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Electron and proton acceleration by a super-Dreicer electric field is investigated in the non-neutral reconnecting current sheet (RCS) with a non-zero longitudinal component of the magnetic field ('guiding field'). The guiding field is assumed parallel to the direction of electric field and constant within an RCS. The other two magnetic field components, transverse and tangential, are considered to vary with distances from the X null point of an RCS. The proton and electron energy spectra are calculated numerically from a motion equation using the test particle approach for model RCSs with constant and variable densities. In the presence of a strong or moderate guiding field, protons were found fully or partially separated from electrons at ejection from an RCS into the opposite, 'electron' and 'proton', semiplanes. In the case of a weak guiding field, both protons and electrons are ejected symmetrically in equal proportions as neutral beams. The particles ejected from an RCS with a very weak or very strong guiding field have power-law energy spectra with spectral indices of about 1.5 for protons and 2.0 for electrons. For a moderate guiding field, the energy spectra of electrons ejected into the opposite semiplanes are mixed, i.e. in the 'electron-dominated' semiplane power-law energy spectra for electrons and thermal-like for protons, while in the 'proton' semiplane they are symmetrically mirrored.  相似文献   

In order to analyse the convective instability of the force-free magnetic field, an exact solution of the MHD equation for the magnetic field (1) together with the flow field (2) of constant speed V0 making an angle θ with the magnetic field, was chosen as the unperturbed state. The stability of the fields between two parallel conducting walls of seperation d was studied by a linear perturbation method, which led to the eigenvalue problem (12), X being given by (13). It was shown by an approximate variational method that instability will set in by the flow field if V0 is greater than 1/ 3 times Alfven velocity VA. For β=V2oV2A < 13, the stability of the force-free field (1) is not influenced by the flow field, which may still be significant in other respects. Perturbations transverse to the magnetic field were found to be the most unstable modes.  相似文献   

Explorer 34 (Imp 4) 2.56 s magnetic data during 131 traversals of the tail current sheet are presented along with simultaneous 2.5 min auroral electrojet indices AE and AL. The normal magnetic field,B , satellite crossing times and positions are tabulated for these 131 crossings.B is defined in the center of the sheet: it is the vector magnetic field at the time of field minimum during the crossing (B x component changes sign). It is remarkable that the only normal components too large in magnitude to be classified as fine structure occur near the time of onset of an AE event. Cases are discussed where the normal component, defined near the plasma sheet edges, has the opposite sign compared to the normal component defined at the sheet center. For quiet times, the current sheet may be only about 1000 km thick within a 3R e (Earth-radii) plasma sheet, and may carry some 10–15% of the total tail current.  相似文献   

A necessary and sufficient condition for the ideal magnetohydrodynamic stability of 2D current sheet models of prominences suspended in a potential coronal field with line-tying is developed using the energy method. This condition takes the form of two simple coupled second-order differential equations which may be integrated along a field line to find marginal stability. The two conditions (85) and (86) of Anzer (1969) are now only sufficient for stability. Two current sheet models are investigated and it is shown that for a potential coronal field allowing perturbed electric currents to flow, line-tying can completely stabilize the equilibria for realistic heights.  相似文献   

As a paradigm for various explosive processes in the interstellar medium we consider the problem of an adiabatic explosion into a uniform magnetic field which is frozen to the gas. A typical numerical run is described and reveals the following features. The outer shock becomes oblate with respect to the field lines whereas the inner hot gas prolate density and temperature contours. During the later stages the shock weakens and the explosion comes into equilibrium with the interstellar medium. The dominant feature at this stage is a concentration of accelerated material at each pole. We then try to interpret this analytically, considering the magnetic field as a small perturbation to a spherical explosion. This enables us to derive a formula for the eccentricity, which is proportional tot 6/5. However, the linear perturbation is singular at the centre and needs to be matched to a self-similar flow there, for which we give an approximation. This similarity solution is eventually important outside the region occupied by the material initially responsible for the explosion. We give some discussion of the various asymptotic regimes involved.  相似文献   

