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We describe a simple method for determining the time at which the meridian of a sub-auroral magnetic observatory crosses that of the Harang discontinuity—the separation of the eastward and westward electrojets which flow in the evening and morning sectors of the auroral oval. We then consider how this time, determined from examination of magnetograms from sub-auroral observatories varies with the dawn-dusk (y) component of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field. We find that the time at which the Harang discontinuity is identified in the Northern Hemisphere is earlier for By > 0 than the occasions when By < 0, and that the converse is observed in the Southern Hemisphere. Also we suggest that there is no significant seasonal variation in the relationship between the time of the discontinuity and By. The sense of the azimuthal shift of the auroral electrojet currents with changes in By is consistent with the theory of Cowley (1981). However, the magnitude of the observed shifts is approximately an order of magnitude greater than the theoretical predictions. We suggest that this difference between observation and theory arises from the use of a dipole magnetic field model at auroral zone latitudes in the theoretical estimation of azimuthal displacement.  相似文献   

The interplanetary magnetic field has been mapped between 0.4 and 1.2 AU in the ecliptic plane, extrapolating from satellite measurements at 1 AU. The structure within sectors and the evolution of sectors are discussed. The development of a solar active region appears to produce magnetic loops in the interplanetary medium that result in the formation of a new sector.  相似文献   

Data of geomagnetic indices (aa, Kp, Ap, and Dst) recorded near 1 AU over the period 1967–2016, have been studied based on the asymmetry between the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) directions above and below of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS). Our results led to the following conclusions: (i) Throughout the considered period, 31 random years (62%) showed apparent asymmetries between Toward (\(\mathbf{T}\)) and Away (\(\mathbf{A}\)) polarity days and 19 years (38%) exhibited nearly a symmetrical behavior. The days of \(\mathbf{A}\) polarity predominated over the \(\mathbf{T}\) polarity days by 4.3% during the positive magnetic polarity epoch (1991–1999). While the days of \(\mathbf{T}\) polarity exceeded the days of \(\mathbf{A}\) polarity by 5.8% during the negative magnetic polarity epoch (2001–2012). (ii) Considerable yearly North–South (N–S) asymmetries of geomagnetic indices observed throughout the considered period. (iii) The largest toward dominant peaks for \(aa\) and \(Ap\) indices occurred in 1995 near to minimum of solar activity. Moreover, the most substantial away dominant peaks for \(aa\) and \(Ap\) indices occurred in 2003 (during the descending phase of the solar cycle 23) and in 1991 (near the maximum of solar activity cycle) respectively. (iv) The N–S asymmetry of \(Kp\) index indicated a most significant away dominant peak occurred in 2003. (v) Four of the away dominant peaks of Dst index occurred at the maxima of solar activity in the years 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2013. The largest toward dominant peak occurred in 1991 (at the reversal of IMF polarity). (vi) The geomagnetic indices (aa, Ap, and \(Kp\)) all have northern dominance during positive magnetic polarity epoch (1971–1979), while the asymmetries shifts to the southern solar hemisphere during negative magnetic polarity epoch (2001–2012).  相似文献   

Flapping motions of the magnetotail with an amplitude of several earth radii are studied by analysing the observations made in the near (x = ?25 ~ ?30 RE and the distant (x? ?60 RE) tail regions. It is found that the flapping motions result from fluctuations in the interplanetary magnetic field, especially Alfvénic fluctuations, when the magnitude of the interplanetary magnetic field is larger than ~10 γ and they propagate behind the Earth with the solar wind flow. Flappings tend to be observed in early phases of the magnetospheric substorm, and they have two fundamental modes with periods of ~200 and ~500 sec. In some limited cases a good correspondence with the long period micropulsations (Pc5) in the polar cap region is observed. These observational results are explained by the model in which the Alfvénic fluctuations in the solar wind penetrate into the magnetosphere along the connected interplanetary-magnetospheric field lines. The characteristics of the flapping reveal that the geomagnetic tail is a good resonator for the hydromagnetic disturbances in the solar wind.  相似文献   

Impulsive penetration of a solar wind filament into the magnetosphere is possible when the plasma element has an excess momentum density with respect to the background medium. This first condition is satisfied when the density is larger inside than outside the plasma inhomogeneity. In this paper we discuss the second condition which must be satisfied for such a plasma element to be captured by the magnetosphere: the magnetization vector (M) carried by this plasma must have a positive component along the direction of B0, the magnetic field where the element penetrates through the magnetopause. On the contrary, when M · B0 < 0, the filament is stopped at the surface of the magnetopause. Thus the outcome of the interaction of the filament with the magnetosphere depends upon the orientation of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field. For instance, penetration and capture in the frontside magnetosphere implies that Bsw, the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, has a southward, or a small northward, component. Penetration and capture in the northern lobe of the magnetotail is favoured for an IMF pointing away from the Sun; in the southern lobe Bsw must be directed towards the Sun for capture. Finally, for capture in the vicinity of the polar cusps the magnetospheric field (B0) assumes a wider range of orientations. Therefore, near the neutral points, it is easier to find a place where the condition M · B0 > 0 is satisfied than elsewhere. As a consequence, the penetration and capture of solar wind irregularities in the cleft regions is possible for almost any orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field direction. All observations made to date support these theoretical conclusions.  相似文献   

