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We examine the provincial-level relationship between domestic Chinese intellectual property (IP) and knowledge stocks using a space–time panel model and data set covering monthly patent activity over the period 2002–2010. The goal of the modeling exercise is to explore the elasticity response of IP to knowledge stocks classified by type of creator (universities and research institutes, enterprises, and individuals). A focus is on spatial and time dependence in the relationship between knowledge stocks and IP, which implies spatial spillovers and diffusion over time. Many past studies of regional knowledge production have focused on patent applications as a proxy for regional output from the knowledge production process. However, this ignores the distinction between patent applications and patents granted, with the latter reflecting a decision and ability to convert knowledge produced into IP. This study differs in its focus on the regional relation between IP and knowledge stocks and the space–time dynamics of these. Using patents granted as a proxy for IP, and past patent applications as a proxy for regional knowledge stocks, allows us to explore the implied quality of knowledge production by various types of creators. Because Chinese patent applications have grown by 22 %, questions have been raised about the quantity versus quality of these applications. Our findings shed light on this issue.  相似文献   

A space-time analysis of knowledge production   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Regional growth models often emphasize the importance of research and development activities leading to technological progress. The role of knowledge production and spatiotemporal spillover effects is investigated using a space-time panel data set covering 49 US states over the period 1994–2005. The aim is to test for the existence of regional knowledge spillovers in the context of a space-time dynamic suggested by the knowledge production function. A space-time specification is set forth that can be applied to panel data models that include random effects. We compare alternative models that have been proposed in the panel data literature to provide a better understanding of how new ideas diffuse across space and time. The results indicate that the space-time panel data set is consistent with the presence of strong spatiotemporal regional spillovers of knowledge. The empirical findings are interpreted in light of the existing theoretical and empirical literature on endogenous growth.  相似文献   

黑龙江省第一次全国地理国情普查是准确掌握省情省力的有效途径,通过开展地理国情普查,调查我省辖域概况、地理区域特征、地形地貌特征、交通网络、江河湖泊分布、土地利用与土地覆盖、城市布局和城市发展变化、环境与生态状况、生产力空间布局等基本状况,并通过统计分析其空间范围、分布特征、地域差异等,形成反映各类地理环境要素的分布与关系,对于我省实施“五大规划”具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Markov chains have become a mainstay in the literature on regional income distribution dynamics and convergence. Despite its growing popularity, the Markov framework has some restrictive characteristics associated with the underlying discretization income distributions. This paper introduces several new approaches designed to mitigate some of the issues arising from discretization. Based on the examination of rank distributions, two new Markov-based chains are developed. The first explores the movement of individual economies through the income rank distribution over time. The second provides insight on the movements of ranks over geographical space and time. These also serve as the foundation for two new tests of spatial dynamics or the extent to which movements in the rank distribution are spatially clustered. An illustration of these new methods is included using income data for the lower 48 US states for the years 1929–2009.  相似文献   

Recent literature on border effect has fostered research on informal barriers to trade and the role played by network dependencies. In relation to social networks, it has been shown that intensity of trade in goods is positively correlated with migration flows between pairs of countries/regions. In this article, we investigate whether such a relation also holds for interregional trade of services. We also consider whether interregional trade flows in services linked with tourism exhibit spatial and/or social network dependence. Conventional empirical gravity models assume the magnitude of bilateral flows between regions is independent of flows to/from regions located nearby in space, or flows to/from regions related through social/cultural/ethic network connections. With this aim, we provide estimates from a set of gravity models showing evidence of statistically significant spatial and network (demographic) dependence in the bilateral flows of the trade of services considered. The analysis has been applied to the Spanish intra- and interregional monetary flows of services from the accommodation, restaurants and travel agencies for the period 2000–2009, using alternative datasets for the migration stocks and definitions of network effects.  相似文献   

