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Monsoon and land use in Sri Lanka   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agricultural land use in Sri Lanka roughly shows a division of the island in two major parts, according to the climatic division into thr Wet and Dry Zones. Therefore, it is the ultimate, most important question for agricultural land use in Sri Lanka whether the seasonal occurrence of a distinct dry season, which is characteristic of the Dry Zone, is also the most delimiting factor for land use or not. It seems true, in fact, that the long SW monsoonal dry season in the Dry zone is the major fact for a large-scale division of Sri Lanka according to the crops under cultivation and the cropping systems. Paddy (rice) and tea are the leading crops in the Dry as well as Wet Zone. They are at the same time the crops with the greatest economic importance for the island: tea for the international market, rice for the national market. Thus, the main attention is drawn on specific climatic effects, in a large- and meso-(local-)scale, upon tea and paddy and their agroclimatic potential of cultivation. Besides this, also some effects of the monsoon climate of Sri Lanka upon animal husbandry, forestry and pests have been studied briefly, added finally by an outlook on the correlation between the monsoon climate and fishery even, as manifested in the phenomenon of migrating fishermen.  相似文献   

Detailed petrographic analyses along a depositional transect from a carbonate platform to shale basin reveals that dolomite is the principal burial diagenctic mineral in the Maryville Limestone. This study examines the role of burial dolomitization of subtidal carbonates. Dolomite occurs as a replacement of precursor carbonate and as inter- and intraparticle cements. Four different types of dolomite are identified based on detailed petrographic and gcochemical analyses. Type I dolomite occurs as small, irregular disseminations typically within mud-rich facies.Type II dolomite typically occurs as inclusions of planar euhedral rhombs (ferroan), 5–300 μm in size, in blocky clear ferroan calcite (meteoric) spar. Type II dolomite is non-luminescent. Type I and II dolomite formed during shallow to intermediate burial diagenesis. Type III dolomite consists of subhedral to anhedral crystals 10–150 μm in size occurring as thin seams along stylolites and as thick bands a few millimetres in width. This dolomite consists of dominantly non-luminescent rhombs and, less commonly, orange luminescent and zoned rhombs. Type IV dolomite consists of baroque or saddle-shaped, 100–1500 μm crystals, and is non-luminescent. Type IV dolomite formed during the period of maximum burial. Types III and IV dolomite increase in abundance downslope. Type III dolomite contains 1.2–2.6 wt% Fe and a maximum of 1000 ppm Mn. The distribution of these elements displays no distinct vertical or lateral trends. In contrast, Fe and Mn distributions in Type IV dolomite exhibit distinct spatial trends, decreasing from 3.5–4.5 wl% Fe and 0.1–0.3 wt% Mn in the west (slope/basin) to 1.5–2.5 wt% Fe and less than 600 ppm Mn in the east (shelf margin), a distance of approximately 60 km. Spatial trends in Fe and Mn distributions in Type IV saddle dolomite, suggest a west-east fluid flow during late burial diagenesis. Types III and IV dolomite have a mean δ18O value of - 7.8%00 and a mean δ13C value of + 1.1%00 (relative to the PDB standard). Based on a range of assumed basinal water composition of 2.8%00 SMOW, temperatures calculated from δ18O values of Types III and IV dolomite range between 75 and 160°C. 87Sr/86Sr data for Types III and IV dolomite range from 0.7111 to 0.7139. These values are radiogenic when compared to Cambrian marine values and are consistent with the presence of a diagenetic fluid that interacted with siliciclastic sediments. The distribution of Palaeozoic facies in the southern Appalachians indicates a Cambrian shale source for the fluids, whilst burial curves suggest a Middle Ordovician age for burial fluid movement.  相似文献   

