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利用对数正态分布计算年最大风速   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周正强 《气象》1987,13(12):28-31
本文提出用对数正态分布计算年最大风速,这种方法与当前使用的计算方法主要的不同是,它具有较完善的子样检验方法,并且能计算最大风速的容忍上限。  相似文献   

In this paper, nonparametric curve estimation methods are applied to analyze time series of wind speeds, focusing on the extreme events exceeding a chosen threshold. Classical parametric statistical approaches in this context consist in fitting a generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) to the tail of the empirical cumulative distribution, using maximum likelihood or the method of the moments to estimate the parameters of this distribution. Additionally, confidence intervals are usually computed to assess the uncertainty of the estimates. Nonparametric methods to estimate directly some quantities of interest, such as the probability of exceedance, the quantiles or return levels, or the return periods, are proposed. Moreover, bootstrap techniques are used to develop pointwise and simultaneous confidence intervals for these functions. The proposed models are applied to wind speed data in the Gulf Coast of US, comparing the results with those using the GPD approach, by means of a split-sample test. Results show that nonparametric methods are competitive with respect to the standard GPD approximations. The study is completed generating synthetic data sets and comparing the behavior of the parametric and the nonparametric estimates in this framework.  相似文献   

采用二相回归方法并结合台站历史沿革信息,在对中国中部典型高山站南岳和庐山1960-2017年平均风速资料进行均一性检验和订正的基础上,分析其变化特征及其与周边低海拔台站的差异,并利用NCEP/NCAR再分析风速资料对其差异进行验证。结果表明:南岳站平均风速序列存在一个由测风仪器变更而导致的非均一点,而庐山站不存在非均一点;南岳和庐山年及四季平均风速均显著高于周边台站,且高山站以春季和夏季风速最大,而低海拔台站各季节风速差异较小;近58 a高山站及周边低海拔台站的年及四季平均风速均呈显著的减小趋势,但高山站的减小速率显著高于低海拔台站;同区域NCEP/NCAR的1000 hPa和850 hPa平均风速变化的差异与高山站和低海拔台站的差异基本一致,说明中低空和地面风速的这种差异在中国中部地区具有一定的普遍性。  相似文献   

利用惩罚最大F检验(The Penized Maximal F Test,PMFT),对新疆地区105个国家级气象站点建站至2014年逐年平均风速资料进行了均一性检验,并通过订正得出新疆地区年平均风速均一化数据集合;通过对订正后数据与原始数据进行对比评估,讨论数据非均一性对新疆风速的影响,研究结论得出:(1)在95%的显著性水平下,检验出所有待检站点均出现非均一间断点,共计151个;(2)元数据中记录的人为影响因素,超过1/3对年平均风速序列产生了非均一影响,其中仪器换型对年平均风速序列影响最为显著,其次为环境变化;(3)仪器换型和站址迁移对年平均风速的非均一影响与台站风力大小成正比,其它人为因素对年平均风速的影响与台站风力大小成反比;(4)订正后,数据时间序列的均一性得到改善,数据序列明显的趋势拐点趋于缓和,下降趋势普遍增强,数据可用性进一步改善。  相似文献   

以安徽省56个国家级气象站1980—2018年年最大风速序列为研究对象,采用基于三参数Weibull分布的变点检验方法对年最大风速序列均一性进行检验,以郎溪站数据为例,给出了检验和分析的具体过程,最后将该方法检验结果与PM-FT法、SNHT法检验结果进行了对比分析.结果表明:56个站点的年最大风速序列均通过Weibul...  相似文献   

在影响风电功率预测准确率的因素中,气象预测数据源的选取和组合影响较大.基于广西A、B两个山地风电场2020年2月1日至3月15日15min实测风速、4种单一气象数据源及3种混合订正气象数据源的预测风速,分析不同气象预测数据源对风电场风速预测准确率的影响.结果表明,多种数据源混合订正预测结果总体优于单一气象数据源预测结果...  相似文献   

根据榆林气象站1961—2016年逐年及该地区某一风电观测场2007年逐时最大风速资料,在探讨最大风速突变点的基础上,利用极值Ⅰ型分析法及1d、5d设计风速取样法对风电观测场50a一遇最大风速进行估算,同时参考《建筑结构荷载规范》,最终确定风电观测场最大风速的取值。结果表明:榆林气象站历年最大风速有下降趋势,并在1980年发生突变;利用突变点前风电观测场最大风速序列计算的50a一遇风速修正后,得到的结果与建筑结构荷载规范的值相近,可以互相验证,最终确定50a一遇最大风速为25.3m/s,相应风压为0.4kN/m^2。  相似文献   

