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A data assimilation scheme used in the updated Ocean three-dimensional Variational Assimilation System (OVALS),OVALS2,is described.Based on a recursive filter (RF) to estimate the background error covariance (BEC) over a predetermined scale,this new analysis system can be implemented with anisotropic and isotropic BECs.Similarities and differences of these two BEC schemes are briefly discussed and their impacts on the model simulation are also investigated.An idealized experiment demonstrates the ability of the updated analysis system to construct different BECs.Furthermore,a set of three years experiments is implemented by assimilating expendable bathythermograph (XBT) and ARGO data into a Tropical Pacific circulation model.The TAO and WOA01 data are used to validate the assimilation results.The results show that the model simulations are substantially improved by OVALS2.The inter-comparison of isotropic and anisotropic BEC shows that the corresponding temperature and salinity produced by the anisotropic BEC are almost as good as those obtained by the isotropic one.Moreover,the result of anisotropic RF is slightly closer to WOA01 and TAO than that of isotropic RF in some special area (e.g.the cold tongue area in the Tropic Pacific).  相似文献   

This paper presents a Recursive Neural Network (RNN) manoeuvring simulation model for surface ships. Inputs to the simulation are the orders of rudder angle and ship’s speed and also the recursive outputs velocities of sway and yaw. This model is used to test the capabilities of artificial neural networks in manoeuvring simulation of ships. Two manoeuvres are simulated: tactical circles and zigzags. The results between both simulations are compared in order to analyse the accuracy of the RNN. The simulations are performed for the Mariner hull. The data generated to train the network are obtained from a manoeuvrability model performing the simulation of different manoeuvring tests. The RNN proved to be a robust and accurate tool for manoeuvring simulation.  相似文献   

The problem of towed array shape estimation is reformulated and shown to be mathematically equivalent to the problem of state estimation with abruptly changing bias of the plant noise process. An algorithm belonging to the family of adaptive multimodel partitioning algorithms is subsequently applied to this problem, and its performance is comparatively evaluated with that of nonadaptive algorithms previously proposed through simulation experiments  相似文献   

In order to improve the ocean forecasting in the North Sea and Baltic Sea, an assimilation scheme based on a bottom-topography-dependent anisotropic recursive filter has been used in this study. This scheme can stretch or flatten the shape of a local representative contour surface of the background error covariance function into the form of an ellipse. Furthermore, the computing efficiency has been largely improved due to implicit computation of the background error covariance. A two-month experiment has been used for verifying the impact of assimilating ocean profile observations on ocean forecasting. The results indicate that the use of temperature and salinity profiles can largely improve the oceanic forecasting. The root mean square differences between the forecasts and observations for temperature and salinity have been reduced by 36% and 18% in the experiment period, respectively. Moreover, it is found that the anisotropic recursive filter approach is especially efficient in areas with complex coastlines and sharp fronts, e.g., inner Danish waters. The results also show that the propagation of observation information from an observation position to its neighboring grid points is closely related to currents.  相似文献   

基于中尺度数值模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting),分析在逐小时循环同化系统中,高频多次应用数字滤波初始化方案对台风“烟花”模拟结果的影响。结果表明:(1)数字滤波能够产生与天气现象相关的滤波增量。晴空区域由于向后积分过程中辐射等重要过程未开启,后向积分结束时近地面温度变化较小,在向前积分时白天到达地表的太阳短波辐射过度累积,夜间地表热辐射过度释放,造成晴空区白天2 m温度升高,夜间2 m温度降低。台风对流区域受后向积分为绝热过程的影响,原本上升运动中水汽凝结释放潜热脱离气块的降水无法在绝热下沉增温中吸收热量变为水汽,在后向积分时产生了热量的异常累积以及水汽的减少,导致强对流区域热力结构发生变化。(2)统计结果显示,随着数字滤波应用次数的增加,初始化过程对初始场和预报的影响逐渐积累,造成的预报差异持续整个模拟过程。(3)在循环同化的基础上多次应用数字滤波初始化,数字滤波初始化显示出较好的抑制高频噪声的作用。多次滤波后台风环流中心暖心增强引起台风强度增强,最低气压更加接近最佳路径资料;暖湿气流向鲁南地区输送的减弱造成鲁西南地区特大暴雨漏报;台风环流位置的偏南影响了后期与西风槽结合的时间导致后期移速偏慢。  相似文献   