Poverty at the national and sub-national level is commonly mapped on the basis of household surveys. Typical poverty metrics like the head count index are not able to identify its underlaying factors, particularly in rural economies based on subsistence agriculture. This paper relates agro-ecological marginality identified from regional and global datasets including remote sensing products like the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and rainfall to rural agricultural production and food consumption in Burkina Faso. The objective is to analyze poverty patterns and to generate a fine resolution poverty map at the national scale. We compose a new indicator from a range of welfare indicators quantified from Georeferenced household surveys, indicating a spatially varying set of welfare and poverty states of rural communities. Next, a local spatial regression is used to relate each welfare and poverty state to the agro-ecological marginality. Our results show strong spatial dependency of welfare and poverty states over agro-ecological marginality in heterogeneous regions, indicating that environmental factors affect living conditions in rural communities. The agro-ecological stress and related marginality vary locally between rural communities within each region. About 58% variance in the welfare indicator is explained by the factors of rural agricultural production and 42% is explained by the factor of food consumption. We found that the spatially explicit approach based on multi-temporal remote sensing products effectively summarizes information on poverty and facilitates further interpretation of the newly developed welfare indicator. The proposed method was validated with poverty incidence obtained from national surveys.  相似文献   

生态功能红线作为生态保护红线体系的重要组成部分,对保障国家生态安全起到关键作用。生态功能红线划定工作需要以准确、客观的地表空间数据为依托。本文通过在试点县生态功能红线划定工作中的应用实践,探讨了地理国情普查成果在具体生态功能红线划定工作中的服务模式、技术流程以及协作机制。  相似文献   

Griliches’ knowledge production function has been increasingly adopted at the regional level where location-specific conditions drive the spatial differences in knowledge creation dynamics. However, the large majority of such studies rely on a traditional regression approach that assumes spatially homogenous marginal effects of knowledge input factors. This paper extends the authors’ previous work (Kang and Dall’erba in Int Reg Sci Rev, 2015. doi: 10.1177/0160017615572888) to investigate the spatial heterogeneity in the marginal effects by using nonparametric local modeling approaches such as geographically weighted regression (GWR) and mixed GWR with two distinct samples of the US Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and non-MSA counties. The results indicate a high degree of spatial heterogeneity in the marginal effects of the knowledge input variables, more specifically for the local and distant spillovers of private knowledge measured across MSA counties. On the other hand, local academic knowledge spillovers are found to display spatially homogenous elasticities in both MSA and non-MSA counties. Our results highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each county’s innovation capacity and suggest policy implications for regional innovation strategies.  相似文献   

在传染病疫情早期,对出现疫情的地区进行及时管控、防止疫情跨区域传播,对于减少感染量、减轻疫区应对和救治压力、保障疫情期间社会经济平稳具有重要意义.防止疫情跨区域传播的前提是掌握现有病例在区域中的当前空间分布和预期空间分布.目前常用的人群流动数据仅能提供人群的长期驻留地点,而不能提供短期驻留地或者乘坐的交通工具信息,其对...  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of wind speed is important information required to understand climate-related regional phenomena. This paper presents the Modified Korean Parameter-elevation Regression on Independent Slopes Model (MK-PRISM) as a method for spatial interpolation of monthly wind speeds. A database of gridded monthly mean wind speeds with a spatial resolution of 1 km for the period of March 2011–February 2014 is constructed by MK-PRISM. Wind speed observation data collected from the 529 to 641 meteorological stations in South Korea were utilized as the input data for interpolation. The wind speed distribution estimated by co-kriging is used for comparison with the MK-PRISM results. Research demonstrates that the efficiency difference between the two models, MK-PRISM and co-kriging, is insignificant. The Kling and Gupta efficiencies of both models were 0.68-0.78 and the root mean square errors (RMSEs) were 0.44-0.68 m/s. The spatial distribution of wind speeds, however, differs between MK-PRISM and co-kriging, which can be considered a reflection of the influence of topographic features such as terrain convexity, aspect, and coastal proximity. MK-PRISM can perform more appropriately to represent the phenomena where similar wind speeds appear continuously along ridges and coastlines. This suggests that a knowledge-based approach that considers topographic features can be successfully applied to the interpolation of monthly or seasonal wind speeds, similar to temperature and precipitation. The wind speed distribution generated by MK-PRISM can be utilized as important data for different geographical studies.  相似文献   

