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Piip Volcano is a hydrothermally active seamount located inthe strike-slip regime immediately north of the far WesternAleutian Ridge. Fractionation of hydrous and oxidized magnesianandesites (MA) produced an igneous rock series at Piip Volcanowith a lower average FeO*/MgO (more strongly calc-alkaline)than any in the Central or Eastern Aleutian arc. Basaltic rocksin the Piip Volcano area are rare, and those that do occur havecharacteristics transitional toward MA (high SiO2 and Na2O;low CaO/Al2O3). The compositions of the MA and their predominanceas parental magmas throughout the Western Aleutians since MiddleMiocene time suggest that transpressional tectonics causes primitivebasaltic melts of the mantle wedge to pool immediately belowthe arc crust, where they interact with warm, ambient peridotiteto produce highly silica-oversaturated lavas of mantle origin.Proposed consequences of a long melting column in the mantlewedge (e.g., high percentage melting and tholeiitic volcanism)are not observed at Piip Volcano, despite that fact that itis built on very thin crust. Arc-related incompatible element signatures in volcanic rocksof the Piip Volcano area (e.g., high Ba/La, La/Sm, and Th/Ta)are broadly transitional between mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)and basalts of the Central and Eastern Aleutians. Interelementand isotopic ratios are, however, MORB-like (206Pb/204Pb<18.2,Nd>10, 87Sr/86Sr<0.7028). Mixtures of hypothetical slabmelts (Western Aleutian adakite) and depleted MORB mantle producean enriched peridotite source with incompatible element andisotopic characteristics of the Western Alcutian rocks. Componentsfrom recycled marine sediment (e.g., radiogenic Pb) are absent,possibly because they have been stripped out at shallow levelsby the long, oblique subduction path beneath the forearc. Theincompatible element signatures of the Western Aleutian rocks(including Ta depletion) are largely inherited from small percentagemelts of the subducting slab, which enrich the mantle wedgesource. Fluid-dominated processes of mass transport are notrequired to explain the arc-type incompatible element signatureof the Western Aleutian rocks.  相似文献   

Petrographical and geochemical characteristics of calc-alkalineandesites on Shodo-Shima Island, SW Japan, having bulk compositionslargely identical to the continental crust, are presented. Thefollowing petrographic observations suggest a role for magmamixing in producing such andesite magmas: (1) two types of olivinephenocrysts and spinel inclusions, one with compositions identicalto those in high-Mg andesites and the other identical to thosein basalts, are recognized in terms of Ni–Mg and Cr–Al–Fe3+relations, respectively; (2) the presence of orthopyroxene phenocrystswith mg-number >90 suggests the contribution of an orthopyroxene-bearinghigh-Mg andesite magma to production of calc-alkaline andesites;(3) reversely zoned pyroxene phenocrysts may not be in equilibriumwith Mg-rich olivine, suggesting the involvement of a differentiatedandesite magma as an endmember component; (4) the presence ofvery Fe-rich orthopyroxene phenocrysts indicates the associationof an orthopyroxene-bearing rhyolitic magma. Contributions fromthe above at least five endmember magmas to the calc-alkalineandesite genesis can also provide a reasonable explanation ofthe Pb–Sr–Nd isotope compositions of such andesites. KEY WORDS: calc-alkaline andesites; high-Mg andesites; magma mixing; continental crust; SW Japan  相似文献   

Fukujin Seamount is a large, active, submarine volcano on thevolcanic front in the northernseamount province (NSP) of theMariana island arc (MIA). Five dredge hauls from the summitand upper flanks of Fukujin recovered mainly highly porphyriticbasaltic andesites. A few nearly aphyric samples are medium-Ksiliceous andesites (SiO2 = 62%, K2O = 1•5%). Fukujin andmost other large arc-front volcanoes of the northern MIA havetholeiitic (iron-enrichment) fractionation trends. This contrastswith the calc-alkaline trends of many smaller seamounts. A negativecorrelation of modal plagioclase content with bulk-rock SiO2,as well as bulk-rock major and trace element variation trends,and glass analyses, suggests that lavas with >30 vol.% phenocrystsand <55 wt.% SiO2 are partial cumulates. The presence ofbimodal phenocryst populations along with reversed to normalzoning of phenocrysts is explained by magma mixing of andesiticand basaltic liquids. Hybrid basaltic andesites probably formedby the accumulation of plagioclase in a tholeiitic magma chamberundergoing replenishment and mixing at a shallow crustal level.A petrogenetic model is presented for the origin of basalticandesite by combined magma mixing and fractional crystallization.Aphyric siliceous andesites can be modelled by simple fractionationof basaltic andesite. The early fractionating assemblage consistedmainly of plagioclase and clinopyroxene, with lesser olivineand minor magnetite, but plagioclase remained suspended in themelt. The later fractionating assemblage was dominated by plagioclasewith orthopyroxene instead of olivine. *Present address: 2260 rue Panet, Montreal, Quebec, H2L 3A6, Canada.  相似文献   

