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Water‐fluxed melting has long been thought to have a minor influence on the thermal and chemical structure of the crust. We report here on amphibolite facies metasedimentary rocks from the 490–450 Ma Famatinian Orogen, in northwest Argentina, that have undergone water‐fluxed incongruent biotite melting at relatively low temperature, which have produced and lost a significant volume of melt. The protoliths consist of the turbiditic Puncoviscana Formation (Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian). The field area exhibits a condensed metamorphic field gradient, from greenschist to amphibolite facies suprasolidus conditions, recording a low pressure almost isobaric path, reaching peak conditions estimated at 700°C at 4 kbar. Thermodynamic modelling in the MnNCKFMASHTO system is applied to investigate melting at such low pressure as a function of water content. Calculations using a typical turbidite composition show how small amounts of added free H2O may increase significantly the melt fraction with little or no change in either the melt or residual phase compositions. They indicate negligible difference in normative An–Ab–Or proportions and ferromagnesian contents between melts derived by dehydration and water‐fluxed melts. The same is true for the content of H2O dissolved in melts, which remains constant and the melt produced is granitic whether or not aqueous fluids are present. Thus, neither the residue nor the melt composition are indicators of the presence of aqueous fluids during anatexis. Recognizing the impact of small additions of H2O to an anatectic terrane may therefore be difficult. The most significant change related to water‐fluxing is the relative proportions of minerals and melt fraction, rather than the actual mineral assemblage. The modal proportion of feldspar decreased while those of cordierite and biotite increased in the residual assemblages, as <5 mol.% of free H2O was added. The impact of this addition is to more than double the proportion of water‐undersaturated melt to 25–30 mol.%. We have also developed a simple way to estimate how much melt a residual rock has lost, if the compositional trends of the protoliths are known. In summary, we find that even though the addition of small amounts of free H2O impacts significantly on rock fertility, there is little obvious record in the field. The combined application of careful petrological investigation and thermodynamic modelling is the key to identify the influence of aqueous fluids, and exploit systems that became open not only to fluid influx but also to the extraction of melt.  相似文献   

A sequence of partial melting reactions at Mt Stafford, central Australia   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
Metasedimentary gneisses show a rapid change in grade in a 10  km wide low- P /high- T  regional aureole at Mt Stafford in the Arunta Block, central Australia. Migmatite occurs in all but the lowermost of five metamorphic zones, which grade from greenschist (Zone 1) through amphibolite (Zones 2–3) to granulite facies (Zones 4–5). The sequence of partial melting reactions inferred for metapelitic rocks is dependant upon protolith, temperature and fluid conditions. The metapelite solidus in Zone 2 reflects vapour-present melting at P ≈3  kbar and T  ≈640  °C, melting having initially been controlled by the congruent breakdown of the assemblage Crd–Kfs–Bt–Qtz. At slightly higher temperature, andalusite in leucosome formed via the reaction Kfs+Qtz+Bt+H2O→And+melt; And+melt having been stabilized by the presence of boron. Sillimanite coaxially replaces andalusite in the high-grade portion of Zone 2. In Zone 3, large aluminosilicate aggregates in leucosome are armoured by Spl–Crd±Grt symplectites. Garnet partially pseudomorphs biotite, cordierite or spinel in high-grade portions of Zone 3. Zone 4 Grt–Crd–Opx-bearing metapsammite assemblages and garnet-bearing leucosome reflect T  ≈800  °C and P =2.2±0.9  kbar. In the model KFMASH system the principal vapour-absent melting step reflected significant modal changes related to the breakdown of the As–Bt tie-line and the establishment of the Spl–Crd tie-line; the bulk rock geochemistry of migmatite samples straddle the Spl–Crd tie-line. The aluminous bulk-rock composition of the common bedded migmatite restricted its potential to witness garnet-forming and orthopyroxene-forming reactions, minor textural and modal changes in and above Zone 3 reflecting biotite destablization in biotite-poor assemblages.  相似文献   

