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The Alfvén's critical ionization velocity (CIV) have been observed in a number of laboratory and space experiments. In the Io-torus system, relative velocity of the plasma species in the torus with respect to the neutral species in the Io's atmosphere and neutral cloud exceeds the critical velocity required for CIV. Townsand condition is satisfied up to 6r io , in the neutral cloud when Io passes through the torus. In this paper it is shown that during the passage of Io through the plasma torus, apart from critical velocity and Townsand condition, a number of other requirements are also satisfied. Therefore, it is concluded that, the CIV mechanism must play an important role in ionizing the neutral cloud and enriching the plasma torus.  相似文献   

The role of electrostatic instabilities in the critical ionization velocity mechanism is investigated. The analysis is based on the theory developed by Sherman, which interprets Alfvén's critical velocity in terms of a circular process. This process involves the acceleration of electrons by a two-stream instability modified by the presence of a magnetic field. A general expression for the energy and momentum of ions and electrons associated with an electrostatic mode is derived in terms of the plasma dielectric constant. This is used in the case of the modified two-stream instability to determine the distribution of energy between ions and electrons. An extrapolation from the linear phase then gives an estimate of the energy delivered to the electrons which is compared to that required to ionize the neutral gas.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.  相似文献   

We compare the conditions in laboratory and space critical ionization velocity (CIV) experiments. One significant difference that comes to light is the rapid expansion of the neutral cloud in space experiments, which does not take place in the laboratory. This has important ramifications for the ultimate ionization yield if there is a time delay in the ignition of the CIV discharge. We find that a simple kinetic model implies that the delay time of CIV ignition is a critical factor in determining the ultimate yield of the experiment. Although the delay time is difficult to calculate precisely, we provide some estimates that predict low CIV yield for typical space experimental geometries, densities and expansion rates. We examine the possibility of the variation of experimental conditions to maximize yield, but find that natural limitations in the design of space experiments may lead to low yields in the best of circumstances. This implies that experiments to date neither prove nor disprove the relevance of the CIV process to cosmology.  相似文献   

A theoretical consideration is given to the critical ionization velocity. A macroscopic theory is constructed, assuming that (1) the newly born ions have an unstable velocity distribution and (2) the resultant fluctuating electric field heats the electrons. For the critical ionization velocity to operate in the case of maV22 > eφion, the initial values of high speed ion (or newly ionized ion) density and suprathermal electron energy density should be above a certain threshold. This threshold depends upon the velocity diffusion co-efficient and the collisional loss rate of the newly ionized ion.  相似文献   

The critical ionization velocity which is of cosmogonic and astrophysical interest has hitherto mainly been investigated for pure gases. Since in space we always have gas mixtures, it is of interest also to study gas mixtures. The present report, which is a summary of a more detailed report (Axnäs, 1976), summarizes the results of systematic experiments on the critical ionization velocity as a function of the mixing ratio for binary gas mixtures of H2, He, N2, O2, Ne and Ar. The apparatus used is a coaxial plasma gun with an azimuthal magnetic field. The discharge parameters are chosen so that the plasma is weakly ionized. In some of the mixtures it is found that one of the components tends to dominate in the sense that only a small amount (regarding volume) of that component is needed for the discharge to adopt a limiting velocity close to that for the pure component. Thus in a mixture between a heavy and a light component having nearly equal ionization potentials, the heavy component dominates. Also, if there is a considerable difference in ionization potential between the components, the component with the lowest ionization potential tends to dominate.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of a critical ionization velocity is discussed under the aspect of experimentally measured inhomogeneities. The difficulties inherent in homogeneous plasma models on the phenomenon are shown. A simple sheath model is presented which can be compared with the local plasma parameters measured in a rotating plasma device. The origin of the observed turbulent heating is attributed to a modified two-stream instability occurring in the sheath under discussion.  相似文献   