Late-Quaternary sea level changes in the eastern Aleutian Islands are of paramount importance in the reconstruction of the migrations and environment of the ancient Aleuts. A radiocarbon-dated ash stratigraphy provides the chronology into which geomorphic events can be fitted. These provide evidence for the sea level changes. Deployment of beach material and coastal configuration intimate that sea level was about 2–3 m above the present level about 8250 radiocarbon yr BP. Beach deposits suggest that sea level remained high until about 3000 radiocarbon y.a. when it gradually dropped to its present position. It is concluded that the ancient Aleuts that settled Anangula about 8400 y.a. used boats; all major passes in the eastern Aleutians were flooded, and did not have winter ice. Those ancient Aleuts did not have available the major year-around food resources of the present strandflats as they were cut during the high sea level stand 8250–3000 yr BP. The ancient Aleuts must have been marine oriented, for land-based food resources would have been limited.The cause of relative sea level changes on Umnak Island is considered indeterminate with present data. Eustatic, glacial isostatic, water isostatic, tectonic, and volcanic causes are considered the main possible controls in combinations such that a basic eustatic sea level curve and likely a glacial-water isostatic curve must be common to any solution. Representative solutions are given to illustrate some of the problems.  相似文献   

With accelerated melting of alpine glaciers, understanding the future state of the cryosphere is critical. Because the observational record of glacier response to climate change is short, palaeo‐records of glacier change are needed. Using proglacial lake sediments, which contain continuous and datable records of past glacier activity, we investigate Holocene glacier fluctuations on northeastern Baffin Island. Basal radiocarbon ages from three lakes constrain Laurentide Ice Sheet retreat by ca. 10.5 ka. High sedimentation rates (0.03 cm a?1) and continuous minerogenic sedimentation throughout the Holocene in proglacial lakes, in contrast to organic‐rich sediments and low sedimentation rates (0.005 cm a?1) in neighbouring non‐glacial lakes, suggest that glaciers may have persisted in proglacial lake catchments since regional deglaciation. The presence of varves and relatively high magnetic susceptibility from 10 to 6 ka and since 2 ka in one proglacial lake suggest minimum Holocene glacier extent ca. 6–2 ka. Moraine evidence and proglacial and threshold lake sediments indicate that the maximum Holocene glacier extent occurred during the Little Ice Age. The finding that glaciers likely persisted through the Holocene is surprising, given that regional proxy records reveal summer temperatures several degrees warmer than today, and may be due to shorter ablation seasons and greater accumulation‐season precipitation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The behaviour of ice sheets as they retreated from their Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) positions provides insights into Lateglacial and early Holocene ice‐sheet dynamics and climate change. The pattern of deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) in arctic fiord landscapes can now be well dated using cosmogenic exposure dating. We use cosmogenic exposure and radiocarbon ages to constrain the deglaciation history of Clyde Inlet, a 120 km long fiord on northeastern Baffin Island. The LIS reached the continental shelf during the LGM, retreated from the coastal lowlands by 12.5 ± 0.7 ka (n = 3), and from the fiord mouth by 11.7 ± 2.2 ka (n = 4). Rapid retreat from the outer fiord occurred 10.3 ± 1.3 ka (n = 6), with the terminus reaching the inner fiord shortly after 9.4 ka (n = 2), where several moraine systems were deposited between ca. 9.4 and ca. 8.4 ka. These moraines represent fluctuations of the LIS during the warmest summers since the last interglaciation, and this suggests that the ice sheet was responding to increased snowfall. Before retreating from the head of Clyde Inlet, the LIS margin fluctuated at least twice between ca. 7.9 and ca. 8.5 ka, possibly in response to the 8.2 ka cold event. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