Rocks of basic and intermediate bulk composition occur in orogenic terranes from all geological time periods and are thought to represent significant petrological components of the middle and lower continental crust. However, the former lack of appropriate thermodynamic models for silicate melt, amphibole and clinopyroxene that can be applied to such lithologies at high temperature has inhibited effective phase equilibrium modelling of their petrological evolution during amphibolite‐ and granulite facies metamorphism. In this work, we present phase diagrams calculated in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2 (NCKFMASHTO) compositional system for a range of natural basic and intermediate bulk compositions for conditions of 2–12 kbar and 600–1050 °C using newly parameterized activity–composition relationships detailed in a companion paper by Green et al. in this issue. Particular attention is given to mid‐ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and diorite protolith bulk compositions. Calculated subsolidus mineral assemblages in all basic and intermediate rock types are modally dominated by hornblende and plagioclase, with variable proportions of epidote, clinopyroxene, garnet, biotite, muscovite, quartz, titanite or ilmenite present at different pressures. The H2O‐saturated (wet) solidus has a negative P?T slope and occurs between ~620–690 °C at mid‐ to lower‐crustal pressures of 5–10 kbar. The lowest‐T melts generated close to the wet solidus are calculated to have granitic major‐element oxide compositions. Melting at higher temperature is attributed primarily to multivariate hydrate‐breakdown reactions involving biotite and/or hornblende. Partial melt compositions calculated at 800–1050 °C for MORB show good correlation with analysed compositions of experimental glasses produced via hydrate‐breakdown melting of natural and synthetic basic protoliths, with Niggli norms indicating that they would crystallize to trondhjemite or tonalite. Diorite is shown to be significantly more fertile than MORB and is calculated to produce high‐T melts (>800 °C) of granodioritic composition. Subsolidus and suprasolidus mineral assemblages show no significant variation between different members of the basalt family, although the P?T conditions at which orthopyroxene stabilizes, thus defining the prograde amphibolite–granulite transition, is strongly dependent on bulk‐rock oxidation state and water content. The petrological effects of open‐ and closed‐system processes on the mineral assemblages produced during prograde metamorphism and preserved during retrograde metamorphism are also examined via a case‐study analysis of a natural Archean amphibolite from the Lewisian Complex, northwest Scotland.  相似文献   

The Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex (WMC) is a high‐temperature, low‐pressure (HTLP) belt in the southern New England Orogen. It is characterized by a high metamorphic field gradient exposed in variably metamorphosed siliceous turbidites. The Abroi Granodiorite and the Rockvale and Tobermory adamellites, S‐type granitoids of the Hillgrove Plutonic Suite, intrude the metaturbidites. Six samples of metaturbidite were studied from an ~3 km long field traverse. Integrated petrography, mineral chemistry, and mineral equilibria modelling indicate a peak metamorphic temperature of 350–450 °C in the lowest grade rocks and ~660 °C in the highest‐grade rocks. Maximum pressure does not exceed 3.5 kbar anywhere, implying a maximum depth of 12 km and indicating an average vertical gradient of at least 55 °C km?1, though our calculations suggest this is not linear. Metamorphic isograds show no apparent relationship with distance to the exposed margins of the Hillgrove Suite granitoids. Electron microprobe U–Th–Pb monazite data indicate a date of 296.8 ± 1.5 Ma for the thermal peak of the HTLP metamorphism. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry indicates a zircon U–Pb crystallization age of 290.5 ± 1.6 Ma for the Abroi Granodiorite, confirming that the pluton post‐dates the peak HTLP metamorphism. Consequently, magmatic advective heat transfer from depth via emplacement of a large volume of granitoid is unlikely to be the key local driver of the high‐grade metamorphism. It is concluded that published evidence of an extensional geodynamic setting around the Carboniferous–Permian boundary supports conductive heat transfer as the key driver of HTLP metamorphism for the WMC. It is not possible to exclude magmatic advective heat transfer via emplacement of mantle derived basaltic magmas in the deeper crust.  相似文献   