针对安徽省天长和宿松气象站建站至2010年逐年平均风速资料,分别利用直接检验方法和3种间接检验方法:标准正态均一检验(the standard normalhomogeneity test,SNHT)、惩罚最大t检验(the penalized maximal t test,PMTT)和惩罚最大F检验(the penalized maximal Ftest,PMFT),对这两个气象站逐年平均风速序列进行了均一性检验,并对不同检验方法的效果进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:1)站址迁移、观测场环境变化、仪器变更以及测风手段变化等均能对年平均风速序列的均一性产生影响,其中测风手段变化的影响最为明显。2)由于以气象台站观测记录为依据,直接检验得到的结果最为真实可信;此外SNHT、PMTT和PMFF方法对年平均风速序列的间断点均有一定的检验能力,但遗漏间断点的情况也比较明显。因而在年平均风速序列的均一性检验中,若气象台站观测记录相对较齐全,首先考虑采用直接检验,然后再考虑补充采用其他间接检验手段。  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of extreme values is applied to wind data from National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis grid points over the ocean region bounded at 23°S and 40°W and 42°W towards the south and southeastern Brazilian coast. The period of analysis goes from 1975 to 2006. The generalized extreme value and generalized Pareto distributions are employed for annual and daily maxima, respectively. The Pareto?CPoisson point process characterization is also used to analyze peaks over threshold. Return levels for 10, 25, 50, and 100?years are calculated at each grid point. However, most of the reanalysis data fall within 1?C10-year return periods, suggesting that hazardous wind speed with low probability (return periods of 50?C100) have rarely measured in this period. Wide confidence intervals on these levels show that there is not enough information to make predictions with any degree of certainty to return periods over 100?years. Low extremal index (??) values are found for excess wind speeds over a high threshold, indicating the occurrence of consecutively high peaks. In order to obtain realistic uncertainty information concerning inferences associated with threshold excesses, a declustering method is performed, which separates the excesses into clusters, thereby rendering the extreme values more independent.  相似文献   

Summary A methodology developed for automatic classification of Objective Synoptic Processes (OSP) and its application to the study of the mesoscale atmospheric circulatory patterns associated with them is described. The classification was based on the analysis of the evolution of surface pressure and geopotencial height at 500 hPa during three days. An iterative procedure results in an objective grouping of the main configurations describing different large-scale situations. This routine has been applied over an appropriate domain covering the Iberian Peninsula to obtain OSPs in the region for the two month period July–August, using daily synoptic maps for years 1990 to 1999 (a total of 7304 surface and 500 hPa synoptic maps have been used in the analysis). Finally, for a characteristic day for two of the OSPs obtained, a mesoscale meteorological model (TAPM) has been run at high resolution for the region of Catalonia, Northeastern Spain, in order to describe the local atmospheric circulatory patterns associated with a given large-scale situation. Results show that the complex orography modifies the large-scale forcings resulting in wind fields with a very important horizontal variability, significant daily cycle, and specific local features related to orographic elements, which the model was able to incorporate due to the highly-resolved orography used.  相似文献   

基于山东1981—2016年121个气象站的年最大风速观测数据,应用气候倾向率、Mann-Kendall检验等方法研究了山东年最大风速的空间分布特征、时间演变规律及突变特征、重现期特征。结果表明:山东年平均最大风速呈逐年波动减小变化趋势,气候倾向率为-1.41 m·s-1·(10 a)-1,减小趋势极显著;沿海地区和鲁中山区最大风速较大,鲁南和鲁西南较小;2000年以来,最大风速相对20世纪80、90年代明显减小;莱州湾、山东半岛东南沿海减小趋势最明显,鲁东南等地减小趋势较小;山东最大风速在2002年前后发生突变,突变后明显减小,不同区域最大风速突变发生年份不同;50 a和100 a最大风速重现期结果与观测的最大风速空间分布类似。  相似文献   

Upper-air sounding is impacted by the surface wind of high speed in polar regions and in the areas affected by tropical cyclones. Considered are the main existing methods of radiosonde launching under such conditions. It is suggested to use the cone tower in order to provide a greater initial height of launching of the instrumental box as compared with the routine launching method. The employement of the tower allows using the wind force jointly with the lifting force of the balloon to deliver the instrumental box up to the top of the tower. Installation of the tower into the wind shelter secures the operator and provides the radiosonde launching even in the case of the very strong wind. The field model experiment corroborated the efficiency of the proposed scheme of radiosonde launching.  相似文献   

