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The temperature dependence of the binary recombination coefficient, α2, for the reaction NO++NO2? → products has been obtained over the range 185–530 K. It is found that the corresponding mean cross section σ is described by the power law σ ? A · T?0.9, and that α2 ? B · T?0.4. Data has also been obtained for two cluster ion recombination reactions which indicate that their recombination cross sections are only about 40% larger than for the parent ions at a given temperature, the cross sections for these reactions also apparently increasing with decreasing temperature. In the light of this data and by considering the most probable positive and negative ions existing at various altitudes up to 90km in the atmosphere, the most appropriate ionic recombination coefficients in various altitude ranges are deduced. Thus, between 30 and 90 km, where the recombination process is two-body, the coefficient varies over the narrow range 5–9 × 10?8 cm3s?1, while below 30 km the process is predominantly three-body with an effective two-body rate increasing rapidly to a maximum value ≈3 × 10?6 cm3s?1 in the troposphere, these deductions being based on published laboratory determinations of three-body recombination coefficients.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic and electrodynamic problems of solar wind interaction with the Earth's magnetosphere on the day-side are investigated.The initial fact, well established, is that the density of the magnetic field energy in the solar wind is rather small. Magnetic field intensity and orientation are shown to determine the character of the solar wind flow around the magnetosphere. For mean parameters of the wind, if the tangential component of the magnetic field is more or equal 5γ, the flow in the magneto-sheath will be laminar. For other cases the flow is of a turbulent type.For turbulent flow, typical plasma parameters are estimated: mean free path, internal scale of inhomogeneities and dissipated energy. The results obtained are compared with experimental data.For the case of laminar flow, special attention is paid to the situation when magnetic fields of the solar wind and Earth are antiparallel. It is suggested, on the basis of solid arguments, that the southward interplanetary field diffuses from the magnetosheath into the Earth's magnetosphere. These ideas are used for the estimation of the distance to the magnetopause subsolar point. A detailed comparison with results of observation is made. The coincidence is satisfactory. Theoretical investigation has been made to a great extent for thin magnetopause with thickness δRHe-gyroradius of an electron.It is shown that during magnetospheric substorms relaxation oscillations with the period τ = 100–300 sec must appear. A theorem is proved about the appearance of a westward electrical field during the substorm development, when the magnetosphere's day-side boundary moves Earthward and about the recovery phase, when the magnetopause motion is away from the Earth, when there is an eastward electrical field.In the Appendix, plasma wave exitation in the magnetopause is considered and conductivity magnitudes are calculated, including the reduction due to the scattering by plasma turbulence.  相似文献   

Propagation and amplification of the pearls are analysed, with diffusion of wave trains in the k-space taken into account. The competition between the instability-induced amplification and the diffusion determines the values of magnetospheric parameters at which the appearance of pearls is possible. Diffusion is particularly large under conditions of a thin plasmapause and generation of pearls there is hindered or is not possible at all.  相似文献   

Using the time observations obtained by 8 instruments in the Chinese Joint System during the years 1966–1980, we analyse the Moon's zonal tidal effect. The results show that the effects of the Mf and Mm waves are obvious. From this, the parameters KC of the zonal tide are estimated and the weighted averages of the 8 instruments are (KC)Mf = 0.909 ± 0.114 and (KC)Mm = 0.905 ± 0.083 respectively.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a nonlinear instability of quasi-monochromatic VLF signals and whistlers in the Earth's magnetosphere due to induced scattering. The instability growth rates and the threshold values of the signal amplitude at which the instability occurs have been found. The instability is shown to be more effectively excited when the initial transverse VLF wave transforms into plasma oscillations at the lower hybrid resonance (LHR) frequency and may be responsible for the phenomena such as trigger LHR emission, the amplitude and phase modulation of artificial VLF signals and be the origin of some types of discrete VLF signals.  相似文献   