Drought is a distinct agroclimatological hazard with far reaching consequences upon crop production. Among them, famines are regarded the most serious effects of climatological drought. Although there is no doubt about the principally valid relationship between drought and production losses it seems more problematic how this relationship can be proved statistically. In this paper annual rainfall data and production figures of the three major crops of Sri Lanka, rice (paddy), tea and rubber, are correlated, but only partially a true relationship between dry years and production losses could be observed. Reason for this may be the moderate degree of annual drought. From the results shown, the question arises how agricultural drought can be defined and how the climatic effects upon crop production can be studied satisfactorily.  相似文献   

Differentiating between mineralized and non-mineralized background groundwater chemistry at a mine site can be challenging if there is an overprint of past and/or current mining on naturally mineralized conditions. At the Phoenix mine in the Copper Canyon mining district of Nevada, quantile–quantile H+/SO4 plots were used to segregate four wells clearly impacted by historical mining activity. The mineralogy of rock at the elevation of the well screen interval was used to partition the 53 remaining wells into mineralized and non-mineralized populations. For each class, groundwater chemistry was examined to identify if SO4 and H+ trends were stable (unimpacted) or increasing (impacted). Then each well was mapped as one of four resulting groundwater types across the mine site, defining the spatial extent of the different groups. Several groundwater regions were identified. A group of mineralized, mine-impacted wells (Type II) are located in Philadelphia Canyon adjacent to the Cu leach facility, with the anthropogenically impacted area bounded by several hydrologically downgradient, mineralized, unimpacted wells (Type I) to the south and east. There is a set of non-mineralized, impacted wells (Type III) downgradient from the tailings pond facility, where a historical release of SO4 is apparent in the well record. However, in some downgradient wells the tailings pond pump-back mitigation system has resulted in recovery of the groundwater quality to a non-mineralized background condition. Finally, in the vicinity of the Reona heap leach pad, there is a group of non-mineralized, unimpacted wells (Type IV). Not surprisingly, most mineralized wells (Types I and II) are located in or near mined areas, while non-mineralized wells (Types III and IV) tend to be in the southern portion of the facility in the alluvia of Buffalo and Reese River valleys.  相似文献   

Management and environmental constraints to rice yield in a paddy tract (lowland rice field) was studied within a village irrigation system in Sri Lanka. The relative importance of water coverage during the critical period and soil fertility variables on the yield variations were analysed. For the upper part of the paddy tract having adequate water supply, environmental and management factors seemed to explain the large variations in yield. For the middle and lower parts, with a shortage of water, water coverage was the only significant explanatory factor.For efficient use of a scarce water supply farmers allocated water first to the upper part, which resulted in water deficiency further down. An alternative strategy for water allocation, where the lower more fertile part of the paddy tract is favoured, would not avoid the risk of water scarcity for the individual farmer but there would be a potential for increase in the total production.  相似文献   

May 2003 Disaster in Sri Lanka and Cyclone 01-B in the Bay of Bengal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zubair  Lareef 《Natural Hazards》2004,33(3):303-318
Heavy rainfall deluged South-Western Sri Lanka between the 11th and19th of May 2003 and led to its worst disaster in 50 years. Floods andlandslides claimed 260 lives. The World Meteorological Organizationcited it as evidence for the increase of anomalous climatic extremes inrecent years. Here, a meteorological analysis is presented of this disasteras part of a sustained effort to undertake meteorological applications fordisaster management. There were intense low-level westerlies over SriLanka related to cyclone 01-B that made its way across the Bay of Bengalat least 700 km away. The southeastwardly traverse of the cyclone wasstalled for a few days by anomalous north-westerly geostrophic windsver South Asia. Here, it is argued that orographic rainfall induced bythis stalled cyclone and seasonal inter-tropical convergence zone cloudbands over Sri Lanka led to the deluge. The trajectory of the cyclone wasremote from Sri Lanka and this led to no cyclone hazard warnings beingissued. No cyclones have made landfall in Sri Lanka in May in the last100 years. This study shows that one must exercise vigilance not only inthe path of the cyclone but also remotely due to the modulation of thecyclone by other atmospheric phenomenon and topographic features.This flood may have been predicted with contemporary local area weatherprediction models and this example points to the need for the developmentof local area weather prediction models as part of disaster warning systems.This study also demonstrates the use of meteorological diagnostics forpost-event analysis of hydrometeorology of disaster events.  相似文献   