针对球谐函数定积分计算中Legendre函数递推问题展开研究,分析了标准向前列推法、Belikov法、跨阶次法、X数法以及顾及麦克劳林级数展开式对球谐函数定积分计算的影响。利用Eigen6c-4地球重力场模型计算扰动引力梯度径向分量,分析不同方法之间的差异。实验表明,不考虑麦克劳林级数展开式时4种方法的相对精度在高纬度地区较差,但计算模型扰动引力径向分量的精度一致,结合麦克劳林级数式可提高高纬度地区定积分计算的相对精度,但会降低中低纬度地区定积分计算的精度,并且对高纬度地区扰动引力径向分量的影响极小,但会严重降低低纬度地区扰动引力梯度计算的精度。  相似文献   

This study investigates the initialization of nonlinear free-surface simulations in a numerical wave flume.Due to the mismatch between the linear input wavemaker motion and the kinematics of fully nonlinear waves,direct numerical simulations of progressive waves,generated by a sinusoidally moving wavemaker,are prone to suffering from high-frequency wave instability unless the flow is given sufficient time to adjust.A time ramp is superimposed on the wavemaker motion at the start that allows nonlinear free-surface simulations to be initialized with linear input.The duration of the ramp is adjusted to test its efficiency for short waves and long waves.Numerical results show that the time ramp scheme is effiective to stabilize the wave instability at the start of the simulation in a wave flume.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of steerable filters as a method of delineating the boundaries of subsurface geological structures. Steerable filters, generally used for edge detection on 2-D images, have the properties of band pass filters with certain directions and are applied to many image processing problems. We first tested the method on synthetic data and then applied it to the aeromagnetic data of İskenderun Basin and adjacent areas.İskenderun Basin is located in the Northeastern Mediterranean where African–Arabian and Anatolian plates are actively interacting. The basin fill records a complex tectonic evolution since the Early Miocene, involving ophiolite emplacement, diachronous collision of Eurasian and Arabian plates and subsequent tectonic escape related structures and associated basin formation. Geophysical investigations of the tectonic framework of İskenderun Basin of Turkey provide important insights on the regional tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. In this study we show geological structures, which are responsible for the magnetic anomalies in İskenderun Basin and enlighten the structural setting of the Northeastern Mediterranean triple junction using steerable filters. We obtained a magnetic anomaly map of the region from the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration as raw data and then evaluated this by steerable filters. We determined the magnetic anomaly boundaries for İskenderun Basin by using various types of steerable filters and correlated these to drilling data and seismic profiles from the Turkish Petroleum Corporation. The result of the steerable filter analysis was a clarified aeromagnetic anomaly map of İskenderun Basin. The tectonic structure of İskenderun Basin is divided into regions by an N–S trending oblique-slip fault defined by the steerable filter outputs. We propose a new tectonic structure model of İskenderun Basin and modify the direction of the East Anatolian Fault Zone. In our model, East Anatolian Fault Zone cross-cuts the basin as a narrow fault zone and continues towards the Cyprus arc.  相似文献   

A simple improvement to objective analysis of hydrographic data is proposed to eliminate spatial aliasing effects in tidally energetic regions. The proposed method consists of the evaluation of anomalies from observations with respect to circulation model fields. The procedure is run iteratively to achieve convergence. The method is applied in the Bay of Fundy and compared with traditional objective analysis procedures and dynamically adjusted climatological fields. The hydrographic skill (difference between observed and model temperature and salinity) of the dynamically adjusted objective analysis is significantly improved by reducing bias and correcting the vertical structure. Representation of the observed velocities is also improved. The resulting flow is consistent with the known circulation in the Bay.  相似文献   

An ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is used to assimilate data onto a non-linear chaotic model, coupling two kinds of variables. The first kind of variables of the system is characterized as large amplitude, slow, large scale, distributed in eight equally spaced locations around a circle. The second kind of variables are small amplitude, fast, and short scale, distributed in 256 equally spaced locations. Synthetic observations are obtained from the model and the observational error is proportional to their respective amplitudes. The performance of the EnKF is affected by differences in the spatial correlation scales of the variables being assimilated. This method allows the simultaneous assimilation of all the variables. The ensemble filter also allows assimilating only the large-scale variables, letting the small-scale variables to freely evolve. Assimilation of the large-scale variables together with a few small-scale variables significantly degrades the filter. These results are explained by the spurious correlations that arise from the sampled ensemble covariances. An alternative approach is to combine two different initialization techniques for the slow and fast variables. Here, the fast variables are initialized by restraining the evolution of the ensemble members, using a Newtonian relaxation toward the observed fast variables. Then, the usual ensemble analysis is used to assimilate the large-scale observations.  相似文献   

