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GLORIA and SeaMARC II sea-floor images of offshore Western Samoa reveal large-scale mass movements, volcanism, and structural modification. These processes are driven by hot-spot mantle diapirism and nearby plate subduction. Debris avalanche deposits extend from the island slope onto the adjacent abyssal plains, covering at least 20,000 km2. Sediment flows occur in sheets up to 30 km wide; slump structures are common on steep slopes. Volcanic cones and lava sheets are evident on lower slopes and abyssal plains. Major volcanic rift zones on the island of Savaii continue offshore. Subduction-induced flexure has produced intense tensional fracturing on the outer wall of the Tonga Trench.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of coal particles that fell during nine years to the sea bottom from the open sea coal terminal off Hadera, Israel, shows a consistent northerly transport path, and it is inconceivable that the sand at that location would move in an opposite direction. Semicircular, current-scoured moats associated with small mounds found at the edge of the continental shelf off Ashdod and Haifa, Israel, also suggest a general northward-directed sediment transport. The northward sediment flow on the Israeli continental shelf inferred from this evidence therefore supports the model of Emery and Neev about general sand transport patterns along the Israeli coastline and continental shelf.  相似文献   

Closely-spaced 3.5 kHz seismic profiles were collected over the north-easterly trending ridge and swale system 50 km east-southeast of Atlantic City, New Jersey. They yield information on the Late Quaternary depositional history of the area, and on the origin of the ridge system. Four of the sub-bottom reflectors identified were sufficiently persistent to warrant investigation and interpretation. These reflectors, which have been cored, lithologically identified, and radiocarbon dated, are stratigraphically higher than the reflectors dealt with by the majority of previous studies. The upper three reflectors are definitely mid- and post-Wisconsin in age and present a record of the most recent glacial cycle. The upper three units associated with the observed reflectors appear to exert a pronounced influence on the bathymetry. The gently corrugated ridge system of Holocene sand is formed over the regionally flat-lying upper unit, an Early Holocene lagoonal silty clay. The characteristically flat, broad depressions of the area are floored by this lagoonal material. Locally, however, marine scour has cut through the silty clay into an underlying unit of unconsolidated fine Pleistocene sand. Several stages of trough development appear to be represented. After penetrating the lagoonal clay, troughs are initially narrow, but when incised through the sand into a lower, Pleistocene, silty-clay unit, the troughs become notably wider. As downcutting is inhibited by the lower clay, the upper clay is undercut as the trough widens in a fashion similar to a desert blowout.

The sub-bottom reflectors indicate that ridge development on the central shelf has involved aggradation as well as erosion. Some ridges seem to have grown by vertical and lateral accretion from small cores. The internal structure of other ridges suggests that they formed by the coalescence of several small ridges. Others appear to have undergone appreciable lateral migration.

The ridges appear to be in a state of continuing adjustment to the hydraulic regime of the deepening post-Pleistocene water column.  相似文献   

The vertical structure of the Soya Warm Current (SWC) was observed by a bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) in the region of the SWC axis near the Soya Strait during a 1-year period from May 2004. The ADCP data revealed a marked seasonal variability in the vertical structure, with positive (negative) vertical shear in summer and fall (winter and spring). The volume transport of the SWC is estimated on the basis of both the vertical structure observed by the ADCP and horizontal structure observed by the ocean radars near the strait. The transport estimates have a minimum in winter and a maximum in fall, with the yearly-averaged values in the range of 0.94–1.04 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s−1). These lie within a reasonable range in comparison to those through other straits in the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

Modern reef (the Great Barrier Reef and Ryukyu Reef) distribution in the Indo-Pacific region is strongly controlled by warm currents (East Australian and Kuroshio Currents) that radiate from the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. The modern distribution of reefs (south of 15°S) on the Western Australian shelf is related to the presence of the warm Leeuwin Current. However, the age of the reefs south of 15°S, and hence their temporal relationship to the Leeuwin Current, has been largely unknown. Seismic and subsurface stratigraphic data show that reef growth and expansion on the Northwest Shelf of Australia began in the Middle Pleistocene (∼0.5 Ma). The oldest ooids in the region are approximately synchronous with reef growth. We suggest a two stage process for the spread of reefs to higher latitudes on the Western Australian coast; first an increase in Leeuwin Current activity at approximately 1 Ma brought warm waters and a tropical biota to the region; and second, increased aridity after ∼0.6 Ma led to a decline in clastic input and increased alkalinity, triggering ooid formation and reef expansion to higher latitudes associated with the switch to higher amplitude glacio-eustatic cycles at the end of the Middle Pleistocene Transition. The timing and mechanisms for reef expansion south along the Western Australian coast has implications for the origin of the Eastern Australian Middle Pleistocene Great Barrier Reef, the New Caledonia Barrier Reef and Japanese Ryukyu Reef systems.  相似文献   

南极大陆架的国际法学探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现行国际法框架体系下,文章首先通过对大陆架涵义的探讨,得出大陆架的科学与国际法双重定义,以及对涉南极大陆架划界案的分析得出南极大陆架主张国的实质要求。然后根据大陆架的定义和涉南极大陆架划界案,得出并不存在国际法意义上的南极大陆架,南极大陆架纠纷实质是南极领土纠纷的缩影。  相似文献   