Geiser Urs 《GeoJournal》1995,35(2):185-196
An argument is presented that environmental problems in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka are caused, among other reasons, by conflicts between the exogenously influenced modern strategy of land resources management, and the incompatibility of the modern approach with aspects of the physical environment. This conclusion is obtained through a comparative analysis of both strategies using an actor-oriented methodology. Concerning the potential of indigenous technologies under present-day conditions it is argued that the rationale guiding them is highly relevant and has actually been internalized into the vocabulary of many development interventionists because negative effects of the dominant development discourse are becoming obvious. A shift in power relations (including the acceptance of local knowledge within innovative development ventures) is required if the potential of the indigenous strategy is to be tapped. It remains an open question whether this power shift can take place from within the development enterprise alone.Many thanks to Jayantha Perera, Heidi Stutz and Ben Wisner for critical comments on a first draft of this paper.  相似文献   

I.J. Basson  G. Viola   《Lithos》2004,76(1-4):283-297
Calcite veins are invariably associated with en-echelon kimberlite dyke–fracture arrays. A detailed microstructural study of veining indicates four vein types. Type I stretched or ataxial veins are defined by high aspect ratio calcite fibers that are crystallographically continuous with calcite of the kimberlite matrix wall rock, by elongated phenocrystic phlogopite with sharp crystal terminations centered on contacts between adjacent calcite fibers and by phenocrystic phlogopite that grows or extends across these veins. Type I vein mineralogy indicates syn-dilational crystallization of vein minerals in local tensional areas within the kimberlite. Vein Types II (stretched to syntaxial elongate-blocky) and III (antitaxial) indicate late crystallization vein mineral growth during subsequent or repeated dilation. Calcite fibers in Type I to Type III veins are orthogonal to the contacts of their host dykes regardless of the orientation of vein margins. Type IV calcite veins, with blocky or mosaic/polycrystalline textures, are attributed to minor post-intrusion extension, which was potentially accompanied by repeated kimberlite intrusion within a given dyke array. Syn-crystallization/syn-intrusion Type I veins and an ubiquitous dyke-parallel fracture cleavage, in a zone up to 4 m on either side of dyke contacts, suggest that en-echelon kimberlite dyke–fracture arrays occupied the approximate center of zones of active dilation within the brittle carapace of the upper crust. Type II and III veins indicate that extension or dilation continued, independently of an occupying kimberlite fluid phase, after initial intrusion. Arrested mobile hydrofracturing, under low differential stress within the upper brittle or seismic carapace of the continental crust, followed by repeated dilation of the dyke–fracture system, is proposed as a mechanism for producing the features observed in this study. The conditions constrained in this study indicate passive dyke intrusion into dilating fracture arrays during crustal extension.  相似文献   

Remotely sensed data on ocean colour of waters surrounding Sri Lanka received from the Coastal Zone Colour Scanner (CZCS) are processed and analyzed. Raw data of 1 km resolution on relatively cloud free days during 1978–1986 are processed to produce sea surface chlorophyll maps within latitudes 4.5N-11N and longitudes 78E-85E, a region in the Indian Ocean surrounding Sri Lanka. The processed data include about 110 single day maps and composite averages for each month and season. The months of July, August and September are omitted in the calculation of averages due to insufficient data. The waters in the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay areas show high chlorophyll-a concentrations throughout the year. However, these high values may represent other suspended particles and dissolved organic matter besides chlorophyll-a as this region is shallow (< 100 m). Regions with high chlorophyll concentrations (> 0.5 mg m-3) along the coast and western ocean region can be seen in the months of October and November, after the southwest monsoon period. As high surface chlorophyll concentrations may indicate high productivity, these regions need extensive measurements of primary production and also continuous monitoring of fish catches, during and after the southwest monsoon. Studies of particle composition in shallow water areas, in particular waters in Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar, should be carried out in order to elucidate the effect of non-phytogenic.  相似文献   