The mean photospheric magnetic field of the sun seen as a star has been compared with the interplanetary magnetic field observed with spacecraft near the earth. Each change in polarity of the mean solar field is followed about 4 1/2 days later by a change in polarity of the interplanetary field (sector boundary). The scaling of the field magnitude from sun to near earth is within a factor of two of the theoretical value, indicating that large areas on the sun have the same predominant polarity as that of the interplanetary sector pattern. An independent determination of the zero level of the solar magnetograph has yielded a value of 0.1±0.05 G. An effect attributed to a delay of approximately one solar rotation between the appearance of a new photospheric magnetic feature and the resulting change in the interplanetary field is observed.  相似文献   

The geometry of the open flux area in the polar region is computed by superposing a uniform interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) with various orientation angles to a model of the magnetosphere. It is confirmed that the IMF By component is as important as the Bz component in “opening” the magnetosphere. It is also shown that the computed area of open field lines is remarkably similar to the observed ones which were determined by using the entry of solar electrons. In particular, when the IMF vector is confined in the X-Z-plane and the Bz component has a large positive value, the open area becomes crescent-shaped, coinciding approximately with the cusp region.  相似文献   

We have extended our earlier study of the dependance of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) spiral on the magnetic polarity to cover the 26-year period 1965–1990. Our analysis reveals that: 1. The spiral angle north of the current sheet is higher than south of it. 2. During both of negative solar polarity epochs the IMF spiral is stable; it shows more variation during positive polarity epoch. 3. The included angle is lower than 180° during negative polarity epochs and higher than 180° during positive polarity epoch. 4. The Earth spent more time north of the current sheet during our period of analysis.  相似文献   

A simple model is used to present a unified picture of the polarity pattern of the interplanetary magnetic field observed during the solar cycle. Emphasis in this paper is on the field near solar maximum. The heliographic latitude dependence of the dominant polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field is explained in terms of weak poloidal (dipolar) field sources in the sun's photosphere. Unlike the Babcock theory, the author hypothesizes that the dipolar field exists at equatorial latitudes (0–20°), too, (as well as in polar regions) and that the major source of the interplanetary magnetic field observed near the ecliptic plane is the dipolar field from equatorial latitudes. The polarity of the interplanetary field data taken in 1968 and in the first half of 1969 near solar maximum may possibly be explained in terms of a depression of the dipolar field boundary in space. The effect on the solar wind of the greater activity in the northern hemisphere of the sun that existed in 1968 and in the first half of 1969 is believed responsible for this hypothesized depression, especially near solar maximum, of the plane separating the + and - dipolar polarity below the solar equatorial plane in space. Predictions are made concerning the interplanetary field to be observed near the ecliptic plane in each portion of the next solar cycle.  相似文献   

Power spectra based on Pioneer 6 interplanetary magnetic field data in early 1966 exhibit a frequency dependence of f –2 in the range 2.8 × 10–4 to 1.6 × 10–2 cps for periods of both quiet and disturbed field conditions. Both the shape and power levels of these spectra are found to be due to the presence of directional discontinuities in the microstructure (< 0.01 AU) of the interplanetary magnetic field. Power spectra at lower frequencies, in the range of 2.3 × 10–6 to 1.4 × 10–4 cps, reflect the field macrostructure (> 0.1 AU) and exhibit a frequency dependence roughly between f –1 and f –3/2. The results are related to theories of galactic cosmic-ray modulation and are found to be consistent with recent observations of the modulation.  相似文献   

We use a four-layer model in a stability analysis of the ME type spiral sector transition in the interplanetary magnetic field. Our results show that (1) three kinds of large-scale waves may be excited in the region and for all three, there exists a low-frequency cut-off. (2) In all three, the rate of growth of instability increases with k; in Model A only, the rate of growth has a maximum and a minimum. (3) As the angle between k and the solar wind velocity vector Vq increases, the cut-off frequency increases, and the excitation of waves gets more and more difficult, until it becomes impossible when k is perpendicular to Vq. (4) when the angle between k and Vq is 75°, waves with a wavelength of 5 × 104 km and a phase velocity of 340 km/s may be excited; this agrees with the observations by Voyager 1 at the Earth's magnetopause. Hence we deduce that waves in the spiral sector transition region may be a source that triggers off the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of the magnetopause.  相似文献   

Auroral boundary variations and the interplanetary magnetic field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a DMSP data set of 150 auroral images during magnetically quiet times which have been analyzed in corrected geomagnetic local time and latitudinal coordinates and fit to offset circles. The fit parameters R (circle radius) and (X, Y) (center location) have been compared to the hourly interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) prior to the time of the satellite scan of the aurora. The results for variation of R with Bz, agree with previous works and generally show about a 1° increase of R with increase of southward Bz by 1 nT. The location of the circle center also has a clear statistical shift in the Southern Hemisphere with IMF By such that the southern polar cap moves towards dusk (dawn) with By > (By < 0).  相似文献   