Both localized emergence and submergence of magnetic flux can produce a neutral current sheet. Tur and Priest [2] discussed the former process in two particular cases having a dipole and a uniform background, respectively. This paper discusses the latter possibility using the same two examples. Some errors in principle in Ref. [2] in regard to the second example are pointed out.  相似文献   

Recent linear calculations concerning waves in a magnetic neutral sheet have been extended by a crude quasilinear treatment. By making speculative, but plausible, assumptions about the noise, a simple expression is obtained for the velocity diffusion coefficient for those electrons which move in “serpentine” orbits. With an assumption about the velocity distribution it is possible to calculate the rate of change of current density due to the noise, which is expressed as an equivalent electric field.  相似文献   

T. Hirayama 《Solar physics》1992,137(1):33-50
Joule heating in a slender magnetic flux tube is investigated. The distribution of the magnetic field and electric sheet current encircling a vertical cylindrical magnetic tube is determined by equating the converging magnetic flux, which results from the converging and downward flow of the granulation, and the dissipative expanding magnetic flux due to Ohmic decay. Here, to ensure the mass flux conservation, an overshooting convective flow pattern resembling recent simulations was assumed. Even with the electrical resistivity from neutral hydrogen, the width of the current sheet was found to be 2 km, being much smaller than the tube diameter of 150 km, either from an exact or approximate (Gaussian) field distribution.The resultant energy flux density due to Joule heating averaged over the cylindrical cross sectional area, is 1 × 109 erg cm-2 s-1 for an assumed photospheric magnetic field of 1500 G. This amount may supply enough energy to heat the temperature minimum region of the flux tube by T = 300 K in accord with observations, though our estimation of the excess radiation loss which should be supplied by the Joule heating to keep T = 300 K is rather uncertain.A possible role of the Joule heating on spicule formation is briefly discussed together with discussions on the slab geometry, general flow patterns, and non-constant field distributions inside the flux tube.  相似文献   

In the forward part of the magnetosphere the distant tail current system approximates a magnetic quadrupole composed of two distorted adjacent solenoids. The current in the neutral sheet at this distance is accurately approximated as an infinitesimally thin current sheet. We have calculated the magnetic field near the Earth by integrating over the entire tail current system assuming the magnetotail is a cylinder of constant radius and that the tail current decreases with distance into the tail as |x|?13. The field is then represented by a scalar potential expanded into spherical harmonics which may be conveniently added to the spherical harmonic expansion of the scalar potential representing the magnetopause current system.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of the finite Alfvén velocity on the evolution of an active region filament. In general, variations of a current result in variations of the magnetic fields which spread around with the Alfvén velocity. As a consequence of the fact that a magnetic field can only change with the Alfvén velocity, a filament will experience the photospheric boundary conditions as these were at an Alfvén travel time back in time. The inclusion of this retardation effect in the momentum equation of a filament leads effectively to an extra force term. This force contribution acts in the direction in which the filament moves and has therefore a destabilizing effect on the filament. Because a moving filament acts as an antenna of Alfvén waves, the filament loses energy by the emission process. This leads to a radiative damping term in the equation of motion of the filament. In general, the radiative damping will be sufficiently strong to counteract the retardation instability. Numerical simulations show that during the energy build-up phase a filament follows the van Tend-Kuperus equilibrium curve. After the van Tend-Kuperus equilibrium has disappeared the filament goes through a transient phase moving with a sub-Alfvénic velocity upward. At greater heights the repulsive Lorentz force of the photospheric surface current magnetic field is balanced by the radiative damping, resulting in a decreasing filament velocity.Parts of this paper were presented at the 4th CESRA Workshop in Ouranopolis (Greece) in 1991.  相似文献   

The Hood-Anzer prominence model (Hood and Anzer, 1990) is modified to include magnetic shear. The stability properties of the model are then assessed to see if significant magnetic shear can stabilize ideal MHD disturbances. It is shown that a strong shear gradient in the magnetic field near the base of the prominence provides a stabilizing effect and realistic prominence heights are indeed possible.  相似文献   