The absence of service centres that are required to facilitate economic and social development is a characteristic feature of the peripheral areas of Sri Lanka. One of the objectives of the Mahaweli Development Project is the setting up of a hierarchy of service centres in the recently developed areas of the Northern Dry Zone. The settlement programme of System H of the Project area was completed in 1984. Within a decade, 8 Townships and 26 Village Centres were established to serve more than 23,000 families.A comprehensive study of the pre-project situation and the changes taking place in the Galnewa region of System H indicated that the new hierarchy of service centres as well as the linkages that promote or result from the interaction among settlements have made a significant contribution to its socio-economic development. Problems that exist today can be solved and the experience gained so far has been valuable in planning the development of the remaining areas of the Project.  相似文献   

The Brazilian Society of Geochemistry--SBGq founded in 1985, is located at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, having more than 300 affiliates that represent most of the principal Brazilian universities. The main SBGq way of divulgation is an international magazine-Geochimica Brasiliensis and a site: www.sbgq.org.br/. Regular meeting of SBGq is realized in each two years in odd years The last meeting it has been realized together the Geochemistry of Portuguese Language Countries and Geochemistry Symposium of the MERCOSUL countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). During the even years are realized specific meeting as Environmental Geochemistry in Tropical Countries. The SBGq is associated with other Brazilian scientific societies as Latin American Association of Organic Geochemistry--ALAGO. During its existence the SBGq has published approximately 3000 papers related to the environment, lithogeochemistry, isotopes, surface geochemistry, organic geochemistry, coastal environmental geochemistry, secondary environments, hydrogeochemistry, exploration geochemistry, magmatic geochemistry, rare earth geochemistry, geochemistry of carbonations, biogeochemistry, mineral geochemistry, geochemistry vs. geochronology and geochemistry of precious metals.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the trace elements Ag, Sb, Bi in galens and Fe, Mn, Cd, Se, Te, Ga and In in sphalerite from 60 Pb-Zn deposits in China and other countries. The contents of the selected trace elements and their ratios show regular variations from one type of Pb-Zn deposits to another. These elements or their ratios are plotted onto Pb-lnAg, lnSb-lnBi, lnGa-lnIn, Fe-Cd, Fe-Cd-Mn and Zn/Cd-Se/Te-Ga/In diagrams. On the basis of these diagrams, the deposits associated with magmatism(type I), those associated with volcanism(type II), the sedimentary-reformed deposits (type III) and sedimentary-metamorphic deposits(type IV) can be well distinguished. Types I and III have the definite fields in all the diagrams. Types II and IV also have their own fields in lnGa-lnIn and Zn/Cd-Se/Te-Ga/In diagrams. The author considers that these diagrams are applicable to distinguishing the genetic types of Pb-Zn deposits.  相似文献   

Subgrain boundaries in thin sheets of octachloropropane deformed at 0.7–0.8 TM on the stage of a microscope are seen to appear in the material in seven different ways. Type I boundaries show the classical evolution by polygonization of bent crystals. Type II are essentially kink boundaries, which migrate sideways during deformation to reach their present positions in the crystals. Type III develop at the sites of former grain boundaries, by reduction of misorientation of adjacent grains. Type IV and V originate by impingement of migrating grain boundaries or subgrain boundaries, respectively. Type VI propagate in their own planes behind migrating grain boundaries to which they are attached. Type VII develop statically from optically strain-free grains by a process probably otherwise similar to the Type I process. Two thirds of the boundaries are Types I or II. In view of the variety of subgrain boundary histories in OCP, interpretation of similar features in minerals ought to be undertaken cautiously. Criteria are needed for telling the different types of subgrain boundaries apart in situations where only a final view of the structure is available, as in optical and electron micrographs of rocks.  相似文献   