In situ LA–ICP–MS U–Pb monazite geochronology from the Boothby Hills in the Aileron Province, central Australia, indicates that the region records more than 80 Ma of high‐T, low‐P (HTLP) anatectic conditions during the Early Mesoproterozoic. Monazite ages from granulite facies rocks and leucosomes span the interval 1576–1542 Ma. Pegmatites that overprint the regional gneissic fabric and are interpreted to record the last vestiges of melt crystallization give ages between 1523 and 1513 Ma. Calculated P–T pseudosections suggest peak metamorphic conditions in excess of 850 °C at 0.65–0.75 GPa. The retrograde evolution was characterized by a P–T path that involved minor decompression and then cooling, culminating with the development of andalusite. Integration of the geochronological data set with the inferred P–T path trajectory suggests that suprasolidus cooling must have been slow, in the order of 2.5–4 °C Ma?1. In addition, the retrograde P–T path trajectory suggests that HTLP conditions were generated within crust of relatively normal thickness. Despite the long duration over which anatectic conditions occurred, there is no evidence for external magmatic inputs or evidence that HTLP conditions were associated with long‐lived extension. Instead, it seems probable that the long‐lived HTLP metamorphism was driven to a significant extent by long‐lived conductive heating provided by high crustal heat production in voluminous pre‐metamorphic granitic rocks.  相似文献   

Three types of zircon occur in a complexly deformed and variably migmatized quartzofeldspathic gneiss from the Reynolds Range, central Australia. The oldest type is inherited from the granitic precursor of the gneiss, and is overgrown by a second group of zircon grains that formed during prograde, granulite facies metamorphism. Partial melting of the gneiss resulted in solution of both the inherited and metamorphic zircon. No new zircon growth accompanied crystallization of the partial melt, suggesting loss of zirconium–rich residual fluids. Hydrous, amphibolite facies retrogression of the gneiss and its migmatized variants during late shearing produced new, idiomorphic zircon in both the shear zone and its wall rocks.
Important implications of this study are that (i) zircon has a tendency to dissolve if it comes into direct contact with a melt produced from anhydrous biotite breakdown in a quartzofeldspathic granulite, (ii) melt crystallization is not necessarily accompanied by zircon growth, and (iii) euhedral zircon can grow from a hydrous fluid phase under subsolidus, amphibolite facies conditions, e.g. within shear zones.  相似文献   

Low‐P granulite facies metapelitic migmatites in the Wuluma Hills, Strangways Metamorphic Complex, Arunta Block, preserve evidence of polyphase deformation and migmatite formation which is of the same age of the c. 1730 Ma Wuluma granite. Mineral equilibria modelling of garnet‐orthoproxene‐cordierite‐bearing assemblages using thermocalc is consistent with peak S3 conditions of 6.0–6.5 kbar and 850–900 °C. The growth of orthopyroxene and garnet was primarily controlled by biotite breakdown during partial melting reactions. Whereas orthopyroxene in the cordierite‐biotite mesosome shows enrichment of heavy‐REE (HREE) relative to medium‐REE (MREE), orthopyroxene in adjacent garnet‐bearing leucosome shows depletion of HREE relative to MREE. There is no appreciable difference in major element contents of minerals common to both the mesosome and leucosome. The REE variations can be satisfactorily explained by decoupling of major element and REE partitioning, in the context of appropriate phase‐equilibria modelling of a prograde path at ~6 kbar. Sparse garnet nucleii formed at ~760 °C, along with concentrated leucosome development and preferentially partitioned HREE. Further heating to ~800 °C at constant or subtly increasing pressure conditions additionally stabilized orthopyroxene and decreased the garnet mode. Orthopyroxene in the leucosome inherited an REE pattern consequent to the partial consumption of garnet, it being distinct from the REE pattern in mesosome orthoproxene that was mostly controlled by biotite breakdown. Such within‐sample variability in the enrichment of heavy REE indicates that caution needs to be exercised in the application of common elemental partitioning coefficients in spatially complex metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Discoveries of >4 Ga old zircon grains in the northwest Yilgarn of Western Australia led to the conclusion that evolved crust formed on the Earth within the first few 100 Ma after accretion. Little is known, however, about the fate of the first crust that shaped early Earth's surface. Here we report combined solution and laser-ablation Lu–Hf–U–Pb isotope analyses of early Archean and Hadean detrital zircon grains from different rocks of the Narryer Gneiss Complex (NGC), Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. The zircons show two distinct groups with separate evolutionary trends in their Hf isotopes. The majority of the zircon grains point to separation from a depleted mantle reservoir at ∼3.8–3.9 Ga. The second Hf isotope trend implies reworking of older Hadean zircon grains. The major trend starting at 3.8–3.9 Ga defined by the Hf isotopes corresponds to a Lu/Hf that is characteristic for felsic crust and consequently, the primary sources for these zircons presumably had a chemical composition characteristic of continental crust. Reworked Hadean crust appears to have evolved with a similar low Lu/Hf, such that the early crust was probably evolved with respect to Lu–Hf distributions. The co-variation of Hf isotopes vs. age in zircon grains from Mt. Narryer and Jack Hills zircon grains implies a similar crustal source for both sediments in a single, major crustal domain. Age spectra and associated Hf isotopes in the zircon grains strongly argue for ongoing magmatic reworking over hundreds of millions of years of the felsic crustal domain in which the zircon grains formed. Late-stage metamorphic zircon grains from the Meeberrie Gneiss unit yield a mean U–Pb age of 3294.5 ± 3.2 Ma with initial Hf isotopes that correspond to the evolutionary trend defined by older NGC zircon grains and overlap with other detrital zircon grains, proving their genetic relationship. This ‘Meeberrie event’ is interpret here as the last reworking event in the precursor domain before final deposition. The continuous magmatic activity in one crustal domain during the Archean is recorded by the U–Pb ages and Hf isotope systematics of zircon grains and implies reworking of existing crust. We suspect that the most likely driving force for such reworking of crustal material is ongoing crustal collision and subduction. A comparison of Hf isotope signatures of zircon grains from other Archean terranes shows that similar trends are recognised within all sampled Archean domains. This implies either a global trend in crustal growth and reworking, or a genetic connection of Archean terranes in close paleo-proximity to each other. Notably, the Archean Acasta gneiss (Canada) shows a similar reworking patterns to the Yilgarn Craton of Hadean samples implying either a common Hadean source or amalgamation at the Hadean–Archean transition.  相似文献   