新的区域地质调查在海南岛东北部木栏头地区识别出一套从前未知的中级变质杂岩。木栏头变质杂岩主要沿林新—木栏头—虎威岭—赤坡—七星岭—新埠海—铺前海边沿岸呈基岩或不同尺度的无根岩块断续出露,其主体是钙硅酸盐岩和正、副片麻岩,含有少量斜长角闪岩、石英岩和大理岩,并按分布区域可进一步区分出林新片麻岩- 斜长角闪岩组合、木栏头变质火山岩- 钙硅酸盐岩组合、虎威岭- 七星岭片麻岩- 钙硅酸盐岩- 大理岩组合和新埠海- 铺前片麻岩组合等四套岩石组合。对30件变质基性岩、变质中酸性岩、变质碎屑沉积岩、钙硅酸盐岩以及花岗和伟晶岩脉等不同类型岩石的锆石U- Pb定年结果表明,木栏头变质杂岩的原岩主体是一套二叠纪火山- 沉积岩系,其内含有少量二叠纪花岗质侵入岩以及前寒武纪结晶基底的残留。前寒武纪结晶基底主要包括古元古代晚期(1670 Ma)碎屑沉积岩和中元古代早期(1460~1410 Ma)花岗质片麻岩,晚二叠世碱性花岗岩中还存在大量单一的中元古代晚期(1180 Ma)继承锆石。变质沉积岩中的早期碎屑锆石年龄峰值为2550~2490 Ma、1850~1780 Ma、1600~1560 Ma、1450 Ma和1100 Ma,表明其物源主要来自于海南岛中部的抱板群、石碌群和石灰顶组。二叠纪花岗岩的侵入时代主要为280 Ma和260 Ma,与陆缘弧前盆地环境下形成的火山- 沉积岩系的时代基本一致。这些沉积岩中的碎屑锆石除具有395~345 Ma和280~256 Ma两个年龄峰值外,部分样品还含有960~930 Ma和450~410 Ma两个重要年龄峰值,与前人在海南岛晚古生代地层中获得的年代学结果相似。木栏头变质杂岩经历了晚二叠世—中三叠世(254~235 Ma)高角闪岩相区域变质和深熔作用以及花岗和伟晶岩脉的大规模侵入,独居石U- Pb定年表明中侏罗世(159 Ma)花岗岩脉也侵入其中。结合近年发表的研究资料,我们认为海南岛应属于印支陆块的一部分,由中元古代结晶基底和早古生代盖层构成的琼南地体以及该地体演化而来的琼北构造混杂岩带两个次级构造单元组成,邦溪- 晨星构造带或昌江- 琼海断裂不能被视为华南和印支陆块间的构造边界,真正的古特提斯缝合带(即金沙江- 哀牢山- 马江缝合带的东延)应位于木栏头北部,大致相当于现今琼州海峡断裂的位置。华南和印支陆块间古特提斯洋盆的关闭始于石炭纪(340~300 Ma)洋壳的南向俯冲,形成北部的潮滩鼻榴辉岩和南部的邦溪- 晨星弧后盆地,二叠纪时期(280~255 Ma)洋盆持续俯冲形成海南岛主体大陆岛弧以及木栏头弧前盆地,而后洋盆最终关闭并进入到陆- 陆碰撞和碰撞后伸展阶段,从而形成木栏头变质杂岩以及海南岛内部其他三叠纪变质岩和同期花岗质岩石。  相似文献   