Located in semi-arid regions of northwestern China, Datong basin is a Quaternary sedimentary basin, where groundwater is the most important source for water supply. It is very important to study groundwater characteristics and hydrogeochemical processes for better management of the groundwater resource. We have identified five geochemical zones of shallow groundwater (between 5 and 80 m) at Datong: A. Leaching Zone (Zone I); B. Converging Zone (Zone II); C. Enriching Zone (Zone III); D. Reducing Zone (Zone IV); E. Oxidizing Zone (Zone V). In Zones I, II, and V and some parts of Zones III and IV, hydrolysis of albite/K-feldspar/chalcedony system and/or albite/K-feldspar/quartz system enhanced concentrations of Na+, K+, HCO3 and silicate. In Zone I, dissolution of carbonate and hydrolysis of feldspar generally controlled the groundwater chemistry. Infiltration of meteoric water promoted the formation of HCO3 in the water. In Zone II, the main geochemical processes influencing the groundwater chemistry were dissolutions of calcite and dolomite, ion exchange and evaporation. In Zones III and IV, in addition to ion exchange, evaporation and precipitation of calcite and dolomite, leaching of NaHCO3 in saline–alkaline soils dominated the water quality. Zone IV was under anoxic condition, and reduction reactions led to the decrease of SO42−, NO3 and occurrence of H2S, with the highest arsenic content (mean value of 366 μg/L), far exceeding Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). Abnormal arsenic in the groundwater resulted in endemic disease of waterborne arsenic poisoning among local people. Zone V overlapped Zone I was intensively affected by coal mining activities. Sulfide minerals, such as pyrite, would have been oxidized when exposed to air due to coal mining, which directly added sulfate to groundwater and thus increased SO42− concentration. Oxidization of sulfide minerals also decreased pH and promoted dissolutions of calcite and dolomite.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987115000390   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The demand for fresh water in Hambantota District, Sri Lanka is rapidly increasing with the enormous amount of ongoing development projects in the region. Nevertheless, the district experiences periodic water stress conditions due to seasonal precipitation patterns and scarcity of surface water resources.Therefore, management of available groundwater resources is critical, to fulfil potable water requirements in the area. However, exploitation of groundwater should be carried out together with artificial recharging in order to maintain the long term sustainability of water resources. In this study, a GIS approach was used to delineate potential artificial recharge sites in Ambalantota area within Hambantota. Influential thematic layers such as rainfall, lineament, slope, drainage, land use/land cover, lithology, geomorphology and soil characteristics were integrated by using a weighted linear combination method. Results of the study reveal high to moderate groundwater recharge potential in approximately 49% of Ambalantota area.  相似文献   

The Huai Kham On gold deposit is located in the central part of the Sukhothai Fold Belt, northern Thailand. The Sukhothai Fold Belt represents an accretionary complex formed by subduction and collision between the Indochina and Sibumasu Terranes. There are many small gold deposits in the Sukhothai Fold Belt; however, the styles and formation environments of those gold deposits are not clear. The geology of the Huai Kham On deposit consists of volcanic and volcanosedimentary rocks, limestone, and low‐grade metamorphic rocks of Carboniferous to Triassic age. Gold‐bearing quartz veins are hosted by volcanic and volcanosedimentary rocks. The quartz veins can be divided into four stages. The mineral assemblage of the gold‐bearing quartz veins of Stages I and II comprises quartz, calcite, illite, pyrite, native gold, galena, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. Quartz veins of Stage III consist of microcrystalline quartz, dolomite, calcite, pyrite, native gold, and chalcopyrite. Veins of Stage IV consist of calcite, dolomite, chlorite, and quartz. Fluid inclusions in quartz veins are classified into liquid‐rich two‐phase (Types IA and IB), carbonic‐aqueous (Type II), and carbonic (Type III) fluid inclusions. The homogenization temperatures of Types IA and II fluid inclusions that are related to the gold‐bearing quartz veins from Stages I to III ranged from 240° to 280°C. The δ18O values of quartz veins of Stages I to III range from +12.9 to +13.4‰, suggesting the presence of a homogeneous hydrothermal solution without temperature variation such as a decrease of temperature during the formation of gold‐bearing quartz veins from Stages I to III in the Huai Kham On gold deposit. Based on the calculated formation temperature of 280°C, the δ18O values of the hydrothermal solution that formed the gold‐bearing quartz veins range from +3.2 to +3.7‰, which falls into the range of metamorphic waters. The gold‐bearing quartz veins of the Huai Kham On deposit are interpreted to be the products of metamorphic water.  相似文献   

