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Three-dimensional calculations are presented for the circumplanetary nature of the iogenic plasma source (pickup ions produced by electron and charge exchange processes in the plasma torus) created by O and S gases located above Io's exobase in its corona and escaping extended neutral clouds (designated as the “Outer Region”). These calculations are undertaken using neutral cloud models for O and S with realistic incomplete collisional cascade source velocity distributions and rates at Io's exobase and realistic spacetime loss processes in the plasma torus. The resulting spatial distributions for O and S about Jupiter are highly peaked at Io but extend at much lower density levels all about the planet, particularly within Io's orbit where they may play a role in the pitch angle scattering and energy loss of radially inward diffusing energetic electrons for the synchrotron radiation belts of Jupiter, in producing bite-outs in the energy distribution of energetic heavy ions near Io's orbit, and in providing a charge exchange source for energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) detected both near and far from Jupiter. For the iogenic plasma source created by these neutrals, two-dimensional distributions produced by integrating the three-dimensional information along the magnetic field lines are presented for the instantaneous values of the pickup ion rates, the total- and net-mass loading rates, the mass-per-unit-magnetic-flux source rate, the pickup conductivity, the pickup radial current, and the pickup ion power (or energy rate). On the circumplanetary spatial scale, the instantaneous iogenic plasma source is highly peaked about Io's position on its orbit around Jupiter. The degree of orbital asymmetry and its physical origin are discussed, and overall spatially integrated rates are presented. The spatially integrated net-mass loading rate is 154 kg s−1 and the total (electron impact and charge exchange) mass loading rate is 275 kg s−1. Rough minimum estimates are made for the spatially integrated total-mass loading rate created by the “Inner Region” (spatial region below Io's exobase) and are at least ∼1 to 2.5 times larger than that for the Outer Region. Implications of the iogenic plasma source created by the Outer Region and the Inner Region are discussed.  相似文献   

Thomas R. McDonough 《Icarus》1975,24(4):400-406
The Jovian hydrogen torus associated with Io, that was observed by Judge and Carlson, has been found by them to be a third of a torus rather than a complete torus. It is shown that the energetic particles observed by Pioneer 10 do not ionize atomic hydrogen sufficiently fast to erode the torus as observed. It is proposed that the reason an incomplete torus exists is the presence of a corotating cold magnetospheric plasma. If this explanation is correct, the angular extent of the fractional torus is a measure of the density of the magnetospheric plasma near Io's orbit, which is found to be ~102cm?3. It is shown that such a plasma may provide an adequate input to Io, where it can recombine and escape, to form enough hydrogen atoms to explain the number of observed torus atoms. Thus the magnetospheric plasma may serve as both the source and the sink of the torus. However, while it is not difficult to make the plasma be the sink of the toroidal hydrogen, it is difficult (although perhaps possible) to self-consistently make it the source. It may be necessary to invoke some other mechanism to generate the hydrogen.  相似文献   

L. Trafton  W. Macy 《Icarus》1978,33(2):322-335
We investigate the contribution of scattering in the telescope to our measurements of the size of Io's sodium cloud and to the distribution of emission intensity in the cloud. The brightest regions, within 30″ of Io near opposition and along the equatorial plane, are relatively undistorted but regions further than 45″ away and not close to the equatorial plane are very likely to consist of mainly scattered light. Portions of the cloud in the vicinity of the magnetic equator are also mostly scattered light when Io is near extreme magnetic latitude. The equatorial torus, however, extends up to 20 arcmin from Jupiter. The large size of the cloud is thus confirmed. High-resolution line profile shapes indicate that sodium streams from Io preferentially in the forward direction with velocities distributed up to 18 km sec?1. The observed wavelength shifts of the peak intensities from Io's rest frame are compatible with a cloud streaming through a bound atmospheric component but they could also be caused by a velocity distribution peaked at very low velocities.  相似文献   