Sabine Schmidt   《Marine Chemistry》2006,100(3-4):289
Over the last decade 234Th has become increasingly used to study particle transport in the ocean on a timescale of weeks. The application of 234Th is mainly focused on the determination of particle and associated carbon fluxes from oceanic surface water. However, 234Th is also suitable for investigating particle dynamic from the upper ocean down to interface sediments, as illustrated by the present work which reports unexpected behavior of 234Th in intermediate waters associated with the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). Concentration profiles of dissolved 238U and 228Ra, and dissolved and particulate 234Th and 228Th were measured in the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) near the Gibraltar Straits and at two sites (36°30′N–15°35′W, Nicole; 36°27′N–10°35′W, Yseult) which had hydrographic characteristics of Meddies, i.e. MOW that propagates as eddies in the Northeastern Atlantic at intermediate depths.There are marked differences in the distribution of thorium between MOW and the surrounding Atlantic waters. At the youngest Meddy Nicole salinity maximum at 1000 m depth, 234Th(total) : 238U and 228Th(total) : 228Ra activity ratios are significantly lower than radioactive equilibrium, indicating an unusual deficit of short half-life thorium nuclides. This implies an export of thorium, presumably on particles, from intermediate Meddy Nicole waters. This process is supported by an increase of particulate thorium fluxes measured in sediment traps deployed for two weeks above and within Meddy Nicole. In contrast, offshore Meddy Yseult has more typical profiles of both thorium nuclides that are nearly in equilibrium with their parents. These results indicate that at intermediate depths, the presence of MOW affects the exchange of reactive elements between particles and dissolved forms and enhances the downward flux of particles from intermediate waters in the Northeast Atlantic.  相似文献   

An investigation of biological transport processes which may link the deep ocean floor to shallow depths was carried out at a site on the Madeira Abyssal Plain, depth 5440m, position 31°17′N 25°24′W. Benthic and midwater sampling was carried out concurrently; time lapse photography provided an estimate of biological activity on the bottom.Biomass was measured throughout the water column; overall biomass was low and no evidence was found for mass upward transport resulting from biological activity. The potential for transport via individual species does exist since a number of species were distributed from the sea bed to thousands of metres above the bottom. However, theres is no direct evidence for vertical migrations through these vast depth ranges and the numbers of individuals concerned is very small. The arrival and possible predation of a large food parcel on the deep sea floor was observed.  相似文献   

In situ video observations of echinoids interacting with deep-sea coral are common in the deep-sea, but paradoxically the deep-sea literature is devoid of reports of bioerosion by extant echinoids. Here we present evidence of contemporary bioerosion of cold-water coral by four species of deep-sea echinoids, Gracilechinus elegans, Gracilechinus alexandri, Cidaris cidaris, and Araeosoma fenestratum, showing that they actively predate on the living framework of reef building corals, Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata, in the NE Atlantic. Echinoid specimens were collected in six canyons located in the Bay of Biscay, France and two canyons on the north side of the Porcupine Bank and Goban Spur, Ireland. A total of 44 live specimens from the four taxa (9 of G. elegans, 4 of G. alexandri, 21 of C. cidaris and 10 of A. fenestratum) showed recent ingestion of the coral infrastructure. Upon dissection, live coral skeleton was observed encased in a thick mucus layer within the gastrointestinal tract of G. elegans and G. alexandri while both live and dead coral fragments were found in C. cidaris and A. fenestratum. Echinoid bioerosion limits the growth of shallow-water reefs. Our observations suggest that echinoids may also play an important role in the ecology of deep-water coral reefs.  相似文献   

从随机海浪群因子的定义出发,分别研究将海浪视作正态过程和非正态过程时海浪的群性。研究结果发现按正态过程描述海浪时其群因子的值为常值,而按非正态过程描述海浪时其群因子的值不再是常值,它与海浪的非线性因子及谱宽度参数有关,并随这两个因子变化而变化。文中并给出了海上实测资料的验证结果  相似文献   

首先分析了杭州湾、长江口冬季余流和物质输运作用的观测特征,提出了几个值得继续研究的问题。然后,利用杭州湾、长江口三维联合模型,综合考虑径流、风应力、密度流、中国东部海域背景环流和M2,S2,K1,O1四个分潮的综合作用,模拟出了冬季的余流结构及其对物质的输运作用。在此基础上,针对所总结的几个问题,进一步作数值模拟,讨论余流和特技输运作用形成的机制。  相似文献   