A choropleth map is a form of thematic map used to portray the structural characteristics of some particular geographical distribution not apparent in data presented in tabular form. Preparation of a choropleth map starts with the assignment of map features to classes based on the value of a specific feature attribute followed by the association of classes of features with appropriate map colors or symbols. Map features are often geographical regions with naturally or artificially defined boundaries, but choropleth maps can also be prepared by segmenting the area to be mapped into a regular grid of regions. Maps prepared with each grid shaded in an intuitive manner such as blue for grids with the lowest attribute values to red for the highest values can be termed “heat maps”. This technical note describes the HeatMap Microsoft Excel application which converts information contained in a worksheet into a heat map, and then converts the heat map into a file suitable for display using mapping systems such as Google Earth. An example illustrates how the application can be used to visualize the seventeenth century frontier between the Polish/Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire.  相似文献   


Spatial heterogeneity represents a general characteristic of the inequitable distributions of spatial issues. The spatial stratified heterogeneity analysis investigates the heterogeneity among various strata of explanatory variables by comparing the spatial variance within strata and that between strata. The geographical detector model is a widely used technique for spatial stratified heterogeneity analysis. In the model, the spatial data discretization and spatial scale effects are fundamental issues, but they are generally determined by experience and lack accurate quantitative assessment in previous studies. To address this issue, an optimal parameters-based geographical detector (OPGD) model is developed for more accurate spatial analysis. The optimal parameters are explored as the best combination of spatial data discretization method, break number of spatial strata, and spatial scale parameter. In the study, the OPGD model is applied in three example cases with different types of spatial data, including spatial raster data, spatial point or areal statistical data, and spatial line segment data, and an R “GD” package is developed for computation. Results show that the parameter optimization process can further extract geographical characteristics and information contained in spatial explanatory variables in the geographical detector model. The improved model can be flexibly applied in both global and regional spatial analysis for various types of spatial data. Thus, the OPGD model can improve the overall capacity of spatial stratified heterogeneity analysis. The OPGD model and its diverse solutions can contribute to more accurate, flexible, and efficient spatial heterogeneity analysis, such as spatial patterns investigation and spatial factor explorations.  相似文献   

闾国年  袁林旺  俞肇元 《测绘学报》2017,46(10):1549-1556
系统回顾了地理信息系统产生以来地理信息内涵发展与拓展的主要历程,指出地理信息的定义一直是在"空间+属性"的地图信息基本框架下逐步扩展,其发展历程经历了地图GIS、语义GIS、时空GIS和大数据GIS 4个不同的阶段,但仍无法满足时空大数据的分析和应用需求。从地理学研究的对象和内容出发,对地理学所需要的"地理信息"的内涵和外延进行了系统的梳理总结,提出了涵盖"空间定位""语义描述""属性特征""几何形态""演化过程""要素相互关系"的地理信息六要素表达模型。在地理定律和地理规律的指导下,面向地理现象空间分布、时空格局、演化过程、相互作用机理的集成表达、系统分析和高效管理,设计了六要素集成表达的几何代数统一GIS数据模型、地理规律与相互作用驱动的新型GIS数据结构、非结构化时空数据组织与存储等关键技术,为测绘地理信息走向地理科学信息提供了另一个理论基础与技术方法支撑,有助于提升GIS对地理格局、演化过程和要素相互作用等地理规律的组织、管理、表达和分析能力。  相似文献   

Intercity lighting data are an important resource for studying spatial and temporal patterns in regional urban development as an indicator of the intensity of urban social and economic activity. Understanding the evolutionary characteristics of the spatial pattern of regional economic development can support decision-making in regional economic coordination and sustainable development strategies. Based on a long time series of nighttime lighting data from 1992 to 2020, this study used the Theil index, Markoff transfer matrix, spatial autocorrelation, and spatial regression to analyze spatiotemporal evolutionary characteristics and drivers of urban economic development in China. The study found that from 1992 to 2020, China's economic development hot spots have been concentrated in highly developed urban agglomerations namely the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region, Shandong Peninsula, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta. Cold spots were mainly concentrated in the central-west and southwest of the country. The economic growth rate shows an opposite spatial pattern, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the national coordinated development strategy for regions. The Theil index for urban economic development in China shows an overall downward trend, and the overall economic disparity is mainly due to the relatively low economic development of Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu, and other western provinces. Therefore, regional economic development remains significantly uneven. In China, the economic type of cities is relatively stable, and the probability of leapfrogging types is low; however, the level of cities with high resource dependence or a single economic structure easily downgrades. The level of economic development and the related socioeconomic factors of neighboring cities influence an obvious spatial spillover effect in the development of urban economies in China. The pattern of China's urban economic development is mainly affected by innovation capacity, financial support, capital investment, transportation infrastructure, and industrial structure.  相似文献   