It is argued that there is a terrestrial loss of hydrogen as ions which includes the polar wind but extends effectively down to a latitude in the range 45–50° invariant. In daytime and for much of the night-time the flux is close to the limiting value for H+ flow through the topside ionosphere. It is argued that the flux decreases rapidly with increasing solar activity, following the decrease in neutral hydrogen concentration. It has been found that as solar activity increases the Jeans escape flux increases, and the charge exchange escape flux increases until moderate solar activity levels are reached. As solar activity increases from moderate to high levels, the charge exchange escape may decrease again. A new budget for terrestrial hydrogen loss over the solar cycle is given. The global flux of hydrogen ions outward from the ionosphere is comparable with estimates of the plasma sheet loss rates, and this flux, together with some solar wind plasma, is an attractive source for the plasma sheet.The energetic neutrals produced from the charge exchange of ring current ions with thermal-energy neutrals in the exosphere produce the optical emission of the equatorial aurora, which can be related to ion production rates near and above the E-region. The ionization production is adequate to explain the enhancements in ion production observed during magnetic storms at Arecibo.  相似文献   

R.W. Carlson  D.L. Judge 《Icarus》1975,24(4):395-399
The Pioneer 10 ultraviolet photometer observations of the Jovian hydrogen torus are analyzed to obtain the angular distribution. The cloud is asymmetric about Io, where the atoms presumably originate, with the greater density occurring in the trailing portion. A simple model which assumes Jeans escape from the atmosphere of Io is developed and compared to the observations. The results suggest that the exospheric temperature is high (~3000 K) and that the ionization lifetime of the cloud atoms is ~1 × 105 sec.  相似文献   

L. Trafton 《Icarus》1980,41(2):318-325
The hot Jovian plasma torus discovered by Voyager 1 is responsible for the periodic intensity variations of Io's sodium cloud, which are correlated with Io's magnetic latitude. The plasma torus must be a long-lived phenomenon in spite of its apparent absence at the time of the Pioneer flybys. The hot electrons (~105°K) must be concentrated ~1 RJ from the magnetic equator in order to produce the observed variations. Electron impact ionization in the hot plasma torus is strong enough to form and to maintain Io's ionosphere; the hot plasma torus may be the dominant agent forming the ionosphere. Io's bound atmosphere is dense enough that the plasma torus electrons cannot cause a noticeable variation in its Na emission intensity.  相似文献   

The spatial extent of ion cyclotron waves at Io has been interpreted as requiring a multistep acceleration and transport process: exospheric ions are accelerated outward (relative to Jupiter) due to the corotation electric field, neutralized due to charge exchange in the surrounding exosphere, and then reionized after traveling far across magnetic field lines, at which point they generate the waves. The trajectories of the particles away from Io are sensitive to the location of their initial ionization. This paper examines the spatial distributions of fast neutrals produced under varying conditions in order to provide constraints on the possible structure and nature of the Io exosphere. While a rapid onset of cyclotron waves at a specific location around Io can be modeled with a single, point-source region of ions, such as might occur over a volcano, the regional extent of the waves suggests multiple or distributed sources.  相似文献   

A.J. Dessler 《Icarus》1980,44(2):291-295
Theoretical arguments have been presented to the effect that both plasma and energy are supplied to the Jovian magnetosphere primarily from internal sources. If we assume that Io is the source of plasma for the Jovian magnetosphere and that outward flow of plasma from the torus is the means of drawing from the kinetic energy of rotation of Jupiter to drive magnetospheric phenomena, we can obtain a new, independent estimate of the rate of mass injection from Io into the Io plasma torus. We explicitly assume the solar wind supplies neither plasma nor energy to the Jovian magnetosphere in significant amounts. The power expended by the Jovian magnetosphere is supplied by torus plasma falling outward through the corotational-centrifugal-potential field. A lower limit to the rate of mass injection into the torus, which on the average must equal the rate of mass loss from the torus, is therefore derivable if we adopt a value for the power expended to drive the various magnetospheric phenomena. This method yields an injection rate of at least 103 kg/sec, a value in agreement with the results obtained by two other independent methods of estimating mass injection rate. If this injection rate from Io and extraction of energy from Jupiter's kinetic energy of rotation has been maintained over geologic time, then approximately 0.1% of Io's mass (principally in the form of sulfur and oxygen) has been lost to the Jovian magnetosphere, and Jupiter's spin rate has been reduced by less than 0.1%.  相似文献   