A model for solar wind flow around the magnetopause incorporating a stagnation line at the frontside magnetopause is used to derive a formula for the electric field intensity and polar cap potential drop. These relationships are compared to experimental data from polar orbiting satellites. The relation between solar wind parameters and auroral arc velocity is also studied.  相似文献   

The interaction of energetic auroral protons with the atmosphere is investigated. The results of a random number algorithm that describes the proton-hydrogen interconversion reactions as the beam loses energy are adopted to construct an energy deposition curve applicable over a wide range of initial proton energies. lonization rates and production rates of ejected electrons are computed and emission rates of hydrogen Balmer alpha and beta lines are evaluated using recently available low energy cross-sections.  相似文献   

The problem of interaction between the interplanetary shock of 8 March, 1970 and the Earth's bow shock, magnetopause and plasmapause is considered. Estimates are made using existing models of the moments of initial impulsive interaction of interplanetary shocks with the bow shock and of the secondary interaction of the resulting split discontinuities with the magnetopause, plasmapause and a modified bow shock. Using computed data on the plasma's concentration jumps at discontinuities and on the latters' velocities, estimates have been carried out of remote sounding and the response signals' phase difference change rates Δf (which were found to be of the order of ~ 10?3?10?2Hz) appearing on the radio path with a non-coherent response near the subsolar region. It has been ascertained that the non-coherent response method permits, by using generators with a stability of ε =δrffO = 10?11?10?10, effective investigation (with a good time resolution) of the impulsive interaction of interplanetary shocks with the plasma discontinuities of the bow shockmagnetopause-plasmapause system.  相似文献   

From the viewpoint of dynamical topology, planetary magnetospheres are classified into three: Types 1, 2 and 3. When the rotation vector and dipole moment of a planet and the velocity vector of the solar wind are denoted as Ω, M, and V, respectively, the planetary magnetosphere with ΩMV is called Type 1. The magnetospheres of the present Earth, Jupiter, and Uranus at its equinoctial points belong to this type. The magnetosphere with ΩMV is called Type 2, which includes the Uranian magnetosphere at its solstitial points. The magnetosphere with ΩM and ΩV is called Type 3. The Earth's palaeomagnetosphere is considered to have experienced Type 3 during excursions and transition stages of palaeomagnetic polarity reversals. In the Type 3 magnetosphere, drastic diurnal variations are expected in configurations of the dayside cusps, tail axis, neutral sheet, polar caps, and so on. A possible relation between the Type 3 palaeomagnetosphere and palaeoclimate of the Earth during polarity reversals and geomagnetic excursions is suggested. It is also suggested that the heliomagnetosphere during polarity reversals of the general field of the Sun exhibits a drastic configuration change similar to the Type 3 palaeomagnetosphere of the Earth. A relation between the perpendicular condition ΩM and magnetic variable stars and pulsars is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

An estimate of an upper bound on the length of the Earth's magnetotail has been made under the assumptions that (1) the flux of open magnetic field lines in the polar caps never vanishes and (2) the annihilation of the open field line flux is extremely low during magnetically quiet periods. These two basic assumptions are discussed and justified. It is found that the tail may be as long as 6000 Re (0.25 a.u.) after a prolonged quiet time period. On the other hand, the length of the shortest tail, which would result from a sequence of strong magnetospheric substorms, is estimated to be ~ 600 Re. These events are thus capable of shortening the tail by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Using the Boltzmann-Fokker-Planck method and the local approximation we derive coupled non-linear equations for the electron and ion concentrations and the energy-dependent electron distribution function in the Earth's lower ionosphere. These equations are new and give the appropriate generalization of the standard electron-ion continuity equations in the local approximation when electron-neutral particle impact ionization is treated rigorously. We report stable, numerical solutions to these equations and compare our calculated electron concentration to the experimentally determined result for a rocket experiment where the electron concentration and solar EUV spectral flux were measured simultaneously.  相似文献   