Cold Bay and Amak Island, two Quaternary volcanic centers in the eastern Aleutians, are orthogonal relative to the trench and separated by ~50 km. Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of the calc-alkaline andesite magmas show no sign of contamination from continental crust (average 87Sr86Sr = 0.70323, 143Nd144Nd = 0.51301, 206Pb204Pb = 18.82, 207Pb204Pb = 15.571). These samples plot within the mantle arrays for Sr-Nd and for Pb and are similar to arcs such as the Marianas and New Britain (Sr-Nd) and Marianas and Tonga (Pb). Incompatible element ratios for the Aleutian andesites (K/Rb ~ 332, K/Cs ~ 10,600, K/Sr ~ 22.4, K/Ba ~ 18.3, Ba/La ~ 60) are within the range reported for arc basalts, despite the difference in degree of fractionation.Average K content, K/Rb, K/Ba and K/Sr are approximately the same for basalts from arcs and from oceanic islands (OIB); K/Cs is a factor of 4 lower and Ba/La almost 3 times higher in arcs. Abundance ratio correlations indicate that arcs are enriched in Cs and depleted in La relative to OIB, with other incompatible element abundances very similar. Histograms of Sr and Nd isotopic compositions for MORB, OIB, and intraoceanic arcs show remarkably similar peaks and distribution patterns for intraoceanic arcs and OIB.A “plum pudding” model for the upper mantle best accommodates a) geochemical coherence of OIB and IAV, b) the existence of mantle plumes at some oceanic islands, and c) the presence of a MORB-type source at back arc spreading centers. In this model, OIB plums are imbedded in a MORB matrix; small degrees of melting generate OIB-type magmas while larger degrees of melting dilute the OIB magma with MORB matrix melts.OIB plums are merely less robust lower mantle plumes (i.e., blobs) which are distributed throughout the upper mantle by convection. The existence of at least two types of OIB, as indicated by Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes, suggests that nuggets of recycled oceanic lithosphère may coexist with lower-mantle plums and that both may be tapped in arcs and intraplate environments.  相似文献   

对内蒙古林西地区火山岩样品的地球化学研究表明,其具有大洋型(O型)高镁埃达克质安山岩的地球化学特征[w(SiO2)=57.89%~63.97%、w(Al2O3)=15.39%~16.17%、w(Na2O)/w(K2O)=1.5~2.2(除一个为0.9)、A/CNK=0.83~0.97、Mg#=49~64、w(Cr)=91~209μg/g、w(Ni)=52.2~111.4μg/g、w(Sr)=551~1018μg/g、w(Yb)=1.18~1.71μg/g、w(Y)=12.6~17.7μg/g、δ(Eu)=0.86~0.94]。利用LA-ICP-MS对其锆石进行了U-Pb定年,得到206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为(244±2)Ma(MSWD=0.36)。此时,区域内古亚洲洋已闭合,综合地球化学特征和区域地质环境说明,林西高镁埃达克质安山岩是由残余洋壳部分熔融并随后与地幔橄榄岩相互作用形成的。内蒙古林西早中生代高镁埃达克质安山岩的产出表明,洋壳来源的埃达克岩(O型埃达克岩)不仅可以随俯冲同时产生,而且也可以在非俯冲环境下由保存在古俯冲带地幔中的残余洋壳部分熔融产生。  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(7-8):1106-1128
The coastal geomorphology of the northeastern Raukumara Peninsula, New Zealand, is examined with the aim of determining the mechanisms of Holocene coastal uplift. Elevation and coverbed stratigraphic data from previously interpreted coseismic marine terraces at Horoera and Waipapa indicate that, despite the surface morphology, there is no evidence that these terraces are of marine or coseismic origin. Early Holocene transgressive marine deposits at Hicks Bay indicate significant differences between the thickness of preserved intertidal infill sediments and the amount of space created by eustatic sea level rise, therefore uplift did occur during early Holocene evolution of the estuary. The palaeoecology and stratigraphy of the sequence shows no evidence of sudden land elevation changes. Beach ridge sequences at Te Araroa slope gradually toward the present day coast with no evidence of coseismic steps. The evolution of the beach ridges was probably controlled by sediment supply in the context of a background continuous uplift rate. No individual dataset uniquely resolves the uplift mechanism. However, from the integration of all evidence we conclude that Holocene coastal uplift of this region has been driven by a gradual, aseismic mechanism. An important implication of this is that tectonic uplift mechanisms do vary along the East Coast of the North Island. This contrasts with conclusions of previous studies, which have inferred Holocene coastal uplift along the length of the margin was achieved by coseismic events. This is the first global example of aseismic processes accommodating uplift at rates of >1 mm yr−1 adjacent to a subduction zone and it provides a valuable comparison to subduction zones dominated by great earthquakes.  相似文献   