When the flowing torus plasma encounters the upper atmosphere of Jupiter's moon, Io, newly created ions are rapidly accelerated by the motional electric field. Many of these ions are reneutralized and form a spray of fast neutrals that travel far away from Io before being reionized by photoionization and impact. These ions, now far from Io, are unstable to the generation of ion cyclotron waves. These waves in turn act as a mass spectrometer allowing Galileo magnetic measurements to be used to probe the composition of the atmosphere of Io and how it varies in time and in space. We now have six Galileo passes by Io on which we have measurements with sufficient cadence to examine the ion cyclotron waves. One of these passes, on Galileo's 32nd orbit has not been discussed previously. These passes provide sufficient observations to begin to distinguish the sources of variability. We find that while the atmosphere of Io varies temporally throughout the mission, it also has a spatial variation in composition at any instant of time.  相似文献   

Topside ionospheric profiles are used to study the upward field-aligned flow of thermal O+ at high latitudes. On the majority of the field lines outside the plasmasphere, the mean flux is approximately equal to the mean polar wind measured by spacecraft at greater altitudes. This is consistent with the theory of thermal light ion escape supported, via charge exchange, by upward O+ flow at lower heights. Events of larger O+ flow are detected at auroral latitudes and their occurrence is found to agree with that of transversely accelerated ions within the topside ionosphere and the magnetosphere. The effects of low altitude heating of O+ by oxygen cyclotron waves, driven by downward field-aligned currents, are considered as a possible common cause of these two types of event.  相似文献   

The existence of an atmosphere at Io is presumed and used as a starting point to generate neutral coronae produced by magnetospheric ion sputtering from the exobase and to calculate injection of neutrals and ions into the plasma torus. Several different exobase heights, temperatures, and compositions are used to characterize the neutral and ion ejection processes associated with possible atmospheres. Collision ejection from the sputter-produced corona is shown to be an important supply of neutrals for all atmospheres considered. The net injection rates are compared with estimates of the rates required to populate the plasma torus. We show that by including the sputtered atmospheric corona produced by assuming an unattenuated incident ion flux, the supply rate to the torus can be satisfied with an exobase very close to the surface. An exobase close to the surface would imply that the atmosphere at Io is not robust enough to support a fully photodissociated corona and that a significant fraction of the incident plasma ions can penetrate to the surface, providing a sputter source of atmospheric gas. Conversely, a high exobase could only be consistent with the estimated supply rates if the incident plasma flux is attenuated or deflected. The results presented scale approximately with the magnitude of the incident ion flux and, therefore, can be used as knowledge of both the plasma flow and atmospheric composition improve.  相似文献   

Observations of sodium D-line emission from Io and the magnetosphere of Jupiter are reported. A disk-shaped cloud of sodium is found to exist in the Jovian magnetosphere with an inner edge at about 4R and an outer edge at about 10R . The gravitational scale height above the equatorial plane is a few Jovian radii. The data are interpreted in terms of a sputtering model, in which the sodium required to maintain the cloud is sputtered off the surface of Io by trapped energetic radiation-belt protons. Conditions on the atmospheric density are obtained. The Keplerian orbits attainable by such escaping sputtered atoms can provide the observed spatial distribution. The required 500-keV proton flux required to provide the 1–10 keV protons which will sputter the sodium at the surface of Io is consistent with the limiting trapped flux determined by ion-cyclotron turbulence.Publication No. 1410, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles 90024, Cal., U.S.A.  相似文献   

The ionosphere of Jupiter's satellite Io, discovered by the Pioneer 10 radio-occultation experiment, cannot easily be understood in terms of a model of a gravitationally bound, Earth-like ionosphere. Io's gravitational field is so weak that a gravitationally bound ionosphere would probably be blown away by the ram force of the Jovian magnetospheric wind — i.e., the plasma corotating in the Jovian magnetosphere. We propose here a model in which the material for Io's atmosphere and ionosphere is drawn from the ionosphere of Jupiter through a Birkeland current system that is driven by the potential induced across Io by the Jovian corotation electric field. We argue that the ionization near Io is caused by a comet-like interaction between the corotating plasma and Io's atmosphere. The initial interaction employs the critical velocity phenomenon proposed many years ago by Alfvén. Further ionization is produced by the impact of Jovian trapped energetic electrons, and the ionization thus created is swept out ahead of Io in its orbit. Thus, we suggest that what has been reported as a day-night ionospheric asymmetry is in fact an upstream-downstream asymmetry caused by the Jovian magnetospheric wind.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30th May, 1978.  相似文献   