Direct photolysis of O3 and quenching of O(1D) by N2 provide abundant sources of fast oxygen atoms for the Earth's lower atmosphere. The concentration of atoms with energy above 0.7 eV may exceed the concentration of O(1D) for all altitudes below 18 km and these atoms may play an important role in lower atmospheric chemistry. Distribution functions for O(3P) are given for the energy interval 0.1-1.3 eV, for a range of altitudes from 0 to 62 km.  相似文献   

Studies of the boundary layers in the vicinity of the Earth's dayside magnetopause are important in determining the nature of the processes which couple the magnetosphere to the flowing solar wind, thereby driving magnetospheric convection. In this paper we examine theoretically the magnetic field and plasma properties expected in the boundary regions for various models involving either diffusion or reconnection at the boundary. For diffusion models the transport of magnetosheath momentum across the magnetopause will result in field shears on either side of the boundary, the field rotations being in opposite senses on either side relative to the undisturbed fields. The directions of these rotations depend upon location at the magnetopause relative to the momentum transfer region and to the noon meridian. In reconnection models the effect of the tension of the open boundary layer field lines must be taken into account in addition to the magnetosheath flow, but on the super-Alfvénic flanks of the magnetosphere the latter still dominates, so that qualitatively similar effects will occur in the two models. More detailed, quantitative or statistical studies are then required to distinguish the two models in this regime. In the sub-Alfvénic dayside region, however, open field tension effects will dominate in reconnection models such that boundary layer field and plasma properties will then be determined mainly by the magnetosheath magnetic field configuration. In particular the East-West flow in the magnetospheric boundary layer will be controlled largely by the East-West field in the magnetosheath, leading to flow reversals across the magnetopause in some quadrants of the magnetopause. This behaviour is directly related to the Svalgaard-Mansurov effect and is a signature unique to reconnection models. The boundary layer fields are also expected to tilt towards the field on the opposite side of the boundary in these models on the dayside. “Toward” tilting can also occur in this regime in diffusion models, but “away” tilting, a signature unique to dayside diffusion, should also occur equally frequently. Finally, we briefly discuss previously published high-resolution ISEE 1 and 2 data from the boundary regions in the light of our results. We find that “toward” tilting generally occurs in boundary region crossings previously identified as being reconnection-associated and we present some examples in which the above unique reconnection signature has been observed. During impulsive FTE-like events, however, the field may tilt in either direction, possibly as a result of field line twists, thus complicating our simple picture in this case. We also show that the “reverse draping” observations presented by Hones et al. (1982) approximately satisfy the open magnetopause stress balance conditions.  相似文献   

Fluorescent emissions from nitric oxide appear imposed upon the Rayleigh backscattered spectrum of the earth's atmosphere between 250 and 300 nm in wavelength. Satellite instruments designed to monitor the global ozone distribution can routinely observe these signals although techniques for exploiting the data are not yet available. Application of a radiative transfer equation developed for an atmosphere including absorption by ozone, molecular scattering, and nitric oxide fluorescence shows the three most prominent NO emissions relative to the 250–300 nm backscattered sunlight to be the (1,4), (1,6), and (0,3) gamma bands. Analysis of the contribution function for each emission band indicates that the fluorescent signals can provide useful information on the magnitude and variability of nitric oxide between 40 and 140 km in altitude.  相似文献   

A model for the production and loss of energetic electrons in Jupiter's radiation belt is presented. It is postulated that the electrons originate in the solar wind and are diffused in toward the planet by perturbations which violate the particles' third adiabatic invariant. At large distances, magnetic perturbations, electric fields associated with magnotospheric convection, or interchange instabilities driven by thermal plasma gradients may drive the diffusion. Inside about 10 RJ the diffusion is probably driven by electric fields associated with the upper atmosphere dynamo which is driven by neutral winds in the ionosphere. The diurnal component of the dynamo wind fields produces a dawn-dusk asymmetry in the decimetric radiation from the electrons in the belts, and the lack of obvious measured asymmetries in the decimetric radiation measurements provides estimates of upper limits for these Jovian ionospheric neutral winds. The average diurnal winds are less than or comparable to those on earth, but only modest fluctuating winds are required to drive the energetic electron diffusion referred to above.The winds required to diffuse the energetic particles across the orbit of the satellite lo in a time equal to their drift period are also estimated. If Io is non-conducting, modest winds are required, but if Io is conducting, only small winds are needed. It is concluded that both protons and electrons are diffused in from the solar wind to small distances without serious losses occurring due to the particles being swept up by the satellites.Consideration of proton and electron diffusion in energy shows that once the electrons become relativistic, the ratio of proton to electron energy increases. Thus, if protons and electrons have the same energy in the solar wind, when the electrons reach nMeV, the protons will be nMeV if n ? 1 or n2 MeV if n ? 1. If the proton-to-electron energy ratio is initially, e.g., 5, then these figures are 5n and 5n2, respectively.  相似文献   