A core from Prince of Wales Island in the central Canadian Arctic was analysed for pollen and sediment characteristics. From 9200 yr BP to 7000 yr BP, the landscape supported a pioneer vegetation under cold conditions, with relatively high sediment input to the lake. Between 7000 and 4000 yr BP there was a period of high pollen concentrations, more abundant Cyperaceae and Dryas on the landscape and finer sediment input. In the last 4000 years, climate cooling is indicated.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of past environmental changes are critical for understanding the natural variability of Earth's climate system and for providing a context for present and future global change. Radiocarbon-dated lake sediments from Lake CF3, northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada, are used to reconstruct past environmental conditions over the last 11,200 years. Numerous proxies, including chironomid-inferred July air temperatures, diatom-inferred lakewater pH, and sediment organic matter, reveal a pronounced Holocene thermal maximum as much as 5°C warmer than historic summer temperatures from 10,000 to 8500 cal yr B.P. Following rapid cooling 8500 cal yr B.P., Lake CF3 proxies indicate cooling through the late Holocene. At many sites in northeastern Canada, the Holocene thermal maximum occurred later than at Lake CF3; this late onset of Holocene warmth is generally attributed to the impacts of the decaying Laurentide Ice Sheet on early Holocene temperatures in northeastern Canada. However, the lacustrine proxies in Lake CF3 apparently responded to insolation-driven warmth, despite the proximity of Lake CF3 to the Laurentide Ice Sheet and its meltwater. The magnitude and timing of the Holocene thermal maximum at Lake CF3 indicate that temperatures and environmental conditions at this site are highly sensitive to changes in radiative forcing.  相似文献   

Voluminous andesite and dacite lavas of Daisen volcano, SW Japan,contain features suggesting the reverse of normal fractionation(anti-fractionation), in the sense that magma genesis progressedfrom dacite to andesite, accompanied by rises in temperature.A positive correlation exists between phenocryst content (0–40vol. %) and wt % SiO2 (61–67%). Phenocryst-rich dacitescontain hornblende and plagioclase that are generally unaltered,clear, and euhedral. However, phenocryst-poor rocks containsieve-textured plagioclase, resorbed plagioclase, and opacitein which hornblendes are pseudomorphed. Some Daisen rocks containtwo coexisting pyroxenes. Many orthopyroxene phenocrysts fromtwo-pyroxene lavas have high-Ca overgrowth rims (up to 50 µm),a feature consistent with crystallization from a higher-temperaturemagma than the core. Rim compositions are similar from phenocrystto phenocryst in individual samples. Temperatures of 800–900°Care obtained from the cores, whereas temperatures of 1000–1100°Care indicated for the rims. Lavas ranging from aphyric andesite(  相似文献   

An unequivocal interpretation of the paleotectonic history of the Caribbean area, especially in modem plate tectonic terms, has not been possible despite recent advances in our geophysical and marine-geological unterstanding of the region. To fulfil this goal, a more detailed knowledge will be required not only of the nature of the crust and sediments of the Caribbean Sea, but also of the geology and metamorphic history of the surrounding continents and islands (i. e. “plate margins“). In this report, a detailed geological map of northeastern Margarita Island is presented, an island that occupies a key geological and tectonic position at the southeastern margin of the Caribbean Sea. The study focusses on a 2,000–3,000 meters thick sequence of metabasalts, herein defined as the La Rinconada Group, that conformably underlies Jurassic to Cretaceous metasediments of the Caribbean Mountain System of northern South America, but is not exposed on the mainland. These mafic rocks, which are interlayered with minor, siliceous, carbonaceous schists, have been metamorphosed under relatively highp vs. T conditions to amphibole gneisses containing barroisitic amphibole throughout and omphacite as well asin situ amphibole-paragonite eclogite in suitable bulk compositions in the nothern part of the area mapped. Found within the amphibole gneisses are many irregular, elongate masses of ultramafic rock from several meters to several kilometers in length, as well as numerous intrusions of granite to tonalite composition. The ultramafic rocks are highly serpentinized and deformed, and are surrounded by extensive talc, tremolite-actinolite, and chlorite metasomatic contact-reaction zones. Tonalités are the most abundant intrusives and are predominantly totally metamorphosed.  相似文献   