The interaction of Io with the Jovian magnetosphere generates auroral and radio emissions. The underlying electron acceleration process is not understood and few observations exist to constrain the theoretical models. The source of energy for the electron acceleration is in all likelihood supplied from the Alfvén wings that stretch out from both poles of Io into the two Jovian hemispheres. The form of the current system associated with the Alfvén wings has been disputed, some suggesting that the greatly slowed flow near Io implies that a steady current loop links Io to Jupiter's ionosphere, others arguing that the return waves appear only downstream of Io and others suggesting that both forms develop. Given the finite inclination of the Alfvén wings implied by the finite value of the Alfvén Mach number and the strong reflection that occurs at the boundary of the Io torus, we argue that no steady current loop can be invoked between Io and Jupiter's ionosphere. However, the energetics of the auroral and radio emissions imply that most of the energy in the Alfvén wings is transformed into electron acceleration at high-latitudes, that is, outside the Io torus. The dilemma then is to understand how a large fraction of the power penetrates the reflecting boundary. We present data from Galileo's multiple flybys of Io that suggest that the coupling with the Jovian ionosphere is mediated by filamentary Alfvén wings associated with electromagnetic waves propagating out of the torus. In particular, we report on the systematic observation, within the cross-section of Io's Alfvén wings and in their immediate vicinity, of intense electromagnetic waves at frequencies up to several times the proton gyrofrequency. We interpret these “high-frequency/small-scale” waves as the signature of a strong filamentation/fragmentation of the Alfvén wings before they reflect off of the sharp boundary gradient of the Io torus. As a consequence, we suggest that most of the primary energy is converted into “high-frequency/small-scale” electromagnetic waves that can propagate out from the torus toward Jupiter's ionosphere. Reaching high-latitudes, these waves are able to accelerate electrons to almost relativistic speeds.  相似文献   

Strong evidence that Io's sodium emission is due to resonant scattering is given by our observations which show a monotonic increase of emission intensity with residual solar intensity. In addition we detected no emission during three eclipse observations of Io. We propose a resonant scattering model with two spacial components comprising an optically thick atmosphere extending 103 km above Io's surface surrounded by an optically thin cloud which forms a partial torus around Jupiter. In this model a flux of 107 cm?2 sec?1 sodium atoms are sputtered from Io's surface by heavy energetic ions which are accelerated in a plasma sheath around Io. The atoms sputtered from the surface collide with atoms in Io's atmosphere so the equipartition of kinetic energy is established. The total sodium abundance is about 3 × 1013 cm?2. During Io's day, sodium and other atmospheric constituents are ionized, giving rise to the ionosphere observed by Pioneer 10. Atoms escape by means of Jeans escape from the critical level, which is at the top of the atmosphere and the base of the cloud. We have observed sodium emission 6arcsec (6 Io diameters) above and below Io's orbital plane and 23arcsec toward Jupiter in Io's orbital plane. No emission was detected at maximum elongation 180° from Io. We interpret these results to mean that atoms escaping from Io form a partial torus whose thickness is about 12 arcsec and whose length is at least one-fifth of Io's orbital circumference.  相似文献   

We show that if Io-injected plasma is lost via a planetary wind a sun-fixed Birkeland current system may result. This is due to the fact that a current flows across a density gradient produced by the loss of plasma through the planetary wind in the tail. The divergent current is connected to field-aligned Birkeland currents which flow into the ionosphere at dawn and out of it at dusk. The closure currents in the ionosphere require a dawn-to-dusk electric field which at the orbit of Io is estimated to have a strength of a few mV m?1. Independent estimates derived from the local time asymmetry of the torus u.v. emission indicate a field of 1.5mVm?1.  相似文献   