The efficiency with which critical ionization velocity (CIV) discharges can be generated in space experiments is affected by the altitude at which the experiments are conducted. At around 500 km higher plasma density enhances plasma lower hybrid instability, momentum coupling efficiency, and charge exchange which is needed for seed ionization. At higher altitudes where atomic hydrogen and helium become the dominant ambient neutral species, the conditions for CIV discharge may improve considerably because less energy is lost to atmospheric ionization, even though the ambient density is reduced.  相似文献   

The stability of both the main cometary plasma tail and the tail rays is considered, taking into account the coupling between the plasma and the neutrals that flow out radially from the nucleus. It is shown that this coupling has a negligible effect on wave damping. Rather, we found that the neutral wind tends to destabilize the flanks of the main tail. On the other hand, the cometary rays are subject to both stabilizing and destabilizing effects because of the ion-neutrals drag. As a result, helical perturbations should become azimuthally asymmetric. Our study predicts that the folding rays may become wavy while approaching the tail axis, whereas they should remain straight far away from the tail axis.  相似文献   

One-dimensional radial models of the chemistry in cometary comae have been constructed for heliocentric distances ranging from 2 to 0.125 AU. The coma's opacity to solar radiation is included and photolytic reaction rates are calculated. A parent volatile mixture similar to that found in interstellar molecular clouds is assumed. Profiles through the coma of number density and column density are presented for H2O, OH, O, CN, C2, C3, CH, and NH2. Whole-coma abundances are presented for NH2, CH, C2, C3, CN, OH, CO+, H2O+, CH+, N2+, and CO2+.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to analyzing the change of cometary brightness.In our considerations,we assume that astronomical silicates(dust agglomerates)and gas are present in the coma.This assumption is a consequence of the analysis of the result observed during the Rosetta mission to comet67 P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko(abbreviated 67 P/Ch-G).The dimensions of these agglomerates can be up to several centimeters.However,the large ones are few compared to particles with dimensions of several micrometers.This paper presents the results of calculations on the change in hypothetical comet brightness as a result of its outburst.The calculations take into account the percentage of carbonaceous particles and silicates rich in magnesium.  相似文献   

Acceleration mechanism of particles in the Type-I cometary plasma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the paper, the accelerated effect of ions has been discussed. The transversal magnetic disturbance is able to bring about the magnetic annihilation and merge in some cometary area. The non-steady-state reconnection process can transform the magnetic energy of some cometary area into the kinetic energy of plasma. In addition, the two stream instability caused by both solar wind and cometary plasmas exists in Type-I tail, it can also lead the paticles to be accelerated and heated in the plasma tail.  相似文献   

Cometary tail rays are traces of the magnetic fields caught in the cometary magnetosphere. Time variations of these rays give us a way to measure the local solar wind velocity at the location of a comet. We introduce a simple method for determining the radial velocity of the solar wind by observing the ray folding motion, and show an example of its application to comet P/Brorsen-Metcalf 1989o, which resulted in 340 ± 35 km s–1.  相似文献   

The cometary images taken on 1986 January 8.590 and 8.638 UT (R-0.9 AU, ~ 1.29 AU) at Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu, India (24 °39 N, 72 °43 E alt: 1700 m) show distinct condensation region in the tail direction. The size of the condensation region is 4 × 103 km. The condensation region showed up strongly in the blue emission, implying the abundance of CO+. It was inferred to be moving with a velocity of 37 ± 3 km/s relative to the comet at a distance of 2.3 × 105 km from the nucleus in the tailward direction.The analysis show that the condensation was a result of rapid ionization mechanism, with a time scale of \~103 to 104 sec. The most probable mechanism for producing the ionization region was found to be the discharge of cross tail electric current passing through the neutral sheet in the near nucleus region followed by an outburst observed in IR wavelengths at 8.1 UT. It was accelerated by J × B drift at a rate of ~24 cm/sec2 to the position observed by us.This feature, most probably is the precursor of the first dramatic Disconnection Event (DE) observed in Halley's Comet at Jan.10.375 UT. This supports the conjecture that the tail features originate in the coma with a velocity of ~20–40 km/s.  相似文献   