Migmatite gneisses are widespread in the Dabie orogen, but their formation ages are poorly constrained. Eight samples of migmatite, including leucosome, melanosome, and banded gneiss, were selected for U–Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis. Most metamorphic zircon occurs as overgrowths around inherited igneous cores or as newly grown grains. Morphological and internal structure features suggest that their growth is associated with partial melting. According to the Hf isotope ratio relationships between metamorphic zircon and inherited cores, three formation mechanisms for metamorphic zircon can be determined, which are dissolution–reprecipitation of pre‐existing zircon, breakdown of Zr‐bearing phase other than zircon in a closed system and crystallization from externally derived Zr‐bearing melt. Four samples contain magmatic zircon cores, yielding upper intercept U–Pb ages of 807 ± 35–768 ± 12 Ma suggesting that the protoliths of the migmatites are Neoproterozoic in age. The migmatite zircon yields weighted mean two‐stage Hf model ages of 2513 ± 97–894 ± 54 Ma, indicating reworking of both juvenile and ancient crustal materials at the time of their protolith formation. The metamorphic zircons give U–Pb ages of 145 ± 2–120 ± 2 Ma. The oldest age indicates that partial melting commenced prior to 145 Ma, which also constrains the onset of extensional tectonism in this region to pre‐145 Ma. The youngest age of 120 Ma was obtained from an undeformed granitic vein, indicating that deformation in this area was complete at this time. Two major episodes of partial melting were dated at 139 ± 1 and 123 ± 1Ma. The first episode of partial melting is obviously older than the timing of post‐collision magmatism, corresponding to regional extension. The second episode of partial melting is coeval with the widespread post‐collision magmatism, indicating the gravitational collapse and delamination of the orogenic lithospheric keel of the Dabie orogen, which were possibly triggered by the uprising of the Cretaceous mid‐Pacific superplume.  相似文献   

