2001年的Landsat ETM影像,建立相应的空间图形库系统,研究了近二十年于田地区的景观变化,从景观斑块特征、斑块的空间变化方向和剧烈变化类型角度对该地区景观的时空演变进行了动态描述。并结合多年的实地调查,对产生这些变化的原因进行了定性及定量化研究。  相似文献   

Changes in landscape composition and configuration patterns of Sancaktepe Municipal District in the Asian side of Istanbul Metropolitan City of Turkey were analysed using landscape metrics. Class-level and landscape-level metrics were calculated from the land cover/land use data using Patch Analyst, an extension in the Arc View GIS. The land cover/land use data were derived from classified satellite images of Landsat Thematic Mapper of 2002 and 2009 for Sancaktepe District. There was evidence of increase in agglomeration process of built-up patches as indicated by the increases in mean patch size, decrease in total edge and number of patches between 2002 and 2009. The urban expansion pattern experienced overall was not fragmented but concentrated due to infilling around existing patches. Changes in Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index and Area-Weighted Patch Fractal Dimension Index indicated that the physical shapes within built-up, forest and bareland areas were relatively complex and irregular. A conclusion is made in this study that spatial metrics are useful tools to describe the urban landscape composition and configuration in its various aspects and certain decisions whether to approve a specific development in urban planning could, for example, be based on some measures of urban growth form or pattern in terms of uniformity and irregularity, attributable to the dynamic processes of agglomeration and fragmentation of land cover/land use patches caused by urban expansion.  相似文献   

准确、快速地获取植被覆盖状况信息是北山区生态恢复和建设的关键与重点.本文在FCD Mapping model的原理和方法基础上,利用TM图像对北京门头沟区植被覆被率展开调查和制图应用研究,并利用FRAGSTATS软件对所得的植被覆盖等级图从斑块大小、斑块数、斑块密度、斑块平均面积、分形维数和聚集度等角度进行了空间格局的剖析.  相似文献   

On the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, forest, urban/built-up, and pasture lands have replaced most formerly cultivated lands. The extent and age distribution of each forest type that undergoes land development, however, is unknown. This study assembles a time series of four land cover maps for Puerto Rico. The time series includes two digitized paper maps of land cover in 1951 and 1978 that are based on photo interpretation. The other two maps are of forest type and land cover and are based on decision tree classification of Landsat image mosaics dated 1991 and 2000. With the map time series we quantify land-cover changes from 1951 to 2000; map forest age classes in 1991 and 2000; and quantify the forest that undergoes land development (urban development or surface mining) from 1991 to 2000 by forest type and age. This step relies on intersecting a map of land development from 1991 to 2000 (from the same satellite imagery) with the forest age and type maps. Land cover changes from 1991 to 2000 that continue prior trends include urban expansion and transition of sugar cane, pineapple, and other lowland agriculture to pasture. Forest recovery continues, but it has slowed. Emergent and forested wetland area increased between 1977 and 2000. Sun coffee cultivation appears to have increased slightly. Most of the forests cleared for land development, 55%, were young (1-13 yr). Only 13% of the developed forest was older (41-55+ yr). However, older forest on rugged karst lands that long ago reforested is vulnerable to land development if it is close to an urban center and unprotected.  相似文献   

武汉市作为武汉城市圈的核心城市,其土地利用/覆被和景观格局变化备受关注。本文基于1991年和2009年Landsat TM影像数据,采用RS、GIS和景观生态学方法,运用土地利用变化模型、土地利用转移矩阵和景观格局分析软件Fragstats3.3,对武汉市近19a的土地利用/覆盖及景观格局变化特征进行了动态研究,结果表明此成果能够为武汉市土地资源的合理开发利用和保护提供参考。  相似文献   

基于卫星遥感的城市绿地景观格局变化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市绿地景观是城市景观自然要素和社会经济可持续发展的生态基础,在城市景观结构、功能及其变化中起重要作用。利用卫星遥感技术开展城市绿地格局研究已成为热点。本文通过梳理相关研究成果,阐述了城市绿地景观遥感分类方法、景观格局指数的选择及城市绿地景观格局动态变化驱动力分析的具体内容,分析出基于遥感技术的城市绿地景观格局研究在数据源和景观格局指数选择时所存在的不足,并且从遥感数据源、分类方法、景观指数筛选和多学科、多角度交叉综合的研究方法等方面对城市绿地景观格局分析提出展望。  相似文献   

Effective quantification of land cover changes remains a challenge in Himalayan hills and mountains, and has a colossal value addition for natural resource management. Here we present a new robust method for classifying land cover vegetation at physiognomic scale along steep elevational gradients from ~?200 to ~?7000 masl in the Kailash Sacred Landscape, Western Himalaya, India along with four decades of land use and land cover changes (1976–2011) using remote sensing techniques coupled with intensive ground surveys. Results show that forest cover loss was minimum ca 7.14% of existing forest in 1976; but, however forest fragmentation is high especially in montane broad-leaved and subtropical needle leaved forests. This change largely impacted the quality of valuable tree species such as Quercus spp. Post 1976, continuous migration forced conversion of high altitude agricultural lands into grasslands and scrublands. Human settlement expansion was high especially in low altitudinal range valleys between 1000 and 2000 masl and has increased 6.76 fold since 1976, leading to high forest fragmentation in spite of reduced agriculture area in the landscape. Our physiognomic level classified land cover map will be a key for forest managers to prioritize conservation zones for protecting this unique forest land.  相似文献   

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