Numerical solutions are obtained from analytic dispersion relations for electrostatic waves in a self-consistent, one-dimensional magnetic neutral sheet. The dispersion relations are solved in the real wave number and complex frequency domain. The properties of wave modes will be described, with special emphasis on instability. Several regimes of instability are identified which may generally be divided into two classes. Wave growth is associated firstly with counterstreaming between ions and electrons, giving rise to low frequency waves similar to the usual electrostatic two-stream mode. In addition, high frequency growing waves occur, associated with harmonics of the electron oscillation frequency across the neutral plane.  相似文献   

Measurements of the 1.4 GHz emission from Jupiter made when DE was 3°·1 show the circular polarization to vary from +0.8 to ?1.1% as the planet rotates. The rms scatter of the points about the mean curve is only 0.09%. Expressed as a function of Jovian magnetic latitude the polarization at first increases linearly but beyond latitudes ~7° the curve flattens. This shape requires that the radiating electrons have a pitch angle distribution similar to that inferred earlier from the beaming and linear polarization. The magnitude of the circular polarization requires an equatorial magnetic flux density in the belt of about 0.3G, consistent with the Pioneer results.Compared with measurements made one orbital period earlier, the total flux density has decreased by 15%, but the beaming has not changed appreciably.  相似文献   

A dispersion relation is derived for acoustic-gravity waves propagating in a multiconstituent gas whose atoms and molecules are subject to relaxational exchanges of thermal energy between translational and internal forms. The relation employs a complex thermal capacitance, derived in a companion paper, which incorporates the relaxational effects. Approximations to this relation permit ready assessment of the attenuation of wave amplitude and energy that relaxation produces, both in absolute amount and relative to viscous attenuation.In Earth's upper atmosphere, relaxational attenuation is found to be of greatest potential consequence in the middle and upper E region. Both electronic relaxation in atomic oxygen and vibrational relaxation in molecular oxygen and nitrogen appear to be capable of playing a significant role, but it is found that the actual significance of their roles cannot be assessed adequately because of present uncertainties of governing parameters (and, in the case of vibrational relaxation, of governing collisional interactions). Similar uncertainties are found to surround the role that relaxation, notably in atomic oxygen, may play in the termination of turbulence near the 110 km level.  相似文献   

The daily averages of the dawn and dusk observed exospheric temperatures (deduced from solar EUV attenuation measurements between 250 and 400 km) are presented for 280 days from day 227, 1969. They are compared with the empirical model of the US Standard Atmosphere Supplements 1966 and the Jacchia 35 H model. Although consistently lower temperatures than either model were found, a better fit to the latter rather than the former was observed. The exospheric response to solar and geomagnetic activity is investigated, and refinements to the models are suggested.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is proposed for the interaction of a plane discontinuity in the solar wind with the magnetosphere. The presence of the bow shock and magnetosheath are taken into account, the calculation being based on the Spreiter et al. (1966) gas-dynamic model for a solar wind Mach Number M = 5. The model proposed predicts the manner in which the shape of the interplanetary discontinuity is distorted in its passage through the magnetosheath; it is found that the point of first impact with the magnetopause makes an angle of 56° with the Sun-Earth line for relatively quiet solar wind conditions.  相似文献   

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