Volcanic plumes on the Jovian satellite Io may be a visible manifestation of a plasma-arc discharge phenomenon. The amount of power in the plasma arc (1011 W) is not enough to account for all the energy dissipated by the volcanoes. However, once a volcano is initiated by tidal and geologic processes, the dynamics of the volcanic plumes can be influenced by the plasma arcs. As initially pointed out by Gold (1979), plasma arcs are expected because of 106 A currents and 400 kV potentials generated by the flow past Io of a torus of relatively dense magnetospheric plasma. We utilize our experience with laboratory plasma arcs to investigate the plume dynamics. The filamentation in the plume of the volcano Prometheus and its cross-sectional shape is quantitatively consistent with theories developed from laboratory observation.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 30 May 1988.  相似文献   

Charge‐transfer is the main process linking neutrals and charged particles in the interaction regions of neutral (or partly ionized) gas with a plasma. In this paper we illustrate the importance of charge‐transfer with respect to the dynamics and the structure of neutral gas‐plasma interfaces. We consider the following phenomena: (1) the heliospheric interface ‐ region where the solar wind plasma interacts with the partly‐ionized local interstellar medium (LISM) and (2) neutral interstellar clouds embedded in a hot, tenuous plasma such as the million degree gas that fills the so‐called “Local Bubble”. In (1), we discuss several effects in the outer heliosphere caused by charge exchange of interstellar neutral atoms and plasma protons. In (2) we describe the role of charge exchange in the formation of a transition region between the cloud and the surrounding plasma based on a two‐component model of the cloud‐plasma interaction. In the model the cloud consists of relatively cold and dense atomic hydrogen gas, surrounded by hot, low density, fully ionized plasma. We discuss the structure of the cloud‐plasma interface and the effect of charge exchange on the lifetime of interstellar clouds. Charge transfer between neutral atoms and minor ions in the plasma produces X‐ray emission. Assuming standard abundances of minor ions in the hot gas surrounding the cold interstellar cloud, we estimate the X‐ray emissivity consecutive to the charge transfer reactions. Our model shows that the charge‐transfer X‐ray emission from the neutral cloud‐plasma interface may be comparable to the diffuse thermal X‐ray emission from the million degree gas cavity itself (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Io's sodium clouds result mostly from a combination of two atmospheric escape processes at Io. Neutralization of Na+ and/or NaX+ pickup ions produces the “stream” and the “jet” and results in a rectangular-shaped sodium nebula around Jupiter. Atmospheric sputtering of Na by plasma torus ions produces the “banana cloud” near Io and a diamond-shaped sodium nebula. Charge exchange of thermal Na+ with Na in Io's atmosphere does not appear to be a major atmospheric ejection process. The total ejection rate of sodium from Io varied from 3×1026 to 25×1026 atoms/s over seven years of observations. Our results provide further evidence that Io's atmospheric escape is driven from collisionally thick regions of the atmosphere rather than from the exosphere.  相似文献   

Measurements of total yields, temperature dependences, mass spectra, and energy spectra of molecules sputtered from condensed sulfur (S8) at low temperatures by keV ions are reported and results are given for Jovian plasma ion bombardment of Io. A change in the reflectance of the sulfur, which can be removed by annealing, is produced by the most penetrating ions and may be connected with the darker, colder polar regions on Io. The measured sputtering yields are much lower than those estimated earlier for room temperature sulfur films but are comparable to previous measurements of keV ion sputtering of SO2 at low temperatures. The corrected mass spectrum indicates that ≈66% of the total yield corresponds to S2 ejection while only 5 and 16% correspond to S and S3, respectively. Therefore, if ions reach the surface of Io its atmosphere will have a non-negligible sulfur component of primarily S2. The ejection of S and S2 is temperature independent for temperatures characteristic of most of the surface of Io. The energy spectrum for S has an approximate 1/E2 dependence at high ejection energies, whereas S2 and S3 fall off more rapidly. Assuming 50% coverage of both sulfur and SO2 and a thin atmosphere (e.g., nightside and polar region) the direct sputter injection of sulfur atoms and molecules into the Jovian plasma torus and the indirect injection due to coronal processes are estimated. These injection rates for sulfur are compared to those for SO2 showing that injection from sulfur deposits contributes 13% to the total mass injection rate of ∼2–3 × 1029 amu/sec.  相似文献   

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