The evolution of the mineral assemblages and P–T conditions during partial melting of upper‐amphibolite facies paragneisses in the Orue Unit, Epupa Complex, NW Namibia, is modelled with calculated P–T–X phase diagrams in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O system. The close concordance of predictions from the phase diagrams to petrographic observations and thermobarometric results documents that quantitative phase diagrams are suitable to explain the phase relationships in migmatitic upper‐amphibolite facies low‐ and medium‐pressure metapelites, which occur in many high‐grade metamorphic terranes worldwide. Different mineral assemblages in the migmatitic metapelites of the Orue Unit reflect regional discrepancies in the metamorphic grade: in a Northern Zone, early biotite–sillimanite–quartz assemblages were replaced via melt‐producing reactions by cordierite‐bearing assemblages. In a Southern Zone, they were replaced via melt‐producing reactions by garnet‐bearing assemblages while cordierite is restricted to rare metapelitic granofelses, which preserve Grt–Sil–Crd–Bt peak assemblages. Peak‐metamorphic conditions of 700–750 °C at 5.5–6.7 kbar in the Southern Zone and of ~750 °C at 4.5 kbar in the Northern Zone are estimated by integrating thermobarometric calculations with data from calculated mineral composition isopleths. Retrograde back‐reactions between restite and crystallizing melt are recorded by the replacement of garnet by biotite–sillimanite and/or biotite–muscovite intergrowths. Upper‐amphibolite facies metamorphism and partial melting (c. 1340–1320 Ma) in the rocks of the Southern Zone of the Orue Unit, which underwent probably near‐isobaric heating–cooling paths, are attributed to contact metamorphism induced by the coeval (c. 1385–1319 Ma) emplacement of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, a huge massif‐type anorthosite body. The lower‐pressure metapelites of the Northern Zone are interpreted to record contact metamorphism at an upper crustal level.  相似文献   

The Mahneshan Metamorphic Complex (MMC) is one of the Precambrian terrains exposed in the northwest of Iran. The MMC underwent two main phases of deformation (D1 and D2) and at least two metamorphic events (M1 and M2). Critical metamorphic mineral assemblages in the metapelitic rocks testify to regional metamorphism under amphibolite‐facies conditions. The dominant metamorphic mineral assemblage in metapelitic rocks (M1) is muscovite, biotite I, Garnet I, staurolite, Andalusite I and sillimanite. Peak metamorphism took place at 600–620°C and ∼7 kbar, corresponding to a depth of ca. 24 km. This was followed by decompression during exhumation of the crustal rocks up to the surface. The decrease of temperature and pressure during exhumation produced retrograde metamorphic assemblages (M2). Secondary phases such as garnet II biotite II, Andalusite II constrain the temperature and pressure of M2 retrograde metamorphism to 520–560°C and 2.5–3.5 kbar, respectively. The geothermal gradient obtained for the peak of metamorphism is 33°C km−1, which indicates that peak metamorphism was of Barrovian type and occurred under medium‐pressure conditions. The MMC followed a ‘clockwise’ P–T path during metamorphism, consistent with thermal relaxation following tectonic thickening. The bulk chemistry of the MMC metapelites shows that their protoliths were deposited at an active continental margin. Together with the presence of palaeo‐suture zones and ophiolitic rocks around the high‐grade metamorphic rocks of the MMC, these features suggest that the Iranian Precambrian basement formed by an island‐arc type cratonization. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Xilingol Complex comprises biotite gneisses and amphibolite interlayers with extensive migmatization. Four representative samples were documented and found to record either two or three metamorphic stages. Phase modelling using thermocalc suggests that the observed assemblages represent the final stages that underwent cooling from temperature peaks, and are consistent with a fluid‐absent solidus in P–T pseudosections. Their P–T conditions are further constrained to be 5–6 kbar/680–725°C and 4–5 kbar/650–680°C for two garnet‐bearing gneiss samples, 4–5 kbar/660–730°C for a cordierite‐bearing gneiss sample, and 4–5 kbar/680–710°C for an amphibolite sample based on mineral composition isopleths, involving measured Mg content in biotite, anorthite in plagioclase, grossular and pyrope in garnet and Ti content in amphibole. The peak temperature conditions recovered are 760–790°C or >760°C at 5–6 kbar based on the composition isopleths of plagioclase, biotite, garnet and especially the comparison of melt contents between the calculated and observed. A pre‐peak heating process with slight decompression can be suggested for some samples on the basis of the core–rim increase in the plagioclase anorthite, and the stability of ilmenite. Zircon U–Pb dating using the LA‐ICP‐MS method provides systemic constraints on the metamorphic ages of the Xilingol Complex to be 348–305 Ma, interpreted to represent the post‐peak cooling stages. Moreover, metagabbroic dykes that intruded into the Xilingol Complex yield 317 ± 3 Ma from magmatic zircon, and are considered to have played a significant role for heat advection triggering the high‐T and low‐P metamorphism. Thus, the clockwise P–T paths involving pre‐peak heating, peak and post‐peak cooling recovered for the Xilingol Complex are consistent with an extensional setting in the Carboniferous that developed on a previous orogen in response to addition of mantle‐derived materials probably together with upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle.  相似文献   