It is shown that the interplanetary magnetic field has different characteristics on different scales, and it is noted that a given physical theory may not be applicable or relevant on all scales. Four scales are defined in terms of time intervals on which the data may be viewed. Many discontinuities in the magnetic-field direction are seen on the mesoscale ( 4 days, 1 AU). The characteristics of such directional discontinuities which were observed by Pioneer 6 during the period December 16, 1965-January 4, 1966 are presented, with special emphasis on their distribution in time. Previously, it was suggested that such discontinuities are simply boundaries of spaghetti-like filaments extending from the sun to the earth. Here it is shown that on the mesoscale unique filaments with sharp boundaries containing well-ordered magnetic fields are not always seen although discontinuities are always present at 1 AU. Thus, the interplanetary medium appears to be discontinuous rather than filamentary. The filamentary model implies that discontinuities originate at the sun and are convected with the solar wind. The discontinuous model allows the additional possibility that the discontinuities form in the interplanetary medium far from the sun.  相似文献   

Explorer 26 magnetic field data in the magnetospheric region of L=3?6 and LT 1100–1500 hr with geomagnetic latitude range ?6° to 27° have been analyzed for studying nineteen SI and SC events. Most of the SI events observed in the magnetosphere at less than 15° geomagnetic latitude are compressional with magnetic perturbations along the ambient field. Elliptic polarizations with magnetic field variations in all three components have been observed between 10° and 27° geomagnetic latitude. Polarization directions have been shown to have similar patterns to those observed in the surface magnetic field data. Afternoon LT zone data in the magnetosphere indicate polarization patterns in general agreement with the results of Wilson and Sugiura (1961) obtained earlier from surface observations. The SI/SC perturbations are also qualitatively shown to be related to changes in the interplanetary magnetic field observed beyond 1 a.u.  相似文献   

Analysis of observations of the white-light corona performed aboard OSO-7 is evidence for the existence of coronal ribbon-structures, which may be observed on the limb as coronal streamers. It is shown that prolongation of these structures into interplanetary space forms a curved surface; intersection of this surface is accompanied by a change of polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field, which existed in May–July 1973; and its connection with several phenomena in the solar atmosphere, has been found.  相似文献   

The ground level cosmic-ray intensity enhancement on September 18, 1979 is analysed by combining neutron monitor data with simultaneous in situ interplanetary measurements. An explanation of the increase with respect to local acceleration process, alternate to that suggested by Agrawal and Venkatesan (1982), is given in connection with the effect of a magnetic field annihilation region.  相似文献   

It is shown that the dependence of the variations of vertical component of the polar cap magnetic field on the sector structure (actually, the azimuthal or Y component) of the interplanetary magnetic field as first discovered by Svalgaard (1968) and Mansurov (1969) extends to variations as brief as 1 hr or even less. The relation between sector structure dependent variations and substorm fields as indicated by the southward-directed component of the interplanetary magnetic field is investigated by comparing brief variations over selected intervals of time. The independence of the variations of the polar cap vertical and horizontal components suggests that there are at least two different current systems which produce brief variations in the polar cap. One of the current systems is related to the substonn field; the other is strongly seasonally dependent and is confined to the dayside sector of the Earth.  相似文献   

The poleward boundary of the auroral oval, whose footline forms the periphery of the polar cap, is calculated, based on a model in which the geomagnetic field is interpermeated with the interplanetary field. It is shown that the calculated auroral oval size varies with the strength and direction of the interplanetary magnetic field, in agreement with recent observations of the location of large-scale nightside auroras.  相似文献   

A new computational method and algorithm, based on complex Fourier analysis, is used to derive the spectral density of plane and circularly polarized fluctuation components of the interplanetary magnetic field. Applications of the method have been made using HEOS 2 (1 AU), Pioneer 10 (5 AU), Pioneer 11 (20 AU), and ICE (Giocabini-Zinner's comet) data sets. The results show the existence of circularly polarized MHD waves in all cases.  相似文献   

Measurements of the north-south (B z component of the interplanetary field as compiled by King (1975) when organized into yearly histograms of the values of ¦B z ¦ reveal the following. (1) The histograms decrease exponentially from a maximum occurrence frequency at the value ¦B z ¦ = 0. (2) The slope of the exponential on a semi-log plot varies systematically roughly in phase with the sunspot number in such a way that the probability of large values of ¦B z ¦ is much greater in the years near sunspot maximum than in the years near sunspot minimum. (3) There is a sparsely populated high-value tail, for which the data are too meager to discern any solar cycle variation. The high-value tail is perhaps associated with travelling interplanetary disturbances. (4) The solar cycle variations of B z and the ordinary indicators of solar activity are roughly correlated. (5) The solar cycle variation of B z is distinctly different than that of the solar wind speed and that of the geomagnetic Ap disturbance index.Now at the Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, Calif. 90245, U.S.A.  相似文献   

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