The single spatial parameter in the spatial autoregressive model affects both the estimation of spillovers and the estimation of spatial disturbances. Consequently, the spatial autoregressive model has the undesirable property that if the degree of spatial dependence in the disturbances differs from that in the spillovers, neither may be estimated correctly. We show theoretically that the dependence structure for the spillovers and disturbances can differ and conduct a Monte Carlo experiment that verifies these findings. In contrast, estimates from a simple separable model show little bias in all the scenarios. We also show differences between the spatial autoregressive model and the separable model on five empirical examples.  相似文献   

随着遥感技术的快速发展,雷达影像测量技术的重要性突显出来,它有力地克服了因测区自然地理环境艰难、气候条件复杂而带来的光学影像无法成图的不利局面,具有效率高、劳动强度低等优点。本文利用RadarSAT-2影像进行1∶50 000 DOM的试验生产,通过具体的生产过程,对雷达影像的数据特点、生产流程、精度指标、生产效率等方面进行了分析研究,为缩短地图更新周期、减少生产成本、提高空间信息获取的实时性提供了方法。  相似文献   

采用状态空间法构建了长江中游城市群生态承载力评价指标体系,对该区2001、2007和2013年3期生态承载力进行了定量评价,并对其时空分异特征和影响机制进行了探讨。结果表明:1)2001~2013年期间,长江中游城市群各市生态承载现状均超过了生态承载力,但生态承载压力总体趋向减轻;2)长江中游城市群区域生态承载状况空间分异明显,襄荆宜城市带最优,环长株潭城市群次之,武汉城市圈和环鄱阳湖城市群较差。武汉、长沙等区域中心生态承载状况相对良好,周边地区生态承载压力较大,尤其天门等市,整体呈现出"中心轻、边缘重"的区域生态承载格局;3)长江中游城市群各市压力因子水平较为均衡,变化趋势一致,但承压和潜力因子水平极不均衡,是影响"中心轻、边缘重"格局和次区域生态承载差异的主要因素;4)随着社会经济的快速发展,长江中游城市群既存在经济持续增长、人口增加、资源环境条件约束趋紧等造成的生态超载问题,同时,也激发了环境投入、科技研发、区际交流等因素,缓解了生态压力,区域生态超载状况趋于改善。  相似文献   

空间数据模型反映现实世界中空间实体及其相互间的联系,但现有G IS数据模型主要表达某一时刻的空间实体及其相互之间的联系,没有考虑表示空间实体的时空变化,本质上是非时态的,无法满足各种用户的需求。本文分析了G IS应用的过程本质,系统地研究了地理信息系统过程建模的概念和类型,讨论了过程模型中的地理时空概念、空间数据模型的研究现状和存在的问题,以空间系统理论为依据,提出了空间数据模型结构,设计了适于表达G IS过程模型的基于框架的时空对象数据模型,并探讨了空间对象的时态表示和处理操作。  相似文献   

随着地理信息数据规模不断增长,传统的空间分析模式受限于软硬件的性能已经不能对大数据多尺度研究提供较好的支持。以GEE平台为基础,通过算法原理阐述平台架构体系以及分析GEE的技术特点,论述其在遥感大数据分析领域的研究进展、人工智能技术在地理信息分析领域的应用,探索地理空间数据分析的智能化方向。最后,结合交叉学科前沿探索GEE在未来的热点研究领域中的应用模式,并展望GEE作为云端空间信息服务平台的未来发展以及和下一代互联网技术的协同演进。  相似文献   

区域Gamma混合模型的SAR图像分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统Gamma混合模型用于SAR图像分割时忽略像素间空间相关性,导致分割结果不连续并产生大量误分割的现象,提出了区域Gamma混合模型的SAR图像分割算法。首先对图像进行分水岭分割,得到过分割区域块,然后将其作为输入样本进行基于Gamma混合模型的聚类,在模型的参数估计过程中进一步考虑区域间的空间相关性,设计邻域因子融入到迭代过程,得到邻域加权类分布概率。该算法充分利用像素间的空间相关性,能够降低噪声对分割结果的影响。通过合成图像和真实SAR图像的实验表明,本文算法能够实现SAR图像的准确分割。  相似文献   

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