江苏省年最大风速的时空分布及突变分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
陈兵  邱辉  赵巧华 《气象科学》2010,30(2):214-220
根据江苏省34a年最大风速资料,用EOF、REOF方法研究了江苏省年最大风速的空间分布形式和长期变化趋势。结果表明:(1)34a年最大风速基本在11m/s以上,其中最大值区位于盐城的南部和南通的北部,在15m/s以上。近34a来具有明显的波动,整体上呈减小的趋势。(2)EOF分解的第一特征向量场空间分布绝大部分为正值,说明其变化具有极好的一致性,第一时间系数的变化相当于年变化。但是各特征向量场之间的特点相差明显。(3)REOF分析方法表明其可以被分为5个区,分别为西北区、西南区、东南区、中部地区、东北区,各个区域的年最大风速均呈现减小的趋势,但是减小的程度各不相同。突变特征各个区域表现也不同。  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of the spectra of wind speed and air temperature in the mesoscale frequency range from 1.3 × 10-4 to 1.5 × 10-3 Hz (10 min to 2 h periods) have been studied through observations over land for one year. Spectrographs [time series of isopleths of spectral densities, f · S(f) vs f] of wind speed and air temperature contain occasional peaks that are attributed to short-lived mesoscale atmospheric activity with narrow frequency bands. Significant spectral peaks of wind speed were found in 19% of the total observations in winter, and in 15–16% in the other seasons; for air temperature, they occured in 12% of observations in autumn, and in 16–19% in the other seasons. The peaks most often occurred in the period range from 30 min to 1 h; most had durations less than 24 h. Mesoscale fluctuations of wind speed and air temperature were highly correlated, and in most cases, phase differences were 90–180 ° with air temperature leading wind speed. Significant spectral peaks of wind speed often occurred during northerly seasonal cold winds in winter, and accompanied tropical and/or mid-latitude cyclones in the other seasons. When the peaks occurred, wind speed was usually relatively high and the atmospheric surface layer was unstable.  相似文献   

周林 《陕西气象》2006,(6):45-47
自2002年第一批自动气象站在陕西安装运行以来,全省已有80个自动气象站投入业务运行。按照中国气象局的业务运行规定,自动气象站要将正点观测资料通过气象通信网络实时上传,并对传输质量进行考核。2006年中国气象局下达的年度目标中,自动站正点观测资料传输及时率要求为98%。通  相似文献   

Carried out is the statistical analysis of contemporary observed variations of air temperature and wind speed in the troposphere of the Northern Hemisphere based on the data on global surface air temperature for 1850–2013 obtained from the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (HadCRUT4) and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis (1948–2013). Revealed are the long-term trends of air temperature and wind speed at different constant-pressure levels. Established is the anticipatory role of the zonal atmospheric circulation in the long-term variability of air temperature in the lower troposphere averaged for the zone of 30°–70° N. According to the results of correlation analysis, in some areas of the Northern Hemisphere the contribution of the wind speed to air temperature variability makes up not less than 60%.  相似文献   

这次全省气象工作会议,是在全面建设小康社会,国民经济保持良好发展态势,全党开展保持共产党员先进性教育,中国气象事业发展战略研究取得重要成果的形势下召开的。会议的主要任务是,深入贯彻全国气象局长会议精神和黑龙江省委、省政府的部署,总结2004年全省气象工作,安排今年的工作任务,动员全省气象工作者认清形势,把握机遇,推进黑龙江省气象事业又快又好地发展。  相似文献   

随着我国风电行业的快速发展,覆冰已经成为严重威胁风电场安全稳定运行的因素之一,针对这一问题,国内外学者陆续开展了相关研究。综合现有研究成果,从覆冰概况、研究方法分类、影响覆冰的因素、风机叶片覆冰期特点等方面做了总结。大量的研究成果显示:影响风机叶片覆冰的气象因素主要为环境温度、相对湿度、风速、液态水含量(Liquid Water Content,LWC)和体积中径(Median Volume Diameter,MVD)等。此外,冰风洞试验和数值仿真模拟方面已有很多成果,而覆冰模型法的研究还较少,后续研究的重点是开展对高分辨率数值预报产品的订正研究,构建适用于本地的风机叶片覆冰模型,为风电场提前预警覆冰期以采取融冰措施、合理安排生产等提供科学参考。  相似文献   

按风向风速标准差法估算了新疆风能资源详查区17座测风塔一定范围内的动力学粗糙度,并与期间利用的3 km和1 km分辨率的数值模式中的动力学粗糙度理论定义值进行了对比。结果表明:除了采用的landuse基数据在一些区域的错误判识而导致本研究的估测值与中、小尺度模式中的动力学粗糙度理论定义值有较大差别外,大多数比较接近,今后有必要对这些区域的landuse的分类进行客观订正;夏季强风区的动力学粗糙度估测值普遍小于中尺度模式的理论定义值;对于主、次风向上动力学粗糙度值极不均匀区域,风向与风速标准差估算法需结合使用;本研究估算的动力学粗糙度是在中性层结条件下进行的,对于中性层结条件较少发生的区域,该动力学粗糙度估算值的普适性将受到限制。  相似文献   

Studied is the dependence of the frequency of severe weather phenomena (the wind and precipitation) on the altitude of the location of meteorological stations above the sea level for the period from 1984 to 2009. Obtained is the station distribution of probability of the formation of the mentioned phenomena for the warm and cold seasons.  相似文献   

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