Gold-copper-bismuth mineralization in the Tennant Creek goldfield of the Northern Territory occurs in pipe-like, ellipsoidal, or lensoidal lodes of magnetite ± hematite ironstones which are hosted in turbiditic sedimentary rocks of Proterozoic age. Fluid inclusion studies have revealed four major inclusion types in quartz associated with mineralized and barren ironstones at Ten nant Creek; (1) liquid-vapour inclusions with low liquid/vapour ratios (Type I), (2) liquid-vapour inclusions with high liquid/vapour ratios or high vapour/liquid ratios and characteristic dark bubbles (Type II), (3) liquid-vapour-halite inclusions (Type III), and (4) liquid-vapour inclusions with variable liquid/vapour ratios (Type V). Type I inclusions are present in the barren ironstones and the unmineralized portions of fertile ironstones, whereas Types II and III inclusions are recognized in fertile ironstones. Trails of Types II and III inclusions cut trails of Type I inclusions. Type I fluid inclusions have homogenization temperatures of 100° to 350 °C with a mode at 200° to 250 °C. Type II inclusions in mineralized ironstones (e.g. Juno, White Devil, Eldorado, TC8 and Gecko K-44 deposits) have homogenization temperatures of 250 °C to 600 °C with a mode of 350 °C. Type I fluid inclusions have a salinity range of 10 to 30 NaCl equiv. wt %. Salinity measurements on fluid inclusions in the mineralized zones gave a range of 10 to 50 NaCl equiv. wt % with a mode of 35 NaCl equiv. wt %. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that the Tennant Creek ironstones were formed from a relatively low temperature and moderately saline fluid, where as gold and copper mineralization was deposited from later hydrothermal fluids of higher temperature and salin ity. Gas analysis indicates the presence of N2 and CO2, with very minor CH4 in Types II inclusions but no N2 or CH4 gases in Type I inclusions. Microprobe analysis of the fluid inclusion decrepitates indicates that the inclusions from Tennant Creek contain sodium and calcium as dominant cations and potassium in a subordinate amount. The high temperatures ( 350 °C), high salinities ( 35 NaCl equiv. wt. %) and cation composition of the Tennant Creek ore fluids suggest that the ore fluids were derived from upward migrating heated basinal brines, although contribution from a magmatic source cannot be ruled out. Close association of vapour-rich Type IIb and salt-rich Type III inclusions in the mineralized ironstones (e.g. Juno, White Devil, Eldorado, TC8 and Gecko K-44) indicates heterogeneous trapping of ore fluids. This heterogeneous trapping is interpreted to be due to unmixing (exsolution) of a gas-rich (e.g. N2) fluid during the upward migration of the metal bearing brines and/or due to degassing caused by reaction of oxidized ore fluids and host ironstones. Fluid inclusion data have important implications regarding the deposition of gold in the ironstones, and may have application in discriminating fertile from barren ironstones.  相似文献   

