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根据岩心观察、铸体薄片、岩石学特征、沉积构造、古生物标志、矿物学特征及地球化学分析成果的分布分析,结合测井解释成果对红井子地区长9油层组高分辨层序地层学及砂体平面展布特征行了系统研究。发现该区长9油层组时期为砂体具毯状展布特征的典型浅水三角洲沉积体系。高分辨率层序地层学研究发现,长9油层组可划分为上部长91和下部长92两个湖侵-湖退旋回,通过基准面旋回结构分析,将该地区长9油层组确定为1个大的区域性湖侵序列,2个次级的湖侵-湖退旋回,划分出1个长期旋回层序,2个对应于长91及长92油层的中期旋回层序,4个对应于小层的、包括湖侵和湖退沉积体系域在内的基准面升、降相域。同时建立了长9油层组等时地层格架,对小层砂体进行了的追踪对比和预测。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长9砂体的垂向结构及主控因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来随着对鄂尔多斯盆地油气地质条件的重新认识,在上三叠统延长组下部的长9油层组中获得了新发现、新突破,该油层组成为油气勘探重要的战略接替层系。通过露头剖面、钻井、岩芯、测井及分析化验等资料的综合研究,结合沉积古地理背景分析,以沉积特征和指相标志的识别为依据,认为盆地内长9砂体的成因类型主要包括三角洲环境与牵引流作用有关的陆上与水下的分流河道、天然堤、决口扇、三角洲前缘的河口坝、远砂坝、席状砂等砂体,滨浅湖环境与湖浪和湖流改造作用有关的砂质滩坝、席状砂等砂体。根据岩芯剖面精细描述及沉积微相分析,结合测井曲线解释,指出长9单砂体主要发育B、C、I、F、D五种基本垂向结构类型,多层砂体的垂向叠加样式复杂多变,常见的有BB、CC、CB、II、CI、BC、BI、FF等类型。砂体垂向结构的主控因素分析表明,沉积环境、沉积相以及基准面升降旋回是控制单砂体垂向结构、多层砂体垂向叠加样式及分布的主要地质因素。  相似文献   

蒙陕深埋矿区属于新开发矿区,煤炭开采扰动下水文地质特征仍不清楚,基建和生产过程中发生了多种类型的水害问题,其中工作面回采过程中和回采结束后的涌水变化特征研究处于空白,给井下排水系统设置和防治水工作开展增加了难度。为查清工作面回采前后的全生命周期涌水量演化规律,开展顶板含水层分布、导水裂隙带发育、涌水量变化等方面的实测研究。结果表明:煤层顶板地层均属于河流/河湖相沉积,空间上呈含隔水层互层状展布,隔水层的主要岩性为泥岩、砂质泥岩;受控于鄂尔多斯盆地伊陕斜坡的单斜构造,含煤地层高程在蒙陕接壤区最低,其顶板侏罗纪煤系含水层属于区域性地下水滞流区。煤层顶板地层在中生代沉积旋回作用下,发育了3层直接充水含水层,其中直罗组七里镇砂岩(Ⅰ号含水层)距离3-1煤层顶板77.4~109.4 m,呈富水强、水压高的特点;导水裂隙带实测高度为103.4 m,裂采比18.8,工作面回采过程中导水裂隙带将发育至Ⅰ号含水层。工作面回采前期,随着导水裂隙带向上发育沟通不同含水层,采空区涌水量呈阶段性增加,工作面回采至300 m左右,采空区涌水出现第一个峰值;工作面回采中后期,导水裂隙带持续周期性发育,导致顶板含水层...  相似文献   

靖边潜台北部奥陶系风化壳储层研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据靖边气田、乌审旗气田以往的勘探经验,岩溶作用改造的白云岩储层是制约下古生界天然气勘探成功率的关键。本文在大量岩心、薄片观察的基础上,对研究区风化壳储层类型与发育特征进行了分析。结果表明:潜台北部马五4、马五5不同种类的白云岩储层的储集类型有别,主要为裂缝-溶孔(洞)型、裂缝-孔隙型及孔隙型等。岩溶台地带马五4、马五5白云岩储层剥露,上古生界煤系烃源岩成为白云岩储集体成藏的直接有效的气源;岩溶斜坡带发育的沟槽一般深切马家沟组顶面,有利于地表水岩溶作用的进行,使得马五4有利储层大多沿沟槽展布。白云岩化及岩溶作用是形成该地区隐蔽的岩性及地层-岩性复合圈闭气藏的关键,在今后勘探过程中马五段中、下部地层仍将是该地区工作重点。  相似文献   