The effect of a helical magnetic field on the stability of an infinitely conducting, inviscid, incompressible and infinitely long self-gravitating cylinder is studied for axisymmetric perturbations. The effect of helicity is also examined.  相似文献   

Frequencies of non-radial oscillation of polytropic models of stars, belonging to spherical harmonics of ordersl=1, 2 and 3, are evaluated, in a second approximation, by a variational method. Equilibrium configurations in the presence of toroidal magnetic fields are obtained numerically without any restriction on the field strength. The value of the ratio of the specific heats, , is assumed to be equal to 5/3 and only two polytropic indeces,n=1.5 and 3.0, are considered. It is found that a polytropic star stays stable for magnetic fields considerably stronger than expected from the results obtained by the weak field perturbation methods.  相似文献   

Modeling the magnetic field in prestellar cores can serve as a useful tool for studying the initial conditions of star formation. The analytic hourglass model of Ewertowski and Basu (2013) provides a means to fit observed polarimetry measurements and extract useful information. The original model does not specify any radial distribution of the electric current density. Here, we perform a survey of possible centrally-peaked radial distributions of the current density, and numerically derive the full hourglass patterns. Since the vertical distribution is also specified in the original model, we can study the effect of different ratios of vertical to radial scale length on the overall hourglass pattern. Different values of this ratio may correspond to different formation scenarios for prestellar cores. We demonstrate the flexibility of our model and how it can be applied to a variety of magnetic field patterns.  相似文献   

We have investigated the formation of polar gaps in pulsars as envisaged by Ruderman and Sutherland (1975) in the presence of photon conversion into positronia (Shabad and Usov, 1985; Heroldet al., 1985) and dissociation of positronia by strong electric fields. For the emission of curvature radiation near the pulsar's surface, we have used formulae which are valid in the extreme relativistic regime. We find that the gap formation is not affected, only the gap height is generally slightly increased. In the sample of pulsars that we have studied, in most cases there is likely to be enough plasma in the gap to initiate processes producing radio emission in accordance with the theory. In some cases we found the possibility of emission of high-energy photons outside the pulsar magnetosphere, as was suggested earlier by us (Bhatiaet al., 1987) in conformity with some of the observations.  相似文献   

Molodensky  M. M. 《Solar physics》1974,39(2):393-404
Force-free magnetic fields (f.f.f) are considered as the first approximation of magnetic hydrodynamic equations in the case when the energy of the field exceeds the thermal energy of the medium. Such a relation of energies takes place in the upper atmosphere of the Sun in active regions.The consequence of the virial theorem obtained shows that for any solution of the corresponding non-linear system of equations only two cases are possible: either the total energy of the field is given by a divergent integral, or in some regions the force-free character of field is destroyed. This permits the conclusion that it is impossible to build f.f. current systems everywhere, and therefore boundary problems for this type of fields are of the same importance as for harmonic fields.Integral relations are obtained which are the necessary conditions for the solution of boundary problems. According to the classical principle of Thompson the harmonic fields are always stable, while f.f.f. may be stable or unstable.It is shown that: (1) arbitrary f.f.f. are stable to small changes of boundary conditions; (2) among f.f.f. the hydrodynamically stable configurations exist.The hydrodynamic stability condition restricts the size of force-free currents in such configurations.  相似文献   

We present the calculation of the probability production of an electron–positron pair in the presence of a strong magnetic field with time-varying strength. The calculation takes into account the presence of a strong, constant and uniform gravitational field in the same direction of the magnetic field. The results show that the presence of the gravitational field in general enhances very much the production of pairs. In particular, high-energy pairs are more likely produced in the presence of the gravitational field than in Minkowski spacetime.  相似文献   

In the ideal magnetohydrodynamic approximation it is shown that for physically permissible boundary conditions there may exist some lines on which freezing-in condition is not valid. Such singular lines are closed magnetic lines of force and lines with both ends on the boundary surface. By analogy with the singular lines of a potential magnetic field the conclusion is made that X-type singular lines are the place where current sheets (sheet pinches) appear in plasma, whereas on O-type singular lines quasi-cylindrical pinches of a usual type appear.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.  相似文献   

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