Positively charged molecular ions, such as H2O+, which have been observed in cometary. comas, may be efficiently produced by the evaporation of positively charged clathrate grains of radii in the range 10–6–10–5 cm. Such grains may be expelled from nuclei of comets, along with gaseous molecules. Grain charging occurs via interaction with solar ultraviolet photons and/or solar wind protons. Observational data on the total quantities as well as the distributions of H2O and H2O+ in cometary comas are shown to be in accord with detailed model calculations.On leave from: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India.  相似文献   

The behavior of expanding pure and dusty gas jets is investigated in the inner coma of an H2O-dominated comet by numerically solving the axisymmetric, time-dependent, coupled hydrodynamic equations for H2O gas and single-sized dust (0.65 μ) in polar coordinates (r, θ, φ). The jet profile is assumed to be Gaussian on the surface of a nucleus. The viscosity of the gas is taken into account. Two-dimensional distributions of the densities, velocities in the r and θ directions, and temperatures for the gas and dust have been obtained. For the dusty jet, the axisymmetric transonic solution for the gas has been calculated time-dependently. For a narrow dusty gas jet (i.e., of breadth 10°), the gas density peaks shift from the central axis of the jet (θ = 0°) to its wings (θ ∼ 30°) with the gas flowing away from the cometary nucleus, owing to a steep density gradient in the θ direction. Dragged by this laterally expanding gas outflow, the dust particles are swept away from the central axis and are also concentrated more sharply at θ ∼ 35° than the gas particles. This lateral expansion of the jet is overwhelming only within the innermost region (r ≦ 10 km). The jet feature for the gas becomes indiscernible by the time the flow reaches the outer boundary (r = 100 km), while the corresponding dust feature remains even at the outer boundary. The radial velocities of the gas and dust are enhanced inside the jet, compared with those in the background. For a broad pure gas jet (i.e., of breadth 30°), on the other hand, the gas density peaks do not shift to the wings and the jet feature can still be seen at the outer boundary, in contrast to the narrow case.  相似文献   

High-resolution images of comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock taken on five separate through its closest approach to the Earth are presented. The images were taken in the red and near-infrared, and so consist primarily of continuum scattering from dust grains. The distribution of dust in the inner coma varied widely from day to day, although the dust was emitted primarily in the sunward direction on all days. The main emission exhibited a lag angle consistent with a nuclear rotational vector that was oriented approximately along the line of sight on May 11.3 1983 UT. A curved filament, extending in the sunward direction, was seen in the deepest images obtained on this day as well, and the azimuthal distribution of dust was strongly of dust was strongly peakeed in the sunward direction. The presence of the curved filament is indicative of dust outflow from an active region, on a mantled nucleus. On all days, the brightness falls off slower than the r expected for uniform outflow, which is interpreted as resulting from fragmentation of the dust grains as they traveled through the coma. The nuclear region appeared stellar on all days. The seeing-limited spatial resolutions was 19 km on May 11.3, but deconvolution of the images with the instrumental profile enables an upper limit of 17 km to be placed on the diameter of the nucleus.  相似文献   

Parameters of the plasma in the inner coma of comet Halley are derived from the magnetic field measurements by using single particle approximation. Both the plasma velocity and the temperature obtained by using this approach are self-consistent and happen to be in good agreement within situ measurements whereas the neutral gas production rate happens to be 2–3 times higher than the conventionally cited value 6.9 × 1029 s–1.  相似文献   

The ejection velocities of meteoroids belonging to the Leonid and Perseid meteoroid streams are deduced from the observed differences between the longitude of the ascending node of the outburst meteoroids and that of the parent comet. The difference is very sensitive to the true anomaly of the ejection point, as well as the ejection velocity, and probable values for both are discussed.  相似文献   

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