采用“几何透视”法对回采工作面内的断层构造进行量化预测。在高差图解法的基础上,进一步探讨了该预测方法的原理、方法,使之更科学合理、精确性更高、适用性更广,并介绍了用计算机进行数据处理的方法及应用实例。  相似文献   

为了建立符合蒙陕接壤区煤炭开采防治水技术体系,以纳林河二号矿井首采工作面为例,开展了覆岩破坏规律、水文地质条件、涌水量预计、顶板水预疏放等研究,结果表明:应用钻探取心、钻孔冲洗液漏失量观测和钻孔彩色电视探测手段,实测得到首采工作面导水裂缝带高度为103.23 m,裂高(导水裂缝带高度)采厚比为18.8,导水裂缝带可沟通3段含水层,其中直罗组底部含水层钻孔涌水量92.0~136.0 m3/h、水压4.0~5.6 MPa,呈\  相似文献   

蒙陕接壤区侏罗系深埋煤层开采过程中,掌握不同阶段矿井涌水量变化规律,是保障煤矿安全的关键。从含水层发育特征、巷道掘进进尺、采空区半径等方面开展了相关研究,结果表明:蒙陕接壤区煤层顶板导水裂缝带范围内的3层复合含水层,富水性差异较大,分别对巷道掘进阶段和工作面回采阶段涌水量影响较大。煤矿建井阶段,矿井涌水量随着巷道掘进进尺增加而增加,但单位进尺涌水量变化不大,平均涌水量为0.008 32 m3/(h·m)。工作面回采前将钻孔水量降至5.0 m3/h以下,水压降至1.0 MPa左右,实现了顶板含水层静储量充分疏放目标。首采面和接续面回采阶段,矿井涌水量呈\  相似文献   

The northern Ordos Basin provides a favorable geological environment for the accumulation and development of coal measure gases (CMG). The hydrocarbon generation potential and reservoir systems of the coal measures have been studied based on data from experimental tests and production and exploration wells, respectively. Further, the coupled accumulation characteristics were determined. The results show that the source rocks are characterized by favorable hydrocarbon generation potential, high thermal evolution (Ro%?=?1.3–2.3%), and mainly type III kerogen. Coals, typically aggregated organic matter, with a huge hydrocarbon generation potential (avg. 89.11 mg/g) and total organic content (TOC) (avg. 65.52%), are predominantly involved in gaseous hydrocarbon generation. Shales with good TOC contents (avg. 2.36%) and large cumulative thicknesses have an important role in gaseous hydrocarbon generation. Coal seams, shale layers, and sandstone layers occur as variably interbedded deposits, which form a favorable environment for CMG coupled accumulation. The porosity and permeability are ranked as follows: sandstone?>?coal?>?shale, with significant stress sensitivity and anisotropy. Two continuous gas generation peaks occurred in the Late Jurassic and Late Cretaceous, with an abundant amount of coal-derived and thermogenic gas generation, respectively. Potential gas-bearing sandstone layers can be formed by gas migration via short distances from nearby coal seams and shale layers. Coupled accumulation of CMG occurred in three stages: (1) stacked and interbedded reservoirs formation stage; (2) gas generating and charging stage; and (3) coupled accumulation adjustment stage. Coalbed methane (CBM)–tight sandstone gas (TSG) assemblage is a favorable target for CMG accumulation and development.  相似文献   