The response of an array of sensors to coherent undesired noise interfering with the measurement of a desired signal can be optimized if special filters are applied to the outputs of the sensors. In this paper, we derive analytic expressions for filters which minimize the power spectrum of the array response to the undesired coherent signal while simultaneously providing an all-pass condition for the desired signal. These filters are shown to yield an array rejection response which has zero-width main lobes and no sidelobes. An example illustrating the results is also presented.  相似文献   

Digital filters designed using wavelet theory are applied to high resolution deep-towed side-scan sonar data from the median valley walls, crestal mountains, and flanks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 29°10 N. With proper tuning, the digital filters are able to identify the location, orientation, length, and width of highly reflective linear features in sonar images. These features are presumed to represent the acoustic backscatter from axis-facing normal faults. The fault locations obtained from the digital filters are well correlated with visual geologic interpretation of the images. The side-scan sonar images are also compared with swath bathymetry from the same area. The digitally filtered bathymetry images contain nine of the eleven faults identified by eye in the detailed geologic interpretation of the side-scan data. Faults with widths (measured perpendicular to their strike) of less than about 150 m are missed in the bathymetry analysis due to the coarser resolution of these data. This digital image processing technique demonstrates the potential of wavelet-based analysis to reduce subjectivity and labor involved in mapping and analyzing topographic features in side-scan sonar and bathymetric image data.  相似文献   

In this paper, analysed are the effects of synoptic wind, earth-rotation inertia and land surface roughness on sea (lake) breeze process, on the basis of the calculated results of a 2-D primitive equation model with turbulent energy closure. The results show that a moderate background wind field acts as a trigger for sea (lake) breeze onset, and presents prominent effect on the breeze intensity, inland advance rate and structure feature. The effects of Coriolis force not only make the breeze veering round, but also damp the development of the breeze component normal to shore.The paper also discussed the dynamic method of wind field initialization based on one-site radiosonde. Three approaches of initialization have been tested. In comparison, it was found that the approach of one-dimensional dynamic initialization with nudging term was preferable to the others.  相似文献   

海温场的递归滤波分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
递归滤波(RF)是一种属于经验线性插值类的客观分析方法。因其处理边界域和背景场的独特能力以及在计算机处理上的快速便捷优于其他的传统分析方法,适合于分析诸多资料量大(如卫星资料)、不同来源的不均匀资料。本文主要发展这一客观分析方法在海温场分析上的应用。综合利用各种时空分布和精确度均不相同的海温资料,对几个基本参数的取法进行调试并选取适当的值,分析得出细网格的海温场。结果表明,递归滤波方法不仅灵活简便,而且分析出的海温场质量好,基本上可以反映海温的实际情形。对海温场的分析还可为其他从卫星等提取的非常规资料分析提供借鉴。  相似文献   

On low-pass digital filters in oceanography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
-Two types of filters are widely used to remove semidirunal and diurnal tidal signals and other high frequency noises in oceanography. The first type of filters uses moving average with weights in time domain, and can be easily operated. Some data will be lost at each end of the time series, especially for the low low-pass filters. The second type of filters uses the discrete Fourier transform filter (DFTF) which operates in the frequency domain, and there are no data loss at the ends for the forward transform. However, owing to the Gibbs phenomenon and the discrete sampling (Nyquist effect) , ringing appears in the inverse transformed data, which is especially serious at each end. Thus some data at the ends are also discarded. The present study tries to find out what causes the ringing and then to seek for methods to overcome the ringing. We have found that there are two kinds of ringings, one is the Gibbs phenomenon, as defined before. The other is the "Nyquist"ringing due to sampling Nyquist critical  相似文献   

A recursive ray acoustics (RRA) algorithm for three-dimensional speeds of sound is presented. The RRA algorithm is simple, fast, and accurate and uses arc length as the independent variable. In its present form, it can be used to compute the position, angles of propagation, travel time, and path length along a ray path. Preliminary results from computer simulation studies designed to test the algorithm's accuracy and capabilities are also presented  相似文献   

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