Detrital zircon from the Carboniferous Girrakool Beds in the central Tablelands Complex of the southern New England Orogen, Australia, is dominated by ca 350–320 Ma grains with a peak at ca 330 Ma; there are very few Proterozoic or Archean grains. A maximum deposition age for the Girrakool Beds of ca 309 Ma is identified. These data overlap the age of the Carboniferous Keepit arc, a continental volcanic arc along the western margin of the Tamworth Belt. Zircon trace-element and isotopic compositions support petrographic evidence of a volcanic arc provenance for sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks of the central Tablelands Complex. Zircon Hf isotope data for ca 350–320 Ma detrital grains become less radiogenic over the 30 million-year record. This pattern is observed with maturation of continental volcanic arcs but is opposite to the longer-term pattern documented in extensional accretionary orogens, such as the New England Orogen. Volcanic activity in the Keepit arc is inferred to decrease rapidly at ca 320 Ma, based on a major change in the detrital zircon age distribution. Although subduction continues, this decrease is inferred to coincide with the onset of trench retreat, slab rollback and the eastward migration of the magmatic arc that led to the Late Carboniferous to early Permian period of extension, S-type granite production and intrusion into the forearc basin, high-temperature–low-pressure metamorphism, and development of rift basins such as the Sydney–Gunnedah–Bowen system.  相似文献   

苏鲁仰口超高压岩石SHRIMP锆石U/Pb定年与部分熔融时限   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
在大型碰撞造山带中,在陆壳物质深俯冲或快速折返早期,在超高压-高压条件下,易熔组分可能发生水致或脱水部分熔融,形成花岗质熔体。在超高压-高压条件下,苏鲁超高压岩石发生过部分熔融作用,形成长英质多晶体包裹体和不同尺度的花岗质岩石, 导致可观的地球化学效应。为确定苏鲁超高压岩石部分熔融的时限,对山东仰口超高压副片麻岩和其中平行片麻理的同构造钾质花岗岩脉进行了SHRIMP锆石U/Pb地质年代学、全岩地球化学和锆石内矿物包裹体的研究。副片麻岩的锆石具有典型的核-幔-边结构。核部锆石为碎屑锆石,206Pb/238U年龄大于282Ma,可能反映了副片麻岩的原岩包含不同成因的物质;幔部和边部的Th/U比都小于0.1,分别给出233±3Ma和214±4Ma的206Pb/238U 年龄,分别对应于超高压变质和角闪岩相退变质年龄。同构造花岗岩脉是富钾过铝质花岗岩(A/CNK=1.2),锆石也具有核-幔-边结构;核部锆石年龄与副片麻岩的核部锆石年龄相当,反映了该花岗岩脉的源区可能是变沉积岩;除幔部锆石的一个点具有206Pb/238U年龄为234.6±3.9Ma之外,其它幔部锆石位于谐和线附近,给出206Pb/238U年龄为220.8±2.9Ma, 该年龄代表着该花岗岩脉的形成年龄。上述数据表明,在仰口地区,超高压岩石的部分熔融作用早于角闪岩相退变质作用。  相似文献   

Recognition of partial melting in metamorphic rocks is a difficult task, as leucosomes can have a variety of origins. By comparing the observed values of the solid-solid dihedral angles with the known equilibrium values, and close examination of the shapes and compositions of feldspar grains, it is possible to unequivocally identify melt textures. Textural relations in a series of meta-arkose samples from the contact aureole of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex in the Scottish Highlands demonstrate that, when former melt pockets are not highly deformed, their presence can be recognized petrographically, by detailed examination of textures on the grain scale. Identification of melt textures and their distribution in the Ballachulish aureole has led to appreciation of the fundamental role of magmatically derived H2O in producing the partial melting. It has also allowed calculation of the H2O flux involved, and recognition that fractures were the major fluid pathways during metamorphism.  相似文献   

Laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) was examined as a tool for measuring isotopic variation as a function of ablation depth in unpolished zircon from an Archaean metasediment specimen. This technique was able to identify micrometre‐thin (> 3 μm) isotopically distinct mineral domains characterised by ca. 100 Myr younger 207Pb/206Pb ages associated with 2s age uncertainties as low ~ 0.2%, as well as elevated U content relative to grain interiors (up to an order of magnitude). Our calculated drilling rate suggests that each laser pulse excavated depths of ~ 0.06 μm. Ages resolved through the LA‐ICP‐MS methods overlap the 2s uncertainties of 207Pb/206Pb ages measured using SIMS depth profiling on the same zircon population. The rims were further evinced by the detection of relative enrichment (> 3 orders of magnitude) in REE in the outermost micrometres of the same zircon, measured using a different and independent LA‐ICP‐MS depth profiling technique. We propose a LA‐ICP‐MS U–Pb technique capable of quickly identifying and quantifying rims, which are indication of late, yet geologically significant, fluid events that are otherwise undefined.  相似文献   

A fossil partial annealing zone of fission tracks in zircon is described from high pressure–low temperature (HP–LT) rocks of the Phyllite–Quartzite Unit (PQ) on the island of Crete, Greece. Correlation of regional trends in fission track age populations with independent thermobarometric and microstructural data, and with new experimental annealing results, allows a calibration of this low temperature thermochronological method to a degree hitherto not available from other field examples.The zircon fission track (FT) ages of samples from the PQ across Crete range from original detrital signature through reduced to completely reset. The annealing is the result of a single heating period related to the HP–LT metamorphism with near-peak temperatures lasting for only a few million years some time between 24±1 and 20±1 Ma. In eastern Crete, where rocks have experienced temperatures of 300±50 °C and pressures of 0.8±0.3 GPa, zircon FT ages range from 414±24 to 145±10 Ma. Ages above 300 Ma occur mostly near the east coast of the island in rocks which have not been heated to above ca. 280 °C and probably represent a pre-Variscan source. Track lengths are already indicative of a substantial annealing at this temperature. Most of the zircon FT ages from eastern Crete scatter within error around the stratigraphic age. Samples with apparent zircon FT ages significantly younger than the depositional age are only observed in areas where temperatures exceeded ca. 320 °C. Towards the west, a sudden decrease to very young ages ranging from 17±2 to 18±1 Ma reflects a complete resetting at ca. 350 °C. Short tracks, however, are still observed. Throughout the central and western part of the island, ages are consistently below 22 Ma. Thermobarometric data for this area indicate maximum temperatures of 400±50 °C and pressures of 1±0.3 GPa. Only samples from western Crete, which have been exposed to 400±50 °C, show exclusively long tracks. Consequently, the high temperature limit of the zircon partial annealing zone (ZPAZ) appears to be between 350 and 400 °C.A significant influence of elevated confining pressure on the stability of fission tracks in zircon is ruled out by the results of annealing experiments at 0.5 GPa and at different temperatures, which fit the curves previously obtained by other authors at ambient pressure.  相似文献   