Sandstone-type U mineral resources are among the important sources for nuclear energy.The U deposits in the Ordos Basin in China form part of the northern segment of the sandstone-hosted Central Asian Uranium MegaProvince.Two types of mineralizations are recognized in this basin: "phreatic permeable type" and "interlayer permeable type",both exhibiting features equivalent to roll-front subtypes.The "interlayer permeable type" is widely accepted as the dominant mineralization type for sandstone-type uranium deposits within large-scale basins,also designated as the "interlayer oxidation zone type",based on the horizontal color zoning model representing changing redox conditions.Here we synthesize data from several drill holes within the Ordos Basin,which suggest that major Mesozoic tectonic movements controlled the evolution of the sedimentary system in the basin.These tectonic movements contributed to the formation of three angular unconformities and four parallel unconformities as inferred from the stratigraphic relationships.In addition,other features such as vertical color zoning,paleo-channel controlled tabular or lentoid ore bodies(without roll-type) and a group interlayer horizontal zoning of altered minerals are also documented.Sequence stratigraphic analysis indicates that the Ordos Basin generally witnessed four cycles of water level variations during Mesozoic.During the variations,three high water level and three low water level events were recorded.Biological characteristics imply that the Ordos Basin went through multiple arid to humid climatic evolutions during Mesozoic.Combining the newly documented features with some novel concepts on the hydrodynamic mechanism for supergene ore-forming fluids,we propose a metallogenic model which invokes the importance of tectonic movements and water level fluctuations to explain the genesis of uranium deposits along the northern margin of the Ordos Basin.  相似文献   

The main aquifer coal seam within the Ordos Basin (OB) coalfield, China, is an extremely rare example of a hydrogeological feature that is found relatively recently during basin development. Mine water gushed from this coal seam during the construction and production phases of the coalfield. However, because this seam has traditionally been considered as an aquifuge, the special geological conditions it creates have led to a range of new challenges in mine water disaster prevention, control, and management as characteristics of both confined and unconfined aquifers are evident. The aim of this paper is to reveal the causes underlying the formation of this main aquifer coal seam by analyzing hydrodynamic conditions, hydrogeological structures, and the surrounding lithological association. In addition, the particular geological conditions created by the presence of this feature are discussed, with emphasis on their influences on mine construction and production. This study provides an important theoretical basis for the future study of mine water disaster prevention as well as a potential method for disaster control that can be applied in the case of particular hydrogeological conditions.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology of the Ordos Basin,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The Ordos Basin is located in the east of NW China that is composed of different aquifer systems. Karst groundwater is stored in the Carmbrian-Ordovician carbonates along the margins of the basin. Fissured-pore water is present in the Cretaceous strata in the central-western basin and pore water is stored in the overlying Quaternary deposits discontinuously. The main origin of groundwater in the basin is direct or indirect infiltration of precipitation. Groundwater flows from recharge areas to adjacent local discharge areas. Besides evaporation and abstraction, groundwater feeds springs and rivers, such as the Yellow River and its tributaries. According to the karst aquifer lithologic structure, the features of karst development and circulation, the karst aquifer is divided into three structural and circulation patterns. Based on the control of Cretaceous sedimentary environment, lithologic structure, lithofacies, and palaeogeographic characteristics, the Cretaceous system is divided into the northern desert simple plateau aquifer system and the southern loess plateau aquifer system. PACKER was used to obtain temperature, hydrogeochemical and isotope data at specific depths. Groundwater circulation is studied using hydrodynamic fields, temperature fields, isotopes, hydrogeochemical data and numerical simulations. According to the result, it is divided into local, intermediate and regional systems.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯深部咸水层CO_2地质封存效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国首个陆上咸水层CO_2地质封存全流程示范项目于2010年正式实施。为更加清晰、准确地了解注入场地储层的注入性能和注入封存过程中可能遇到的潜在问题,基于场地储层结构和注入监测数据,采用储层多相流模拟软件TOUGH2-MP/ECO_2N对鄂尔多斯105 t/a CO_2注入1 620 m以深的特低渗砂岩咸水含水层进行数值模拟,对储层的压力积聚和CO_2羽体扩散的动态演化以及储层封存量进行评估。结果表明,所建立的模型比较准确地反映了实际注入过程和注入效果。3a注入引起的最大压力抬升小于15 MPa,CO_2在含水层中总体呈均匀扩散,CO_2注入地下3a和53a后,羽体在刘家沟储层中的横向迁移距离分别为550 m和700 m左右。在目前的统注方案下,CO_2主要封存层位在储层上部的刘家沟组(埋深为1 690~1 699 m),其吸气量占整个储层封存量的80%以上,储层吸气能力具有由浅到深变差的特征。53a模拟期内,进入泥岩盖层的CO_2总量不及注入总量的0.05%。  相似文献   

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