Modelling of gravity and airborne magnetic data integrated with seismic studies suggest that the linear gravity and magnetic anomalies associated with Moyar Bhavani Shear Zone (MBSZ) and Palghat Cauvery Shear Zone (PCSZ) are caused by high density and high susceptibility rocks in upper crust which may represent mafic lower crustal rocks. This along with thick crust (44–45 km) under the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) indicates collision of Dharwar craton towards north and SGT towards south with N–S directed compression during 2.6–2.5 Ga. This collision may be related to contemporary collision northwards between Eastern Madagascar–Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) and Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC). Arcuate shaped N and S-verging thrusts, MBSZ-Mettur Shear and PCSZ-Gangavalli Shear, respectively across Cauvery Shear zone system (CSZ) in SGT also suggest that the WDC, EDC and SGT might have collided almost simultaneously during 2.6–2.5 Ga due to NW–SE directed compressional forces with CSZ as central core complex in plate tectonics paradigm preserving rocks of oceanic affinity. Gravity anomalies of schist belts of WDC suggest marginal and intra arc basin setting.The gravity highs of EGFB along east coast of India and regional gravity low over East Antarctica are attributed to thrusted high-density lower crustal/upper mantle rocks at a depth of 5–6 km along W-verging thrust, which is supported by high seismic velocity and crustal thickening, respectively. It may represent a collision zone at about 1.0 Ga between India and East Antarctica. Paired gravity anomalies in the central part of Sri Lanka related to high density intrusives under western margin of Highland Complex and crustal thickening (40 km) along eastern margin of Highland Complex with several arc type magmatic rocks of about 1.0 Ga in Vijayan Complex towards the east may represent collision between them with W-verging thrust as in case of EGFB. The gravity high of Sri Lanka in the central part falls in line with that of EGFB, in case it is fitted in Gulf of Mannar and may represent the extension of this orogeny in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

In this study, an analysis of century scale climate trends in the central highlands of Sri Lanka is presented. Monthly rainfall and temperature records of the period 1869–2006 from five climatological stations were analyzed. The trend is calculated by the least square regression analysis and the significance of the observed trend is estimated using the Mann–Kendall statistic. The results clearly show that there is a statistically significant decrease in annual rainfall in the western slopes of the central highlands. Throughout the last century, the annual reduction of rainfall in Nuwara Eliya which is at an altitude of 1895 m was 5.2 mm/year. The decrease is largely due to the reduction in southwest monsoon rainfall which contributes to 75% of the total reduction. No significant change was observed on the eastern side of the central highlands which receives rainfall predominantly from the northeast monsoons. The mean annual temperature in the mountainous region shows a uniform increasing trend which is in line with the 100-year global temperature increase of 0.8 ± 0.2°C. Kandy, which is at an altitude of 477 m and closely linked with the rainfall climatology of Nuwara Eliya, showed no significant change in the mean annual temperature. If the current trend continues, in another 100 years, western and eastern slopes of central highlands will receive the same amount of rainfall from the southwest monsoon and the northeast monsoon which will have far reaching consequences for Sri Lanka’s economy and the ecology of the hill country.  相似文献   

中国降雨过程时程分型特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
为研究降雨过程雨强随历时的变化关系,利用中国14个气象站近40年逐分钟降雨资料,采用动态K均值聚类法并根据雨峰在降雨过程中出现的位置,将中国10256次降雨过程分为4种类型,即降雨前期集中型(Ⅰ型)、降雨中期集中型(Ⅱ型)、降雨后期集中型(Ⅲ型)和降雨均匀分布型(IV型)。结果表明:中国Ⅰ型降雨出现频次最高,占47.1%;Ⅱ型次之,占21.2%;Ⅲ型和IV型出现频次相当,分别占15.3%和16.4%。夏季Ⅰ型降雨发生频次占绝对优势,为夏季总降水过程的52.2%;冬季各类雨型发生频次相差不大。Ⅰ型多为短历时高强度降雨,而IV型多为长历时低强度降雨,Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型居中。历时越短时,Ⅰ型降雨的比重越大;随着降雨历时的增加,Ⅰ型降雨的比重明显下降,IV型降雨的比重增加。  相似文献   

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