华南沿海地区存在丰富的白垩纪岩浆活动记录.粤桂地区作为华南沿海的重要组成部分,其白垩纪安山岩的出露数量虽然有限,但对于揭示晚中生代大陆边缘的构造性质具有特殊意义.选取广西玉林、广东连平的安山岩作为研究对象,结合前人对广东仁化地区样品的研究成果,应用岩相学、同位素年代学、地球化学等多种分析方法,对上述岩石开展系统研究.结...  相似文献   

Petrologic studies of tephra from Kanaga, Adak, and Great Sitkin Islands indicate that amphibole fractionation and magma mixing are important processes controlling the composition of calc-alkaline andesite and dacite magmas in the central Aleutians. Amphibole is ubiquitous in tephra from Kanaga and Adak Islands, whereas it is present only in a basaltic-andesite pumice from Great Sitkin. Dacitic tephra from Great Sitkin do not contain amphibole. Hornblende dacite tephra contain HB+PLAG+OX±OPX±CPX phenocrysts with simple zoning patterns, suggesting that the dacites evolved in isolated magma chambers. Andesitic tephra from Adak contain two pyroxene and hornbelende populations, and reversely zoned plagioclase, indicating a more complex history involving mixing and fractional crystallization. Mass balance calculations suggest that the andesitic tephra may represent the complements of amphibole-bearing cumulate xenoliths, both formed during the evolution of high-Al basalts. The presence of amphibole in andesitic and dacitic tephra implies that Aleutian cale-alkaline magmas evolve in the mid to lower crust under hydrous (>4 wt.% H2O) and oxidizing (Ni–NiO) conditions. Amphibole-bearing andesites and pyroxene-bearing dacites from Great Sitkin indicates fractionation at several levels within the arc crust. Despite its absence in many calc-alkaline andesite and dacite lavas, open system behavior involving amphibole fractionation can explain the trace element characteristies of lavas found on Adak Island. Neither open nor closed system fractionation involving a pyroxene-bearing assemblage is capable of explaining the trace element concentrations or ratios found in the Adak suite. We envision a scenario where amphibole was initially a liquidus phase in many calc-alkaline magmas, but was later replaced by pyroxenes as the magmas rose to shallow levels within the crust. The mineral assemblage in these evolved lavas reflects shallow level equilibration of the magma, whereas the trace element chemistry provides evidence for a earlier, amphibole-bearing, mineral assemblage.  相似文献   

五大连池火山区气体地球化学特征   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
杜建国  任锦章 《地球化学》1999,28(2):171-176
根据泉(池)水中气体的组分和同位素组成,讨论了五大连池火山区气体的来源和运移。1997年8月从五大连池火山区泉中采用了9个气、水样品,同年9月测定了游离气和水溶气的气体组分、He同位素幽会和CO2的δ^13C值。气体以CO2为主,多数样品的CO2体积分类大于80%。He和CH4的体积分数变化范围大,分别为0.7×10^-6-380×10^-6和4.0×10^-6-180×10^-6。^3He/He  相似文献   

Late Quaternary andesitic magmas in New Zealand contain complexly zoned antecrysts and glomerocrysts that are not in equilibrium with either the host whole rock compositions or siliceous groundmass glass and glass inclusions. Glass inclusions represent partial melts of mafic to gabbroic cumulates in the lower crust that mix with restite crystals, or cumulates from earlier magma batches. Assimilation of partial melts of mid-crustal rocks, represented by glass in crustal xenoliths, contributes a crustal component to the andesites. Magmas at Egmont are stored at about the brittle/ductile transition at about 10 km depth and variability in the composition of erupted material is a function of the composition of the recharging magma, and which parts of the storage system are tapped during the eruption. At Taranaki recharge occurs on a c. 1400 year cycle while interactions within the storage give rise to shorter period events. A similar process on a less well constrained timescale operates at Ruapehu. Andesites are therefore complex mixtures of fractionated mantle basalts, siliceous partial melts of both the lower crust and underplated cumulates, restite and cumulate crystals. Further modification occurs by interaction with partial melts of lower to middle crustal basement as geotherms increase with time.  相似文献   

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