The Duolong porphyry Cu–Au deposit (5.4 Mt at 0.72% Cu, 41 t at 0.23 g/t Au) was recently discovered in the southern Qiangtang terrane, central Tibet. Here, new whole‐rock elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope and zircon Hf isotopic data of syn‐ and post‐ore volcanic rocks and barren and ore‐bearing granodiorite porphyries are presented for a reconstruction of magmas associated with Cu–Au mineralization. LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dating yields mean ages of 117.0 ± 2.0 and 120.9 ± 1.7 Ma for ore‐bearing granodiorite porphyry and 105.2 ± 1.3 Ma for post‐ore basaltic andesite. All the samples show high‐K calc‐alkaline compositions, with enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREE) and large ion lithophile elements (LILE: Cs and Rb) and depletion of high field strength elements (HFSE: Nb and Ti), consistent with the geochemical characteristics of arc‐type magmas. Syn‐ and post‐ore volcanic rocks show initial Sr ratios of 0.7045–0.7055, εNd(t) values of −0.8 to 3.6, (206Pb/204Pb)t ratios of 18.408–18.642, (207Pb/204Pb)t of 15.584–15.672 and positive zircon εHf(t) values of 1.3–10.5, likely suggesting they dominantly were derived from metasomatized mantle wedge and contaminated by southern Qiangtang crust. Compared to mafic volcanic rocks, barren and ore‐bearing granodiorite porphyries have relatively high initial Sr isotopic ratios (0.7054–0.7072), low εNd(t) values (−1.7 to −4.0), similar Pb and enriched zircon Hf isotopic compositions [εHf(t) of 1.5–9.7], possibly suggesting more contribution from southern Qiangtang crust. Duolong volcanic rocks and granodiorite porphyries likely formed in a continental arc setting during northward subduction of the Bangong–Nujiang ocean and evolved at the base of the lower crust by MASH (melting, assimilation, storage and homogenization) processes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The long-term behaviour of andesite stratovolcanoes is characterised by a repetition of edifice growth phases followed by collapse. This cyclic pattern represents a natural frequency at varying timescales in the growth dynamics of stratovolcanoes worldwide. Around the > 130 ka Mt. Taranaki (Egmont volcano), New Zealand, coastal–cliff successions at 20–40 km distance comprise repeating packages of lithologically and sedimentologically distinctive mass-flow deposits. Varying depositional mechanisms and source properties of these units record growth and collapse cycles of the central edifice. These are used to construct a model for cyclic volcaniclastic sedimentation in the surrounds of stratovolcanoes. During edifice-construction phases, thick packages of tabular, predominantly monolithologic, hyperconcentrated-flow and debris-flow deposits accumulate with intercalated tephra beds. The mass-flow units commonly contain large proportions of fresh pumice or juvenile-lithic andesite. Intervals of quiescence separating eruptive periods are characterised by landscape re-adjustment, accompanied by deposition of fluvial and aeolian sediments, along with steady accretion of medial ash. In contrast, brief episodes of destruction are marked by wide-spread, distinctively clay-rich, polylithologic debris-avalanche deposits and related marginal debris flow units. The growth stages can be terminated by an eruption-triggered sector collapse, or by external forces once the edifice exceeds a critical stable height or profile (dependent on eruptive style and local geo-tectonic conditions). Once the edifice becomes metastable, regional tectonic earthquakes or shallow-level intrusion events are likely triggers for collapse. Although the resulting debris avalanches represent the greatest individual hazard from such andesite stratovolcanoes, their frequency is relatively low compared with other types of mass-flows generated during edifice-growth phases. Accurate forecasts of future hazard from mass-flow events are therefore dependent on recognition of both the frequency of a stratovolcano's growth cycle and its current position in that cycle.  相似文献   

Zircon U‐Pb dating of three orthogneiss samples from the North Dabie terrane (NDT) is undertaken in order to reconstruct their formation and evolutionary histories, and also the crustal architecture of the Dabie orogen after Triassic subduction and exhumation. SHRIMP zircon U‐Pb dating, in combination with back scattered electron (BSE) imaging and Laser Raman spectrometry, provides accurate identification of the core, mantle and rim structure for zircon growth during protolith formation and overgrowth during subduction/exhumation and post‐collisional metamorphism. Concordant U‐Pb ages of 760–730 Ma and high Th/U ratios of >0.4 are obtained for relict oscillatory zoning fields of inherited cores that were not metamictized. These features suggest that these ages represent the time of magmatic protolith formation during the breakup of Rodinia. The overgrown mantle domains around the metamictized cores are clean with few mineral inclusions (e.g. quartz, garnet and apatite). Mantle domains have low Th/U ratios of <0.1 and yielded U‐Pb ages of 215–205 Ma, which are slightly younger than the known ages of peak ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphism, suggesting that overgrowth took place during initial exhumation. The ages are similar to the time of retrograde metamorphism of the UHP orthogneisses in the Central Dabie terrane (CDT). Overgrown rims are also clean, with a few mineral inclusions of apatite and quartz. They yield two groups of U‐Pb ages, 138–137 Ma and 124–120 Ma. The former is considered to be the time of onset of orogenic extension and tectonic collapse, whereas the latter falls into the age range of widespread magmatism in the Dabie orogen, and is regarded as the time of extension climax that resulted in intensive anatexis of the crust. Whole‐rock Sr‐Nd isotope analyses of four orthogneisses show εNd(t) values of ?1.2 to ?15 and ISr values >0.719, similar to the values obtained from UHP orthogneisses in the CDT. It is concluded that, as with the CDT, the orthogneisses with episodic zircon growths from the NDT should also be a part of the exhumed slice following the continental deep subduction. However, the orthogneisses in this study were buried at a lower level in the orogenic crust compared with those of the CDT prior to the Cretaceous magmatism. Therefore, the orthogneisses from the NDT were affected by the Cretaceous magmatism whereas the CDT orthogneisses were not affected.  相似文献   

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