We present four new high-resolution multibeam bathymetry datasets from the shelf edge of the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Analysis of these data, combined with Chirp sub-bottom profiles and existing submersible observation data provides a fresh insight into the detailed morphology and spatial distribution of submerged reefs and terraces at the shelf edge. An extensive and persistent line of drowned shelf edge reefs exist on the GBR margin in about 40 to 70 m. They appear as barrier reefs up to 200 m wide and comprising twin parallel ridges of rounded pinnacles. Subtle yet consistent terrace and step features lie between 78 and 114 m seaward of the shelf edge reefs in the southern study area. Submersible observations confirm that the drowned reefs now provide a favorable hard substrate for live soft corals and algae. They form a consistent and extensive seabed habitat that extends for possibly 900 km along the GBR shelf edge. The submerged reef and terraces features may reflect a complex history of growth and erosion during lower sea-levels, and are now capped by last deglaciation reef material.  相似文献   

Typical of glaciated environments, the inner continental shelf of New Hampshire is composed of bedrock outcrops, remnants of glacial deposits (for example, drumlins), sand and gravel deposits, as well as muddier sediments farther offshore. A number of previous studies have defined the general trends of the New Hampshire inner shelf from the coarser deposits nearer the shore to the muddier outer basins. Most recently, a seismic survey (150 km of side-scan sonar and subbottom seismic profiles), as well as bottom sediment sampling (74 stations), has provided a detailed bottom map of the southern New Hampshire shelf area (landward of the 30-m contour). The surficial sediments within this area range from very fine sand to gravel. Bedrock outcrops are common. The seismic survey indicated several large sand deposits exceeding 6-8 m in thickness that occur relatively close to the coast. These sedimentary units, which are within 3 km of the shoreline, are composed of fine to medium sands. Examination of the general morphology and depositional setting indicates at least some of these features are probably relic ebb tidal delta shoals. However, a large eroding drumlin occurs between two of the sand bodies and may represent the source of these deposits. Additional work is needed to verify the origin of these sediment bodies.  相似文献   

The submarine Hinlopen Slide, located along the Arctic Ocean margin, is one of the largest known mass movements on Earth. The slide scar has several unusual morphometric characteristics, including headwalls up to 1,500 m high and spectacularly large, steep-sided rafted megablocks. The slide processes and continental margin properties that produced these features are not well known. A new high-resolution TOBI (towed ocean bottom instrument) side-scan sonar dataset reveals information about the detailed seafloor morphology and, therefore, slide dynamics during the final stages of sliding. First, the headwall area was efficiently and almost completely evacuated of slide debris, which is unusual for large submarine slides. Second, features relating to the propagation of extension to the shelf behind the headwall are absent, suggesting “strong” cohesive shelf material here or that a very stable shelf configuration was reached, possibly defined by NE-SW-trending faults. Third, there is little evidence for the translation of shelf material, again uncommon for submarine slides. Taken together with the occurrence of massive megablocks in the slide debris, Hinlopen Slide is distinct because of the juxtaposition of apparently “stronger” shelf material that has remained intact (headwalls, megablocks), and “weaker” shelf material that disaggregated fully during slope failure. Nevertheless, there is sonograph evidence of variable post-slide disintegration of the megablocks. Contrary to previous interpretations, this suggests that the blocks comprise sedimentary lithologies that are prone to failure, a key aspect awaiting confirmation.  相似文献   

Thick Triassic siliciclastic units form major reservoir targets for hydrocarbon exploration on the Barents Shelf; however, poor reservoir quality, possibly associated with variation in provenance, remains a key risk factor in the area. In this study, sandstone dispersal patterns on the southwest Barents Shelf are investigated through petrographic and heavy mineral analysis, garnet and rutile geochemistry and zircon U-Pb geochronology. The results show that until the Early Norian Maximum Flooding Surface, two contrasting sand types were present: (i) a Caledonian Sand Type, characterised by a high compositional maturity, a heavy mineral assemblage dominated by garnet and low chrome-spinel:zircon (CZi) values, predominantly metapelitic rutiles and mostly Proterozoic and Archaean detrital zircon ages, interpreted to be sourced from the Caledonides, and (ii) a Uralian Sand Type, characterised by a low compositional maturity, high CZi values, predominantly metamafic rutiles and Carboniferous zircon ages, sourced from the Uralian Orogeny. In addition, disparity in detrital zircon ages of the Uralian Sand Type with contiguous strata on the northern Barents Shelf reveals the presence of a Northern Uraloid Sand Type, interpreted to have been sourced from Taimyr and Severnaya Zemlya. As such, a coincidental system is inferred which delivered sand to the Northern Barents Shelf in the late Carnian/early Norian. Following the Early Norian Maximum Flooding Surface, a significant provenance change occurs. In response to Late Triassic/Early Jurassic hinterland rejuvenation, supply from the Uralian Orogen ceased and the northern Scandinavian (Caledonian) source became dominant, extending northwards out on to the southwest Barents Shelf. The data reveal a link between reservoir quality and sand type and illustrate how provenance played an important role in the development of clastic reservoirs within the Triassic of the Barents Shelf.  相似文献   

The relationship between mass and length and the landed mass/whole mass conversion factors for Agulhas sole Austroglossus pectoralis were investigated and compared to the results of an earlier study. Earlier length/mass relationships overestimate the mass of small soles but underestimate that of large soles. The mass conversion factor of the present study also differed from the earlier results.  相似文献   

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